How to lose weight in a girl’s calves: exercises and trainer’s advice

Is it possible to lose weight only in your calves?

First of all, I want to destroy some myths. First of all, Santa Claus does not exist. Secondly, it’s not the brownie Kuzya who empties the refrigerator at night, but you. Thirdly, it is impossible .

Let's figure out why this happens? And now I don’t want to talk about eating sausage at night, although you shouldn’t remain silent about this either.

I want to tell you how our body works. And it’s structured in a very interesting way.

Many people think - I’ll pump up my abs, and my stomach and sides will go away, I’ll get six-packs, a crowd of fans and a millionaire husband . In fact, we only get greasy fingers from the cream, because I’m so great, I worked out for 15 minutes and deserved this piece of cake . And the fat remained there, just as it was there.

The trouble is that fat is not burned locally , no matter how much we would like it. Only surgeons are trained in this magic and it is called liposuction.

Our body works on a different principle. For example, you work out your abs, and the fat disappears from your chin.

“Where is the connection?” - you ask, but there is no connection. It’s just that our body takes fat from all over the body as energy, but in some places the fat goes away faster, in others more slowly. And, as a rule, the place where we want to lose weight stores fat more than all other parts of the body. Therefore, he will be the last to leave from there.

What's the conclusion? Be patient, stay hydrated and exercise. Your calves will only lose weight if you lose all the weight .

If you want your calves to lose weight, you most likely have excess weight on your thighs. They are a different story, so I wrote an article about losing weight in the hips.

Massage for weight loss in calves

Foot massage prevents congestion in the ankles, helps improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, due to which the calves become smaller in volume. If you don’t know what to do to lose weight in your calves, combine massage with exercises and stretching. You can contact a professional massage therapist who will help you get rid of swelling and feel the ease of walking in 6-10 sessions. However, light lymphatic drainage massage can be done independently at home. To do this, you will need two chairs: you will sit on one, and put your foot on the other. The massage should be done from foot to knee, with smooth and leisurely movements. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to use massage oil .

  • You need to start the massage with stroking movements in the calf muscles for 2-3 minutes, moving from the foot to the knee.
  • Then the muscles begin to warm up. You need to grab them with your hands, stretch them one by one and relieve tension.
  • Perform a drainage movement. You need to grab your foot with both hands on the ankle and, with tension, move it towards the knee. Repeat the movement 3-4 times.
  • Finish the massage with stroking movements for several minutes.

What do we have to do?

As I said above, to lose weight in calves, we need to stop believing in miracles and start:

  • eat proper and healthy food;
  • cut down your portions a little;
  • exercise regularly.


Proper nutrition is not a water diet , when you drink two glasses of water a day and look at dumplings three times.
Proper nutrition is a healthy, nutritious diet , not wild hunger.

I have dispelled the myth that a diet will help you purposefully lose weight in your legs and thighs here.

You need to eat enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates so that your body is ready to perform all the tasks facing it, especially training hard .

If you go to the gym and at the same time starve, then when they pump you out after the third hungry fainting in a week, they will simply return your money for the subscription and ask you never to appear here again.

Food is our energy; due to the calories consumed, our body can fully function. But this doesn’t mean that you need to stuff three plates of dumplings at night with the thought that you need strength for tomorrow’s workout.

After a week of such a diet, you will need strength just to tear your butt off the couch, not to mention somehow pushing through the doors of the gym.

But you shouldn’t go hungry forever either. When you eat very little , your body begins to worry about you and turns on energy saving mode . He thinks that you are going through difficult times and you have nothing to eat, so you need to put aside everything that somehow miraculously ended up in your stomach as fat . And then, when everything gets even worse, use this fat to survive .

In addition, muscles in this mode simply become ballast and the body tries to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Because of this, your plump legs will become flabby, wrinkled and shapeless, like dried fruits from Ashot at the central market.

Therefore, you need to eat in moderation so that you remain in a small calorie deficit. Don't overeat and don't starve. Then your metabolism will become faster and your unwanted fat on your calves will slowly burn. But this still requires physical activity .

My recommendations regarding proper nutrition for women, as well as sample diets, are described here.


And again I will raise the question that you want to lose weight in your calves, but you will have to pump up your whole body .
Where is the logic? It's simple. As I already said, fat is not burned locally, so when training for the whole body, fat will be burned on the thighs, arms, and calves.

