Body cutting guide: how to lose fat without losing muscle

What is body drying and why is it needed?

Cutting is a period during which a person reduces the percentage of fat in the body, while trying to preserve muscle mass and strength to the maximum.
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In bodybuilding, cutting traditionally follows after gaining weight. A bodybuilder first builds muscle through strength training, a calorie surplus, and plenty of protein. Then, when there is already enough muscle, the calorie intake is reduced. As a result, the percentage of fat decreases, and the relief becomes more distinct.

Weightlifters, powerlifters, boxers and other athletes also go through this period and are forced to adapt to their weight categories. In this case, the goal is not a beautiful muscle definition, but the desired number on the scale while maintaining strength indicators.

Regardless of the purpose, drying methods and the body’s reaction to this stressful period are approximately the same. Therefore, the rules for effective weight loss will not differ.

About proper nutrition and calorie planning

In this case, the effect depends on nutrition, so you should not start drying if a person is not mentally or physically ready. Therefore, it is better to practice proper nutrition first.


In each system, the diet is compiled individually, depending on the characteristics of the body: normal metabolism or with disorders, what type of body a person has, other characteristics.

It is important to take into account the calculation of calories, which occurs in accordance with the rules:

  • High physical activity is 22-26 kcal per 1 kg of weight. It turns out that a man weighing 90 kg should consume 1980 kcal per day.
  • The amount of protein per day is 3 g per 1 kg of weight. It turns out that a man weighing 90 kg needs 270 g of protein per day. There are 4 kcal in 1 g of protein, it turns out that 270 g of protein is 1080 kcal. In accordance with the obtained value, the formation of the diet begins using the calorie table. It is necessary to calculate exactly how much you need to eat of a particular dish.
  • Fats are allowed 25% of the total calorie content - 1980 kcal * 0.25, resulting in 495 kcal. There are 9 kcal in one gram of fat, which turns out to be 495/9 = 55 g.
  • The remaining percentage remains for carbohydrates.

The presented calculation is carried out whenever the body drying system begins.

What happens to the body during drying

The universal rule for losing weight is: to reduce your fat percentage, you need to create a calorie deficit. In other words, consume less than you spend. It doesn’t matter how it is achieved: reduced calorie content, increased activity, or all together. If the body lacks energy, it begins to burn fat reserves.

It is considered Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation that to lose a kilogram of fat you need to spend 7,716 kcal. It turns out that this can be achieved in a month if you cut your daily diet by 250 calories. And if you limit yourself even more, for example by 500 kcal, you will burn 2 kilograms.

It sounds logical, but when it comes to the body, mathematical models don't work. The problem is that our body is perfectly adapted to survive in starvation conditions and has a number of Metabolic adaptation to weight loss: implications for the athlete metabolic adaptations:

  • Energy waste is reduced . In response to a lack of calories, the body reduces the production of thyroid hormones, including triiodothyronine, which regulates metabolic rate. As a result, you spend less energy both on maintaining life and on physical activity.
  • Hunger is increasing . Cutting calories and losing weight reduces levels of leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells that regulates satiety. And the concentration of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, increases. As a result, you feel hungry all the time.
  • Muscles are burned . A lack of calories reduces levels of the anabolic hormones insulin and testosterone Moderate energy restriction with high protein diet results in healthier outcome in women and increases the concentration of cortisol, a glucocorticoid that promotes the breakdown of muscle tissue. As a result, you lose muscle mass along with fat.

The more scarcity you create, the more pronounced these adaptations become. Moreover, they persist even after you increase your caloric intake back. That is why, when coming off strict diets, people, as a rule, quickly return to the previous weight or gain even more, and frequent drying of athletes increases the risk of excess weight.

Thus, the main task during drying is to avoid metabolic adaptations of the body to hunger. And the main way to do this is to take it gradually.

Who needs body drying?

Any person who wants not just to lose weight, but to improve the silhouette of their body can “dry out”. The basic rules of this method include a gradual cessation of carbohydrate consumption and increased physical activity. It should be borne in mind that it is more suitable for people with sufficient muscle mass. Otherwise, it is difficult to achieve a harmonious appearance.

What is the difference between drying the body and losing weight?

During drying, as during normal weight loss, the emphasis is on dietary restrictions and physical activity. The difference is that diets slow down your metabolism and don't take into account the importance of preserving muscle fibers. For drying, on the contrary, this is a primary task. For the average athlete or person who wants to give their body a chiseled silhouette, you can simply limit your carbohydrate intake and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Previously, we wrote about how to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, how much is possible and what needs to be done.

