Beef fat - 27 delicious recipes with photos and step-by-step descriptions

How to melt beef fat at home

I mostly cook my fried dishes using edible rendered beef fat. It has a neutral taste. It gives a nice crust. Does not oxidize at high frying temperatures. Stable. Stores well in the refrigerator. Rendered beef fat has a very pleasant, warm aroma.

I buy beef fat at the market from butchers. At home I soak the fat in cold water for a day. I wash it. Then I freeze it for a few days. In my recipe, the fat comes after this preparation. It is white and clean.

What to do with him

This product has found quite wide application in such areas as cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine. Let's look at some examples of how it can be used in these areas.

Did you know? According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, which mainly comprise animal fats, including beef, should be at least 10% (calorie content) in the daily human diet.

Use in cooking

Beef fat of extra grade, as well as premium and first grade, is suitable for use in cooking.

The main areas of its application are:

  • cooking various deep-fried dishes;
  • stewing, baking and frying meat, as well as vegetables;
  • use as a dressing for various cereal porridges.

Did you know? When losing weight, fat cells in the human body do not disappear, but only decrease in size. Therefore, if you eat improperly, it is very easy to gain excess weight again.

In home cosmetology

In various cosmetic ointments and masks, extra grade beef fat is usually used, which is devoid of foreign odors and impurities. Several cosmetic recipes based on it are described below.

In order to relieve skin irritation, use an ointment made according to the following recipe:

  1. Chopped parsley root (50 grams) is added to 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes.
  2. The broth is filtered and fat is added to it with thorough mixing until an ointment of a light, homogeneous consistency is formed.

To rejuvenate the skin, the following ointment is prepared:

  1. Add a tablespoon of dill seeds, oak bark and linden blossom to 200 ml of boiling water. All this is boiled for 15–20 minutes.
  2. The broth is filtered, after which the fat base is added to it with thorough mixing. The product can be used after cooling.

Read about the benefits of beef and recipes for preparing beef tongue, heart and lungs.

A mask for dry and normal facial skin, giving the skin smoothness, is prepared and applied as follows:

  1. Cabbage leaves, those that are closer to the stalk, are crushed using a meat grinder.
  2. A fat base is added to the resulting mass, achieving a creamy consistency.
  3. The product is applied to previously cleansed facial skin and left for about 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

In folk medicine

Various types of beef fat can be used to make traditional medicine. Below is a recipe for making an ointment that is used to treat burns, bruises, heal wounds and post-operative sutures.

  1. The fat is melted separately, as described above, from 600 g of beef and 500 g of pork fat, after which the filtered products are poured into a stainless steel (or enameled) pan.
  2. St. John's wort is cut into 2-3 bunches, and the flowers should be separated from the stems.
  3. First, flowers and then chopped St. John's wort stalks are added to the pan with a fat base. The base should cover them by about 2 cm.
  4. The pan, covered with a lid, is simmered in a water bath for about half an hour, after which it is wrapped in a thick cloth and left to steep in a warm place for 2–3 hours.
  5. During infusion, mumiyo is prepared by dissolving 2 g of this substance in a tablespoon of warm water.
  6. Heat the pan with the infusion a little so that the fat melts, and strain the infusion through cheesecloth, pouring it into a glass container.
  7. The dissolved mumiyo is poured into the same container, after which the infusion is stirred with a wooden stick, and only clockwise until the fat base has completely hardened. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator.

Another fat-based ointment helps relieve joint pain after injuries. It is prepared like this:

  1. A fresh chicken egg is completely filled with 70% vinegar essence (100 g), the container with the egg is covered and everything is left for several days until the eggshell dissolves.
  2. Next, transfer the egg with a wooden spoon into a deep porcelain or glass plate, then knead and stir it, adding the used essence.
  3. Melted fat base (120–150 g) is poured into the resulting mixture, after which everything is thoroughly mixed. The ointment is stored in a closed container in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Find out what helps, what cures and how to use bear, chicken, goat and badger fats.

