Benefits and harms to the body when exercising on an elliptical trainer

What is an elliptical trainer

A combination of a treadmill, a classic stepper and a bit of an exercise bike - that's what an elliptical trainer is like. Each sports equipment has benefits and harms, so before purchasing it is important to study the characteristics of the equipment, the muscle groups being loaded and the possible consequences.

You can run on the ellipse, imitate walking on stairs, skiing, or cycling. The movements are smooth, the user chooses the pace independently. The cardio machine strengthens the cardiovascular system, is well suited for aerobic exercise, and minimally involves the joints.

By design, ellipsoids are front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive, and by operating method: mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic. The positive characteristics of all cardio equipment are similar; they can be considered without reference to a specific model.

Elliptical trainer, contraindications

If you really want to, you can do it. But keep an eye on your condition; as soon as you feel unwell (heart pain, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea) - stop training. As a rule, exercising on a cardio machine is not recommended for people suffering from frequent hypertensive crises and those who suffer from cardiovascular failure. Also, the elliptical trainer is contraindicated for those who have previously experienced an attack of cardiac asthma, tachycardia, or angina. People with edema and thrombophlebitis, cancer, and diabetes should not exercise either.

What muscles does the elliptical train?

Modern models with an electric motor, sensors and various functions allow you to create a personal training plan and change the muscle groups involved. The treadmill emphasizes the legs, but leaves the upper body untouched. Orbitrek allows you to train the entire body.

The benefits of an elliptical trainer for men are toned shapes and simultaneous pumping of several muscle groups. Front-wheel drive models are recommended for men; they allow the trainee to stand up to his full height. A good option for tall and obese people.

Different exercises on the elliptical allow you to train different muscle groups:

  1. Classic walking. It works the deltoid muscles, biceps and triceps as much as possible; in other exercises the main load is on the lower part. In addition to the arms, the back and legs are included in the work, the body is positioned straight, which allows you to form the correct posture.
  2. Body leaned forward. Suitable for people with spinal problems as it reduces the impact on the back. The main emphasis is on the quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles.
  3. Backward movements. The buttocks and tendons are strengthened, the arms are a little tense - they need to hold on to static handles.
  4. Reverse pedaling. Another option for tightening the gluteal muscles.

The benefits of an elliptical trainer for women are the reduction of cellulite and reduction in the volume of problem areas. High-quality treatment of the thighs and buttocks accelerates blood circulation, removes fat deposits, and with them the “orange peel”.

What muscles do you train on the elliptical trainer?

Unlike the above-mentioned simulators, the best qualities of which are combined in an orbitrek, it affects the muscles of both the lower and upper parts of the body. It all depends on what technique you use.

Classical walking with a straight body

- an excellent option for those who want to work both the leg muscles (calf muscles, anterior and posterior thigh muscles, buttocks), and biceps and triceps. The deltoid muscles, back muscles, core and shoulder girdle are connected. By the way, this is why they say that exercise on an ellipsoid is effective for losing weight, as well as for developing beautiful posture.

Walking with your body leaning forward

- this type of movement on the simulator involves primarily influencing the calf and quadriceps muscles. At the same time, the load on the back is minimal. Therefore, if you have problems with the health of your spine, try to exercise on an ellipsoid, slightly tilting your body forward.

Moving backwards

- This is a good way to strengthen the gluteal muscles and tendons, as well as provide exercise to the arms (to maintain balance, you have to hold on to static handles with your hands).

Pedaling in reverse direction

- also provides a serious load on the muscles of the buttocks. The result is the formation of beautiful shapes and the reduction of cellulite.

As we have already emphasized, representatives of both the weaker and stronger sex love to exercise on the orbitrek. For women, the fact that such training helps reduce the volume of problem areas plays a huge role. If you have always dreamed of a beautiful hip line and toned buttocks, then be sure to include elliptical training in your training program. The benefits for your figure and overall well-being are proven and quickly noticeable.

