Training program for beginners in the gym

Where to start working out in the gym?

I will tell you how to properly start working out in the gym and about the basic recommendations and rules for those who are just starting strength training. Whether you want to get stronger, lose weight, build muscle, or simply improve your fitness, this article will help you get on the right path to health and achieving your fitness goals.

Strength training will also provide remarkable results for those who have tried (and failed) to get in shape with just diet and cardio. Consistent and regular training (more than 2 times a week for 12 weeks) will lead to:

  • Increased muscle fiber size
  • Building strength
  • Increasing tendon strength
  • Increasing the strength of ligaments

All this will help you build a healthy and resilient body, and also reduce the risk of injury. You will end up looking absolutely amazing!

Note for beginners

Today the Internet is replete with all kinds of sets of exercises on simulators, individual techniques, advice from experienced coaches and athletes.

This is all, of course, good, and contains a lot of useful information, but beginners should begin their acquaintance with the world of sports for health and with exercise equipment under the guidance of a trainer who will help in the correct preparation of the program.

  • At first, there will certainly be great fatigue, muscle pain, apathy and reluctance to go to training. Advance payment for classes, a competent mentor and a well-equipped hall will save you from this.
  • The health of an athlete and the success of the training process depend on the balance in the strength of various muscles - that is, it is necessary to correctly dose the load on certain muscle groups. And this can only be done if you have a pre-compiled complex - photos of exercises on simulators can help a lot.
  • Otherwise, an imbalance in the muscles can not only lead to overload and injury in certain parts of the body, but also aggravate existing abnormalities (for example, scoliosis, sciatica, consequences of old injuries).

Moreover, to start studying, it doesn’t matter at all whether a person takes a lot of walks or sits at his desk all day. If a cardio complex is not included in the program from the very beginning, the heart and lungs will not be developed to a sufficient extent to allow them to withstand a decent amount of strength load.

Another advantage of the integrated approach is the development of automaticity, the creation of neural connections, and the development of motor skills. All this makes it easier to perform exercises, builds skills, and allows you to more harmoniously increase the load.

Gym for beginners: rules of conduct

  • Always bring a towel with you to place on the machines and equipment you will be using.
  • Return dumbbells, barbells, weight plates, and other equipment after use.
  • Don't rest for long periods of time between sets when working on machines while others are waiting their turn.
  • Finally, leave your cell phone in a locker or car so that others won't be forced to listen to your conversations.

Mini exercise machines for home

Mini stepper


This is a miniature analogue of a stepper that simulates climbing stairs. Unlike a full-fledged exercise machine, a mini-stepper does not always have handles for ease of use, but some designs may have both expanders and handles. There are also rotating designs.


  • Takes up little space.
  • Possibility of load regulation.
  • Easy to use.
  • Effective for untrained people.


  • It does not have support for high-quality training of the gluteal muscles and hips, that is, without the possibility of changing position.
  • There are restrictions - it can withstand a certain load weight.

How to practice

To practice on a mini-stepper, you need to set a program - the intensity of the load, taking into account physical training. It is better to train for at least 30 minutes, but no more than 60.

How to choose

Choose trusted brands. Pay attention to the maximum load weight of the user. Study the functions of the simulator and the availability of additional equipment before purchasing. For example, expanders increase the effectiveness of exercise by training the shoulder girdle.

Read more about the mini-stepper →

Vibration platform


This is a small platform that includes vibration to further stimulate the muscles of the lower body. In addition to training your legs, you can also perform exercises for the shoulder girdle.


  • Has small dimensions.
  • Suitable for home training.


There are contraindications for training that you need to know about before purchasing.

How to practice

Select the desired vibration mode and take your starting position on the platform depending on the exercise being performed. Such training can last for half an hour.

How to choose

Look at the manufacturer and read reviews.

Read more about the vibration platform →



It consists of two disks: the lower one is a support, and the upper one is a rotating surface. Grace is designed to strengthen the muscles of the trunk, including the abdomen, when rotating the pelvis, where the upper body remains motionless.


  • Has a low price.
  • Compact sizes.
  • It is possible to adapt the design for exercises on different muscle groups.


