Flaxseed flour with kefir - 3 best recipes for weight loss


Both of these products are beneficial for our body, even separately. Flaxseed flour contains a small amount of mucus, so it works as a natural laxative. Flour helps the intestines by removing processed products from it. Thus, more useful substances begin to enter our body from the intestines.

Kefir also has a positive effect on intestinal function. It contains many beneficial microorganisms that help in digesting food. At the same time, kefir has a low calorie content, which is very important when losing weight.

Normalizing intestinal function not only improves digestion and promotes weight loss. This is an important part of how our immune system works. Therefore, a cocktail of flax and kefir will help you get sick less during cold seasons.

Calorie content of kefir by fat content

Calorie content

If you are only planning to cleanse the intestines with flaxseed flour and kefir, then the calorie content of this drink is not very important to you. Only if for general information. But for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, calorie content is an important indicator. The fact is that many weight loss methods are based on counting calories, and you need to know these indicators to take into account your daily caloric intake.

On average, they write that the calorie content of the drink is 103 kcal per 100 grams. But keep in mind that a lot depends on what kind of kefir you use for cooking. The calorie content of flour is approximately the same, whether purchased or homemade.

If you want to calculate more accurate values ​​for the calorie content of a drink, then simply weigh all the products initially and enter these indicators into any of the calorie calculators.

In what cases are flaxseed flour and kefir used?

When the flour is ready, you can begin to cleanse the body by combining it with kefir. These two products combine harmoniously and enhance each other's healing properties. Therefore, this cleaning method is common among the population. Together, these products help cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins. They accumulate in any person one way or another. The amount of slagging can be more or less, depending on how healthy a person leads a lifestyle.

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The effect of flaxseed flour can be compared with the effect of sorbents.

Kefir makes the cleansing process softer, keeping the intestinal microflora in a normal state. If we take, for example, other means for cleaning the intestines, then after them additional measures must be taken to restore the microflora. The cleansing effect of flaxseed flour is enhanced by the high concentration of fiber, which promotes easy, gentle removal of stagnant feces.

In addition to the cleansing effect, this product is recommended for:

  • functional disorders in the prostate gland,
  • to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • as a prevention of cancer,
  • for normalization and weight loss.

Recipe and scheme for colon cleansing

The classic recipe for making a weight loss drink is very simple.

  1. Take a tablespoon of flaxseed flour.
  2. Mix flour with 50 grams of drinking water, mix well so that there are no lumps.
  3. Add kefir in such an amount that you end up with a glass of drink.

For cooking, you can use purchased flaxseed flour, but all experts recommend making it yourself from flaxseed. The fact is that purchased flour may contain various additives, but a homemade product will be much healthier.

You can make your own flaxseed meal or buy it in a store.

But homemade flour is not stored for long, the maximum period is 3 days. Therefore, you should not grind a large amount of flax at once.

To cleanse the intestines, you can dissolve the flour directly in kefir, but it’s easier to also use a little water for better dissolution. You need to use the following drink consumption pattern.

  • In the first week, a tablespoon of flour (about 25–30 grams) is dissolved in a glass of kefir.
  • During the second week, 2 tablespoons (50–60 grams) should be dissolved.
  • Third week – 3 tablespoons (up to 100 grams).

How to take the drink correctly

Flaxseed flour absorbs water well. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink more fluid while using the drink.

Additional tips:

  1. It is recommended to buy fresh kefir. The product can be prepared independently from low-fat milk with the addition of starter cultures.
  2. Kefir should be at room temperature.
  3. It is allowed to add additional ingredients to the drink to improve the taste. With the help of honey and berries, the product can be made sweeter and healthier.
  4. To avoid allergic reactions, the use of kefir-flour mixture should be started with small doses.

During the period of use of the product it is important:

  1. Eat little, but often.
  2. Exclude from the menu products with flavors, flavor enhancers, fillers, dyes and other food additives.
  3. Regularly eat fruit and vegetable salads, soups, cereals, boiled or baked lean meat.
  4. Avoid strong tea, coffee, and alcohol.
  5. Do not overuse sweets.

