How to Lose Weight with an Hourglass Shape through Diet and Exercise

Are you a happy owner of an hourglass? Take care and improve your figure!

To stay in good shape, the vast majority of women have to watch their diet, often giving up their favorite foods. Thousands of diets help with this with varying degrees of effectiveness. But sometimes weight loss does not occur in the most problematic places. For the best individual results, experts have developed diets designed for different body types. The lucky owners of the most desirable “hourglass” are primarily aimed at maintaining or reducing the volume of the hips, otherwise they can quickly gain weight and you will turn into a “pear”. So what diet and exercise are suitable for an hourglass figure?

How to maintain proportions

An hourglass figure is the type of figure that all girls strive for, giving up their favorite foods and exhausting themselves with workouts. But amazing proportions are easy to break; such women are almost always prone to obesity, the appearance of cellulite, and the rapid deposition of belly fat. Your hands also get fat.

Note! There is also a consoling moment - the “hourglass” not only gets better, but also loses weight quite quickly.

It is enough to switch to proper nutrition, and in a few weeks your figure will take on excellent shape.

Principles of rational nutrition for the hourglass figure type:

  1. Small meals 5-6 times a day.
  2. Protein foods should prevail over carbohydrates.
  3. Elimination of fast carbohydrates.
  4. Regular physical activity. Hourglass does not need to exhaust itself; moderate or even low intensity is enough to maintain good shape. Light morning jogging, swimming or Pilates are suitable.
  5. Alcohol and smoking are not only harmful to health. These bad habits stimulate the production of hormones due to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. As a result, fat deposits accumulate, which are very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, an alcoholic diet is a very dubious idea.
  6. Strength loads on certain parts of the body are contraindicated for this type of figure. Give preference to cardio workouts.

Features of the figure

This body type is characterized by slender legs, a wasp waist, prominent hips and chest. Even a thin woman with these proportions is magically seductive, and a small amount of fat deposits can make a lady more piquant.

Beauties with an Hourglass figure rarely have problems choosing clothes. Dresses and skirts that hug every curve, high-waisted jeans and wide belts are made for them.

But the individual characteristics of the female body often cause trouble when a young lady is trying to lose weight. It is very difficult to lose excess weight in the buttocks and chest area. This problem has not spared the owners of the Hourglass.

First of all, deposits of unnecessary fat are formed in the bust and lower body, making the silhouette even more rounded. The process of weight gain in women with an Hourglass figure does not change the smoothness of the lines and does not affect the waist - the stomach is not a weak point. These people are the only ones who can easily lose weight and make their body beautiful by resorting to simple workouts.

Examine yourself - does your silhouette have an hourglass shape?

Fighting excess weight

To achieve the desired results, you need not to strive for radical changes, but to adjust the already impeccable shape of the Hourglass. Fortunately, you can lose weight evenly without using weight training equipment. To tone and strengthen muscles, you can dance or visit the pool.

The required proportions cannot be achieved without proper nutrition. The Hourglass has a tendency to lose weight, which leads to stretch marks and sagging skin. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar and flour so that the body does not become fat and is healthy.

Food and body beauty are closely interrelated. No trainer will help you hone your form to the cherished ideal if nutritional recommendations are ignored. Nutrition is the key to losing weight, it should be tasty and healthy:

  1. Anything containing sugar and any of its derivatives is strictly prohibited. “But glucose is a substance necessary for human life!” - you object. And you will even be partially right. Include natural sugar found in fruits and berries in your daily diet. Products containing it are of great benefit.
  2. Avoid confectionery sweets, smoked meats, fatty meats, alcohol, and caffeine. All this, of course, is familiar, tasty and affordable. But they cause more harm, especially for those who set out to lose weight.
  3. In the morning, drink water immediately after waking up.
  4. Include fish and lean meat, ideally white, in your diet.
  5. Eat vegetables and fruits of all kinds. In addition to vitamins, they contain valuable fiber.

There is no point in exercising without tracking what you put into your body through food. Working in the gym is a waste of time if a girl does not limit herself in calories, despite the desire to lose weight.