If you train only calves and ankles , this will not lead to weight loss specifically in these areas. You need to train your legs completely, and not just your legs, but your whole body evenly , only then will you be able to lose weight in the calves.

In addition, the muscles will be toned and the body will become toned . To do this, you need to train 2-3 times a week and do cardio 3-4 times a week for about 30-40 minutes a day.

But you should also be careful . Some ladies' calves are ready to gain 10 centimeters in volume from the slightest load on them.

In this case, any cardio that puts a lot of stress on the calf muscles is contraindicated.

This includes:

  • walking or running with an upward slope;
  • walking up stairs, using a stepper.

The best cardio options would be:

  • walking or running on a flat surface;
  • elliptical trainer (orbitrek);
  • exercise bike;
  • swimming;
  • various energy-consuming exercises or complexes of them.

I have already written an article about exercises for losing weight in your legs, read it and choose something you like.

As paradoxical as it may sound, if you want to lose weight in your calves and want your lower leg to be graceful, you need to pump it up. Please do not throw stones , this is true.

If you don’t pump them up, the fat will go away, but your lower leg won’t become beautiful and graceful. She will be beautiful when she is fit, and for this she needs to have toned muscles.

But no fanaticism , you just need to add a few calf raises. You can do this standing, sitting, lying down, whatever you want, the main thing is to lift the weight with your socks. But the weight should be small, moderate.

It will be enough to do 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions and go home with a clear conscience.

Something else

The biggest problem for ladies with plump calves is heels.

In fact, after walking all day in heels, you walked all day on your toes, and your calves received an unrealistic load.

Personally , I have never walked in heels all day , but I can say with confidence that if you want to lose weight in your calves and make them thinner, then walking in high heels should be limited.

Wraps for weight loss in calves

In order to reduce the volume of calves, it is recommended to supplement your comprehensive program with body wraps. It is best to do them in the evening, so that you can rest afterwards and the mixtures used have maximum effect. The skin must first be cleaned and steamed by taking a shower or bath. Then apply the prepared mixture to the calves, wrap with cling film and rest for 40-60 minutes. Then rinse off the composition with water and use a nourishing cream.

Wraps help improve metabolism in the skin and muscles, improve blood circulation and accelerate fat burning processes.

There are a large number of recipes for wraps. For calves, you can use absolutely the same compositions as for other parts of the body. For example, the following mixtures are effective:

  • Honey mustard wrap. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of mustard powder in 2-3 tablespoons of warm water and stir. Add three tablespoons of warm honey. You can soften the effect of the composition by adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it. Keep the mixture on your skin for 30-40 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.
  • Wrap with honey and sea salt. Heat three tablespoons of honey in a water bath, add a tablespoon of finely ground sea salt. If it is not available, a regular kitchen one will do. The mixture perfectly removes toxins and eliminates excess liquid, which is why the caviar quickly becomes smaller in volume. It is recommended to use it no more than once a week.
  • Honey-oil wrap. You need to thoroughly mix three tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil. Use in the traditional way. This wrap perfectly tightens the skin, makes it smooth, and gives a well-groomed appearance.

There is a more radical way to reduce the volume of calves - liposuction . Of course, everyone decides for themselves whether they need surgery, but in most cases you can do without it. In addition, if, despite all your efforts, your calves do not become slim, focus on other parts of your body that you consider to be advantages, for example, your chest or thin waist.

You can visually shape your calves using the right clothes. Of course, this will not solve the problem, but it will allow you to get at least a temporary result. Follow these tips:

  • Avoid short trousers and breeches. Those who have a problem area - calves, can pay attention to trouser styles with flares from the knee.
  • The wrong shoes visually weigh down your feet. Avoid dark, chunky boots or sandals with ankle straps or thin stilettos. High heels with medium thickness will help make your calves slimmer.
  • Focus on the waist. Use fitted clothing styles, belts and waistbands.
  • Learn to play with accessories. All kinds of headdresses and hats will help to effectively complete the look and distract attention from the part of the body that you consider problematic.

Now you know what to do to lose weight on your calves. It is best to combine all the proposed measures - an integrated approach will help achieve maximum results.

Is it possible to lose weight in your calves quickly?

