Super Figura capsules for weight loss



One of the main problems that most women face when visiting a nutritionist is the difficulty in losing excess weight. When diet and exercise do not give the desired result, pills come to the rescue. Many people have a very biased attitude towards them, which is not surprising - due to the popularity of the drugs, the market today is flooded with dummies that do not bring any harm or any effect. Therefore, many problems arise during selection. It is important to pay attention to the manufacturer, as well as the composition - if both indicators inspire confidence, then this is already a positive sign.

The weight loss drug Super Figure fits these factors - I was somewhat skeptical about products with similar names, but the reviews for this drug made me believe that it was worthy of attention. German manufacturers promise to get rid of excess weight not by cleansing the intestines and removing excess water, which is usually done by weight loss medications, but by burning refractory fat and removing it from the body. They also emphasize that Super Figura is a dietary supplement, not a medicine, and consists only of natural ingredients. Alena, my patient, for whom the weight gained after pregnancy has become a serious problem, will help me dispel the myth or confirm the effectiveness of Super Figure.

Description of the drug

The issue of external attractiveness is relevant for women. Dreams are dominated by the idea of ​​toned buttocks and a flat tummy. No jiggly fat in the legs and arms is all the rage. Compliance with beauty standards forces beautiful representatives of the sex to make adjustments to their diet. It is difficult to change the usual way of being. After all, you will have to give up fatty and sweet foods. But food cravings are not always the cause of obesity. Organisms suffer from hormonal imbalance.

The practice of using the drug “Super Figure” will help, without changing your habits, and in case of hormonal imbalances, change your appearance for the better. Real user reviews prove the approximation of ideal results during a course of treatment with this drug.

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More about the product

A dietary supplement has gone on sale, which is available in capsule form. The dietary supplement is intended for daily oral use. Sold in compact packaging of 4 blisters. Each set contains 15 capsules. Detailed instruction form is attached.

The basic purpose of the drug is to help the female body normalize body weight in a short period of time. The process does not require any physical effort on oneself. There is no need to use diets while taking the pills. The product is designed to restart natural processes in the cellular structure of the body so that the body can safely and quickly lose weight.

The practical use of the “Super Figure” will allow you to achieve results even when other means have failed. Sports and diets will not always help. After all, physical exercise is contraindicated for many. Diet restrictions cause a lot of problems. The power of the new drug is that the body internally reconfigures itself. It is possible to achieve the desired results without stressful situations. Fat in the hips, waist, sides and abdomen quickly melts away. The skin is noticeably tightened.

An interesting fact from the world of science. Scientists have been able to prove that a lack of calcium in the body affects appetite function. If you are planning to gain a slim figure, then your diet includes foods containing this element. People with sufficient levels of calcium in the body are not limited in their desires. Bodies don't get better.

Super Figura (Super Figure) - capsules to combat excess weight

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Thousands of people dream of losing weight, because excess weight is, unfortunately, a fairly common problem today. So, many people torture themselves with diets, which are often too strict and therefore not very effective. After all, if you achieve excess weight loss due to frequent malnutrition and the feeling of hunger, it will return quite quickly, and this is certainly not what anyone wants. Therefore, if gentle and soft diets do not help, you should do something else, for example, use a product that naturally breaks down fats and eliminates excess weight - Super Figura. This is a product that is made on the basis of substances of plant origin and is therefore absolutely harmless. It activates the natural processes of fat breakdown, thanks to which a person loses weight naturally. The weight gradually goes away, and you won’t even notice how you will acquire a slim figure, without making any effort!

With this product, losing weight has finally become easy. You don’t have to constantly go to the gym or constantly deny yourself the desire to eat something tasty. You can absolutely not change your life, eat the foods you want, and at the same time lose weight.


· Normalizes digestive processes;

· Improves the condition of the intestines, restores its microflora;

· Stimulates the production of enzymes that improve digestion;

· Eliminates subcutaneous fat without affecting muscle tissue;

· Normalizes cholesterol and glucose levels;

· Helps reduce appetite, making the weight loss process quick and easy;

· Eliminates even those fatty deposits that were not affected by anything;

· Normalizes heart activity;

· Eliminates cellulite;

· Restores carbohydrate, fat and lipid metabolism.


· It has a completely natural composition, making it completely safe for the body;

· You can save money because you won’t need to buy expensive weight loss medications;

· Allows you to lose weight without effort and, most importantly, without feeling hungry;

· Provides a long-lasting effect, so you can be sure that excess weight will not return as soon as you stop using the capsules;

· Fast acting;

· Has no contraindications;

· Can be used at any age.


