How to properly exercise on a treadmill - training programs

When a person plans to get his body in order, he looks for a way and comes across running. You buy equipment or a gym membership and all that remains is to figure out how to properly exercise on a treadmill to get the desired result. There is no difficulty in going outside and teaching there. But weather conditions or twilight can seriously interfere, not counting the characteristics of the load. At home or in the gym, it’s nice to run to music and control the work of the whole body. The benefits are obvious. Let's figure out how to achieve high dynamics.

How to use

Precautionary measures should always be observed, even if it seems that performing the exercises will be quite simple. There is always an instructor in the gym, but he is not always free. And at home you will have to do everything and check the correctness yourself. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to several details:

  • Heart rate. This indicator will need to be monitored throughout the training. Many units are equipped with special sensors to measure this indicator. If you don't have one, you can wear a fitness bracelet.
  • Projectile safety. There is a security key that should not be neglected. They also make sure that the shoes are comfortable and that there are no long threads on the clothes.
  • Slope. This parameter will determine how effective the load will be. We do not recommend bending.
  • Speed. The higher it is, the more calories will be burned per hour. But remember that the heart rate should not be too high. Better slower and longer, but without harm to health.
  • Quick start button. Starts the movement, and all parameters will be configured by the user later.
  • Workout Profiles or programs. Systems, the use of which will help you achieve your goal. When working out on a treadmill for a beginner, do not open special modes just yet - you should get used to your own body.

Each exercise machine must have a safety precautions sticker on its display. It is important to follow them, so you can achieve results without risk to health. Most have a large, easy-to-use screen with lots of buttons. Main functions:

  • Start. Start of movement.
  • Stop or end.
  • Tilt keys. Raises and lowers the main field.
  • Speed ​​adjustment. You can do it faster or slower.
  • Enter. You need to click after selecting settings.
  • Setup keys. Professional machines have several running settings that you can choose from.
  • Small screen. All information is displayed here, including time and mode, pulse, weight and distance traveled.

They start by walking. This way there is less chance of sprains and other damage. And the main thing is to wean yourself from holding on to the handrails. As soon as you understand how to move and stand, we recommend that you stop grabbing them. If you run with your hands on the handles, the exercise will not be effective. The load on the legs will become significantly lower, the back will be slouched, and the body position will be unusual. After such a race, the spine will be more tired than the muscles.

Features of running technique on a treadmill

This exercise machine is mainly used to lose extra pounds. In addition, exercise on it helps strengthen the cardiovascular system. And in order for everything to work out as desired, you should follow the basic rules:

  1. You should start your exercises with a ten-minute walk at a moderate pace. This will prepare the body for more intense stress. The speed must be increased gradually, and everyone determines the maximum numbers individually depending on their physical fitness.
  2. During exercise, the main indicator is the number of heartbeats, not the speed. Most training should be done at approximately 73% of your maximum heart rate.
  3. The incline angle of the treadmill creates additional stress and allows you to achieve better results. However, at first you should practice on a flat surface and only then increase the angle of inclination by 5 degrees every 5 minutes. This especially applies to those who have recently started running.
  4. For those who want to make their figure slim, three intense workouts per week will be enough. The regularity of exercise can be determined depending on the endurance of the body. If you have another type of training, you should be especially careful about combining them correctly. To increase the load, some runners put special weights on their legs and train with dumbbells, forcing the muscles to work to the maximum.
  5. Excessive exercise will cause fatigue and reluctance to exercise. And everything that is done through force will not bring the desired benefit. Don't try to invigorate your body with an extra cup of coffee. The cardiovascular system will receive a significant load during exercise.
  6. If you feel tired, you can’t stop. It's better to start walking. After 5 minutes, you can continue jogging.
  7. Running barefoot increases the risk of ankle injuries. It is necessary to wear special sports shoes in the form of sneakers or sneakers. They will provide better grip on the canvas.
  8. A contrast shower after class will make you feel energetic again.