Nothing happens quickly in our iron world. Everything requires time, strength and patience.

As I have said many times, if your problem area is the lower leg, and fat is deposited there more than in other parts of the body, then it will be the last place to go .

Therefore, it will not be possible to lose weight in your calves in a short period of time. Eat right, train hard and you will be happy.

How quickly you can lose weight in your calves will depend on:

  • your physical activity;
  • diet;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • starting result.

If you are very concerned about timing, then read my article about fast weight loss in your legs.

Causes of fat deposition in the calves

The shape and volume of the legs worries women no less than the condition of the waist or hips. However, it is in the calves that subcutaneous fat accumulates very actively, but is lost in the very last place. There may be several reasons why even in fragile girls and women the volume of the calf muscles does not correspond to the overall proportion of body parts.

The main ones are:

  • Hormonal disbalance. Increased levels of the female hormone estrogen and decreased testosterone affect the uneven distribution of fat deposits in the lower body.
  • Genetic predisposition (female line). Very often, the volume of calves is inherited.
  • Sports activities. Some sports place a lot of stress on the lower legs (arches of the feet), shins, and calves. Constant exercise and regular training stimulate muscle tissue, increasing its size.
  • Edema. Poor nutrition, lack of minerals and fluids, alcohol abuse and metabolic disorders lead to frequent swelling. They are the main risk factor for the appearance of excess fat in the subcutaneous part of the legs.

An increase in the volume of the calf muscles is directly related to problems of excess weight and poor lifestyle. Risk factors also include frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes due to constant stress on the Achilles muscle.

How not to overpump?

If you do everything as I wrote above, then you will not pump up your calves.
You will make them more toned, which will look much better than just a thin and flabby leg.

The main thing is not to put too much stress on your calves and try to limit walking in heels.

And if you do calf raises with a weight of 100 kg, then walk from the store with bags of 20 kg each uphill for 20 minutes, then expect trouble.

If you are afraid to pump up your legs , and want to lose weight in your calves without pumping them up, then read this article.

Physical exercise

Having changed your diet, the freed up energy should be spent on physical exercise. Sports activities do not have to be done in the gym - exercises for losing weight on calves can be done at any convenient time at home. To achieve effective results, exercise should be started immediately after switching to proper nutrition. Work on the figure and slimness of the legs should be carried out regularly, at least once every two days, or even better - daily.

When drawing up a training program, you should take into account that you cannot pump your calves using a machine. This technique will lead to an even greater increase in muscle mass, and it will be much more difficult to lose weight. The main focus of classes is muscle stretching and aerobic exercise.

The most effective exercises:

  1. Rolling from toe to heel. Exercises for training and losing weight of thick calf muscles must be done at least 15 times during the day. Stand up straight with your feet side by side. Gradually roll from toe to heel and back. How to do it: rise high on your toes, then smoothly lower onto a flat foot.
  2. Exercises with a skipping rope. Jumping helps soften the muscle mass of the legs, due to which the fat layer will decrease. You should jump rope for at least 20 minutes a day, with breaks of several hours. It is recommended to conduct classes in the morning and afternoon. You need to jump at different paces, gradually accelerating. The exercise must be carried out on a flat, not very hard surface.
  3. Stretching. Plie can be included in a set of exercises or used separately. Stretching very gently stretches the calf muscle, warming it, thus stimulating the burning of excess fat. Execution principle:

Be sure to read: An effective method for losing 10 kg in 2 weeks

In a standing position, legs are closed at the heels, toes are spread to the sides. Squat down slowly, focusing on your toes. Repeat 20-25 times per session. You can alternate with jumping rope or running in place.

  1. Exercise for posture and warming up the calf muscles. Performed while standing against a wall. Place one hand on the back of a chair or table, and extend the other to the side. Gradually rise onto your toes, trying not to lift your back from the wall. After standing on your toes for 3-5 seconds, smoothly lower onto your heels. Repeat 30-40 times during the day (at least 10 times per lesson).
  2. Steps. Exercise 1. If it is possible to walk up the stairs, the lesson is conducted on it. If this is not possible, any object 10-12 centimeters high is used instead of a step. Place a book or brick on the floor. Stand on the step and rise on your toes so that the heel and part of the foot do not have support (fix for 3-5 seconds), and return to the starting position. Exercise 2. Carefully, you can hold onto the wall with your hands, try to lower your heel to the floor. All movements are performed slowly and smoothly. Repeat both exercises at least 20 times.
  3. Jumping in place. This exercise will be useful not only for losing weight in your calves, but also for burning fat in other problem areas. Jumping will help tighten your skin and get rid of cellulite. You need to jump on your toes, without falling on your heels (the technique is similar to an exercise with a skipping rope). Try to push off your toes as hard as possible to make the maximum vertical jump. For variety, you can do jumps to the sides, forwards and backwards.

