How to pour kefir over buckwheat overnight and how to use it for weight loss

General rules

A buckwheat diet with kefir for weight loss can last from one to two weeks.
The basis of the diet is minimally processed buckwheat and low-fat kefir. In this case, it is advisable to use whole-grain buckwheat (kernel) with a minimum degree of roasting (greenish-brown color). Cereals contain predominantly carbohydrates, less proteins and a small amount of vegetable fats. The nutritional value and energy value of cereals per 100 g are given below.

The nutritional valueSquirrels18,0

The second component of the dietary program is low-fat (1%) kefir. High digestibility (about 90%), chemical composition (vitamins: A , groups B , D , C , PP , E , H ; minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, copper, molybdenum, strontium, cobalt), amino acids , lacto and bifidobacteria , fungi, as well as low energy content (35-40 kcal) make this product indispensable for dietary nutrition and the need to normalize intestinal microflora.

Kefir can be consumed both together with porridge and separately. You are allowed to consume about 1 liter of kefir per day. The buckwheat and kefir diet involves consuming at least 2 liters of liquid (excluding kefir), mainly in the form of still mineral water and teas (black, green, herbal teas). If you have a strong feeling of hunger, you can additionally drink a glass of kefir.

What's good about this combination?

Buckwheat is compatible with almost all products. The combination of cereals and kefir is distinguished by its high nutritional value and ease of preparation of dietary dishes. Buckwheat contains dietary fiber, which provides quick and long-lasting satiety. Kefir is well absorbed (more than 85%) and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

Benefits of the buckwheat and kefir diet:

  • easily tolerated, without constant feeling of hunger;
  • effective in terms of weight loss and safe for health;
  • the cost of basic products and related ingredients is low;
  • The duration of the diet, as well as the menu, can be easily selected individually depending on the desired result of weight loss, well-being, and health status;
  • in addition to cleansing the intestines and losing weight, the diet reduces the appearance of cellulite, improves the condition of hair, skin, and nails;
  • products normalize the functions of the urinary, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.


The first component of the diet is buckwheat. Its obvious advantage is that, with a low calorie content (the energy value of steamed cereal is 101 kcal) and the absence of fat, it contains a complex of biologically active compounds - flavonoids, vitamins, minerals.

The composition of raw cereals includes (per 100 g):

  • water - 14 g;
  • dietary fiber - 11.3 g;
  • ash - 1.7 g;
  • starch and dextrins - 55.4 g;
  • sugars (glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, maltose) - 1.4 g;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, choline, pyridoxine, folate, pantothenic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin K;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • trace elements: iron, copper, iodine, manganese, aluminum, fluorine, cobalt, zinc, chromium;
  • macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, silicon.

Regular consumption of buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • strengthens and nourishes hair;
  • eliminates drowsiness and fatigue;
  • enhances concentration;
  • ensures proper functioning of the heart muscle;
  • increases the strength and elasticity of vascular walls, reduces the permeability of small capillaries;
  • normalizes blood circulation processes;
  • neutralizes swelling.

The next component of the diet is kefir. Low energy value (about 35 kcal per 100 g) makes the product indispensable for weight loss and normalization of intestinal microflora. Fermented milk drink has a beneficial effect on metabolism, reduces the activity of harmful bacteria, facilitates bowel movements during constipation, and has an immunostimulating, diuretic, and sedative effect.

Kefir is a source of calcium , necessary for the mineralization of teeth and ensuring bone density. The element is involved in the processes of blood clotting and nerve impulse transmission. The compounds contained in kefir have a positive effect on the genitourinary, nervous system, heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, and prevent the development of osteoporosis.

How it helps in losing weight

Weight loss on buckwheat and kefir occurs by reducing daily caloric intake to 1100-1300 kcal for women, and 1500-1600 kcal for men. These are average figures. It would be correct to determine the daily intake of vital substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins) and calorie intake on an individual basis together with a nutritionist.

A diet based on buckwheat and kefir involves avoiding fatty foods and high-calorie foods - smoked meats, sausages, sweets, white bread, fatty meats and fish, sugar, salt, spices. Carbonated drinks and alcohol are strictly contraindicated.

The main effect of buckwheat soaked in kefir on the body is to cleanse the digestive system of harmful elements. A large amount of insoluble fiber in cereals helps to quickly remove waste and toxins from the intestines, remove excess sugar in the blood, and reduce cholesterol levels.