Exercises on a treadmill should not last longer than thirty minutes, and at first even less.
Excessive force can cause damage to the spine and joints. Don't put it off until tomorrow, START running today!
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More details

The jogging time is selected individually. A morning lesson will provide you with vigor and good mood for the whole day. However, jogging should begin about 20 minutes after waking up. Evening classes should be held no later than a few hours before bedtime.

The training scheme should approximately be like this:

  • Warm up (5-7 minutes). It involves light jogging or walking.
  • Primary run (10 minutes). Lies within 75% of the maximum load. The speed should increase gradually.
  • Running with a load that is closest to the maximum (5-10 minutes). It is acceptable to alternate with less intense jogging.
  • Cool down (3-5 minutes). Includes light jogging or walking.

How to Train on a Treadmill to Lose Weight

It is usually used to remove annoying weight and get yourself in order. It’s easy to interact with and easy to operate—no special knowledge is required.

It is important to understand that each person uses energy differently. Where one person begins to burn fat deposits, another person still has nothing going on. The moment comes depending on the characteristics of each person’s body, the frequency of exercise and proper nutrition. But these are not all the factors that influence the fat burning process.

We must not forget that the indicators given by the display are averaged. For beginners, treadmill running should gradually increase in time and intensity from one workout to the next. But you shouldn’t believe what the screen shows at the beginning of the race - the body will make do with glycogen and glucose, and the fat will remain in place.

Some tips for running on the treadmill

To understand how to run on a treadmill correctly, you should consider several criteria that affect the effectiveness of exercise. Following simple tips will help you get the maximum effect when losing weight and prevent injury.

Warm-up is required

Starting a workout with running, especially fast running, is a common mistake for beginners. Trainer's tip: First, do a short warm-up. This could be squats, turns, stretching. Such actions warm up the joints and muscles for further more active work.

Lack of preparation increases the risk of injury, sprains, dislocations, and joint diseases. When starting to run, you should walk for several minutes, gradually accelerating the pace.

Monitor your pulse

The speed of the heartbeat and pulse largely affects the burning of calories, therefore, the more intense the workout, the greater the effect you can achieve when losing weight. It is important to take into account that high stress on the body is strictly contraindicated. Otherwise, the person may feel dizzy and their general condition may deteriorate sharply.

The optimal heart rate (HR) during exercise is considered to be 120 beats per minute. With such a load on the body, active fat burning occurs. However, when calculating, it is important to take into account your individual indicators - body weight, age and physical fitness.

This amount can be calculated using the following formula. It contains only 2 indicators:

  1. the maximum permissible heart rate (220 beats) is a constant value;
  2. person's age.

For example, for a 30-year-old athlete, the optimal heart rate during training will be 220-30 = 190 beats.

Increasing loads

Those who want to get rid of extra pounds often start with an increased load. In their opinion, this should speed up the process of burning calories, but experienced athletes advise refraining from this training regimen.

A sharp increase in the load on the body leads to malaise, general deterioration of the condition, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this case, the question arises of how to run on a treadmill with maximum efficiency, but without harm to the body.

Each week you should increase the load by 5% compared to the previous week of classes. In addition, experienced athletes are not advised to increase both training time and intensity at the same time.

The duration of training at the first stage should not exceed 30 minutes. Classes lasting less than 20 minutes are ineffective.


You can increase the effect of your workout by changing the intensity of your running. You should start your exercise with walking, but this exercise is not enough for effective weight loss.

The best option is to alternate the load, as with interval running. After 5 minutes of warm-up walking, about 20 minutes of jogging is recommended, followed by intense jogging. Instead, the maximum load can be provided by walking on a path with a slope.