  • Ineffective for working on relief or gaining weight.
  • Unsafe, there is a possibility of accidental fall.
  • Requires good coordination and a sense of balance.

How to use it

It is necessary to place your feet evenly on the disk and begin rotational movements of the pelvis, during which the upper body remains in place.

How to choose

It is better to choose a metal structure rather than a plastic one. Look at the maximum user weight when purchasing.

More information about the grace disc →

Mini bike


Mini version of an exercise bike or spin bike. This design contains only pedals; the user himself needs to sit on a chair while exercising.


  • Compact sizes.
  • Suitable for any age.
  • Doesn't put stress on joints.
  • Safe.


  • Less effective compared to an exercise bike.
  • Does not provide increased comfort as the user may be training on a non-ergonomic seat at the wrong height.

How to practice

You need to select the appropriate load mode, place your feet on the pedals and start rotating. Workouts should take approximately 40-60 minutes.

How to choose

Choose models from trusted manufacturers. Consider the capabilities and functions of the simulator. Please note the maximum user weight.

Read more about the mini exercise bike →

Common Newbie Mistakes

  • Using too heavy weights in the early stages . Start with small loads and then gradually increase them. If your technique suffers, you sway or use inertia, then this means that you have chosen too much weight. In addition, it increases the risk of injury and reduces the effectiveness of working the target muscle groups.
  • Using too light a weight . It always makes sense to play it safe, but if you can do 30 reps with a certain weight, then it's probably better to increase it. Tip: Increase weight by no more than 5% at a time.
  • Doing repetitions too quickly . Lifting heavy weights at a slow, controlled pace puts more muscle tension and allows you to break down more muscle fibers and reduce the risk of injury. Remember that joints are only as strong as the muscles that surround them.
  • Insufficient or excessive rest . Both factors have a negative impact on training. It is recommended to rest between sets for 30 to 90 seconds.

Exercises on the elliptical trainer - Training rules

Pulse counting

To exercise with maximum impact, you need to calculate the heart rate you need. You can do this as follows: you need to subtract your age from 220. This will be your maximum recommended heart rate. In this case, the average value will be 60-70% of the obtained figure. Look at the indicators for your age:

However, these are all just indicative figures. There is no need to cling to them.

So, at first, we recommend increasing your heart rate gradually, since a sharp jump can put an excessive load on your body. And even more so, in the first stages, the first week or two of training, you do not need to use the interval method, in which your heart rate rises to maximum values. This way you will only harm yourself and enter a state of overtraining, that is, you will reach the point of physical exhaustion, after which you simply will not want to continue the training you have barely begun.

Basic body positions during training

One of the manifestations of the orbitrack’s versatility is that you can change your body position during exercise. When choosing the desired position, you focus on certain muscles, or use them in a different way. You can use both static handles of the exercise machine, focusing on the legs, and moving ones, using all the muscles of the body.

Torneo Festa C-320

The classic orbital position loads all muscles more or less evenly. Classic walking involves a number of rules:

  1. Straighten your body, round your chest, look forward, bend your knees. Place your hands on top of the movable handles of the machine.
  2. Watch your breathing: breathe from the diaphragm, not from the chest, so that your breathing is not intermittent.
  3. The body should move naturally, as if following your hands.

When moving backwards, you need to bend your knees more than usual. In this version, the main load goes to the buttocks. You can bend forward while holding the fixed handles. This way the emphasis will be on the quadriceps and calves. Another variation is the back bend. You need to kind of sit down and pedal in this position. This will specifically “hit” your gluteal muscles.


In order to progress, you must definitely adjust the speed on the orbit track. A lot of people start their training at a low speed. And this is correct, because you need to prepare your body gradually. But the problem is that they remain at this pace.

Increasing your running speed leads to faster metabolism, and therefore more effective fat burning.

Training program for beginners

This set of exercises in the gym for beginners is perfect even for those who even come to work out in the gym for the first time. By exercising according to this scheme, you can strengthen your ligaments and joints, as well as prepare your muscles for more complex workouts and exercises.