Buckwheat helps cope with constipation, normalizes metabolism, and improves digestion. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with long-term energy without converting carbohydrates into fat deposits. Plant fiber increases endurance and performance, stimulates physical activity, which contributes to additional calorie consumption.

Use to cleanse the body

A diet based on buckwheat and kefir is practiced not only for the purpose of losing weight, but also as a therapeutic food. A similar dietary regimen is prescribed for diseases of the digestive system, to cleanse the liver, kidneys, and blood. Dietary fiber is distinguished by its absorbent properties: when it enters the intestines, it absorbs harmful substances and, due to its diuretic effect, ensures their rapid removal to the outside.

Attention! Before using buckwheat with kefir for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult your doctor.

Authorized Products

In addition to buckwheat and kefir, the 14-day diet provides the opportunity to diversify the diet by consuming dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), which will provide the body with natural sugars, vitamins and fiber, as well as salads based on cabbage and herbs, and unsweetened fruits. It is better to eat them separately, as an additional “snack”, with the exception of greens, which can be added to porridge.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
dried fruits2,30,668,2286
kefir 1%2,81,04,040
boiled beef25,816,80,0254
boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137
olive oil0,099,80,0898
mineral water0,00,00,0
green tea0,00,00,0
black tea without sugar0,10,00,0
* data is per 100 g of product

Fully or partially limited products

The diet program is based on the exclusion of fatty and high-carbohydrate foods from the diet - fatty meats (pork) and fish (salmon, sturgeon, herring), smoked meats, sausages, white bread, potatoes, various pastries, pasta, sweets, as well as sweet fruits.

Any types of alcohol-containing drinks are strictly contraindicated.

The buckwheat-kefir diet involves the exclusion of salt, sugar, and any seasonings and spices from the diet.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens






Flour and pasta


Bakery products




Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189



Raw materials and seasonings



cream 35% (fat)2,535,03,0337

Cheeses and cottage cheese

parmesan cheese33,028,00,0392

Meat products



boiled sausage13,722,80,0260

Fish and seafood


Oils and fats


Alcoholic drinks

red dessert wine0,50,020,0172

Non-alcoholic drinks

* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

The kefir-buckwheat diet can be used in several ways. The most stringent is the classic version of the diet. Diet limited. It includes only buckwheat and kefir (no more than 1 liter).

Take food in small portions with breaks of 2-3 hours. The volume of porridge is not limited. Additionally, you can only drink mineral water or unsweetened tea. This diet option is designed for no more than 7 days.

Sample menu of a strict diet for a week

Monday Sunday

  • buckwheat porridge (100 g);
  • 200 ml. low-fat kefir
  • kefir 200 ml
  • buckwheat porridge (200 g);
  • 200 ml. low-fat kefir
Afternoon snack
  • kefir 200 ml
  • buckwheat porridge (100 g);
  • 200 ml. low-fat kefir

Sample menu for an average (moderate) diet for a week

Apples and vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil are added to the main diet.

Monday Sunday

  • buckwheat porridge (100 g);
  • kefir 1% 200 g
  • two green unsweetened apples
  • buckwheat porridge (200 g);
  • vegetable salad with olive oil (150 g)
  • buckwheat porridge (150 g);
  • 200g 1% kefir

Sample menu of a gentle diet for 14 days

This diet option is the easiest and is recommended for a two-week diet. Or it can be combined: the first 7 days are a hard/medium diet, and the next 7 days are a gentle diet.

Monday Sunday

  • 200 g kefir;
  • unsweetened fruit
  • apple and 5-7 dried fruits;
  • kefir 200 g
  • buckwheat porridge (150 g);
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
Afternoon snack
  • kefir 200 g;
  • buckwheat bread
  • lean meat 100 g (beef, chicken);
  • buckwheat porridge 150 g with vegetable salad, dressed with olive oil


Diet recipes based on buckwheat and kefir are not very diverse. There are several recipes for preparing buckwheat porridge for dietary nutrition.

Steaming buckwheat

Pour 400 g of boiling water over pre-washed buckwheat (200 g) and leave in a tightly closed pan for 3-4 hours. It is advisable to do this at night, wrapping the container in a towel. You can brew cereal in a thermos.