In conclusion, it can be noted that beef fat contains many substances necessary for the body and has a number of beneficial properties. This allows it to be used as one of the elements of a healthy balanced diet, as well as in cosmetic preparations and folk medicine. However, there are some contraindications to its use, and in addition, its excessive use can be harmful.

Nutrition Animal fat Food products By-products Meat and by-products The benefits and harms of meat and by-products

Types of beef fat

The product offered to the consumer is classified in several varietal categories:

  • extra grade To obtain it, the raw material is heated at a process temperature of at least +32°C. At the specified temperature, the fat becomes transparent and liquid in consistency. High quality beef lard, light milky in color, is used as the base.
  • top grade. The solidification temperature is about +19°C, if it rises to +27°C and above, the result is a transparent, liquid fat, light yellow in color with a pleasant taste;
  • I grade. In terms of appearance, it is practically no different from a premium product; the taste is reminiscent of fried cracklings. The molten product is characterized by transparency;
  • II grade. It is distinguished by a sharp smell of fried cracklings and a pale milky hue; when melted, it becomes cloudy.

Attention! The extra grade product is the most beneficial for the body.

Beef fat, raw: nutritional value, BJU, vitamins and chemical composition

More information about essential amino acids in Beef fat, raw
- belongs to the group of amino acids with a branched molecule. Not produced by the body, enters the body with food and supplements. It is a glucogenic acid - transformed by the liver into glucose, used by cells for energy. Responsible for cleansing the liver of toxins, regulating blood sugar levels, and ensuring stable mental functioning. Stimulates muscle growth, facilitates the process of getting rid of addictions - alcohol, drugs.


- an amino acid with a branched structure. The main function is the production of proteins. Prevents the breakdown of muscle proteins after intense training. Participates in energy exchange processes at the cellular level. Protects the body from excessive production of serotonin.


- an acid with a branched structure.
It contains various protein molecules in all organs. It is not synthesized by the body independently. Normalizes protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Acts as a catalyst for the production of insulin and participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Increases serotonin levels, normalizes mental state. show all

- an amino acid that is part of all protein compounds in the body. It is not produced by the body itself and is supplied with food. After entering the body in the liver, it is transformed into carnitine, which cleanses the body of fats and “bad” cholesterol. Improves the process of calcium absorption, ensures growth and skeletal formation in children. Helps the body recover from stress.


- sulfur-containing amino acid. It is not synthesized by the body independently. Participates in the synthesis of cysteine ​​and taurine. Powerful antioxidant - protection against free radicals and toxins. Prevention of urinary tract infections. Treatment of depression and Parkinson's disease. Improves the condition of cartilage tissue in arthritis. Protects the liver from toxins.


- monoaminocarboxylic amino acid. It is not produced by the body on its own. Concentrated in the heart, central nervous system cells, and skeletal muscles. Participates in the creation of glycine and serine - amino acids used for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Promotes the growth of the thymus gland, helps in the production of antibodies to strengthen the immune system. Helps maintain mental health.


- aromatic amino acid. Participates in the synthesis of insulin and melanin. Improves memory, concentration, cognitive capabilities of the body. Helps fight depression and bipolar disorders. Effectively relieves pain in muscles and joints.


- an amino acid necessary for protein synthesis. Tryptophan helps in the treatment of hyperactivity in children, stress conditions, and overeating in adults. Activates growth hormone, neutralizes the effects of stress, normalizing heart function. Protects the body from the consequences of smoking.


- diaminomonocarboxylic acid. It is a raw material for the synthesis of nitric oxide, which regulates vascular tone, giving them elasticity and flexibility. Participates in the process of converting ammonia into urea, protecting the blood and brain from toxin poisoning. Effectively fights heart diseases. Stimulates the production of insulin and glucagon.


- produced from proteins. Concentrated in hemoglobin. Histidine normalizes blood acidity levels and stimulates healing and restoration processes. Regulates the growth of the body. Without histidine they stop. Participates in the formation of red and white blood cells. Effective against nervous disorders.

Beef in onion sauce

Category: Hot dishes Meat dishes Hot beef dishes

The most tender beef, in an amazingly delicious onion sauce! This dish will take some time to prepare, but your personal involvement is minimal! It's very convenient and very tasty! (Thanks to Nina Niksya for the recipe.)

