Exercises for the back of the thigh and buttocks at home, in the gym. Training program

Training rules, precautions

The training technique is different for each trainer, but the safety rules are the same for everyone:

  • Before training, you need to stretch your muscles, stretch, and warm them up.

  • If you feel pain during the exercise, this is a signal that the biceps is overstrained. The exercise must be stopped.
  • Movements should be smooth, without jerks or sudden jumps.

In 1970, scientific studies were conducted where it was found that people who had suffered a hamstring injury, even after full recovery, had lower strength indicators.

Therefore, you should not neglect the rules; you need to prepare your legs for the load.

How often should you exercise at home or in the gym?

You need to train your hamstrings once a week, provided that the training is intense. The main rule: the heavier the weight, the fewer repetitions per week you need to do. Otherwise, there is a risk of overstraining the muscles. This applies to core exercises such as barbell deadlifts or deep squats.

Exercises for the back of the thigh are performed both separately and in complex training. This means that when training the front surface, a small part of the load is distributed to the biceps.

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Why you should avoid the Smith machine

It is believed that hip training with a Smith machine is less effective than exercises with free weights. This happens because the bar moves along one trajectory, and the person does not need to maintain balance, which reduces the required load.

Hamstring exercises on the Smith machine are considered safe. But don’t be afraid of free squats with a barbell, the main thing is to warm up the muscles. You can squat in a power rack, the effect will be more noticeable.

Is it necessary to do it?

Again, there are often conflicting opinions in the gym about performing hamstring exercises, as they believe that the potential harm far outweighs the benefits of this type of exercise. And yet, working with legs is:

  • a basic complex that stimulates the body to massive anabolism,
  • a great opportunity to get rid of the “orange peel”,
  • improved functionality. Now walking in heels will not bring such inconvenience as before,
  • a necessary complex to create a balanced figure.


And yet, recently, exercises for the back of the thigh and buttocks have gained extraordinary popularity among all representatives of the fair sex. It's all the fault of the Kardashian family, who, with their twerks and impressive forms, set new standards of beauty that all representatives of the fair sex strive for. But is everything so good? Yes, first of all, exercises for the back of the thigh are a necessity. Why? Because they use those muscles that are used very little during everyday life. In particular, the hamstrings are used exclusively when a person tries to sit on a chair or bend over. That is why unathletic girls may have a beautiful butt, but its outline will still be blurry due to the underdeveloped back of the thigh.

Harm and possible contraindications

But is everything so good, is there any potential harm from using exercise for the back of the thighs? There is no potential harm at all.

You can harm your body only if you do not perform the exercises properly.

But there is also a risk of improper loading of the back of the thigh. This is expressed when women begin to become overly involved in basic exercises. Therefore, when working the back of the thigh, you need to take into account the following feature:

  • A month of training in heavy basic exercises (to create a basic muscle group on which a further figure will be built).
  • 3 months of split, in which isolation exercises will prevail over basic ones.
  • Reducing working weights from the 5th month, with an increase in the number of approaches and repetitions.

When you have reached your optimal figure, you should think about reducing the load even more in order to just maintain the muscle group in good shape. As for contraindications, they are standard:

  • presence of spinal injuries,
  • problems with bones, blood vessels, ligaments, veins,
  • the presence of tumors in the abdomen,
  • pregnancy,
  • kyphoscoliosis, lordoscoliosis and simply scoliosis.

Read also: Leg extensions in the simulator
Why does the spine play an important role? Because almost all exercises with free weights require massive output from the muscular corset, due to the presence of a vertical compressive load, due to which, in the presence of curvatures, the latter can greatly increase and even lead to disability.

Otherwise, working with the muscles of the thigh and buttocks has no special contraindications.

Exercises in the gym. Exercises and techniques for performing them for girls

The gym is a more motivating environment than at home. There are professional trainers nearby. To pump up your hamstrings, you need to know what exercises to do and how to train correctly.

Romanian deadlift

This exercise allows you to strengthen not only the biceps on your legs, but also your back muscles. It differs from the classic version in that the load level increases due to a lower inclination. The weight of the projectile should be less than usual, and the shin should be in a strictly vertical position.

