How to quickly pump up your abdominal muscles: the best abdominal exercises in the gym

The abdominal muscle corset is conventionally divided into 4 zones: upper, lower, lateral and oblique muscles. In order to quickly pump up beautiful, sculpted abs, abdominal exercises in the gym should load every part of it. It is necessary to use the entire arsenal of training equipment: block exercise machines, benches with variable inclination angles, dumbbells, sports balls and other equipment. It is important to exercise regularly and take time to recover your muscles.
  • Lower Abdominal Workout
      Hanging Leg Raise
  • Leg raises with emphasis on elbows
  • Leg raises while lying on a bench
  • Book on the bench
  • Strength training for the lateral and oblique muscles
      Hanging reverse crunches
  • Exercise "Lumberjack"
  • Side bends with weights
  • Tilts in multistation
  • Classes for all areas of the abs
      Straight crunches on a Roman chair
  • "Corner"
  • Pulling your legs to your stomach on a fitball
  • Perch on a fitness ball
  • Training program
      Features of training for men and women
  • How to avoid common mistakes?
  • Exercises for the upper abs

    It is possible to pump up the abdominal muscles in the upper part by performing three types of crunches: on an incline bench, on a fitball and using a block exercise machine. Exercises should be performed in a high-intensity mode with a large number of repetitions and approaches.

    Before you start training, you need to warm up. To do this, you can use cardio equipment: treadmill, elliptical, stepper. Aerobic exercise time should range from 7 to 15 minutes. After this, joints and ligaments should be prepared for force loads. To do this, a set of exercises is performed: tilting the body in different directions, rotating the pelvis, circular movements of the arms, raising the knees.

    Bench crunches

    To perform the exercise, you need to set the optimal level of inclination of the bench. For beginners and people with a voluminous belly, it is recommended to set the angle from 20 to 30 degrees. For men and women with good physical fitness, the inclination should be increased to 45-60 degrees.

    Exercise technique:

    1. Climb onto the bench and place your feet under the support bolsters.
    2. Fix your hands on the back of your head and spread your elbows to the sides.
    3. Fully straighten your body along the bench, lowering your back onto it.
    4. As you exhale, quickly lift your body up.
    5. As you inhale, smoothly and slowly return to your original position.

    The number of repetitions is 13-15. The number of approaches is 4-5. The rest interval between series should not exceed 1 minute.

    Crunches on a fitball

    Before you begin the exercise, you need to choose a sports ball that is optimally suited to your personal growth. To do this, sit on the fitball and look at the angle between your hips and your back - it should be 90 degrees.


    1. Take a position lying on your back on an exercise ball.
    2. Spread your elbows to the sides, placing your palms on the back of your head.
    3. While exhaling, lift your shoulder blades away from the projectile and lift your upper body, while at the same time turning your body to the right side.
    4. As you inhale, lower to the previous position.
    5. Repeat lifting your chest up, turning to the left.

    In total, about 20 repetitions should be performed in one approach (10 in each direction). Number of episodes - 4-6. The pause to restore strength between approaches is 70-80 seconds.

    Crunches on a block (exercise “Prayer”)

    The exercise should begin with setting the optimal load. To do this, fix the adjusting pin in one of the holes on the block plate of the simulator.

    Correctly perform twists like this:

    1. Grab the rope levers with your hands.
    2. Lower yourself down into a kneeling position.
    3. Bring your legs together.
    4. As you exhale, pull the ropes down while simultaneously tilting your upper body down.
    5. Straighten up to the starting position.

    Volume of load: 12 repetitions in each of 5 approaches. The time interval for rest between series is 1 minute.

    Number of approaches and repetitions in abdominal exercises

    Do each exercise 20-25 times (or until a strong burning sensation in the muscles) for 3 approaches.

    You don't need to do isolated abdominal exercises every day. Proper nutrition combined with periodic full-body workouts will be enough to lose weight in the abdominal area.

    If you train your whole body every time, then you can include one abdominal exercise in each workout.

    If the workouts take place 3-4 times a week and are divided into legs/back/chest, then do 2-3 abdominal exercises (Crunches on a bench with an incline and Leg raises with emphasis on the elbows, for example) on the easiest day. Each time you can change the exercises - do 1 for the top of the press, 1 for the bottom and 1 combined (if desired).

