How to properly exercise on an elliptical trainer

Exercises on the elliptical trainer - Training rules

Pulse counting

To exercise with maximum impact, you need to calculate the heart rate you need. You can do this as follows: you need to subtract your age from 220. This will be your maximum recommended heart rate. In this case, the average value will be 60-70% of the obtained figure. Look at the indicators for your age:

However, these are all just indicative figures. There is no need to cling to them.

So, at first, we recommend increasing your heart rate gradually, since a sharp jump can put an excessive load on your body. And even more so, in the first stages, the first week or two of training, you do not need to use the interval method, in which your heart rate rises to maximum values. This way you will only harm yourself and enter a state of overtraining, that is, you will reach the point of physical exhaustion, after which you simply will not want to continue the training you have barely begun.

Basic body positions during training

One of the manifestations of the orbitrack’s versatility is that you can change your body position during exercise. When choosing the desired position, you focus on certain muscles, or use them in a different way. You can use both static handles of the exercise machine, focusing on the legs, and moving ones, using all the muscles of the body.

Torneo Festa C-320

The classic orbital position loads all muscles more or less evenly. Classic walking involves a number of rules:

  1. Straighten your body, round your chest, look forward, bend your knees. Place your hands on top of the movable handles of the machine.
  2. Watch your breathing: breathe from the diaphragm, not from the chest, so that your breathing is not intermittent.
  3. The body should move naturally, as if following your hands.

When moving backwards, you need to bend your knees more than usual. In this version, the main load goes to the buttocks. You can bend forward while holding the fixed handles. This way the emphasis will be on the quadriceps and calves. Another variation is the back bend. You need to kind of sit down and pedal in this position. This will specifically “hit” your gluteal muscles.


In order to progress, you must definitely adjust the speed on the orbit track. A lot of people start their training at a low speed. And this is correct, because you need to prepare your body gradually. But the problem is that they remain at this pace.

Increasing your running speed leads to faster metabolism, and therefore more effective fat burning.

An example of cardio training on an elliptical trainer at home.

Example of cardio training at home:

  1. Do a warm-up, more on that below.
  2. Move your pelvis back, tilt your body forward (to emphasize your buttocks), and pedal backwards. Keep the speed at medium. Place your hands on static handrails – 10 min.
  3. Now perform the same movement, only pedal forward. You will feel that the load on the buttocks is changing slightly - 10 minutes
  4. Switch to regular, classic walking and do the same for 10 minutes at an average pace.
  5. Increase your speed to maximum and run like this for 1 minute .
  6. Go for an easy walk, which will serve as a cool-down for you. If you feel the strength to continue, then repeat the cycle of maximum speed - walking for as long as necessary.

How to properly exercise on an elliptical trainer in the gym

Here's an example of a cardio workout using the interval training method:

  1. Warm up properly for 5 minutes ;
  2. Walk at a calm pace for 2-3 minutes ;
  3. Then go into running mode at a pace of 60-70% of the maximum - 5 minutes ;
  4. Go to maximum speed mode - 1 min ;
  5. Go for a walk to recover - 2-3 minutes ;
  6. Then start running again and repeat this cycle as long as necessary.

Getting started with the elliptical trainer

  1. Select one of the training programs offered by the simulator or create your own.
  2. The elliptical trainer is equipped with two types of handrails: movable and fixed. During your first training sessions, use a stationary handrail. In the future, use the movable handrail to better work out the muscles of the shoulder girdle (read how to properly exercise on an elliptical trainer).
  3. Be careful when stepping on or off the pedals. Make sure the pedal you step on is in the down position. Grasp the stationary handrail with both hands. Place your foot on the bottom pedal while maintaining your balance. Place your other foot on the pedal.

Always hold onto the stationary handrail when stepping on or off the pedals.

Elliptical training programs

For newbies

The key point here is to gradually enter the training process. Therefore, we recommend training 3 times a week at first. The first workout may last 15 minutes. Add 5 minutes with each next one. And this is where your calculated heart rate comes in handy: exercise within 60-70% of your maximum.

How to use an elliptical trainer for beginners

It is very tempting to jump straight into intense training, but we strongly recommend training in this mode for at least a month.

