Rosehip infusion for weight loss - beneficial properties of the fruit for the body

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

The healing properties of wild roses have been successfully used by humanity for several millennia: the first mention of them was found in the book of Theophrastus, dating back to the 4th century BC. But the use of rose hips for weight loss began only in our times, when scientists discovered that the active substances contained in it have a positive effect on the processes necessary for this. By correctly consuming the fruits of the plant, you can significantly speed up metabolism, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow, and also improve fluid excretion, reducing swelling and congestion, which together can provide rapid and effective weight loss.

Useful properties of rose hips for weight loss

The main benefit of rose hips in the fight against extra pounds is due to the ability to influence the most common causes of their appearance, which include:

  • metabolic, digestive and gastrointestinal disorders in general;
  • deposits of waste and toxins in the digestive tract;
  • accumulation of excess fluid in the intercellular space.

In folk medicine, almost all parts of the plant are used - fruits, flowers, leaves and roots. But only berries are suitable for weight loss - for internal and external use, as well as petals, an infusion of which (rose water) is used in cosmetic procedures to tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles after loss of body volume.

Various infusions and decoctions are prepared from rose hips, which have a wide variety of beneficial effects for the figure:

  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • tonic.

Attention! Questions often arise about whether it is possible to lose weight from the diuretic effect inherent in rose hips. You need to know that this is possible, but only if the fullness is caused by swelling caused by the accumulation of excess fluid.

In all other cases, it will not be possible to lose weight using drinks from this plant alone. Their use must be combined with a dietary diet. Rosehip is able to tidy up the gastrointestinal tract, the entire digestive system and the body as a whole. But, since there are several types of products based on it, before using this or that recipe, you need to understand how each of them is useful for excess weight. In addition, some plant-based preparations are used externally. In particular, petal infusion (rose water), oil extract and rosehip oil are excellent in fighting cellulite and maintaining skin elasticity after weight loss.


Rose hips have a fairly dense shell, so the most common way to extract the maximum amount of useful substances from them is short cooking. This decoction contains a lot of potassium, without which the normal functioning of the excretory system is impossible. A deficiency of this microelement leads to disruption of the water-salt balance, stagnation of lymph, deterioration of blood supply to subcutaneous fat, and the development of swelling and cellulite. The decoction copes well with these problems, preventing the appearance of swelling and the “orange peel” effect, and also helps to lose weight by removing excess fluid from the tissues.

In addition, due to the presence of a large number of other microelements and vitamins, this drink is an excellent multivitamin with a choleretic and weak diuretic effect. Such properties ensure stable weight loss and long-term preservation of achieved results.


Rosehip infusion has equally important effects for weight loss:

  • eliminates diarrhea, flatulence, stomach upsets;
  • activates metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and urinary system;
  • produces a general strengthening and tonic effect;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases human defenses.

Regular consumption of this tea while following a diet ensures the establishment of most of the internal processes necessary to normalize body weight. Due to this, the body itself begins to restore impaired functions, triggering self-regulation at the physiological level.


Rosehip juice is a real concentrated vitamin and mineral phytocomplex that can ensure the normal functioning of the body, which is especially important during a period of adherence to a limited diet. Taking rosehip juice primarily has the following effects on the body:

  • improves the condition of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • accelerates the removal of waste and toxins;
  • normalizes blood circulation, increasing cell nutrition and oxygen supply;
  • promotes active growth of muscle tissue;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • produces a powerful antioxidant effect.

As a result of these actions, intensive destruction of white adipose tissue adipocytes begins in areas of local fat deposits. At the same time, muscle mass is preserved, which ensures the formation of a strong, toned body.

Basically, the juice is the most suitable weight loss drink obtained from the wild rose fruit. However, due to the rather complex process of obtaining it and the significant consumption of primary raw materials, it does not justify itself. It is easier and almost as useful to use a decoction of this plant, which can not only fight extra pounds and increase the production of digestive enzymes, but also have a wide range of beneficial effects on the body.

Important! Drinking rosehip drink alone will not be enough to achieve a slim figure. It must be combined with a special diet, preferably developed individually, as well as moderate physical activity.

