Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet: features and effectiveness of a healing nutrition system

  • September 11, 2018
  • Diets for health
  • EgorHas

The mucusless diet, about which there are different reviews, is a so-called echo of the past. It involves losing weight by switching to a new nutrition system, which at first glance seems quite strange. This weight loss option is guaranteed to bring a lot of emotions and different sensations.

The modern healing mucusless diet of Arnold Ehret receives reviews from all people who managed to experience it on themselves. There are different comments on this matter, since each person has his own opinion. The article will help you understand the features of this diet and provide feedback about it from people who have lost weight and specialists who evaluate the system from the point of view of medicine and nutrition.


Negative reviews about the mucusless diet are received quite rarely, since the effectiveness of this diet is great. And the reason for this is the system of requirements.

Several years ago, a specialist named Arnold Ehret created his own method based on the assumption that man is a fruit-eating inhabitant of the planet. He believed that soups, meat products and protein foods are just accumulations of mucus, or rather all the toxins, diseases and free radicals that the body suffers from.

When explaining the essence of his technique, Eret used an ordinary cow as an example. As you know, this animal gives milk and eats grass. It was due to this that Arnold proved the effectiveness of the nutrition system, because the cow feels great with this lifestyle. He believed that since meat and other slimy products do not play a big role in the diet of an animal, then humans do not need them either. In addition, the professor argued that since a cow does not consume its own milk to increase productivity, a person also does not need meat and other animal products to live a full life.

But, as it turned out, Eret made a mistake. He did not take into account the fact that a cow has a stomach with two chambers - in one, plant food with 12 amino acids is digested, and in the other, the same food is fermented by bacteria capable of synthesizing another 8 amino acids. As for predators and humans, they do not have such a stomach structure, which is why they must consume the required 20 amino acids. These elements can enter the body with meat or milk. The need for them is explained by the fact that if there is a lack of amino acids, no one will be able to function normally physically and mentally.

A mucusless diet is harmful. Mucusless diet: reviews from doctors

  • Diets for health
  • EgorHas

The mucusless diet, about which there are different reviews, is a so-called echo of the past. It involves losing weight by switching to a new nutrition system, which at first glance seems quite strange. This weight loss option is guaranteed to bring a lot of emotions and different sensations.

The modern healing mucusless diet of Arnold Ehret receives reviews from all people who managed to experience it on themselves. There are different comments on this matter, since each person has his own opinion. The article will help you understand the features of this diet and provide feedback about it from people who have lost weight and specialists who evaluate the system from the point of view of medicine and nutrition.


Negative reviews about the mucusless diet are received quite rarely, since the effectiveness of this diet is great. And the reason for this is the system of requirements.

Several years ago, a specialist named Arnold Ehret created his own method based on the assumption that man is a fruit-eating inhabitant of the planet. He believed that soups, meat products and protein foods are just accumulations of mucus, or rather all the toxins, diseases and free radicals that the body suffers from.

When explaining the essence of his technique, Eret used an ordinary cow as an example. As you know, this animal gives milk and eats grass. It was due to this that Arnold proved the effectiveness of the nutrition system, because the cow feels great with this lifestyle. He believed that since meat and other slimy products do not play a big role in the diet of an animal, then humans do not need them either. In addition, the professor argued that since a cow does not consume its own milk to increase productivity, a person also does not need meat and other animal products to live a full life.

But, as it turned out, Eret made a mistake. He did not take into account the fact that a cow has a stomach with two chambers - in one, plant food with 12 amino acids is digested, and in the other, the same food is fermented by bacteria capable of synthesizing another 8 amino acids. As for predators and humans, they do not have such a stomach structure, which is why they must consume the required 20 amino acids. These elements can enter the body with meat or milk. The need for them is explained by the fact that if there is a lack of amino acids, no one will be able to function normally physically and mentally.


