Effective triceps training in the gym: the best exercises

The triceps is a shoulder muscle with three heads: long, medial and lateral. It works every time you extend a limb at the shoulder or elbow joint. But to pump up the triceps, you need to extend your arm under load.

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Choose 1–2 exercises that suit your difficulty. Include them in your workouts and alternate each week. A different type of load will prevent addiction and ensure constant growth.

Perform 3–5 sets of 8–12 reps. Select the weight so that the last repetitions of the set are difficult, but the technique does not suffer.

Reverse push-ups on a bench

Another exercise without special equipment. Find a low support, turn your back to it and place your palms so that your fingers point to the sides. Thanks to this unusual positioning of the hands, the shoulder joint will protrude less forward, which means that the chances of injuring it will be reduced.

Straighten your legs, do not raise your shoulders. Lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, and then push yourself up. Try to do the exercise smoothly, without jerking: this way you will load the triceps as much as possible and avoid injuring the joint.

Typical technical errors

Triceps on a crossover, from the point of view of movement mechanics, are worked out easily. However, elementary errors are often made here.

Loose elbows are the most common mistake.

The arm extension is an isolation movement where only the triceps should work. When the elbows are not fixed, the latissimus dorsi muscles are involved in the work.

Considering that this muscle mass is an order of magnitude larger and stronger, most of the load is shifted there. As a result, instead of training the triceps, you get a warm-up for the lats.

The correct execution of arm extension on the upper block is to press the arms to the sides of the body, which remain in this position until the end of the approach. Only the forearms move up and down.

True, there are variations of the technique where the elbows are held in front of the body. But the principle of correct technique remains the same - the elbows are fixed in one position from start to finish.

Excessively heavy weight is another mistake that is made in every exercise.

In pursuit of large weights, athletes completely forget about technique. As a result, the weight is lifted using the entire body, and the participation of the triceps is minimal.

Sudden, inertial movements that help you perform more repetitions or lift more weight are directly related to an incorrectly selected load.

Inertia makes the task much easier and the triceps don’t even have time to start working normally.

In bodybuilding, it is common to perform isolated movements slowly and under control.

For the triceps on the top block, this means a 2-1-2 .
That is, two seconds down, one second of fixation in the lower position (with additional volitional tension of the triceps) and two seconds to return to the starting position.


This exercise can be performed with or without additional weight if your muscles are not yet ready for weighting.

Grasp the bars, do not raise your shoulders, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Keep your body straight, do not lean forward: this will allow you to maximally load your triceps. Push yourself up and repeat the exercise.

If you still can't do dips with your body weight, try doing them with an expander. Place a resistance band over the bars, place your feet in the loop, and push up with support.

Advantages and disadvantages

The triceps lat pulldown is one of the most popular exercises among bodybuilders. Whether it’s a period of mass or relief training, this movement is sure to be present in the triceps program.

Among the advantages of extension in a crossover:

  1. Suitable for targeted triceps work
  2. A variety of handles for the block allows you to work the muscle in different ways
  3. Tension in the muscles remains throughout the entire range of motion

This is a tangible advantage of the triceps extension in the block, since there are “dead spots” in exercises with free weights. These are areas of movement where the work of the target muscles is minimized or absent altogether.

  1. Low level of injury and gentle effect on elbow joints and ligaments
  2. Can be used during all periods of training (mass, relief, detailing)
  3. Convenience in changing the weight of the weight

Thanks to the presence of slab weights, the weight can be easily and quickly adjusted by moving the limit pin.

This property of the simulator becomes of great value when using, for example, drop sets.

But the exercise also has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Weakly stimulates the growth of muscle mass and strength, inferior to basic multi-joint exercises
  2. Poorly strengthens ligaments and tendons involved in movement

French bench press with barbell

For this exercise, you can use different bars: straight, EZ or W. A curved bar allows you to grab the barbell at a slightly angle - it’s more comfortable.

Lie down on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Raise the barbell in front of you and place your arms straight behind your head. If they are perpendicular to the body, the triceps will rest at the extreme point.

Now bend your elbows and lower the barbell behind your head. The shoulders do not change their position, only the forearms work. Bring the barbell back and repeat.

Variety of grip types and handles

Triceps extensions have many variations due to a wide range of handles and grip types.

Among them:

  • Straight
  • V-shaped
  • Rope
  • One-handed handle

In this case, a narrow grip or a shoulder-width grip is used. It can be parallel, direct or reverse.

The combination of these parameters creates the opportunity to focus on different areas of the triceps brachii muscle.

But it’s worth noting right away that grinding the triceps on a block using “exotic” methods is the lot of professional bodybuilders.

For most people working out in the gym, three types of handles are enough - straight, V-shaped and rope.

Straight and V-shaped are more used during the mass-gain period. With these options, you can lift the heaviest weights on the block.