Buckwheat doused with kefir

Pour one glass of washed buckwheat with 2 glasses of low-fat kefir. Infuse in a sealed container at room temperature for 24 hours.

Boiled buckwheat porridge

Pour 400 g of boiling water over pre-washed buckwheat (200 g) and cook for 10-15 minutes until tender. This method of preparing porridge is only for those who have stomach problems.

Porridge with kefir can be consumed together or separately. You can use boiled cereal only if indicated. Kefir must be fresh. It is preferable to take porridge and kefir separately. It is recommended to take kefir 30-40 minutes before porridge. But if you do not like the taste of porridge, then taking them together is allowed. You can use any recipe for weight loss or combine them.

Quitting the diet

The end of the diet should be accompanied by a proper exit from it.

Light foods are appropriate. For breakfast for 3-4 days, eat an egg with a piece of grain bread, low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch - low-fat soup, lean meat/lean fish, salad. For dinner, continue to eat buckwheat and drink kefir.

Gradually include low-calorie fruits, non-starchy vegetables, vegetable and animal oils, and other cereals in your diet. Don't overeat, eat as little as possible. To obtain a sustainable result and gradually return to your normal diet, during the first 7-10 days after the diet, you should take into account the calorie content of the daily diet, which should not exceed 1600 Kcal.

How much weight can you lose on buckwheat and kefir?

They say that such a diet helps you get rid of 10 kg in a week. However, such rates are dangerous for the body. Weight loss should be gradual. It is better if the process is not only slower, but also more thoughtful.

We remind you that the described method is considered one of the harshest and can cause serious health problems: slowdown of metabolism, disruption of the digestive system, exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you don't want weight loss to be associated with exhaustion and trips to the doctor, choose something more reasonable. We advise you to forget about extremes and focus on proper nutrition, which has nothing to do with diets.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Available products.
  • Recipes for making porridge are simple and do not require special skills or time.
  • Minor financial costs.
  • High efficiency.
  • The diet can be combined with moderate anaerobic exercise.
  • There are a number of contraindications.
  • Due to a monotonous diet and low taste, it is often poorly tolerated, which leads to withdrawal from the dietary program.
  • Risk of developing hypotension due to lack of salt in the diet
  • Active physical activity is prohibited.

Possible harm and contraindications

In people with gastrointestinal diseases , the mixture injures the mucous membranes of the digestive organs and leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases. Before consuming buckwheat-kefir mixture, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist and/or gastroenterologist. The doctor will recommend a way to lose weight: a mono-diet, a fasting day, or buckwheat with the addition of other foods.

This diet is without sugar , which saturates the body with glucose, which is why people experience dizziness and fainting. In this case, honey is added to the food.

Sometimes side effects occur - constipation or diarrhea. Then they stop the diet and return to their usual diet.

To determine if the mixture is suitable, a test is carried out. Raw buckwheat with kefir is included in the daily diet once a week. If there is no diarrhea or constipation, then the diet is suitable. Buckwheat-kefir mixture is contraindicated :

  • lactating and pregnant women and women;
  • people over 60 years old;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • people with chronic liver diseases, pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis and hemorrhoids.


  • The buckwheat diet should not be accompanied by a feeling of hunger. This is an additional stress factor for the body.
  • If eating buckwheat is difficult to tolerate, add garlic, onions, herbs and lemon juice to taste.
  • Carefully monitor the date of production of kefir, since kefir made less than a day ago has a laxative effect. If kefir was made more than three days ago, it can cause constipation .
  • Cleansing the body with buckwheat and kefir, due to its high fiber content, can be accompanied by a laxative effect.
  • Cleansing the intestines is more radical when consuming steamed cereals, but if you have a sick stomach ( gastritis ), then it is better to cook the porridge.

The beneficial effects of diet on the body

The buckwheat-kefir diet cleanses and heals the body. Excess weight goes away, a feeling of lightness appears and your mood improves.

The benefits of a mixture of buckwheat and kefir:

  1. Vitamins strengthen the immune system.
  2. Iron and potassium support normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and stabilize blood pressure.
  3. Lipotropics in buckwheat protect the liver from fatty degeneration.
  4. Arginine increases the release of insulin into the blood. It lowers blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for diabetics.
  5. The fiber in buckwheat and water in kefir remove toxins and normalize the flow of bile.