— Citrus polyphenols – reduce appetite, which allows you to eat less without feeling hungry, destroy fat cell membranes, improve heat metabolism, replenish the lack of energy in the body, break down fat deposits;

— Guarana – normalizes digestive processes, helps improve them, improves sleep, restores hormonal levels, charges the body with energy, increases physical activity;

— Vitamins and minerals – help strengthen blood vessels, increase the body’s immunity, have a positive effect on the composition of the blood, remove “bad” cholesterol from it, as well as excess sugar, and normalize disturbed internal processes.

Mode of application

You should take the product 2 times a day, one capsule, it is recommended to take it in the morning and evening, with a sufficient amount of water.

*Not a medicine. Not a dietary supplement. All results depend on the structural features of the body.

Who is the product suitable for?

People who are dissatisfied with their existing physical indicators can count on the help of the new formula. The action of the drug is initially aimed at neutralizing visceral fat reserves. These are the most difficult fats to remove. Their presence is accentuated on the walls of internal organs. The situation is complicated by the fact that, having enslaved the “internal organs,” fat tends to penetrate into the subcutaneous layers. The area of ​​the abdomen, waist and hips is attacked. The simultaneous accumulation of subcutaneous and visceral fat provokes dangerous diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • impotence;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • disorders of the vascular system;
  • hernias;
  • depression;
  • thrombosis.

When the body is cleansed of fat film, the body is protected from dangerous pathologies. The body does not age prematurely. Life expectancy is increasing. An obese person does not look aesthetically pleasing in society. There is no need to talk about the feeling of comfort in such a situation. To correct the situation, the manufacturer of the drug “Super Figure” recommends undergoing a course of treatment.

How the drug works

The fundamental nature of the action of the new tablets is based on the following principles:

  1. A person eats a lot of food. The body “selects” individual elements from it. Normal functioning is possible when divided into vitamins, minerals, amino acids and energy. This task is possible with the support of enzymes.
  2. Enzymes are a product of protein origin. Necessary for catalyzing biochemical processes in the body. A process of complex interaction is launched, which simultaneously stimulates the functionality of the brain and internal organs, and also participates in the digestion of foods.
  3. It is important to know that the human body contains an enzyme called phosphodiesterase. The element is involved in fat formation. Prevents burning of reserves. If the mechanism of action on the component is not found, the fatty substance will be deposited on the stomach and thighs. The drug “Super Figure” contains in its compound formula ingredients that prevent the uncontrolled action of the phosphodiesterase enzyme. From the moment the element is blocked, the body will begin to rationally use the energy produced from fat for life.

Scientists have been able to prove that a hearty breakfast will never cause “overdoing it on calories.” It is a myth. Any amount of food consumed for breakfast will be processed. And by dinner the person will feel hungry. Why bother with theory and experiment with diets? You can always visit the official website of the manufacturer’s company to buy the “Super Figure” drug at an affordable price.

What is Super Figura for excess weight

Due to poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, metabolism is disrupted. Fat is deposited on the stomach, thighs, arms, legs. Obese people look unattractive, and excess body weight causes internal organs to work harder. To fight extra pounds, you need a Super Figure with the following characteristics:

  • weight loss;
  • improving skin elasticity;
  • burning extra calories;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

The innovative drug can be used as a treatment for excess weight and for the prevention of obesity. Eliminating visceral fat that is resistant to burning is quite difficult. Due to the enveloping of blood vessels and organs, the work of the liver, heart, and stomach becomes more complicated. A unique fat burner copes with this task.

What's in it

The biological additive in question is not a medical product.

This is a complex based on natural ingredients:

  1. Guarana. A climbing plant native to the wilds of Peru, Colombia and Brazil. The liana differs from other members of the family in its large leaves and inflorescences that form bunches. Inside the bunch is a fruit similar to the shape of a human eye. The beneficial properties of the plant have long been known. But the fruits began to be used as a food product only in 1906. This happened in Brazil. The local population made a drink that dulled appetite and reduced the calorie content of food. Local students used the drink to stimulate mental processes and concentrate attention.
  2. Citrus polyphenols. Plant pigments that act as antioxidants. There is a whole spectrum of polyphenolic compounds in nature, but the beneficial ones are phenolic acids, lignans and flavonoids. Daily replenishment of elements in the cellular structure of the body reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attacks. Mechanisms for protecting neurological problems and methods for combating cancer have been proven. Antiviral activity is observed. The body is rejuvenated. The drug contains citrus polyphenols from orange and grapefruit.

What is included in Super Figura slimming capsules

The patented natural complex formed the basis for the creation of a unique product. It does not contain any chemical compounds or GMOs, but only harmless natural substances:

  • Citrus polyphenols - help activate fat and carbohydrate metabolism. They allow excess lipids to be converted into energy faster;
  • Guarana extract is a herbal ingredient with powerful fat-burning properties that helps prevent acute hunger pangs.

