The best exercises for the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks - workout in the gym

Legs are the largest muscle group in the human body and it is not surprising that working them out requires a serious approach! Find out how to pump up your leg muscles! The best exercises, workouts and recommendations!

If you have never asked the question “how to pump up your legs,” then you are the wrong bodybuilder. And that's why:

  1. Firstly, during training in the gym you cannot constantly pump up only your biceps and abs; the upper part of the body becomes pumped, while the lower part lacks strength and muscle mass. An imbalance occurs in the figure, which is fundamentally wrong for bodybuilding.
  2. Secondly, even if you have been training for a long time, from time to time it is worth stopping yourself and clarifying the technique of pumping up your legs, looking for new exercises, building new workouts to prevent muscle adaptation.

Even girls should think about this issue, because leg training is the most exhausting and energy-consuming, which means it is perfect as a training for weight loss.

In addition, the fair sex should strive to pump up beautiful legs, because a pair of slender, graceful legs is the dream of every girl and the delight of every man! Therefore, if you are the right bodybuilder or fitness girl, if you want to lose weight, gain definition or build muscle mass, there is only one answer - pump up your legs!

As a result, we will come to similar variations of leg pumping in the gym. If you are already rushing into battle, wait and watch the material to the end.

Training for experienced athletes

Treadmill workout

  • 5 minutes at an easy pace and 10 accelerations of 200 meters
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Squats without weights

  • 2 sets of 30 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Quick squats with a barbell

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Hack squats with narrow feet

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Bulgarian split squat with rear leg hanging

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body Part: Quadriceps Equipment: Other

Attention: on each leg, to failure

Lunges with dumbbells

  • 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Attention: on each leg, to failure

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All you can think about is how to get beautiful legs with impressive muscles? We agree, skinny legs don’t impress anyone! Powerful leg muscles are at your fingertips with these intermediate and advanced workouts. Further in the article you will find other options for beginners.

Examples of leg workouts

Below are sets of exercises that are selected depending on your goals and physical fitness.

Complex for a week for gaining weight - advanced level

  1. Squats.
  2. Leg press in a wide stance machine.
  3. Scissor lunges.
  4. Romanian cravings.
  5. Leg bending in the simulator.
  6. Hyperextension.
  7. Shin.

Exercises are performed for 8-12 repetitions of 3-4 approaches.

Leg training program for intermediate level

Day 1

  1. Hack squats.
  2. Leg extension in the simulator.
  3. Lunges with dumbbells.
  4. Leg abduction in the simulator.
  5. Dumbbell bench press - chest.
  6. Barbell row to the chin – deltoids.
  7. Arm extension in the upper block of the crossover – triceps.

Day 2

  1. Romanian cravings.
  2. Leg bending in the simulator.
  3. Pulling the leg back in the simulator “pendulum”.
  4. Bringing the legs in the simulator while sitting.
  5. Pull of the upper block behind the head - back.
  6. Bench press from behind the head - deltas.
  7. Barbell curl - biceps.

Leg training program for beginners

Day 1

  1. Leg press.
  2. Leg extension in the simulator.
  3. Pull of the upper block behind the head.
  4. Horizontal block thrust.
  5. Seated dumbbell press.
  6. Barbell row to the chin.

Day 2

  1. Romanian cravings.
  2. Leg bending in the simulator.
  3. Dumbbell bench press.
  4. Reduction of arms in the simulator.
  5. Arm abduction in the rear deltoid machine.
  6. Lifting legs in support.

Why pump up your leg muscles?

The general plan of any gym goer should be to develop a program that will develop all muscle mass in a balanced manner. This means that each muscle group requires regular and alternating training.

For optimal results, each muscle group must work in conjunction with each other.

Whether you're working on bulking up or looking to gain strength and boost your metabolism, you should definitely do exercises that will help you tone your legs.

The legs, particularly the muscles of the upper thighs, are the largest muscle groups in the entire body. Regardless of your goals, they are the source of strength. That is why exercises to pump up leg muscles should be included in any workout.

