Proper use of Donat Magnesium water

Instructions for using water

Donat Mg is a medicinal water, so when taking it orally you should follow certain rules and not exceed the required amount. Only a doctor can determine the exact dosage and treatment method, so you should seek advice from a professional.

The characteristics of the body are individual for each person, so the dosage is also calculated individually based on needs. Magnesium is indeed a very important element for the normal functioning of the body; it supports the functioning of most processes that constantly occur in various life support systems. In order to maintain the balance of elements at the desired level and not be subject to various diseases, it is important to restore magnesium levels in case of its deficiency. It is simply necessary to normalize magnesium levels in order not to encounter diseases, as well as to prevent their development. For the best absorption of the element, it is best to dissolve magnesium in water - this is the form that is most acceptable for the human body and allows you to achieve an effective result as quickly as possible.

The consumption rates of milligrams of magnesium per day for various categories of people are as follows:

How to lose weight

The problem of how to lose weight remains the main issue for people of different ages, and if previously it was mainly women who exhausted themselves with diets, today getting rid of extra pounds has become the number one task for many men. Every adult who has crossed the age of 40, to one degree or another, has problems with excess weight, the consequences of which are well known to everyone. Excess weight is a deterioration in the functioning of internal organs, shortness of breath, poor health and dissatisfaction with one's appearance, on the basis of which stress conditions and depression develop.

The question of how to lose weight is also relevant because in our time a slim figure is one of the main components of the image, so taking care of yourself has become absolutely necessary to achieve success in life.

The dangers of excess weight and its main causes

First of all, the appearance of extra pounds is the first step towards obesity, which affects all areas of the body’s functioning: the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and reproductive systems. If you do not promptly address the problem of how to lose weight, the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, joint diseases and cancer increases significantly. Organs stop functioning normally due to increased stress, which causes accelerated aging and wear and tear of the body.

A blurred figure affects the perception of a person by others, which becomes a cause of anxiety, nervous tension and decreased self-esteem. Thus, excess weight is a problem that affects not only physiological, but also psychological and aesthetic aspects.

Before moving on to the question of how to lose weight, it is necessary to find out why we get fat? If we do not consider genetic predisposition, then the main reason for the appearance of extra pounds is an improper diet and uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie foods. Despite all attempts to calculate calories, few people deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying an extra piece of their favorite food. Our life today also contributes to this: many people eat in restaurants and often attend corporate events with an obligatory plentiful feast.

The next reason is age, after 40-45 years, metabolic processes slow down, as a result of which fat begins to accumulate in the body. Women at this age experience hormonal imbalances, which also contribute to weight gain and noticeably affect their appearance.

An equally common problem of our time is a sedentary lifestyle and a decrease in physical activity, which makes it difficult to burn calories. And finally, one of the key reasons is the insufficient amount of fluid in the body, which makes it difficult for the kidneys to remove waste products from the body. In this regard, the recipe for losing weight seems obvious: drink more water, but daily absorption of large volumes of water is not a panacea. It is necessary to activate metabolic processes, get rid of constipation, cleanse the body and at the same time maintain the balance of micro- and macroelements necessary for life. This can be achieved with the help of Donat Mg mineral water, unique in its composition, which is recommended for everyone who wants to lose weight without harm to their health.

How to lose weight with Donat Mg water?

The most common way to lose extra pounds is dieting, but in most cases they cause irreparable damage to the body. If you decide to get serious about correcting your weight, then making drastic changes to your diet is necessary, but only in compliance with all the recommendations of a nutritionist. In parallel with this, it is necessary to take Donat Mg mineral water, which normalizes metabolic processes and cleanses the body of toxins. Calcium and magnesium ions contained in Donat Mg water form salts with the fats of the food consumed, which are not absorbed by the cells of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, only your own fats remain in the body, which begin to be converted into energy.

One of the reasons for excess weight is impaired sensitivity to insulin, when cells stop recognizing glucose and process it poorly. Excess insulin causes nutrients to be converted into fats.

Mineral water Donat Mg increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin and accelerates the processing of fats. Along with this, very often a person mistakes alarm signals from a dehydrated body for a feeling of hunger. By consuming food and replacing water with juices, soda, tea and other drinks, we do not provide the body with water, but we begin to eat even more intensively. And how to lose weight in this situation? We can give only one piece of advice: do exactly the opposite, that is, drink Donat Mg water, which saturates the body with micro- and macroelements and at the same time relieves the feeling of hunger.

