How to independently select the working weight of dumbbells and weights

The choice here depends entirely on your training goals. To keep your body in good shape while doing fitness, one-piece equipment is suitable. They are available in different designs and can have disc, round or hexagonal weights. The latter has an important advantage: it is guaranteed not to roll anywhere if you place it on the floor. Some manufacturers offer other forms.

If you are seriously interested in strength training and building muscle mass, collapsible models are a must. For arms, legs, and body you need shells of different weights, and over time you will begin to work with increased weight. A set with removable pancakes will be relevant for quite a long time. And after a couple of months, the one-piece options will turn out to be too light for effective training, and you will need to buy new ones.

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Dumbbells for women: what weight to choose, trainers' recommendations

Today, sports paraphernalia stores offer a huge selection of equipment of different sizes and weights. Often, customers are faced with the question of what weights to buy for certain sports and what weight of dumbbells to choose for a woman? To answer them, you need to understand in detail the purposes of using this projectile.

Criteria for choosing dumbbells

The main criteria that you should pay attention to in order to make the best choice of weights for women are:

  1. Type of construction (collapsible parts or solid projectile).
  2. Weight.
  3. Ease of use.

Solid dumbbells are a design that consists of a metal bar with two balls at opposite ends. A significant disadvantage of the monolith is the inability to adjust the weight of the projectile.

However, this kind of dumbbells have a number of advantages:

  • The monolithic design is more convenient to handle; there is no need to constantly assemble and disassemble parts.
  • Dumbbells are less dangerous.
  • It is much more convenient to hold the bar of a solid weighting material.

Answering the question of what weight of dumbbells to choose for a woman in this case is problematic. Because for a beginner athlete, a lighter equipment is purchased, and for a trained athlete, a heavier one.

Despite all the advantages of a monolithic design, collapsible dumbbells are still considered the best choice. They, in turn, are divided as follows:

  1. Classic ones - a solid bar and plates, like those attached to a barbell. Their weight ranges from 1.5 to 10 kg. They are secured with special locks.
  2. Variable weights have small dials and levers to change the weight. Such projectiles are produced with clamps that fit onto the bar and other components.

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Which dumbbells are best to buy?

Dumbbells are one of the main sports equipment that is used to perform exercises for different muscle groups, develop endurance and strengthen joints. All of them can be divided into two main types:

Non-separable and solid

The design of such dumbbells is a single whole. All disks and the handle are made either in the form of a monolith or are firmly connected to each other.


Here the bar and discs in similar dumbbells are divided between. This allows you not to purchase a large set of dumbbells with different weights, but to limit yourself to one pair. Models of this class are suitable for people with any level of training, since the athlete himself can choose the desired load. Such dumbbells are more expensive than non-separable ones.

The weight of the dumbbells purchased is chosen depending on the purpose of the training.

To tone the body or for endurance training, light weight dumbbells are required. To develop strength and build muscle mass, heavy dumbbells are used in exercises with a low number of repetitions.

But even in the case of strength training, beginners will not use dumbbells as heavy as experienced athletes. Considering the speed of initial growth in results, it is advisable for beginners to purchase collapsible dumbbells with adjustable weight. This will allow you to first practice the exercise technique with minimal load, and then progress by increasing the weight of the apparatus.

The material used affects not only the quality of the dumbbells, but also their dimensions. Metal dumbbells are the most durable and, while weighing more, take up less space than padded dumbbells.

A serious advantage (especially for heavy dumbbells) will be the presence of notches on the handle. This will protect the athlete from injury and increase comfort during exercise.

For home activities, it is better to purchase equipment with a soft coating to protect the floor from damage due to falls or accidental impacts. In addition, the ribbed shape of the discs will be a plus, preventing the dumbbell from rolling on the floor. It’s good if a storage box or rack comes with the dumbbells.

For home workouts

It is quite obvious that depending on physical fitness and the focus of training, different weights of dumbbells are selected. According to fitness trainers, at the beginning of the training process, the optimal weight of dumbbells for women is approximately the following:

  • squats and lunges from 7–10 kg;
  • leg swing - 5 kg;
  • all types of exercises to work the muscles of the chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps - from 3 to 7 kg.

Before starting active training, it is recommended to start with 2–10 kg of weight; if necessary, the load can be increased over time. The main mistakes made by novice athletes include incorrectly selected dumbbell weights. As a result, this will not only not bring the expected result, but can also injure an unprepared body.