How to perform Romanian deadlifts correctly:

  1. You should start with a weight of no more than 25 kg. The athlete stands so that the bar hangs over her shin. Legs are placed shoulder-width apart and feet opposite each other.
  2. The projectile is grasped with both hands, positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Palms are turned towards the body.
  3. The back should be straight, it is unacceptable to bend it in a semicircle. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows, and the legs are slightly bent at the knees. The chin should be raised.
  4. The pelvis is pulled back, the back is slightly arched inward. You need to bend over, tensing the muscles of your buttocks and biceps. When lifting, the pelvis should give in slightly forward.
  5. The main thing is that lifting the weight is carried out by tensing the leg muscles, not the back muscles. If your lower back hurts when performing an exercise, this is a sign of incorrect execution technique.
  6. Tilts are performed smoothly, without sudden jerks. After several repetitions, the projectile is carefully placed on the floor.

The effectiveness of this exercise is influenced by the fact that balance under free weight is achieved by transferring body weight to the heels, more than 65%. The pelvis moves back, due to this the gluteal muscles and thighs are tense.


This is a basic exercise that targets several muscle groups at once. It strengthens the abdominal muscles, the front and back of the thighs, and the calves.

How to do the exercise correctly:

  1. The required weight is set, the bar is placed on the neck. To prevent the bar from pressing, you can place a rolled towel under it.
  2. The back should remain straight. Slowly, taking in air, slowly bend your knees. You should sit down in the same way as sitting on a chair. Movements are slow and smooth. You need to stop when the back and floor are parallel.
  3. Lifting is done while exhaling. You need to push off the floor with your heels. The muscles of the legs and buttocks should be tense.

You cannot hunch your back, lift your heels off the floor, or bring your knees together.

Making these mistakes increases the risk of injury and ineffectiveness of the exercise.

Bulgarian split squats

The exercise is simple to perform and gives a quick and noticeable effect. The back and front surface of the thigh, as well as the gluteal and calf muscles are strengthened.

Correct execution:

  1. For training you will need dumbbells and a low bench. They stand with their backs to the bench and throw one leg over it. The second one is put forward. This is the starting position. Hands down, back straight, face directed forward.
  2. Exhaling, you need to lower yourself onto the toga that is on the floor. When the back of the thigh and the floor reach parallel, you need to gradually return to the starting position.

You should start with light dumbbell weights or no weights at all. When the exercise begins to be easy, the height of the bench should be increased. Thus, the lunge will become deeper and the load will increase.

Torso raises (hyperextension)

Exercises for the back of the thigh are performed on the machine with one leg. This technique gives a strong effect.

Correct technique:

  1. It is necessary to sit on the simulator, as usual, at an angle. One leg needs to be pulled out from under the support roller and moved to the side. Hands are folded over the chest or behind the head. The abdominal muscles are in maximum tension.
  2. Having filled the lungs with air, the body goes down. Exhaling, he rises. When lowering your body, you need to reach to the very bottom, stretching your back and gluteal muscles as much as possible. When lifting, you need to pause and count 2-3 seconds, then continue the exercise.

In addition to strengthening the hamstrings, this exercise helps strengthen the buttocks and also has a relaxing effect on the lower back. Suitable for those who constantly work while sitting at a computer.

Leg Curl

How to bend your legs correctly in the simulator:

  1. It is necessary to adjust the simulator to the height of the athlete. You should lie on a bench with your stomach pressed against it, and put your feet under special soft cushions. They should be at the level of the ankles and form parallelism with them. The bend of the bench is at the waist, and the knees are overhanging. Special handrails are clamped with your hands and your face is lowered down.
  2. As you inhale, the rollers are pulled up to the buttocks with your feet. The pelvis and hips are not raised, they should be pressed tightly against the bench. The abs and hips tense. The legs drop as the athlete exhales. When lifting, the legs are fixed at the top point for 3 seconds.

There are 3 techniques for this exercise. Each of them is aimed at strengthening different muscles of the back of the thigh. You can do leg curls while sitting, standing, or lying down, holding a dumbbell between your ankles. It is necessary to change the position of the feet under the rollers, for example, toes apart, and then toes turned towards each other.

Kettlebell swings

Training of several muscle groups, medium in complexity. Exercise helps to tone the hips, back and shoulder blade muscles, and also helps increase endurance.

How to do kettlebell swings correctly:

  1. Legs are spread shoulder-width apart. Select a kettlebell of a comfortable weight. With your knees bent, you need to grab the projectile with both hands. The back remains straight, the abs tense.
  2. Next, swings are made forward and backward, between the legs. It is necessary to do the exercise by stretching the muscles of the shoulders and arms. The back of the thigh is trained during the forward swing. It is necessary to strain this part so that the weight returns forward not with the effort of the arms, but as if pushing off with the biceps of the legs.
  3. You need to push the weight to the level of your head and return it back.