Interim program

After you have gained experience and pumped up your endurance, you can move on to the next level of training. We recommend at least 4 classes per week. Your heart rate should be on average 70-80% of maximum. At this stage, you can move on to the interval training method that we talked about here.

Program for the prepared

At this level, you can confidently train up to 6 days a week. However, the duration of training should still not exceed 60 minutes. By this time, your body has achieved sufficient endurance to exercise at 80-90% of your maximum heart rate. The practice of interval training may vary slightly, for example, you can reduce the duration of each period to 60 seconds.

How much do you need to do on the Elliptical to lose weight?

At the initial level, you should exercise on the Ellipsoid at least 3 times a week, combining training with strength exercises 2 times a week.

Read the popular article in the category: Low-calorie foods for weight loss. List and Table.

At an advanced level, alternate basic training on the Ellipse 3 times a week and intensive training 2 times every 7 days . Strength exercises are added on the free days of the week between elliptical workouts.

To obtain the first visible results in weight loss, at least 3 months of basic training must take place.

Note! Exercises on the Ellipse machine will not lead to the desired results in losing weight if your diet and lifestyle remain unhealthy.

Types of walking on an ellipsoid

Another manifestation of the versatility of the orbitrek is that it involves a variety of types of walking. Each type differs in which muscles are emphasized and how:

Classic walking , the rules of which were described above, systematically tones all muscle groups that can only be involved in the orbit: legs (calves, thighs, buttocks), arms (triceps and biceps), core muscles (abs, back, chest) and deltoids muscles. See what muscles are pumped when training on an elliptical.

In order to feel and use your muscles a little differently, we recommend trying reverse pedaling . In this case, the gluteal muscles are targeted. It is necessary to tilt your body slightly forward and bend your knees more than usual.

By leaning forward , you use your thighs and calves more. In this case, your hands need to be placed on fixed handles. The pedals are pressed harder into the floor, which creates additional stress on the leg muscles.

Bend backwards emphasizes the load on the buttocks. The back is kept straight, the pelvis is pulled back. Hands should be placed on the static handles of the orbitrack. It's like you're walking while sitting.

Effective fat-burning workouts on the elliptical

Standard weight loss program on an elliptical trainer

Day 1

Progress of the training:

  • warm-up - 5 minutes;
  • work at a moderate speed (heart rate monitor readings are 50-60% of the maximum);
  • cool down - 5 minutes.

Day 2

Working on the orbitrek simulator:

  • warm-up - 5 minutes;
  • performing moderately intense movements on the machine - 5 minutes;
  • acceleration with a heart rate monitor of 70% of the maximum and a speed of 60 steps per minute - 3 minutes;
  • repeat the second and third points one after another three times;
  • smooth cool down - 5 minutes.

Day 3

Progress of classes:

  • warm-up at an average pace - 5 minutes;
  • work on the increased resistance of the simulator - 15 minutes;
  • work on the reduced resistance of the simulator - 15 minutes;
  • cool down - 5 minutes.

Day 4

On day 4, do a moderately intense workout with light resistance for 20 minutes.

Day 5

Working on an ellipsoid:

  • warm-up - 5 minutes;
  • uniform increase in load - 3 minutes;
  • exercises with maximum load - 2 minutes (keep your heart rate at 80% of the maximum);
  • repeating the second and third points 4 times each;
  • cool down - 5 minutes.

Fat burning interval training on the elliptical

Interval training is a common form of fitness. A good workout for the whole body thanks to a combination of cardio and strength activities. Interval training is performed twice a week.

Workout 1

Action plan:

  • warm-up - 10 minutes;
  • exercise at moderate speed - 4 minutes;
  • the fastest pace of work on the apparatus is 3 minutes;
  • perform alternately the second and third points - 30 minutes;
  • cool down - 5 minutes.

Workout 2

Action plan:

  • warm-up - 5 minutes;
  • work at moderate speed - 3 minutes;
  • high-speed work with an ellipsoid - 1 minute;
  • perform the second and third steps alternately for 20 minutes;
  • cool down - 5 minutes.

From the outside it seems that it is easy to practice on an ellipsoid, but in fact, not every beginner can show good results. The main thing is to practice more and your technique will improve.