In many strength exercises you work the muscles of the shoulders, chest and arms, but keep in mind that the legs are the source of strength and energy in any load. Strong legs will allow you to:

  • Lift heavier weights
  • Create a foundation for the growth of other muscle groups
  • form a powerful source of lean muscle mass, which will speed up metabolism

What do we need for proper leg training?

  1. Correctly selected exercises . We have already decided that the priority will be basic exercises. They will help build muscle mass.
  2. Progression of loads. In order to avoid stagnation in muscle growth, we will need to constantly add working weight. Let it be little by little, 1 kg at a time, but the progression should be constant. Of course, under no circumstances approach this point with great fanaticism. We add weight gradually as you become more trained.
  3. Warm up at the beginning of the workout. This is a very important component in the training process. Warm-up will help warm up your muscles for hard work. The same applies to warm-up approaches.
  4. Stretching at the end of your workout. Remember once and for all - stretching is done only at the end of the workout! But why? Because during stretching, the muscle relaxes, which promotes its speedy recovery and minimizes muscle pain the next day after training. And also, it stretches the muscle fibers that remain in a bound state after hard work on the legs in the gym. If we stretch at the beginning, we will relax the muscles and they are unlikely to be able to work to their maximum.
  5. Periodization of loads. That is, alternating training on fast (BMW) and slow muscle fibers (MMF). What is the difference between them? BMWs are white and designed for hard work, but get tired quickly. Therefore, they are trained with heavy weights and a small number of repetitions from 1 to 5. MMV is red. On the contrary, they are designed for long work, but with much less weight. We will train them for a high number of repetitions with light weights for 15-20 repetitions.
  6. Maintaining training progress . Of course, you can skip this step if you have excellent memory and can store a lot of information. But for me it’s easier to write it down. A training notebook will help you with this. In it you will write down: controls, weights, approaches and number of repetitions. Also, your body parameters. Then after some period, for example a month, you will be able to evaluate your progress. It will be difficult to track it in your head.

We recommend reading: Back and biceps exercises in the gym

Now that we know the training plan, we can start choosing the best exercises.

Anatomical features of pumping up leg muscles

Legs are one of the largest and most complex parts of the body. The study of their anatomy can best be broken down into two main groups: the quadriceps and the hamstrings. Although the buttocks are not considered part of the legs, this article wouldn't be complete without them!

Quadriceps femoris

The quadriceps muscle (quadriceps) is a group of muscles that stretch along the entire outer surface of the thigh. In any person whose body is in sufficient tone, these muscles are quite clearly visible. To pump up your legs more consciously, let's take a closer look at the structure of this muscle group.

The quadriceps are made up of hundreds of small muscle fibers that form the following large muscles:

  • The inner or medial thigh muscle is a flat, broad, thick, teardrop-shaped muscle located just above the knee and extends about a third of the length of the thigh.
  • The vastus medius or vastus intermedius muscle is the weakest and practically invisible. Located on the front surface of the femur, covered in front by the rectus femoris muscle. It looks like a flat, wide, relatively thin muscle.
  • The externus or lateralis muscle is a flat, wide and thick muscle that is located on the outer part of the thigh and is the easiest to pump during leg training.
  • The rectus femoris muscle is the longest of the four heads of the quadriceps, located on the front of the thigh. The muscle begins as a tendon from the ilium and reaches the middle of the thigh, and then, gradually narrowing, turns into a powerful tendon.

These muscles extend from the top of the thigh (the rectus femoris muscle crosses the hip joint) to the front of the tibia at the bottom of the leg. Flexible, trained and pumped up quadriceps of the legs make it easier for the joints associated with them. The main purpose is flexion and extension of the knee, in addition, the bipartite rectus femoris muscle is involved in flexion of the hip joint.

Leg biceps

The biceps, often called the hamstrings, are also made up of four muscles. They include two large muscles, the biceps femoris and semitendinosus, as well as the small semimembranosus muscle and the short head of the biceps femoris muscle.

The hamstrings are responsible for flexion and rotation of the knee joint and extension of the hip joint.