Drying individual body parts

If you are interested in how to dry one specific part of the body (legs, arms, abs, etc.), then the answer is no. The process of losing weight during drying necessarily affects the entire body and simultaneously affects all fatty tissues. Of course, every person has their own problem areas. Bodybuilders are no exception. And in order to achieve the most harmonious proportions, they have to select a training plan, the loads in which will be distributed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

How long should body drying last?

Both the Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation scientists and the trainers of The Complete Guide to Bulking and Cutting, How To Plan Your Strength Training While Cutting (Ultimate Guide) agree that it is most effective to lose 0.5– 1% of body weight per week. This speed allows you to avoid a strong decrease in metabolism, lose fat and at the same time maintain and even increase Effect of two different weight-loss rates on body composition and strength and power-related performance in elite athletes muscles. At the same time, it is worth taking into account your own characteristics.

The higher the percentage of body fat, the less Body fat content influences the body composition response to nutrition and exercise muscle you will lose on a diet.

So, if you have a high percentage of body fat, you can use more aggressive diets in the first weeks of cutting to lose 1.5% of your body weight per week. Provided proper nutrition and training, such a speed will not lead to loss of muscle mass.

Over time, when the percentage of body fat decreases, it is worth Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation to switch to a softer diet so that Changes in psychological state and self-reported diet do not go away during various phases of training in competitive bodybuilders muscles. In the second month, aim for a loss of 1% of weight per week, in the third - 0.5% per week.

If you want to dry yourself and are not tied to any deadline, there will be no problems. Just watch your weight and adjust your caloric intake so that you lose no more than a kilogram per week.

If you need results by a certain date, start drying 8-12 weeks before it. It is not recommended How To Plan Your Strength Training While Cutting (Ultimate Guide) to continue cutting beyond this period: even with a small calorie deficit, a long diet will negatively affect your metabolic rate, the percentage of muscle mass and your performance.

Training Recommendations

With proper drying, you can get rid of subcutaneous fat while maintaining maximum muscle

So, the training should also be changed during the drying period. Emphasis should be placed on high-intensity loads with high repetitions. It would be good to use supersets and dropsets.

Since there will be minimal energy with minimal doses of carbohydrates taken, reduce working weights by 20-30%. This will help avoid microtraumas and stress in the body, which means the muscles will recover faster. But at the same time their growth will stop.

Drawing up a circuit program will help you achieve even better results. Its essence is as follows: we take 7-8 exercises for all muscle groups and run them 2-3 times in a circle (in one cycle of each exercise we do 2 approaches).

The ideal number of repetitions is 15 times, although everyone has their own characteristics, so this number is not a constant.

You can give the following example of two training days for drying male muscles:

Day 1

Exercise name Number of approaches*times
Superset: leg curls + extensions in the simulator 2*20 (10 for each exercise)
Superset: overhead and horizontal pull-downs (to the chest and abdomen, respectively) 2*20 (10 for each exercise)
Triceps block extensions 2*15

Day 2

Exercise name Number of approaches*times
Superset: Hack machine squats + seated calf raises 2*30 (10 squats + 20 lifts)
Pull-ups in the simulator 2*15
Superset: biceps curl on the lower block with a rope + extension of the arms in the block with a horizontal bar 2*30 (15 for each exercise)

Remember that your training should not be strength training, but volume training.

Don't forget about cardio

It is imperative to add aerobic exercise to your training week, as thanks to it the body will burn fat not only during training, but also during rest. Once or twice a week you can allocate 30-60 minutes of time for such activities. This could be running outside or on a treadmill, cycling, or using other cardio equipment.

How to regulate nutrition when drying the body

To lose the desired percentage of weight per week, you need to reduce your caloric intake. In order to preserve muscles, you need to choose the right percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Below we will explain how to do this.

How much to reduce calories

To get started, cut your daily calorie intake by 250–300 kcal and watch the results. If you start losing 0.5-1% of weight per week, maintain this regimen until the weight stops. If there is no progress, you can add more physical activity, such as 2-3 cardio sessions per week, and see if the pounds come off.

If there are no results, try reducing your intake by 500 kcal per day. With the correct ratio of macronutrients and strength training, such a diet will not lead to loss of muscle mass.

If your weight still doesn't change, try adding more physical activity or looking for another problem. For example, lack of good sleep, high stress levels or hormonal imbalances.

If you start losing more than 1.5% of your body weight per week, it's worth reducing your deficit to slow down your weight loss and maintain muscle.

How much protein, fat and carbohydrates to consume

The most important macronutrient for drying the body is protein. It enhances A randomized crossover, pilot study examining the effects of a normal protein vs. high protein breakfast on food cravings and reward signals in overweight/obese “breakfast skipping”, late‑adolescent girls feeling full and accelerates Presence or absence of carbohydrates and the proportion of fat in a high‑protein diet affect appetite suppression but not energy expenditure in normal‑weight human fed subjects in energy balance metabolism, and also helps maintain positive Whole-body protein utilization in humans protein balance. This is a condition in which muscle protein synthesis exceeds protein breakdown.