The exercise can be performed with two kettlebells or swings with one arm.

For the exercise to be effective for the hamstrings, you should choose equipment weighing more than 40 kg.

Hamstring muscles

The hamstrings cross the hip and knee joints and are made up of three separate muscles - the biceps femoris, the polymembranous muscle and the semitendinous muscle . [12]

1. Biceps femoris - biceps femoris - is a muscle of the inner thigh that begins in the thigh and ends in the knee . The biceps femoris muscle provides the ability to bend the leg at the knee joint , rotate it outward, and extend it at the hip joint

2. Semimembranosus - semimembranosus muscle - is the largest muscle among the hamstrings, starting from the ischial tuberosity. Heading downwards, it passes into a flat tendon, which then narrows. It allows leg flexion and hip extension relative to the hip. Additionally, it allows medial rotation of the thigh relative to the hip and medial rotation of the leg relative to the knee.

3. Semitendinosus is the longest muscle of the hamstring, located between the semimembranosus and the biceps femoris . It originates in the ischial tuberosity of the ischium. It allows flexion of the leg and extension of the hip in the direction of the hip, and allows medial rotation of the thigh relative to the hip and medial rotation of the leg relative to the knee. [12]

Home workouts for girls. The best exercises for buttocks and thighs

According to surveys conducted in the Bolshoy Sport magazine, 50% of women in Russia do not have the opportunity to visit the gym. However, this is not an obstacle to a full workout and maintaining muscle tone. Hamstring exercises can be done at home. The results from training will be similar to those achieved in the gym with apparatus.


Regular squats without weights are a good exercise for the buttocks and thighs. But you need to squat correctly.

Various types of squats are good exercises for the hamstrings.

How to do it:

  1. The back should bend forward. Due to this, the load on the spine is weakened.
  2. Do not lift your heels off the floor. The load should fall on the heels. If it is difficult to control your feet, then you need to place a block about 2-3 cm thick under your heels.
  3. The knees don't come together. Otherwise, 60% of the weight stresses the joints, but not the muscles. The exercise loses its effectiveness and is harmful to the knee joints.
  4. The face should be kept straight or raised up. When a person looks down, the back hunches, and the load on the spine increases.
  5. When returning to the starting position, it is not recommended to straighten your legs completely. This way you can avoid overstraining your joints and give your muscles additional stress.
  6. Trainers do not recommend overweight girls and beginners to squat deeply. The lowest point is parallel to the hip and floor. If you go down to the floor, the load on your knees increases.

After regular exercise, taking into account the correct execution of squats, the legs acquire a beautiful shape. Both sides of the hips and abdominal muscles are worked out.

Single leg squats

Exercises for the back of the thigh, such as squats on one leg, have two options. The first option is called classic. The back is straight, arms extended in front of you. Bend one leg at the knees and sit down on the second. Fix in this position for 2-3 seconds and rise to the starting position.

The second option is called a pistol. The bottom line is that the body should be completely straight. The leg does not bend, but stretches forward. This exercise is of medium difficulty; if at the beginning it is difficult to perform, then you need to place your outstretched leg on a chair or bench.

Jumping Lunges

The workout burns calories well, trains the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and calves. In addition to strength training, jumping lunges are considered an intense cardio workout.


  1. You need to stand straight. Back straight, legs together, hands at your sides.
  2. As you exhale, the right leg is thrown forward, the position is fixed for a few seconds.
  3. Exhaling, you jump up, and then lunge onto the other leg.
  4. You need to alternate lunges with jumps until you feel tension in your muscles.

For beginners, it is recommended to swing your arms up when jumping to coordinate your movements. When the exercise becomes easy, you can do lunges with dumbbells in your hands.

Leg raises while lying on your stomach

In terms of effectiveness, this exercise is not inferior to those. What is done on a leg curl machine. The back of the thigh is worked out and strengthened.


  1. You need to lie on your stomach. Straighten your legs and stretch them down.
  2. Inhaling, the legs rise, both at once. At the same time, the pelvis should not lift off the floor, but the front surface of the thighs should rise. As you exhale, the legs return to their original position.

When the workout starts to seem easy to do, you can purchase special calf weights.

Gluteal bridge

This is a workout for several muscle groups. Strengthens the buttocks, abs and lower back. Due to the lifting of the body, the back surface of the thigh is worked out in the same way as the front.