Moreover, losing weight with the help of rose hips is a long process and takes at least 2-3 months. Therefore, you should not count on getting a quick effect. But the achieved result will be long-term and, along with weight loss, will ensure the overall health of the body.

Pink water

This is a popular cosmetic product that is traditionally made from petals of special varieties of roses. Since rosehip is also a rose, albeit a wild one, its flowers make an equally beneficial tonic for the skin.

Rosehip water is used in cosmetic baths. It is recommended to combine such procedures with internal intake of the plant’s fruits during a diet to speed up the breakdown of cellulite and prevent the appearance of stretch marks, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Cosmetic oil (oil extract)

Rosehip oil and oil infusion have a number of positive effects on the skin:

  • normalizes metabolic processes and prevents the accumulation of decay products in cells, which cause premature aging of the skin, as well as deterioration of their condition after a decrease in volume;
  • nourishes, moisturizes, increases local immunity, protects against the aggressive effects of external factors (especially ultraviolet rays);
  • helps eliminate existing cosmetic skin defects - stretch marks, wrinkles, scars;
  • perfectly increases elasticity and firmness, preventing the appearance of sagging characteristic of weight loss;
  • reduces the severity of cellulite, smoothes the skin surface.

The oil is suitable for use in its pure form and goes well with any skin care products. It is very light in texture and leaves almost no greasy marks on the skin.

How rose hips promote weight loss

Rosehip is a storehouse of vitamins. It helps improve immunity and protects the body from viral diseases during colds. It also helps get rid of swelling and improves metabolism. It is recommended to infuse the berries and drink them in case of exhaustion and anemia. The healing berry contains pectins, vitamins, and various organic acids.

Losing weight with rose hips is a long process and takes at least 2-3 months. Therefore, you should not count on getting a quick effect. But the achieved result will be long-term and, along with weight loss, will ensure the overall health of the body.

By drinking rose hips daily and eating a balanced diet, the body will lose weight and get rid of unnecessary toxins.

Useful properties of rosehip and its qualities:

  • reporting disappears, removes toxins;
  • blood circulation improves, cellulite on the skin disappears;
  • the functioning of the stomach is restored;
  • activity appears, immunity to colds increases.

You can lose about two kilograms per month without following a strict diet. Drinking a decoction for weight loss is also recommended for people suffering from severe obesity. Through its actions, the berry forces the human body to shed excess accumulations and charges with energy for an active lifestyle.

It is worth noting that rose hips contain a higher content of vitamin C than lemon itself.


Rose hip drinks have a very powerful vitamin composition that has a fairly strong effect on the body. Therefore, you need to drink such decoctions and teas very carefully, taking into account the possible harm, which is as follows:

  • a large amount of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, can cause an allergic reaction;
  • ascorbic acid can damage tooth enamel, so it is recommended to drink rosehip decoctions and infusions through a straw or rinse your mouth immediately after consuming them;
  • if the recommended dosage is significantly exceeded, the active substances of the plant can cause liver dysfunction;
  • With insufficient blood circulation, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness and even loss of consciousness may occur.

To avoid negative consequences, during the period of losing weight you need to constantly monitor your well-being. In case of severe discomfort, you should stop taking any rosehip-based medications.

The benefits of rosehip in weight loss

So, rosehip is an effective means for weight loss, helping to get rid of extra centimeters and kilograms due to its exceptional chemical composition. Used during dieting as an aid to weight loss, it performs a number of important functions necessary to maintain health and achieve the desired effect.

Rosehip-based drinks are taken as a means for:

  • normalization and stimulation of the functions of the excretory system,
  • improving the functioning of organs that perform hematopoietic and immune functions in the body,
  • eliminating excess salt, which contributes to the retention of unnecessary fluid in the body,
  • removal of edema,
  • strengthening the connective tissue of internal organs,
  • improving the general condition of the circulatory system,
  • removing toxins and waste from the body,
  • general stimulation of the protective properties of the human body.

Weight loss occurs due to the natural cleansing of the body, getting rid of accumulated decay products and toxins. When consuming rose hips, metabolism improves, which allows you to fully utilize the energy received from food.