Most bodybuilders and athletes during cutting consume A systematic review of dietary protein during caloric restriction in resistance trained lean athletes: a case for higher intakes, Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation 2.3–3.1 g protein per kg of body weight without fat. This indicator can be calculated using “smart” scales with bioimpedance analysis. If you don't have access to these, use a calculator with average values ​​for men and women.

You can also find out the right amount of protein by your overall body weight. Research data show that 2.4–2.5 Pronounced energy restriction with elevated protein intake results in no change in proteolysis and reductions in skeletal muscle protein synthesis that are mitigated by resistance exercise, Anabolic and catabolic hormones and energy balance of the male bodybuilders during the preparation for the competition, grams of protein per kg of body weight is enough to protect the body from muscle loss under hypocaloric conditions.

It is important to monitor the amount of fat. They are necessary in the diet to avoid hormonal imbalances during drying. In particular, to maintain normal testosterone levels, consume Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation of at least 15–20% of calories from fat.

Carbohydrates are needed to maintain high performance during training. Calculate the required amount of proteins and fats, and finish off the remaining calories with carbohydrates.

If you notice that your performance has dropped dramatically, increase your carbohydrate intake at the expense of fat and see how it affects your performance and weight.

Drying food

Basic rules of nutrition during the drying period include the following points:

  • cut your daily calorie intake;
  • the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 55%, 15% and 30%, respectively (with a balanced diet it is 30%, 20% and 50%, respectively);
  • We pay special attention to protein consumption - we calculate its amount within 1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of weight;
  • We select carbohydrate sources according to the glycemic index (the lower, the better);
  • The source of fat plays an important role - preferably nuts, olive oil and coconut fat.

How to calculate the number of calories?

In order to calculate the permissible amount of calories, you first need to know your own norm. It depends on your age, weight, height and activity level. You can do this online in a matter of minutes; just enter your characteristics into the online calculator. You need to subtract 20% from the resulting figure. The result obtained is your norm for the drying period. It is not recommended to cut back even more, otherwise muscle mass will be used to make up for lost calories, and we need it.

The role of carbohydrates (the amount of carbohydrates during drying)

Carbohydrates are important for the functioning of the body. Abandoning them completely can lead to negative health consequences. That is why during drying it is allowed to include them in the diet, observing two rules:

  1. The carbohydrate source must have a low glycemic index.
  2. They can only be consumed for breakfast and lunch. Most of the daily requirement should be allocated to the morning.

You can calculate the amount of carbohydrates based on your weight. We gradually reduce it from 2 g per 1 kg of weight to 0.5 g per 1 kg, and then also gradually increase it. If you took, for example, five weeks during the drying period, then adjust the amount as follows:

  • 1 week – 2 g
  • 2 week – 1 g
  • 3 week – 0.5 g
  • Week 4 – 1 g
  • 5 week – 2 g

If the period is longer, then the reduction can be made by 0.5 g. It is advisable, of course, to consult a specialist (nutritionist, fitness trainer) on this matter.

What can you do from carbohydrates?

Sources of carbohydrates, as mentioned above, must be selected according to the glycemic index. The lowest GI is for products containing complex carbohydrates (simple carbohydrates are completely prohibited!). Among them are cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, durum wheat pasta), berries, fruits (citrus fruits, apples), vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage, etc.).

No carbohydrates

The carbohydrate-free diet method reduces the metabolic rate, and this is one of those moments that are most needed during the drying period. If your metabolic rate is too low, it is impossible to achieve a lean body effect. Therefore, the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet is usually used by professional athletes, and then only before the competition itself, i.e. for a short period of time (1-2 weeks).

We recommend following a low-carb weight loss diet to make fat burning more comfortable.

What to exclude from your diet

You will have to completely eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • all sources of simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, butter, confectionery);
  • fried, smoked, pickled, canned;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • fruits containing a lot of sugar (banana, mango, persimmon, pineapple, etc.);
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb);
  • salt;
  • some types of cereals (semolina, millet, some also oatmeal);
  • coffee, black tea (some people refuse green tea).

What foods can you eat?

The following types of products are permitted:

  • lean meats and fish (stewed without adding oil or steamed);
  • seafood;
  • cereals (preferably unpolished rice, buckwheat);
  • non-starchy vegetables, herbs;
  • fruits (apples, citrus fruits) - usually their consumption is allowed only in the first week;
  • eggs (whites only);
  • cottage cheese and other low-fat fermented milk products;
  • nuts - they are recommended to be included in the diet of women due to certain characteristics of the body.

