Jam on a diet - beneficial properties, calorie content and harm for weight loss

The benefits and harms of jam

When figuring out whether jam makes you fat, women should learn that dessert comes in different forms. Sweets are prepared from fruits or berries, using sugar or fructose; the fruits are boiled or ground without heat treatment. The practical benefits of jam are that it:

  • has a beneficial effect on metabolism;
  • lifts your mood due to the release of serotonin into the blood;
  • strengthens the immune system, protects the body from colds;
  • stimulates the production of digestive juice in the stomach and intestinal motility.

The question of whether it is possible to eat jam while losing weight cannot be left without studying the harm of the product, which:

  • increases the manifestations of diabetes mellitus and obesity;
  • harms teeth - destroys enamel, provokes the development of caries in the absence of proper hygiene after consumption;
  • may contribute to the development of stomach ulcers.

What are the benefits of jam?

For weight loss, the benefits of jam are to enhance metabolism and replace sugar. If you cook a dessert with fructose, from sour berries (raspberries, black currants), enhance it with ginger and orange peels with zest, you will get a low-calorie product that only brings benefits. Reasonable daily intake of two to three teaspoons at breakfast with porridge:

  • will charge you with vitamins;
  • has a beneficial effect on health;
  • will give vigor;
  • will help you lose excess weight.

How many calories are in jam

Most (if not all) weight loss diets recommend limiting, first of all, the consumption of fats and sugars, and the ban mainly concerns sucrose, as the most harmful of simple carbohydrates. In this regard, we stop putting sugar in tea, eating sweets and confectionery, soda, candy, and giving up jam. And if the first listed restrictions are completely justified, then giving up jam is not so simple. On the one hand, the calorie content of jam is quite high, and the sucrose content in it is substantial. On the other hand, jam is made from natural fruits and berries and contains a lot of useful substances. And on the third hand, during a diet you really want to eat at least something sweet, allow yourself at least some dessert, otherwise it becomes completely sad - after all, even fruit can sooner or later get boring. So what to do? Should you exclude jam from your diet or not? And by the way, how many calories are in jam?

The main source of calories in jam is sucrose. As you know, jam is cooked with a lot of sugar. And the fruits themselves contain simple carbohydrates - fructose and glucose. The calorie content of jam is approximately the same as the calorie content of candy - one candy and one teaspoon of jam contain approximately the same number of calories.

You can find out how many calories are in jams made from different fruits from the jam calorie table.

Calorie content of jam

When studying how many calories are in a spoonful of jam, experts answer - approximately 27. The energy value of the dessert is 200-400 kcal per 100 grams, depending on the type of raw material and the amount of added sugar. The lowest-calorie jam that you can eat while losing weight cannot even be called such in the true sense of the word. On a diet, it is better to eat ground berries or fruits with fructose, boiled for 5-10 minutes, or better yet, fresh ones. This way the body will receive vitamins and fiber, and not excess sugar, which is not at all useful for weight loss.

Nutritionists advise eating jam in the morning with tea, but without bread. At night, the treat is prohibited for consumption due to the deposition of all calories in fat reserves. Compatibility is also important - it is recommended to eat a carbohydrate product alone; it cannot be combined with protein foods (nuts, cottage cheese) and honey. The most beneficial for the figure are cherry, pumpkin, zucchini and apple slices, and the harmful ones are strawberry, wild strawberry, and blueberry. It's best to eat homemade treats rather than the store-bought version, which is loaded with nitrates and sugar.

Calorie table for jam, jam and honey

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Sometimes you really want something sweet and very often you have jam, marmalade or, for example, honey on hand. Almost everyone who is losing weight at home almost certainly has the latter, because it is customary to replace sugar. However, no matter how many “sweets” are eaten - half a jar or a spoon, they must be taken into account in your diet. The calorie table for jam, marmalade and honey will help you create a properly balanced diet.

