How to lose 10 kg in 2 weeks using Ksenia Borodina’s cucumber diet?

Ksenia Borodina's signature diet: myth or reality

On the Internet you can often hear about the popular diet with which Ksenia Borodina regained her shape after the birth of her daughter. The secret of this diet is different on each site, as well as the approximate nutrition plan that is published by online publications. Many claim that the secret to losing extra pounds is the regular consumption of cucumbers, which consist mainly of water. Another version involves eating green vegetables and fruits.

In reality, Borodina’s miraculous cucumber diet does not exist, and what is written on the websites is just fiction, which has little to do with the TV presenter’s real method of losing weight.

A couple more secrets from Ksenia

Borodina smokes and is in no hurry to give up the bad habit. In terms of weight loss, smoking, of course, only plays into your hands, once again interrupting the desire to put something in your mouth. Yes, the habit is not good for health, but it can reduce the number of meals - if you go smoking every time you want to eat. It’s not for nothing that after breaking up with her, yesterday’s hard-core smokers begin to rapidly gain weight.

At the moment, Ksenia doesn’t see anything wrong with smoking and says that there is a time for everything – sometimes excess weight doesn’t bother us, sometimes cigarettes, sometimes something else. Now the most important thing for her is slimness.

Cucumbers are not the most useless product; they contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, and minerals. That is, your diet will not be completely “naked” while losing weight. When planning “supplements” to the diet menu, Borodina advises choosing healthy foods - for example, lean fish, chicken breast, olive oil. Little by little you will create an adequate, albeit rather meager, diet.

Physical activity is always good for everyone. Ksenia says that if you can’t go to the gym, don’t worry – you can work out at home. Walking, swimming, running, jumping rope, doing exercises on video - whatever you do, it definitely won’t get worse. Naturally, it is best to “sculpt” the body with a trainer, in the gym, according to an individually designed program.

Be sure to read: Why is obesity so dangerous for human health?

Don’t take the first cucumbers you come across - nitrate root vegetables are very likely to cause you to vomit. So spend a little more time, explore the market and order the healthiest, most delicious and natural cucumbers.

Herbal and green teas are what you need when losing weight. Also drink plain water, but if you are prone to swelling, not too much. In general, the correct drinking regime is always important - and Borodina adheres to it. Very often it is enough to drink a glass of water and you no longer feel like eating, because we confuse hunger with thirst.

Losing weight at "DOM-2"

At the very beginning of filming the television project “Dom-2”, Ksenia began to have health problems. Due to hydrobalance in the body and hormonal imbalance, the TV presenter faced the problem of excess weight. In addition, the screen also visually adds several kilograms, as a result of which Borodin completely ceased to like his own appearance.

This is what Ksenia looked like before losing weight

The girl tried many remedies and diets, which very quickly had an effect, and the excess weight melted away before our eyes. However, the weight was gaining again and stubbornly did not want to go away. As a result, the TV presenter had to return to her former shape with intense training and a strict diet.

How Borodina manages to maintain weight

After giving birth, Ksenia really recovered, but in just a few months she was able to lose about 16 kg, restoring her previous shape. Now Borodina weighs 46 kg with a height of 165 cm!

To lose excess weight in the first months after the birth of her daughter, Ksenia began:

  • take an active walk with your child, covering several kilometers on foot every day;
  • monitor your diet, taking into account the amount of calories and fat, while trying to balance and diversify your diet;
  • drink freshly squeezed juice;
  • exercise three times a week with the permission of doctors.

Like two sisters: Ksenia Borodina with her grown-up daughter Marusya

These measures helped me lose extra pounds and maintain great shape even now. There are no fasting days in the life of a TV star; she does not support fasting. But he prefers a healthy diet and regular exercise in the gym.

In nutrition, Ksenia adheres to the following rules:

  • It is forbidden to eat sweet pastries and bread;
  • a strict ban on any fast food;
  • You can rarely allow fried meat in small portions, controlling its composition;
  • Instead of chocolate, you should give preference to energy bars;
  • It is recommended to drink protein shakes while playing sports.

Products that are allowed for consumption:

  • chicken or turkey without skin;
  • steam-cooked fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fresh greens.

Prohibited products:

  • fried and spicy dishes;
  • flour products;
  • sweets;
  • pork;
  • alcohol.

