Anti-cellulite massage: types, effectiveness, features, indications and contraindications

What it is? Description of the procedure

Anti-cellulite massage is a cosmetic and therapeutic procedure, the essence of which is to apply a vacuum to the whole body or to a single point: a special apparatus with various attachments, jars, massagers, etc. The procedure is recommended for lymph congestion, slow metabolism, sagging skin and the presence of cellulite. In combination with other weight loss procedures, anti-cellulite massage helps achieve a visible effect in several sessions.

The benefits of anti-cellulite massage

The targeted effect of anti-cellulite massage on certain areas of the body increases the pressure inside the cells and stimulates blood flow. Accelerating blood flow, in turn, leads to activation of cell function, restoration of lymph flow, and improvement of metabolism. These processes involve the destruction of fat cells. Gradually, fat deposits in problem areas decrease (often the buttocks, abdomen, thighs) and the “orange peel” begins to disappear.

Long-term effect of the procedure: reduction of swelling, cleansing of toxins and impurities, restoration of skin elasticity, prevention of stretch marks, lifting effect.


All types of anti-cellulite massage can be divided into three main classes. We will talk about them now.

Roller (LPG)

– the procedure is carried out using a special apparatus with rollers and a pump. Thanks to the rollers, gliding across the body occurs effortlessly. The intensity of the effect of the anti-cellulite roller on the body surface is regulated by a specialist. The attachments for the device are selected based on the purpose of the session.

anti-cellulite massage
- done manually (manually) using different types of cups: silicone, glass, etc. In turn, it is divided into the following types: dynamic (the sliding of silicone cups is carried out by a specialist), acupressure (double pumps are used, alternately kneading and warming up certain areas body).

Laser anti-cellulite massage

. Its peculiarity lies in the effect of vacuum and cold laser on problem areas, activating the growth of new cells in the treated area. One minus: the procedure is contraindicated for the lower back, chest and heart area.

Vacuum - cupping massage

Vacuum cupping massage is an effective means of combating cellulite at all stages of figure correction and body volume reduction. Thanks to powerful suction, a vacuum space is created during the massage process and different layers of the skin are stimulated. Fat cells filled with water begin to move and gradually disappear in a completely natural way. This process increases collagen production, which improves skin structure.

Vacuum - cupping massage

The result will not be long in coming after the first use. In addition, vacuum therapy is a non-invasive treatment that does not damage the skin. During the procedures, blood circulation is stabilized, the subcutaneous fat layer is reduced, fading, sagging skin is tightened, its texture is improved, signs of cellulite disappear, and the well-being and mood of clients improves.

Massage sessions using a vacuum-roller device are painless, safe and provide visible results in a short time. In addition, they have a relaxing and calming effect that helps overcome stress. The procedures do not cause side effects or discomfort.

Session technique

  1. Applying massage oil to the body;
  2. Preparatory manual massage;
  3. impact on problem areas with a vacuum device or massager;
  4. final manual massage.

Vacuum - cupping massage

Technique for the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and others

Whether the procedure is carried out with a roller attachment or cupping, it is important to follow the direction of the massage movements.

  • Buttocks: circular movements clockwise, straight movements from bottom to top.
  • Hips: Zigzag, spiral, and oblique movements from the knee upward along the outside of the thigh.
  • Shin: from bottom to top along the back and side surfaces.
  • Legs and arms: straight movements from bottom to top.
  • Belly: circular movements clockwise from the navel to the chest from bottom to top.

The benefits of cupping massage

  • Relieving pain without using painkillers
  • Restoring the respiratory function of skin cells
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Positive effect on the progression of arthrosis
  • Treatment of osteochondrosis
  • Boosting immune systems
  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Treatment of bronchitis, severe cough
  • Treatment of genitourinary system function
  • Getting rid of cellulite and excess weight
  • Cleansing the skin of toxins and impurities
  • Giving muscles elasticity
  • Improved skin color

Contraindications to cupping massage

  • Varicose veins, eczema, dermatitis
  • Fungus, various wounds and purulent formations
  • Infections, high fever
  • Reduced hemoglobin
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Oncological diseases
  • Moles, birthmarks in places where cupping will be placed
  • Tuberculosis
  • Stress, increased excitability, nervousness
  • Pregnancy

How does the procedure affect fat deposits and cellulite?

The mechanism of action of anti-cellulite massage on fat cells is quite simple from a physics point of view. The vacuum-rarefied area of ​​the pump (can) acts on the body, increasing the pressure inside the cells in the treated area. High pressure causes the blood inside this area to move faster, increases lymph flow and breaks down fat cells from the inside, producing an anti-cellulite effect.

An undeniable advantage is also the long-term effect after the session: for a long time, oxygen enters the affected cells much more actively than usual, cellular metabolism remains accelerated, and the muscles in the affected area remain relaxed. That's why professional athletes often use anti-cellulite massage as a way to relax after intense workouts.

Anti-cellulite massage with cups: contraindications

It should be understood that vacuum cups are quite dangerous, and even a professional massage therapist can potentially harm your health. You should start a massage very carefully, gradually increasing the load, because you cannot fully know the characteristics of your body. It is necessary to take into account a number of important precautions and absolute contraindications to the use of any vacuum cans.