Reviews from those who have lost weight about the mucusless diet often concern the rules of this diet. The developer of the power system argued that they must be strictly adhered to, otherwise no result will be achieved. These rules include the following:

  1. It is forbidden to consume starch, protein and fats. Ready-made meals are useless because they are based on animal corpses. In addition, soups and other similar foods are a breeding ground for diseases and mucus. It is because of this that it is necessary to temporarily put this “poison” on the back burner in order to lose weight.
  2. The ideal solution would be to switch to a mono-diet. The only source of nutrition is fruit. They are also products filled with vitamins and pure energy. At the very beginning of such a diet, the stomach will emit a “whale howl”, but soon addiction will occur and no problems will arise.
  3. You cannot combine food and water. Since these processes are completely different, they should be separated. Only in this case will it be possible to arrive at the ideal indicator on the scales.
  4. Breakfasts are a waste of time and deterioration of health. Scrambled eggs or light sandwiches contain too much unnecessary mucus, so it is better to drink a glass of clean water or juice instead and wait until lunchtime, when you will have your first full meal.


Reviews from those who have lost weight about the mucusless diet often concern the rules of this diet. The developer of the power system argued that they must be strictly adhered to, otherwise no result will be achieved. These rules include the following:

  1. It is forbidden to consume starch, protein and fats. Ready-made meals are useless because they are based on animal corpses. In addition, soups and other similar foods are a breeding ground for diseases and mucus. It is because of this that it is necessary to temporarily put this “poison” on the back burner in order to lose weight.
  2. The ideal solution would be to switch to a mono-diet. The only source of nutrition is fruit. They are also products filled with vitamins and pure energy. At the very beginning of such a diet, the stomach will emit a “whale howl”, but soon addiction will occur and no problems will arise.
  3. You cannot combine food and water. Since these processes are completely different, they should be separated. Only in this case will it be possible to arrive at the ideal indicator on the scales.
  4. Breakfasts are a waste of time and deterioration of health. Scrambled eggs or light sandwiches contain too much unnecessary mucus, so it is better to drink a glass of clean water or juice instead and wait until lunchtime, when you will have your first full meal.

Mucusless Diet System

Ehret conducted research in which he came to the conclusion that humans do not need additional protein . He argued that the main component of nutrition should still be glucose. Therefore, fruits are the basis of his menu.

According to the scientist, meat products are a source of various diseases . In the human body they cause decay. Meat also produces mucus. Therefore, he completely excludes the consumption of meat in any form.

He also recommended giving up eggs . Ehret argued that they have rather sticky properties and accumulate harmful substances in the body.

The essence of the diet is to consume a minimum list of products. In this case, it is necessary to carry out fasting days

According to Ehret, the diet helps cleanse the entire body of all harmful components, mucus and excess salt.


As a rule, reviews of Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet speak of accelerated weight loss in a short time. Although lightning-fast weight loss is impossible under any circumstances, this nutrition system allows you to see the expected number on the scale much faster than with other diets.

Before you start losing weight, there are a few things you need to do to prepare. To do this, you will need to start changing your diet 5-7 days before starting the diet, gradually removing slimy foods from the menu and adding more fruits and clean water.

The transition to a diet is carried out in four stages, after which another stage is provided, which reflects the whole essence of such a diet. This is quite enough to achieve the desired effect, as evidenced by the positive reviews of those losing weight about the mucusless diet. They are all listed below with detailed descriptions. Each stage should be followed for a week. In this case, portion sizes can be any.

Contraindications to the Arnold Ehret Diet

Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet is based on severe dietary restriction and fasting . Therefore, not everyone can try it. A strict diet requires a careful approach. It is imperative to consult a doctor . Only a specialist can give an accurate answer whether such a weight loss program is worth pursuing or not.

For diseases of the digestive tract, endocrine system, diabetes and pregnancy, this weight loss program is contraindicated. breastfeeding mothers should avoid this method .

Nutrition according to the Arnold Ehret system belongs to the category of strict weight loss methods. This is the main disadvantage of the mucusless diet. If in doubt, do not risk your health.

