Contraceptive pills for women under 20-30 years old

Historical reference

Many representatives of the fair sex mistakenly believe that birth control pills are a completely new invention, so they often do not trust them. This method of contraception was first discussed 100 years ago. And in 1960, the American doctor Pincus introduced the first pill against unwanted pregnancy called Enovid. It contained huge doses of hormones. Over time, the proportions were refined, the amount of hormones decreased, and the effectiveness of this contraceptive increased. Today, this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is considered one of the most reliable, and its effectiveness is 99.9%.


Non-hormonal medications are intended to be administered directly into the vaginal area. They prevent unwanted pregnancy and are a safe contraceptive option. The tablets are completely free of hormones.

They protect the genitals from possible infection and have a mild bactericidal effect.

Medicines that contain hormones are called oral contraceptives or OCs. They are characterized by a high degree of protection.

They prevent unwanted pregnancy, and also increase the content of hormones when they are severely deficient in a woman’s body. There are two types:

  1. Combined oral contraceptives or COCs
    . They include 2 types of hormones (progesterone, necessary for the ovulation process, and a synthetic analogue of estrogen).

  2. Mini-drinks
    . The dosage of hormones in them is minimal.

The hormone content of COCs may vary. They come in low, micro and high dosage. Contraceptive pills should be selected taking into account age characteristics.

Implantation bleeding is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, appearing even before your period. But this symptom occurs only in 3 out of 10 women, so not everyone knows how to distinguish implantation from menstruation. Read more in the article: “how to distinguish menstruation from implantation.”

The effectiveness of contraceptives for weight loss

Gynecologists believe that weight loss when taking contraceptives is inversely proportional to the dosage of estrogen in tablets:

  • <20 mg – weight loss;
  • = 30 mg – do not affect body weight;
  • 50 mg – kilograms are coming.

These conclusions are based on research. Estrogen activates the adrenal glands, causing the accumulation of water in the body, the deposition of salts, and this leads to weight gain. When using drugs with a minimum dosage of estrogen, water, on the contrary, is removed from the body. In addition, birth control pills stabilize hormonal levels, thereby improving the functions of all organ systems. As a result, this leads to the conversion of fat cells into energy. Thus, contraceptives promote weight loss indirectly, through a beneficial effect on the body at the hormonal level.

They have another advantage. Since contraception involves long-term use of drugs, weight will be lost constantly and gradually.

Note! Weight gain after starting to take contraceptives indicates that the drug was not suitable. It is necessary to undergo an examination to select the most suitable drug.

Doctors believe that it is impossible to lose weight only thanks to contraceptives. More precisely, it is only possible if excess weight appears due to an excess of male hormones in the body or, for example, due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Weight returns to normal due to normalization of hormonal levels.

Important! You should not take medications solely for the purpose of losing weight. Because their main purpose is to prevent conception.

When choosing a hormonal drug, rather, you need to pose the question differently. Not how to lose weight with the help of contraceptives, but how not to gain weight while taking hormonal contraceptives.

Types of contraceptives for weight loss

Drugs suitable for weight loss are classified into three types:

  • Low dosage - progesterone and ethinyl estradiol in amounts up to 35 mg - are the main components of such drugs. They are recommended for use by women under 35 years of age; Among other things, they normalize the cycle.
  • Microdosed - contain a minimum of hormone, so they have few contraindications and rarely cause side effects. Recommended for use by young women. Optimally suitable for those who are taking hormonal contraceptives for the first time.
  • Mini-pills contain only progesterone. They can be taken during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. They are recommended for women under 25 and after 35.

Criterias of choice

There are many birth control pills, the choice of which should be approached with all responsibility. In this matter, you cannot do without the help of a gynecologist. After all, a specialist will be able to prevent the occurrence of such undesirable reactions as infertility, problems with the quality of hair and skin, and excess weight. The main selection criteria are the following:

  1. Amount of active substances. Most often, the drugs of choice are combined contraceptive pills. They contain a small dose of hormones that provide minimal impact on the body.

  2. History of pregnancy, period of breastfeeding.
  3. Age and lifestyle, including bad habits and level of activity. Birth control pills for women over 40 will be different from those suitable for young and nulliparous girls.

  4. Pricing. The more associated health problems, the more complex the hormone formula will be. As a result, such drugs will not be cheap, and the cost can vary between 1-2 thousand rubles per package.

Before you start using COCs, you must undergo a series of tests and ultrasound diagnostics. Some women are not ready to take pills due to problems with the pelvic organs. Most often this occurs in young ladies.

