Diet for youth: nutritional features during menopause

Diet for youth: nutritional features during menopause
It is no secret that a woman’s health and appearance depend on proper and healthy nutrition. And if in their youth many beauties can sometimes indulge themselves with fast food and Coca-Cola without worrying about the consequences, then in older age they should carefully select their daily diet.

With age, every woman faces such an unpleasant phenomenon as menopause or menopause. During this period, the body reduces the synthesis of the main female sex hormone - estrogen, which leads to the cessation of reproductive function. Most representatives of the fair sex expect menopause as if it were a catastrophe, however, it is quite possible to reduce unpleasant symptoms and prolong the youth of the body if you reconsider your habits and lifestyle, and also follow a non-strict diet.

Menopause and its features

Each woman experiences menopause differently, but the general symptoms are the same. First, the production of female hormones by the ovaries decreases, menstruation is disrupted, the possibility of becoming pregnant decreases, and finally disappears. Most often, the first symptoms of menopause are observed around 50 years of age, but there are cases when menopause occurs at 40 years of age or even earlier. The reason for this may be genetic predisposition, chronic diseases, poor diet and bad habits.

Not every body tolerates menopause without pronounced symptoms. About 70% of women experience sudden hot flashes, profuse sweating, swelling, nausea and insomnia. In more rare cases, menopause causes serious disorders of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Menopause in women is usually divided into three stages: premenopause, menopause and postmenopause. The first stage lasts on average 2-5 years and covers the period from the beginning of the decline of ovarian function until the onset of menopause itself. During the next period, there is a gradual cessation of menstrual flow. The third period - postmenopause - is the time after the cessation of menstruation.


Is it possible to lose weight during menopause? Knowing your own hormonal background, you can understand what food will help you lose weight. The foods a woman consumes can affect hormone levels, but at the same time they are not able to fully replace hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But that doesn't mean food can't help manage weight or menopause symptoms. In fact, an inappropriate diet can make menopause feel worse.

The best way to avoid menopause weight gain is to enter the period at a normal, healthy body weight. If a perimenopausal woman has 6–8 kg of fat, it will be very difficult for her to lose it during the postmenopausal period.

How to eat during menopause so as not to gain weight?

There is no single perfect diet that will work equally well for every woman. Doctors recommend focusing on a “general” group of healthy foods, which you can then customize and adapt to your body.

Nutrition during menopause: healthy foods during menopause

  1. Lots of fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits should form the basis of the diet. A diet high in these foods reduces cholesterol and weight during menopause. It also contributes to normal hormone production in women, thanks to its large amount of antioxidants. For greater benefits, it is important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables of all varieties and colors.

  1. Gluten-free grains (buckwheat, oats, quinoa, rice, etc.)

Gluten-free grains have more nutrients compared to processed flours and breads. They have a good effect on the digestive tract. These products are also high in fiber that is beneficial for women.

  1. Healthy fats

This category includes coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, various seeds, etc. Eat these foods, but limit the total amount of fat you consume (don't add extra fat to your diet just for the sake of "healthy fats"). It can boost metabolism and increase the body's ability to burn fat.

  1. Soy based products

Soy products may have estrogenic potential, which means they may help manage menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. It's best to start by introducing small amounts of high-quality (organic) soy products into your diet to see if they help you specifically. Soy isoflavones can be found in tempeh, tofu, soy milk, edamame, etc.

  1. Maca

Maca has been used for centuries to combat infertility, improve desire and balance female hormones. Maca is sold in powder form, which can be added to other foods, and in capsule form (a dietary supplement). Can be used by both women and men.

  1. Flax-seed

Flax contains omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Consuming flaxseed for 3 months may reduce menopausal symptoms and improve quality of life. Flaxseeds can be added to smoothies, salads or drinks. This product is also high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.

  1. Healthy proteins

Eating enough plant or animal protein will help maintain or build muscle mass by improving your metabolism. It is desirable that proteins account for at least 20-30% of the total calories consumed daily.

  1. Healthy Carbohydrates

Healthy carbohydrates can include fruits, vegetables, fiber foods, gluten-free foods, etc. They are significantly better than processed or refined foods. Carbohydrates in some cases can account for up to 40-50% of all calories.

Signs of menopausal syndrome

The first and main symptom of menopause is a decrease in the production of female hormones. A woman can replace the decrease in hormone levels due to disruptions in the menstrual cycle. There are long delays in menstruation, and the discharge itself can become either abundant or scanty. At this time, uterine bleeding may also occur, which can sometimes lead to anemia, which should be taken into account when choosing a diet.

