Herbalife - how to take it correctly to lose weight

Losing weight with Herbalife

Overweight and obesity are a huge problem in the modern world. And Herbalife has been helping you lose weight, gain confident slimness, and fully improve your body’s health for more than 30 years. Let's figure out how to properly take Herbalife products to lose weight.

The Herbalife weight loss program includes:

  • Formula 1, a protein shake containing proteins, fiber, a complex of vitamins and minerals, which helps accelerate metabolic processes in the body and normalize weight, the main fighter against excess body weight;
  • — Formula 2, a multivitamin complex that includes 12 vitamins, 11 minerals, 11 herbs, which, when taken, allows the body to replenish the necessary elements and, accordingly, reduce food portions, strengthen immunity and resistance to disease;
  • - Formula 3 , a protein mixture containing the most important building material for humans - protein, promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat, protein deficiency leads to an increase in subcutaneous fat and, accordingly, weight;
  • — A cellular activator that enhances and forces the body to speed up and process fats and carbohydrates, a kind of regulator of metabolic processes.

Each of these components can be used separately, but to achieve the best results, you should use the full composition.

The Herbalife line for weight loss includes dietary supplements, taking which you can achieve a significant weight loss. It is possible to support physiological activity, increase the protective functions of the body, and saturate it with useful microelements by taking dietary supplements :

  • -Herbal Aloe concentrate, which helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract;
  • — Thermocomlit , its composition activates metabolic processes, helps speed up the breakdown of fat cells, drinking this herbal tea you forget about the feeling of hunger, natural ingredients ensure satiety, which means there is no desire to eat or snack;
  • — Thermojetics (drink and tablets), indispensable natural fat burners and metabolic accelerators in the process of losing weight;
  • — Ceel-u-loss, the very name of the dietary supplement speaks for itself, its abilities are to free human organs from waste and toxins, remove excess fluid at the cellular level, help make the skin smooth and elastic, and get rid of cellulite.

List of Popular Types of Protein Powders in the Market

  • Whey protein : fast absorption. Made from dairy products. Contains all essential amino acids.
  • Casein protein: slow absorption. Made from dairy products. Contains all essential amino acids.
  • Soy Protein: Plant based and contains all the essential amino acids. Also contains soy isoflavones, which may provide some health benefits.
  • Hemp Protein: Plant-based and high in omega-3 and omega-6 fats, but low in the essential amino acid lysine.
  • Rice Protein: Plant based and low in the essential amino acid lysine.
  • Pea protein: Plant based – low in essential amino acids such as cystine and methionine.

Some brands contain a mixture of different types of protein powder. Thus, a mixture of different types of protein complements each other’s amino acid profile.

Protein shakes can contain different types of protein, each with their own characteristics.

The method of mixing different types of protein to achieve the best results is used in Herbalife Nutrition Formula 3 protein powder.

Why Herbalife programs are so effective

The world of diets is large and varied, but if you “try” just one on yourself, instead of the desired result, you can end up with many problems and even diseases. While “sitting” on a diet, you have to constantly experience a feeling of hunger, your health may worsen, dizziness, irritability will appear, and after all the torment, the weight will return again.

You need to lose weight without harming your body with Herbalife, which will provide you with vitamins, microelements, and minerals. Soy protein (a substitute for regular protein) in Herbalife is an effective building ingredient. To obtain effective, efficient use of the product, you must take several products from the weight loss series throughout the day. The effect of taking the Herbalife product can be felt in the very first days of use: performance increases, fatigue and chronic fatigue go away, and appearance improves.

Instructions for use

The developed proprietary method, which includes the company’s products, normalizes the body’s metabolism and promotes weight loss. Alternating ingredients in the Herbalife diet makes it flexible. This allows you to lose excess volume regardless of the location of the person losing weight.

Herbalife has four weight loss programs:

  • basic, stage that reduces weight to 5 kg;
  • extended, stage reducing weight to 10 kg;
  • reinforced, stage that reduces weight over 10 kg;
  • stabilizing stage, consolidating the results.

How to take Herbalife correctly to lose weight? Using any of these programs involves excluding two meals of regular food , the best option is breakfast and dinner, or breakfast and lunch. They should be replaced with a protein shake, which can be easily prepared in a few minutes by adding water, juice or skim milk. To ensure that the resulting mass is evenly mixed, you need to beat it in a blender.

Lunch or dinner, which is not replaced by the Herbalife product, should be complete, but you should eat boiled, stewed, baked, but not fried foods; it is better to limit or completely avoid flour products, sweets, rice, pasta, semolina and pearl barley , potatoes, canned food, marinades. You should gradually reduce your portion of regular food.