  1. Varicose veins (thrombophlebitis) at any stage
    . It is believed that with the ideal technique, cupping massage can be performed without harm to blood vessels, but in reality, few people succeed. If you notice small broken capillaries in the problem area, massage will probably make the situation worse, even if after the first sessions you do not notice any worsening.
  2. Massage the inner thighs and under the knees
    . Intensive impact on this area is strictly prohibited. The fact is that on the inside of the thigh there are a large number of vessels and lymph nodes that can be damaged by vacuum massage. Only light manual massage from the knee upward is allowed. However, there is no need to worry: cellulite in this area will also be reduced by massaging the rest of the thigh due to the regulation of lymph flow and the removal of excess fluid.
  3. Inflammatory and purulent diseases on the skin
    . Intense massage with vacuum cups will instantly worsen the situation and easily spread bacteria even with isolated inflammations. In addition, it will simply be doubly painful for you, because this type of massage in itself is not easy to tolerate.
  4. Mental illnesses
    . There are many biologically active points on the hips, the impact of which can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  5. Recent surgeries, including caesarean section
    . This prohibition applies not only to the abdominal area, but also to massage in general.

Often women have questions about whether it is possible to do cupping massage during pregnancy. The procedure itself is not dangerous in this position, but it is still worth consulting a doctor. Any massage can cause uterine contractions, so you must be completely sure that the manipulations are safe.

When is anti-cellulite massage needed (indications)

Most often, a course of anti-cellulite massage is recommended by therapists and cosmetologists. This is one of the first lipolytic (fat-breaking) procedures in terms of effectiveness, so the leading indications include the following:

  • overweight and obesity;
  • congestion in the lymphatic system;
  • swelling;
  • cellulite;
  • sagging and uneven skin;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • the need to correct certain areas (waist, double chin, etc.).

Benefits of vacuum massage

  • Fast and lasting results. Positive dynamics are observed after the fourth or fifth session. It is enough to repeat the course of procedures 1-2 times a year.
  • Effective rejuvenation and restoration of the skin. Blood circulation in tissues improves, metabolic processes accelerate, and lymphatic drainage is restored.
  • Elimination of not only cellulite, but also other defects. Wrinkles, unevenness, scars, and stretch marks disappear from the skin.
  • Reasonable prices for vacuum massage. The cost of the procedure depends on the technique (manual, hardware massage) and the size of the treated area.

How often can you do anti-cellulite massage?

An anti-cellulite massage performed by a competent specialist allows you to see the result after just one session. However, if you are satisfied with the effect and neglect visiting the massage therapist, cellulite will return within a few days. Therefore, when making an appointment with a specialist, keep in mind that to achieve a stable result you will need to be systematic: from 5 to 15 procedures, depending on the general condition of the body.

A course of 15 sessions is considered the maximum, but sometimes 20 procedures are prescribed (only in special cases and after consultation with a doctor). The break between visits to the massage room should be from 1 to 3 days so that the body has time to rest.

It is recommended to take no more than 2 courses of anti-cellulite massage per year.

How to massage with an anti-cellulite cup without causing harm? Contraindications for vacuum massage

Cupping massage is a procedure that can be classified as “strong”, and in some cases, exposure to vacuum can cause more harm than good. Contraindications to anti-cellulite massage are:

  • infectious diseases and other acute conditions,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • hypertension,
  • dermatological problems (psoriasis, eczema, lichen),
  • varicose veins,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • gynecological diseases,
  • very thin, sensitive or allergy-prone skin,
  • pregnancy and 2-3 months after childbirth,
  • postoperative period.

During menstruation and 1-2 days before it, anti-cellulite massage with vacuum cans can be performed, but without affecting the abdominal area. In addition, it is better to temporarily refrain from cupping massage if there is damage to the skin in problem areas, such as wounds and scratches, insect bites, rashes, and so on.

Features of carrying out at home

Anti-cellulite self-massage at home requires some preparation and certain knowledge. First, you need to warm up and stretch the areas that you plan to massage. Secondly, be sure to use oil. It will help the cups glide better over the body and reduce pain.

To avoid bruising, adjust the intensity of pressure. During the first sessions of self-massage, bruises are inevitable, but with experience you will be able to minimize them. Be aware that capillaries may break if you hold the pump in one place for more than 2-3 seconds. It is best to continuously move it over the body.

We recommend that you contact a specialist for an anti-cellulite massage. This way you can avoid unpleasant moments and enjoy the full effect after the session.

Anti-cellulite massage at home: tips

If you decide to perform an anti-cellulite massage yourself, follow these recommendations:

  1. The diameter of the jars for the face should not exceed 2.5 cm. For the neck and arms - up to 3.5 cm. The remaining areas (abdomen, back, hips, buttocks) can be massaged with pumps with a diameter of 5 cm.
  2. Carefully read the instructions for the banks and follow them.
  3. To warm up the skin, you can take a hot bath, and then rub massage oil into the necessary areas.
  4. Follow the directions of the massage exactly. Start massaging your legs from the feet towards the hips and above. The back is the opposite, from top to bottom. Buttocks - from the center to the sides. Treat the abdomen in a clockwise circular motion.
  5. To consolidate and enhance the result, after the anti-cellulite massage, you can do fitness or a little strength training.

Vacuum anti-cellulite massage in beauty salons: professional anti-cellulite massage

There are quite a few different vacuum massage techniques in salons using various equipment or cans. Here are the most common types:

  • Roller-vacuum massage. A vacuum is created in the nozzle, which can be adjusted as needed. Additionally, rollers are used that act on the subcutaneous layers and break up fat deposits. The technique of movements is the same as for cupping massage at home.

  • Dynamic massage with cups. Four different sizes of nozzles are used. The vacuum can be either constant or pulsating. This type is convenient in that it can be used locally on areas of the body where roller-vacuum attachments are difficult to use, for example, in the area of ​​the forearm or abdomen

  • Acupressure with cups. Four nozzles are connected to each other and a double suction technique is used. The body is suctioned and kneaded in turn, so it is often used to warm up and break down fat deposits.

  • Laser-vacuum massage. This procedure includes two of the most effective methods of combating cellulite: vacuum massage and laser. This massage is recognized as the most effective against cellulite, if you do not take into account injection methods

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