This bouquet promotes rapid weight loss even in the most advanced cases. There is no need to prepare dietary meals or sign up for a gym.

How to use the drug

Detailed instructions for action will not allow you to make mistakes when using capsules. In the morning and evening hours, the patient should not take more than 1 capsule at a time. The product is washed down with the required amount of water. The manufacturer claims the body’s ability to lose up to 14% fat in a 12-week course. The waist and hips will decrease from 7 to 12 cm.

The original packaging includes 4 blisters, each containing 15 capsules. This amount is not calculated for a month of use. The full course is 12 weeks. Therefore, for weight loss results you will need 3 packages of the “Super Figure” drug. There is no need to worry and wonder how much the required number of tablets costs. After all, the manufacturer regularly holds promotions that allow you to buy goods at a discount.

What results can you expect from use?

After a course of practice using the drug, the patient’s figure becomes slim. In addition, the following results are observed:

  1. The effect of saggy skin will disappear. After all, only fat molecules are burned. The muscle structure of the body does not undergo changes.
  2. The complex helps speed up material metabolism.
  3. The compound formula is aimed at cellular rejuvenation. Skin tone increases.
  4. At the same time, levels of bad cholesterol and glucose in blood vessels are reduced.

The healing composition does not contain glucose, lactose or sugar. Does not interfere with the diet of vegetarians. The availability of the drug in pharmacies is not observed. The manufacturer deliberately refused to cooperate with pharmacy chains in order to avoid price dumping.

What is unique about the German formula?

Experts tell where to buy Super Figure for weight loss for those who want to get rid of fat on the waist, sides and legs. It is these places that in most cases hide the supply of lipids that the body “stores for a rainy day.” Unlike known methods of weight loss, this composition works regardless of metabolic rate, initial parameters of weight, complexion, hormonal levels, and lifelong diagnoses.

Properties of phytocapsules:

  1. starting the fat burning process. The concentration of refractory lipids in the body decreases;
  2. slowing down the aging process of cells. The drug helps eliminate stretch marks, cellulite, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

It makes sense to buy Super Figura capsules for obesity if your body mass index (BMI) is more than 24.9. It’s easy to calculate your indicator: weight (kg) must be divided by height (m), previously squared. Obesity is diagnosed when a BMI is more than 29.9.

Familiar components of the composition

The full list of ingredients is available only to buyers of the product - indicated on the packaging. The manufacturer's website reveals the main components of the Super Figure product for accelerating metabolism:

  • Guarana. A powerful stimulant that greatly accelerates metabolism;
  • citrus fruits (red and orange oranges, grapefruit). The polyphenols removed from them help regulate glucose levels and process food without leaving any lipids that end up in fat deposits. They are also the strongest antioxidants necessary to preserve the youth of the skin.

Feedback from experts about Super Figura capsules for weight loss during laboratory studies of the composition confirmed that its formula is capable of forcing the body to receive energy from visceral fat, stimulating its complete destruction.

The Secret of Super Figura Action

The functioning of the human body is impossible without the production of enzymes. They are necessary for the full implementation of all biochemical processes. Phosphodiesterase is a group of enzymes whose task is to accumulate refractory fat “for a rainy day.” Real reviews of Super Figura for excess weight confirm that its formula is aimed at suppressing the production of these enzymes. This is due to the breakdown of local fat accumulations and the prevention of their formation. The product prevents dehydration of the body.

About the causes of obesity

Product Test Results

During long-term testing, it was proven that knowing how to use Super Figure, you can lose up to 10% of weight in 12 weeks. This will allow you to start buying clothes 2 sizes smaller. The test participants lost up to 7.6 cm in their waist, and up to 7.1 cm in their hips. However, remember that the result was individual for each respondent.

Rules for the use of bioactive composition

The instructions for Super Figura against obesity and its consequences are extremely simple:

  1. 1 capsule with breakfast;
  2. 1 capsule during lunch;
  3. The course of treatment is individual (depending on BMI).

Capsules should not be chewed; be sure to take plenty of water. 1 package is designed for 1 month of use: includes 4 blisters of 15 capsules each.

Expert approval

Doctors recommend this remedy for use because it is truly unique. The natural phytocomplex has no side reactions and works in one direction: it blocks phosphodiesterase activity. This is a means for easy and quick weight loss.

How is the product superior to its analogues?