    Watch the video for techniques for performing abdominal exercises in the gym for girls.

    lower and upper abs - exercises for girls, video

    Lower Abdominal Workout

    Burning fat on the abdomen from the navel and below occurs most slowly in the fair sex, since it is in this part of the abs that the fat layer is thickest. This is due to the fact that the woman’s body (in preparation for the expected pregnancy) accumulates extra centimeters in this area to protect the fetus.

    However, if you follow a strict diet and regular exercise, you can effectively dry out the lower abs of expectant mothers. To do this, you need to use exercises such as hanging leg raises, with emphasis on your elbows, lying on a bench, as well as a book on a bench.

    Hanging Leg Raise

    The exercise is performed on a horizontal bar with a straight bar. Men and women with a high level of athletic training can use special weights attached to the shins.

    Correctly perform leg lifts according to the following algorithm:

    1. Jump onto the horizontal bar and grab the bar.
    2. Adjust the position of your hands - they should be spread to shoulder width.
    3. Press your shins together.
    4. Without swinging, as you exhale, raise your straight legs until a right angle appears between your hips and abdomen (people with very weak abdominal muscles can bend their knees when lifting).
    5. As you inhale, straighten your body to a vertical position.
    6. Repeat the movement 12-14 times.
    7. Rest for a minute and a half and perform 4 more sets.

    Leg raises with emphasis on elbows

    There are 2 options for performing the exercise: with straight legs (for highly trained people) and with legs bent at the knees (for beginners).

    Implementation technique:

    1. Take the starting position: place your forearms on the support pads, grab the handrails with your hands, press your back to the board and straighten your body.
    2. As you exhale, quickly lift your legs up.
    3. As you inhale, lower your legs to their original position.
    4. Repeat the movement 15 times.
    5. Pause for a minute to rest and perform the exercise in 4 more approaches.

    Leg raises while lying on a bench

    An exercise to pump up the lower abs can be performed both on a straight and on an inclined bench. In the second case, working out the abdominal muscles is carried out more effectively, since there is no so-called dead zone (the position of the body at the upper extreme point, at which the muscular load on the abs disappears).

    Correctly perform lifts like this:

    1. Set the optimal angle of inclination of the bench (when performing the exercise at an incline).
    2. Lie with your back on the apparatus.
    3. Grasp the top of the bench with your hands.
    4. Bring your feet together.
    5. While exhaling, lift your legs up to their maximum height.
    6. Inhaling, lower your legs to the starting position.

    Number of repetitions - 14-16, approaches - 5. The time interval between series for rest is 1 minute.

    Book on the bench

    The exercise primarily targets the abdominal muscles in the lower part. The upper press also receives a significant load.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. Position yourself across the bench in a sitting position and grab its front edge with your hands.
    2. Bend your knees and lift them up.
    3. As you inhale, tilt your upper body back while straightening your legs (the body should be almost completely straight).
    4. As you exhale, bring your abdomen together with your hips, while bending your legs at the knees.

    Number of repetitions - 10-12, series - 5. Pause between approaches - 50-70 seconds.

    Strength training for the lateral and oblique muscles

    Training the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles helps get rid of fat deposits and reduce abdominal volume. Quick results are achieved by performing exercises such as hanging reverse crunches, lumberjack crunches, weighted side bends and multi-station bendings.

    When working the oblique and lateral muscles, girls should not use heavy weights of equipment. This can lead to the growth of muscle tissue in these areas, which will contribute to an increase in waist width.

    Hanging reverse crunches

    To perform the exercise in the gym, you will need special wide belts. They should be attached to iron hooks or directly to the crossbar at a distance of approximately 30 cm from each other.


    1. Place your hands into the belts up to your shoulders, grasping their upper part with your hands.
    2. Close your feet together.
    3. As you exhale, bend your legs at the knees and lift them through the left side of the body.
    4. As you inhale, straighten into a vertical line.
    5. Repeat twisting to the right side.
    6. Perform 8-10 repetitions on each side.
    7. Take a minute break to rest and repeat the exercise for another 4-5 approaches.

    Exercise "Lumberjack"

    Performed on a block simulator. It is necessary to set the required level of load and position the right side of the body towards the front post of the projectile.

    Exercise technique:

    1. Take rope levers in your hands.
    2. Straighten your arms.
    3. As you exhale, pull the cable in the opposite direction from the machine and down, while turning your body to the left.
    4. As you inhale, return your arms to their original position.
    5. Perform the movement another 12-14 times.
    6. After a one-minute rest interval, position your left shoulder towards the machine and perform a similar cable pull to the right side. Number of episodes - 5.