Due to serious restrictions in permitted products, it is advisable, with the help of a doctor, to choose a multivitamin complex for yourself that will minimize harm to health and replenish the reserves of necessary components.

Fat deficiency

Fats are saturated and unsaturated. The first ones are considered dangerous for maintaining your figure. They are found in fatty dairy products (milk, cream, sour cream, cheese, butter), egg yolk, certain types of meat (pork, lamb), poultry skin and cocoa butter. These foods should be completely excluded from your diet.

Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are considered beneficial for increasing performance, the functioning of many body systems, and even increasing metabolic rate. These include sea fish (steamed without salt), olive or flaxseed oil, as well as nuts (especially hazelnuts, pine nuts, and walnuts). They can be consumed within the daily fat intake. For girls, this is even mandatory, otherwise, as a result of drying, your skin, hair and nails will seriously deteriorate.

Water and drying the body

Water is an important component for normal metabolism. Its deficiency can seriously complicate the work of getting rid of adipose tissue. The need for water must be determined individually, preferably with the assistance of a specialist. The general rule is to consume slightly above the norm for your characteristics.

There is also an opinion that before competition, athletes should significantly reduce the amount of fluid they consume in order to remove as much water as possible from the muscles. This can only be done under the supervision of an instructor and only by those who do this professionally.

Glucose regulation

Glucose is a component that increases blood sugar levels. It is one of the main factors in fat deposition. Therefore, regulating its amount during drying is very important. GI is the indicator with which you can find out the effect of a particular product on increasing sugar levels.


Milk is a product with a rich composition of useful components. It contains protein, calcium and even amino acids necessary for an athlete. Consumption of dairy products is simply necessary during drying. True, they should have a low fat content. You also need to remember that they contain carbohydrates. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate their quantity relative to the norm and time of day (carbohydrates for the first half of the day!).

Sports supplements

Not a single professional athlete or bodybuilder can do without taking additional components and medications. Of course, the desired result can be achieved without using them, but only over a longer period.

Read more: what sports nutrition to use for cutting and how to use it.

Sports nutrition can support the body during periods of severe restrictions, provide more strength for intense exercise, and even increase endurance and the rate of muscle fiber regeneration. Let's look at the most popular supplements.


Protein shakes are a source of large amounts of protein. Since it is the main diet during cutting, this supplement is very useful for people who want to maintain maximum muscle mass. Moreover, protein can replace one of your meals.


The issue of taking creatine during cutting should be decided independently. This is a supplement that promotes muscle growth, increases the body's endurance during training and strength potential. Most athletes use it while gaining muscle mass. However, there is also an opinion that creatine reduces muscle loss during cutting.


These are amino acids that protect muscles from destruction during drying. They additionally promote speedy recovery after training. BCAA is one of the most necessary and effective supplements for professionals.

L carnitine

Carnitine is a component that increases the body's endurance. Trainers quite often recommend it during weight loss or cutting. This is a kind of fuel for the body that increases the rate of fat burning. It is simply a necessary drug for those new to the world of fitness, allowing them to get used to constant physical activity in a shorter time.

Fat burners and their components

One of the main goals of cutting is to speed up metabolism; fat burners are therefore considered the best assistant in this matter. They increase your heart rate and temperature, which increases your metabolic rate. Additionally, such drugs give a person a boost of energy, which cannot but affect the heart. Therefore, their use requires special caution.

How to exercise while drying your body

To preserve muscle, it is important to continue strength training and make it no less intense than before cutting. You can also add cardio exercises to burn extra calories, but on the condition that they will not reduce your performance in strength exercises.

How to do strength training

You should not change your work mode for many repetitions with light weights. You'll use cardio to burn calories, but the goal of strength training remains the same - to provide your muscles with the stimulus to grow.

Use the following Recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: Resistance and cardiovascular training regimen:

  • Train each muscle group twice a week. You can use four-day or five-day splits.
  • Perform 6–12 reps per set at 70–80% of your one-repetition maximum (1RM). On average, do about 40-70 repetitions per muscle group per workout.
  • Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.
  • Do not use sets to muscle failure on complex multi-joint movements such as squats, deadlifts, standing and bench presses, and bent-over rows. You can only use them in simple single-joint movements on small muscle groups.

Exercise your body hard, but remember that your body is under stress due to lack of nutrition. If you feel like you can't finish a set with good technique, quit. It's better not to finish it than to get injured.

How to do cardio

Cardio is a great way to increase your calorie deficit, but you shouldn't get carried away with aerobic work.

Long cardio sessions tire out the central nervous system (CNS) just as much as strength training. As a result, you will spend more calories, but at the same time reduce Concurrent training: a meta‑analysis examining interference of aerobic and resistance exercises, High volume of endurance training impairs adaptations to 12 weeks of strength training in well‑trained endurance athletes the volume of strength training and lose muscle mass.