  1. Running on a treadmill - 5-10 minutes
  2. Leg press - 1 set
  3. Lying leg curl - 1 set
  4. Pulldowns to the chest - 1 set
  5. Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator - 1 approach
  6. Arm extension in crossover with rope - 1 approach
  7. Biceps curls in the simulator - 1 approach
  8. Overhead press in the simulator - 1 set
  9. Crunches in the simulator - 1 approach
  10. "Bicycle" - 1 approach

Note ! Beginners should not use heavy basic exercises in their first workouts. This approach can result in injuries and forever discourage you from working out in the gym.

Moreover, a smooth entry into the training regime will provide a better start, help avoid injuries and soreness, and make it possible to get results faster.

Muscle size

It's no secret that muscle groups differ in size. Here is a list of muscle groups in ascending order:

  1. Arms (smallest muscle group).
  2. Deltas (shoulders).
  3. Breast.
  4. Back.
  5. Legs (largest muscle group).

When performing basic exercises, not only the muscles to which the main load is directed are included in the work, but also other (auxiliary, stabilizing) muscles.

For example, when performing a bench press, the triceps, as well as the anterior (pushing) delta, are actively involved in the work. Therefore, if you train the triceps in your next workout, you will most likely overtrain it, because. This will be the second training session in a row.

Here are the muscles that come into play when training large muscle groups:

  • CHEST – front delta + triceps;
  • BACK – rear delta + biceps;
  • SHOULDERS – triceps;

It can also be noted that when training the legs, for example, when performing deadlifts, the back and core muscles (abs) can be involved in the work.

Training Guidelines for Beginners

This program is designed to improve the physical fitness of a healthy adult who has never exercised before (or has little experience).

You will notice that most of the exercises are performed in machines. This is intentional because beginners have less stability in their joints and weaker core muscles. When trying to immediately work with free weights (dumbbells or barbells), beginners increase the risk of injury.

Using machines provides support to these weak areas and allows you to isolate and strengthen the muscles before moving on to free weights.

  • Perform the workout at least 2 times a week to ensure significant strength gains.
  • Between each workout there should be 1 day of rest.
  • At least 1 set of 8-12 repetitions should significantly fatigue the muscles. That is, you should choose a weight with which you will not be able to perform 2 sets in a row without a 30-90 second rest break.
  • Performing one full range of motion repetition in a slow and controlled manner should take 4-5 seconds.
  • Rest at least 30 and no more than 90 seconds between sets, and 1 to 2 minutes between exercises.

Strength training equipment for home

Bar racks


Special racks on which the barbell is lowered are a universal type of exercise machine with which you can both squat and bench press, but to increase the functionality of the racks you need a bench press and, of course, a barbell. The stands are adjustable, allowing you to select the required height for various exercises.


  • It is possible to adjust the height of the stands for squats or vertical presses, as well as horizontal ones.
  • They make it possible to exercise with heavy weights and not get injured when the barbell falls or lifts from the floor to your shoulders.


  • A non-independent exercise machine, it requires additional equipment with a barbell, weights and a bench press.
  • The width of the racks may be too narrow and not standardized, which sometimes makes it difficult to perform a horizontal press with a wide, or rather sufficient, grip.

How to practice

  • To perform a horizontal or incline press, the bench must be placed exactly in the center; for this, the racks must be set to a minimum so that your hands can freely grab the barbell.
  • To perform squats, the racks must be raised, setting the height according to your height (it is important that the edges of the racks are slightly below the shoulders), and secure the lock in the hole on both sides. Then place the barbell, plates if necessary, and begin squats by placing the barbell on the top of the trapezius, holding the bar tightly with your hands.

How to choose

  • The width of the racks should be wide enough, preferably under an Olympic bar, so that it is possible to hold the barbell with a wide grip, this is especially important for men.
  • The structure must be strong, the racks must be interconnected and stand on stable supports.
  • The racks must be made of steel.

Ab benches


The design of the bench for crunches provides for an inclination, which ensures a comfortable position for the torso and hips, and has locking bolsters for the ankles and knees. Thus, exercising on such a machine is safe as an insurance policy, but in order to avoid injury and pain, it is necessary to perform the exercises with the correct technique.