The maximum load on a treadmill occurs when running at high speed on an incline, but this method is only suitable for people with sufficient experience and training


Just like warming up at the beginning of class, cooling down at the end is of great importance for the overall result. For this reason, experienced athletes never neglect this exercise. The cool down has a number of tasks:

  1. Restoration of respiratory function. If you don't cool down regularly, it can lead to shortness of breath.
  2. Decreased heart rate. A cool-down is light physical exercise that lowers your heart rate. If this is not done, the cardiovascular system will continue to work at an increased rate, which can lead to the development of many diseases.
  3. Accelerated recovery of muscle tissue. While running, muscles are trained. In addition, a large amount of lactic acid (a product of oxygen processing) accumulates in the runner's legs. The athlete's muscles become clogged.
  4. Working at a low heart rate promotes accelerated removal of lactic acid and restoration of muscle tissue.

The runner’s speed, time and heart rate can be tracked on the treadmill display, or on a special watch that reads the indicators

As a cool-down, you can use exercises such as: jogging, bending to the ground, walking on your heels, stretching

Useful tips for those who decide to lose weight

We must remember that all people have their own individuality. You will have to get used to it little by little, carefully monitor the body’s reactions, and do not give yourself too heavy loads, especially in the first week.

There are no universal methods. All of them are based on weight and height, age and possible chronic diseases. To quickly reduce body weight, it is advisable to combine jogging with other exercises, supplemented with a no-frills diet.

Another significant indicator is the duration of the run. If it lasts only 10-15 minutes, then the effect will have to wait a very long time. The minimum time you need to spend during the lesson is from 40 minutes to an hour. If you can’t move with the required intensity, then you can simply increase the duration by 10-20 minutes at a comfortable pace.

Starting a treadmill running program for weight loss requires a warm-up. This will make the muscles more elastic and reduce the likelihood of injury. At first the rhythm should be slow, then gradually speed up. It is worth trying different speeds within one session. This will help you choose the right one and make your time more fun.

The number of workouts is at least 3 weekly, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve results. But if it is difficult, it is allowed to be in a gentle mode 2 times for the first few weeks.

Heart rate zone at which fat begins to disappear

If you want to figure out how to lose weight on a treadmill, then the program and calculations will help with this. It is best to move in the zone of normal or increased heart rate, so there will be no unnecessary stress on the body. To understand what the maximum should be. The calculation is simple: the age of the runner is subtracted from 220. It's good to run without exceeding 85% of the maximum value.

How to properly run on a treadmill

Running on a treadmill is fundamentally no different from the usual version. The most significant difference is the limited length, which is unlikely to allow for sprinting distances (without regrets).

Training on the simulator will be more productive if you practically study the basic elements of middle-distance running technique. These include:

  • Hand work
  • Body position
  • Leg movements

Hand work when running

Hand movements while running are an important component of technique, so it is not recommended to hide your hands in your pockets or occupy them with things that will interfere with the correct execution of the element.

The correct work of the arms consists of opposite movements (left leg forward - right arm forward, and vice versa), the arms are bent at the elbow joint 90 degrees, the hands form a weakly clenched fist. Hand movements are carried out along the ribs.

You can verify the importance of hand work with a simple experiment. Try starting your run at a slow pace and gradually increase your arm speed. Depending on the frequency of movement of the arms, the speed of repetition of the cycle in the leg work changes. Perform the second version of the test (suitable if you are in an apartment): start running slowly, but at the same time your hand movements should be as fast as possible. You will feel your hands forcing your legs to move faster.

Body position

When running on a track, the torso should be in a position of minimal forward tilt of 5-7 degrees. This tilt allows you to move forward with less effort by shifting the center of gravity in the direction of movement.

The rest of the body must be kept straight and no shoulder turns should be avoided. If the body rotates to the sides, then part of the speed will be wasted.

Leg movements

In the middle-distance running technique, the rule of limited knee lift is used in relation to leg movements. That is, the height of the knee lift should be almost absent. Therefore, mid-distance running is somewhat similar to the calf crunch exercise, except that the heels do not touch the gluteal muscles.