Do no more than 4-5 cardio workouts per week. If your strength levels drop, reduce the amount or time of aerobic exercise.

You can also replace long-term cardio with high-intensity interval training - they will burn a lot of calories and spend less time on exercise. With regard to the effect on the central nervous system, short intense loads are less Effects of fatigue duration and muscle type on voluntary and evoked contractile properties, Mechanisms of fatigue differ after low- and high‑force fatiguing contractions in men and women, Central and peripheral fatigue in male cyclists after 4-, 20-, and 40‑km time trials are more expensive than long work at an average pace. But you still shouldn’t do HIIT every day: due to the high intensity, the risk of injury increases, especially if you also do strength exercises.

You can alternate between different types of aerobic exercise, such as two long sessions at a moderate pace and two HIIT sessions per week. In any case, perform cardio after strength training - this way you will go into the weights with fresh central nervous system and will be able to perform the necessary volume to maintain the muscles.

Nutrition while drying

During cutting, it is necessary to reduce carbohydrates by 2 times, but not eliminate them completely, since in this case the body will go into a state of ketosis and begin to produce a large amount of ketones. Ketone bodies burn fat and use it as an energy source, so it is necessary to consume carbohydrates to maintain their deficit. If you exclude them from your diet, you will experience a lack of energy. The main thing here is a reasonable balance.

The main source of carbohydrates should be vegetables.

It's also important to eat more lean protein (with each meal) and fat to replenish lost "carbohydrate" calories. Consume unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocado and nuts

Whitefish, chicken breast, salmon, turkey, tuna and eggs are suitable sources of protein.

Eliminate sugar and sodium

Eliminate most sugars from your diet. Always read product labels carefully to identify their contents. Stay away from foods that contain more than 5 grams of sugar per serving.

Consume no more than 2000 mg of sodium per day. When it is highly concentrated in the diet, the body begins to retain water, which makes it difficult to lose fat. Additionally, too much sodium can cause high blood pressure.

How to recover

In addition to nutrition and training, it is very important to provide the body with all the conditions for high-quality recovery. Here are some important points.

Sleep at least 7–8 hours

Lack of sleep increases ghrelin levels Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions, which increases hunger and cravings for sweet foods, negatively Insufficient Sleep Undermines Dietary Efforts to Reduce Adiposity affects protein balance, slows recovery and reduces your ability to lose fat.

Learn to deal with stress

Chronic stress increases cortisol levels and reduces A Link Between Sleep Loss, Glucose Metabolism and Adipokines levels of adiponectin, a hormone that is involved in the breakdown of fat. You cannot influence external factors, but you can change your reaction to them. To do this, for example, master relaxation techniques - meditation and breathing practices Effect of short‑term practice of breathing exercises on autonomic functions in normal human volunteers, Abbreviated Resonant Frequency Training to Augment Heart Rate Variability and Enhance On‑Demand Emotional Regulation in Elite Sport Support Staff

Follow your diet

Irregular meals are another stress for the body. Eat Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation 3–6 times a day at approximately the same time.

Try recovery techniques

Get a massage An Evidence-Based Approach for Choosing Post-exercise Recovery Techniques to Reduce Markers of Muscle Damage, Soreness, Fatigue, and Inflammation: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis , use a massage roller THE EFFECTS OF SELF‐MYOFASCIAL RELEASE USING A FOAM ROLL OR ROLLER MASSAGER ON JOINT RANGE OF MOTION, MUSCLE RECOVERY, AND PERFORMANCE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW, start taking BCAA Amino acids and central fatigue - all of these methods help reduce delayed muscle pain, avoid stiffness and loss of strength 24-72 hours after power loads.

About the rules for burning fat

The basic principles of drying include the following:

  • absence of fats and carbohydrates in the diet (allowed in minimal quantities);
  • complete refusal of glucose - sugar is strictly prohibited;
  • you need to eat food at least 6-8 times a day;
  • It is imperative to strictly follow the nutritional rules; failures are not allowed;
  • consume more proteins;
  • drink plenty of water throughout the day;
  • physical activity using a special method for a fat burning diet is required.

It is important! It is not advisable to start drying your body without going to the gym and strength training. It is required to follow all the rules and exercise, because without them the entire system will turn into a regular diet and will not bring the desired result.

List of best dryer models in 2021

12+. REDMOND RFD-0157/0158

The main difference between this device and other similar devices is its compact overall dimensions - this quality will be very useful for owners of small kitchens. On the front side you can find a touch-type control panel, above which there is a digital liquid crystal display. Up to five trays can be placed on top, which come with this dryer; they are closed with a special lid, and there are four oval holes on its surface. They are designed for ventilation. The lid is convenient to remove and return to its place without fear of getting burned. All these elements are made from special heat-resistant plastic, which is slightly darkened, but still transparent. Thanks to this approach, you can keep the process of drying vegetables and fruits under complete control. The height of the trays is 1.5 cm, but if necessary, this parameter can be increased to 3 cm by installing them on special protrusions. The diameter of each pallet is 26 cm.