  • Reliably fix the hips to perform a safe tilt of the body back.
  • Effectively trains the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.
  • They are small in size and weight.


  • Allows you to train only the abdominal muscles.
  • The angle of inclination in some models often does not change.

How to practice

  1. You need to throw one leg onto the machine and secure the foot under the locking roller, then place your pelvis on the bench and fix the second leg. The main thing is to make sure that the legs and hips are well supported.
  2. You need to round your back and put your hands behind your head.
  3. In this position, while inhaling, lean back to about 45 degrees. It is important not to straighten your back or arch your lower back.
  4. As you exhale, curl forward toward your hips.

Read more about crunches on a bench →

How to choose

The structure must be stable and strong, made of steel and having soft bolsters and a back made of durable finishing materials. The length and height of the simulator must be suitable for height and weight.

Press benches


A stable bench can be either horizontal or inclined. The latter allows you to adjust the angle of the backrest and perform various exercises, loading more muscle groups, for example, barbell and dumbbell bench presses at any angle, seated presses and curls, exercises for all deltoids, back and even abs. The bench design may also include racks.


  • The ability to adjust the bench allows you to perform a whole range of exercises for different muscle groups.
  • Allows you to perform exercises not only with free weight, but also with your own, for example, tucks, reverse push-ups, step-ups, Bulgarian lunges without weights.


  • For a full workout, it requires the additional presence of a barbell or dumbbells, and in some cases, barbell racks.
  • The height of the bench may not be suitable for height and may be uncomfortable, so it is important to consider personal parameters and ergonomics.

How to practice

To perform incline presses or bent-over rows, you need to raise the back of the bench to a certain angle and secure it with a special clamp, making sure that the incline is locked correctly.

How to choose

  • It is better to choose an adjustable bench with a stable and durable design, or one with racks.
  • The size of the bench should be suitable for height; when lying down, the head should completely touch the bench and not hang down. Also, the structure should not be shaky.



The simulator allows you to train the back surface of the body - the back, buttocks and thigh biceps, as well as the abdominal muscles. The design may include two simulators - a Roman chair for twisting the torso and a hyperextension for the back muscles.


  • Allows you to strengthen the stabilizer muscles of the spine, as well as stretch it, relieving pinched muscles and hypertonicity.
  • Trains the entire back surface of the body, increasing the elasticity and tone of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
  • It is possible to perform lateral crunches on the oblique abdominal muscles.


The exercise machine is prohibited for hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, as it involves tilting upside down, creating high pressure in the vessels of the head.

How to practice

  1. Grab the handles of the exercise machine with your palms and place your feet on special footrests, securing them under the bolsters.
  2. Place your pelvis on a special pillow, aligning your knees, and lower your torso down, hanging freely above the floor.
  3. Place your palms behind your head, straighten your back and, exhaling, lift your torso to parallel with the floor or slightly higher if the structure is inclined. The main thing is not to arch your lower back at the top point.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower your torso down.

Read more about hyperextension in the simulator →

How to choose

Choose a design that is adjustable for height, preferably one that can be used for crunches. This will make the simulator more functional.

Horizontal bars and parallel bars

There are all kinds of designs, both suspended and stationary, both mixed and individual. Some exercise machines have adapted armrests and a backrest to support the lumbar region when performing leg lifts.


  • Allows you to train without additional equipment.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the back, chest, arms and abs, also stretches the spine, and does not give compression load.


Suitable for trained athletes whose muscles are able to perform loads with their own weight.

How to practice

  1. For pull-ups, you need to choose the right grip on the bar.
  2. As you exhale, you need to pull yourself up, aiming your chest towards the bar.

Read more about pull-ups on the horizontal bar →

  1. To do push-ups, you need to place your palms on parallel handles and hold yourself on straight arms.
  2. Then bend your elbows to a right angle and forcefully return to the starting position.

Read more about dips →

How to choose

Select the exercise machine as needed: wall-mounted or floor-mounted. Suspended exercise machines can be problematic in some homes, so choose stable designs. But, still, build on your capabilities and preferences.

