Practical advice and exercises from a plastic surgeon to maintain a youthful face

This article is devoted to the problem elimination of double chin. If you are interested in the question of how to increase/reduce the chin protrusion, go to the article “ CHIN PLASTY“.
How to remove a double chin? This question concerns not only “adults”, but also very young girls. And men (to be honest) often turn to us with a request to reduce their double chin. If you have already tried exercises, massages and other “home remedies” and are convinced of their weak effectiveness, it’s time to learn about real ways to solve this problem.

Is it possible to remove a double chin without surgery?

It depends on how old you are and how big the problem is. For young girls and teenagers, it is often enough to start eating right and doing exercise so that excess fat disappears and the skin shrinks on its own. But in adults this is almost hardly possible, but they can often be helped with minimally invasive methods.

For younger patients whose skin retains the ability to contract on its own, we can recommend effective procedures and modern methods of “correction without a scalpel.” The most effective are chin liposuction and neck lift using various threads.

Older patients with pronounced skin folds and significant deposits of fatty tissue may require more radical plastic surgery with excision and suturing of excess skin and soft tissue in the neck area. Thus, even in the most difficult cases, you can remove a double chin quite effectively and quickly (read more about surgical methods here).

How to remove a double chin

Why does a double chin appear?

  • As a rule, a fold under the chin appears with age, when the elasticity of the skin deteriorates, muscles weaken, and soft tissues undergo ptosis (sink under the influence of gravity). A slight sagging under the jaw also appears in thin people, but for overweight people this problem is more obvious due to excess fat, which significantly increases the appearance of the double chin.
  • Incorrect posture and head position when walking and sitting contribute to the appearance of a double chin.
  • Heredity also plays a role. A peculiarity of the body may be the deposition of fat in the chin area. If this area acts as a fat trap for you, then getting rid of a double chin will require the help of a cosmetologist and a little more effort on your part.
  • In a small number of cases, a fat fold in the neck area appears due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland and some other diseases. To rule out this possibility, visit your doctor.

After analyzing the reasons, you can develop a strategy to solve the problem.

How to remove a double chin

In general, we deal with the double chin in the same way as with other problem areas that require correction.

  • If you are overweight, we set a goal to reduce it. We are losing weight, of course, not only in the chin. You will find a lot of material about weight loss on our blog and on the Internet. Please note that although you will find comprehensive information on this subject, there is no guarantee that you will be able to lose weight on your own. It would be safer to contact a qualified Apecsmed specialist and act according to an individual plan.
  • Strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin. There are many different exercises offered, but the point is the same - to make the necessary muscles work every day.
  • Improving posture. Sports, strengthening the back muscles and constant self-control will help you cope with this task. Obvious, but hard to do, right?
  • We tighten the skin and eliminate fat in the double chin area. This can be done in different ways. For example, with the help of many recommended home remedies, creams, massages and more. You can try, but you will only find out the effectiveness of all these remedies for you through trial and error, losing a colossal amount of time, effort and money.

A more rational solution is to avoid experimenting on yourself and immediately consult a specialist. At the Apecsmed aesthetic medicine and weight loss clinic, you will receive an action plan that is effective just for you, including adjustments in nutrition and physical activity, selection of cosmetics, and a set of procedures.

No surgery! Modern medical cosmetology has tools that will put you in order without discomfort, pain, or rehabilitation period. Apecsmed can offer the following techniques:

  • Aqualyx,
  • injection mesotherapy,
  • non-injection mesotherapy,
  • lymphatic drainage massage,
  • ozone therapy,
  • cavitation,
  • RF face lifting,
  • lifting with 3D mesothreads,
  • plasmolifting.

Cosmetologists at the Apecsmed clinic have the knowledge, experience, and technology so that you no longer wonder about how to remove a double chin. Weigh the pros and cons carefully and make an appointment.

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How to remove a double chin WITHOUT surgery?

First, let's look at the causes of this problem. Obviously, this is the accumulation of fat and age-related changes (gravitational ptosis) in the tissues of the neck and chin. Muscles, ligaments and skin gradually lose their elasticity, become deformed and sag.

How can we remove a double chin, and do it quickly? Obviously, this requires first removing excess fat and then tightening the weakened tissue to create a beautiful right angle between the neck and jaw lines.

To recreate the beautiful contours of the neck, you must first get rid of excess fat deposits. It is unlikely that exercise will help you in this matter; physiotherapy can remove excessive swelling, but the effect will be short-term. So…

Why does a double chin appear?