All elements were carefully processed - no chips or scratches were noticed on them. The trays fit tightly together, they are very easy to install, no need to aim. The base has a smooth surface, there is a slight depression for collecting juice or other liquid. The panel is solid, without holes, so the fan and heating element are completely protected from moisture penetration.


  • Compact overall dimensions are suitable for any kitchen;
  • The device automatically turns off at the end of the operating cycle;
  • The height of the pallets can be adjusted if necessary;
  • Under standard operating conditions, it will not be possible to burn or dry out food.


  • The temperature in the chamber is lower than that declared by the manufacturer, which causes the process to take longer.

REDMOND RFD-0157/0158

Kitfort KT-1908

This device will be most suitable for people who prefer to make blanks in large quantities. The set comes with nine mesh lifts made of stainless steel. The fan distributes heated air throughout the chamber as evenly as possible, and the flow is directed in a horizontal plane so that the aromas of different products do not mix with each other. The product has an electronic control panel and additionally has a digital liquid crystal display. It will display the main operating parameters selected by the user. The heating temperature can vary from 35 to 70 degrees, and the drying time is set using a special timer - a maximum of 19.5 hours, the adjustment step here is 30 minutes. Once the food has finished drying, a beep will sound.

This product can also be used for making marshmallows. Especially for this purpose, a special tray with sides is supplied with the device. It is allowed to lay slices of various sizes, since this element can be placed on absolutely any free level. However, it should be remembered that the thicker the marshmallow, the more time it will take to prepare it. In order for the dryer to last as long as possible, you should not exceed the continuous operation time recommended by the manufacturer, which should not exceed 72 hours. If the device overheats, it will automatically turn off.

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  • Decent power level;
  • Good capacity;
  • Made from quality materials;
  • The grids are made of stainless steel;
  • The assembly is strong and high quality.


  • Thick pieces of marshmallow are not always dried evenly to the desired extent.

Kitfort KT-1908

Rotor SSH-002

Perfect not only for vegetables, fruits or mushrooms, but also for herbs and other products. The lower part of the case is made of high-quality stainless steel; inside it there is a heating element, a fan and an automatic temperature controller. Transparent trays made of food-grade plastic are installed on top. Drying of fruits and vegetables is carried out by a stream of directed air heated to a temperature of 30 to 70 degrees. Moisture is eliminated almost completely, and all vitamins and minerals are retained in the products. The maximum power of the device is 520 kW, the total volume of the drying chamber is 20 liters, while the device takes up a minimum of free space in the kitchen.

You can dry fresh, frozen or canned food, nuts, seeds, crackers, etc. in this device. There are several automatic operating modes, and changes can be made to each of them. Plastic chambers can be washed in the dishwasher if necessary.


  • Dries any food very quickly;
  • Long power cable;
  • When working, it makes virtually no extraneous sounds;
  • Capacious chambers;
  • Reliable assembly.


  • There is no on/off button, the device starts when connected to the mains;
  • You won’t be able to lubricate the bearings yourself;

Rotor SSH-002

Gemlux GL-FD-01R

This is a very convenient design, which has five trays for products at once, the maximum power of the device is 500 W. It has a thermostat that is responsible for regulating the temperature - from 40 to 70 degrees. This range allows you to fully preserve vitamins in products. The control is electronic; there is a liquid crystal display on the case, which displays all the main parameters of the device.

This vegetable dryer has a reliable safety system, which includes protection from overheating, from use by children, and so on. The weight of the equipment is less than 3 kg. The case is made of reliable and high-quality plastic, the assembly is reliable, there are no backlashes or creaks even after several years of continuous use. The trays and the body itself are made of plastic.


  • Reasonable cost;
  • Beautiful appearance and reliable assembly;
  • Convenient and intelligently understandable controls that anyone can understand;
  • Almost silent;
  • Does not emit foreign odors;
  • The timer lasts for two days;
  • Reliable protection systems.


  • The gratings have large cells;
  • There are no beds for the greens;
  • No additional features.

Gemlux GL-FD-01R

Tefal DF-1008

The product has an operating power of 525 W, has several temperature operating modes, thanks to which it can be used for drying herbs, tomatoes and other juicy fruits or vegetables. The design provides five trays at once, which are additionally equipped with silicone gaskets for especially juicy vegetables or fruits. This device can be used to prepare marshmallows.