Comments from nutritionists

It is necessary to take into account that the lack of salt in the diet can lead to a deterioration in overall health, headaches , and decreased blood pressure . If you feel a deterioration in your health, do not torture your body - add a little salt to the buckwheat or use soy sauce. This will not significantly impair the effectiveness of the diet, but will allow you to better tolerate it. Lack of salt is especially dangerous in hot weather and during active sports. Practice only anaerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming).

If you feel weak or irritated, take (dissolve) one teaspoon of honey in the morning or dissolve it in a glass of water and drink throughout the day. It is recommended to consume dried fruits in small quantities as a snack. Do not forget about the need to take additional vitamin complex. You can go on this diet again no earlier than two months later.


With all the listed advantages of buckwheat with milk on an empty stomach, this dish also has a number of contraindications. Like any other food, it can cause adverse effects in some cases.

It is best to consult a doctor (nutritionist) before starting to use it, who can correctly design your diet and advise you individually.

We recommend that you remember if you have an allergy or intolerance to any component in this food option.

The main contraindications are:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases in a state of exacerbation;
  • Infectious bowel diseases;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Allergy or individual intolerance;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Vascular diseases in any form.

In addition to contraindications, you should be very careful when using it if you are underweight. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a specialist and take into account all the pros and cons.

Buckwheat-kefir diet, reviews and results

The results of this diet program (like any other) vary widely - from no effect to "the best diet ever." This is not surprising, since the result and reviews are largely determined by the individual characteristics of the body (constitution, type of metabolism, lifestyle, physical activity, duration of the diet).

  • “... The popular buckwheat diet with kefir, in the mornings and throughout the day, did not impress me, I suffered for 9 days, the result was almost zero, apparently it is not suitable for everyone”;
  • “...Complete disappointment. After this diet, my metabolism was disrupted, and instead of losing weight, I gained weight. I will never lose weight using internet diets again. It’s better to contact specialists”;
  • “... I lasted only 5 days on the kefir-buckwheat diet. Buckwheat, apples, kefir are already disgusting. I have lost 2 kilograms, but mentally it is very difficult to sit on it. I will look for a more suitable diet”;
  • “... I tried many diets. Buckwheat-kefir is the best. Lost 9 kg in two weeks. My health did not suffer. Excellent cleansing of the body. I recommend to all";
  • “... My result surprised all my friends - minus 10 kg in 14 days. True, several times I was on the verge of a breakdown, but with an effort of will I endured”;
  • “... This diet allowed me to feel like a woman again. Lost 13 kg in a month. True, I was on a gentle diet. I included additional chicken, cottage cheese, various vegetables, and dried fruits in the diet. This makes it easier to bear, although it takes longer. I walked a lot”;
  • “... Although I lost only 3 kg in a week, I am very pleased: my overall health has improved, I feel more energetic, and allergic rashes have gone away. I will practice it regularly, as well as “sit down” on kefir-buckwheat fasting days.”

As evidenced by reviews of those who have lost weight on the kefir-buckwheat diet, the psychological attitude, reasonable combinations of foods in the diet and the correct way out of the diet are of great importance.

Buckwheat and kefir for weight loss - reviews

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  • buckwheat is healthy
  • inexpensive and simple


  • strength of will

Good day to all! Today I would like to share with you my experience with the kefir-buckwheat diet. It was recommended to me by my good friend, who herself lost about 10 kilograms on this diet. I also wanted to lose weight, so I decided to try it. The diet lasts two weeks. For two weeks you need to eat one buckwheat porridge and drink a liter of kefir. At first everything was fine, you can eat as much buckwheat as you like, you can also drink plain water. But by the end of the first week, the buckwheat porridge began to become boring, and I wanted to break away. But since I had very strong motivation, I decided to endure. And for good reason. By the end of the diet, I weighed 11 kilograms less. I was very pleased with the result, and this without much physical exertion. In no case should you completely eliminate physical activity. After all, then the skin will simply sag. This diet is not suitable for everyone. For example, this diet is not suitable for pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetics. In general, before any diet you need to consult a doctor, but I didn’t do this. My weight has dropped, and now I’m trying to keep it off.

I recommend this diet to everyone!!