What to do at home?

Losing weight in your calves at home is not an impossible task. Going to the gym would be helpful, but it is not necessary. Everything you need for killer calves you can do at home or out .

improvised materials as weighting :

  • water bottles;
  • TV;
  • fridge;
  • husband

For example, you can lift water bottles onto your biceps or move them to the sides, loading your deltoids. You can squat and lunge without any weight at all, or using the same bottles.

Remember that your goal is to burn calories and lose weight by burning fat throughout your body.

Therefore, there is no need to do calf exercises all day long; it is not only pointless, but also harmful . Distribute the load throughout your body.

To tighten your legs in the calf area at home, you can simply stand on some height with your toes, for example, on some kind of block or threshold , and simply rise on your toes. If doing this standing on two legs is too easy , then you can do it standing on one leg.

You can also use the same water bottles of different sizes as weights.

You can do this while sitting , again put your feet on a hill, sit on a chair/sofa/bedside table, or whatever you can sit on without harm to your health, then put the weight on your knees and rise on your toes.

Such exercises will help give your calves a beautiful shape, make them toned and graceful.

And for cardio training, you just need to crash your husband’s car and tell him about it. A long run and thousands of calories burned are guaranteed.

If you absolutely do not intend to go to the gym and plan to lose weight at home, then read my article on how to lose weight in your legs at home.

By following all these tips, you will become the owner of the most beautiful calves in the area, go for it.

Nutrition and diet

There is no special diet for losing weight in calves - the nutritional system should be selected individually. However, there are certain rules that can remove excess fat from the problem area. The main principle of a corrective diet is gradual weight loss, which will not only reduce volume, but also prevent the skin from becoming saggy and weak.

The main principles of proper nutrition are:

  • Complete exclusion of harmful foods from the diet. During the diet, you should also give up bad habits: smoking and alcohol.
  • It is recommended to prepare all dishes yourself, without resorting to semi-finished products sold in stores and cafes. All ready-made sauces and seasonings are prohibited: mayonnaise, ketchup, adjika, etc. When preparing homemade sauces, very spicy, pickled and salty ingredients that retain water in the body should be removed.
  • The basis of the diet for losing weight in the calves should be protein foods: lean meats, eggs, fish. Fresh vegetables and fruits are especially beneficial. The daily menu must include nuts, grain products and fresh herbs.
  • Slow carbohydrates and clean drinking water help to quickly saturate and speed up metabolism. Recommended liquid during the diet: vegetable broths, herbal decoctions and infusions, green tea, still water and sweeteners, natural juices.

Be sure to read: The effectiveness of eating tangerines for weight loss

Healthy nutrition involves reducing portions (up to 250 g), but increasing the number of meals. You need to eat 5-6 times a day with breaks of 3-4 hours. Sometimes the interval between doses can be 2-2.5 hours, but not less than an hour, especially before bedtime.

Nutritionists advise eating as many foods and prepared meals as possible that contain large amounts of potassium. It is able to absorb sodium, which causes fluid retention in the body. Foods high in potassium: bananas, spinach, chicken fillet (without skin), avocado, mushrooms, any fresh greens.

Other methods and methods for losing weight on calves

Any problem can be solved faster if you use an integrated approach. In addition to diet and basic exercises, other simple but effective ways will help you lose weight in your calves.


Fullness in the legs is often associated with poor circulation in the lower body. Massaging your feet is easy to do at home, but you should take into account the specifics of the procedure.

Rules for self-massage for calves:

  • Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to warm up the body by taking a warm shower or bath. For a better effect, you can lubricate the skin of your legs with a moisturizer or anti-cellulite product. The cream can be replaced with olive oil. Massaging is not recommended on dry skin - this can lead to irritation or injury.
  • It is necessary to start movements in the direction from bottom to top. This will help warm up the skin and improve blood flow to problem areas. It is necessary to massage not only the calves, but the areas nearby. Efforts must be distributed evenly.
  • The procedure must be carried out regularly every day or every other day. The duration of the massage is no more than 15 minutes, preferably in the evening.