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For snacks like an afternoon snack you can use:

  • fruits,
  • vegetables,
  • cottage cheese,
  • kefir,
  • yogurt,
  • but a protein bar is better.

During the day, you must drink water (the amount of liquid required can be calculated depending on weight, if for 1 kg 30 ml is required, then for a weight of 100 kg you need 3 liters of water, and coffee and juices do not count as water).

An Aloe Vera concentrate or herbal drink added to the liquid can be an accelerator for weight loss

It’s easy and simple to prepare: add three measuring caps of concentrate to half a glass of water, you can dilute it in a larger container and drink throughout the day.

It is necessary to take into account the person's lifestyle. Without daily expenditure of excess calories, a decrease in fat mass cannot be achieved on diet alone. Physical activity to burn must increase, but the number of calories must decrease. The final result depends on this.

How to take the program

In short: replace your regular breakfast with the program.

Detailed instructions:

  1. 1. In the morning instead of breakfast . Pour half a glass of plain water. Pour one measuring cap of aloe concentrate, stir and drink slowly;
  2. 2. Immediately after aloe. Take 300 ml of hot water (Important: not boiling water!). Measure out half a teaspoon of herbal drink (i.e. tea). Or, if you are using a Herbalife four-section measuring spoon, then the smallest volume is without a slide. Next, we need to divide our 300 ml of tea into several doses. Pour 100 ml into a bottle with 2.5 liters of water - you need to drink this drink throughout the day. Drink the remaining tea (200 ml) in the glass immediately;
  3. 3. After drinking tea and aloe, prepare a cocktail. Pour 250 ml of water into a blender/shaker, add 2 tablespoons of Formula 1 cocktail or 3 measuring spoons from Herbalife. Shake and drink slowly.

Buy programs for home in banks, as this will significantly save your budget. For questions about Herbalife products, contact the distributor by calling the toll-free line: 8800-511-85-02 or go to the catalog using this link to buy/order products online.

Basic Herbalife weight loss programs

The dietary menu of the developed programs is a weekly five meals a day. And the ability to choose the products you consume will be an obvious plus. This will have a positive effect on your mood and feeling of fullness throughout the day. The Herbalife diet is a mandatory breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time, with a total calorie content of 1000–1200 kcal. Light snacks between meals will keep your body feeling full.

has created four programs to reduce weight and body size. Her choice depends on the desired end result.

  1. Basic program. The action of the complex is aimed at replenishing the missing nutrients of a person on a diet. It consists of replacing one or two meals with branded protein shakes. It is considered the best starting option for losing weight. Composition: “Formula 1” – 3 pieces, “Formula 2” – 1 piece, “Formula 3” – 2 pieces.
  2. Extended program. Includes a basic program with a combination of company products aimed at cleansing the body. They normalize metabolism and restore fat and water balance. The program is recommended to be used from the second month of weight loss. Ingredients: basic and cleansing programs, “Activated Fiber”, “Cell-u-Loss”, “Cell Activator” - 1 piece each.
  3. Enhanced program. The complex is used in the third month of weight loss, when eating habits have been formed and almost all the hated centimeters in volume have disappeared. To obtain better results, along with the extended program, additional fat-burning stimulation with Herbalife products is allowed along with a charge of vigor and energy. Ingredients: extended program, “NRG”, “Thermojetics”, “Thermocomplit” - 1 piece each.
  4. Stabilization program. This version of the diet plan helps to consolidate the achieved weight loss for a long time. A second meal is carefully introduced into the diet and subsequently replaced with another portion of the drink. First they drink it for dinner, and then replace it with breakfast. Composition: “Formula 1” – 2 pieces, “Cell activator”, “NRG” and “Formula 2” – 1 piece each.

Proteins reduce hunger and appetite

Protein can reduce hunger and appetite in two main ways.

First, it increases levels of appetite-reducing hormones such as GLP-1, PYY and CCK, while decreasing levels of the hormone gorelin.

Second, protein helps you feel fuller longer.

In one study, a high-protein breakfast helped participants consume fewer calories throughout the day.

In another, overweight dieters increased their protein intake to 25% of total calories. Increasing your protein intake reduces snacking cravings by 60% and late night snacking by half.

Increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of total calories helped participants in another study consume 441 fewer calories per day without trying to restrict calories.

Moreover, by the end of the 12-week study period, they lost an average of 5 kg.

Protein shakes for weight loss are a convenient way to add extra protein to your diet.