Consultation with a nutritionist

First stage

Reviews about the mucusless diet at this stage are quite good. They indicate a light diet and no feeling of hunger.

In the first week you need to eat in three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner):

  1. A glass of water (you can add a slice of lemon) or juice.
  2. Stewed pumpkin, cabbage salad with beans and spinach, baked potatoes.
  3. Puree of bananas, peaches, a spoonful of honey and apricots.

Third stage

Most often, reviews of Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet indicate its effectiveness even in the preparatory stages. For example, already at the third stage, many people managed to lose about 3-4 kg.

Breakfast is repeated again, and the remaining two meals consist of the following foods:

  1. Orange, apricot, apple, pear.
  2. Baked carrots or radishes, fresh green salad.

The Way Out of the Mucusless Diet

You cannot enter such a regime abruptly, since the body can react sharply and negatively to all changes, but you should also exit it gradually. Although the author himself argued that there is no need for a way out, and a person can live in this mode all his life, which he himself practiced. However, modern nutritionists in their reviews say that without a normal supply of proteins and fats, the body will become depleted over time.

Those who have tried Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet say that with the gradual introduction of foods that were previously removed from the diet, no health problems are observed. That is, cereals are added first, then after 1-2 weeks dairy products, then after another couple of weeks eggs and then meat. However, some of those who tried the mucus-free diet remained vegetarians after it.

The final stage

The final stage also makes people leave only positive reviews about the mucusless diet. In this case, the diet is narrowed even more.

There should be exactly three meals during the day:

  1. A glass of carrot, apple or pineapple juice.
  2. A couple of fresh fruits.
  3. Fresh green vegetables.

This stage is the key one. Having undergone the correct training, it is allowed to follow it until the desired weight is lost. The most important thing is to stop adhering to the diet in time if health problems arise.

Eret on the Mucusless Diet

Arnold Ehret developed the famous mucus theory - a later proven fact - according to which mucus (or internal pollution, toxins) resulting from poor diet is the fundamental cause of all disease.

Ehret wrote: “My system is not treatment or medicine, it is regeneration, spring cleaning. The Mucusless Diet consists of all types of raw fruits, non-starchy vegetables, greens and raw herbs.

Eating the right types of food (raw plant foods) and eating less is nature's almighty method of cleansing the body of the results of poor nutrition and overeating.

He wrote: “The fruit diet, as described in the Book of Genesis, is the highest and superior to any other form of diet for the human race. Eden was an orchard. The heavenly diet does not harmonize with the “sodoms” of civilization. Heavenly food gives heavenly health.”

Quitting the diet

Often reviews of the mucusless diet indicate that if done correctly, the lost kilograms do not return, and the body’s condition improves significantly. This stage is designed for 9 days, each of which already contains 4 meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner).

From the first to the third days you need to eat the following foods:

  1. Juice.
  2. Three fruit puree.
  3. Nuts (preferably walnuts).
  4. Vegetable salad and cucumber drink.

From the fourth to the sixth days you should consume:

  1. Egg and freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Yogurt and three types of fruit puree.
  3. Melon.
  4. Stewed cabbage, vegetable salad.

For the final seventh to ninth days, the food will be as follows:

  1. Oatmeal, dried fruits, chicken egg.
  2. Steamed vegetables with a slice of low-fat fish.
  3. Curdled milk.
  4. Steamed vegetables and fish.

How to get out of a diet correctly?

You need to exit the diet as slowly as you entered it. Otherwise, the results achieved may go down the drain. Gradually, you can introduce foods that form mucus into the menu. You need to eat in small portions and drink plenty of water.

You need to go off the diet for at least 9 days.

The menu from days 1 to 3 looks like this:

  1. For breakfast, drink 200 ml of fresh orange juice.
  2. For lunch - fruit puree.
  3. An afternoon snack may consist of nuts, always unsalted.
  4. For dinner there will be a salad of cucumbers, Chinese cabbage and tomatoes, as well as a smoothie made from herbs and vegetables.