Calf muscles

If you want to build up your legs, you should work them completely, without neglecting your shins (calves). The musculature of the lower leg consists of three main muscle groups:

  • The gastrocnemius muscle begins behind the knee on the femur and is attached to the heel by the Achilles tendon. It has two ends: medial and lateral. These ends form the famous diamond shape that every person expects to achieve, which is mainly formed when the knees remain straight during exercise.
  • The soleus muscle is located under the gastrocnemius muscle on the back of the lower leg. It comes into play while bending the knees.
  • The tibialis anterior muscle is located on the front of the lower leg and is responsible for dorsiflexion of the foot (pulling the toes up).


While pumping up your legs, take care of your butt! The gluteal muscle consists of three parts - large, median and small. The gluteal muscles are primarily responsible for stretching the hips and are also used to rotate, protract and adduct the hips. And, of course, to drive you crazy if they are sexy, fit and elastic.


One of the main problems with calf training exercises is their isolation nature.

Let's consider the main ones:

ExerciseLoad type Working muscle group
Standing calf raiseInsulatingGastrocnemius
Seated calf raiseInsulatingSoleus
Raises on toes in the machine at an angleInsulatingSoleus + gastrocnemius
Exercise bikeCardioGastrocnemius + soleus

Although a heavy squat does not affect calf development, it significantly increases static calf strength, which creates a solid foundation for building a harmonious body and developing functional strength.

Standing calf raise

This exercise is designed for athletes of any level of fitness and is considered the main one for working the calf muscles. Standing calf raises have many variations, including:

  • Weighted calf raises.
  • Single leg calf raise.
  • Rolling from heel to toe.

Let's consider the technique of performing the exercise:

  1. Stand on a wooden beam. If a wooden beam is not available, the edge of a step, threshold or any other protruding surface will do. There are also special simulators. You can perform the Smith movement by placing a step platform under your feet and placing the barbell on your shoulders.
  2. Fix the body in a straight position (stable posture).
  3. If additional weight is required, take dumbbells or weights into your hands. The simulator is loaded with pancakes.
  4. Next, you need to slowly lower your heels below the level of the bar, trying to stretch your ankle ligaments as much as possible.
  5. Rise onto your toes with a powerful impulse movement.
  6. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds and tense your calves.
  7. Slowly lower to the starting position.

Note: There is some debate regarding full knee extension. On the one hand, this greatly facilitates the exercise, on the other hand, it increases the load on the knee. If you use light weights for training, you can straighten your legs completely. However, if you work with heavy weights (for example, in a Hackenschmidt squat machine), then it is better to neutralize the fact of the joint load.

Calf raise while sitting in the machine

Despite the similar technique of execution, raising the toes while sitting in the machine does not use the calf muscle, but the soleus muscle lying underneath it.

The exercise technique is extremely simple:

  1. Set the appropriate weight on the machine (usually it is up to 60% of the working weight for a classic calf raise).
  2. Get into the exercise machine.
  3. Slowly lower your heels below the level of the clamp on the machine, trying to stretch the ankle ligaments as much as possible.
  4. Rise onto your toes with a powerful impulse movement.
  5. Lock in this position for 1-2 seconds.
  6. Slowly lower to the starting position.

© Minerva Studio —

Note: if you do not have a machine, place dumbbells, weights, or barbell plates on your knees as additional weight. The use of third-party items will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, but will allow you to perform it at home.

Raising your toes at a 45 degree angle

Among all the exercises aimed at developing the calf muscles, this can be called conditionally complex and the most difficult. It's all about changing the angle of working the legs, which allows you to use not only the gastrocnemius, but also the soleus.

The exercise technique is practically no different from the previous ones:

  1. Get into a block simulator (Hackenschmidt). Depending on the design, you will be facing towards it or away from it.
  2. Set a suitable working weight. It is calculated as the arithmetic average between the working weights in the two previous exercises. Next, select the weights according to the loads.
  3. Then you need to lower your heels, trying to stretch your calves as much as possible.
  4. Perform a toe raise.
  5. Fix in the position of extreme tension for 1-2 seconds.

© Makatserchyk —

The best exercises to pump up your legs

Want to know how you can pump up your legs?
Despite the fact that the legs are involved in almost all strength exercises, you should not rely only on this passive involvement. Unlike targeted training, such a load is ineffective for the leg muscles. As with any muscle group, use a mix of compound and isolation exercises to target your legs in every way. The following 5 exercises for developing quadriceps guarantee a full workout of not only the quadriceps muscles, but also the entire leg.