Protein can reduce appetite by affecting hunger hormones. Protein also helps you feel fuller longer, which means you eat less and lose fat.

Diet regimen

The Herbalife diet provides for a specific temporary diet. Changing it or refusing any food intake is unacceptable. The best option would be five or six meals a day with an interval of two to three hours.

First meal. Breakfast from 7.00 to 8.00

  • From the very morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink 200-250 milliliters of drinking water with the addition of branded con.
  • Thirty minutes after performing the morning toilet, the Formula 1 drink is drunk. In order to prepare it, the liquid component can be taken as: milk 1.5%, whey, drinking or mineral water.
  • After waiting a little, he drinks a mug of Thermojetics herbal drink.

Second meal. Snack from 10.00 to 11.00

  • Thirty minutes before the second dose, drink a portion of water or Thermojetics herbal tea.
  • A branded bar from Herbalife, allowed vegetables or fruits (one of your choice) are ideal to satisfy a small hunger.

Third meal. Lunch from 13.00 to 14.00

  • Thirty minutes before lunch time, it is recommended to drink a signature tea drink or drinking water.
  • To make your meal healthy and satisfying, you can opt for: one or two pieces of grain bread or with bran; vegetables of various methods of preparation, including fresh salad; eggs or low-fat cottage cheese; fruits The lunch ration must include dietary types of fish or meat products.

Pomelo, what are the benefits of this fruit for the body? 10 beneficial properties of pomelo.

Fourth meal. Afternoon tea from 16.00 to 17.00

  • Before meals, drink 200 milliliters of water or unsweetened green tea with lemon added.
  • The second snack is the same as in the morning.

Fifth meal. Dinner from 19.00 to 20.00

  • Thirty minutes before dinner, it is recommended to drink a portion of drinking water.
  • Next, prepare a cocktail in a blender from: two tablespoons of Formula 1 with the addition of fruit or any fresh or frozen berries.
  • If you feel hungry before 10 p.m., you can eat 0.5 of a branded bar or a green apple.

Until you achieve the desired weight loss, you must follow this diet.

What is weight loss with Herbalife?

This nutrition program involves replacing two daily meals (breakfast and lunch) with specially developed protein-mineral complexes called “Formula 1” with the use of additional protein products. This system promises stable weight loss of 3–5 kg per month. The main factors for losing weight are three individual parameters:

  • Features of the metabolism of a particular person.
  • The starting weight of a person before starting the course.
  • Strict compliance with the requirements of the methodology.

Changes that should occur after starting to use Herbalife:

  1. Reduction of body volume and weight.
  2. Noticeable improvement in well-being.
  3. Reduced fatigue.
  4. Increased performance.
  5. Improved night sleep.
  6. Improved appearance (condition of skin, hair and nails).

The manufacturer's strategy involves attaching a personal weight loss consultant who selects one of the existing weight loss programs in accordance with the individual characteristics and goals of a particular person. An important point in this matter is the qualifications of the consultant, on which the level of confidence in the recommendations he gives directly depends. Therefore, it would not be amiss to ask him about his medical education, duration of medical practice and narrow specialization.

Permitted and prohibited products

When following a diet menu for weight loss according to schemes, as in many diets, there are certain restrictions on the consumption of foods.


  • Protein food. Steamed omelette with cheese or mushroom addition; It is better to bake meat, chicken and fish in the oven, boil or cook in a double boiler.
  • Vegetables. It is acceptable to eat fresh and steamed foods, vegetable salads with olive oil or lemon juice dressing. The salad can include: fresh cabbage, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, peppers, various greens, and so on.
  • Fruits . Due to the high sugar content, it is recommended to reduce the addition of fruits to the diet. You should choose: green apples, citrus fruits, kiwi or pomegranates. You have to be careful with grapes. Plums and peaches can be included in your diet a couple of times a week.


  • Carbohydrates: cereals, bread products, potatoes, pasta, corn.
  • Proteins: smoked food, sausages, salt.
  • Fats: palm oil, butter, margarine.

Possible menu for the week

According to experts, to reduce volumes in problem areas, only their products are enough. Weight loss will occur smoothly and independently. The basic rules for losing weight are to maintain fluid balance and maintain proper nutrition.

A menu option for 7 days might look like this:


  • Breakfast: a serving of Formula 1 cocktail, plain or mineral water with con. These products will nourish the body with energy for the whole day.
  • Snack: medium apple.
  • Lunch: one or two whole grain breads with boiled chicken fillet.
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt without sweeteners.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetable salad with fish cooked in a steamer.


