How many calories does the elliptical trainer burn?

Before answering this question, World of Sports experts suggest starting with an understanding of what a calorie is?

Not every person who is trying to find out how many calories an elliptical trainer burns, how to burn more in one workout, and which sports equipment is best to buy to “destroy” calories, understands what we are talking about?

A calorie is nothing more than a unit of measurement. What does it measure? First of all, it's warm. Secondly, energy, without which a person cannot live.

For those who are obsessed with the desire to maximize the consumption of “taken on board” calories on the ellipsoid, it is important to realize: for any life process, including for intellectual work and even for being in a state of absolute rest, we need calories.

Where do they come from? Not from sports activity. From the food we consume. Those who carry out unreasonably grueling workouts (with anything - an orbitrek, a bicycle, oars on a kayak or iron in a gym) are faced with inevitable drowsiness. It “screams” to us that the body’s source of energy has dried up. An excessively large supply of calories has been consumed, and it needs to be restored by:

  • food consumption
  • sleep, which “puts” the body on “recharge” and “reboot”.

What are we doing? After the most intense workout, we run to a cafe or store to instantly destroy its achievements and results - to replenish our calorie reserves. And increase it more often.

It is this error that leads to the emergence of “expert opinions” that, they say, no matter how many calories are burned on the ellipsoid, “fat still does not leave the sides.”

Well, of course, it won’t go anywhere if you spend about 1100 calories in 2 hours of average training on an elliptical, and then go to a barbecue to get 2200 by eating a kilogram of fried meat.

The winner of excess weight is not the one who drives himself into a frenzy on any of the sports equipment we offer, but the one who, during this training, also knows the secret of the BZHU formula (knows how to count proteins, fats, carbohydrates that enter the body).

1 gram of protein – 4 calories. 1 gram of carbohydrates is also 4, but there are already 9 of them in a gram of fat.

The amount of calories entering the body is important. This is the norm, because chronic deficiency, as well as excess, leads to negative consequences. When we have too much, we get fat and choke when climbing stairs, but when we have too little? Good mood and performance are lost.

Today, the number of people living in the world is close to 8 billion (for 2021 the figure is 7.594 billion). Of these, 800 million suffer from obesity. That is, every tenth inhabitant of our planet. Do they all simply overeat due to “love for tasty and unhealthy food”?

No. Let's reveal a secret: the number of overweight people is growing because life is becoming more and more hectic. And if in our latitudes it is generally accepted that stress is “drenched” mainly with strong drinks, then, believe me, in the “hospital” as a whole this is not at all the case. Every tenth citizen of the Earth “eats” nervous overexcitement, not being a gourmet.

Most people get fat not because they eat often and a lot, but on the contrary - because they live in a frantic rhythm and DO NOT eat on time. Hungry, they come home and “storm the refrigerator” when there is no point in eating at all, and it’s time to go to bed after a light dinner.

In such a situation, it doesn’t matter at all how many calories the elliptical trainer burns in the morning in the gym or on the loggia: the body has “made up” for everything. And the “athlete” went to the side to grow fat in his sleep.

Overeating is promoted not only by the “abstract” frantic pace of life, when on the way to work someone manages to “swallow” a hamburger, and someone else shawarma. Excess weight is a “social problem”, just like alcoholism. If you see that you are surrounded by the same “eaters” who love to “refuel at night” and dine “on the run,” then you feel “at ease” and easily break through the mark of your daily allowance of 1800 calories.

1800 calories is the average daily fuel requirement for men. Women need less - 1500. In the professional literature you will find the daily value as much as 2500 calories. And decide: this is a reason to eat more. Yes! But only if you are 20-25 years old. The body has excellent metabolism during this period.

What do you want to do at 40-45 years old? The specified minimum level of 1800 calories per day at this age must be assessed “critically”, because even the minimum excess will affect the figure.

You might be wondering how many calories the elliptical burns. But it is much more important to understand that 75% of those who practice without supervision

  • experienced nutritionist
  • good coach

resemble hamsters, which

  • rotate the wheel installed in the trap with their paws
  • and at the same time they eat all the time.

Alas, they never change their appearance!

Another 20% harm their health; they count the number of calories. What about quality? He doesn't get any attention.

The quality in this situation is the vitamins and minerals that the body needs and are found in fruits and vegetables. Pasta and sweets have the highest calorie content. But they bring nothing but disappointment when we look in the mirror the morning after eating the cake the day before.

An ellipsoid, no matter how sophisticated it is, can only help by a third in the fight against excess weight. Its “specific gravity” in the process of losing weight is no more than 30%! But other? This is your food!

And now we are gradually approaching the issue of the effectiveness of the orbitrack (ellipsoid) in the training process.

Features of burning calories on an elliptical trainer

The main feature that distinguishes the calorie consumption of a good elliptical is the combination of versatility and safety. The fact is that a treadmill is not suitable for every person trying to lose weight. For example, older people or those who have knee problems will probably prefer to refrain from using a treadmill due to doctor's recommendations.