Representatives of the stronger sex value functionality in the orbitrek. After all, few cardio machines are capable of exerting stress on so many muscle groups. For men, exercise machines equipped with front-wheel drive are better suited. On such devices, even a tall user can stand up to his full height. People with more weight will also feel comfortable.

A few words about losing weight. By maintaining an average pace, you can burn from 400 to 800 kcal in an hour-long session on the orbit track. With regular training and following a healthy diet, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds and centimeters.

Advantages and disadvantages of orbitreks

In addition to the optimal load, which is evenly distributed throughout the body, there are other advantages from using ellipsoids:

  • development of the respiratory system, the ability to engage in aerobic training;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • reduction of problem areas – gentle fat burning;
  • training of the heart and blood vessels;
  • protection of knees and joints from overloads.

For physically weak people, an elliptical trainer is recommended; the benefits for the body will be noticeable from the first cardio training: posture is tightened, calves and thighs are noticeably worked out. Even light exercise helps burn calories: from 400 to 800 in 1 hour.

The disadvantages include:

  • limited pedal path;
  • the need to select an ellipse for your height and weight;
  • monotony of classes;
  • low efficiency for the upper part of the body.

In order to completely strengthen the body and noticeably lose weight, exercises on the orbit track alone are not enough; you need to include another load in the program.

Elliptical trainer at home

Compactness, functionality, and the fact that the elliptical trainer is quite easy to transport (most models have wheels) make it very convenient for home use. And many generally call this simulator the best of its kind. People who use it and buy this technical creation are those who have always dreamed of going to a ski resort, but didn’t have the time, those who adore morning jogging and at the same time can’t stand or are generally too lazy to wake up early in the morning. In other words, the elliptical trainer is a benefit, not a loss. It is a reasonable allocation of time, because all exercises and sports activities can be done on it. Just imagine: you want to ride a bike, which you don’t have, but you have a simulator - select the necessary mode for simulating a bike ride, and go. The same thing happens with “walking up the stairs” and “running”.

Power training

Orbitrek is a cardio machine, it is not intended for building muscle mass. Even the most intense exercises will not pump up your arms, forearms and shoulders, but they will improve your health. Strength exercises are available for experienced and professional athletes; beginners may not have the stamina to maintain a high pace for a long time.

30 minutes and 3 times a week are enough for strength cardio training to show results. Combining it with other physical activity will help you gain weight.

High intensity cardio

By tightening your buttocks and legs, speeding up your metabolism and increasing your fat burn, the elliptical machine has weight-loss benefits: it reduces the size of your thighs and the appearance of cellulite. To work out the bottom, classic and inclined walking is enough; they are maximally focused on the lower part of the body.

The distance for beginner athletes should be 1.5 km, the distance gradually increases. It is important to warm up before exercise and monitor your heart rate during exercise.

Moderate intensity cardio

A training option for people who want to maintain a toned and fit body without leaving home. The movements are carried out smoothly and slowly, the intensity increases gradually so as not to overload the body. The technique that matters here is the execution technique, not the speed.

A slow to medium pace will do, no need to speed up. This kind of gentle fitness can be done every day – up to 6 times a week for 30 minutes.

Who is suitable and not suitable for an ellipsoid?

Orbitracks work smoothly, without jerking or shock loads on the joints. Thanks to this they are suitable for almost all users. Cardio equipment can be included in the program:

  • beginners who lack stamina;
  • people with joint and spine problems;
  • elderly;
  • overweight people;
  • those who were prescribed a rehabilitation set of exercises after surgery.

Any modern ellipsoid allows you to regulate cardio load and adjust the device to the individual parameters of a person. The magnetic and electromagnetic elliptical trainer has a soft stroke, and the health benefits often outweigh the possible harm.

A person who has just been discharged from the hospital should give up exercise - some time must pass before doctors allow light cardio exercise. It is necessary to postpone sports in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and spine. Athletes with non-standard parameters will have to look for an ellipse that is right for them - taking into account their height and step length. It is better not to use general orbitreks, as this will cause inconvenience and even cause injury.