  • Breakfast: Formula 1 drink, drinking water with concentrate and warm Thermojetics tea.
  • Snack: grapefruit.
  • Lunch: roast vegetable with beef, fresh salad with any greens.
  • Snack: 200 ml of kefir 1% or a serving of yogurt.
  • Dinner: dietary fish cooked on the grill or in the oven and fresh sliced ​​vegetables.


  • Breakfast: Formula 1 drink, con water and herbal Thermojetics.
  • Snack: small peach or green apple.
  • Lunch: boiled turkey breast with rice side dish.
  • Snack: 0% cottage cheese or 200 milliliters of kefir.
  • Dinner: steamed or boiled veal with cabbage salad on the side.


  • Breakfast: cocktail with Formula, clean water with concentrate and warm Thermojetix.
  • Snack: bar from .
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast and steamed asparagus.
  • Snack: 200 milliliters of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  • Dinner: steamed fish with a side dish of sliced ​​vegetables.


  • Breakfast: Formula 1 shake, drinking or mineral water with con and a Thermojetics mug.
  • Snack: small apple.
  • Lunch: diet soup.
  • Snack: yogurt without sweet additives.
  • Dinner: steamed beef and vegetables on the side.


  • Breakfast: a glass of Formula cocktail, still mineral water with Herbal Aloe, a portion of Thermojetics tea.
  • Snack: small orange.
  • Lunch: vegetables cooked in different ways.
  • Snack: 200 milliliters of kefir or drinking yogurt.
  • Dinner: stewed fish and salad on the side.

How to drink water throughout the day to lose weight


  • Breakfast: cocktail with Formula, concentrated mineral water with aloe and warm Thermojetix.
  • Snack: branded bar.
  • Lunch: soup with vegetables in lean meat broth, whole grain bread and boiled beef tenderloin.
  • Snack: cottage cheese 0%.
  • Dinner: boiled or steamed beef and salad on the side.

Weight loss programs

In order to understand how to properly take and combine Herbalife medications with each other, sequential programs used during weight loss at different stages are presented.

Basic program

Designed for those who want to supply and saturate their body with all the nutrients necessary for health. When using the components included in the program, a long-lasting feeling of satiety is ensured, which allows you to reduce weight by reducing the portions you eat. Gives an excellent start to more intensive weight loss by replacing two meals with protein shakes.

Possible weight loss – up to 5 kg. The program includes the following products:

  • "Formula 1" - 3 packs.
  • "Formula 2" - 1 package.
  • "Formula 3" - 2 packs.

Extended program

Active cleansing of the body and, above all, the digestive system is added to the list of useful actions of the previous program. The introduction of additional Herbalife products helps restore water and fat balance, as well as speed up metabolism. This course is designed for the second month of weight loss and promises weight loss of up to 10 kg per month.

Consists of the following products:

  • "Formula 1" - 3 packs.
  • "Formula 2" - 1 package.
  • "Formula 3" - 2 packs.
  • Cellular activator.
  • Cell-u-loss.
  • Cleansing program.
  • Activated fiber.

Enhanced Herbalife program

Suitable for use during a period when correct eating habits are already firmly established and weight has almost reached the required level. In order to get the ideal result, the program includes special Herbalife products that additionally stimulate the breakdown of the fat layer. This program was developed for the third month of corrective nutrition.

  • "Formula 1" - 3 packs.
  • "Formula 2" - 1 package.
  • "Formula 3" - 3 packs.
  • Thermocompl.
  • Thermojetics.
  • Cellular activator.
  • Cell-u-loss.
  • NRG tablets.
  • Cleansing program.
  • Activated fiber.

Stabilization program

This Herbalife program is designed for those who have managed to achieve an ideal result and now efforts must be made to consolidate it. During this course, you need to return the second meal to your regular diet, gradually removing the cocktail from the lunch composition.

  • "Formula 1" - 2 packs.
  • "Formula 2" - 1 package.
  • "Formula 3" - 3 packs.
  • Cell activator – 1 pack.
  • NRG tablets - 1 pack.

An example of a recommended express weight loss course

One of the initial courses, based on the systematic intake of the Herbalife Formula 1 protein shake:

  • Before breakfast, you need to drink a cup of water with Aloe Concentrate.
  • After 15 minutes, drink “Thermokomplit” herbal tea with any flavor of your choice and wait 15 minutes before breakfast.

Breakfast (8-00)

  • Prepare a Formula 1 cocktail using a blender. You can use skim milk or kefir, in which case the calorie content of the drink will be 220 kcal. If the base for the cocktail is water, the calorie content will drop to 98 kcal.

