Official website Reduslim: diet pills

Composition of the active formula

The weight loss capsules contain exclusively natural ingredients. Therefore, the drug practically does not cause the development of adverse reactions. The only exception is individual intolerance to one or another component, which entails the occurrence of undesirable reactions.

Reduslim contains the following components:

  1. Yacon root : rich in dietary fiber, inulin, helps normalize glucose cravings, increases the production of endorphins, and provides additional energy.
  2. Glucomannan : has the properties of a natural thickener that increases the viscosity of gastric secretions and reduces unhealthy feelings of hunger. Does not allow fats entering the body with food to be fully absorbed.
  3. Hoodia gordonii : the presence of glycoside P75 allows you to block the feeling of hunger in the center of the nervous system. Activates the use of internal reserves to produce energy for the body's needs.
  4. Irvingia gabonica : responsible for the synthesis of leptin, which lowers the glycemic index in consumed food. The component accelerates metabolic processes, removes cholesterol from the blood, and enhances weight loss.
  5. Evening primrose oil : strengthens the body, normalizes hormone levels, increases skin firmness and elasticity.
  6. Wild saffron oil : contains linoleic acid in conjugated form, lowers cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood circulation, and helps accelerate intestinal peristalsis.

Reduslim contains only those components that do not lose their beneficial effects even in the vicinity of the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract. Most diet pills suffer from this deficiency, so they do not provide a lasting effect.

Reduslim fully copes with its responsibilities, having a detrimental effect on internal fat accumulation. Its use provides a lasting effect on weight loss, without the risk of its return.

Reduslim contains a number of auxiliary components:

  1. Extract from Coleus forskohlii : accelerates metabolic processes, stimulating the burning of lipid deposits. Removes excess fluid from the body and strengthens muscle structure.
  2. Enzymes lipase, protease : characterized by a prolonged action, normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen the vascular and capillary networks.

The composition of Reduslim is perfectly balanced, allowing you to quickly achieve the desired image, forever getting rid of the hated kilograms. Taking the drug is not at all dangerous, there are only small restrictions on its use, you can study them in the instructions.

You can order the drug on the official website directly from the manufacturer. Here you can read reviews from real customers and get advice from a specialist who can answer all your questions.

Official website of the manufacturer Reduslim

When purchasing from an official manufacturer, you can simply first read reviews from experts, buyers and all information about the product.

The product from the manufacturer helps you lose weight very quickly, get rid of bad eating habits and improve your metabolism.

Since the product became in demand and popular, it began to be counterfeited. Read more about how to distinguish a fake and what analogs of the product, similar additives, medications and dietary supplements are available.

When ordering on you will receive only the original product.

Instructions for use of the drug Reduslim

How to take Reduslim correctly:

  • take one capsule in the morning or evening;
  • Take the morning capsule 30 minutes before breakfast;
  • take the tablet with enough clean water;
  • try to take the drug at the same time every day;
  • continue therapy for 4-8 weeks;
  • A repeat course after a break of 30 days must be taken in the presence of advanced forms of obesity.

Features of taking the drug:

  • during the course of taking Reduslim, you must drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gas per day;
  • Exceeding the recommended dosages is not recommended; this approach will not accelerate weight loss, but will provoke the development of unwanted reactions.

Reduslim - real reviews

more reviews:


My husband posed the question bluntly: either I lose weight or get a divorce. I couldn’t lose weight for 10 years, despite dieting. I saw an advertisement on the Internet and decided to take a risk. I am pleasantly surprised that Reduslim really works: I noticed changes already from the second week of taking it. And after the entire course, my weight decreased by 12 kg!

Svetlana Alekseevna

At my age, active sports are not always good for health. Hypertension began, the doctor said I need to lose weight so that it doesn’t get worse. I started taking this remedy, I have already lost 10 kilograms, and I began to feel 10 years younger.

Go to the official website Link verified for authenticity by our specialists

pharmachologic effect

How does Reduslim work? The product promotes gentle weight loss by improving the functioning of all systems of the human body: cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, endocrine. The patient refuses to overeat due to dulling of hunger.

Effect of Reduslim on the body:

  • cleaning from waste and toxins;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • splitting and removing fat deposits, even internal ones;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • regulation of appetite, getting rid of constant hunger;
  • preventing the re-deposition of fat;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Useful properties and description

Reduslim not only promotes the breakdown of fat deposits, but also acts as an assistant in relieving side effects from the presence of subcutaneous fat.

Effects and what properties the product has:

  • helps relieve pain;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs and systems;
  • getting rid of stagnation;
  • replenishment of vitamins and minerals;
  • elimination of heaviness;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • restoration of gastrointestinal tract processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Hoodia gordonii

  • decreased appetite;
  • acceleration of fat breakdown processes.