  1. You need to lie on your back. The legs are bent and the feet are on the floor. The body is maximally dressed.
  2. Straining the thigh muscles and lower leg, raise the pelvis and fixate in this position for 5 seconds. Shoulder blades and arms should be pressed tightly to the floor.
  3. Exhaling, the body slowly lowers to its original position.

If the exercise seems easy, you can use a weight that is placed on your stomach.

Leg Curl with Band

The exercise for the hamstrings is easy to perform. Sports equipment stores sell special elastic bands for training. They vary in hardness, so you need to select them individually.

How to properly train with elastic bands:

  • There is no need to straighten your leg all the way.
  • It is necessary to strain the muscle well, bringing the bent leg almost to the buttocks.
  • Extension should be smooth, and flexion should be sharper.
  • At the end of the lift, you need to fix the position of your leg for 3 seconds.

The most effective exercise is considered to be with elastic bands in a standing position. The hamstrings become more tense than when lying down.

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The best exercises for the hamstrings

Admit it, do you train your hamstrings on leg day? The reason you shouldn't forget about these muscles is n't just about the symmetry and appearance of your body . Weak hamstrings are one of the most common causes of athlete injuries , affecting both men and women . In this article we will introduce you to 10 exercises with which you will get a strong and beautiful hamstring. [1]

Romanian deadlift

Deadlifts are one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the hamstrings. It differs from the classic deadlift in that the Romanian deadlift is performed with straight legs. How to do the exercise? Grasp the barbell approximately shoulder-width apart , with your shoulders pointing down . Bend your knees slightly and lean over as if you were trying to place a barbell on the floor. Keep your back straight and be careful not to bend your knees too much , otherwise you will not perform this exercise correctly. When you bend over, you should feel tension above your knees, that is, in the back of your thighs. Then return to the starting position by twisting your pelvis up and squeezing your buttocks. [2]

Sumo deadlift

The sumo deadlift is another deadlift variation designed to strengthen the hamstrings. When doing a sumo-style deadlift, the legs are positioned wider than the shoulders (in some cases they practically rest against the plates), we hold the bar slightly narrower than shoulder width and lift using the force of the quadriceps , adductor muscles and buttocks. [3]

Leg press

Sit on the machine , place your feet on the platform approximately shoulder-width apart. Release the safety lever and use your thigh muscles to push the weight away without fully straightening your knees. Never straighten your knees completely to avoid injury. After inhaling, slowly return to the starting position so that your knees and hips are at a 90-degree angle. [4]

4. Seated leg curls

Set the desired weight and sit on the machine. Place your ankles under the bottom bolster and rest against it . Begin to bend your knees, bringing your calf muscles toward your hamstrings, tucking your legs under you , and hold for 1 second at the end point. Then inhale and return to the starting position. [5]

Lying leg curl

Select the appropriate weight, lie on your stomach and grab the handles of the machine . Place your feet under the bolster so that they touch it a few centimeters below your calf. As you exhale, lift the roller and hold it in the final position for 1 second. Exhale and slowly return to the starting position. Make sure you don't move your hips as you lift the roller. [6]

Exercise “Good morning”

The main advantage of this exercise is that you don't need machines , just a barbell. Start in a standing position with a barbell on your shoulders , keeping your back straight at all times. Bend your knees slightly, extend your butt, and lean forward 90 degrees. Then inhale and return back to the starting position. In addition to working your hamstrings, you'll also strengthen your glutes and back . [7]


Hyperextension is an excellent exercise for the hamstrings , as well as the muscles of the lower back and buttocks . Sit comfortably on the hyperextension machine, placing your heels firmly on the platform at the bottom of the machine. Cross your arms over your chest or behind your head. Smoothly lower yourself down until you feel a stretch in your lower back and thigh muscles, while inhaling. Without delay at the bottom point, straightening up to the level of the starting position and exhaling . Then return to the starting position. Throughout the entire exercise, keep your head in line with your body and keep your back straight. [7]

Exercise Glute-ham Raise

This exercise is similar to a hyperextension . You can perform it on a special GHR bench, or with the help of a partner . If this machine is in your gym, place your feet tightly between the bolsters , placing your knees directly on the stand or slightly behind them. Throughout the entire exercise, keep your lower back and exhale as you move down . Then rise to a vertical position so that your knees are at a 90-degree angle. [2]

If you are unable to use this machine, sit on your knees and have a partner hold your ankles . As with the machine, exhale as you lower and then rise up using the back of your thighs and buttocks. [2]

Hip press

For this exercise you will need a barbell with weight . Lie on the ground and bend your knees. Place the barbell on your hips and lift your butt up. Hold this position and then lower yourself down. When lifting your hips, you'll likely feel more pressure on your sciatic muscles than your hamstrings, but both sides of the muscle will be used equally . [2]

Swings in a crossover

Attach the adapter to the ankle and lower block. Stand one step away from a machine that you can hold onto with your hands. Swing your leg back so that the knees of both legs are always slightly bent. Then repeat the exercise with the other leg . [2]

We believe that in our article you have found new exercises for the hamstring muscles that will become part of your leg workout . If you want your friends to know about this article, be sure to support us by reposting .

