How to take Black Spider fat burner correctly

Fat burners

Sergey Sidoruk 01/31/2019 no comments


How to take Black Spider fat burner correctly

4 (80%) 3 votes

Black widow spider is a drug produced by the American company Cloma Pharma, and is a dietary supplement, a thermogenic fat burner, the most effective among those offered on the market today. Research by scientists, reviews from professional bodybuilders and just sports fans indicate that this substance is the most effective among existing ones. If there are analogues, they are not so effective. To figure out whether this is true or not, it is necessary to study in detail the composition and mode of action of this drug.



The powerful effect of the dietary supplement is ensured by a combination of the following components:

  • ephedra (thermogenic effect, appetite suppressant);
  • caffeine (stimulates the central nervous system);
  • aspirin (or white willow bark);
  • ginseng (reduces blood glucose levels);
  • green tea extract (normalizes metabolic processes);
  • black tea (helps bowel function);
  • mate;
  • kelp (helps the intestines function normally, removes toxins and other harmful substances);

Black spider widow complex is a powerful fat burner that is immediately memorable by its name

  • ginger root;
  • guarana;
  • cayenne pepper (reduces sugar levels, prolongs the feeling of fullness);
  • B vitamins;
  • theobromine;
  • chromium picolinate.

Menu while taking a fat burner

Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to rebuild the nutrition system while taking capsules. There are no strict recommendations, however, everyone should understand that the drug in question is just a supplement that does not eliminate extra pounds, but only helps fight appetite and overeating.

It is important to adhere to the basics of proper nutrition so that weight loss is quick and the results are long-lasting. Experts advise avoiding the following products:

  • Fried, salted, smoked;
  • Sweets;
  • Flour products;
  • Alcohol.

Try to choose healthier foods; when choosing a diet, consider what benefits a particular product will bring to the body. Dishes should include proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin complexes.

If proteins make up the majority of your daily diet, you will ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety and increase muscle tone. Iron increases hemoglobin levels, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. An important part is the drinking regime. When taking Black Spider, it is imperative to drink as much plain water as possible. Firstly, it will prevent dehydration, and secondly, it will normalize the water balance in the body, speed up the removal of toxins, and get rid of sludge.


The unique combination of components and their ratio in Black widow spider provide a thermogenic and stimulating effect on the body.

Taking the black spider fat burner leads to several processes being launched at once:

  • body temperature rises;
  • stomach receptors responsible for appetite are blocked;
  • caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, due to which the body is able to work to its maximum capabilities;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated.

General operating principle

There are several types of drugs that act differently on adipose tissue. Some of them, when entering the body, duplicate the action of hormones: adrenaline and norepinephrine. Others simply destroy fat cells.

Almost all fat burners act comprehensively on the entire body. Due to the increased work of muscle tissue, fat cells are destroyed and eliminated. And the energy expended on work is also compensated by lipids. As a result, new fat cells are not formed, and old ones are destroyed. Black Spider 25 Ephedra, reviews of which are mostly positive, also works on this principle.

Unique components

The secret to the success of the black widow is not so much the effective substances contained in the composition, but their correct combination with each other. It is the synergistic effect that ensures the maximum effect of the drug components. The main composition is ECA, that is, ephedrine extract, caffeine and aspirin. Due to the fact that they complement and increase each other’s effectiveness, amazing weight loss results are achieved.

The main advantage of black spider widow is its composition, which contains aspirin, caffeine and ephedra extract

Ephedra is a plant, a coniferous shrub, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and blood circulation. The thin branches of the plant contain the alkaloid ephedrine, which is used in the drug. The component increases human activity, reduces the threshold of fatigue, suppresses sleep, and removes excess fluid from the body.

Caffeine. The second most effective among the main “trinity” is caffeine. It also has a stimulating, exciting effect, due to which endurance increases, fatigue occurs much later. It also has a thermogenic effect, that is, it increases the internal body temperature, stimulating metabolic processes and the functioning of internal organs.