Bike? A very good option. But at the same time, those who have a problem with the spine will be able to pedal only in the horizontal version of the exercise bike, because exercising on a vertical bike can cause more harm to a sore back than provide benefits.

The ellipsoid, which allows for the most beneficial and even distribution of the load throughout the body, is suitable for those who suffer from joint diseases (load on the knees is excluded here), and for those who have reached a respectable age, and for those who have problems with the spine.

This sports unit implements the Russian folk wisdom “hurry slowly.” When thinking about the question of how many calories are burned on an “inefficient” elliptical, don’t discount:

  • its maximum suitability for people with various health problems (and, alas, these are the majority).
  • comfortable operation (run on a treadmill at 5 am - you will hear a lot of pleasant things from the neighbors below, while the ellipsoid is emphatically silent).
  • the ability to “spare” you! It is important. A person weighing 70 kg will burn 1036 calories on an elliptical in 2 hours of continuous work, although they could burn them in 1 hour on a treadmill. And that's great. Because he will go to work full of strength and energy, having worked in orbit for 1 hour and having lost 518 calories. Where will the rest go? For your productivity during the working day.

How many calories does a person need?

How many calories you need to consume per day is an individual question. The human body is a complex system, so there are no universal solutions. The approximate amount is calculated depending on height, weight, gender and age, level of physical activity and place of residence.

On average, an adult needs 1800-2500 kcal , a professional athlete needs 3500 kcal. But a lot depends on the speed of metabolic processes. If they are slowed down, then even a minimal amount of calories will contribute to fat deposition. See how much the average person with your data needs so that the weight does not change.

Metabolism is influenced by health status, ecology, psycho-emotional background and the environment. Any excess in the amount of calories consumed will have a negative impact on your figure.

You can calculate the required number per day using simple mathematical operations.

For every kilogram of weight you need 1 kcal per hour.

It turns out that in an hour a person weighing 50 kg burns 50 kcal to maintain vital processes. Based on this, a person will need 1200 kcal per day.

Daily caloric intake includes energy consumption for movement. Scientists have determined how many calories a woman and a man need on average, that is, 1500 and 1700 kcal, respectively.

To determine how much energy is required, you need to decide on the goal. Just for weight it is enough to consume a certain amount of kcal, no matter proteins, fats or carbohydrates. We wrote earlier about nutritional rules for losing weight on elliptical trainers.

In terms of energy consumption, 1 kcal of protein = 1 kcal of fat. If consumption is equal to or exceeds consumption, then weight remains stable. But if the goal is a beautiful and fit body, then the quality of the incoming substances is of great importance. The better the quality of the products, the more energy will be spent on the formation of new cells and renewal of the body.

The quality of incoming products affects health and well-being. For example, products such as pasta and sweets contain high calorie content, but do not contain nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a person will feel bad, and the body, despite being slim, will not be elastic and toned.

The obvious advantages of the elliptical trainer

to burn calories

There are graphs of energy consumption, in the compilation of which a variety of types of activity were studied - from working with a vacuum cleaner to swimming fast crawl and jogging. When analyzing these processes, the ratio of calories we lose per 1 kg of our weight in 60 minutes is calculated and a “rating” of types of activity that bring maximum benefit to a person is determined.

Training on an orbit track (ellipsoid) is considered one of the most effective. And why? Such a simulator, due to its versatility and delicate effect on the body, allows us to exercise for a long time, correlating our desires with our capabilities.

We don’t “kill ourselves” on the elliptical, we take care of ourselves, we don’t injure the spine, lower back, knees, and we don’t switch off from the process for as long as possible.

And again we ask the question - why? Happens:

Strengthening the cardiovascular system

On a treadmill or on a bicycle, according to statistics, people are more likely to quit the race. This is our psychology: “I will run 1 hour on the first day, and on the second day I will run 2 hours, and on the third...”. There will not be a third day, because you may fall down with a hypertensive crisis or tachycardia.

This will not happen with an ellipsoid. If you approach your training correctly, starting with 5-10 minutes, pausing (training every other day) and adding 5 minutes to your training every day, then you will help your heart and blood vessels become stronger, thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes.

Improving the respiratory system

It is important for people who last played sports at school to start training on the orbitrack, because this particular simulator does not increase the volume of the lungs (which in some cases can be dangerous), but trains the respiratory system, making us forget about shortness of breath when climbing to the 5th floor . You are much less likely to experience dizziness during your workout, fall off the machine, and get injured than with a treadmill that constantly moves. This is a definite plus. The lungs function by strengthening gradually, without stress.

Comprehensive muscle training

We could limit ourselves to a short phrase that the ellipsoid gives load to all muscle groups. But we will continue by saying that this load is delicate and beneficial for the body. The arms and legs are loaded to a reasonable extent (it is the orbitrack that makes it possible to pump the back of the thigh in reverse rotation mode, which a treadmill or exercise bike will not allow you to do). There is a load on the shoulders, but at the same time they do not become “bloated”, like those of bodybuilders. There is a load on the back, but it is gentle and pain occurs extremely rarely. The chest and abs are worked out. Miracle! We started with the question of how many calories are burned on the ellipse, and came to the conclusion that the functionality of this device is not limited to simply “destroying” the “calorie intake” consumed per day. It gives health and development.