You will see how your overall body tone will improve, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the size of your toned legs.

Cross Country Sprint

You don't need to run marathons; you can run almost anywhere there is enough space. The huge advantage of sprints is that it is both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Not only will your legs work, but also your cardiovascular system, training your aerobic endurance.

Although this training is quite simple, it has its own rules. Avoid running on hard surfaces, choose a softer option where you have to make an effort - forest, grass, paths. This is why trail running is gaining popularity.

Cross country running

When you run, use your arms and raise your knees high so that your legs really work, then your quadriceps will be fully involved. You will get maximum impact and pumped up leg muscles. If you want a change of pace but don't have enough space (especially in a city), try stair running.

Stepping onto a bench with a barbell/dumbbells

One of the best ways to train your body is through functional exercises. They mimic the movements you use in everyday life. Barbell step-ups are one of the best exercises for the quadriceps. It is very similar to a lunge and at the same time imitates movements to stabilize the body.

Stepping onto a box with dumbbells

  • Place a barbell (or dumbbells, but this will significantly reduce the load) on your shoulders as you would for a squat, and step onto a small box or bench.
  • Make sure to maintain your weight as you step up. To lift your body, load your working leg.
  • Pull your back leg forward and lift your knee as high as possible.
  • Step the same leg back down, while keeping your front leg tense.

Forward lunges with barbell

This exercise is similar to the previous one - stepping on a bench, and is also extremely effective for pumping up your legs. It is not necessary to work with a barbell, you can do lunges with dumbbells in your hands or simply with your own weight, it is a matter of taste and the desired intensity.

Your goal is to perform a set of regular lunges with a barbell on your shoulders or dumbbells in your hands. In the lunge position, one leg is in front with the knee not extending beyond the toes. The knees of both legs are bent at right angles. The correct option is that the thighs are parallel to the floor, the knee of the back leg does not touch the floor.

Lunges with a barbell

Since lunges with a barbell are complex and traumatic exercises, they are recommended to be performed only by experienced athletes who thoroughly know the nuances of the technique. The barbell exercise is performed to strengthen the leg muscles and strengthen the core muscles.

Barbell Squat

The squat is considered the king of leg exercises and is often at the center of training to build strong and beautiful legs. Barbell squats activate all muscle groups. This basic exercise requires full body stabilization, making it one of the most difficult to perform.

The extra weight puts a lot of stress on the muscles, which leads to growth and strength. Weighted squats require strong shoulders because the bar rests either on the shoulders below the neck or on the upper chest.

It is important to know and understand the correct technique for performing this exercise in order to pump up your legs without harming your back and knee joints. It may seem simple, but it's best to take another look so you know what you can and shouldn't do.

Your feet don't have to be shoulder-width apart. You can place them a little wider or narrower, depending on what is more comfortable for you. The main thing is to make sure that when moving down, your knees do not go beyond your toes. When lifting heavy weights, secure your knees with elastic bands to prevent injury to joints or ligaments while pumping your legs, and wear a weightlifting belt.

To avoid injury, it is best to work in a power rack.


  • To perform a power rack squat, start by placing the barbell just below shoulder height.
  • After selecting the correct height and weight, step under the bar and place it on the back of your shoulders below your neck.
  • Hold the barbell with both hands and lift it off the rack. To do this, push off with your feet and straighten your body.
  • Step away from the counter and place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. The head looks forward, the back is straight. This is the starting position.
  • Start squatting slowly, while not forgetting about your head and back.
  • Continue lowering until your hips and shins form an angle of just under 90 degrees. Lower yourself to the point of maximum tension, where your thighs are parallel to the floor (if you can, squat even lower). Inhale as you complete this part of the movement.
  • When performed correctly, the knees do not go beyond the toes. If your knees come forward, it means you are working incorrectly and are overloading your joints. As you exhale, rise up, transferring your weight to your heels, to the starting position.

You can also do bench squats or Smith machine work to tone your legs during your workout.

And one moment. Make sure to squat through a full range of motion to fully target your quadriceps for maximum benefit. A barbell filled to the brim with weights and squats with a third of the amplitude do not give the desired result, but only increase the likelihood of injury.