Beef Onion Sour cream Mustard Wheat flour Butter Salt Black pepper

What are the benefits of beef fat?

The beneficial substances contained in beef fat provide benefits to the body. Thanks to the use of this product in the human body, the following is noted:

  • stimulation of hair growth;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • reducing the risk of developing diseases of dermatological origin;
  • increasing the body's resistance to colds;
  • activation of the adrenal glands (hormone synthesis);
  • protection of nerve fibers of both the brain and spinal cord when animal fats perform insulating functions;
  • improvement of the digestive process.

Attention! The manifestation of beneficial properties is observed only with moderate consumption of the product, at the rate of 1 gram of fat per 1 kg of human body weight.

Beef fat: composition and calorie content

There is a widespread belief that rough animal fat is harmful to human health. For some reason, it is believed that consumption of fatty foods of animal origin can negatively affect the functional activity of the body. What could be true about this statement?

Contrary to popular belief, it must be admitted that there is some truth in it. Fatty foods (rough animal fat) can really harm the body if consumed in unlimited quantities.

On the other hand, scientists who studied the beneficial and harmful properties of beef fat found out that it contains:

  • Carotenoids (provitamin A, beta-carotene).
  • Vitamin A, D, E, F.
  • Esters.
  • Phosphatides.
  • Saturated fatty acids: (linoleic, linolenic, oleic, myrostolic, arachidonic, lauric).
  • Phosphorus.
  • Sodium.
  • Potassium.
  • Ash.
  • Cholesterol.

The product is high in calories. Its energy value is at least 900 Kcal per 100 g .

How to cook “Rendered beef fat” step by step with photos at home

Step 1Link

There are several ways to render beef fat. For small quantities I use the quick method. My fat is ready to be cut up for rendering.

Step 2Link

Cut the fat into small pieces. It is convenient to do this when the fat is slightly frozen.

Step 3Link

Place the chopped fat in a single layer on a hot frying pan.

Step 4Link

Heat the pieces of fat over medium heat, stirring them occasionally.

Step 5Link

Gradually the pieces turn into golden brown cracklings, and there is more and more melted fat in the frying pan.

Step 6Link

All the pieces turned brown and became crispy. They float in melted fat. Turn off the fire.

Step 7Link

I remove the cracklings from the pan with a slotted spoon.

Step 8Link

Fresh hot beef cracklings taste great with salt.

Step 9Link

I pour the prepared fat from the frying pan into a jar. I repeat the melting with the remaining fat.

Step 10Link

The jar is full of rendered beef fat. While the fat is hot, it is golden and liquid.

Step 11Link

The fat has frozen. Now it is creamy in color, with a light pleasant aroma. Yield 200 grams. Store rendered beef fat in the refrigerator. This way it will last you longer.

Beef fat in home cosmetology

This is a popular product for cosmetic procedures. It perfectly preserves the lipid layer, especially during severe frosts, and saves a chapped face. Masks based on it also stimulate hair growth and strengthening.

Rejuvenating ointment

To rejuvenate the skin, use the following composition:

  • dill, linden blossom, oak bark, taken one tablespoon at a time, pour boiling water and simmer over low heat for up to 20 minutes;
  • the broth is filtered. Next, stirring thoroughly, add melted fat.

The cooled ointment is ready for use and should be stored in the refrigerator.

Mask for dry skin

To make your skin smooth, prepare a mask:

  • grind cabbage leaves in a blender;
  • add the melted component to the resulting mass, beat with a broom or mixer until the consistency of thick sour cream is formed;
  • Apply the product for 10 minutes to a previously cleansed face;
  • After time, wash off with warm water.

Hair Mask

A mask will help strengthen your hair by adding water (1 cup) to beef fat (100 g) and boiling until the liquid has completely evaporated. The contents are cooled slightly, then filtered. Add alcohol (1 teaspoon) to the broth and mix thoroughly.