For cardiovascular diseases

Method of preparation and use of the product:

  1. Dissolve 1–2 teaspoons of flour in kefir.
  2. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes.
  3. After the time has passed, drink the remedy.

The drink can be taken for arrhythmia and problems with blood vessels. Vitamins, micro- and macroelements gradually normalize the functioning of the heart, strengthen and cleanse the bloodstream.

To cleanse the intestines

If you take products with flaxseed flour to cleanse the intestines, you can quickly get rid of waste and toxins. The duration of the course is 3 weeks.

The intestines are effectively cleansed by drinking 1 glass of kefir daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Every week the amount of flour added should be increased by 1 tbsp. spoon.

It is allowed to re-take flaxseed flour with kefir to cleanse the intestines after 4 months.

To cleanse from parasites

Cleansing the body of parasites is carried out within 1 week. Drink 1 glass of kefir in the morning and evening. Add 1 spoon of flaxseed flour to the fermented milk drink before drinking. In the absence of kefir, use water.

For weight loss

Kefir drink with flaxseed flour

A drink based on flaxseed flour helps you lose weight because it accelerates fat burning processes and removes toxins from the body. There are several recipes for preparing and using the mixture:

  1. Take a glass of kefir. Dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of flaxseed flour. Take a drink in the evening. You can't have dinner. If kefir is not available, you can use another fermented milk drink.
  2. Take half a glass of water at room temperature. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of flour. Leave the mixture for 10–15 minutes. After the time has passed, add boiling water to the glass. Leave the mixture for the evening, and during the day drink a glass of kefir without additional ingredients to normalize digestion. Dinner cancelled.

When losing weight, drink the cocktail for 3 weeks and take a break. After 5–10 days, drinking the drink is resumed. The maximum duration of the course is 3 months.

Important! Drinking drinks with flaxseed flour is not enough to achieve a positive result. You need to eat right, lead an active lifestyle (exercise at home, go to the gym, pool).

For the prevention of cancer

To prevent the development of cancer, you can prepare a product based on:

  • 100 ml kefir;
  • 20 g flaxseed flour.

Pour flour into fermented milk product. To stir thoroughly. Leave the product for half an hour. The flour should swell. Drink the finished drink completely. To enhance the positive effect on the body, take a cup of brewed green tea after 1–2 hours.

Kefir, prunes and flaxseed flour

To prepare this drink, take 300 ml of kefir, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour and 5-6 prunes. Some additionally add a couple of tablespoons of bran to this drink.

The prunes must be poured with fifty milliliters of boiling water and allowed to brew a little. If you add bran, mix it with flaxseed meal in a shaker or similar suitable vessel, recommends hudeem-bez-problemru. Add kefir to this vessel in small portions, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. When the prunes swell, beat them with a blender into a paste along with the water in which they were soaked. Add prunes to the remaining ingredients.

A drink with flaxseed flour and prunes will cleanse the intestines and delight you with an excellent taste.

The resulting drink must be mixed well and put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to thicken. You can drink it instead of a snack, for breakfast or in the evening after dinner.

Kefir, flaxseed meal and cinnamon

Flaxseed flour with kefir and cinnamon is more likely to be used for weight loss than for cleansing the intestines, since cinnamon also improves metabolic processes and speeds up the process of getting rid of excess fat.

But you can add cinnamon to your colon cleanse smoothie if you like the taste, as this spice has a positive effect on the immune system.

There are no special cooking recipes. Just add a little cinnamon to your regular drink and stir until it dissolves well. In terms of quantity, be guided by your taste: for some, half a teaspoon is enough, while for others, you need at least a spoon to get a good taste.

How to drink flaxseed flour to cleanse and lose weight of the body

To prepare a single serving of the drink you will need a teaspoon of flaxseed flour. You can buy it ready-made, or make it yourself. Ready-made flaxseed flour is easier to store, usually costs more and contains fewer useful components.