Recommended and prohibited products

When preparing a diet for an hourglass figure type, give preference to:

  • lean meat and poultry fillet;
  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • fish and seafood;
  • eggs (boiled);
  • fruits and vegetables, any greens.

Avoid or limit your use of:

  • avocado;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • sweets;
  • any flour products, pasta, baked goods, limit the amount of bread (even whole grain);
  • fatty meat;
  • smoked, fried foods.

Menu options

If you are not satisfied with gradual weight loss and need to speed up the process, in the absence of contraindications, you can resort to more strict diet methods for an hourglass figure.

Basic diet

The menu can be varied by replacing the proposed products with similar nutritional and energy value:

  • Breakfast - one egg, 50 g of low-fat cheese, bread and greens.
  • Second breakfast - an apple and a small handful of walnuts.
  • The main meal is a salad of non-starchy vegetables with chicken fillet, cottage cheese and egg, a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Replace bread with whole grain diet crackers.
  • Afternoon snack - pear or apple, 30 g of low-fat cheese.
  • Dinner - 100 g of baked potatoes, a glass of fresh orange juice, steamed broccoli without fat.

The diet is designed for a week.

Protein nutrition

Another weekly diet. Differs from most diets in the absence of snacks.

The first day:

  • Z - cottage cheese (100 g), unsweetened tea, apple.
  • O - chicken fillet (200 g), cabbage salad.
  • U - 0.5 liters of low-fat kefir.

Second day:

  • Z - tomatoes, omelet (2 eggs).
  • O - stewed fish (200 g), apple.
  • U - vegetable salad with olive oil.

The third day:

  • Z - unsweetened yogurt and tea, one apple.
  • O - chicken breasts (200 g), orange.
  • U - cucumber and crab salad.

Fourth day:

  • Z - a plate of oatmeal without sugar and milk, an apple.
  • O - boiled fish, grapefruit.
  • U - boiled shrimp, unsweetened tea.

Fifth day:

  • Z—fruit salad with unsweetened yogurt dressing.
  • O - vegetable soup, apple.
  • U - 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, grapefruit.

Sixth day:

  • Z - 2 boiled eggs, one orange.
  • O - cheesecakes, half a glass of kefir.
  • U - 200 g of lean grilled meat, cabbage salad.

Seventh day:

The diet ends with a repetition of the menu of the first day.

Read about the famous persimmon diet and what results you can achieve.

And here is all about the features of losing weight when using honey.

What's the point?

If we talk about other diets, they do not bring the expected results in the absence of willpower. Having kept their body on “bread and water” for a couple of days, many, as a rule, return to the usual menu: for some, this can happen gradually and from time to time they allow themselves to enjoy a piece of pizza or cake, while others break down at one moment when there is no I have more strength to listen to the rumbling in my stomach and no thoughts can distract my attention from the refrigerator.

The Hourglass diet is based primarily on the psychological perception of the nutrition process and, as experiments show, it is very effective. This system is characterized by consistency, if you like, monotony, and during the learning process a person gets used to choosing only the right products. Thus, the possibility that the lost pounds will return to their “home” is completely eliminated, and for this you will not have to make any effort on your part.

There will be no less temptations: lush donuts and colorful cakes will still be invitingly on store shelves, and the aromas wafting from the neighboring coffee shop will remain just as attractive. Only your attitude towards these factors that irritate your receptors will change, but believe me, this is quite enough not only to achieve the goal, but also to maintain your performance at the optimal level. And mental health will help with this - a set of psychological techniques.

Today, the Hourglass diet has the largest number of adherents in the USA and England, but it is gradually gaining popularity among our compatriots. It is somewhat similar to Vipassana, but in order to master it, it is not at all necessary to know the technique of Buddhist meditation. It is enough to understand the simplest exercises and pay attention to tips that will help you get rid of such bad habits as emotional overeating, late-night meals and snacks on the run. As practice shows, for gradual proper weight loss it will take no more than 16 months - during this time the main provisions of the system will become a habit and you will choose healthy foods “automatically”.

Why this name? First of all, this, of course, is connected with the same type of figure, which is the object of desire of every second representative of the fair sex. And secondly, it is recommended to use an hourglass to measure time while eating and while doing exercises.