    Side bends with weights

    You can use a weight, a barbell or a dumbbell as a weight.

    The execution algorithm is very simple:

    1. Place your feet at shoulder level.
    2. Take the projectile in your right hand.
    3. Place your left palm on the back of your head.
    4. Perform 15-20 quick body tilts to the left.
    5. Transfer the projectile to your left hand and make similar bends to the right side.

    The number of approaches is 4-6. The interval between them to restore strength is 1 minute.

    Tilts in multistation

    Compared to side bending with weights, this exercise is more effective, as it allows you to maintain a high level of muscle load throughout the entire range of motion of the body.


    1. Set the required circuit resistance on the simulator.
    2. Turn your body with your right side towards the machine and grab the handle with your right hand.
    3. Perform 15-20 rapid body tilts to the left.
    4. Turn 180 degrees, take the handle in your left hand and repeat the bends in the opposite direction.

    The number of series in the exercise is 4-6, the pause for rest between them is 1 minute.

    Classes for all areas of the abs

    Men and women who do not have enough time to specifically work each abdominal muscle are recommended to use universal exercises for all abdominal muscles.

    Dynamic (for example, straight crunches on a Roman chair), static (for example, “corner”) and combined (for example, pulling your legs to your stomach on a fitball, perch on a fitness ball) exercises will help to pump up the muscle corset around the waist and reduce the amount of fat on it. .

    Straight crunches on a Roman chair

    They allow you to quickly pump up the rectus abdominis muscle along its entire length. Before you start training, you need to configure the equipment specifically for yourself. To do this, move the fixing rollers to a position in which your butt will completely extend beyond the seat during training.

    To perform twists you need:

    1. Sit on the exercise machine seat.
    2. Place your feet under the support bolsters and straighten your legs completely.
    3. Place your palms on the back of your head.
    4. As you exhale, lift your body up.
    5. As you inhale, lower your upper body down.
    6. Repeat the movement 13-16 times, then take a minute rest interval and perform 4 more approaches.


    The load on the abdominal muscles in this exercise is carried out in a stationary body position. This feature allows you to train the press when it is impossible to perform other movements (for diseases of the spine and joints).


    1. Sit on the uneven bars, placing your forearms on the armrests.
    2. Press your back against the wall.
    3. Bring your shins together.
    4. Raise your straight legs up and fix them at an angle of 90 degrees for as long as possible.
    5. Rest for 75-85 seconds and perform the exercise 3 more times.

    Pulling your legs to your stomach on a fitball

    The exercise combines 2 types of load: dynamic and static, which allows you to increase the strength and definition of the abdominal muscles very quickly.


    1. Lower yourself to the floor in a horizontal position, face down.
    2. Place your shins on a sports ball.
    3. By extending your arms at the elbow joint, lift your torso up and straighten it in one line.
    4. With a slow, smooth movement, pull your legs towards your stomach.
    5. Stay in this position for 2 seconds and move your hips back until your body is completely straight.

    Number of repetitions - 10-13, approaches - 4-6. The interval between series is 45-65 seconds.

    Perch on a fitness ball

    The exercise can be performed both in the gym and at home.

    Algorithm for performing the exercise:

    1. Lie on the floor in a horizontal position with your stomach down.
    2. Place your shins on a fitball.
    3. Place your hands on the floor opposite your chest, placing your palms shoulder-width apart.
    4. Align your body in a straight line.
    5. Lift your pelvis up.
    6. Return to horizontal position.
    7. Repeat the movement 15 times.
    8. Rest for about 1 minute and perform 4 more series.

    The best home exercise machines for abs

    The exercise machines presented in this category are convenient to use at home to train your abs when you don’t have the time or opportunity to visit the gym. They fold easily and do not take up much space when stored.

    Circular exercise machine Bradex “Pendulum”



    editorial assessment


    buyers recommend this product

    An effective exercise machine that combines strength and cardio training allows you not only to form an impeccable figure, but also to strengthen your heart and blood vessels. The operation of this device is based on the principle of gravity. Exercises on it bring pleasure comparable to that which you get from riding on attractions.

    The design has a built-in monitor that displays the number of approaches completed and calories burned.


    • Easy to assemble and use;
    • 3 load levels;
    • The results of the training are visible within two weeks;
    • Comfortable handles with anti-slip coating.