The vitamins contained in rose hips provide undeniable benefits. Vitamin C strengthens the body's protective functions, promotes tissue restoration, participates in basic metabolic processes, and is also an effective antioxidant. B vitamins are involved in cellular metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism processes, and help release energy from high-calorie foods. Vitamin K is necessary for the synthesis of proteins responsible for blood clotting. Vitamin E is a natural immunomodulator and antioxidant.


There are several diet options that involve taking a decoction or infusion of rose hips as an aid to speed up the weight loss process. They differ significantly in the composition of the diet, but they are all quite strict, so they are designed for no more than 7–10 days.

For 7 days

The seven-day diet is characterized by a low calorie diet and the absence of breakfast, which is replaced daily with two glasses of rosehip decoction. The rest of the meals are based on this menu:

Day 1:

  • lunch – cabbage salad with egg, 250 ml of tomato juice;
  • dinner - boiled, baked or steamed fish.

Day 2:

  • lunch – cabbage salad, a piece of boiled fish;
  • dinner - a portion of boiled beef, 250 ml of kefir.

Day 3:

  • lunch – grilled zucchini, 2 apples;
  • dinner - a portion of boiled beef, cabbage salad with egg.

Day 4:

  • lunch – 100 g hard cheese, 2 eggs, grated carrots;
  • dinner – 2 apples.

Day 5:

  • lunch - a portion of fish, 250 ml of tomato juice;
  • dinner - 2 apples.

Day 6:

  • lunch - a piece of boiled chicken, grated carrots;
  • dinner – 2 eggs, 2 raw carrots.

Day 7:

  • lunch – cabbage salad, a portion of boiled beef, an orange;
  • dinner – a portion of fish, 1 apple.

The effect of taking rosehip decoction is comparable to the effect of a cleansing enema, due to which everything unnecessary will be removed from the intestines during the day. On this diet you can lose 3 kg of excess weight in 7 days. But it is recommended to repeat it no more than once a month.

For 9 days

Another, nine-day option for losing weight with rose hips is completely different in the composition of the menu and the principle of nutrition from the previous one, and also involves using not a decoction, but an infusion, and in the evening. The menu is divided into 3 stages (each lasting 3 days) and looks like this:

  • Days 1–3 – boiled rice without any flavoring additives in any quantity;
  • days 4–6 – boiled chicken breast, prepared and consumed according to the same principle;
  • Days 7–9 - green apples (also unlimited).

Every day throughout the entire weight loss period, you need to drink 250 ml of rosehip tea in the evening. This diet is more stringent, but promises a loss of 9 kg in 9 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 2 months.

For 10 days

The weight loss method, designed for 10 days, is a complex of ten different mono-diets, which, in addition to one specific food product, include 2 liters of rose hip decoction. Additionally, you can drink still water, coffee and green tea without sugar.

In this case, you must follow the following daily menu:

  1. 6 boiled eggs;
  2. boiled chicken breast;
  3. cottage cheese 0% fat;
  4. Steamed fish;
  5. raw vegetables (you can use salads with lemon juice);
  6. low-fat hard cheese;
  7. fresh fruits;
  8. boiled or steamed veal;
  9. kefir 0% fat;
  10. only rosehip infusion.

The specified amount of decoction must be drunk throughout the day in equal portions. The healing drink must be prepared daily so that it is taken only fresh - without long-term storage or long infusion. In addition, you need to follow several recommendations regarding diet:

  • the sequence of days can be changed at your discretion, with the exception of days 9 and 10, since it is during this period that the main weight loss occurs;
  • it is important not to overeat or consume other foods other than the one indicated;
  • There is no need to take an additional vitamin-mineral complex, as this can lead to an excess of organic substances in the blood.

If you follow the diet correctly, you can lose 5–10 kg in 10 days. The course can be repeated once every 2–3 months, depending on the amount of excess weight.

Diet for weight loss with rose hips

The fruit contains organic acids that normalize the functions of the digestive organs. Rosehip decoction is great for helping you get rid of unwanted pounds. An excellent solution would be a diet, the menu of which is given below.

