Honey massage: types, technique, indications and contraindications

Causes of cellulite:

  • passive lifestyle
  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • eating unhealthy and low-quality foods
  • fluid retention in the body
  • low collagen production
  • disruption of hormone production
  • sudden weight gain
  • incorrect treatment
  • stress
  • phlebeurysm

What is cellulite

Cellulite is the name given to uneven skin on the thighs and buttocks, resulting in an “orange peel” effect. In fact, this crust is an accumulation of fluid and fat. To one degree or another, almost all women have cellulite, and not necessarily those who are overweight.

This is due to the special structure of adipose tissue, which has a mesh shape. Fat cells rapidly retain water, resulting in uneven skin. It is important to understand that it is impossible to completely remove cellulite. To do this, you will need to remove all adipose tissue, which is extremely important for a woman’s body.

Benefits of honey anti-cellulite massage:

  • reducing the thickness of the fat layer
  • correction of figure contours (reducing waist size, getting rid of extra centimeters in the hip area)
  • improving skin quality, getting rid of cellulite
  • improvement of blood circulation, acceleration of lymph flow
  • increased muscle tone
  • relief from frequent headaches, dizziness, manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • removal of toxins, improvement of general well-being
  • relaxation of the body, increasing stress resistance
  • increasing immunity levels
  • acceleration of metabolism
  • improvement of complexion (due to the supply of more oxygen to skin cells)

Honey massage: indications and contraindications

Like any physical procedure, honey massage (no matter what part of the body, back, abdomen, knee joint, feet, etc.) has its own indications and contraindications. It can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on the patient's health condition.

Honey massage: indications

Indications for massage with honey include:

  • correction of figure contours;
  • stress and depression;
  • cellulite and excess weight;
  • colds without fever;
  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.

Please note that massage is not used as the only therapy. It is part of a comprehensive treatment.

Indications and contraindications for honey massage

Honey massage: contraindications

Before starting massage sessions with honey, you should make sure there are no contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to honey;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • tendency to bleeding and allergic reactions;
  • fever;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.


Honey massage is absolutely excluded for varicose veins.

Aggressive influence in an area with vascular pathology or its first signs can only aggravate the situation and give rise to the development of the disease. Despite the benefits provided to the vascular system, such a massage is indicated only for patients with healthy blood vessels. And for varicose veins, it is more effective to use other treatment methods, for example, using local remedies. "NORMAVEN®" foot cream will help relieve swelling, pain, inflammation and eliminate dry skin.

Expert opinion

In addition to the above contraindications, it is worth noting that honey massage for cellulite and for other purposes is contraindicated during pregnancy. Since intensive execution technique will increase blood flow, and can also cause muscle spasms and undesirable consequences for the expectant mother and fetus.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

Who is contraindicated for anti-cellulite honey massage?

  • having an allergy to honey
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, tumors
  • obvious wounds and scratches on the skin
  • elevated body temperature
  • pregnancy at any stage
  • menstruation period
  • renal/heart failure
  • diabetes
  • thyroid disease
  • asthma, tuberculosis
  • varicose veins
  • presence of abundant hair (the depilation procedure can be carried out in two days)

How to check for an allergy to honey?

Plant pollen is a strong allergen that makes honey dangerous for consumption. An allergy to honey is manifested by various symptoms: from a runny nose, itching, sneezing to severe nausea, diarrhea and anaphylactic shock. Before carrying out an anti-cellulite procedure, it is imperative to check the patient’s reaction to the product. Even if the client does not experience an allergy when consuming honey, a reaction may occur if the skin is exposed. 10 minutes before the start of the honey anti-cellulite massage, apply a quarter teaspoon of honey to the client’s wrist. You can begin the honey anti-cellulite procedure if no signs of irritation or redness are observed after the test.

Why doesn't anti-cellulite massage with honey always help?

Honey massage is a team work against cellulite, in which the result depends not only on the master, but also on the client.