Home strength multifunctional exercise machines


Sports stores offer a wide range of multifunctional exercise equipment for home or multi-stations. Such designs can accommodate several exercise machines at once - block rows, blocks for leg flexion and extension, nautilus, hummer, incline bench and much more. There are many such simulators. Multi-stations simplify the selection of exercise equipment and save space for equipment placement.


  • Save space.
  • They accommodate several exercise machines for individual muscle groups in one design.
  • Allows you to train more effectively and safely.


  • High price.
  • Limited load capabilities, for example, the maximum weight of blocks is often only up to 50 kg, which is a small weight for some athletes.

How to practice

Depending on the chosen station, adhere to the correct exercise technique and use of the machine. The main thing is to set the appropriate load weight by placing the clamp on the plate with the appropriate load.

How to choose

When choosing fitness stations, first of all, consider the cost and quality of the design. Choose trusted brands. Of course, the more functions such a simulator has, the better.

Tips for Newbies to the Gym

Here are some tips to help you get more out of your training:

  • Stay hydrated! Be sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. Dehydration can weaken you and reduce the effectiveness of your workouts. Also drink plenty of water during your workouts.
  • Eat a small meal with equal parts lean protein (lean chicken, turkey, beef or fish) and complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, rice) 30-60 minutes before and 60 minutes after exercise. This will give the body energy and ensure its recovery.
  • Do cardio (for fat burning) only after strength training or at other times of the day.
  • Keep a training diary. Record the number of sets and repetitions, the size of the working weights, and the exercises performed. This will allow you to track your progress and progress.
  • On your journey to building your body, take regular photos and measurements of all parts of your body to monitor your results.


Recommendations for Beginners

Do not overdo it . At first, the body needs time to adapt to new loads. Build it up gradually. Don’t “show off” in front of your friends or the fair half of humanity with heavy weights. This will lead to injury and overtraining.

Training frequency . The optimal amount of training for both men and women is 3-4 times a week. Rest between workouts should be at least one day and no more than two. Every 4 months, take a break from the gym for 10-14 days. When you come to the gym after rest, reduce the load a little to smoothly enter the training process.

Warm up . Never forget about warming up. Absolutely before every workout, you should perform proper and high-quality “warm-up” of your body. Spend 15 minutes on a treadmill or exercise bike, then do a joint warm-up of the whole body.

Duration of training . If you are a natural athlete who does not use anabolic or hormonal drugs, then the training time (excluding warm-up) should be no less than 45 and no more than 70 minutes. No need to train for 1.5-2 hours. After 60 minutes of strength training, you should have no energy left to continue. If you have some strength left, reduce the rest time between sets or add additional weights.

Technique . Before performing a new exercise, study the technique in detail (watch the video, read sports literature). Hone your technique with light weights. Learn to feel exactly those muscle groups that are involved in a particular exercise.

Diary . Keep a sports diary to keep track of your training schedule, calculate your BZH, mark your achievements in sports, etc.

Nutrition . Start eating in small portions, preferably every 2-3 hours in small portions. Count your calories. To gain muscle mass, you need to consume more calories than you burn, but to lose weight, the opposite is true. Eliminate unhealthy foods: soda, fast food, sausages, chips, etc. At the beginning of the day, eat more slow carbohydrates, and in the late afternoon protein foods with vegetables. Additionally, buy a good (preferably in a sports store) vitamin and mineral complex. Eat two hours before training.

Water . Drink at least 2 liters of plain water daily. Juices, teas, compotes, etc. should not be considered water. Water perfectly accelerates metabolism and removes toxins from the body. During physical activity, you should also not neglect water.

Recovery . Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. Sleep is a major factor in building muscle mass and losing subcutaneous fat. If possible, go for a massage, it speeds up recovery quite well. Take more walks in the fresh air.

Trainer . If you have the financial opportunity to hire a good coach, then do it. Before choosing a coach, read comments from students and look at his sporting achievements. Training with a professional trainer will make your task much easier.

An effective complex for active work in the gym

Complex exercises on simulators for women and men are carried out according to a specific program and help solve several problems at once:

  • strengthen and develop muscles;
  • get rid of fat;
  • stimulate metabolism.

Active work in the gym can last for different times and depends on the exercises included in the complex, strength and athletic, dynamic and interval.

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