Kick Ass fat burner - the cost of instant weight loss

Description of the fat burner

Kick Ass is a drug that helps burn fat. Its manufacturer is WTF Labz. An excellent drug for achieving the desired results, namely: a boost of energy and a great desire to go to work out and lose excess fat.

IMPORTANT! The additive differs markedly from its own competitors in terms of composition. It may seem that there are few components in the composition, but if you look carefully, you can really see that the concentration of active elements is in quite serious volumes. All this is considered a guarantee of achieving goals.

Kick Ass

Kick Ass
fat burner from WTF Labz

  • Category: strong+hardcore.
  • Servings: 60 capsules
    (60 servings)
  • Results: up to 10 kg
    per month.

Its main features:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Great burst of energy
  • Increases mental focus
  • Huge increase in stamina
  • Reduces appetite
  • Doesn't let you sit still and do nothing

Recommended for physically strong and resilient people. The speed and volume of weight loss directly depend on the amount of extra pounds. The more excess weight, the higher the performance and vice versa. Also, the effectiveness directly depends on the condition of the liver and adrenal glands. Consuming prohibited foods and alcohol significantly reduces the effectiveness of all fat burners and pre-workouts.

Mode of application

fat burner Kikas

  • 1 capsule after the first meal
  • 1 capsule after lunch or 30 minutes before training

The course of admission is 1 month, after which it is necessary to take a break from taking it for 2-3 weeks.

Effect on the body

Kik As acts immediately in a certain number of directions, which can lead to instant detachment of fat in the cellular structure:

  1. Increases the rate of material metabolism.
  2. Reduces appetite.
  3. Increases body temperature.
  4. Increases stamina.

The supplement actively affects the central nervous system, helps stimulate neuron activity, increase mood, and reduce the pain threshold. This can lead to the fact that the athlete will be able to carry the load much easier, and, accordingly, remove fat more effectively.

Review of fat burner Kick Ass from WTF labz

Fat burner Kick Ass was created to help you go to the gym or go for a run, start fighting those annoying extra pounds and feel energized. After all, you really want to look in the mirror and see yourself slim there? With the Kik Ess fat burner, going to the gym becomes a joy, you have energy and a desire to exercise. You also don’t want to eat with it and it’s simply delicious! Especially for those who are looking for a calm peaceful life away from sweets and overeating. Added to all this is the acceleration of fat burning and you see the effect much faster, which motivates you to become slimmer and slimmer. A top thermogenic for the gym and one of the strongest appetite suppressants on the sports nutrition market. It is in the strongest category.

Application - indications and dosage

How to take the supplement and in what doses? The classic instructions for the drug advise consuming 2 caps. per day: in the morning on an empty stomach and at lunch before the training process:

  • Initially start with 1 caps. in the morning, after finishing eating. Taking on an empty stomach increases the effect, but contributes to the occurrence of side effects. For 2 caps. go no earlier than 3 days later.

  • Consumption in the evening is prohibited. When the training process took place after 6 pm, there is no need to combine them with supplements.
  • Do not use with other fat burners. Alcohol and other substances are contraindicated.
  • A deviation in the condition of the body requires you to immediately consult a doctor.
  • Drink for no more than 30 days, and then take a break for 14 days. Even when an athlete feels great, this is necessary to prevent the habit. Otherwise, you will actually experience withdrawal symptoms.

Consumers notice a lack of insomnia. These are favorable facts that distinguish it from other components of this line.

Reception scheme

The standard instructions for Kick Ass recommend taking 2 capsules per day: in the morning on an empty stomach and at lunch before training. Let's talk about recommendations that will make using the fat burner safer and more effective.

  1. We start with one capsule in the morning, or after meals. Taking it on an empty stomach improves the result, but provokes side effects. We switch to 2 capsules no earlier than after three days.
  2. Reception in the evening is strictly prohibited. If you have workouts after 18:00, you should not combine them with the drug.
  3. We do not use other fat burners. Alcohol and many medications are not compatible with this remedy.
  4. Deviations in health require consultation with a doctor and temporary withdrawal of the fat burner.
  5. We drink for no more than a month, then take a break for 2 weeks. Even if you feel good, this is necessary to prevent addiction. Otherwise, you may experience withdrawal and abstinence syndrome.

Regular consumers note the absence of tremors and sleep problems. These are positive facts that distinguish the drug from other products in this line.

Side effects

The fat burner has a negative effect on the body. Some of the dangerous side effects include:

  1. Cardiac dysfunction.
  2. Disruption of the central nervous system.
  3. Insomnia.
  4. High sweat production even at rest.
  5. Symptoms from the digestive system.

REFERENCE! This list is not complete. An increase in artificial stimulating components of the body will lead to disruption of the functioning of each organ.

Similar effective, but dangerous methods of losing weight are used under the supervision of a doctor. Then you can count on maintaining your health, which is more important than a balanced weight category.

Who is the Kick Ass fat burner suitable for?