Training programs for people with different levels of training

Elliptical training for beginners

How to exercise on an elliptical for beginners:

  • per week - no more than 3 lessons;
  • 1 lesson - lasts 20-30 minutes;
  • heart rate monitor readings - 70% of the maximum (this is the limit);
  • movement speed - steps at a speed of 40-50 steps per minute;
  • The main task is to master the technique and learn to walk continuously for half an hour in different ways.

Workout for people with an average level of training

How to exercise on an elliptical for people with experience in sports:

  • per week - from 4 lessons;
  • 1 lesson - 30-60 minutes;
  • heart rate monitor readings - 60-80% of the maximum;
  • movement speed - 50-70 steps per minute;
  • The main goal is to increase endurance.

Workout for people with good physical fitness

How to exercise on an ellipsoid for well-trained persons:

  • 4-6 workouts - during the week;
  • 1 workout - from 45 to 60 minutes;
  • heart rate monitor readings - 75-90% of the maximum;
  • movement speed - 60-90 steps per minute;
  • note - it is important to train according to this principle only with good preparation, when the work is easy and done with pleasure (otherwise there may be problems).

Professionals usually choose interval training, painlessly transferring significant loads to all muscles.

Exercising on an elliptical does not create any stress on the joints and does not damage the muscles. For many, working on this apparatus replaces running, skiing, or walking. Try to start training, the results will appear quickly and will please you.

Types of training

In order to progress on the orbitrek, you need to engage in different types of training. But at the very beginning, we recommend training according to the classical scheme, and only then, when you gain the necessary experience and prepare your body, move on to interval training.

Classic training program

This program involves training according to the following scheme.

  1. Warm up properly to avoid injury due to unprepared muscles for stress. Perform basic exercises on the muscles involved during training on the orbit track: do squats, rotations with your arms and body, and bending. Or you can warm up on the machine itself, but using an easy pace.
  2. Start with the exercises themselves. Use a pace of 60-70% of your maximum. Use different inclinations, reverse rotation, or work in the classic position: focus primarily on your needs.
  3. At the end of your workout, do a short cool-down using the same simple exercises described in point 1.

Interval training

Interval training involves alternating periods of training that differ in duration (periods can last either different or the same amount of time) and intensity (one period is at a slow pace and the other at a fast pace).

The advantage of interval training is that it trains cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, and also burns more calories than a standard workout. This occurs due to the following mechanism.

When you exercise, your body uses up its glucose reserves. But its amount is soon completely consumed, after which the body switches to glycogen located in the muscles. Then, finally, its reserves come to an end and the “burning” of fat deposits comes into play.

If the training intensity is insufficient, the body does not reach the third stage and only uses glucose and glycogen. This is why we need interval training. However, as previously warned, there is no need to immediately switch to this type of training; first give the body time to adapt.

Also, interval training is prohibited for people with cardiovascular diseases.

If we talk about the training itself, then you need to decide on the duration of the interval depending on your physical fitness. Typically each period lasts up to 5 minutes. In this case, at first the intensive period should be much shorter than the moderate one. For example, you can run 5 minutes at a medium pace and a minute at an intense pace. Then the difference may decrease as you gain experience and increase stamina.

What is interval training

The elliptical trainer works best for running and walking. Therefore, such exercises in the format of interval training are great for losing weight and shaping your figure.

The essence of training on an ellipsoid during interval training is to constantly alternate different levels of load: a calm pace is replaced by acceleration. The intervals for each stage may vary. As a result, endurance is trained and more calories are burned.

How interval training works on the body

To understand the benefits of interval training on the elliptical, you first need to understand how it works. During exercise, the body uses glucose. When energy reserves run out, glycogen is used. This is starch of animal origin, which is found in muscle fibers and liver tissue. When its reserves run out, then the consumption of fat deposits begins.

So, during active exercise on the ellipsoid, only glucose and glycogen are consumed. Then the person feels tired, and the workout no longer reaches the point of burning fat. During interval training, the body receives different loads, has time to rest a little and begins to consume energy from fat deposits. Thus, the process of losing weight and reducing volume on the ellipsoid goes much faster.

In addition, interval training on the elliptical trainer helps develop maximum oxygen consumption (VO2). This indicator is necessary to saturate the muscles with oxygen. It is thanks to this that they begin to work more efficiently and burn more fat deposits. Therefore, the better the BMD is developed, the more actively the body will receive oxygen and use it as an energy source.