The rope is suitable for training for relief and detailing, since the rope handle contributes to good triceps definition.

Variation of extension on the block from behind the head

This version of the exercise comes from bodybuilding. The point is to stretch the triceps as much as possible and contract them from the stretched position. The weight is light, the exercise completes the workout.

Initial position

  • Stand with your back to the crossover;
  • Grab the handles of the simulator;
  • Adjust the grip width so that there is no pain or discomfort in the shoulders;
  • Bring your shoulder blades toward your spine;
  • Bend slightly forward and fix your abs by pulling in your stomach.


  • Without cheating with your body, straighten your arms at the elbow joint;
  • Bring the handle up, behind the head;
  • Smoothly return it back.

The best exercises to work your triceps

The best triceps exercises for girls and boys are designed to quickly and effectively pump up the muscle group involved in the workout. To avoid common mistakes and achieve good results, before starting classes, it is recommended to pay attention to these simple rules:

  • choose the right working weights and determine the most optimal number of approaches;
  • gradually increase the load in the form of additional weights when doing push-ups;
  • when performing the French press, concentrate on stretching the triceps muscle at the moment of lowering;
  • minimize the swaying of the body when extending the upper limbs on the upper block;
  • spend the rest time between each approach usefully, stretching the triceps;
  • the break between exercises should not exceed one and a half minutes;
  • Before each exercise, be sure to perform a warm-up routine, which helps prevent injury to the joints of the shoulder and elbow, and prevent sprained ligaments.

French press

Triceps exercises with a barbell, such as the French press, allow you to productively pump up the desired muscle group and form steel, aesthetically attractive triceps. This type of exercise is performed in different variations:

  • lying down;
  • sitting;
  • standing.

The most convenient and effective option is to load the triceps with a barbell while lying on a bench. With it, the greatest load falls on the long muscle bundle, but two other bundles are also involved in the training - the lateral medial. Thanks to correctly performed exercise, it will be possible to achieve a stunning breakthrough in the development of the muscles of the upper extremities.

Initial position

  1. Place the barbell on the holders at the base of the bench at the optimal level so that you can easily pick it up from a lying position.
  2. Grasp the bar with your palms at the same distance from the center point, lift it up and straighten your elbows as much as possible. This position will be considered the initial one.
  3. The grip width depends on the type of bar, which is why experts advise changing it periodically, for example, in the following order: straight, EZ or W-shaped. Each of the proposed options is ideal for an effective and fruitful workout.


  1. Exhaling smoothly, slowly lower the barbell behind your head, as if you were trying to lay it on the floor. This way it is possible to increase the amplitude and concentrate the main attention on the long head of the triceps muscle.
  2. As soon as the bar reaches its lowest point and the long head of the triceps is stretched to its maximum, begin pressing upward while exhaling deeply. Make sure your elbows remain in the same position as when lowering. Moving them apart in different directions or, conversely, bringing them together is contraindicated. It is also important to ensure that the buttocks and upper back are pressed tightly against the horizontal surface.
  3. After taking the initial position, the exercise must be repeated.

It is recommended to perform similar triceps exercises at home carefully, gradually increasing the weight of the barbell. Don't forget about warming up, because without it, unwarmed muscles can easily be injured.


The French press is an traumatic exercise, so to prevent possible injuries, read these useful tips:

  • Throughout the entire session, make sure your elbows are at approximately the same level. Even slight careless movement to the sides, especially inwards, significantly increases the risk of serious injury.
  • Don't throw your head down. If the body is located in one plane and the head is thrown back, intracranial pressure increases with increased load, which negatively affects the well-being of the trainee and his performance.
  • Before doing the French press, thoroughly stretch your shoulders, elbows, and hands. This will not only improve your training performance, but will also help you avoid serious injuries.

Close grip bench press

A good effect in accelerating the growth of muscle mass in the upper extremities is achieved thanks to one of the basic exercises in working out the triceps muscle - the barbell press with a narrow grip in a lying position. This is an excellent triceps exercise not only for men, but also for girls who want to keep their muscles toned and look attractive in open outfits.

Initial position

  1. It is convenient to sit on the bench in a lying position. Make sure that the barbell is located approximately at eye level.
  2. Bring your shoulder blades together, press the back of your head and torso tightly to a horizontal surface.
  3. Place your feet firmly on the floor, focusing on the back of your foot. This will help fix the position and distribute the load evenly.
  4. Grasp the bar with your palms using a closed grip technique, the width of which should be slightly narrower than shoulder width.
  5. Using the force of the triceps muscles, carefully remove the barbell from the holders and place it above the lower chest - slightly below the solar plexus.