For breakfast, eat one hard-boiled egg, drink 200 ml of wild rose decoction, to which one teaspoon of honey is first added.

The second breakfast consists of 0.2 kg of porridge cooked in water. A small amount of rosehip syrup should be added to the dish.

For lunch you should prepare vegetable soup. A decoction prepared from wild rose fruits is consumed 20 minutes after eating.

For an afternoon snack, eat 0.15 kg of cottage cheese with one teaspoon of rosehip syrup; for dinner, a portion of stewed cabbage with a slice of fish. At night you should drink 200 ml of rosehip decoction. First, chamomile decoction is added to it in a 1:1 ratio.


Add 1 liter of rosehip petal infusion to one bath of water at a comfortable temperature. You can increase the concentration as you wish, since this option for using rose water has no contraindications. The duration of the procedure is also not limited, but must be at least 30 minutes.

In addition, the infusion of the petals can be used in its pure form for regular application to the skin as a toner, applications or masks. In combination with baths, this will increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, preventing the negative effects of weight loss, such as wrinkles and sagging.


I regularly take rosehip infusion, as I am prone to fluid retention and high blood pressure. Its taste is sweet and sour. In winter it’s nice to drink a warm drink from a thermos, in summer it’s nice to drink a chilled one. Recently, before the holidays, I decided to try a diet. Eating the same thing all day gets boring, but for the sake of the goal you can endure it. I lost 5 kg, there were no unpleasant consequences in the form of dry skin or brittle nails, I can recommend this method.

Natalya, 33 years old

Instead of artificial vitamins, I decided to drink medicinal herbs and brew dry berries. I never liked the taste of rose hips, but if you use it in collections, it’s actually quite good. Lemon or tangerine zest goes well with it. It also goes well in compotes. There is nothing better than natural remedies to maintain health and fitness.

Ivan, 55 years old

I started taking rosehip infusion with a spoonful of honey to work in a thermos instead of tea. Yes, it’s delicious and invigorating, but after a week my teeth began to ache. The dentist scolded me and told me to stop ruining the enamel. So, either brush your teeth every time, or brew less sour fruits.

Maria, 25 years old
Such amazing properties of rose hips became known only recently. Red berries help remove excess fluid, remove cellulite and swelling, and the diet is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins. Folk remedies in the fight against kilograms are very effective, and to enhance the effect of the decoction and infusion, stick to proper nutrition and exercise.


For anti-cellulite and lifting wraps, oil infusions based on fresh or dried fruits or ready-made cosmetic rosehip oil are used. The procedure can be carried out in several ways:

  • apply the oil as an independent remedy, rubbing into problem areas, and then covering with film for 1–2 hours;
  • add to ready-made mixtures in a 1:1 ratio and wrap in accordance with the recommendations for the main components;
  • Place gauze pads soaked in the oil mixture on the body, secure with film on top and leave for 30 minutes.

It is also recommended to enrich any body care products with rosehip oil, including massage.


In order for the drinks you drink to bring real benefits, you need to know how to brew rose hips for weight loss. First of all, you need to maintain the optimal ratio of fruits and water. There is a single rule here that is suitable for preparing infusions and decoctions: take 4 tbsp for 1 liter of water. l. dry or fresh berries. It is better not to add sugar and other sweeteners. Only a small amount of honey is allowed - 1 tsp. per serving.


Rosehip infusions (teas) are the easiest to prepare and allow you to preserve most of the active substances contained in the fruit. To get the maximum benefit from the berries, they are first crushed, but the grains must remain intact.

You can infuse fruits in different ways:

  • pour 4 tbsp into a thermos. l. raw materials, pour 1 liter of slightly cooled (up to 90º C) boiling water, leave for 7–8 hours (preferably overnight), then filter and take throughout the day;
  • without using a thermos, the infusion is prepared in the same proportions, but is filled with boiling water and infused in a sealed container for 5–7 hours.