There are four operating modes - blowing with atmospheric air and three temperature modes - 40,50 and 75 degrees. The last mode can be used not only for drying, but also for drying foods. The overall dimensions are small, so the device will fit perfectly even into a small kitchen. Another positive quality of the device is its two-year warranty and low weight. The trays are made of food-grade plastic, their bottom is made in the form of a fine-mesh lattice.


  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Possibility of automatic or manual temperature control;
  • There is virtually no noise during operation.


  • During prolonged drying at 75 degrees, pallets are greatly deformed;
  • Temperature is not always distributed evenly;
  • The fan sometimes makes strange noises.

Tefal DF-1008

Marta MT-1956

A nine-level model equipped with an electronic temperature control system, which ensures uniform drying of not only vegetables, berries or fruits, but also herbs, herbs, and mushrooms. You can even cook dried meat and fish in this device. The manufacturer claims that the dryer is also intended for fermented milk products, as well as proofing dough. The body and trays are made of special plastic that can withstand significant temperatures. It does not release harmful or toxic substances or foreign odors into the environment, so all products will retain their natural taste and aroma. Due to the presence of nine tiers, a decent amount of food can be placed in a limited volume, distributed evenly so that it dries quickly and efficiently.

The temperature is adjustable from 35 to 75 degrees, and the operating time can be set on the liquid crystal display. The control is completely digital, which facilitates and simplifies the operation of the unit. The temperature is controlled thanks to a special system of sensors located around the perimeter of the chamber. The maximum drying time is 72 hours, after which the device will automatically turn off. The fan here is built-in; it blows air evenly, so all useful microelements will be preserved in full. The product operates absolutely silently and consumes very little electricity.

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  • Characterized by significant capacity;
  • There is a high-contrast liquid crystal display;
  • The temperature can be adjusted while the device is operating;
  • Very convenient for laying out products;
  • Works absolutely silently;
  • Modern appearance;
  • Electronic control system.


  • There is a slight plastic smell at first;
  • For uniform drying, it is advisable to change the height of the trays.

Marta MT-1956

Gochu D-310

This model is a vertical type structure for drying vegetables and fruits, equipped with ten transparent trays. Thanks to them, you can quickly determine how well the stacked products have dried. All these trays are divided into two independent chambers, each of which can be used to dry incompatible products without mixing odors and foreign tastes. Additionally, the device is equipped with a yogurt making function.

The maximum power of the equipment is a little more than 500 W, the body is made of reliable and heat-resistant plastic that will not heat up during operation. The control of the device is combined and combines electronic and mechanical elements. There is a convenient timer designed for a maximum of two days; the temperature of the chambers can be adjusted from 40 to 70 degrees. An air filter is provided to prevent dust from accumulating on the food. There is also a special niche under the bottom designed to store the power cord.


  • A large number of transparent pallets;
  • High build quality, which does not imply the presence of backlashes or squeaks.


  • A easily soiled case on which even small fingerprints and palm prints will be clearly visible;
  • The filter quickly becomes clogged and needs either cleaning or complete replacement.

Gochu D-310

Polaris PFD 1605

This is one of the safest dryers for vegetables and fruits presented in our rating. First of all, it does not have the highest power - only 350 W, which ensures low electricity consumption. The timer is designed for two days, and after completion of work the device will automatically turn off. The case has high thermal insulation and does not overheat. It and the trays are made of food-grade plastic, and the trays themselves are transparent, which allows you to observe the drying process.

The case has a liquid crystal digital display, around which there are five buttons responsible for selecting the operating mode, adjusting the temperature, and so on. The pallets have fine-mesh grids for drying herbs and berries. The design includes a fan that provides uniform airflow and quick drying of food.


  • Dries vegetables, berries and fruits efficiently;
  • Ergonomic shape, takes up a minimum amount of free space;
  • There is a start timer and automatic shutdown;
  • High level of device security.


  • Short power cord, no niche for storing it;
  • It sometimes makes a lot of noise during operation;
  • The top tray does not dry very well.

Vegetable dryer Polaris PFD 1605AD.

Polaris PFD 1605

BelOMO 8360

Thanks to its compact dimensions, it takes up minimal space in the kitchen. It is distinguished by good build quality: the body is made of reliable plastic, even after several years of active use there are no backlashes or extraneous creaks.

Thanks to its high power, the device quickly and efficiently dries even large-sized vegetables and fruits, including very juicy ones. The set includes five opaque trays. The product operates very quietly, so you can even leave it overnight.


  • The maximum weight of loaded products is 5 kg;
  • Mechanical control, very reliable;
  • Temperature adjustment is carried out from 15 to 60 degrees;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • Good build quality;
  • Long power cord.


  • Opaque pallets;
  • Among the protective functions there is only overheating protection;
  • On the lower tier, food sometimes gets too dry.