    • There are no instructions in Russian.

    Exercises on this machine will not only help you achieve an ideal figure, but will also bring you a lot of fun.

    Adjustable Ab Bench Life Gear 76200



    editorial assessment


    buyers recommend this product

    A straight full-size (128x36x63 cm) bench is designed for strength exercises on the abdominal muscles and giving them definition. The stable steel structure of the exercise machine with a leatherette back has 5 levels of tilt adjustment to change the intensity of the load and deeply work out all groups of abdominal muscles. After training, the bench folds easily and does not take up much space when stored.


    • Leg clamps with wide soft bolsters are adjustable in height;
    • Maximum load 110 kg;
    • Keys included;
    • Ergonomic design;
    • 1 year warranty.


    • Over time, the backrest's upholstery wears out.

    A good exercise machine for regular strength training at home, which will help you work all your abdominal muscles.


    15 Best Elliptical Trainers

    Training program

    Abdominal exercises in the gym should be performed according to a schedule. The exercise program should be designed in such a way that the abdominal muscles receive regular physical activity, while having sufficient time for recovery.

    Effective training scheme:

    1. Monday: working out the upper abs.
    2. Tuesday: closed.
    3. Wednesday: workout the muscles in the lower abdomen.
    4. Thursday: closed.
    5. Friday: perform exercises to pump up the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles.
    6. Saturday, Sunday: days off.

    In a situation where the task is not only to pump up the abdominal muscles, but also to reduce weight, it is necessary, on days off from abdominal training, to perform multi-joint basic exercises for the largest muscle groups: squats, push-ups, pull-ups, deadlifts, military presses.

    Aerobic exercise will also help dry out the muscle corset around the waist. In the gym you can exercise on an exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical, stepper. It should be kept in mind that effective fat burning begins around the fortieth minute of cardio training.

    Features of training for men and women

    Beautiful male abs with prominent, sculpted abs are formed largely by hypertrophy of the upper abs. For this reason, it is recommended for men to pay more attention to crunches on an inclined bench, on a fitball, on a block.

    For women who want to achieve a flat, dry tummy, exercises for the lower abs will be most effective: leg raises in various variations.

    For girls who are overweight or after childbirth (when it is difficult or dangerous to perform high-amplitude movements to work out the abdominal muscles), it is recommended to use static loads: “corner”, horizontal and side planks.

    What we pump: anatomy of the abdominal muscles, what does the upper and lower abs mean?

    Abdominal exercises will be most effective if you take into account the specific anatomy when performing them. There is the rectus abdominis muscle, which stretches from top to bottom, from the sternum to the pubic bone, as well as three more muscles that form the abdominal muscles:

    • external oblique. Includes the intercostal and lateral muscles, which start from the sternum;
    • oblique internal. Located under the outer;
    • transverse Necessary to support internal organs, but does not affect appearance.

    The conditional division into the upper and lower parts is useful to ensure a variety of loads. It will not be possible to pump up only the top or just the bottom, but you can divide the exercises into groups for their correct combination.

    Attention! Athletes conventionally divide the press into upper and lower. This is not entirely correct, since the rectus muscle is a single, solid muscle. Separately, we can highlight only the oblique abdominal muscles, which also allow you to create a sporty appearance in this part of the body.

    Be sure to check out: Exercises and programs for weight loss in the gym Circular training: basic rules of training for girls Effective program for men in the gym: tips for beginners The most effective complexes for working out the hips and buttocks

    How to avoid common mistakes?

    Beginners are recommended to use the services of an instructor during the first lesson. The trainer will tell you how to correctly perform this or that abdominal exercise, set the technique, and give useful advice.

    In a situation where there is no fitness instructor in the gym, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. You can start training no earlier than 3-4 hours after eating.
    2. Every workout should start with a warm-up.
    3. You should not use heavy weights immediately after the start of exercise: you need to increase the weight gradually, with each subsequent approach.
    4. High-amplitude exercises are most effective to perform first, combined and static exercises second.
    5. When in the gym you must wear clothing that completely covers your lumbar region.
    6. Throughout your workout, you should maintain your water balance: drink a few sips of water every 15-20 minutes of your workout.
    7. On a training day, it is recommended to reduce your salt intake by about half (to 2-3 grams per day).

    These tips will help you avoid common mistakes, minimize the risk of injury, and increase the impact of each session.

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