In addition, there is a special recipe for a concentrated infusion that contains the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements. It is prepared in a thermos and consumed in moderate quantities according to the following scheme:

  • in the evening of the first day, pour 25 berries with a glass of boiling water, leave overnight, filter in the morning and drink the resulting infusion throughout the day, and leave the fruits in a thermos;
  • in the evening, add 20 more pieces, steam with a glass of boiling water and use according to the same principle;
  • on the third day add another 15 berries, on the fourth - 10, on the fifth -5 and repeat the procedure described above daily;
  • in the evening of the sixth and seventh days, the fruits are not added, but simply pour a glass of boiling water over those remaining in the thermos.

After drinking the infusion for the eighth day, the berries are thrown away and, if necessary, the course is repeated from the beginning.

To increase the effectiveness of rose hips on weight loss, it is recommended to add other plants useful for weight loss to infusions. In this case, the above-mentioned preparation technology and the ratio of raw materials to water are retained, but the following ingredients are additionally introduced to choose from:

  • pre-chopped ginger root (3 cm long) and 2 tbsp. l. raisins or 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. senna, a few mint leaves;
  • 5 star anise, ½ cinnamon stick;
  • 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn or hibiscus.

Rosehip infusion can be combined with sorbitol to cleanse the liver, improve intestinal function and normalize metabolism, ensuring healthy physiological weight loss. To do this, an infusion is first prepared in a thermos according to the above recipe, but from half the specified amount of raw materials, so that 0.5 liters of the drink is obtained. Take this drink according to the following scheme:

  • in the morning 3 tbsp. l. dilute sorbitol in a glass of infusion and drink immediately;
  • after 20 minutes, take the remaining infusion without sorbitol;
  • after 45 minutes you can have breakfast, but only plant foods (vegetables, fruits, nuts);
  • Do not eat any more food that day and try to move more.

A weight loss course in this way includes 6 procedures, each of which is carried out once every 3 days. During the break, you should follow a healthy vegetarian diet.


Rosehip decoctions are among the most common drinks for weight loss. For their preparation, the same proportions are used as for infusions - 4 tbsp. l. berries per 1 liter of water. The plant material is poured with boiling water and simmered at a barely noticeable boil. There are two recommendations regarding the duration of cooking and further infusion:

  • you can boil the fruits for 15 minutes and then leave covered for 2 hours;
  • if you cook for only 10 minutes, then the infusion time (also in a sealed container) increases to 24 hours.

Both recipes are widespread and do not have significant differences in the quality of the resulting decoctions.


Rosehip juice is obtained in a way that is not typical for preparing traditional fresh juices. Since it is very difficult to squeeze out rather dense berries that have practically no pulp, the drink, conventionally called juice, is prepared as follows:

  • fresh ripe fruits are washed, cut in half, seeds, receptacle and stalks are removed;
  • rinse several more times, trying to remove all hairs;
  • put the finished raw materials in a pan, add water at the rate of 250 ml per 1 kg;
  • heated to 60º C and squeezed while hot in any convenient way.

The resulting drink is filtered through thick cloth.

Pink water

Rose water is prepared from wild rose petals. Fresh ones are more suitable, but if you are storing raw materials for future use, you can also use dried ones.

To obtain a healing cosmetic product, 2 cups of crushed (or 1 cup of dry) petals are steamed in 1 liter of boiling water and left to infuse for 40–60 minutes. The rose water is then filtered and added to the bath or used directly on the skin.

Oil extract

Rosehip oil, which is produced from the seeds of the plant and sold in finished form, has many beneficial properties for weight loss. A completely worthy alternative to such a product can be made independently in the form of an oil extract of berries. To do this you need:

  • chop 400 g of fruits;
  • Boil the resulting mass in 1.5 liters of olive or other vegetable oil in a water bath for 20 minutes.

Leave until cool, filter and squeeze out the mixture thoroughly.

Recipes for preparing decoctions that activate the weight loss process

Rosehip decoctions for weight loss contain quite a lot of potassium. With a deficiency of this substance, the functions of the excretory system are disrupted. If there is insufficient potassium content in the body, the following negative consequences arise:

  1. Violation of water-salt balance;
  2. Poor circulation;
  3. The occurrence of edema;
  4. The appearance of cellulite.