Menu from days 4 to 6:

  1. For breakfast, eat a boiled egg with fresh fruit juice.
  2. For lunch, prepare a fruit salad with the addition of natural yogurt.
  3. Take 1 fresh grapefruit for a snack.
  4. Dinner is stewed cabbage and a salad of green leafy vegetables. The drink used is a smoothie made from kiwi and cucumber.

From the 7th to the 9th day the menu is as follows:

  1. Have breakfast with a small portion of oatmeal with prunes or dried apricots. You can also eat 1 boiled egg and drink 200 ml of fresh juice.
  2. For lunch - steamed vegetables and a piece of boiled fish.
  3. For an afternoon snack - natural yogurt.
  4. For dinner - steamed vegetables and low-fat baked fish.

Then you can smoothly switch to your usual diet. Meals should be regular, without long breaks.


Ehret's mucusless diet, reviews of which are provided at the end of the article, has its contraindications. It is much better to name those people who should not follow it, rather than those who will benefit from such a diet.

Experts strictly prohibit the following people from trying a diet based on the consumption of mucus-free foods:

  • pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • teenagers;
  • those suffering from high blood pressure;
  • having problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Reviews of those losing weight

As a rule, reviews of the mucusless diet are left by fans of raw food nutrition and vegetarianism. Moreover, their comments are positive. They claim that, despite the difficulty in switching to a new diet, they were able to achieve stunning results. Some people were able to say goodbye to 5 extra kilos, while others got rid of 10–12 kg, but it all depends on the initial body weight.

Also, those who have lost weight indicate a feeling of lightness in the intestines, and throughout the body. This is explained by the fact that the body is completely cleansed of mucus and nothing prevents it from functioning fully.

Despite the adverse effects, most people liked this diet. Although at first I still felt hungry, literally in the second or third week it all went away. Therefore, they recommend that ignorant men and women who dream of losing weight still try it on themselves.

Experts' opinion

Reviews from doctors about the mucusless diet claim that due to severe tolerance, this diet is not suitable for all people. Those with various diseases of the internal organs may well develop additional problems, and if you follow a new nutritional system, there is a risk of often losing consciousness and not feeling vital energy.

Doctors strongly recommend that people who have not developed any new diseases repeat the diet no earlier than after a year. They also constantly talk about the right way out, which is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the stomach and the entire digestive system.

Although experts claim that weight loss occurs due to a sharp reduction in calories consumed, but not due to the elimination of mucus from the body, this does not bother people. They happily switch to a modified diet and eat in accordance with it until they see the desired number on the scale.

Rules and postulates

The healer adhered to the idea that the healing process should be approached comprehensively. Just starting to eat differently is not enough. Moreover, with the wrong approach, there is a risk of harming your body. The basic postulates are as follows:

  • eat only according to the body's needs
  • eat only raw fruits and vegetables
  • do a water fast once a week
  • do not mix products with each other

Let's take a quick look at each rule.

Only available when necessary

Any food that enters the body in greater quantities than necessary causes harm to it.

The main storage site for unprocessed food is the intestines. In modern humans, tens of centimeters of mucus envelop its walls, preventing the beneficial components from being properly absorbed into the blood. The digestibility of food is impaired, and a person does not receive enough necessary substances for a full, healthy life.

Eating raw fruits

Natural foods that do not contain mucus are vegetables and fruits. Nature has endowed them with all the useful microelements to maintain human health. The strength obtained from the fruits is quite enough for a healthy active life.

Ehret's system is based on raw fruits and vegetables. The doctor claimed that any heat treatment of the product leads to the appearance of unwanted mucus.

“Of course, eating raw plant foods is the norm for the human species and there is no biological error here. Pay attention to the cow! She eats only grass and at the same time produces 7-10 liters of fresh milk, spends hours on her feet every day, grazing the plow. Can you tell by looking at her that she is not healthy? On the contrary, in the end it is also eaten.”