Bringing the knee forward is done when it is necessary to maintain high running speed. In long distance running, sufficient speed is gained by increasing the frequency of steps, but at the same time the extension of the knee remains minimal.

The higher the knee rises, the more energy is expended, and muscle fatigue occurs faster.

Mastering running technique will help you exercise correctly on the treadmill and get the maximum effect from your workout. Pay attention to how you run. Correct the errors based on the suggested points.

Technique and most important aspects

To make classes effective and bring positive dynamics, follow the recommendations:

  1. Choose comfortable shoes and clothes. Good results can only be achieved if your feet are comfortable. Choose products from quality materials from trusted brands. This way it will be convenient to exercise, and there will be no unnecessary pain in the calves from the wrong insole. The best choice would be equipment from Stayer - breathable, comfortable and lightweight.
  2. Your arms need to be held at about a 90-degree angle, but they move freely. Proper treadmill training for beginners recommends that in order to avoid painful sensations in the back, we do not recommend holding the handrails unless absolutely necessary.
  3. You can't slouch. Otherwise, difficulties with posture and spine will appear.
  4. Don't look at your feet, you might fall or strain your neck.
  5. They don't jump off at full speed. This increases the likelihood of injury. It’s better to gradually slow down and get off calmly.
  6. The load should be distributed correctly - first on the toe, then on the entire foot.
  7. Feeling unwell is a reason to postpone jogging. High blood pressure, fever or a cold are just as important as a rapid heartbeat.
  8. It's not advisable to run on an empty stomach, but it's also a bad idea to fill it. A great start to the day in this case is an apple and a glass of water.

Walking on a treadmill

This way you can achieve good physical shape or start intense exercise. This is the beginning and end of any run that will be suitable for the body. Don't consider this a waste of time. This is how most internal systems are trained without unnecessary problems.

Perfect for those who have chronic illnesses, pregnant women and young mothers. Helps you recover and heal yourself. On average, they spend an hour a day. Variations can be used:

  • with weights;
  • uphill;
  • at an accelerated pace.

Walking on a treadmill. Safety regulations.

Be sure to hold onto the handrail before turning on the treadmill. Once you start walking, make sure you are walking steadily and balanced, then release the handrail. If you do not feel stability and balance, hold on to the handrail, but do not “hang” on it.

If you have long hair, you should collect and style it during training. This will protect you in case of a fall.

Smoothly start moving on the track and finish it smoothly using the appropriate buttons.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pain or other unpleasant symptoms while walking, you should stop walking and consult a doctor.

Don't be tempted to immediately use the "super-fancy", "super-interval" and other built-in programs, even if your trainer recommends them. You are a beginner and this is not for you right now. By avoiding basic exercise in the form of walking, you are putting your health at great risk. This risk is not justified, believe me. In addition, in just 2-4 weeks your heart will become stronger, and you will be able to train more intensely, using more serious training methods. Haste will ruin everything.

Don't exercise in a draft. There is nothing more offensive than getting pinched in the neck or lower back due to local cooling of the neck or back (a T-shirt wet from sweat and a draft).

How to properly train on a treadmill with a constant load

Here the main speed is selected, approximately 7-10 kilometers per hour, it does not change throughout the workout. Perfect for both a fat-burning rhythm and for simply keeping yourself in good shape.

You need to act step by step:

  1. Warm up. A few simple exercises and squats to warm up, then jog at an easy, calm pace for 10 minutes.
  2. Main part. Gradual acceleration, about 20-30 minutes.
  3. Hitch. Last 5-10 minutes of class. Slow decrease in intensity, smooth transition to a step and stop. It is advisable to do some stretching after this so that your muscles do not ache in the evening.

Interval exercises on a treadmill for weight loss

It starts with the warm-up part - a leisurely run, about 3-4 kilometers per hour. The main part takes up to half an hour. It consists of increasing the angle of inclination, according to the specified mode. The last few minutes the canvas returns to normal, the rhythm decreases. This normalizes the pulse and breathing and relieves tension. At the end you should do some stretching.