For weight loss

If the goal of training is mainly to lose weight, then the answer to the question of what dumbbell weight to choose for women will be a weight of 2–3 kg.

To achieve results with dumbbells, you need to exercise 3 or 4 times a week, if possible with rhythmic music. This will allow you not to slow down the active pace of your training. In this case, it is better to purchase a one-piece projectile with a rubber coating for better grip. The rich color of the dumbbell will be a bonus; training will be associated with something bright and joyful.

For tightening and building muscles

What weight of dumbbells to choose for women to tone and build muscles? It is better to opt for collapsible weights with a weight of 2–12 kg or a full row of dumbbells in the amount of 10 pieces. To figure out which is better, you need to study both options in detail. For a dozen dumbbells, you will undoubtedly need a rack. This is not a cheap pleasure and takes up a lot of space.

However, the advantages are:

  • saving time, no need to assemble and disassemble dumbbells and be distracted from training;
  • there is less chance of injury as a result of falling of a poorly screwed part;
  • the ability to quickly change weights and pair training.

In favor of the collapsible design, it is worth noting the compactness of the dumbbell; if it is not needed, it can always be removed, which cannot be done with a whole arsenal of weights. And of course, a significantly lower price for the projectile. Before use, you need to pay attention to how well the structure is assembled so as not to get injured.

To ensure that the product retains its appearance for a long time and does not scratch the floor covering, it is recommended to choose dumbbells with rubberized plates. As for the weight range from 2 to 12 kg, the fact is that gradually increasing load helps to tighten and build muscles.

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How to choose weight for bulking?

Mass training is performed quite slowly and very carefully. In this case, the number of repetitions in the approach must be kept within 8-12. But this does not mean that you simply stop performing at this number of repetitions. This means that the weight should be such that you cannot do more even with a very strong desire.

When training to gain mass, it is recommended to use the so-called “warm-up” approach, in which you “warm up” and practice the technique with a light weight, and then perform the required number of approaches with a weight close to the maximum.

For practicing strikes

What weight of dumbbells should a woman choose for her arms when practicing punches? In this case, 0.5-1 kg is enough for beginners and 1 to 2 kg for women at a more advanced level of physical fitness. It all depends on the individual.

Since the training takes place at an active pace, the projectile tends to fly out of your hands at any moment. Therefore, the main requirement for dumbbells is a comfortable, rubberized handle that will be held tightly in the hand.

Rules for training with dumbbells

Training with dumbbells does not have any special differences. With these equipment you can perform the same exercises as with a barbell in the gym.

The only thing I recommend paying attention to is technique in complex movements, such as deadlifts, bent-over rows and others (that is, exercises that are more common to do with a barbell). Due to the fact that the weight is held in each hand separately, the technique may be disrupted, so I recommend working with a trainer. For those who train at home on their own, you can simply record a video of the exercise and then study it for errors in the technique.

Proper nutrition

I advise you not to forget that physical activity is only one side of the coin. Nutrition plays an equally important, and sometimes even more important, role both when gaining muscle and during cutting. Therefore, try to consume enough protein, complex carbohydrates instead of simple ones, and healthy fats.

How to determine the dumbbell weight for a specific exercise

Weight is determined exclusively by practical means, as in any exercise in strength sports. However, I strongly advise starting with light weights. It’s better to do 10 sets of ladder exercises than to immediately lift a lot of weight. In this case, injury can only be avoided by a miracle.

After figuring out the required working weight for different exercises, I advise you to write it down in your training diary. This will allow you not to get confused, correctly combine exercises with each other (those that can be done with the same weight) and track your progress.

Special recommendations and care

In some cases, it is better to postpone training with dumbbells or train with caution:

  1. The weight of dumbbells for beginner women should be minimal. Trainers note that people always try to increase the load when the body is not yet ready for it.
  2. If you have an injury, you must first fully recover. If the process of remission has begun, they begin work only with the permission of the doctor, with minimal stress on the body.
  3. Pregnant women are allowed to exercise only after consulting a doctor. Training is best done outdoors, and the weight of the dumbbell should not exceed 2 kg.