First, let's look at the physiology and structure of the face. The human face in the chin area consists of three layers - muscle tissue, fatty tissue and skin. All three layers can be subject to structural changes. For example, a layer of muscle tissue loses its elasticity as a result of general age-related changes, which leads to gradual sagging of the muscles. The second layer, subcutaneous fat, under a number of circumstances can significantly increase in volume. At the same time, the third layer, the skin, is stretched. That is, it is appropriate to say that three types of tissue are to blame for the problem of a double chin. Therefore, it is difficult to eliminate a double chin by acting on only one layer—comprehensive measures are needed, aimed at all types of tissue at once.

One of the most common reasons for the formation of a double chin is excess weight. The deposition of fatty tissue on the chin is genetically determined: for some people, this area begins to gain weight after all other parts of the body, and for others, fat is primarily deposited on the face. However, sometimes a situation can arise when a person is objectively thin, but at the same time has a double chin. Genetics is again responsible for this. The problem may also affect people taking hormonal drugs to treat a disease. For example, glucocorticoids affect the redistribution of fatty tissue in the chin and neck area.

Also, sometimes a double chin is confused with a congenital anatomical nuance, namely with a smoothed angle between the mandibular and mental zones. This nuance is not associated with the deposition of fatty tissue and is corrected by completely different methods. In this case, serious reconstructive surgery on the lower jaw will be required.

Double chin removal with threads and other methods of non-surgical neck lift

If we see that the original skin turgor is weakened and it requires additional support, vector lifting and thread lifting methods are usually used. Modern “reinforcement” technologies make it possible to compensate for the lack of elasticity and achieve beautiful lines at the cervical-chin angle.

A good effect can be achieved by laser or some hardware procedures designed to stimulate intracellular renewal processes that accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helping to restore the natural density and elasticity of the skin.

In the most difficult cases (with significant excess and sagging skin), more radical surgical methods can be used: neck lift with endotins and other methods of surgical tightening of the neck and lower face area - see more here.

How to remove a double chin quickly?

If a double chin has just appeared, the problem can be quickly solved with the help of various exercises that maintain the tone of the mental muscle and help eliminate excess fat tissue.

But if the problem has already manifested itself in all its glory, the double chin has already formed, age does not allow you to hope for a miraculous relief from it with the help of massage, or you need to remove the double chin in the shortest possible time, then plastic surgery or the latest technologies of aesthetic medicine will help you.

Non-surgical procedures


Mesotherapy is a course of intradermal microinjections. Its action is aimed at improving metabolism and providing tissues with oxygen. Mesotherapy helps restore elasticity and firmness to the skin and is a preventive method that prevents premature aging and the formation of a double chin.


Another effective method of combating double chin without surgery is Aqualyx . It is used in cases where there is a fold of fat from 3 to 5 cm. The lipolytic is injected into the fatty tissue through a syringe and within a month the double chin gradually disappears. The result is observed after just one procedure, and to obtain a more pronounced effect, only 2-3 procedures will be required.

For less pronounced folds, an indirect lipolytic is used.

Fractional thermolysis

There is another effective method of combating a double chin - fractional thermolysis, which is a laser tightening . It affects the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue. After the first manipulations, you can evaluate the visible result, and after 4-5 visits to a specialist, you can completely get rid of the problem.


Fading skin becomes elastic again with the help of thermolifting. Radio waves deeply affect the skin, tighten and tighten it. There is a so-called effect of heating and “burning” fat cells. In general, the skin is comprehensively healed and returns to its best condition.

Causes of a double chin

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of a double chin. Among them:

  • genetic predisposition: in this case, a double chin will be a characteristic feature of the body constitution from childhood;
  • unbalanced diet: predominance of fatty and salty foods in the diet;
  • lack of regular physical activity: a sedentary lifestyle due to deterioration of metabolism leads not only to weight gain, but also to varying degrees of obesity;
  • inevitable age-related changes: in women after 40–45 years of age, the process of skin renewal slows down under the influence of hormones, natural firmness and elasticity decrease (in men, this process occurs much later, since the structure of their skin is denser);
  • passion for diets and fasting: it is bad to overeat, but not to eat enough is also bad, since with strict and constant diets the body is deprived of a lot of necessary vitamins, minerals, fats, which immediately affects the condition of the integument. A sharp loss of kilograms reduces not only the volume of adipose tissue, but also the amount of fluid in the body, which leads to sagging of the skin under the lower jaw and a displacement of the entire contour of the oval;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland: they can disrupt the contour located directly in the larynx area;
  • poor posture: weak back muscles make a person stoop; when moving, his head is always slightly lowered down, which contributes to the formation of a double chin;
  • constant work at the computer: while in a sitting position, a person constantly lowers his head down and then raises it, which causes the neck muscles to weaken and the skin to stretch, forming folds under the lower jaw;
  • improper sleep: a high pillow or too soft mattress will provoke changes in the contour of the face.
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