Aspirin is present in this combination mainly to increase the effectiveness of the two previous drugs.

Features of taking the product

There is an opinion that all fat-burning products from Cloma Pharma should be taken only on an empty stomach. Yes, this technique is more effective for losing weight, but there are also some risks that you need to be aware of. The fact is that the product contains black pepper, which greatly irritates the gastric mucosa. Doctors recommend that all athletes who have health problems (ulcers, heartburn, low peristalsis) refrain from using the fat burner on an empty stomach.

There are also expert warnings regarding the timing of taking the drug. It is not recommended to drink it less than 4 hours before bedtime. The fact is that the caffeine contained in the fat burner excites the nervous system and forces the body to stay awake. Problems may arise the next day, and they will arise from lack of sleep - fatigue, detachment, absent-mindedness.

What do the studies say?

According to research by Horton and Geissler conducted in the 90s as part of the ECA “trinity,” aspirin has no direct effect on processes that reduce body weight. That is, the substance is used only to increase the effectiveness of the remaining components of the fat burner. The same results were confirmed by research from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of London, which also calculated the difference between the use of ECA and EC (without aspirin) - 30 grams of weight lost.

Each of the elements of black spider widow deserves special attention

In addition, in studies that compared the effectiveness of various components of black spider separately (patients took either caffeine, ephedrine, or a proportional combination of both, or placebo), it was proven that the most effective effect is the synergy effect, that is, the combination of these two components .

British research suggests that dietary supplements that contain ephedrine can damage the nervous system.

Side effects

Many professional trainers do not recommend Black Widow fat burners for people with large excess weight. We are talking about a fat content of over 50%. The problem is that in an excited body, even with slight physical exertion, a rapid increase in heart rate occurs. And this is fraught with a heart attack. Here it is better to find a compromise, and consult a doctor about not only taking the drug, but also physical activity. And if we talk about the side effects of the fat burner immediately at the time of administration, then the list is quite large, but all the symptoms relate more to the reaction of an unprepared body to some components of the Black Spider drug:

  • caffeine causes hand tremors;
  • Yohimbine causes long-lasting erections in men;
  • due to orange zest and black pepper, redness may appear on the athlete’s face (for allergy sufferers).

You can also note itching of the skin in the area of ​​sweating, which occurs due to poor hygiene, as well as dizziness and sudden mood swings, which are side effects of overexcitement of the body.

How to take black spider 25 ephedra?

Black widow spider is a fairly strong drug that must be taken strictly following the instructions for use. It is recommended to start the course with 1 capsule per day, no more. The maximum dosage is 2 capsules per day. Depending on the body’s reaction to the drug or the goals set for its use, you can use it either every day or only on training days. The manufacturer does not recommend drinking capsules later than 5-6 hours before bedtime. It is prohibited to consume other fat burners, coffee and alcohol during the course.

Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • age under 18 years;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lactation period.

In addition, it is believed that the black widow fat burner can be addictive, since during the action of the drug the central nervous system is excited and depression is suppressed. Therefore, it is better to complete the course gradually, gradually reducing the number of capsules. Abrupt termination of the course may cause depression.

The unique fat burner and its components have undergone many different studies

How to take black spider 25 ephedra to achieve maximum results?:

  • combine taking the drug with competent strength training;
  • add cardio exercise;
  • diet;
  • compliance with the diet (fractional meals 4-6 times a day);
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • It is possible to combine it with the use of fish oil or L-carnitine.

Standard packaging contains 100 capsules. Depending on the daily dose, the course can last from two to three months, but it is still not recommended to continue it longer than two months. Between courses you definitely need a break of at least three weeks.

Before you start taking black spider, it is best to consult with an experienced trainer or your doctor about how to take black spider 25 ephedra and how not to harm your health.

Instructions for use

How to take Black Spider 25 Ephedra? Instructions for using the drug are included in the kit. In it, the manufacturer indicates that the product is recommended to be used as follows:

  • The first three days - 1 tablet during meals in the morning or after breakfast;
  • Starting from the 4th day - 1 tablet during a meal in the morning or after breakfast and 1 capsule at lunch or an afternoon snack.