Advantages of German development:

  • targeted breakdown of fat deposits. This process does not involve the mammary glands or muscle tissue;
  • price. The cost of Super Figura for quick weight loss is affordable for everyone, and the result exceeds the investment;
  • well-being improves. The formula helps restore metabolism, reduce cholesterol and stabilize glucose;
  • maintaining skin elasticity. The phytocomplex activates cell regeneration processes, preventing the skin from sagging as body volume decreases.

The drug does not contain lactose, sugar, gluten. It can be taken by everyone: no restrictions except allergies to citrus fruits or guarana.

Clinical trial results

Major research work was carried out in 2021 in the city of Novosibirsk. 200 voluntary patients were connected to the test program and began using the “Super Figure” drug for a temporary period. The results of the treatment are as follows:

  • in 94% of situations people lost from 5 to 13 kg of weight;
  • in 97% of cases, patients noted an improvement in the tonic state of the body;
  • in 90% of situations, already in the 2nd week of use, they began to feel no need to eat excessive amounts of food.

Reviews from customers who chose the Super Figura complex for weight loss

Victoria, 24 years old

For a long time I could not lose the weight that I gained during pregnancy. I try to play sports, but I have absolutely no time for it, since the small child takes everything. A friend gave me modern weight loss capsules with fruit concentrates. I’ve been taking them for 2 weeks now and have noticed excellent results - now I wear things one size smaller.

Alina, 46 years old

I had cellulite on my thighs and some excess fat. I took a course of massage and a special Super Figure complex. This safe dietary supplement helped break down fat from the inside, remove excess fluid and tidy up your figure. I look much younger now.

Konstantin, 38 years old

I'm a professional bodybuilder. Sometimes I need to diet before important competitions without losing muscle mass. The dietary supplement Super Figura really helps me with this. The trainer recommended the new product. As a result, I lost several kilograms of excess fat, and my body remained attractive and sculpted.

Ekaterina, 39 years old

At times I was attacked by terrible hunger. I ate everything tasty that I found in the refrigerator. Of course, the figure floated, which the husband immediately noticed. A month ago I pulled myself together and went on a diet. Additionally, I take vitamins and the Super Figure fat burner. It speeds up metabolism and removes toxins.

Where to buy the drug

Are you looking for original quality products? The place of official sales is the website. The manufacturer has opened a centralized platform for accepting orders. Official information is published on the pages of the portal. Scans of quality certificates have been posted. Experimental results and user reviews have been published. The goods are released in the required quantity to the client by postal delivery. Payment for products upon receipt.

The official distributor does not work on prepayment. Scammers make such offers. Therefore, do not trust people who demand partial payment for goods before shipping. This is a lie.

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Customer Reviews

Veronica, 31 years old I am happy to share my joy. After 3 months of using “Super Figure” capsules, problem areas have been overcome. I remember how in the first weeks of taking it I noticed the disappearance of my brutal appetite. Ultimately, I lost more than 14 kg of weight. The stability of the results achieved is amazing. More than 2 months have passed since the end of the course. The new figure remains unchanged.

Katerina, 39 years old , due to impaired metabolism, visceral fat began to accumulate in the body. The latest examination revealed areas of accumulation of fat mass. I don't want to have surgery. Therefore, I used a proven tool. The drug “Super Figure” was purchased on the website at an affordable price. Course practice use does not cause difficulties. Products of natural quality. Therefore, there are no contraindications. The new formula helped cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid. Metabolic processes have been restored. The body began to lose weight.

Sofia, 51 years old To reduce the load on the knee joints, the doctor recommended losing weight. I achieved successful results using the product “Super Figure”. The composition breaks down refractory fat. Corrects problem areas of the body. The result of the application was a weight loss of 15 kg in 90 days.

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Views: 3,790

Customer reviews about Super Figura for a slim body

Marina, 48 years old

For several years I could not lose the extra 5 kilos. The weight would go away and then quickly return again. I tried all kinds of diets and even yoga, but Super Figure capsules really helped. They include citrus acids that quickly break down fat.

Elena, 24 years old

I work out in the gym, but with the help of exercises I could not improve my butt. The volume didn’t go away, but I wanted to go one size smaller. The trainer recommended the safe dietary supplement Super Figura. I’ve been drinking this new product for a month now and have lost 7 kilos. I'm not embarrassed to wear tight jeans.

Anna, 35 years old

After the birth of my second baby, I gained a lot of weight. Diet and exercise did not help to return to my previous figure. I took the plunge and ordered the natural Super Figura complex. I had not taken any supplements before. After 2 weeks I had to change my wardrobe. This is a nice spend!

Antonina, 52 years old

My friend and I have been taking capsules with Super Figura fruit acids for a long time. They suppress your appetite and prevent you from consuming a lot of fatty and high-calorie foods. I just don’t crave sweets and starchy foods, and fats melt before my eyes.

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