Coleus forskohlii

  • removal of excess fluid;
  • getting rid of toxins;
  • acceleration of intestinal motility.

Linoleic acid (saffron oil)

  • improved blood circulation;
  • increased intestinal motility;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels.


  • interference with lipid absorption;
  • breakdown of fat deposits.

Irvingia gabonica

  • removal of toxins;
  • general strengthening of the body.

Primrose oil

  • regulation of hormonal levels;
  • improving the condition of the skin.

Yacon root extract

  • increasing skin tone;
  • stimulation of endorphin production;
  • reducing cravings for sweets.

Lipase, protease

  • improving metabolism;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The real benefits and harms of Reduslim

If we consider objectively the dietary supplement itself from the point of view of the action of all its components, we can highlight many pros and cons of Reduslim. Among the positive properties of the product, the following can be noted:

  • helps reduce appetite;
  • activates intestinal function;
  • improves metabolism;
  • promotes better breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients;
  • fights “bad” cholesterol;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • thins the blood, lowers blood pressure;
  • is a source of important minerals and trace elements.

Along with the useful qualities of the product, it is important to know why Reduslim is dangerous. The components included in its composition can cause the following negative phenomena:

  • exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • decreased blood clotting, bleeding;
  • deterioration of the condition of the pregnant woman and fetus;
  • allergic reactions.

Therefore, before using this dietary supplement, you should weigh the benefits and harms of Reduslim and understand all the possible negative consequences of taking the product.

Indications and contraindications for use

Excess weight significantly lowers a person’s self-esteem, provokes the appearance of complexes, and the development of depressive moods. Obesity leads to problems with the heart, blood vessels, joints, and organs of the urinary system, and disrupts normal hormonal levels.

Reduslim helps reduce appetite, reduce food portions, adhere to a balanced diet, and lose excess weight.

Indications for taking capsules:

  • obesity of varying degrees of severity;
  • diabetes;
  • genetic predisposition to endocrine disorders, excess weight;
  • pronounced appetite;
  • strong cravings for sweets, fatty, unhealthy foods;
  • excess weight - a state of obesity;
  • metabolic disorders.

Reduslim is allowed to be taken for the prevention of:

  • people after reaching 40 years of age, due to a slowdown in metabolic processes;
  • people who often eat fatty and sweet foods;
  • people with a sedentary lifestyle.

Reduslim is a drug with a natural composition, so it is safe to take.


  • intolerance to any of the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 12 years.

The problem of excess weight in severe chronic pathologies can only be solved together with a specialist. It determines whether Reduslim is allowed in a particular case.

Why is everyone talking about Reduslim?

Reduslim is a product based on a complex of extracts of natural components. Diet pills are a powerful lipotropic drug. The use of the drug guarantees:

  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • detoxification of the body;
  • eliminating edema and preventing its formation;
  • natural decrease in appetite;
  • acceleration of digestion;
  • improving skin firmness and elasticity.

Thanks to the unique composition of diet pills, subcutaneous and visceral fat deposits quickly disappear and metabolism improves. Over time, the need for foods high in carbohydrates, fats and late meals disappears completely. Portions are reduced several times. Saturation occurs faster.

Reduslim is a formula of 8 natural ingredients. The drug helps cleanse the intestines of toxins. A surge of strength and energy appears.

The nutritional supplement contains a complex of herbal ingredients. The therapeutic effect of diet pills is explained by their composition.

Unlike other diet pills, the lipotropic drug acts gradually. Improves skin condition. The advantage of the drug is its prolonged effect. This means that after completing the course, the achieved result does not disappear. Weight remains stable for at least six months.

Differences between Reduslim and other diet pills:

  1. After discontinuation of the pharmacological agent, patients do not gain weight even with an excess of calories.
  2. The herbal complex does not cause side effects.
  3. The drug does not interfere with the functioning of internal organs and does not burden the liver.
  4. Reduslim is approved for people with chronic diseases and weakened immune systems.
  5. The dietary supplement helps without changing eating habits, the energy value of the diet, or playing sports.
  6. When losing weight with Reduslim, muscles do not “burn out”.
  7. Food portions are reduced due to the filling of the stomach as a result of the swelling of glucomannan.
  8. Appetite is reduced due to the effect of the succulent extract of Hoodia Gordonii on the receptors.
  9. Fat burning processes are activated.

Advantages of the drug

Clinical trials conducted before the drug was released to the wider market confirmed its positive effects. The tablets help fight excess weight, improve tone, and trigger natural metabolic processes.

Patients do not experience any side effects while taking Reduslim.

The advantage of the herbal remedy is its cumulative effect. After therapy, excess weight does not come back.