Electric dryer for vegetables and fruits BELOMO (analogous to Isidri), review.

BelOMO 8360

VolTera 1000

This dryer for fruits and vegetables is one of the leaders in our rating, not only according to user reviews, but also in terms of price and quality ratio. The device has a large number of different functions: drying vegetables, berries, fruits, preparing yoghurts, marshmallows, drying fish and meat. The main distinguishing quality of this device is the presence of additional airflow from the sides and from the lid. If necessary, you can expand the device by purchasing additional pallets - they can be increased to 15 with a standard of 5 pieces.

The equipment is made from high-quality plastic that is resistant to high temperatures; the lid has increased thermal insulation, which reduces heat loss and ensures better drying. The thermostat provides temperature setting from 30 to 60 degrees, and a cold blow function is provided.

More: Top 10 best raspberry varieties, choosing the best raspberry seedlings


  • Good volume of working area;
  • Quiet operation;
  • High power;
  • Perfectly distributes air flow.


  • Not found.

VolTera 1000

Oberhof Fruchttrockner A-15

A practical and easy-to-use dryer for vegetables and fruits with compact dimensions. The device holds approximately 2-3 kg of food at a time. The set comes with 5 plastic double-sided pallets.

Convective airflow ensures uniform drying of food. Vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs, after such drying, retain all useful vitamins and minerals. The dehydrator body is made of food-grade plastic. It is completely transparent, so you can observe the drying of food without opening the device.

There is a timer for 24 hours, temperature adjustment within 35-70 degrees. There is no need to constantly monitor the drying process - just set the required parameters and go about your business. The control panel for the Oberhof A15 dryer is touch-sensitive. Even an inexperienced user will not have any problems during setup. The undoubted advantage of the dehydrator is its reasonable price.

Buy a good and compact dryer for vegetables, fruits and berries Oberhof Fruchttrockner A-15 from the manufacturer!


  • Dries food thoroughly and evenly;
  • Features high-quality German assembly;
  • Overheating protection is provided;
  • Despite its compact size, the device is quite spacious.


  • Not identified.

Oberhof Fruchttrockner A-15 dryer review

Vegetable and fruit dryer Oberhof Fruchttrockner A-15

Dryer Garlyn D-08 for vegetables and fruits

Dryer for vegetables and fruits Garlyn D-08.
Stylish, compact, ergonomic, it will be a good addition to any interior. A spacious loading chamber with a working volume of 30 liters allows you to dry a large number of ingredients. Drying time varies from 3 to 32 hours depending on the type of product. 8 levels with 3 collapsible segments ensure uniform placement of vegetables, fruits, meat and fish products. Each of them is easy to assemble and disassemble, making the dryer suitable for frequent, regular use. Using a rotary switch, the temperature can be easily adjusted between 35-70°C.

Note that all trays are made of transparent plastic, thanks to which you can control the degree of drying of products without stopping the operation of the device. Garlyn D-08 is also equipped with a tray for marshmallows. In addition, on the first lower level you can prepare yogurt at a recommended temperature of 40 degrees.

With Garlyn D-08 you can enjoy the taste of natural vegetables and fruits all year round. And a special drying technology will increase their shelf life several times.


  • 8 levels
  • 3 collapsible levels
  • presence of attachment for marshmallows
  • possibility of making yoghurt
  • large chamber volume
  • stylish design


  • lack of a timer in the device settings

Dryer Garlyn D-08 for vegetables and fruits

Oberhof Fruchttrockner B-53

The Oberhof Fruchttrockner B-53 dehydrator from the German brand will delight users with excellent performance and impeccable functionality.
This device is capable of a lot. It will not only effectively dry fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms and herbs, but also prepare delicious marshmallows and healthy yogurt. Thanks to the advanced convection system, the dryer dries food evenly and at the same time retains its beneficial properties and taste. The ease of use of the Oberhof Fruchttrockner B-53 dryer is determined by many factors. The device is equipped with a display on which operating parameters are displayed. The drying temperature is adjustable within 29-70 degrees Celsius. A timer of up to 24 hours allows you to go about your business while the food is being prepared for further storage. The dehydrator is controlled using touch buttons - convenient and fast. Maximum operational safety of the device is ensured by overheating protection.

Buy Oberhof Fruchttrockner B-53 dehydrator dryer at a good price!


  • Dries berries, vegetables, fruits, etc. evenly and efficiently;
  • Prepares yogurt and marshmallows;
  • There are additional functions: temperature control and timer;
  • A large number of pallets – 10 pieces;
  • Non-stick coating of baking sheets, which is easy to clean.


  • No backlight.

Review of the dryer dehydrator OBERHOF fruchttrockner B-53

Oberhof Fruchttrockner B-53

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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