Snack 1 (11-00)

  • Drink water with lemon or green tea without sugar. In the best case, a herbal drink with aloe juice concentrate.
  • After 15 minutes, you can snack on Herbalife protein-based bars, or fruits (kiwi, citrus fruits or apples are better) or vegetables.

Lunch (14-00)

  • Drink water or herbal drink with aloe juice concentrate.
  • After 15 minutes, eat protein food: Tomato soup with basil from Herbalife or a bar from the Formula 1 Express series.

Snack 2 (17-00)

  • Drink water with lemon or green tea without sugar.
  • After 30 minutes, prepare the Formula 1 cocktail.

Dinner (20-00)

  • The main quality of dinner is satiety and complete nutritional content. The presence of protein components (dietary meat, lean fish, seafood, egg whites, mushrooms) and vegetables is required. Products must be boiled, stewed, baked or raw (in the case of vegetables). The serving size should be about 300 g.
  • Drink a glass of water before going to bed.

In addition to the liquid included in the menu dishes, you need to drink another 1 liter of clean water per day.

You should know that upon completion of the course and switching to the type of nutrition that was used before, the extra pounds may return. To prevent this, it is necessary to continue a balanced selection of dishes, calculating the calorie content of the daily diet and the use of physical activity.

Water for weight loss on the Herbalife diet

Do not forget about the beneficial properties of pure drinking or mineral water without gas. It will prevent dehydration and speed up metabolism. Drinking cool water is preferable. The body has to expend energy and calories to heat the liquid to the optimal body temperature. Consequently, the process of losing extra centimeters occurs faster.

A whole glass of mineral or drinking water is drunk thirty minutes before each meal. Don't forget about 200 milliliters of water half an hour before bedtime. Thermojetics herbal tea drink and Formula cocktails are not a substitute for pure liquid.


Each Herbalife product package contains information that it is intended for adults only; children and adolescents should not use it as a substitute for food.

Contraindications to the use of the product for weight loss are:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (contains caffeine);
  • celiac disease (hereditary disease of the digestive tract, protein intolerance to certain cereals);
  • diseases of the nervous system (people who have problems falling asleep should not drink a herbal drink at night);
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation (for the full intrauterine development of the fetus, meals cannot be reduced or replaced);
  • the presence of any severe chronic pathology (it is recommended to consult with your doctor).

Overdose and side effects

An overdose of the drug is manifested by nausea, vomiting, a rash may appear on the body, or any other signs of an allergic reaction. You should stop taking the product immediately and seek specialized medical help.

Side effects include the following complications:

  • nausea,
  • indigestion,
  • pain in the stomach and intestines,
  • sleep disorders,
  • fatigue.

Similar symptoms can occur if the instructions for using weight loss products are not followed correctly. If symptoms do not disappear within a five-day period, you should consult a doctor.

Storage conditions and periods

The protein shake and mixture should be stored in a dry and dark place, away from direct sunlight at room temperature not exceeding 25 C. Do not allow moisture to get into the packaging (take out the required amount of powder with a dry measuring spoon).

The shelf life of unopened Herbalife weight loss products is up to two years; after opening, the maximum period for using protein-containing products is up to a month. The prepared protein shake or mixture should be consumed immediately to avoid poisoning. When purchasing, you must pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the packaging.

Composition and options for Herbalife cocktails

The drink has a balanced composition, which is ideal for the normal functioning of the body. According to the composition indicated on the packaging of the cocktail, it contains about 17 g of soy protein. It is more easily absorbed by the body and has the necessary amino acids. It also does not cause allergies, unlike animals.

Soy protein is rich in microelements such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. All of them are very important for the full functioning of the body.

The manufacturer claims that the Herbalife cocktail contains the ideal proportion of vitamins, microelements, fats (6 g), proteins and carbohydrates (21-24 g), which help you feel full for a long time. The unique composition has components, including about 20 vitamins, for example, groups B, K, PP, A, C, E, D, fiber.

herbalife cocktails

According to the manufacturer, only natural products and environmentally friendly sources are used to make cocktails. Today there are several flavors of the drink:

  • Strawberry or fruit with various fillings.
  • Cappuccino gives you energy, and fiber improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • “Protein” can be prepared in a couple of minutes. It saturates perfectly for a long time.
  • Protein Formula 3. The mixture is intended to be a complete meal. It contains approximately 383.3 kcal per serving. herbalife for weight loss
  • We recommend reading about Herbalife nutrition for weight loss. You will learn about how and how Herbalife nutrition will help, allowed and prohibited foods for the diet, menus, and meal patterns.
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