Provide the patient with a list of recommendations that he should adhere to during and for two weeks after the course of honey anti-cellulite massage:

  • Quitting alcohol. A glass of wine slows down blood circulation and lymph flow, increases blood fat levels, retains water and leads to puffiness.
  • Refusal to eat food one hour before and one hour after the honey anti-cellulite session.
  • Avoid eating three hours before bedtime.
  • Reduce caffeine in the diet. Coffee in large quantities is useful in the fight against cellulite only as a skin scrub. But drinking three or more cups of hot drinks provokes the development of cellulite.
  • Less “sweet” and starchy foods. Sugar depletes the walls of arteries and blood vessels, which leads to the formation of “orange peel.” Flour does not provide any benefit to the body, increasing the fat layer. Those who find it difficult to give up buns can replace them with whole grain products.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Refusal of salty, fried, smoked foods. These foods retain water, lead to swelling and fat accumulation in the body.
  • Sport! Running, swimming, anaerobic exercise in doses recommended by your doctor. The client should know that a honey massage will give him an anti-cellulite effect and get rid of extra centimeters for a whole six months, but if he continues a sedentary lifestyle, the problem will begin to return again.

Basic mistakes

Those losing weight who perform honey abdominal massage at home very often make the same mistakes:

  • The room is too hot or humid - at high temperatures, the consistency of honey changes and it no longer sticks to your hands as it should.
  • The body is not thoroughly cleansed beforehand - this way it will not be honey that is absorbed into the pores, but previously applied cream or other cosmetics.
  • The skin is not warmed up well enough - the pores do not open and the beneficial substances from honey work only on the surface.
  • Overly candied honey - large pieces work more like a peeling, but the honey does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
  • A lot of essential oils (5-6 drops per 100 grams of honey are enough!) can cause skin irritation.

Such errors lead to the fact that the effectiveness of the procedure is significantly reduced. A big mistake is to do a honey massage for weight loss in a sauna. This can lead to numerous bruises.

What composition is suitable for honey anti-cellulite massage?

The best option is to buy the product directly from the apiary. An unnatural product will not have a healing effect on the client’s body, and may even cause harm! Considering the fact of a huge number of honey “counterfeits”, take a closer look at the product if you had to buy it in a store:

  1. Compound. Only bee honey, no additives!
  2. Consistency. In the period from July to September (the period of flowering of the plant and honey collection), the product can be liquid, and in other months it can only be candied. If you see liquid honey in winter, it has been boiled and preservatives added, depriving the product of all its beneficial properties. Don't be afraid to buy thick honey; it can be brought to the desired consistency using a water bath.

Essential oils for honey anti-cellulite massage:

  • citrus fruits
  • almonds
  • jasmine
  • anise
  • cinnamon

To achieve a more pronounced effect from a honey anti-cellulite massage, make a mixture of warm honey and a few drops of essential oil. Check with the client or check for an allergic reaction!

Technique for performing honey massage for cellulite

  1. Do not conduct the session in a hot room. Ventilate the room before starting the honey anti-cellulite massage.
  2. Test to see if the client is allergic to honey!
  3. Explain to the patient that this is not a relaxing procedure. In order for the session to be effective and the body to be beautiful, you need to have a fairly sharp impact on the surface being massaged.
  4. For the client, clean the skin using a warm, damp towel.
  5. If necessary, bring the product to a liquid consistency using a water bath
  6. Help the client lie on his back (for a honey anti-cellulite abdominal massage) or on his stomach (to work on the back, buttocks, and legs).
  7. Note! When performing a honey massage, perform anti-cellulite movements clockwise on the abdomen, do not put too much pressure on the internal organs. Consider the location of the lymph nodes when conducting a honey anti-cellulite massage session of the arms and legs.
  8. Check the temperature of the honey before applying the product to the patient's body. Hot honey can cause burns! Add essential oils as desired.
  9. Apply the mixture to the body in a thin layer.
  10. Start the procedure with light massage movements - stroking. Repeat them 10-15 times to warm up the skin and prepare the body for the honey anti-cellulite massage procedure.