Monthly training program for home

To achieve beautiful relief and make the back of the thigh toned, you need a training program. For the results to become noticeable, it will take about 2 months of training at home. The training program below is aimed at beginners.

ExerciseNumber of repetitionsApproachesInterval between sets
One leg squat15-20345 sec.
Jumping lunges10-15230-50 sec.
Leg curl lying on the floor20350 sec.
Gluteal bridge15350 sec.

The minimum time for muscle rest is 3 days.

What movements work well at the back of the thigh?

There are three muscles on the back of the thigh:
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  • Biceps femoris (BB) - consists of two heads and is located closer to the outer edge of the thigh.
  • Semitendinosus muscle (TS) - located closer to the inner edge.
  • The semimembranosus muscle (SM) is partially covered by the semitendinosus muscle.

In the video below, they first show the short head of the biceps, then the long head, and after that they draw a complex of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles.

To find out how to best target the hamstrings, we looked at several scientific studies using electromyography (EMG). This is a technology in which electrodes are glued to a person’s skin, after which he makes a movement, and the device monitors the electrical activity in the working muscle.

The scientists then compare the results to maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)—the level to which a person can tense a muscle on their own without any resistance or in any exercise—and calculate the percentage of activation.

In the 2013 Kettlebell swing targets semitendinosus and supine leg curl targets biceps femoris: an EMG study with rehabilitation implications, 16 young, trained women performed several hamstring exercises while scientists tracked muscle activity.

Based on the results of this work, we have selected the three best movements that can be performed at home without barbells and machines:

  • Leg bends on a sliding support, lying on your back . The movement activates the biceps femoris by 121% and the semitendinosus by 98%.
  • Kettlebell swings . This exercise provides more activity in the PS muscle - 115%, but also pumps up the hamstrings well - activates it by 93%.
  • Scandinavian crunches . The movement also activates the posterior muscles well: 91% for the BB and 82% for the PS.

In the 2021 Analysis of the Hamstring Muscle Activation During two Injury Prevention Exercises experiment involving 10 female athletes, similar results were obtained for Nordic crunches. There, this movement loaded the BB by 75%, and the PS by 78.3%. But the leg curl on the exercise ball was not so impressive: it activated the biceps femoris by only 50%, and the semitendinosus muscle by 44%.

Essentially, curling your legs on the ball replicates the movement on the floor that was used in the 2013 experiment. However, in that study, the exercise was performed on one leg, and the knees were bent at a more acute angle. In the 2021 work, both feet stood on the ball, and the knees bent only to an angle of 60°. Perhaps this explains the difference in activation percentages.

The effectiveness of these movements was confirmed by another work - the experiment ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: What Is the Best Exercise for the Hamstrings? graduate students from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse under the sponsorship of the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Here, different exercises were tested on 16 young people of both sexes. In terms of load on the BB, the absolute leader was the kettlebell swing, and for the PS muscles, hip extension on a bench, leg curl on a ball, and Scandinavian crunches without a machine were recognized as the best.

Gym training program

People achieve success faster in the gym. To stretch your hamstrings you will need a month of regular training.

ExerciseNumber of repetitionsApproachesIntervals between setsProjectile weight
Squats1021 min.70% of 1RM
Bulgarian split squats10250 sec.From 5 kg
Hyperextension10250 sec.

When the workout starts to seem easy, you need to increase the weight of the equipment and the number of repetitions.

How to properly increase muscle load

When you feel that the muscles are no longer tense when performing the exercise with the original weight, you should increase it by 2 kg. You cannot put more weight, this increases the risk of injury and muscle overload. If you cannot perform more than 3 repetitions with the new weight, then you should return the previous weight of the projectile. This means that the biceps are not ready to increase the load.

To get a sculpted rear thigh surface, you need to follow safety rules, perform exercises correctly, and also avoid overload.

The key to strength training is getting enough rest. If you feel that the muscles refuse to perform the second approach, you need to listen to your body, and then the result will appear faster.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

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