  • buckwheat is healthy
  • does not cause hunger
  • inexpensive and simple
  • good for fasting days


  • bored with monotony
  • strength of will

The first time I started eating buckwheat was in March, I spent a week on buckwheat with kefir. You don’t feel hungry, you are always full, since the size is not limited and you can eat a normal portion of buckwheat, which will fill you up. After a week of dieting, I fell ill with ARVI and interrupted the diet, deciding that I wanted hot mashed potatoes, chicken soup, milk, honey, jelly, raspberries, etc. Having recovered, I decided to return to buckwheat. It was already April. I served 10 years, instead of the required 14, because I realized that my hack work had gone too far, not only did I start adding salt to the buckwheat first (although this is prohibited), but then I realized that I also had ketchup on the plate, since without Not only did I not eat this buckwheat, but I couldn’t even smell it. As a result, I got to the point where I couldn’t eat even a spoonful of ketchup, I was so sick of this buckwheat. I started drinking only kefir, fortunately I still liked it, but with kefir, unlike buckwheat, you can’t get enough of it, it just fills your stomach and after 30 minutes you’re wildly hungry again. In general, I gave up this buckwheat and decided to go on a drinking diet in 2 weeks (well, as it were, from May 1).

Summing up the buckwheat diet:

In a week I lost 3 kg for the first time, and it all came back within 4 days of the usual diet. For the second time, 4 kg went away in two weeks and came back within a week (initial weight 70 kg with height 173). In general, I am a complete failure with this diet. I think it really helps only if you sit for a month or more, and such monotony is not suitable for everyone.



  • Effectively
  • inexpensive.


  • Quite a heavy diet.

Good day to all. Today I want to share my personal experience of losing weight on the kefir-buckwheat diet. I went on this diet on the advice of friends, not as a way to lose weight, but to cleanse the body of toxins. In general, the diet is not bad, simple, accessible, and cheap. There is no need to cook buckwheat here, but pour 1% kefir overnight and eat it the next day (without salt and sugar).

This diet was quite difficult for me personally. If you are on this diet and strictly follow it, then somewhere on the second or third day you start running to the toilet. Therefore, it is advisable to stay at home during this diet. Since you can’t eat anything other than buckwheat on kefir without salt and sugar (just drink a lot of water), you still don’t get enough and you still feel hungry. There is also weakness throughout the body, lethargy, and you want to sleep. But the result is worth it. When I was on a diet, I drank a lot of water and also took a multivitamin complex.

In general, the diet is not bad, for those who need quick results, this is it. Who finds it difficult to sit purely on buckwheat and kefir? You can naturally add other foods to your diet. For example, fruits, vegetables, herbs (only in moderation and preferably without salt and sugar). And then the result will definitely meet all expectations.



  • satisfying
  • buckwheat is healthy
  • inexpensive and simple
  • convenient and effective diet
  • good for fasting days


  • There may be dizziness and weakness
  • bored with monotony

Girls THIS IS THE BOMB!! This is the best diet! I couldn’t lose weight for TWO years, and then, lying in bed with cookies and a laptop, I realized that in a week I had to fly to the sea, and this became a great motivation! I weigh 53 kg, I know that for some this is an excellent weight, but not for me, I am very short, 153 cm, and with small breasts and butt, that is, my dim spots on my sides and stomach are very noticeable. And so I decided. The first day went well, but how I wanted to quit everything and start tomorrow, but I held out. The second day I just slept through all my meals and drank only kefir. The third and fourth days went very well, and on the fifth day I drank only one glass of kefir and ate 4 apples. I brewed buckwheat like this: cover a glass of buckwheat with two glasses of boiling water and overnight. This portion was enough for me for two days. And now, it’s already the 6th day, and I’m happy with the result! I won’t continue because I need to quit the diet, and guess how much I lost in 5 days?? I lost 8 kg!! No seriously! I was shocked myself!!! I didn’t gain my weight during this time, but now I’m BINGO 45 kg!! This is just a great diet!! I recommend her to everyone!! And if you sit on it as expected for 2 weeks, it will be absolutely perfect!


This is not a diet, this is a mockery of the body, you can endure it, especially if you have serious motivation and great willpower and lose weight well, but then everything lost will return.

I was on this diet in my distant youth, lost 8 kilograms in 10 days, my stomach just sank, my jeans were falling off and I felt very light, but after 3 weeks of eating normally, all the lost kilograms returned to their places!