Exercises on an elliptical cross-trainer for weight loss

Working out on the elliptical machine is a great way to lose weight. However, for classes to be effective, certain rules must be followed:

  • during exercise, you should constantly monitor your pulse - it should be 70-80 beats per minute;
  • a properly selected load should not be too high or too low. If it is too high, the heart rate will exceed normal, and if it is too low, it will prevent adequate muscle activation;
  • the workout should last at least 30 minutes - the human body begins to burn fat only about 20 minutes after the start of physical activity;
  • exercises on the orbit track should be performed at least three times a week to maintain metabolic rate;
  • you should choose interval training - thanks to this, fat burning continues after exercise;
  • do not forget to maintain correct posture (back straight, feet on the pedals, keep your head level, look straight ahead, hands on the handles).

How much does the elliptical burn compared to other cardio equipment?

Calories burn slower on the elliptical! If in an hour of intensive work on a treadmill (meaning continuous running at a speed of 10 km/h) you lose 800-900 calories, and on a bicycle 700-800, then the orbitrack will take 400 from you. Is this good or bad? Maybe it’s better, after all, to buy a treadmill?

Again! Calories are not garbage, but the source of your performance. Remember this. In addition to the gym, where the orbitrek is installed, there is a wonderful world in which you will really need strength and energy. They are provided by calories. And after reading this article, you will at least think about two things. Not only about the quantity of these calories, but also about their quality.

And also that it is the ellipsoid presented in our sports discounter that will not only allow you to start the path to self-improvement and a beautiful figure, but will also give you the opportunity to stay on this path for as long as possible. After all, the orbitrek is less of a “sports” simulator, like a treadmill or a bicycle. But mostly – a resource for long-term, pleasant self-development, long-term consolidation of the desired result.

Orbitrek (ellipse): counting calories burned

The most frequently asked question is the number of calories burned on an elliptical trainer per unit of time (20,30,40,60 minutes). According to average data, during one minute of intense exercise you can burn about 13 calories, that is, in 30 minutes of training you can lose up to 400 calories. But it is worth considering that the indicator depends on the level of sports training and physical parameters of the body. And the amount of calories burned is affected by the intensity and regularity of training, lifestyle, biorhythms, and diet.

To effectively lose weight, you should follow a few simple rules. If you are a beginner, you should start with a low-intensity regimen and gradually increase the load on the body, increasing the speed of movement and the level of resistance. And also change the position of the body to effectively work out individual problem areas. Effective results can only be achieved with progressive training by increasing the load and endurance of the body.

Thus, the elliptical trainer:

· Effectively burns extra pounds through intense and regular training;

· Allows you to burn up to 700 calories during an hour-long workout;

· It is an effective way to lose weight in symbiosis with a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet.


The question of how many calories are burned on a modern ellipsoid is best considered in combination with other, equally important questions that affect the style and frequency of your diet, lifestyle, the number of stressful situations and methods of dealing with emotional stress. The world is multifaceted. And the sports tools for self-development that we bring to your attention require competent treatment, promising to bring maximum benefit to their owners in return.

We are confident that readers of our article will be able to extract the most positive effect for their health from exercise on the ellipsoid!

Example of an elliptical training program that burns calories

In one 30-minute workout you can get rid of 240 to 380 calories. The number of calories burned depends not only on the intensity of the exercise, but also on your own weight. The more you weigh, the more calories you can remove.

  • The first day . 30 minutes of exercise at medium intensity is enough.
  • Second day. 5 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (warm-up), three minutes of fast high intensity exercise, two minutes of calm activity. This program is repeated 4 times (not including the warm-up), and then ends with a 5-minute cool-down at a calm pace.
  • Day three . 5 minutes of warm-up, then a gradual increase in load over 15 minutes, then a gradual decrease in load over 15 minutes.
  • Day four . The class begins with a 5-minute warm-up and ends with a cool-down and includes training at medium speed and minimal resistance.
  • Day five . A 5-minute warm-up is followed by 3 minutes of acceleration, 2 minutes of maximum load at high speed. The set of exercises is repeated 4 times and ends with a cool-down.

When should you not use the elliptical and burn calories?

To get results from training and not cause harm to the body, pay attention to contraindications that limit the possibility of using the orbitrek.

  • Temperature increase.
  • Infectious diseases, including symptoms of acute respiratory infections and flu - cough, red throat, etc.
  • Bad feeling.
  • Presence of joint and bone diseases.
  • Taking a course of medication.
  • Diseases of the heart and respiratory system.
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension.

What is an elliptical trainer

An elliptical for weight loss is useful because it is a cardio machine on which you can get complex loads. During training, the legs move along an elliptical path to reduce damage to the joints. Hence the name of the device. At the same time, training on an elliptical for weight loss is equivalent to running. The use of an elliptical trainer is available to people of any age. It is often used in rehabilitation techniques after injuries to the musculoskeletal system. The display of the device helps you adjust the resistance of your feet and the consumption of kilocalories (kcal).

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