Whole flax seeds can be purchased at the market at a very affordable price. The shelf life of this product is 12 months. It is important to provide it with a dry, cool place, sealed packaging, and prevent it from direct sunlight.

The natural seed coat in this case plays a protective role: the essential fatty acids contained in its composition quickly undergo oxidation. In the oxidized state, one of the components of flax - Omega-6 acid - acquires carcinogenic properties.

To prepare flour, flax seeds are ground in a coffee grinder or meat grinder; Alternatively, you can use a mortar or a mechanical spice grinder. Flour prepared by hand can be stored for no more than three days. To maximize the benefits of the cleansing drink, it is better to prepare it immediately before each dose.

A teaspoon of powder is added to 100 grams of kefir and mixed thoroughly, avoiding the formation of lumps (you can use a blender if desired). Kefir should be natural, low-fat (the best option is one percent), at room temperature. It is acceptable to use homemade yogurt or low-fat sour cream. After stirring, the mixture is infused for 15–20 minutes and drunk in small sips.

This cocktail should be taken twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. To improve the taste of the drink, before grinding, you can heat the flax seeds in a frying pan without adding oil, and also add a quarter teaspoon of honey to the mixture. You can diversify your diet with the help of other natural additives - pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, leaving the two main components unchanged.

The next meal is allowed no earlier than 45 minutes after drinking the cocktail. If you are prescribed any medications, they should also be taken no earlier than half an hour later - flaxseed flour with kefir has sorbing properties and can reduce the effectiveness of medications.

To cleanse the body of toxins, you need to drink the above-mentioned drink for three weeks. At the same time, every 7 days the amount of flour introduced is increased by 10-15 grams. During the cleansing course, you should avoid overeating, heavy foods and give preference to products of plant origin - salads, stewed vegetables, light dietary soups. If possible, you should give up stimulants - coffee, strong black tea, alcohol and tobacco. The principle of nutrition during cleansing is to minimize the intake of new toxins: synthetic dyes, flavors, preservatives, and flavor enhancers should be avoided.

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It is important to provide the body with enough fluid. To do this, nutritionists recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day (for an adult). Green tea, dried fruit compote, freshly squeezed juices, and rosehip decoction are beneficial.

During the cleansing course, you should regularly walk in the fresh air and provide the body with light physical activity. The best option is long walks or jogging in the park. Water treatments (swimming in a pool, sauna or hot bath) also contribute to additional cleansing, but they should be carried out carefully, without being carried away by excessively high temperatures.

Flaxseed flour with kefir for weight loss is used in a similar way, but after the third week the dosage of flour is no longer increased. In this case, the course lasts 3 months, after which a month's break is required.

Benefits of flax

Flaxseed is widely used in folk medicine. It contains a whole range of substances beneficial to our body, including:

  • Essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system - their concentration in flax seed is higher than even in fish oil. Omega-3 helps thin the blood, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, varicose veins and other diseases. Omega-6 maintains normal blood cholesterol levels, improves skin condition, and restores natural healthy shine to hair;
  • Plant fiber is soluble and insoluble dietary fiber in proportions optimal for our body. This is a natural sorbent that removes foreign agents and accumulated toxins from the body. In addition, fiber absorbs excess fluid, eliminating swelling, lowering sugar levels, and preventing the formation of stones in the gall bladder;
  • Lignans are chemical compounds that have many beneficial properties for the body - anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antibacterial and antiviral. In their mode of action, they are similar to estrogens, replace their excess and counteract the appearance of tumors. They are especially valuable for men's health, as they help avoid prostate cancer;
  • Potassium (there is 7 times more of it in flaxseed than in bananas) is a microelement necessary for normal heart function. It also improves brain activity, facilitates allergic reactions, ensures the performance of skeletal muscles, and participates in cellular metabolic processes;
  • Iron – is involved in the supply of oxygen to cells, the functioning of nerve endings, and the functioning of the thyroid gland. Its deficiency leads to increased fatigue, weakened immunity, and chronic headaches;
  • Selenium – essential for skin health, prevents the destruction of nucleic acids, the development of diseases of the circulatory system and oncology;
  • Sodium – normalizes water-salt metabolism, takes part in muscle contraction, and prevents heat and sunstroke. It is especially important for athletes and people experiencing significant physical activity, as it is excreted from the body along with sweat. Sodium deficiency leads to gas formation, frequent dizziness and memory problems;
  • Copper has an antioxidant effect, destroys free radicals, protecting cells from premature aging. It is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, elastin, collagen, as well as endorphins - hormones responsible for a good mood;
  • Molybdenum is a chemical element necessary for the excretion of uric acid, acid synthesis and normal tissue respiration. It improves the quality of blood, increases hemoglobin levels, and regulates cellular metabolic processes. A lack of molybdenum is accompanied by sagging muscles, hair loss and frequent dermatitis;
  • Zinc – participates in enzymatic reactions, accelerates wound healing, ensures the absorption of vitamin A, and prevents the development of diabetes. Its deficiency in the body can be easily determined by dull hair color, brittle nails and the appearance of white spots on them. Zinc deficiency also leads to impaired taste perception and loss of appetite;
  • Calcium is known as the main component of bone tissue and is necessary for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, healthy teeth, nails and hair. The maximum result is demonstrated in combination with other elements.

In smaller quantities, flaxseed contains phosphorus, chromium, manganese, magnesium; Vitamins A, E and group B are also present. It can be safely recommended as a biological supplement to the daily diet. To do this, add a pinch of flax seed to vegetable salads and stews at the end of cooking. It is advisable to avoid prolonged temperature treatment.

This food supplement has many beneficial properties:

  • calms inflammatory processes;
  • eliminates excess estrogen;
  • softens the negative manifestations of menopause;
  • reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps eliminate excess cholesterol;
  • has an anthelmintic effect;
  • accelerates the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes;
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Flaxseed flour is used to make homemade baked goods. It is mixed with wheat in proportions 1:3. Using this mixture you can prepare pancakes, pancakes, bake buns and bread. Flax also prevents baked goods from going sour - for example, in Canada it is added to bread everywhere for this reason.

Useful properties of kefir

Natural kefir is an equally popular remedy with healing properties. Its undoubted benefits for the body were studied by I. Mechnikov. Kefir is included in the diet of therapeutic and dietary nutrition - the presence of lactocultures-prebiotics has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, normalizes the intestinal microflora and promotes the full absorption of nutrients from consumed foods. It is also useful as a source of calcium, which strengthens the skeleton, structure of hair, nails, and teeth.

Kefir has a mild laxative effect. Only a “fresh” drink with a shelf life of no more than three days has this property. “Old” kefir, on the contrary, produces a fixing effect.

The diuretic effect of fermented milk product provides invaluable assistance with painful swelling. Kefir helps strengthen the immune system, normalizes the nervous system and provides the body with complete protein. It is recommended for diseases of the liver and pancreas.

It should be understood that the healing properties apply only to natural fresh kefir, without dyes, fillers and artificial additives. It is especially useful at night: the amino acid tryptophan, contained in milk proteins, is necessary for a person to have deep healthy sleep.

How to drink

The answer to this question depends on what purpose you will drink this drink for. It’s one thing to drink it to cleanse the body - then you need to apply the appropriate scheme and try not to violate it, so as not to load the body with excess toxins, which you are trying to get rid of.

If you drink a drink for weight loss, the scheme will change slightly. For example, the dosage of the drink and the time of administration will change. If the morning time is best for cleansing in order to get the maximum benefit from the cocktail, then if you are losing weight, you can drink it in the evening. This will allow you to feel full for a long period with a small total calorie content, plus you will receive a portion of healthy protein in the evening.

You can independently or after consulting a doctor choose a suitable regimen for using this drink.

No one forbids drinking it twice a day if you are cleansing the body; it all depends on your individual characteristics.