To make a decoction according to the classic recipe, a small amount of wild rose rhizomes (two tablespoons) is poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water. The product is infused for 25 minutes, filtered.

A decoction of rose hips is prepared in the following sequence:

  • 300 grams of pre-dried plant material should be filled with a liter of water;
  • The product is prepared for 25 minutes;
  • After this, the drink needs to be strained.

In the process of losing weight, rose hips are also used in combination with other ingredients. You can use a product that contains the following components:

  1. 100 grams of pre-dried rose hips;
  2. 50 grams of immortelle.

Mix these components thoroughly. 20 grams of medicinal mixture are poured into 0.45 liters of boiling water. The product is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. It is infused for 30 minutes. After this time, the broth is filtered.

There is also such a recipe for an effective remedy that speeds up the weight loss process:

  • Mix the following components: 0.1 kg of rose hips, 0.1 kg of crushed nettle leaves, 0.2 kg of knotweed grass, 0.1 kg of birch leaves;
  • 10 grams of medicinal mixture are poured into 0.3 liters of boiling water;
  • The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes;
  • Then the drink must be infused for at least two hours;
  • After the specified time, the product is filtered.

Be sure to read: How can coconut oil help you lose weight?

In the process of losing weight, you can also use a decoction prepared from wild roses and three-leaf roses. The drink has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs.

Infusion of watch and rosehip for weight loss is especially useful for women who have been diagnosed with the following diseases:

  1. Gastritis with low acidity;
  2. Bloating;
  3. Frequent constipation.

The process of preparing the infusion is quite simple:

  • 10 grams of trifoliate and rose hips are poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water;
  • The product should be boiled over low heat for 20 minutes;
  • The finished drink is cooled and filtered.


All the rosehip-based products described above, when used internally and externally, have a positive effect on weight loss and overall health. In most cases, they are absolutely safe if you follow the indicated dosages and recommendations for use. However, there are several contraindications for which rose hips cannot be used in any form. These include:

  • increased acidity, gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis, heart disease, circulatory disorders, hypertension, thrombophlebitis;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • dermatological problems caused by a tendency to allergic reactions, rashes, etc.

In any case, before drinking decoctions or infusions, you should definitely consult your doctor. Since some of these pathologies can occur in a latent form for a long time, the slightest risk of side effects should be excluded.

Side effects

Rose hips contain quite a lot of different substances, which can cause allergies. After drinking drinks made with wild rose, it is recommended to rinse your mouth. The vitamin C present in the berry can damage the integrity of tooth enamel.

If the recommended dose of decoctions and infusions is exceeded, liver function may deteriorate. In some cases, when using appropriate drugs, the following side effects occur:

  • Dizziness;
  • Fatigue;
  • Lethargy.

During the process of losing weight, it is recommended to monitor the slightest changes in your well-being. If you experience severe discomfort, you should stop using products made from wild roses.

If you have high blood pressure, you should use rose hips in the form of a decoction. The drink helps get rid of edema, has a pronounced diuretic effect, and eliminates bile stagnation in the body. Representatives of the fair sex with low blood pressure are recommended to prepare alcoholic tinctures of wild rose.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Tamila, 37 years old, Vologda

For me, losing weight is not a big problem, but maintaining weight is much more difficult. While I’m on a diet, I can control myself, and after finishing it I relax, so everything lost quickly comes back. I once read on a forum about how useful rose hips are for weight loss - reviews indicated that with the help of this plant you can very easily not only get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain weight in the future. I decided to try just drinking a decoction of these berries throughout the day, without changing my diet and lifestyle. The results were really encouraging. If earlier I had a slight but constant gain, then with this decoction the weight became stable, and on some days it even decreased slightly. I would never have thought that ordinary, essentially berry tea could have such an effect on body weight. I now recommend it to everyone I know.

Daria, 28 years old, St. Petersburg

The rosehip diet is only in my plans for now, since all its options seem too strict to me. For now I only spend fasting days. I take one product (most often cottage cheese, kefir, chicken breast, fish or apples) and eat only that for 24 hours, and also drink rosehip infusion, steamed overnight in a thermos. Usually after such unloading it takes 1.5–2 kg. Of course, I understand that such a plumb line is primarily due to the removal of fluid. But still, 300–400 g are lost forever, so I really like the result. I hope that the 10 day diet should be very effective in terms of weight loss.