After using the drug, it is recommended to drink a large amount of liquid for better absorption of the product. This will also help avoid dehydration.

The instructions for the drug Black Spider 25 Ephedra indicate that the product has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, it is not recommended to take the product on an empty stomach. It is best to consume the product with food. This way the drug will be quickly absorbed by the body and will not cause side effects.

It is forbidden to take Black Spider 25 Ephedra together with other drugs that promote fat burning. The simultaneous use of the product with medications should be agreed with your doctor. In this case, the fat burner can only be consumed together with vitamins and fatty acids.

It is recommended to stop taking the drug gradually. First, you should reduce your consumption of the product by half. This will help the body get used to new conditions. During the period of refusal to use the product, it is recommended to increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

If you abruptly stop taking Black Spider, this will negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of the athlete. As a result, a depressed state will arise and a feeling of causeless anxiety will appear. It is recommended to completely stop using the product a week before the competition.

For women

The fat burner is also effective for women. This fact has been confirmed by studies conducted to determine the effectiveness of the ECA combination.

Please note that taking black spider simultaneously with pre-workout supplements is prohibited

Nervous system stimulation

Also, Black Spider stimulates the nervous system, helping to produce norepinephrine and adrenaline. As a result of this impact:

  • rapid breathing and increased heart rate are observed;
  • gastrointestinal motility decreases;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • the bronchi expand;
  • additional energy appears in the body, a person gets tired more slowly;
  • strength and endurance increases.

Already 30 minutes after consuming Black Spider, a person feels an unexpected surge of strength and energy, his mood improves, and he begins to enjoy physical training. Many people say that when taking a fat burner they are able to train for more than 1 hour without feeling any fatigue.

The drug "Black Spider" is recommended by experts for active drying of the body. It is best to take the product before training to stimulate the central nervous system, increase endurance, and also provide a feeling of energy throughout the entire workout. With the help of such a fat burner, you will be able to get rid of extra pounds in a short time and achieve a beautiful body with pronounced relief. When taking the drug correctly, experts guarantee a reduction of up to 600 grams per day. But it is important to remember that the effect of taking it will directly depend on the person’s initial body weight, the individual characteristics of his body and other related factors.

Reviews of Black Spider


“I was looking for the best diet pills and came across a black widow. Before this, I went to the gym for about 6 months. After I started taking the capsules, the weight began to come off much faster, my workouts were much more active, and I was sweating a lot. But at first, after training, I started to feel sick.”


“I bought a black spider fat burner to dry myself out. By observing nutrition and training, the weight really decreased and the relief appeared. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the instructions on how to take black spider 25 ephedra. But he began to suffer from insomnia, and his sleep became more restless. After the end of the course, my sleep returned to normal.”

Caffeine in a fat burner

Black Spider 25 contains caffeine, an organic component of natural origin, which is extracted from tea leaves and guarana. In medicine, the component is used as an aphrodisiac. It affects the body as follows:

  • helps fight drowsiness;
  • relieves headaches;
  • increases heart rate;
  • increases endurance, replenishes strength, prepares a person for mental and physical work;
  • helps eliminate toxins;
  • actively participates in the processes of breakdown of substances and processing of carbohydrates.

Experts have found that regularly taking caffeine helps you lose 5 extra pounds every month. The component also significantly reduces the feeling of hunger and eliminates fatigue.

What women should pay attention to

Young women and girls very often, in their quest to become better and more beautiful, use all possible methods. It is necessary to understand that any fat burner, in particular Black Spider 25 (reviews below), activates the work of all systems, including the endocrine one. Hormonal status changes, which means the menstrual cycle may be disrupted.

Women seem to be in constant premenstrual syndrome, which is accompanied by swings in mood and performance. Insomnia and anxiety may occur. If any extraneous symptoms occur while taking the fat burner Black Spider 25 Ephedra (reviews are given below), you must be examined as soon as possible and stop taking it.

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