Another method involves operating on a table:

Speed, km/hIntervalDistance, miles
3,5Pause (regular or fast step)0,0-0,1
3,5Respite1,55 – 1,6

Basic training program

Programs may vary and this option may not be the best for you. However, this program is very versatile and can be used with other training options on the day of jogging or on free days, and as a separate training.
Carefully! When you use a training program, evaluate your body's symptoms and monitor the load.
Excessive fatigue or dizziness are negative signs; the load should be reduced. Monitor other symptoms as well. In this program, you should run at least three times a week, but you can increase the number of workouts.

Week of classes12-345-678
Total workout duration30-35 minutes40-50 minutes50 minutes50 minutes50 minutes - hour50 minutes - hour
Active phase of training20 minutes with a gradual increase in speed from 7 km/h to 12-15 km/hInterval training with alternating active phase and dynamic rest phase30 minutes with gradual increase in load25 minutes of interval training + 10 minutes of active running30-40 minutes of work according to heart rateUp to 40 minutes of interval training
Alternating intervalsIncrease speed by 1-2 km/h every three minutesAfter warming up six times: minute 14 km/h,
1 minute easy jog, about 7-10 km/h

then run at a heart rate of 60-65% of maximum

After warming up, the speed gradually increases to the maximum and the incline increases. Work at maximum for 1-2 minutes. Next, gradually reduce the speed every 1-2 minutes and move on to a cool-down Phase 1 of the training consists of:
2 minutes running on a flat track at a speed of 8-10 km/h

1 minute incline 6 degrees at a speed of 12 km/h (more or less if possible)

Repeat 8 times.

Next, active running at a heart rate of at least 60% of the maximum.

10 minutes heart rate 60-70% of maximum
10 minutes 70-80% of maximum

10 minutes gradual increase to 80-90% where 1-2 minutes remain.

Smooth and gradual reduction in speed, transition to a cool down.

1st phase:
2 minutes - 12-15 km/h

3 minutes – 7-10 km/h.

It is possible to add a slope. Repeat up to 8 times, then cool down.

Attention! For those who want to lose weight, there are 5 effective workout options for losing weight.

Basic treadmill training program for weight loss

All classes are advisory and general in nature. To achieve results and lose weight, you should first:

  • see a doctor and get examined;
  • buy special clothes and shoes;
  • review nutrition;
  • adhere to the correct daily routine.

Each point needs to be monitored - without a visit to a specialist, you can sharply worsen your own condition instead of improving your shape. Without equipment, you won’t be able to exercise regularly and enjoy it. Uncomfortable and unsuitable shoes will make your feet and knees hurt, and tight and breathable clothes will quickly make it stuffy and difficult to move. So you can get sunstroke in the summer or bring yourself to high blood pressure at any time of the year. It is better to choose clothes from Stayer and enjoy the fresh air and body response.

If you eat your runs with buns and fried potatoes, then it’s unlikely that anything will change dramatically. If you go to bed at 4 a.m. every day after a wild night at a club or an alcoholic evening, you won’t be able to get in shape either.

Two different treadmill workouts

Most people believe that these are the simplest and most boring activities that bring results very slowly and with difficulty. But this is not so, and the effect can be achieved quickly if you act correctly.

Goal: develop speed qualities

Quite a difficult task, but it can be achieved if you approach the process wisely. After a short warm-up of 7-9 minutes, acceleration begins. To increase your speed, you should start with something simple - do a speed jerk for about 25 seconds. The main thing is to strive for maximum effect. Then - slow running and fast walking for recovery. Then everything from the beginning. Such a session of intervals does not exceed 30-40 minutes.

To develop endurance, you should try to maintain the maximum pace for 40-50 seconds, then return to the average rhythm of the race.