Triceps exercises in the gym or at home are performed using the following technique:

  1. Having touched the barbell to your chest, gently begin to squeeze it upward, taking a deep breath.
  2. At the maximum point, the elbows should be straight. Hold a stationary position for a couple of seconds, then carefully lower the barbell to your chest, trying to move in the same trajectory.

To make such exercises for the chest and triceps more effective, you can try doing a bench press with a narrow grip, but not fully straightening your elbows at the top point and working without stopping in any position.


  • Even the best triceps exercises will not bring the desired effect if done incorrectly. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your workouts:
  • The hands at the elbows should not move to the sides when lowering the barbell. At this moment, try to press them more against the ribs, which will help avoid injuries to the elbow joints.
  • To avoid dropping the barbell during intense movements, it is recommended to hold the barbell with a closed grip.
  • With a narrow bench press, the optimal grip width is slightly narrower than shoulder level. You should not place your hands very close to each other, otherwise errors in execution and injuries cannot be avoided.
  • Make sure to keep your buttocks firmly against the surface throughout the entire approach.
  • It is important to remember that basic triceps exercises, including the close-grip bench press, require considerable energy expenditure. Therefore, throughout the entire training, it is important to correctly distribute the load in order to withstand it to the end and not run out of steam at the start.

Extension on the block

If you are looking for effective triceps exercises for women and girls, then the cable extension is exactly what you need. This isolated exercise builds the triceps well and helps make your arms not only more defined, but also stronger.

When performed correctly, in addition to the triceps muscle, other muscle groups are involved in the work:

  • rear delta;
  • elbow muscle.

There are many options for performing the extension exercise on a block. We will look at classic extensions with the handle of the upper block. To perform it, a special block simulator is required, so this triceps exercise is more convenient to perform in the gym.

Initial position

  1. Stand at a distance of about forty centimeters from the machine.
  2. Grab the handle with your palms at the same distance from the center point.
  3. Leaning forward slightly, bend your knees slightly.
  4. Take a deep breath and strongly tense the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  5. Bring your shoulder blades together, straighten your shoulders and try to keep them in one position while performing extensions.


  1. After exhaling, straighten the bows at the elbows, trying to keep the position of the shoulders stable.
  2. At the lowest point, linger for a few seconds, straining your triceps.
  3. Take the starting position, trying to push the weight towards your shoulders.
  4. Perform the required number of repetitions.


The basic type of triceps exercises has nuances in its implementation:

  1. Extend your arms exactly until you feel muscle tension. Don't overdo it by locking your elbows.
  2. To avoid stretching the ligamentous apparatus, try not to bend your wrists while performing.
  3. Make sure your wrist muscles remain stiff.
  4. Throughout the entire lesson, the block must be kept suspended, without lowering it completely to the floor.


This exercise will increase muscle volume and arm strength, as well as train the shoulder girdle, giving the torso an athletic, sculpted look. Even a beginner can do dips without leaving his home. The only condition for effective training is the presence of a special simulator, which can be installed indoors, if the area allows, or in the yard.

The load during push-ups must be increased gradually, starting with a partial amplitude, and when the muscles become stronger, move on to the full amplitude. If you have recently had an injury to the joints of your upper limbs, approach the exercises with extreme caution so as not to provoke complications.

Initial position

  1. Take an emphasis on parallel bars, trying not to bend your elbows.
  2. The housing must be in a vertical position. Make sure there is no skew in any direction.
  3. Legs can be bent at the knees or crossed.
  4. Keep your back straight, look ahead.


  1. Taking a deep breath, slowly lower yourself, moving your elbows back.
  2. If done correctly, the front of the shoulder will stretch as it moves down and you will be able to feel this clearly.
  3. It is recommended to bend your arms to a ninety-degree angle.
  4. As you exhale, strain your triceps muscles as much as possible and rise to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary. To increase muscle mass and arm volume, it is recommended to do push-ups 10–15 times in three to four sets. Pay attention to the execution technique - the slower the working pace, the more load the triceps muscles experience, which means that the training is as effective as possible.


  • To effectively train the triceps muscle, it is important to try to keep your body upright by doing push-ups with your head up and your elbows pulled back.
  • Start all movements from the top point. The palms on the bars should be turned inward.
  • It is not recommended to use bars that are too wide, otherwise the risk of injury increases.
  • Avoid sudden movements and jerks that can damage ligaments and joints.
  • Be sure to warm up before you start doing push-ups. Rotate your arms in your shoulders, forearms, wrists, gently stretch all the muscles of your upper limbs.

Push ups

This is also a basic exercise that uses the triceps and pectoral muscles. Classic push-ups can be performed in any convenient place. It does not require special exercise equipment and the main load on the arms will be provided by its own weight. If you want to add load, you can change the pace of push-ups, alternating fast with slow. You can also make stops in the middle of exercises, for example, with bent elbows.