After rubbing the scalp with clove oil, massage for about 10-15 minutes. Next, rub the prepared mixture into the scalp for 5 minutes. Wrap a hot towel around your head.

At the end of the procedure, wrap your hair in a dry towel and leave it overnight. Then the hair is lubricated with Provençal oil and rubbed into the scalp, performing a massage. The procedure is completed by combing the hair using a sparse comb.

Methods of application

Beef fat is not suitable for dietary nutrition, but it can and should be used as an element of a varied, complete diet for people who do not have the problem of extra pounds.

In nutrition

First of all, this fat is famous in cooking, because it is ideal for preparing stewed and fried dishes, deep-frying foods, especially for vegetables and cereals.

Dishes prepared on its basis are characterized by acceptable fat content and healthiness. Many housewives use it to lubricate a frying pan or baking tray when baking, thereby increasing the nutritional value of their culinary creation.

Dietary nutrition for gastritis or stomach ulcers excludes the consumption of beef products in any form. People who want to lose excess weight should also stop eating it, but it is recommended to include beef in their diet.

We recommend reading: fasting day for gastritis

According to the principles of healthy eating, an absolute abstinence from fat is considered unreasonable. In each specific situation, when drawing up a diet, it is necessary to take into account the labor and physical activity of a person.

The successful use of beef fat is known both in folk medicine and in the production of cosmetics.

In cosmetology

Connoisseurs of natural hair care products have also found use for the product. You can make a mask with it that strengthens and nourishes the hair roots. The recipe is simple: 200 g of beef bone fat is boiled in a small amount of water until it completely evaporates. Then the mixture is filtered. This consistency is rubbed into the roots of the hair, after which the head should be wrapped in a warm towel. The mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Any product can harm our body. Be especially careful when planning your diet! It is better to seek advice from a specialist so that the food is not only tasty, but also varied, and most importantly, healthy.



Rendered bone fat can be used for frying vegetables, soups, and in culinary products. It is used in the manufacture of lipstick, semi-liquid soap, cigarettes, and cosmetics.

Let's look at how to properly prepare bone broth. Before cooking, soak the bones in water for several hours, then put them in the oven for roasting. Then place the roasted bones (1 kg) in a cauldron and fill with cold water (1.25 l). Cover the cauldron and place on high heat to boil the bones faster. When the water boils, open the lid, skim off the foam and some fat. Reduce heat to minimum. Pork bones are cooked for 3 hours, beef bones for 5 hours. The longer the bones cook, the tastier the broth will be. After boiling for 2 or 4 hours, add salt, onion, celery, parsley, and carrots. The broth will be aromatic and tasty. In order for the bones to release as many useful substances as possible, they are prepared a second time in autoclaves. The bones that have been boiled are placed in an autoclave, lightly filled with water, and boiled for 2 hours. Then you need to take out the contents and strain through a thick cloth. The resulting bone fat, as well as the broth, can be used to prepare the following dishes.

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Due to the high content of nutrients that support normal human physical well-being, beef fat is still used not only in the kitchen, but also in home medicine.

Beneficial features:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improves the condition of the skin, eliminates dryness, flaking, dull color;
  • stimulation of hair follicles, the growth of new curls is activated;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • strengthening protection against colds, viral and infectious diseases;
  • facilitates the absorption of nutrients, especially calcium and phosphorus;
  • normalization of the synthesis of adrenal hormones;
  • the skin is less susceptible to the development of dermatological diseases;
  • “bad” cholesterol decreases in the blood;
  • the productivity of bile acids increases;
  • helps cope with depression, irritability;
  • stimulates brain function, thereby strengthening memory, attention, and vision.

You can benefit from a fat-containing product only if you adhere to the permissible dose. As it turned out, it is quite high in calories; you are allowed to consume a portion per day, which is calculated as follows: 1 gram of fat per kilogram of a person’s weight. If you are overweight, the dose is reduced to 0.8 g.

In any case, before use, it would be a good idea to consult with a doctor, who will identify health problems or lack thereof and prescribe an individual daily dose. Sometimes it is acceptable to exceed the amount of fat consumed by up to 2 grams

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