Elena, 41 years old, Krasnodar

Due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, the gastroenterologist prescribed me a diet that included rose hip decoction. The first results became noticeable literally after a week - my health and appearance improved, my appetite decreased and my silhouette tightened up a little. When I weighed myself a month later, it turned out that during this period I had lost 5 kg. Even though this is not a very significant indicator, with my height of 162 cm and weight of 63 kg, each extra kilogram comes off with great difficulty. But here the weight loss happened almost unnoticed, without any special effort on my part.

Methods of application

Fresh fruits contain more vitamins than dried ones, but they do not last long. There is a solution: buy the plant at the pharmacy or make preparations for the winter yourself.

All manipulations with rose hips must be done using dishes that do not react with an acidic environment: glass, enamel, steel. Aluminum or copper pans are excluded.


The most common way to prepare rosehip drink for weight loss. To get a high-quality result, you only need fruits, boiling water and time.

Hot way:

  1. Pour 15 rosehips with cool water and rinse well.
  2. Drain the liquid, place the fruits in an enamel container and add 1 liter. boiling water
  3. Close the container with the infusion tightly, wrap it in a towel and leave for 3-12 hours. Ideal for the night.

Cold way:

This option is less irritating to the stomach, but the infusion must be carefully filtered before drinking.

  1. Grind a handful of berries.
  2. Fill them with water at room temperature and place in a warm place for 12-15 hours.

In a thermos:

  1. Place the washed berries in a container.
  2. Pour boiling water over and leave for 5-6 hours.

To get a very concentrated drink, you can throw the berries into a liter of water boiling in a multicooker bowl and immediately switch it to heating mode. Leave them for 12 hours and then strain.

To complete the picture, we must also mention the alcoholic infusion of rose hips, which also has a number of useful properties. Interestingly, in combination with alcohol, the plant does not lower, but, on the contrary, increases blood pressure. Take it 5-7 drops on a piece of sugar. Alas, this will not help you lose weight, but it will improve your health.


This method helps to extract the maximum of astringent, vascular-strengthening and anti-inflammatory substances from the berries. Vitamin C is destroyed by prolonged boiling.

You need to prepare a cocktail according to this scheme.

  1. Rinse half a glass of rose hips.
  2. Place them in an enamel pan, add water and bring to a boil.
  3. After 5 minutes, turn off the stove, close the broth with a lid and leave for 3 hours.

You can make a drink from ground fruits. In this form, the process of releasing useful components goes faster, but fibers from the inside of the fruits and seeds get into the water.


This form is less suitable for dietary nutrition, since the cocktail is made with sugar. You can buy a ready-made drink or make it yourself by evaporating rosehip decoction. The syrup can be stored well, up to 1 month, due to the preservative properties of sugar, but it is better to keep an open bottle in the refrigerator.

If you add honey to the concentrated decoction at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. per liter, you get a very sweet drink that is stored for only 3 days.

Rosehip syrup containing fructose and sorbitol is available for sale. Both options for weight loss are better than drinks with white sugar, but they are not ideal. Fructose has a fairly high glycemic index and glycating ability, and sorbitol has a pronounced laxative effect and increases flatulence.

Rose hip tea

To diversify the taste of the drink and increase its properties, you can add other components:

  • green tea;
  • lemon;
  • ginger;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • hibiscus;
  • currant or raspberry leaf;
  • hawthorn;
  • mint.

There are a great many recipes for vitamin tea with rose hips for healing and weight loss. To make the drink even tastier, try adding your favorite ingredients. It is better to brew a drink in a ceramic teapot, and the water should not be too hot. Infusion time is from 15 minutes to 1 hour. Usually, brewing crushed fruits occurs faster, but then you must pour the tea through a strainer.

It is not advisable to store drinks with rose hips for more than 24 hours. When warm, they quickly turn sour, and in the refrigerator, where they can be kept for up to 3 days, the vitamins are destroyed.

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