  11. Start performing the main movement that will reduce the amount of unwanted fat deposits and the appearance of cellulite. It is necessary to place your palm on the massaged area, as if “sticking” it to the honey. Apply gentle pressure and hold for a second, then quickly tear off. As a result of this massage movement, the honey will begin to foam on the surface of the patient’s body. Repeat the movement for 10-15 minutes, carefully working each area.
  12. Halfway through the honey anti-cellulite massage procedure, the product will begin to turn gray. Don't be alarmed, this means that you are doing everything right. This shade is obtained due to the fact that honey draws out waste and toxins from the body.
  13. At the end of the honey session, repeat the anti-cellulite strokes.
  14. Remove any remaining honey and lubricate the massaged area with a moisturizer, as honey can remove too much moisture from the patient's skin.
  15. After the first session, small bruises may appear, which you should not be afraid of.
  16. Leave the client in the supine position for 5 minutes.
  17. Tell the patient about the recommendations that he should follow after a session of honey anti-cellulite massage (diet/sleep/sports regimen/giving up bad habits).

Honey anti-cellulite massage: principle of action

Massage with honey mechanically affects problem areas of the body, stimulating blood flow in areas with “orange peel” and strengthening blood vessels. Special massage techniques actively produce elastin and collagen. As a result, honey massage normalizes metabolism, eliminates subcutaneous fat, and improves the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. The bumps and depressions in the “orange peel” are reduced, excess fluid is removed from the body, and skin cells are renewed faster.

Honey massage promotes intensive cleansing of the skin, as it acts as an active peeling. Honey perfectly absorbs toxins, penetrating deeply into tissues. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of honey massage for the nervous system. You get rid of sleep disorders and manifestations of neurasthenia. And watching your reflection in the mirror, after just a few procedures you say goodbye to depression.

The benefits of honey anti-cellulite massage at home

You can carry out the honey anti-cellulite massage procedure at home by asking your relatives to help you. Home sessions will help improve the condition of the skin, increase its tone, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and improve immunity (thanks to the vitamins and microelements contained in honey). A homemade honey massage session for cellulite will help reduce body volume by 2-3 cm per course, while sessions conducted by a professional massage therapist will give results of 6-7 cm or more. You must remember that the result at home from a course of honey anti-cellulite massage depends not only on the correct execution of the procedure itself, but also on compliance with the nutrition/sports/lifestyle recommendations that we wrote about above.

If you are a beginner master or an experienced massage therapist who wants to master an in-demand technique that will increase your income and secure an appointment for at least a month in advance at any time of the year, we advise you to sign up for an offline course from the School of Masters. If you live in another city or prefer distance learning, you can take online courses with the participation of one of the country's sought-after teachers and receive a certificate from our school!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

Benefits and indications

Honey is a natural product that is popular in every family. Everyone has known about its beneficial properties since childhood. They were treated for colds and given as a preventative measure after rainy days. Also, the bee product has an analgesic, tonic, rejuvenating effect, disinfects and heals wounds and burns .

Bee product is indispensable in cosmetology, as it softens and nourishes the skin, improves its tone. An environmentally friendly product produced by bees really helps get rid of cellulite, even at home, as many women have been able to verify this over the years.

Rubbing with a natural composition affects the epidermis, making it tightened. After a course of anti-cellulite self-massage, the effectiveness will be noticeable to others, the skin will have a beautiful and healthy appearance, will be smooth and moisturized; this result cannot be achieved by any expensive cream.

Positive dynamics in treatment using natural bee nectar, proven by experts, are found in solving the following problems:

  • Effective fight against cellulite and excess weight;
  • Treatment of scars and solution of postpartum figure problems;

So, the benefits of bee nectar are limitless, everyone knows this, even if you apply it to the skin, all these benefits will enter the bloodstream through the pores. And people have heard that massaging with honey compositions is beneficial for the body since ancient times. It’s not in vain that women have been applying it to their faces for many years after a bath and expecting a positive result from it. Today, all these actions have been modernized and received the classic name - honey massage.

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