Gym training program for men (for beginners)

The training program in the gym for beginners will be the same both for gaining weight and if you need to “remove your belly.” Unless for fat burning you will need to add cardio (running, elliptical trainer, etc.) The first workouts in the gym for men are learning basic strength exercises with a barbell and dumbbells (squats, deadlifts, barbell presses, etc.) . And to lose weight or vice versa, to grow muscle mass, you need to change your diet (recommendations at the end of the article).

Training program for drying the body

Split training program for men (mass)

Nutrition program for gaining muscle mass

How can I “create an individual training program”? It turns out that the same training program is suitable for all beginners? Yes! Everyone in the gym is first given the same training plan, the same basic exercises. And this is correct, because there are no magical exercises that will only make you lose weight or only build muscles. For beginners, the result depends almost entirely on nutrition. Plus, those who want to lose weight faster need to add cardio.

We emphasize that all this applies specifically to beginners, and for “continuing” programs for cutting and gaining muscles will be different.

How often and for how long to train?

The training program in the gym for men is designed for three times a week. The duration of one workout is 1.5 hours (including warm-up). Don't slack off, don't chat on the phone or with other jocks between exercises. The maximum rest between exercises is 60-90 seconds. But you don’t need to train half to death for 2 hours each time. 15-30 minutes warm-up and cool-down, 40-60 minutes – the main part of the workout. Excessive zeal is as bad as laziness.

The break between training is 1-2 days. If you need to lose weight, then cardio can be done either after training, or on a separate day, whichever is more convenient. You don’t have to do it, but you’ll lose weight faster with cardio.

What is a strength complex?

The main feature of strength training, which distinguishes it from any other type of load, is the use of sports equipment of working weight. In the vast majority of cases, dumbbells or barbells play the described role.

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Starting with exercises that involve the use of minimal weight equipment and gradually increasing the load, the athlete stimulates muscle fibers to more quickly break down and subsequently recover. As a result of the described process, not only muscle growth occurs, but also the overall strength and endurance of the athlete significantly increases.

In addition to the mandatory work with weights, the features of this type of training also include:

  • the vast majority of exercises included in the strength complex are basic or multi-joint;
  • long duration of classes of this kind (at least 1.5 hours, on average);
  • the need to ensure that the rest time between approaches is at least 2 minutes;
  • the advisability of including cardio exercises before and after strength training;
  • complex use of a large number of muscle groups during one session;
  • a small number of repetitions within one approach (usually no more than 5);
  • a large number of approaches to performing one exercise with a gradual increase in weight (on average, 7-10).

By lifting weights, a man will not only be able to significantly transform his appearance, but also improve his own health. In addition to the obvious positive consequences of training of this kind, expressed in strengthening the heart muscle, the athlete will also achieve:

  • reducing the volume of fat in the body;
  • significant strengthening of bone tissue;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a significant reduction in pain in the back associated with weakness of the muscle corset in this area;
  • strengthening bone tissue and reducing joint discomfort.

However, despite the proven effectiveness of strength training, the risk of injury to athletes during exercise with heavy weights is extremely high.

Important! In order to avoid sprains or tears of ligaments, dislocations of joints, and so on, a beginner who has made a choice in favor of strength training must initially use the services of a professional. A qualified fitness trainer or athlete in their main field of activity can not only correct the technique of performing exercises, but also prevent injury in an emergency.

Gym training program for men (for beginners)

Training for beginners means working out all muscle groups in each workout. Often, trainers suggest doing a split workout right away (one workout – one muscle group), but we recommend doing exercises for the whole body (or 2 muscle groups) every time at first.

Click on the name of the exercise or on the picture and see a detailed description of the exercises.