An orthopedic posture corset is a device that helps the patient keep his back straight in different parts of the spine. Prescribed by an orthopedist, neurologist, osteopath in combination with massage, physiotherapy, and active physical activity. Read more in the article: “Does a posture corset help an adult?”

Girls under 20 years old

For young girls aged 16-20 years, birth control pills are most often prescribed not only to protect against unwanted pregnancy. They are often used for therapeutic purposes, such as to treat acne. The drugs of choice are the following:

  1. Jess
    . The drug is suitable for the treatment of acne. Some women notice the disappearance of cellulite after use. It has a minimal list of side effects, but may be partially addictive.

  2. Jess plus
    . This drug differs from Jess tablets only in composition. It is recommended for girls who are planning a pregnancy in the future. It contains calcium levomefolate, which prevents the occurrence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

  3. Midiana
    . The composition contains 2 active components - drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. The drug does not cause addiction or allergic reactions. Every 6 months it is recommended to change the dosage based on the recommendations of the gynecologist.

For therapeutic purposes, such drugs are taken for at least 6 months. For contraception, long-term use is allowed, including for several years. Tablets are selected taking into account the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and the presence of concomitant diseases. For girls with controlled diabetes, COCs with 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol are indicated.

Features of contraception in adolescents

For teenagers, the safest method of contraception is considered to be a barrier method - the use of condoms. The use of birth control pills is not recommended. Girls' reproductive system is still developing. Taking hormones can negatively affect their health later.

Many doctors warn that such medications have an androgenic effect. They help improve the condition of the skin, eliminate acne and excessive oiliness. Such indications for use are usually not indicated in the instructions.

This means that clinical trials have not been conducted to address these problems.

Similar recommendations apply to prescriptions in case of irregular menstrual cycles. To normalize it, you should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist, undergo a comprehensive examination and only then begin therapy. It is highly undesirable to use this method of protection in the following cases:

In the absence of contraindications, microdose or triphasic COCs are usually used. An alternative may be local spermicides (suppositories, creams or gels). They are inserted directly into the vagina.

Hormonal diet pills: effectiveness, names and reviews

What girls will do to achieve their dream figure. Some starve or go on strict diets, others choose more unusual methods, for example, start taking hormonal pills. This article will tell you whether such means really help you get rid of extra pounds, and whether it is dangerous to choose this method of losing weight.

  • Some recommendations
  • Reviews

List of hormones that help you lose weight

Before finding out about hormonal pills, it is important to first understand which hormones affect our physique.

The following substances affect fat burning:

  • somatotropin (growth hormone);
  • thyroid hormones;
  • sex hormones (estrogen).

These hormones are the 3 main, but not the only ones, influencing metabolism and fat burning. Weight is also affected by adrenaline, endorphins, testosterone, insulin, and glucagon.

Will pills help you lose weight?

In fact, no specialist will prescribe hormones for weight loss. Such drugs have a lot of side effects and contraindications, so they can only be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis.

For example, hormonal tablets with the thyroid hormone L-thyroxine are prescribed for hypothyroidism. This pathology is characterized by an increase in body weight due to a slow metabolism resulting from insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland.

Normally, the human body produces as many hormones as it needs. That is why such remedies will help you lose weight only if the body has hormonal imbalances, and for some reason it cannot produce hormones on its own.

In the case when excess weight is caused by banal laziness and overeating, then hormonal pills not only will not help, but can also cause harm. That is why, before taking such drugs, examination and consultation with a specialist is required.

If you neglect this advice and take hormonal drugs during the normal functioning of the body, you can cause serious disruptions. For example, if you take artificial thyroid hormones while the thyroid gland is functioning normally, then over time it will begin to become lazy and simply stop producing them on its own.

If we consider growth hormone, then for it to be effective it should be injected. This hormone, when administered, helps to quickly gain muscle mass. However, after its cancellation, the previous forms may return again.

All hormonal drugs are prescribed only if their production is insufficient, so if diets and exercise do not bring the desired effect, it’s time to think about checking your hormonal levels.

Names and effects of drugs

If we single out all the hormone-based drugs that will help you lose weight, they can be divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Birth control pills.
  2. Growth hormones.
  3. For the thyroid gland.

Girls under 25 years old

For girls aged 20 years and older, contraceptive drugs are selected by the doctor, based on her medical history. Most COCs are approved for women who have already given birth. At this age, there may be experience with taking hormonal drugs, which is not always successful. Also, some girls develop chronic diseases, intermenstrual bleeding, oligomenorrhea and other problems. Therefore, preference is usually given to the following means:

  1. Rigevidon
    . A monophasic combined action drug reduces the risk of pregnancy and normalizes the menstrual cycle. It relieves pain in MPS well. May cause excessive tearfulness and decreased libido.