Among the most common symptoms of menopause are:

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Depression.
  3. Feeling of fear.
  4. General anxiety.
  5. Headache.
  6. "Floaters" before the eyes.
  7. Hypertension.
  8. Sudden weight changes.
  9. Chills.
  10. Fast fatiguability.

It is worth noting that all of the above signs may not only indicate the onset of menopause, but also be symptoms of other diseases. That is why, if all the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to undergo an examination prescribed by a doctor, who will select the right diet and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

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The essence of the diet for menopause

A diet during menopause in women excludes fasting and fasting days, which can lead to additional stress for the body, which can lead to the development of many diseases. You should eat a varied diet and only healthy foods. Weight loss in women during menopause should be gradual, since it is important not only to maintain slimness, but also health. Women over 50 years of age are advised to consume bran daily, which can be eaten either separately or added during cooking. The Dukan menopause diet involves consuming 2 tablespoons of bran daily, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When dieting, it is important for women over 50 not only to monitor the composition of their diet, but also to follow the basic rules of food intake.


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Diet for menopause in women for weight loss - basic rules:

  • Reducing daily caloric intake. Women during menopause need to reduce the calorie content of their diet by 15% to lose weight.
  • You should eat often, at least 5-6 times a day. Small meals will help speed up your metabolism. The body will immediately waste the resulting energy without storing it in the form of fat deposits.
  • The portion size when dieting after menopause should be halved.
  • When dieting, it is recommended to have a hearty breakfast. Dinner should be light and less calorie.
  • Diet snacks for women over 50 years of age are prohibited. The fact is that the body begins to digest incoming food during a snack, storing undigested food in fat reserves.
  • 20-30 minutes before each meal you need to drink a glass of still water. Water will fill your stomach, which will reduce your appetite.
  • The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of still water every day.
  • It is recommended to exclude or minimize salt in the diet, as it increases the risk of developing hypertension during menopause. Instead of salt when dieting, it is better to use herbs and spices.

Permitted and prohibited products

Diet for menopause - allowed foods:

  • Lean meat (veal, beef);
  • Lean poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day);
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Bread made from wholemeal flour (bran, rye, whole grain);
  • Pasta from durum wheat (in limited quantities);
  • Cereals and cereals (oats, rice, buckwheat, millet, barley);
  • Bran;
  • Vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli);
  • Fruits (apples, pears, apricots, citrus fruits);
  • Berries (currants, strawberries, wild strawberries);
  • Nuts;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Vegetable, flaxseed, olive oil;
  • Lemon juice.

Among the drinks for women over 50 years old on a diet after menopause, the following are recommended: freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, fruit drinks, decoctions of herbs and berries, weak tea (green, herbal).

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Diet for menopause - prohibited foods:

  • Fatty meats (lamb, pork);
  • Fat bird (goose, duck);
  • Fried foods;
  • Fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Rich soups and broths;
  • Smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • Convenience foods and fast food;
  • Fresh, rich pastries;
  • Sweets and desserts;
  • Fatty sauces;
  • Sausages;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Potatoes (in limited quantities).

Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are prohibited for women over 50 years of age when dieting after menopause.

How to create a menu for the week?

Diet for menopause in women - menu for the week (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):


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  • Cottage cheese seasoned with Greek yogurt and berries;
  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • Bouillon. 2 slices whole grain bread. Boiled chicken breast;
  • A handful of nuts;
  • Buckwheat. Veal meatballs. Cabbage salad.


  • Oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • Orange;
  • Green cabbage soup. 2 slices of rye bread. Baked turkey fillet;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Rice. Hake baked with broccoli and asparagus.


  • Buckwheat porridge with apple;
  • A glass of curdled milk;
  • Chicken cream soup with croutons. Steamed beef cutlets;
  • Kiwi;
  • Baked carp. The vinaigrette.


  • Cottage cheese casserole;
  • 2 apricots;
  • Broccoli soup. 2 slices whole grain bread. Fish soufflé;
  • A glass of ayran;
  • Lenten cabbage rolls.


  • Muesli with dried fruits;
  • A glass of fermented baked milk;
  • Okroshka. Steamed veal cutlets;
  • Pear;
  • Boiled chicken breast. Greek salad".


  • Pumpkin porridge with raisins;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Fish soup with pieces of fish. 2 slices of rye bread;
  • Orange;
  • Spaghetti with seafood. Seaweed salad.


  • Cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Beetroot soup. 2 slices of bran bread. Boiled chicken breast;
  • A handful of nuts;
  • Baked pike perch. Arugula salad.

According to the rules of the diet for menopause, you need to drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal.

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