  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday

1 Pull-ups*

Maximum number of repetitions * 3 sets
*if you can’t do pull-ups yet, use a gravitron or ask a trainer/partner to push you with their hands. You can also put a chair below and do negative pull-ups (quickly push your feet up from the chair and slowly lower it)

2 Barbell deadlift

10-12 reps * 3 sets

3 Leg press

12-15 reps * 3 sets

4 Seated dumbbell press

12-15 reps * 3 sets

5 Ab crunches (“prayer”)

15-20 reps * 3 sets

1 Bench press

10-12 reps * 3 sets

2 Dumbbell lateral raises

12-15 reps * 3 sets

3 Romanian Deadlift (straight legged)

10-12 reps * 3 sets

4 Leg extensions on the machine

12-15 reps * 3 sets

5 Pull-down to chest

12-15 reps * 3 sets

6 Triceps extensions

12-15 reps * 3 sets

1 Hyperextension*

During the first workout - without additional weights.
Next, pick up a weight plate or a dumbbell (at first 5 kg, as it becomes easier - 7 kg, etc.). But don’t rush to immediately take a heavier pancake! You should not have back pain when you do hyperextension. 12-15 reps * 3 sets

2 Squats with a barbell

10-12 reps * 3 sets

3 Lunges with dumbbells

You can do 8 repetitions with one leg first, and then 8 with the other. Or you can do 16 repetitions alternately

16 times (8 with each leg) * 3 sets

4 Block pull behind the head

12-15 reps * 3 sets

5 One-arm dumbbell row

20 times (10 with each hand) * 3 sets

3 Raising legs with emphasis on elbows

12-15 reps * 3 sets

About strength training for men at home

You can gain a beautiful and strong body not only in the gym, but also at home by training regularly with your own weight or equipment. Many people underestimate the possibilities of home training, and in vain, because if you exercise according to a clear plan and follow a strict schedule, you can get a slim and muscular body in just a few months.

The ready-made strength program proposed below is suitable for men of any level of training: from beginners to advanced. Beginners should take light dumbbell weights so as not to place excessive stress on the muscles. The exercises are scheduled for 3 days according to the fullbody training plan.

Why choose Fullbody's training plan?

Full body or full body training is a program in which all major muscle groups are worked out in one session. Multi-joint exercises predominate in this program, but there is also a place for isolation.

Split training (as opposed to fullbody) is a training plan in which large muscle groups are worked on separate days. For example, today you train your back and biceps, the day after tomorrow - chest and triceps, and the next day - legs and shoulders. Split training requires strict adherence to the plan, otherwise you will not be able to harmoniously pump up your entire body. To train with a split program, you need to set aside at least 3 free days a week, in addition, you need to find time for your abs and cardio.

Fullbody is suitable for those who have only 2-3 free days a week and even if it’s only a weekend, the workout will still be effective. Unlike split programs, full body strength training can be done two days in a row or more often, varying the exercises for different muscles.

What other advantages of fullbody training over split programs:

  • loads the body evenly
  • allows you to work each muscle group more often
  • provides more energy expenditure per workout
  • universally suitable for any purpose: weight loss, relief, tone

In addition, fullbody strength training can improve strength and endurance faster than split training. As a result, you will get not only a beautiful, but also a strong, agile, resilient body that is not afraid of any physical activity.

How to create a lesson plan?

You can't start training without a plan if you want to achieve results. We offer you 3 full body strength training plans for men: for muscle growth, for relief and for fat burning.

  1. For muscle growth . Traditionally, to build mass, perform 7-10 reps in 3-4 sets with a weight of 70-75% of your one-rep maximum (the maximum weight you can lift once). For example, if you bench press 70 kg, then to grow your chest, work with a weight of at least 50 kg. Dumbbells are more difficult to work with than barbells because you need to maintain balance, so remove another 10 kg. In total, you will need two dumbbells of 20 kg each. Therefore, if you want to work for weight, purchase heavier discs in advance.
  2. For relief and tone . To maintain weight and sharpen the relief, perform 12-15 repetitions in 4-5 approaches with a weight of 60-65% of your maximum. This does not mean that the weight cannot be increased with each approach; the percentages relate to the main part of the load. Beginners can start with dumbbells weighing 8-12 kg.
  3. For fat burning . To quickly say goodbye to extra pounds, perform at least 15-17 repetitions in 4-5 approaches with a weight of 50-60% of the maximum possible. If it is very difficult, then reduce the weight to 30-40% of the maximum, but perform as many approaches as possible. Beginners can start with dumbbells weighing 3-8 kg.