A simple recipe for kefir drink with flaxseed flour

Side effects if used incorrectly

Cleansing the body with flaxseed flour and kefir in some cases can cause some side effects, more about them below.

  1. If the recommended amount of cleanser for use is exceeded. In this case, poisoning may occur due to the presence of cyanide in small quantities in the toxic substance. At recommended doses, the effect of cyanide on the body is minimized, but if it is exceeded, the risk of poisoning increases. If the raw materials are pre-treated thermally, the risk of poisoning is also reduced, but at the same time the amount of useful compounds and fatty acids in the composition decreases.
  2. If you suddenly and in large quantities introduce flaxseed flour into your diet, it is possible to increase fermentation, gas formation in the intestines, and flatulence is observed due to the high concentration of fiber. That is why it is recommended to increase the amount of flaxseed flour for intestinal cleansing gradually, starting with minimal doses - 1 tsp. in a day.
  3. If you ignore the advice regarding drinking plenty of fluids, some people may become dehydrated. Since flax absorbs moisture intensively, this phenomenon is not surprising. Because of this, you must always remember the need to simultaneously take a significant amount of water during the period of cleansing with flaxseed flour.
  4. Any food product or drug can cause allergies, it all depends on the person’s inclination and the properties of the substance taken. No one is immune from this! Suddenly, while cleansing the body with flaxseed flour and kefir, signs of an allergic reaction began to appear, ranging from swelling, sore throat and ending with a small rash on the body, then in this case you need to immediately stop taking the product and take allergy medicine.

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On the factory packaging of the flax preparation you can read that the drug has no contraindications. However, one must exercise wisdom in such matters. If you want to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins using this herbal remedy to improve your body’s health, you should first consult a doctor and possibly undergo an examination for the presence of stones. This will be more correct and calmer. You can always ask your doctor how relevant this miracle remedy is in your case!

When – in the morning or at night

How to drink kefir with flaxseed flour to cleanse the intestines so that the process is as easy as possible for the body? In this case, the cocktail is drunk once a day in the morning instead of breakfast. Then cleaning will be easy and will not disturb the beneficial intestinal microflora.

When using the drink for weight loss, drink it twice a day. The first time this is done in the morning before meals, so that the mixture gets into an empty stomach. The second time in the evening some time after dinner, but not immediately before bed.

After drinking a cocktail in the morning, you can have breakfast only 45 minutes later, or better yet, an hour later.

If you need to take any medications in the morning, you can do this at least half an hour after taking the mixture. Otherwise, you will reduce the effect of taking the tablets, since flax seeds are a natural sorbent and will remove the beneficial substances contained in the medicine from the body too quickly.

How to drink kefir at night if you are losing weight and is it possible?


On various sites you can find different reviews about this cocktail. Some people lose weight when using it easily and without problems. Others hardly lose even a couple of kilograms in 3 weeks. But as doctors say, each situation must be dealt with separately, and not blindly believe all the reviews in a row. For example, a woman has hormonal diseases that lead to weight gain. And even if such a woman does not leave the gym and eats only water, the weight will not decrease. Therefore, she will not notice any results from eating flax and kefir.

There are also ladies who only create the illusion of their weight loss. They seem to use different weight loss techniques, but in fact they do not create a calorie deficit and do not normalize their diet in general. Here, too, no means will help if you eat kefir with a hamburger.

Therefore, reviews of this product, like any other reviews, should be treated with skepticism. You do not know all the input data that led to the final result. Likewise, overly enthusiastic reviews can be uninformative. After all, it could be that a person significantly revised his diet and physical activity, which gave the main impetus to losing weight, and flax and kefir only accelerated this process.

How many days to drink kefir with flax

The question of how much you can drink flax with kefir is asked by everyone who is about to start drinking this cocktail. The harmlessness of both components does not exclude strict adherence to the order of administration and a serious attitude towards this. You need to drink flax flour with kefir in a course - 3 months in a row, then 1 month break, after which you can resume the procedure. It is important to remember: the composition is prepared before use; you cannot leave it for a long time, otherwise, instead of a useful elixir, you will get a fermented “porridge” that can cause serious discomfort.