The transition to proper nutrition with a predominance of protein foods, fruits and vegetables without a significant reduction in calories is suitable for any woman with an hourglass figure type.
Before using strict diets, you should consult your doctor. Cannot be used in cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • presence of acute diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • rehabilitation period after injuries and surgical operations.

Is it possible to get an hourglass figure?

First, you need to understand what a figure is. This is a kind of proportion between nutrition and stress (physical or mental).

This leads to two conclusions:

  1. If you are over- or under-nourished, it will be impossible to get the body of your dreams.
  2. If you have insufficient or excessive exercise, then it is also impossible to achieve an ideal physique.

Therefore, to create an hourglass figure, it is enough to maintain proportionality between nutrition and exercise.

What happens when there is no proportionality? In this situation, the following unpleasant consequences arise:

  • Excess (obesity) or insufficient (dystrophy) weight.
  • Formation of other body types (“apple”, “pear”, “triangle”).

In order for proportionality to be maintained, it is important to understand 2 basic principles:

  • To gain weight, you need to take in more calories than you burn.
  • To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in.

It turns out that any ideal figure is just a proportionality between nutrition and exercise. Next, we will look at other reasons for not having the figure of your dreams.


Women who complain about too rapid weight gain with this type of figure are being somewhat disingenuous. After all, it is much easier for them to lose weight than for others. Switching to a protein-vegetable diet will ensure a loss of about 400-500 g of weight per week.

Strict menus are recommended if you need to quickly lose weight before an event or beach vacation. Depending on your initial weight, you can lose 3-6 kg in just a week.

By adhering to proper nutrition in the future, you will maintain and improve this result.

It is important! Such unhurried weight loss is compensated by the fact that fat is lost, and this is exactly what everyone strives to achieve.

General recommendations:

  1. Avoid prolonged fasting. A protein diet will allow you to avoid it with low calorie content and unnecessary stress for the body.
  2. It is very effective to use 1-2 fasting days a week.
  3. Jog, swim, do gymnastics. In your case, even the lightest and most enjoyable physical activity will allow you to easily lose a few kilograms without a strict diet.

Forget about junk food

No matter how beneficial a new diet may be, our body needs time to get used to it. Therefore, we act consistently and gradually exclude from the daily menu foods that are harmful and empty calories.

We start with breakfast - here we use leafy vegetables and fresh herbs. We add spinach, dill and parsley to omelettes, and enrich citrus smoothies with fresh lettuce and celery leaves. If you prefer yogurt in the morning, then chopped nuts, seeds, and flax seeds will work great in it.

Flavor the dishes you prepare for lunch with the same leafy vegetables, and casseroles with grated carrots, zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli. And don’t forget about salads, which should also consist mainly of fresh vegetables and herbs with the addition of a small portion of nuts. At the same time, it is advisable to season them with cold-pressed vegetable oil or a sauce based on mashed avocado. It is recommended to replace some of the meat with plant-based protein sources, such as legumes.

And when preparing soups, thicken them not with flour, but with ground millet, amaranth or tofu cheese.

So, you will gradually be able to eliminate fast carbohydrates and unhealthy fats from your diet, and the body will begin to receive an optimal portion of energy and a feeling of satiety, which will last for quite a long time.


A strict diet for an hourglass figure gives excellent results.

Olga, 25 years old: “Two years ago I quickly gained weight and my “hourglass” formed into an almost classic “pear”. I spent two weeks on a diet with an advantage of proteins, vegetables and fruits and immediately lost 6 kg, mainly on my stomach and thighs. I don’t start the situation anymore, I stick to proper nutrition, 1 fasting per week on kefir. Even without going to the gym, I don’t complain about my figure.”

Svetlana, 30 years old: “After giving birth, I gained more than 20 kg and became blurry. I went on a diet when I stopped breastfeeding. I repeated it 3 times in 2 months, and I lost 11 kg! I achieved the rest without strict restrictions; I excluded fast carbohydrates, fried foods, and fatty foods. I run in the morning. I completely regained my shape and even improved it in six months.”

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