Rest between sets from 30 seconds to 1 minute. 3-4 minutes between exercises.

If you want to not only work on your muscles, but also lose weight, then do the suggested strength training 3 times a week and cardio training 1-2 times a week. With proper nutrition and regular strength training, you will burn fat and tone your body.

What equipment is needed?

For home strength training for men, cast and collapsible dumbbells are suitable. The first are projectiles whose weight cannot be varied independently. To train effectively with such dumbbells, you will have to buy at least 3 pairs of different weights.

Collapsible dumbbells allow you to independently change the weight of the equipment by removing or putting on discs. It is enough to buy two collapsible dumbbells weighing up to 20-30 kg to effectively train at home.

In addition to varying the weight, collapsible dumbbells have other advantages, such as price. They will cost much less than cast ones, especially several pairs. In addition, you can purchase additional disks for collapsible equipment during training, when the working weights increase.

When choosing dumbbells for home exercises, we recommend paying attention to collapsible ones: they are cheaper, save space and are more functional.

You can purchase collapsible dumbbells for 20 kg or 30 kg:

Nutrition: diet and sports nutrition for men

For fat burning (“for relief”)

To “get rid of belly fat” and in general to lose weight, you need to “eat less.” It's actually quite simple - less calories, more training and any physical activity. Repeat until results are achieved. If you simply train according to the best training program for men, but eat haphazardly, then even if you lose weight, it will not be much and not for long. Therefore, learn to count calories.

You can try fat burners from sports nutrition when you have very little energy and need to train. Fat burners and pre-workouts by themselves do not burn fat; they will only help if you exercise. Protein, gainers, etc. - no need.

For muscle gain (“for mass”)

If you are thin and want to pump up, then you also need to count calories. Only there should be more of them than you spend in a day. Calculate your daily intake and add 500 kcal. This is how much you need every day for muscle growth.

You can take protein, gainers, amino acids, and creatine from sports nutrition. It’s convenient to take protein to work/school and drink it immediately after training. But if you eat well (regularly, enough calories and nutritional supplements), then sports nutrition is not needed.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass: Calories and nutritional supplements

Choosing Whey Protein – Which is Best?

When will there be results from training?

If you have a lot of excess fat, then in a month a man can lose 5-10 kg. Most of the weight will go away with water and intestinal contents, but nevertheless, you will notice progress in your clothes - they will become a little large. If you just need to “remove your belly” a little, you will lose less weight (5 kg), but it will also be noticeable. The general rule is that the more excess weight you have, the faster it goes away at first. From the second month you will slow down and each kg will be lost in a week or two.

If you want to pump yourself up, then the results will not be so noticeable. No matter what fitness models promise when they advertise their 30-day super course, you won’t be able to get pumped up quickly. Especially if there is no sports training at all. Very thin guys need to train in the gym for at least a year to see noticeable results. And to get to the “pumped up guy” you need to work for 5 years. Such deadlines are terribly demotivating. And smiling trainers with wide backs tempt you to try steroids. But we recommend that you first thoroughly study all the side effects, watch a video like this (average age 30-40 years, the main problem is the heart). And under no circumstances should you take steroids if you’ve been training for less than a year (or better yet, forget about them completely).

The right gym training program for men is one in which you exercise regularly, do the exercises correctly and (very important for beginners) - do not try to set records in the first month of training. If you lay a good foundation, you will have less risk of injury in the future and will ultimately get results faster. Therefore, we recommend that you consult with a trainer and get ready for a long work. Truly impressive results in any business are always the result of long work. And free cheese is always in the mousetrap.

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