Who is suitable for interval training on an elliptical trainer?

Acceleration puts a lot of stress on the heart, blood vessels and veins. Therefore, training in this mode is not suitable for people who have just started training on an ellipsoid. You can switch to interval running on an ellipsoid after a couple of months of regular exercise.

The criterion for switching to interval training is a speed of 6 km/h when jogging 5-10 km. In other words, a person should comfortably walk one kilometer in 6 minutes.

In this mode, exercises on an ellipsoid are suitable for active weight loss and giving body shape.

Contraindications to interval training are:

It’s not always possible to exercise on an elliptical

  • heart failure;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • diabetes mellitus of all types;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Read this article for more details about contraindications.

Nutritional Features

If your primary goal is to lose weight by working out on an elliptical, then you cannot ignore the issue of nutrition. After all, no matter how diligently you work out on the exercise machine, burning a lot of calories every day, you will not see the results in the mirror if you continue to “throw in” the first thing you find in the refrigerator and do not care about your diet.

Therefore, first of all, we recommend establishing for yourself a certain scheme for improving your nutrition, which, coupled with competent training, will give excellent results. We recommend reading the article: Proper nutrition when training on an elliptical.

You need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume every week. First of all, you need to get rid of the so-called fast carbohydrates. They are found in flour products, all kinds of sweets, and also in fruits. Moreover, if the latter in moderate quantities do not harm you, then the former should be excluded from the diet unconditionally.

The main type of carbohydrates that you will need to consume and gradually reduce are complex carbohydrates contained in foods such as pasta, buckwheat, and cereals.

But do not immediately chase quick results - this will only harm your body. Reduce carbs once a week a little at a time. Don't try to lose a few pounds in a week. Normally, you should “lose” 300-500 grams per week.

How to properly exercise on the elliptical to burn fat. How to exercise correctly to lose weight?

How to exercise on an elliptical to lose weight? First, create a training plan for yourself.

If there is additional physical activity in the form of group training, fitness, running or swimming, then classes on the ellipsoid should be carried out no more than 2 times a week. If the exercise machine is the only means of burning fat, it is appropriate to train every other day. Cardio exercise does not require long-term recovery; 24 hours will be enough.

If there are certain disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, in particular problems with blood pressure, you should exercise mainly in the evening. Morning workouts on an empty stomach will not give the desired result due to the lack of sufficient energy for exercise. Ideally, training should occur 2 hours after eating.

A modern elliptical trainer has load adjustments and heart rate monitoring. But in order to have accurate indicators, it is better to get a hand-held heart rate monitor that attaches to your finger. It will allow you to always monitor your pulse and adjust the intensity and complexity of the load according to it.

Classes on an elliptical trainer for weight loss last for 20-30 minutes. It is important to monitor your well-being and monitor your heart rate, which during exercise should not exceed 70% of the maximum age-related heart rate. The ideal pace would be 50 steps per minute.

The maximum age-related heart rate should be calculated using the formula:

220 - age in years = maximum age-related heart rate.

It will take no more than a week to get used to regular exercise. In the future, the body will adequately perceive the training it is accustomed to, without worsening its well-being. The weight loss program lasts at least 8 weeks, only after this time it is possible to get good results, lose excess weight, correct your shape, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

In the 9th week of training, when the body of the person losing weight has fully adapted to the loads, it is not forbidden to increase them. The time of training increases, but also the speed of movements up to 80 steps per minute. After prolonged exercise, the weight loss process begins to gradually slow down, therefore, in order to also observe certain changes in weight and figure quality from the 9th week, you need to increase the intensity and duration.


Orbitrek is an excellent simulator for maintaining your health at the proper level, as well as pumping it up: it trains the endurance of various body systems.

However, like any other exercise machine, it can cause harm if you are not responsible about your fitness level before using the machine for the first time. There are a number of medical contraindications, without ensuring the absence of which, it is better to postpone training. We have already touched on the topic of contraindications to training on an elliptical trainer.

Among them are:

  • hypertension with a tendency to periodic exacerbation;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tachycardia and other heart problems.

We strongly recommend that you refuse to exercise on the orbitrek in case of any of the listed diseases. Other physical activities may be suitable for you, but for this you should consult with your doctor.

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