  2. Yarina
    . The components of the product suppress ovulation and stabilize the cycle. There is also an improvement in the condition of the skin. Some women even lose weight. There may be a decrease in libido, the appearance of apathy and pain in the mammary glands.

At this age, the body is already fully formed. Therefore, preference should be given to tablets with a high content of hormones. Low-dose drugs are suitable for women with high progesterone levels.

Women under 30 years old

By the age of 30, many representatives of the fair sex develop diseases associated with hormonal imbalance (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.). Women who have not given birth are often diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Therefore, contraceptive pills for women over 30 years of age are prescribed not only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also to normalize hormonal levels.

In the case of the problems listed above, by this age almost everyone has experience using COCs. And it is not always positive. Some women gain weight from such pills. If you have previously noticed weight gain or swelling, it is better to choose Yarina. In other situations, the following means are used:

  1. For endometriosis: Trigestrel, Rigevidon.
  2. In case of decreased libido: Lindinet, Janine.

  3. For polycystic ovary syndrome, acne: Jess, Dimia.

Women who smoke should select COCs with extreme caution. Preference should be given to drugs with a minimal dose of estrogens or pure gestagens. This will minimize the likelihood of developing vascular complications.

Are there birth control pills that have a weight loss effect?

To understand which pills will help not only save you from pregnancy, but also improve your figure, you should pay attention to their classification and method of action:

  • Monophasic . As the cycle progresses, hormones are distributed evenly.
  • Two-phase . The dosage of the hormone changes on the day of ovulation.
  • Three-phase . The packaging is divided into three parts with different amounts of hormones in each.

Be sure to read: What vitamins to take when losing weight, complexes that promote weight loss, names and reviews

For weight loss, monophasic drugs are chosen. They act smoothly and slowly, but the weight loss results will persist even after canceling the course.

Among other things, OCs are divided depending on dosage:

  • Microdosed . For girls who have not given birth under 27 years of age.
  • Low dosage . For girls and women who have given birth to recover after childbirth and provide protection from unwanted pregnancy.
  • Highly dosed . For the treatment of serious hormonal disorders and endocrine diseases. Sold with a gynecologist's prescription. Errors during administration and uncontrolled use are fraught with infertility.
  • Histogenic . Suitable for those who have contraindications to all of the above types.

OK for weight loss does not exist! Losing excess weight is just an additional effect of taking it. Additional, but not the one for which it is worth taking the drug.

Emergency contraceptive pills

To prevent unwanted pregnancy in case of unprotected sexual intercourse, a woman can use emergency contraception. The best drugs of choice are Postinor or Escapelle. It is advisable to use them no later than 72 hours after intimacy.

Emergency contraception with Postinor is used according to the following scheme: first, the woman takes 1 tablet, and exactly 12 hours later, the second. The escapelle is used once. The maximum period for taking the tablets is 72 hours, determined by the time of possible implantation of the fertilized egg. Postinor or Escapelle can be used for exceptional indications (for example, rape or condom rupture). The World Health Organization does not recommend using them more than 4 times a year.

It is also not recommended to take such contraceptive pills for women after 35 years of age, especially on an ongoing basis. In Russia, ladies often neglect the advice of doctors, which is fundamentally wrong. Emergency contraceptives have an abortifacient function. They can harm the body's reproductive abilities.

Methods of hormonal contraception

Modern medicine does not stand still. And a woman can freely choose the method of hormonal contraception that is most optimal for her.

Traditionally, hormonal contraception is divided into oral (in simple terms, pills: mini-miles and combined oral contraceptives, emergency contraceptives) and parenteral (intrauterine device, hormonal ring, hormonal patch, etc.)

But today the most popular and widespread are still combined oral contraceptives, or in common parlance “OK” these are our birth control pills, which we will talk about in more detail today.

All these drugs are based on changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. But each of them has its own operating principle.

How birth control pills work

Today we will talk about the so-called oral contraceptives or, in common parlance, birth control pills, which are most popular among the female population.

Typically, birth control pills contain two hormones - a synthetic analogue of estrogen and progesterone. Their contraceptive effect is based on suppressing ovulation.

That is, the female reproductive cell simply does not mature and does not enter the uterus. And, in addition, they thicken cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus, and change the structure of the endometrium. If the sperm has already penetrated the uterine cavity, then it certainly will not attach.

The effectiveness of OK is about 99%, but we must keep in mind that 1% still happens.

Rules of application

Depending on the type of drug chosen, the package may contain 21 or 28 tablets. You need to start taking them from the first day of the menstrual cycle at approximately the same time of day. Take 1 tablet with plenty of water. For convenience and control, the blister contains arrows and day numbers. This allows you to monitor the correct reception.