Indications and contraindications for exercising on an elliptical trainer

Tasks for which trainers recommend purchasing sports equipment:

  • health promotion;
  • development of the lungs and cardiovascular system;
  • increased movement (with a sedentary lifestyle);
  • lose weight, get rid of cellulite;
  • put the body in order;
  • return to shape after a long period of inactivity.

You can use an elliptical trainer for the benefit of the whole family; reviews from experts are different, but they agree on one thing - the equipment is suitable for both teenagers and older people.

There are no specific contraindications to the orbitrek if aerobic cardio training is not prohibited to the person. If you exercise without consulting a doctor, you can harm your health if you have the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • asthmatic attacks;
  • heart failure;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • high blood pressure and hypertensive crises;
  • angina pectoris;
  • swelling;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • heat;
  • infectious diseases.

Sometimes you can train with caution. For example, with varicose veins, osteochondrosis, arthrosis. The main thing is to start at a slow pace and carefully monitor how you feel; if you experience a headache, dizziness or weakness, you should end the workout.

Contraindications for training on an elliptical trainer

Physical activity puts stress on the body; if a weakened person has not previously exercised, regular training can negatively affect his well-being. Every beginner should know their diseases, that is, weak points that should not be subjected to heavy loads.

People with the following diseases should completely avoid orbital exercises:

  • hypertension – high blood pressure;
  • periodic hypertensive crises;
  • any infectious lesion;
  • heart failure;
  • increased uterine tone and threat of miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • asthmatic attacks;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diabetes;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • angina pectoris;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • thrombophlebitis.

If the illness is temporary, you must wait until complete recovery (for example, with infections and high fever). It is worth returning to classes after your health has returned to normal: when you have regained strength, eliminated shortness of breath and muscle weakness.

For some diagnoses, it is acceptable to use elliptical trainers. You just need to limit the load and reduce the intensity:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • previous injuries and fractures;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • C-section;
  • lactation;
  • hernia.

During a normal pregnancy, if the woman has previously exercised on an elliptical trainer, short maintenance training is possible. The ellipsoid will also help in rehabilitation after operations.

Both experienced athletes and beginners with fragile health need to carefully monitor their well-being during exercise. To avoid harm, you should stop exercising when the following symptoms occur:

  • chest pain;
  • dizziness;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • weakening;
  • lack of air;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • migraine.

Sharp pain may indicate that muscles or tendons are damaged. Intense exercise does not always mean effective and useful cardio exercises; more often, an unprepared body simply breaks down. Also, many models are equipped with heart rate sensors; it is important to monitor this parameter: it should not extend beyond the maximum limit.

If you carefully use the elliptical trainer, taking into account contraindications for training, you can notice the benefits:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • lung development;
  • strengthening the muscles of the frame, back;
  • lifting the buttocks and thighs;
  • weight loss.

Orbitrek saturates tissues with oxygen, which allows for faster distribution of nutrients and accelerates metabolism. Together, this helps you lose weight, tone your figure and increase your stamina.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. What to look for when choosing an elliptical trainer: benefits or harm to health?

It is worth comparing both factors and paying attention to your well-being. A healthy person needs to remember the possible consequences, but for him the benefits of sports equipment are much more important. If a trainee has problems, it is important to review the contraindications and draw a conclusion: is it possible to take risks or is it better to change physical activity.

2. Can pregnant women exercise?

For women whose pregnancy is progressing well, the ellipse is not contraindicated. Before cardio training, consultation with a doctor is required - in some cases, pregnant women should absolutely not overload themselves.

3. How to train for beginners?

Beginners are recommended to walk for 20 minutes, warm up before using the orbitrek, and cool down after. The intensity should be low to medium. Weekly training increases by 5 minutes.

4. How long do you need to train to see results?

If you have a slim figure, half-hour approaches, 2-3 times a week, are sufficient. When losing weight, the duration increases to 45-60 minutes; cardio classes can be done every other day.

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