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Harm and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of these products separately and together are not common, but you should not forget about their presence. The following diseases and conditions are contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to flax;
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • recovery period after an intestinal infection;
  • excess calcium in the body;
  • hepatitis.

Doctors do not recommend using this mixture for pancreatitis and stomach diseases. The fact is that this combination of products puts a strong load on the pancreas. And for such diseases, it is easier to use flaxseed jelly for cleaning, as it will act more delicately.

If we talk about harm, then for the vast majority of people there is none. But if you have kidney or gallstones, then such a drink may be harmful. The simultaneous consumption of flax and kefir sometimes leads to blockage of the ducts, which leads to a worsening of the condition.

If there is a need to cleanse the body, then it is better to use techniques that have virtually no contraindications or side effects. These methods include a drink made from kefir with flaxseed flour, which only benefits your body if you do not have certain diseases. And this cocktail is perfect for weight loss, as it accelerates metabolic processes, fills the body with useful substances and has a low calorie content.

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Useful properties of the product

The combination of flax and fermented milk products is an option that can be used both internally and externally. Each of the ingredients has its own properties and list of indications. When combined, you get a herbal medicine that will save you from all diseases.

Flaxseed flour

Flax seeds and flour are completely different products. The ground grains are degreased using a special technology. It is as a result of this grinding that a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals is obtained.

You won’t be able to make flour from seeds yourself at home. The result will be a dense mass, more reminiscent of porridge.

Flax is recommended for consumption by any woman, as the plant is a phytohormone - it helps increase estrogen levels. When dieting, such a product helps speed up metabolism and avoid vitamin deficiency. Flax contains all B vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as zinc, magnesium and potassium.

Beneficial features:

  1. For the digestive system. The plant is rich in fiber and fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Gluten helps get rid of long-term constipation; consuming even grains reduces the acidity of gastric juice. Flax has a positive effect on all internal digestive organs.
  2. For the cardiovascular system. Flour contains a large amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eating microelements strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps prevent heart attacks. It has also been noted that long-term consumption of flax reduces cholesterol levels.
  3. For hormonal levels. Seeds or crushed flour are especially useful for women. Flax is a phytoestrogen that can cope with androgenic pathologies of the genitourinary system. The product is also used for external use, helping to regulate collagen production in case of excess testosterone.
  4. In cosmetology. B vitamins help a woman maintain the beauty, youth and elasticity of her skin. Sometimes internal use is not enough. In this case, you can prepare cosmetic masks and scrubs suitable for any skin type. This product has a rejuvenating effect.
  5. For diabetes mellitus. Flour is allowed to be consumed by diabetics, as the plant helps restore normal blood glucose levels and speed up metabolic processes.
  6. For weight loss. Despite its high calorie content, flax has the ability to remove toxins and waste from the body and speed up metabolism. The cereal contains many vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the body when losing weight.
  7. In oncology. The greatest value of flax is its anti-cancer properties. The powder can be added to the diet for prevention and during treatment to stop the proliferation of the oncological process.

You can buy the ingredient in any store. Often such flour is sold in the diabetic department. The seeds have similar beneficial properties, but are higher in calories.


Fermented milk products are rich in lacto- and bifidobacteria. Fresh kefir is especially beneficial for the body. It is recommended not to use an acidic product that is more than 3 days old. It can cause constipation and bowel dysfunction.

What are the benefits of kefir:

  • has the ability to maintain normal intestinal microflora;
  • controls immune resistance to viruses and infections;
  • has a weak diuretic property;
  • has a laxative effect;
  • helps reduce the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • maintains water-salt balance;
  • reduces the risk of cancer.

Kefir is also widely used in home cosmetic procedures; it helps restore hair shine and prevent hair loss. Fermented milk product can be prescribed as an additional therapy in the treatment of dysbiosis.

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