An alternative to squats for beginners would be exercises with weights and dumbbells:

Deep squats with kettlebells

And variations of movements in the hack machine to reduce the likelihood of injury.

Hack squats

Leg press

It is important to understand that the leg press is not a functional exercise and does not mimic our everyday movements. The bench press is more suitable for pumping up and working the leg muscles during strength training.

Using a simulator and different positioning of the legs allows you to safely work with significant weight, as well as develop all muscle groups of the upper and lower legs. If your goal is to tone individual muscles, then the leg press is an ideal choice to complement other exercises.

Leg press

  • Sit on the exercise machine. Place your feet on the platform. Lower the supports and straighten your legs completely.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower the platform until your shins and thighs form a right angle.
  • As you exhale, press your quadriceps up to the starting position.

Warning: Always check that the supports are securely fastened. Variations: This exercise can be performed with different foot positions.

Top 15 Leg Exercises in the Gym

Barbell Squat

It is impossible to imagine training legs in the gym without squats with a barbell. It works almost all the muscles of the lower body, with an emphasis on the quads and glutes.

  1. Remove the bar from the rack and place it on your shoulders. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned to the sides.
  2. Slowly lower yourself down, keeping your back straight. The main movement is performed in the knee and hip joints.
  3. Sit down until a right angle is formed in your knee, then return to the starting position.

Romanian deadlift

The Romanian deadlift develops the entire back of the legs, from the glutes and hamstrings to the calves.

  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. The barbell is held in free hands (with a straight back).
  2. Lean forward as far as the stretch allows (an indicator is a flat back, which should remain in this position throughout the entire movement).
  3. Take a short pause and return to the starting position with a powerful movement.

Leg press

An excellent basic exercise for training legs in the gym, which reduces the load on the spine. Works the quadriceps and buttocks, although the focus of the load can be changed by positioning the legs.

  1. Place your feet on the platform, press down the weight, and remove the locking handles.
  2. Slowly lower the platform down, bending your knees.
  3. At the lowest point in the knee there should be a right angle; excessive bending should not be allowed, as this harms the joints.

Seated leg extension

One of the most popular leg isolation exercises in the gym. Aimed at thoroughly working out the quadriceps muscle. It also puts a little stress on the calves.

We recommend reading: Full body workout at home

  1. Position your feet so that the top of the “instep” is under the bolster.
  2. Secure the body by grasping the handles.
  3. Extend your legs at a slow pace, making a minimal pause at the top point.
  4. When extending, you cannot straighten the leg, this will create an increased load on the joint, so it is necessary to leave a minimum bend in the knee.

Lying leg curl

A necessary element of leg training in the gym for men. Exercise not only develops the thigh biceps and buttocks, but also improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

  1. Take a lying position and fix the roller just above your heels.
  2. Slowly raise your legs while extending your knees.
  3. At the top point, take a short break and return to the starting position.
  4. To maintain the load in the muscles, the legs should be extended until a right angle is formed at the knee.

Lunges forward

Lunges are one of the best leg exercises in the gym and can be customized to suit your needs. Loads almost all leg muscles, with an emphasis on the quadriceps.

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Dumbbells (if necessary) are held in free hands.
  2. Take a step forward with your free leg, maintaining balance (emphasis on your other leg).
  3. Lower yourself until a right angle is formed in both knees (it is forbidden to touch the floor with the knee of the supporting leg).
  4. Rise up slowly and without jerking, returning to the starting position.

Reverse/side lunges

In this exercise, it is enough to step not only forward, but also backward or to the side, shifting the load to the outer or inner thighs.

  1. Take a step back (or a wide step to the side), keeping your back straight.
  2. Maintain a minimal pause and at the same pace (without jerking) return to the starting position.
  3. The width of the step depends on the length of the legs.

Lunges in place

Lunges in place can be done with heavy weights (barbell or dumbbells). The difference from regular lunges is that more load is placed on the hamstrings.

  1. Place one foot forward one step and take a stand (the emphasis is on both legs, evenly distributing the center of gravity).
  2. Sit down as far as the stretch allows (or 1-2 cm before your knee touches the floor).
  3. Get into the starting position.