Reviews and comments

Ilona Valentinovna, nutritionist, 12 years of experience

I don’t recommend Reduslim very often; I choose it mainly for clients with advanced stages of obesity. When simply reviewing your diet won’t help. What can I say, the complex really helps break down fat reserves. Patients become thinner, more energetic and cheerful. Then they themselves want to exercise and eat right in order to consolidate the results and lose even more weight.

Maxim Alexandrovich, Fitness trainer of the 3rd category, 12 years of experience

Reduslim is an excellent aid for obesity. I recommend it to many people because the complex is natural and has no side effects.

But you definitely need to order only the original drug, and not a cheap copy, which can only do harm.

Directions for use and doses

To reduce your usual clothing size, Reduslim must be taken as a course. The rules for taking the drug are indicated in the instructions included with each package of capsules.

Release form

The originality of the product is confirmed by its release form. Reduslim is produced only in capsule form. All other varieties (syrup, suspension, tablets, powder for dilution in water) are counterfeit.


Reduslim should be taken strictly according to the instructions. It is prohibited to exceed the specified dosage.

Overdose symptoms:

  • deterioration in general health;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness.

The herbal components included in the capsules work for 24 hours. Therefore, you cannot take more than the dosage prescribed by the instructions. This approach will not help you lose more extra pounds, but it can greatly harm your body.

Reduslim: diet pills

Reduslim is a drug that will help you lose extra pounds without sports and diets. The product has a gentle and delicate effect on the body and does not harm.

The drug contains only natural and natural ingredients that effectively interact and fight fat deposits, strengthening all systems.

By consuming Reduslim, you saturate your body with microelements and vitamins, normalize metabolism and promote the breakdown of the lipid layer. As a result, the body learns to be satisfied with small portions and weight loss occurs very quickly and efficiently.

Old price 1890 rub. on promotion 149 rubles* Until the end of the promotion

*promotional price when purchasing a course

Indications for useFat burner for weight loss
Dosage formTablets in blister
Delivery regionsRussia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia
Paymentupon receipt
Nutritional information per 50 mgProteins 1.3 g.
Carbohydrates 0.8 g.
Fats 0.15 g.
Energy value per 50 mg19.5 Kcal/84.23 kJ
Active substanceNative extracts
Trade nameReduslim
Reduslim (English)

Side effects

If you follow the instructions for the drug, there will be no side effects while taking it. Sometimes individual reactions occur due to intolerance to individual components of the composition.

Adverse reactions:

  • skin redness;
  • rash;
  • itching;
  • digestive disorders;
  • abdominal pain;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • increased tear secretion;
  • runny nose.

The fat blocker promotes safe weight loss; the content of active substances in it is strictly balanced. The main thing is to take the drug in accordance with the attached instructions. Then the occurrence of adverse reactions can not be expected.

How to take Reduslim

Capsules should be taken once a day with a large glass of water. Read more about the instructions on how to take the product. It contains all the points, the required dosage and rules of use, and a detailed summary. As with medications, with one difference - it is a 100% natural and safe weight loss product without side effects.

Contraindications apply to women of any age during pregnancy. If you have an individual intolerance to the ingredients, you should seek help from a specialist consultant.

If used correctly, once the drug is started, it should have an immediate effect on fatty tissue.

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special instructions

To quickly get an ideal body, accelerate the rate of weight loss, and reduce the likelihood of side effects, you need to study the special instructions for taking Reduslim.

Special instructions:

  • When taking capsules, avoid alcoholic beverages that can reduce the effectiveness of the dietary supplement;
  • organize an active drinking regime;
  • move more, walk outside more often, exercise;
  • systematically check the amount of folic acid and hemoglobin in the blood (large doses of lipase can affect their level).

Reduslim dietary supplement or medicine?

Reduslim is a dietary supplement or a medicine; let’s say that the production of diet pills is comparable in complexity of technological processes to the production of medicines. The drug belongs to the category of nutritional supplements that quickly burn fat deposits. The dietary supplement was tested by the TestPlus testing laboratory. The product has undergone clinical trials and been tested by specialists in the field of nutrition and gastroenterology.

The capsules contain the maximum concentration of biologically active substances. To obtain the desired therapeutic effect, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.

Reduslim price 149 rubles

The dietary supplement can be ordered in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Its price is fixed everywhere. If you are wondering how much a medicine for safe weight loss costs, call a consultant at the phone number listed on the manufacturer’s website. The approximate cost of the tablets is presented in the table.

A countryPriceCurrency
Belarus5Belarusian ruble

Important! If you see a dietary supplement in a pharmacy, ask if the product has a certificate. The seller will not provide it, so purchasing and drinking such medicine is dangerous.

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