If there are 21 tablets in a box, after taking the last one you need to take a break for 7 days. At this time, as a rule, menstruation begins. If there are 28 tablets in the box with the selected drug, there is no need to stop taking them. Immediately after finishing the packaging, you need to start a new one the next day.

You cannot miss your appointment time.

If a woman forgets to take a pill, she must follow the instructions. It may vary depending on the medication. As a rule, you need to take the missed pill as soon as possible and then continue the course as usual. However, during this period it is recommended to additionally protect yourself with barrier contraceptives.

How to take birth control pills for weight loss?

You should start taking hormonal pills for weight loss from the first day of menstruation.
On the package there is a tablet marked with the word “start”, the rest are simply numbered. To avoid confusion, you need to take 1 tablet daily, moving along the arrow. A prerequisite is compliance with the exact appointment time. It is not recommended to change it so as not to reduce the therapeutic and contraceptive effects. After finishing the package of 21 contraceptive pills, a break of 7 days is required, then the reception is resumed. Women who take medications with 28 tablets do not need to take a break.

Hormonal drugs for weight loss should act as a complement to proper nutrition and physical activity. If, while taking birth control, a woman is unrestrained in food, prefers sweets, starchy foods and eats little vegetables and fruits, it will be impossible to control the appearance of excess weight.

Cost of popular drugs

The cost of contraceptive pills usually varies from 300 to 2000 rubles. Inexpensive drugs are usually used as an emergency treatment to prevent pregnancy. The most popular medications are presented in the table below.

Group of drugsExamplesPrice
Monophasic contraceptivesRegulon Janine280 rubles 800 rubles
Biphasic drugsFemoston700 rubles
Three-phase medicationsTri-Regol Tri-Mercy200 rubles 650 rubles

Contraception is a prescription drug. Therefore, it is correct if pharmacy chain employees require a prescription. However, they usually go to the meeting and sell pills based on a prescription issued by a doctor. It contains a seal, the specific name of the contraceptive, and a stamp from a medical institution.

Contraindications and side effects

Serious chronic diseases are rare in young girls. However, heart pathologies are a strict contraindication to taking hormonal contraceptives. Preparations containing estrogens are not recommended for women with diabetes, excess weight, or a tendency to thrombosis. Doctors usually prescribe pure gestagens to such patients. There are no birth control pills that make you lose weight.

You cannot select such drugs on your own; only a doctor can do this. The dosage of the hormone and its chemical formula can cause unwanted side effects. They usually manifest themselves in the form of headaches, nausea and vomiting. In particularly serious cases, vaginal dryness, amenorrhea and menstrual irregularities develop. Uncontrolled use of birth control pills is dangerous due to decreased libido. The listed conditions require immediate discontinuation of the drug and replacement with an analogue.

What drugs will help you lose weight

Ladies who prefer OK have noticed that it is not always possible to achieve a slim figure; the tablets need to contain drospirenone . This is what promotes weight loss.

What kind of hormone is this and what is it used for? The initial action of drospirenone is to suppress ovulation. But, besides this, this substance has a number of positive characteristics:

  • If hormonal contraceptives, which help you lose weight, contain drospirenone, then excess fluid is removed from the body.
  • Preparations containing it have a therapeutic effect. The condition of the skin improves, acne and seborrhea are eliminated.
  • The patients' blood pressure normalizes.
  • In women, swelling of the mammary gland is relieved.

There is a simple explanation for the wonderful properties of hormonal diet pills. Slimness returns to the female body due to the fact that the body is deprived of excess fluid. But you should know that this does not burn fat deposits.

It is important to note that along with the benefits of drospirenone, there are also a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

If a woman takes pills that contain the specified substance, but for some reason drospirenone is not suitable for her, then the body will signal the problem in the following ways:

  • allergic rash on the body;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • visual impairment;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle.

If, after using contraceptives containing drospirenone, at least one of these reactions is observed, then you should immediately stop taking it and be sure to consult a doctor.

It is important to remember that taking contraceptives on your own is not recommended. You must first consult a gynecologist and undergo a number of examinations.

Before taking hormonal contraceptives that help you lose weight, be sure to consult a gynecologist

Statistical information

Today, about 45% of women choose oral contraceptives. The average age group is 20-55 years. The new generation of drugs is considered safer compared to analogues from 20 years ago. Manufacturers reduce hormone levels to reduce the risk of negative consequences. According to recent studies, women taking COCs are less likely to suffer from diseases of the ovaries and mammary glands. They also have a positive effect on the quality of libido, especially in people with large time gaps in sexual relationships.

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