In order for sports equipment to retain its original appearance longer and be used for a long time, it is important to ensure proper care:

  • Do not get the dumbbells wet; just wipe them with a dry or slightly damp cloth.
  • If the removable plates are not rubberized, their threaded interior and neck tips will need to be lubricated from time to time.
  • During use, do not throw the dumbbells; over time, they can become damaged and become unusable.

The weight of dumbbells for women should be selected in accordance with the age, health and physical fitness of the athlete.

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

By including exercises with dumbbells in your workout, you can quickly achieve the desired result, lose weight, tone your muscles, and so on.

For women who are in excellent physical shape, exercising with weights will allow them to stay in shape without grueling workouts.

How to choose dumbbells?

When choosing, consider the type of dumbbells, weight, grip comfort and the ability to gradually increase the load.
Pay attention to the handle. Handles can be metal or rubberized. The rubberized handle fits better in the hand and does not slip (read about exercises with dumbbells for women). If you plan to exercise to stay toned, choose lightweight solid dumbbells. If you are focused on strength training and gaining muscle mass, choose collapsible dumbbells (read how to pump up various muscles with dumbbells).

Dumbbells for weight loss

Along with choosing the weight, we will help you decide what and how to do with the newly purchased dumbbells.

To lose weight, you need to choose a light weight. For women, 1 weight option will be enough, for example, 2 kg. With this weight you will need to train 3-4 times a week, preferably with rhythmic music to constantly maintain the tempo of the workout.

The dumbbell should be solid, rubberized, colored (the latter is to lift your mood).

Turn on the music and start doing various exercises with this weight. Don’t forget to do the same without weight before doing this - this will be a mandatory warm-up.

The following exercises are suitable for women:

  • Lunges with dumbbells on the legs and buttocks.
  • Various types of squats (classic, plie, with weight on the chest, etc.).
  • Russian crunches with a dumbbell for the abs. In addition to regular crunches.
  • Bicep curls at the elbow while standing.
  • Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides (across the sides) onto the shoulders.
  • Raise dumbbells in front of you with each hand alternately, not the front of your shoulders.

Do 10-15 repetitions for each exercise. Number of approaches – 3–4. You can do exercises in a circle. That is, according to each person’s approach, then all over again. You will need to make 3-4 such circles. Rest between sets should be minimal.

By the way, if we are talking about 2 kg, then you can take bottles of the corresponding volume. This is in case you are really tight on money, but want to study. And instead of a step platform, you can use a low, stable stool. Keep in mind that the stool can slip out from under your feet, fall, or break. In this regard, the step platform is many times better and more reliable. And holding bottles is not as convenient as dumbbells.

Core workout

Before starting a workout, you need to warm up your muscles. To do this, you can do a few vigorous swings of your limbs or run in place for 5-10 minutes.

The next exercise is a classic bench press, which is performed in the same position. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor, your abdominals are tense, and your knees are bent at right angles. Holding dumbbells in your hands, place your palms in your chest area. Slowly press the weight up, squeezing your pectoral muscles as much as possible. At the top point, pause for a few moments and smoothly lower your arms. For women's fitness to be effective enough, control every movement. The total number of approaches is 4 sets of 12 repetitions.

A complete workout for the pectoral muscles is impossible without such a fitness exercise as dumbbell flyes. There are many options for doing this: on an exercise ball, on an incline bench and lying on the floor. The latest version is the most accessible and therefore used more often than others. Dumbbell raises must be done in several stages:

  • lie on the training mat with your stomach up;
  • Stretch your arms with dumbbells towards the ceiling, but do not straighten them completely. Palms should be facing each other;
  • Without straightening your elbows, spread your arms wide to the sides;
  • when your limbs almost touch the floor, freeze for a few seconds;
  • smoothly return to the starting position;
  • do 4 sets of 12 repetitions.

It is not for nothing that this exercise is performed slowly, because it is considered very traumatic. If you want to make the task more difficult, do not increase the pace, but try the version with a rise of the body. In this case, you will need a bench, the surface of which should be set at an angle of 45 degrees. Arm raises on a bench are performed according to the classic pattern, but the main load falls on the upper chest.

Squats. In the standard version, the legs are positioned shoulder-width apart and dumbbells are held in the hands. The buttocks must be slowly pulled back and lowered down so that at the lowest point they are parallel to the knees. You can't bend your back. It is better to stay at the bottom for 3-5 seconds and quickly return to the starting position. You should do 4 sets of 20 squats (the interval between sets is no more than a minute).

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