Initial position

  1. Take a lying position, fixing the position of the body by tensing the abdominal muscles and buttocks.
  2. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, feet together.
  3. The gaze is directed forward, the head, back and buttocks are located approximately on the same line.


  1. Taking a deep breath and maintaining a straight body position, bend your upper limbs at the elbow joint at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. The chest should rest touching the horizontal surface.
  3. We try to keep our head in a fixed position, with our gaze directed forward.
  4. Take a short pause, then forcefully squeeze your body into the starting position, trying not to fully straighten your arms at the highest point.
  5. Repeat as many times as required.


  • Make sure that your elbows do not move in different directions. During this exercise, they should be located along the body.
  • Your arms should not be fully extended at the highest point. This will significantly reduce the load on the triceps muscle and reduce the effectiveness of training to a minimum.
  • When bending, lower yourself to the floor surface, trying to at least lightly touch it with your chest.
  • The spinal column should always be straight and not bend when raised or lowered.
  • If you are new to strength sports and push-ups are still difficult, you can make the exercise easier by doing it on an incline. The support in this case can be a bench, chair or any other object that provides reliable stability of the upper body.

Neutral grip dumbbell press

Triceps exercises with dumbbells for women and men in a lying position completely duplicate the biomechanics of the barbell press, but there are still differences here - an increase in the trajectory of movement. Therefore, if you have an injury to the shoulder or elbow joint, you always have the opportunity to choose the most comfortable position and movement in such situations.

Exercises with dumbbells for triceps train not only the muscles of the arms, the load is also distributed to the muscles of the chest. Therefore, this is an excellent option for maintaining athletic shape and beautiful body contour. During exercise, control your breathing and body position.

Initial position

  1. Take dumbbells in both hands and, holding them with a neutral grip, smoothly sit down on the bench.
  2. Place the weights on your feet, as close to your knees as possible, and, leaning back with your whole torso, simultaneously throw the dumbbells over your chest.
  3. At the starting point of the movement, rotate the dumbbells in one line so that they are located on both sides of the chest at the level of the shoulder joint.
  4. Taking a deep, slow breath, bend your lower back and place your feet on the floor.


Exercises for the triceps muscle with dumbbells for women and men are performed in the following sequence:

  1. After exhaling, smoothly, without jerking, press the dumbbells up. At the highest point of the trajectory, linger for one or two seconds.
  2. Additionally, tighten your chest muscles and lower your arms down a little slower than when you were lifting.
  3. In the lower position, pause for a couple of seconds, squeeze your shoulder blades together, tighten your triceps muscle and stretch your pectoral muscle.
  4. Slowly bring the dumbbells to the starting position.


Triceps exercises with dumbbells must be performed correctly, following the recommendations of experienced professional athletes:

  1. Always warm up before your sets. Before you begin, perform two or three sets with light dumbbells. this will help warm up and stretch the muscles of the upper limbs.
  2. When lowering your arms with dumbbells down, do not make sudden releasing movements, as this can injure the shoulder joint and stretch the ligaments.
  3. Having reached the highest point, make sure that the dumbbells do not touch each other.
  4. Sitting on a bench, place your feet firmly on the floor. If you neglect this rule, you may lose your balance and even fall to the floor.


Kickbacks are one of the best and most effective exercises for the triceps muscle, which is suitable for both men and women. Even though it seems simple at first glance, it can be difficult for beginners to complete it the first time.

This type of exercise has contraindications:

  • pain in the elbows caused by injuries and inflammatory joint diseases;
  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the upper spine in a progressive stage.

Initial position

  1. Place your right leg, bent at the knee, on a bench.
  2. With your hand on the same side, firmly grasp the edge of the bench in order to maintain a stable position of the whole body during exercises.
  3. Lean forward so that your body and floor are parallel to each other.
  4. Make sure your spine is straight. Look forward in front of you, pull your stomach in, and tighten your abdominal muscles.
  5. Place your left foot on the floor, evenly distributing the load over the entire foot.
  6. Take a dumbbell of a suitable weight in your free hand and bend your elbow at a right angle.


  1. Raise your arm bent at the elbow to such a level that your shoulder is parallel to the floor. The forearm with the dumbbell should be pointing down.
  2. The triceps muscle in this position should be as tense as possible.
  3. Hold the dumbbell straight in your hand for a few seconds, then smoothly return your hand to the starting position.
  4. Repeat as many times as required, then change sides and do the same.


  • If you perform the exercise with emphasis on a bench, make sure that the elbow joint is always at the same level as the shoulder joint.
  • In the starting position, try to ensure a right angle between the shoulder and forearm.
  • Try not to swing your forearm while performing the exercise, because this will minimize the effect of the training.
  • Kickbacks do not involve the use of heavy weights, since to achieve maximum effect the shoulder must be kept fixed.
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