Goal: lose some kg

With the right amount of effort, you can lose any amount of weight. It all depends on your diet and the number of workouts you do per week. To lose weight, you need to move at a speed that gives 60-80% of the maximum possible heart rate.

At a moderate pace it will be about 60 minutes, at an interval pace - half an hour. First, alternate 1 minute of fast running with 3 minutes of calm running, then 2:1 and 1:1. Gradually you can reach 2:1, where rest will take less time.

It is important to avoid overwork and overtraining. We recommend alternating with other groups of exercises, taking a short rest every few days, and tightening the body over a course of no more than 3 weeks.

How to start training on a treadmill for beginners

An activity with different sequential increasing modes is best suited here:

  1. Slowly. Speed ​​3-4, for 1 min.
  2. Moderately. 1-2 notches faster, about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Fast. 7-8, approximately 60 seconds.

This pace needs to be repeated in a circle up to 10 times; such a session will take about half an hour and will be useful. On a light one you can rest and recover, prepare for increased loads. If the action seems too easy, just increase the incline or time. It is recommended to start with 2-3 times a week.

How to run on a treadmill to lose weight

Trainers advise following several rules to get the maximum effect from running.

  1. Don't neglect warming up. This will help the body tune in to active work. Another reason to start a session with a warm-up is to warm up the muscles to prevent injury.
  2. The load in time and intensity should be increased gradually. This is especially true in cases where a person does not have physical training.
  3. Regular training is the most important requirement for achieving good results.
  4. You can speed up weight loss by changing running modes: alternating running with intense uphill walking and fast running.

Benefits of a Treadmill

The walking and running methods that are actively used on this simulator will help reduce excess weight and increase the overall endurance of the body. You can do the "staircase" exercise, which trains the calves and tendons, as well as all the large muscles of the legs.

It is easy to exercise in any weather, regardless of the time of day or how busy the streets are. And if the equipment is at home, then there is no uncomfortable feeling as if all eyes are turned to you.


  • training for joints is easier than when moving over rough terrain;
  • does not require a lot of free space to run;
  • a safer sport;
  • protection from most injuries and impairments;
  • the atmosphere will be relaxed.

Features of application

Most modern programs for exercising on a treadmill for weight loss take into account the software features of the technology. There are certain modes here that pursue different goals - maintaining good physical shape, losing weight, stimulating the cardiovascular system and others.


To achieve the best possible results, you should not just run mindlessly. It is worth choosing several diverse exercises for different muscle groups. It’s better if you can consult a trainer who can tell you the right rhythm.


The most important part of any sport, not just jogging. Before you stand on the canvas or just run down the street, you need to sit down about 20 times and bend your body for beginners. If he is an experienced runner, then his warm-up will be more extensive.

Uniform load

If you run at the same pace throughout the entire session, you will effectively lose weight and improve your cardiovascular system. Gradually, after some time, the results will become visible.

Strengthening the buttocks

This is one of the largest muscles in the human body, which helps create overall relief and improve posture and gait. But running alone won't do it. It is worth following a complete training regimen, which will definitely include:

  • squats;
  • jumping rope;
  • bends;
  • lunges;
  • walking sideways

Tempo part

One of the most common types of cardio exercise. Usually it is adjusted to specific goals - speed, distance, in a certain heart rate zone for 40 minutes. There are a large number of techniques.

The best workout for weight loss on the treadmill

The simulator, regardless of model and functionality, supports several types of training. It allows you to exercise both for weight loss and to maintain good physical shape.

It is a mistake to focus on one type. The desired effect is achieved by combining different methods. This is due not only to the correct distribution of workloads, but also to maintaining motivation. A variety of workouts will never get boring.

Training program

Walking should be alternated with jogging. This can be done cyclically, for example, run for 3-4 days, and devote the rest of the time to walking or change modes each time.


Intensive and short training breaks down fat deposits and slows down the process of formation of new ones more effectively than long ones.