Menu by day

During the week you can eat the following foods: cucumbers, rye bread, olive oil, vegetables except potatoes and corn, non-sugar fruits, all types of greens, meat without fat a couple of times a week. You are allowed to drink plain still water and green tea without sugar. The diet menu is approximate, you can adjust it to suit yourself.

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Dinner
1 A piece of bread with a couple of fresh cucumbers Orange Carrot, radish and cucumber soup plus green apple Fresh salad of cucumbers and herbs, dressed with oil
2 A piece of bread with a couple of fresh cucumbers Green apple Boiled beef with salad of radishes, cucumbers and herbs Salad for lunch
3 A piece of bread with a couple of fresh cucumbers Pear Boiled or stewed lean fish with brown rice and lightly salted cucumber Fresh salad of cucumbers, radishes and herbs, dressed with oil
4 A piece of bread with a couple of fresh cucumbers Pear Boiled brown rice with cheese with a fat content of 5 - 10% and fresh cucumber Fresh salad of cucumbers and herbs, dressed with oil
5 A piece of bread with a couple of fresh cucumbers Green apple Vegetable salad of carrots, radishes, cucumbers, herbs, cabbage A piece of low-fat cheese and green salad with cucumber
6 A piece of bread with a couple of fresh cucumbers Mandarin Carrot, radish and cucumber soup plus boiled egg Fresh green salad with cucumber, dressed with oil
7 A piece of bread with a couple of fresh cucumbers Fresh crispy cucumber Carrot, radish and cucumber soup plus green apple Fresh green salad with cucumber, dressed with oil

How Borodina lost weight after her second birth

After her second birth, Ksenia lost weight just as easily and quickly. The TNT star followed a proven path: proper nutrition and physical activity. Borodina did not exhaust herself with diets and did not train to the point of exhaustion. The TV presenter worked out for pleasure: moderately in the gym, swimming, walking.

The young mother also adjusted her daily routine. Lack of sleep is one of the reasons for weight gain.

Ksenia believes that you should not limit yourself in food, this will only harm your weight loss system. If you have a strong desire for a prohibited product, it is better to eat a small portion, but do not bring your body to a state of exhaustion.

The TV star does not prohibit eating even at night. It is important to choose the right low-calorie foods, such as fresh vegetables or fruits.

The secret of the presenter's ideal appearance lies not in a proprietary diet, which in reality does not exist, but in long and hard work on oneself, constant training and healthy eating.

The most important thing is to want to succeed and put every effort into it!

Delicious recipes

As you can see from the diet menu, it consists of vegetable dishes, so you can not limit yourself to just these and prepare different salads.

Cucumber with prunes.

Ingredients : fresh cucumber, red bell pepper, herbs, prunes, olive oil, salt.

While the vegetables are being cut, the prunes are soaked in boiling water. After chopping all the ingredients, season the salad with oil and salt to taste. To stir thoroughly.

  • Cucumbers with Chinese cabbage.

Ingredients: cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, tomato, onion, black olives or black olives, bell pepper, spices, olive oil.

Carefully cut all vegetables (into cubes or strips), pepper and salt, then pour in the oil and mix well.

  • Cucumber salad with mushrooms.

Ingredients: cucumbers, mushrooms, chicken fillet, green apple, bunch of lettuce, onion, spices (red pepper, salt, mustard powder), vinegar and olive oil.

You need to boil the fillet and mushrooms in advance. All components are chopped, spices are added, everything is thoroughly mixed. Separately mix spices and olive oil with vinegar. Season the salad with the resulting mixture.

  • Cucumber salad with beans.

Ingredients: cucumbers, beans (can be of different types), tomatoes, garlic cloves, shrimp or crab sticks, olive oil.

Cut all the ingredients and mix, then season the salad with oil, you can add spices to taste.

  • Cucumber salad with squid.

Ingredients: cucumbers, squid, eggs without yolks, a bunch of lettuce, onions, spices, butter or low-fat yogurt.

Pre-clean and boil the squid. To prevent them from being rubbery, immerse them in water for no more than 15 - 20 seconds. Next, all the ingredients are cut, mixed into rings and pieces of squid. Spices are added to butter or yogurt, and then this dressing is poured over the salad.

Ksenia Borodina lost weight: before and after photos

Ksenia Borodina after losing weight

Useful video

Watch the video about Ksenia Borodina before and after plastic surgery:

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