ProductCalorie content, kcalCarbohydrates, g per 100 gFats, g per 100 gProteins, g per 100 g
Apricot puree38,390,90,1
Apricot jam209,5651,50,50,05
Apricots, canned (halves or pieces)38,390,90,1
Quince, canned (halves or pieces)42,99,60,60,5
Lingonberry jam244,364,60,20,1
Belarusian lingonberry jam191,150,40,20,1
Lingonberry jam with cinnamon and cloves243,764,40,20,1
Cherry jam without seeds219,4580,30,07
Pear jam214,656,80,10,1
Apricot jam Hungarian style241,5640,30,04
Quince jam27370,60,40,2
Watermelon rind jam219,958,40,20,03
Barberry jam203,754,300
Lingonberry jam244,364,60,20,1
Lingonberry and apple jam247,165,40,20,1
Belarusian lingonberry jam191,150,40,20,1
Lingonberry jam with cinnamon and cloves243,764,40,20,1
Pitted cherry jam219,4580,30,07
Crowberry jam217,857,90,060,05
Blueberry and raspberry jam229,160,50,20,1
Pear jam27370,80,30,2
Honeysuckle jam218,258,200
Kishmish jam295,978,900
Strawberry jam285740,30,1
Raspberry jam27370,40,60,2
Tangerine jam29475,90,70,2
Peach jam25866,80,50
Aronia jam38774,80,40
Plum jam28874,20,40,3
Ripe apricot jam160,939,60,71,1
Zest jam174,345,90,40,04
Apple jam26568,20,40,3
Sea buckthorn jam164,634,40,73,7
Sea buckthorn jam164,634,40,73,7
Pickled grapes65,515,40,60,6
Canned cherries44,810,60,80,2
Pickled cherries44,810,60,80,2
Canned pears42,910,30,40,3
Apricot jam209,551,50,40,05
Pear jam211,755,90,20,2
Quince jam222,858,90,20,1
Hawthorn and apple jam89,423,50,10,1
Black elderberry jam18950,400
Tangerine jam27671,80,30
Blackcurrant jam28472,90,60,1
Candied sultanas pureed257,168,600
Kiwi puree478,20,80,4
Apricot compote, canned food8921,70,20
Quince compote, canned food8219,70,40,3
Cherry compote, canned food10123,70,60,3
Pear compote, canned food7418,10,20,2
Peach compote, canned food8821,60,30
Cherry compote, canned food8720,60,50,2
Apple compote, canned food9322,30,20,2
Acacia honey33571,00,80,0
Linden honey32379,70,60,0
May honey30482,40,30,0
Honeydew honey32880,30,80,0
Sunflower honey31414,63,84,3
Honey with propolis32480,30,00,0
Canned peaches (halves or pieces)40,19,50,90,1
Apricot jam241,5640,30,04
Quince jam21656,80,30,2
Hawthorn jam167,844,700
Carrot jam28265,80,50,4
Apple jam250650,40
Orange poaching26866,30,40,1
Kiwi stew24358,90,40,2
Carrot poaching27165,80,50,4
Black elderberry puree170,145,400
Canned plums41,99,60,80,3
Pickled plums41,99,60,80,3
Apples in syrup, canned food4811,50,20,1

You can download the full table so that you can always count calories right here.

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Author Ivan Tungusov

Project expert. Training experience - 12 years. A good theoretical basis on the training process and proper nutrition, which I am happy to put into practice. Need a recommendation? This is for me :)

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Jam for weight loss

Eating high-calorie jam while on a diet is not recommended, but you can reduce the energy value by reducing added sugar and including spices. It is good to include ginger with orange peels in dessert. Such supplements speed up metabolism, break down fats, and relieve cravings for sweets. You can cook it only from ginger root with lemon juice - the delicacy has a unique taste:

  1. To prepare you will need 150 grams of ginger root, two large oranges, lemon, a glass of sugar, 75 ml of water.
  2. The root is cut into cubes, filled with water, and the orange peels are soaked for three days.
  3. The ingredients are crushed, mixed with the juice of half a lemon, and cooked for five minutes.
  4. The finished treat is stored in the refrigerator in sterile jars with lids.