The body does not have time to adapt to the loads if the training is varied. When classes start to get boring, two simple tricks can help you maintain motivation:

  1. Watching TV

The option is present in all modern treadmill models. You can watch your favorite shows and programs not only at home, but also in the gym. In order not to disturb others, connect headphones to the simulator and select the desired channel.

  1. Listening to music

You can choose your favorite composition or a dynamic melody. An excellent solution would be to create a selection of compositions specifically for performing exercises on the treadmill.

Calculation of calories burned during exercise

How much fat you lose in one workout depends on the type of running and its duration. Each person has individual indicators, the average values ​​will look like this:

  • accelerated walking - about 300 per hour;
  • easy option – up to 500 per hour, subject to at least 40 minutes of movement;
  • fast pace - up to 800 per hour, can be alternated with a moderate rhythm.

When sports have just come into life, you shouldn’t focus on losing weight. It is much more important to monitor your own general well-being. Many sites say that an effective solution would be to wear more thick clothing and create a greenhouse. In their opinion, this will make sweat more active.

In fact, this is the easiest way to end up in the hospital due to the wrong approach. People do not take into account the reactions of their own body, causing it to have a heatstroke instead of losing a couple of kilograms. Remember that the equipment should be comfortable and pleasant, breathable and not restrict movement. One of the most suitable kits for these purposes is from Stayer.

Errors during classes

Everyone makes mistakes, not just newbies. Sometimes even experienced people do something wrong. Let's list the most common of them:

  • The center of gravity is shifted, the load that should be placed on the legs goes to the arms and spine, and the entire skeletal system suffers.
  • The quantity and duration do not increase over time and remain in one place. The body should feel a gradual increase in intensity.
  • A sharp start and difficult tasks. Don't start at your limit.
  • Training during illness. This is a big plus for willpower and a minus for overall well-being.
  • Place your feet on a standing surface. You can only move with the exercise machine, and before that you can stand on the sides.
  • Without shoes or wearing inappropriate clothing. Barefoot only seems comfortable, but in reality the toe and heel become too tired and strained. And the suit must be suitable - it is better to use equipment from Stayer than to endure sticky sweat on your back in the first 3 minutes of your run.

Safety rules when exercising on a treadmill

Beginners initially use handrails for their own safety and stability. And in fact, if you hold on to them, you can feel safer. This is a very common misconception. In this form, the body takes on a stooped or tilted position. This position increases the load on the spine, which is not at all beneficial.

By holding the handrails, the runner reduces the load on the legs, reducing the effectiveness of the workout. In order to get rid of fear, it is enough to imagine that you are on a treadmill in a park or stadium. And there you have to rely only on the endurance and strength of your legs. Thanks to this, the need for handrails will soon disappear. In cases where holding is necessary to measure your pulse, it is better to use a wrist meter.

If during training there is a need to pick up or do something, under no circumstances should you do it on the move, without reducing the speed of the belt. This can lead to bruises and, in some cases, fractures. Do not look down at the moving surface while running. You may lose your balance and even fall. You should look forward, focusing on the sporting sensations.

A serious attitude to the rules and recommendations will bring benefits, making the body stronger and the body more beautiful.


The desire to act on any health condition is commendable, but only brings negative results. If you feel unwell, it is recommended to replace running with walking or reschedule the activity. Any acute disease, even if it is a common cold, cannot be overloaded. Some elements of the body work to exhaustion, trying to get rid of acute respiratory infections, and the person, instead of maintaining himself, begins to exhaust himself even more.

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system or bones require mandatory consultation and permission from a doctor. You should not run if you have hypertension of III or more serious stages, with heart disease and angina pectoris.

Before purchasing a treadmill for home, we recommend trying it out at the gym. When the addiction begins and it becomes clear whether it is really convenient to exercise, whether there are any difficulties or health problems, then it is worth going for a purchase.

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