Dosage regimens for Donat Mg for weight loss

Any scheme for losing weight requires a thoughtful approach and a willingness to strictly follow the recommendations. No one has yet managed to lose weight without harm to health in a matter of days, so to achieve the effect, Donat Mg mineral water is also designed to take a full course lasting 4-6 weeks. 15-20 minutes before breakfast you need to drink 200-300 ml of warmed Donat Mg water in one gulp. Next, you should repeat the intake before lunch and dinner, drinking 150-200 ml of water at room temperature in slow sips. Due to the fact that Donat Mg mineral water does not help quench thirst, it is necessary to drink artesian water 2-2.5 hours after eating. In parallel with taking the Donat Mg course, you should adjust your diet and increase physical activity, since the problem of how to lose weight is complex and requires the same comprehensive solution.

How to take Donat Mg to lose weight

WhenHow manyAt what temperatureHowWhat time is it
20 minutes before breakfast200-300 mlWarm upFast4-6 weeks
20 minutes before lunch150-200 mlRoom temperatureSlowly
20 minutes before dinner150-200 mlRoom temperatureSlowly

Donat Mg course results

All of the above schemes of action of Donat Mg mineral water already confirm the effectiveness of this method, but every person who wants to lose weight is interested in specific results. Studies have shown that even if you consume 500 ml of water during one course, you can get rid of 8-16 kg! After consultation with a specialist, the daily dosage can be increased, but an excessive desire for quick results is just as harmful to health as being overweight. The course of getting rid of extra pounds with Donat Mg water can be taken 2-3 times a year, and if you sum up the results of each course, then in a year you will not only have a slim figure, but also a cleansed and fully functioning body!


After reading the information presented in detail, you should no longer worry about the question of how to lose weight. Donat Mg mineral water eliminates the need to take special medications for weight loss and does not have any harmful effects, because its use is recommended for children and pregnant women.

Getting rid of extra pounds occurs naturally without additional stress on the body, since the effect of water is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes and removing toxins.

Donat Mg mineral water activates the movement of food through the intestines and promotes rapid emptying, which, in turn, also leads to weight loss. By reducing appetite, the regularity of food intake is reduced, but there is no shortage of vital substances, and at the same time energy production is activated.

For children:

  • 40% in the morning and before lunch;
  • 20% before evening meal.

After two and a half hours after eating, you need to drink clean water. Calculating the amount is simple - 30 ml per kilogram of weight.

Before starting the course, you need to familiarize yourself with important rules that guarantee the achievement of effective results.

  • At the beginning of the course, it is necessary to consume half of the specified norm to allow the body to get used to the effects of the liquid. Gradually you need to move to the specified amount of drink;
  • Water can only be drunk for medicinal purposes; it cannot be used as a substitute for regular liquid;
  • The drink must be stored at room temperature, avoiding cold places;
  • Donat Mg medicinal water does not compensate for the body's daily need for fluid, so drink the required amount of water in addition to the medicinal drink;
  • Before use, be sure to read the contraindications and coordinate the course with your doctor.

Release form, price and analogues of Donat water

Donat Mg mineral water is produced in Slovenia, in the resort town of Rogaška Slatina. .

There are 3 forms of release: plastic bottles of 0.5 l and 1 l, and a glass bottle of 0.75 l. You can see the appearance of the packages in the photo.

Bottle of Donat magnesium water 0.5 liters

Bottle of Donat magnesium water 0.75 liters

Bottle of Donat magnesium water 1 liter

Medicinal water can be purchased at the following prices:

  • a 0.5 l bottle costs 85-95 rubles;
  • 1 liter bottle – 140-145 rubles;
  • bottle 0.75 l – 165-170 rubles.

There is no direct analogue. However, there are other products containing magnesium that can have a similar effect on the body.

AnalogueProduct InformationPrice
Zajecicka Horka, Czech RepublicBitter drink without carbon, 0.5 l in a bottle.190-195 rubles
Sulinka, SlovakiaCarbonated product, available in volumes of 0.33 l, 0.5 l, 1.5 l.55-115 rubles
Stelmas Mg, RussiaSparkling water, 0.5 l and 1 l in a bottle.45-60 rubles
Truskavetskaya, UkraineTable lightly carbonated water, 0.5 l.50-55 rubles
Narzan, RussiaMedium carbonated mineral water, plastic bottles of 0.5 l and 1 l.40-55 rubles
Biovita, RussiaMineral water without carbon, 0.6 l, 1.5 l and 5 l.35-180 rubles
Uleimskaya Magnesiya, RussiaProduct with high gas content, plastic bottles of 0.25 l, 0.5 l, 1.5 l.15-35 rubles

All these mineral waters contain a large amount of magnesium and other elements beneficial to the human body.

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