And during these 3 weeks I didn’t eat exclusively cakes and fried potatoes, I even had a calorie deficit, but apparently my body was so hungry that every calorie was eaten with pleasure and saved!

No, and again no, I think that this is not the right way to lose weight, you shouldn’t mock yourself like that, the slower you lose weight, the more likely it is that the weight won’t come back!


The simplest but most effective diet, especially before summer. The point is simple - only 2 products are allowed. Buckwheat is not boiled, but steamed, no salt, oil or other additives. No more than half a kilo of raw cereal per day. We divide it into three steps.

In a week it took me 5(!) kilograms. I did this: breakfast - a portion of porridge, snack - kefir, lunch - porridge, afternoon snack - kefir, dinner - porridge and kefir before bed. You can eat a couple of green (namely green) apples a day and take vitamins. Be sure to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. And it curbs your appetite and washes away salts, and excess liquid does not stagnate.

(luchik) Olga


  • Effective for weight loss


  • Malfunction of the liver and stomach
  • sudden weight loss
  • discomfort throughout the body

The question of whether a particular diet is beneficial or harmful often remains an open question. This is due to individual tolerance to products and metabolic characteristics. Like many others, I tried a diet with buckwheat porridge and kefir. One time was enough for the rest of my life. The essence of the diet was that nothing except buckwheat and kefir should be consumed and the duration of taking these products should be at least two weeks. I cooked buckwheat in water and did not add salt. I took kefir with a fat content of two and a half percent. Digestive problems appeared on the fifth day. My liver and kidneys began to ache. At first I didn’t connect it with the diet, but I went to see a therapist. I received a scolding from her and a referral for tests.

The result was that the oxalates in the blood simply went off scale, which made it difficult for the kidneys. My stomach hurt too. After such an event, it took about two months to restore the liver, stomach and calm the kidneys. As a nutritionist later explained to me, this diet is very poor in vitamins and nutrients and therefore very dangerous for health. The kilograms that fly away in a short time very easily return, and the body endures stress, which does not contribute to either beauty or health.


If you don't like buckwheat, it's better not to even try. I love you, and by the end of the week I was ready to climb the wall.

It is very difficult to sit for 7 days on buckwheat alone without oil and salt. The only thing that saves you is that you don’t feel hungry, buckwheat is filling. You can’t boil it, just fill it with water, that is, the taste is terrible, kefir smoothes it out a little, but you can only have a liter of kefir per day.

After such a meal you want to drink a lot, and this is for the best, it kills hunger and is healthy. I managed to lose 6 kilos in a week, this is wonderful, although it was not in vain that I suffered, but I cannot give the diet the highest rating, it is very painful.

(Tay) Tamil


  • Diet simplicity


  • It's hard to bear

The buckwheat diet is one of the most effective and most difficult (morally speaking) diets. In order for you to survive the entire period, you need to do everything right.

When cooked, any cereal loses many microelements and vitamins, so it is better to pour buckwheat overnight. You can use low-fat kefir, or just water (after rinsing it well first).

Start your day with a glass of water, then you can eat grapefruit, or an apple, then buckwheat. There are no restrictions on the amount of buckwheat. In addition to porridge, you can eat 2-3 grapefruits and 1-2 apples per day. Be sure to drink plenty of water up to 2.0 liters per day.

Dear ladies, before going on any diet, undergo a full examination by doctors! Find out your health problems and only then choose your diet. Everyone wants to be slim and beautiful! But you don’t want to be slim but sick!!



  • cheap


  • harm to health

It seems to have so many good reviews, and it’s simple with familiar ingredients. Yes, all this is true, but as for me there are more disadvantages than advantages, namely: monotony, it is not only boring but also harmful, yes yes HARMFUL!!! If you don't believe me, consult a nutritionist.



  • Nutritious
  • useful
  • ease
  • weight goes away unnoticed


  • Hair fall out

Good afternoon my dear readers, I wanted to tell you about this amazing diet! We all know that buckwheat is very healthy and very nutritious for our body. If you follow this diet for a week, you will immediately notice the result. Feel the lightness in your body and get rid of insomnia. I followed this diet for three weeks and lost seven kilograms. I also drank low-fat kefir. But of course, after this diet, my hair often began to fall out, my nails peeled, and I had large bags on my eyes. And then I added more vegetables and fruits to my diet. And thanks to this, my hair began to fall out less. Now I feel very comfortable in any clothes.