  1. After applying cream or oil to the skin, begin massaging movements, warming up the subcutaneous layer. Massage one leg in a circular motion, then move on to the other. You need to start the massage from the ankle, gradually rising to the knee.
  2. After warming up, place your foot on the bench and alternately massage the muscles on your right and left leg. You can massage with light pressure on your calves to increase blood flow.
  3. The procedure must be completed gradually, carefully slowing down the movements. After this, it is advisable to wrap your feet in a warm towel and lie down for 10-15 minutes.

It is advisable to carry out the massage before bedtime so that after the procedure there is no heavy stress on relaxed legs.


Full legs are often a consequence of water retention in the body. Water treatments will help remove swelling and remove excess fluid.

Salt baths

The simplest and most affordable way to quickly remove excess fluid and lose 2-3 extra pounds. You can use any salt, but preferably coarse rock salt. Sea salt with the addition of citrus and tea tree essential oils also gives a good effect.

Be sure to read: Causes of the plateau effect when losing weight

Proportions: at least 500 g of salt must be used per bath.

It is advisable not to drink anything 2 hours before and 30 minutes after the end of the bath. Take a bath for no more than 15 minutes, then take a warm shower.

Salt baths not only help you lose weight in your calves, but also make your skin firmer and more elastic.

Aromatic baths

Essential oils of orange, juniper, lemon or grapefruit help not only lose weight, but also get rid of cellulite. Before taking a bath, you should drop 7-8 drops of any oil or a mixture thereof into a solvent base: salt, cream, sour cream or milk. After this, the mixture is dissolved in warm water (not higher than +45°C). Proportions: per bath you will need 1 glass of oil mixture.

To lose weight in your legs, you can use essential oils: citrus fruits, walnuts, conifers, ginger.


Wraps or compresses are a very effective way to lose weight in the calves and other problem areas. They help not only improve blood circulation, but also stimulate the process of burning subcutaneous fat.

  • To carry out the procedure, you need to take a warm bath or shower, and then apply a special mixture to the skin. In order for the wrap to give the desired result, it is necessary to create a sauna effect. To do this, the legs are wrapped in cling film (several times), and then wrapped in a warm blanket. Keep the warming mixture for at least 60 minutes, then rinse with warm water without soap.

The most effective recipes:

  • Dilute cosmetic clay with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream. You can add a little essential oil (5-6 drops). Apply the clay mixture to moistened skin, cover with film and cover with a towel. Leave the mixture for 60-80 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After the wrap, you can massage your shins or calves.

All types of cosmetic clay have beneficial properties, but for weight loss it is best to use blue, green, black or red.

  • Honey with mustard. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry mustard powder and brew it with a glass of hot water. When the mustard swells, add 3 tbsp. l. honey Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to problem areas of the body. Duration of the procedure: 30-40 minutes.

Honey mixtures have a strong effect, as a result of which the calves are noticeably reduced in volume after the first procedure. However, wraps using bee products are not recommended more than once a week, otherwise the skin will sag.

Sometimes an allergic reaction may occur, so a tolerance test must be performed before the procedure. If a strong burning sensation is observed during the wrapping, the mixture should be washed off immediately with water without soap.

Wrapping mixtures give a good effect:

  • Honey and vegetable oil;
  • Honey and sea salt.

The mixture is prepared from 3 parts honey and 1 part salt or olive (corn or sunflower) oil. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it elastic and smooth.

Very thin legs: what to do?

If thin legs seem unattractive to you, you also have three options.

The first is to mask flaws. The secret of thin legs is that very often even anatomically straight legs with excessive thinness seem crooked. Therefore, clothes for thin legs should not be too short or tight. Forget about tight jeans and miniskirts, it is better to choose skirts for thin legs that are long enough and “flyy”.

The second way is to increase your calves by generally increasing your weight. It is usually believed that gaining weight is much easier than losing it, but - alas - in reality this is not entirely true. If you just stop watching your diet, then, of course, you will gain weight - but not in the places you want. This means you need to add exercise to your diet.

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