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Pumpkin with oranges

Pumpkin jam is useful for weight loss, because the components in its composition normalize metabolism. The cooking proportions are as follows: for three kilograms of pumpkin pulp without peel and seeds, two large oranges, lemon, a little sugar. Peculiarities:

  1. Vegetables and citrus fruits are cut into cubes, covered with granulated sugar, and boiled for 10 minutes after boiling.
  2. The mixture is infused for three hours, boiled for 15 minutes, and placed in sterile jars.
  3. There are 25 kcal per 100 grams.


The properties of raspberry jam are said to be beneficial not only for weight loss, but also for the general condition of the body. The delicacy strengthens the immune system, protects against colds, and “kills” harmful bacteria. Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 2.5 teaspoons of the product per day, which contains about 10 g of sugar. This amount will not harm your figure and will not allow calories to be deposited.

Experts advise eating mashed berries with sugar or fructose, and if you cook them, the heat treatment should not take longer than 10-15 minutes to preserve the benefits. Raspberries have a positive effect on digestion - the seeds improve intestinal motility, normalize the production of gastric juice, help increase the feeling of satiety, and prevent hunger for longer.


Currant jam is considered one of the most useful for weight loss. It is better to process it for a short time in order to preserve the maximum amount of vitamin C. Unlike other types, it is better to cook blackcurrant jam rather than grind fresh berries. Currants refine sugar, which under its influence loses some of its harmful properties. It’s easier to cook for five minutes:

  1. For a kilogram of berries, take one and a half kilograms of sugar, one and a half glasses of water.
  2. Boil syrup, add berries to it.
  3. After five minutes of cooking, the dessert is ready.


Apricot jam is tasty and healthy for weight loss, which can be eaten to supply the body with vitamins A, B, C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and calcium. The delicacy retains substances even after heat treatment, improves digestion, blood circulation, and restores hemoglobin. Carotene has a positive effect on vision, metabolism and brain function, and removes excess fluid.

The benefits of jam

Despite the high calorie content of jam, it is very healthy. Natural fruits and berries from which jam is made contain vitamins, fruit acids, and a large number of useful microelements. During heat treatment, some vitamins (in particular, vitamin C) are partially destroyed. Therefore, it is better to eat jam that has undergone minimal heat treatment (for example, currant jam, which is often not boiled at all, but simply ground with sugar and sealed in jars).

Heat treatment does not destroy B vitamins, fiber and minerals contained in the jam.

Jam is used for colds, weakness, and headaches; chokeberry jam lowers blood pressure, and sea buckthorn jam removes salts and toxins from the body.

The most common use of jam is for colds. Thanks to vitamins and high calorie content, jam has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Many jams made from sour varieties of berries retain a fairly large amount of vitamin C and can be used to prevent colds and strengthen the immune system, as well as to quickly restore strength after illness. Berry jam relieves sore throat and cough, warms and soothes. The B vitamins contained in berries help fight stress, depression (including the so-called “winter depression”), anxiety, improve sleep and stimulate brain function, improve memory and attention. Pectins contained in jam help eliminate toxins and heavy metal salts from the body.

Comparison of calorie content of different types of jam

To understand how the calorie content of strawberry jam differs from others, let’s look at the options for this delicious dessert made from different berries.

Below is the calorie content of different types of jam per 100 grams of the finished product:

  • currant – 284;
  • raspberry – 273;
  • apple – 265;
  • cherry – 256;
  • gooseberry – 220;
  • plum – 280.

Rowan jam, which has relatively low calories, contains a lot of useful phosphorus. And barberry, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, walnut and dogwood are also low-calorie species, but at the same time they also have excellent medicinal properties. However, when using them you should know when to stop.

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