Water fasting

Even though the diet involves a complete rejection of heat-processed food, a fasting day is still necessary - this was the position the professor adhered to. Sitting on the water for one day is necessary to give our digestive system a rest.

It is believed that during sleep, almost all human organs are at rest, with the exception of the intestines. Daily overeating forces it to work uninterruptedly, which significantly reduces its effectiveness. Read more about fasting in the article “Is it good to fast every other day?”

Do not mix ingredients together

This rule is one of the fundamental ones. In the wild, no animal would think of mixing fruits. Each animal eats one thing during a meal and at the same time is well-filled, isn’t it?

The principle of monoeating allows you to achieve maximum absorption of food. As a result, the feeling of hunger disappears for a long time, and the body gets the opportunity to rest. That is why the Ehret diet practically does not require the presence of recipes for preparing dishes.

Consequences and negative feedback

Reviews from doctors about Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet primarily indicate the consequences that can be achieved by following it. Since a person is still different from a cow, which can survive by eating only grass, it is necessary to approach this technique more carefully. Doctors point out that the facts of the developer of this nutrition system seem true only for those people who have not forgotten the school biology course or have not studied it at all.

During the diet, the following changes are possible:

  1. The onset of severe famine. If a person tries a diet for the first time in his life, and before that he has no experience of restricting food, he will feel hungry very quickly. The very next day thoughts about food will appear, and soon you won’t be able to think about anything else at all. Because of this, the nervous system is heavily loaded. As a result of fasting, a person becomes angry and nervous, and lashes out at everyone he meets. In addition, sleep is disturbed along with this. Your metabolism will also slow down as it tries to store stored fat.
  2. Deterioration of the condition of the skin and hair. Due to the lack of protein and fats entering the body, deterioration will occur externally. Soon after starting a diet, the skin loses its healthy tone, becomes thinner, and nails and hair gradually begin to fall out. But this does not happen for all people. Such consequences occur only to those with weakened immune systems or people who start a diet at an elevated body temperature.
  3. The body goes into a stressful state. The loss of extra pounds is explained by another factor. Partially, weight loss also occurs due to the fact that a person is under stress. Because the body is forced to lose weight, it does lose it, but soon tries to gain it back. For some people, it happens that the lost kilograms return after just two days, but, as a rule, those with a low initial weight experience this.
  4. Adverse effects for men. A strong part of the population is at risk of losing potency. This happens due to strict dietary restrictions, due to which changes occur in many body systems.
  5. Problems for women. Unlike men, ladies do not have to fear serious consequences. Representatives of the fair sex are only at risk of cycle disruption, but over time everything will be restored if they switch to a normal diet and consume sufficiently all the necessary elements.

Since humans, unlike animals, have a fully functioning brain, this opportunity should be used when switching to dietary nutrition. Of course, it is possible to lose a few hated kilograms, but not all people succeed. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that if any adverse effects are detected, you immediately stop following the diet, so as not to cause even greater damage to your own health.

Going on a diet

The Arnold Ehret diet requires a gradual entry. You cannot sharply limit yourself in products. This must be done in stages. Only in this case the body will not experience great stress . This will take approximately 2-3 months.

In the first two weeks, it is recommended to avoid foods with harmful additives.

This category includes fast food, sausages, seasonings and semi-finished products. Next, you need to completely give up meat. Animal products are also prohibited. Fried and smoked foods are also excluded.

It is recommended to fill your diet with plant foods. After a month of dieting, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of sugar and salt . Eggs and all various dishes with them will need to be excluded. At the very end, you will need to remove flour products and milk from your diet.

Book by Arnold Ehret

Authorized Products

Ehret's diet is quite meager. The scientist allowed the consumption of only fruits, water, herbs and green vegetables.

Moreover, each method does not allow mixing of products. All components must be consumed separately

In the classic form, few people manage to adhere to strict rules. Therefore, many supplement their diet with dried fruits, bread, bran, nuts, crackers and processed vegetables. These components are allowed to be included in the diet, but in limited quantities .

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