  • buckwheat is healthy
  • inexpensive and simple
  • good for fasting days


  • There may be dizziness and weakness
  • bored with monotony

Like many “always losing weight,” I have already tried a number of diets, one of which was kefir-buckwheat.

The point of this diet is that for a week you eat only buckwheat and drink a liter of kefir a day. I poured boiling water over the buckwheat overnight and covered it with a lid, and in the morning the porridge was ready to eat. I couldn’t eat buckwheat just like that, it didn’t go down my throat, so I washed it down with kefir, and it turned out even tasty.

The first and second days were tolerable, but on the third day I felt dizzy, I guess this was due to the lack of salt and sugar and my blood pressure dropped.

In the end, of course, I didn’t last a week, it lasted me three days, but I lost 3 kg, and the volume went down noticeably.

But in general, I can say that this diet can be used simply as fasting days and there is no need to overdo it! It's better to eat right and exercise!



  • Available


  • Tough

Somehow I decided to lose 3-4 kilograms. After wandering around the Internet, I found a relatively attractive option for myself - a buckwheat diet with kefir.

Its principle is very simple:

For 14 days you need to eat only buckwheat porridge, without salt and sugar. For greater usefulness, it is recommended not to cook the cereal, but to pour boiling water over it overnight; it is better to steam it in a thermos, but you can also wrap it in a saucepan. By the end of the period, you can add a little dried apricots, prunes or apples. Additionally, you are allowed to drink one liter of kefir 1-1.5% fat. If you want, pour porridge over it.

I have a normal attitude towards buckwheat, it is rich in iron, B vitamins, etc. I was glad that you can eat it in any quantity, without restrictions.

The decision was taken. Unsalted grains, poured with boiling water in the evening, turned out crumbly by morning. The cereal turned out to be swollen and soggy. When chewed, it is dry, disgusting, with some kind of metallic taste. Having somehow swallowed a small portion of this delicacy for breakfast, I decided not to stop there and continue the diet.

At lunch I had difficulty eating, and for dinner I already drank only kefir. Where can you eat without restrictions when one spoonful of cereal is across your throat?

On the second day of the diet, headaches appeared. Of course, glucose is not supplied, but the work is mental. The allowed spoon of honey did not save the situation. The second one too...

Third day: breakfast - porridge, from lunch on kefir. Increased fatigue, bad mood, tiredness.

On the fourth day I prepared a miracle dish with the addition of dried apricots. Chewing was more fun in the morning. It didn’t go well during the day, I drank kefir until the evening.

From the fifth day I completely switched to it.

I lasted a couple more days. I couldn't stand it anymore.


A couple of kilograms lost came back within two days of eating normally. Persistent disgust in buckwheat for six months. I thought I would never put it in my mouth again. But no, I forgot. Depressed mood, poor health and, to the heap, the husband’s nervous system was tested to the limit.

I realized for myself:

I will no longer rape my body with buckwheat, even if it were at least a million times useful and cleansing.

Of course, any diet is stressful. Most likely this one just didn't suit me.

(Vesnaa) Vesna


  • Strong cleansing
  • normalizes intestinal function


  • Some may not like the taste

My mother was on such a diet, I would even say cleansing. The result is very good, I lost 4 kilograms in ten days. Everyone complains about the taste, I don’t like the taste either, but my mother says it’s quite pleasant and she eats it with pleasure.

This method works flawlessly, in addition to the fact that extra pounds are lost, a strong cleansing of the body occurs. By the age of 40, the human body accumulates about five kilograms of slag stones. So, such cleanings need to be carried out periodically.

My mother did not follow any special diets; the essence of this method is to eat buckwheat in the morning. By the way, in the first days you can feel the cleansing very strongly. Mom says that she begins to feel lightness throughout her body after 3-4 days.

You need to take it like this:

  • 2 tablespoons of raw buckwheat, rinse and pour a glass (200 ml) of kefir. You need to do this in the evening and put it in the refrigerator until the morning.
  • Next, in the morning, eat the resulting porridge; the buckwheat will swell and become soft. Do not eat anything for two hours, you can only drink a glass of water. The course is 14 days; those who suffer severely can be increased to 21 days.

The extra kilograms will definitely go away. My mother's lesions were primarily removed from the sides and abdomen.

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