That very moment when you compensate for the lack of motivation and strength to lose weight with explosive energy and a sharp increase in the number of calories burned.
We recommend it to hardy and strong people with weak motivation. It gets rid of laziness and the desire to do nothing in two. An extremely powerful fat burner, one might even say that it is one of the strongest. For most indicators it gives maximum results. Due to the high dosage of stimulants, it “works” and is “felt” by the vast majority of buyers. But it is also worth remembering that there is a risk of side effects. After all, the fat burner Kik Ass is far from the easiest option. And it begins to act approximately 30-40 minutes after taking one capsule. And on average it works up to 3-5 hours. Possible side effects?

  • Slight hand tremors
  • Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Increased pressure

Contraindications for use:

  • Pregnancy
  • Planning a pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Kidney problems
  • Liver problems
  • Allergy to components
  • Age up to 18 years

Training and nutrition

How many horror stories have I told you! Now for the good stuff. If, after all, the fat burner Kikos is right for you. How to train optimally and what to eat as a result? Of course, I won’t suggest you jerk off dumbbells and kiss the barbell. But there are a couple of cool exercises and, most importantly, proven exercises for quick drying. First of all, forget about jogging before your workout. We are not like that, first we need to do a warm-up, and then we do exercises on the legs, back, chest. Optimal and not scary even for beginners. Regular squats (possibly with weights), then pull-ups with a reverse narrow grip (handles closer and fingers pointing towards the face) and if you are super skilled, you can add a super dangerous exercise with a barbell called Guillotine. You do a couple of approaches to failure, so that everything burns, hurts and there is suffering. After a run. Let me tell you, the belly cleans up very quickly in this mode.

Now about the food. Even though you don’t feel like eating with the fat burner Kik Ass. But you need to force yourself and, most importantly, do it competently. I'll tell you one secret. When you take stimulants, sometimes without noticing how you start to gorge on sweets. To protect our progress, we go to the store and look for the section for diabetics. We buy some sweets with fructose there. They are not as tasty and you can't eat too many of them. We are not made of iron and we will want something sweet. So let there be something effective. Next, I recommend a slow carbohydrate diet. Its trick is that you will only grind meat/fish in any form you like with salads (also whatever you like). Naturally black bread with bran. We forget all products that contain sugar and fast carbohydrates (for those who don’t fumble, these are sweet drinks, bananas, grapes, white rice, potatoes, soft pasta, doctor’s sausages, sausages, buns and other products that contain sugar ). The recipe is simple, but how effective it is. And I forgot to clarify, we make sure to eat fruit every day. The vessels will be in trouble without them, don’t forget!

How does the Kick Ass fat burner from VTF Labs work?

  • When you wake up, take the capsule with a glass of clean water. After about 30-40 minutes you begin to feel the first effects. First, you wake up and there is a growing feeling of a surge of strength. Your heart begins to beat faster, it becomes hot, you begin to sweat and, out of habit, your hands sometimes shake. As your energy increases, you automatically begin to do any work faster, as if you are in a hurry, and any actions also begin to become a little abrupt and sometimes clumsy. Appetite disappears approximately 40-50 minutes after the start of administration. This accelerated state lasts approximately 4-5 hours.

Detailed analysis of the Kick ass fat burner:

Now let's talk about garlic. Kick as is quite tough and among fat burners it ranks in the tough and hardcore section. What does it mean? It is heavy and uncomfortable, the main audience that, in theory, should use it are jocks and equally pumped up girls. But, as in everyday life, not everything goes according to plan. Most plump guys are led to believe that they will lose weight quickly. I don’t care about the side effects, I’ll tolerate them. And these good-natured fat men and sweet girls buy the treasured jar. They endure, forcing their unprepared body to experience simply absolutely excessive stress. And this goes on for a month, then another and another. After all, you get used to the surge of strength, and without the capsule it becomes hard to get up in the morning, and things don’t work right. How does this happen? At first you endure it, your body is unusual, some experience a lot of side effects, others don’t (it depends on the liver, but more on that a little later). Then your body gets used to it and it stops bothering you and, in principle, you and Kik Ess become comfortable. Then a stage comes when you want to return the effect that was at the very beginning of the intake and the race begins for something stronger and more interesting. This cycle happens to almost everyone. And this comes from a lack of understanding of how stimulants work, their harm, benefits and how to use this matter correctly?

Fat burner Kick Ass (Kick Ess) 60 caps from WTF Labz

Shows maximum effectiveness in the gym.
Reduces appetite and gives tons of energy and focus. High dosage of stimulants. Be sure to drink half the first dose, this is no joke! Use only for absolutely healthy people with a strong and resilient body. Results of fat burner Kick Ass (Kick Ass) 60 caps from WTF Labz:

  • for big fat people 10-12g
  • for average fat people 6-9kg
  • for light drying 1-2kg

Did you take the capsule? We get:

  • A ton of energy
  • Increased stamina
  • Accelerates the motor
  • Reduces appetite
  • Iron Focus
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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