In this type of lunge, the movements are not done one by one, but in a whole approach for each leg.

We recommend reading: Squats with your own weight

Jump Squats

An excellent exercise that develops explosive power and targets almost all the muscles of the lower body. Can be performed with or without weights.

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder level, bend your arms and hold them opposite your chest (preferably interlace your fingers).
  2. Do a squat as deep as possible, then jump up with maximum power.
  3. At the top, spread your arms out to the sides and slightly back to stabilize your body.
  4. Lower yourself to the floor on your toes.

Standing calf raise

A classic gym leg exercise for men that targets the calves. It can be performed with or without weights.

  1. Stand with your toes on any ledge or stacked plates. Dumbbells are held in free hands, the back is straight.
  2. At an average pace, rise onto your toes, making movement only at the ankle joint.
  3. It is worth performing the exercise until a pronounced burning sensation or in the amount of 15-30 repetitions.

One leg squat

This is a very difficult and technical exercise that targets all the leg muscles. It is not suitable for beginners who have recently purchased a membership and do not yet know how to pump up their legs in the gym. Provides incredible load on the legs and develops coordination and balance.

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart (or slightly narrower).
  2. Begin to slowly bend your supporting leg at the knee.
  3. Bring your other leg forward in parallel (you don’t have to straighten your knee all the way, maintaining a minimal bend).
  4. At the mastering stage, you can hold onto any support with your hand to stabilize your body position.

Steps onto the platform

A good exercise for all the muscles of the lower body, which can be used both as a cardio exercise (without weights) and for muscle development (with weights).

  1. Stand straight in front of the cabinet, keep your hands on your chest (crosswise) or in a free position.
  2. Take a step onto the pedestal (it is important to place your entire foot on the pedestal, not just the toe), and then shift your support to your front leg.
  3. Lift your back leg and place it on the counter.
  4. Lower the opposite leg down, returning to the starting position.

Hack machine squats

A good alternative for athletes who are looking for how to pump up their legs in the gym without putting significant stress on the spine. Focuses on the quadriceps.

  1. Secure the weight on your shoulders and place your feet in the middle of the platform (width and height, depending on the area being worked on).
  2. Slowly lower yourself down until your thigh is parallel to the platform, then return to the starting position (without fully extending your knee).

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Seated calf raise

This exercise allows you to powerfully pump your calves using heavy weight. Performed with a barbell.

  1. Sit on a straight-back bench and position the bar (preferably in a Smith machine) so that it rests just above your knees. For convenience, use a roller.
  2. With a powerful movement, rise onto your toes as high as possible.
  3. After a short pause, return to the starting position.

Donkey Calf Raise

The hardest exercise for calves. It is performed in a special simulator or with the help of a partner (who sits on his back).

  1. Lean your body forward and hold onto the support with your hands.
  2. Place your partner just below the lower back (in the tailbone area, closer to the buttocks).
  3. Slowly stand on your toes, trying to get as high as possible.

Workout for Beginners

Treadmill workout

  • 100 meter sprint – 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Leg press

  • 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Deep squats with kettlebells

  • 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Kettlebells

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Girls who dream of having seductive legs without a hint of excess fat, stop having your head in the clouds! Try different workouts designed specifically for the fair sex.

Intermediate training

Treadmill workout

  • 200 meter sprint – 8 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Hack squats

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Lunges with a barbell

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Attention: for each leg

Deep squats with a barbell

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Stepping onto a box with dumbbells

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Attention: for each leg

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When working all muscle groups in accordance with your training plan, you must remember that the secret of a beautiful and harmonious figure lies in balance. Therefore, it is important to perform exercises aimed not only at toning the leg muscles, but also at pumping the calves and muscle stabilizers.

Incorporate these top 5 exercises into your workout to give yourself killer legs. Add effective workouts for the inner thighs, calves and the best hip exercises to your arsenal.

Taking sports supplements - proteins, creatine, bcaa amino acids and vitamins - will help you increase your strength. These sports nutrition products are specifically formulated to improve performance in sports and fitness for men and women.

Just add it to your diet and go ahead to conquer new heights!

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