Stepper stepper exercise machine for home: benefits and effectiveness

Stepper: description and principle of operation of the simulator

The name of the device comes from the English step, which means “step”, and gives the right to call the stepper-trainer a stepper in Russian. It simulates walking up the stairs. By regularly exercising on this cardio machine, a supporter of a healthy lifestyle makes up for the lack of walking and compensates for the harm caused to the body by sedentary work and general inactivity.

Imitation of walking is carried out by alternately resting the right and left feet on the pedals in the form of two platforms slightly larger than the size of the foot.

According to the resistance system, steppers are distinguished between mechanical and electromagnetic. The first ones have a simple design - two hydraulic cylinders, which, when you press the pedal (step), compress, and when you return your foot up, they unclench. Electromagnetic steppers are equipped with a magnetic loading system and a control panel.

Mechanical steppers have modest dimensions and affordable prices. Electromagnetic ones are distinguished by a whole range of additional functions, as a rule, they are equipped with a system for loading the muscles of the arms and torso, they record the number of steps, walking speed, the user’s pulse and other important indicators, but they take up a lot of space in the room and are expensive. So people walk on electromagnetic exercise machines mainly in fitness clubs, and choose mechanical ones for training at home.

Based on the presence or absence of load regulation on each leg, steppers with dependent and independent pedal travel are distinguished separately. In the first steps, they are equipped with one fastening, which causes the same load on both legs. The latter allow you to load them in different ways, which is difficult to overestimate in case of injury or pain in the joint, but a simulator with independent movement has a higher price.

According to the method of performing movements, steppers can be classic, balancing, or rotary. We'll talk more about each variety and which stepper is better below. First, about the benefits and advantages of the simulator.

What muscles are involved?

Although the stepper is a cardio exercise machine, it is also important to know which muscles work during training.

The benefits of the stepper are not limited to the development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

It makes you work and thereby improves the shape of several muscle groups:

  • shins;
  • hips;
  • gluteal.

Imitating walking on a simulator with vigorous movements in the knee joints loads the muscles of the front and back surfaces of the thighs and legs. The muscles on the stepper do not sway much, they increase in volume slightly, but they become stronger, take on a beautiful appearance and improve in terms of functionality.

Important! A stepper with a rotating handle, in addition to the legs, puts a load on the torso muscles, especially the abdomen, and with expanders or levers - on the arms, chest and upper back, also indirectly straining the abs.

Benefits of classes

Both a large unit in the gym for fitness and a compact stepper for the home are equally good at helping not only to “pump up” a beautiful athletic figure. Other advantages of this cardio machine:

  • increases muscle tone and endurance;
  • trains the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • improves coordination;
  • has a beneficial effect on the vestibular apparatus;
  • makes it possible to lose excess fat and normalize weight;
  • helps prevent or defeat cellulite.

Below we will look at the benefits of a gym with a stepper in detail, and now about the effectiveness of the exercise machine for those who need to lose weight.

How many calories are burned

Training on a rotary, balancing or any other stepper with an emphasis on burning fat and improving metabolism requires following five recommendations:

  1. Start with a training session lasting 10 to 15 minutes, not including warm-up time.
  2. Gradually increase the training time on the simulator to an hour or at least 40 minutes at low intensity - heart rate up to 110 beats for beginners, up to 130 for athletes with average physical abilities.
  3. Use the exercise machine 3 times a week. This schedule gives the highest efficiency.
  4. The preferred training time is morning. The benefits of a stepper for a person losing weight are greater during the transition from passive rest to wakefulness.
  5. Follow the correct nutritional system, recommended specifically for people who lose weight in the fitness room.

With the specified schedule and intensity, 500 calories will be burned in an hour of steps.

In what cases are classes contraindicated?

Exercising on a simulator requires much more effort than ordinary steps from home to the store and back or while walking.

This serious load will cause harm instead of benefit:

  • for diseases of the joints or spine;
  • after injuries that have not been fully cured;
  • for diabetes, chronic diseases of the lungs, kidneys and other internal organs;
  • after a stroke or heart attack;
  • for viral diseases and colds with fever;
  • in late pregnancy.

Important! Elderly fitness enthusiasts and beginners with a large percentage of excess weight should definitely consult a doctor about whether physical activity using this exercise machine is risky for them.


Rating of the best ellipsoids for the home. The most versatile options for exercise equipment that are suitable for people with any level of physical fitness. The models received high user ratings for their build quality, wide functionality and flawless performance.


A popular model that has all the necessary qualities of a good simulator. The ellipsoid is easy to use and compatible with various gadgets. Built-in programs allow you to choose a convenient training option.

The model is also equipped with a load system that will allow you to adjust the intensity of training depending on your level of physical fitness. Price - about 65,000 rubles.


  • Quiet operation;
  • High efficiency - calories burn out twice as fast as when exercising on other models
  • Compatible with various gadgets;
  • Many built-in load levels and training programs;


  • Heavy and bulky.


A mid-price simulator will cost you 30,000 rubles. It does not take up much space and fits perfectly into the interior of the apartment. Built-in operating modes and training programs will help you conduct classes with the greatest efficiency.


  • Ability to adjust load levels;
  • Built-in training programs;
  • Easy to carry and transport;
  • Special software that monitors various indicators of the body.


  • To operate, you need an electrical network.

Proxima Latina 2

An electromagnetic ellipsoid for home, suitable for users of any height and build.

Equipped with an LCD display showing training data. There is a function to automatically switch the difficulty level. The flywheel built into the simulator weighs about 20 kg and is designed for 16 degrees of resistance. The main feature of the model is the function of automatically reducing the load if the heart rate exceeds the norm. The price of the model is about 45,000 rubles.


  • Ability to connect
  • Compactness;
  • Does not make any extraneous sounds during operation;
  • Intuitive ease of operation;
  • Built-in function that allows you to automatically reduce the load level;


  • The pedals have a strong forward tilt, putting a higher load on the knee joints.

Useful properties of the stepper

For the heart, blood vessels and lungs

Exercising on a stepper as a cardio exercise machine is certainly beneficial for the health of the heart, blood vessels and lungs, as it improves blood supply to the heart muscle, strengthens blood vessels and trains the respiratory organs.

If your goal is to strengthen the cardiovascular system, you should train on the stepper for a short time - about 15 minutes, but at a high pace, with maximum heart rate acceleration already in the first sessions.

If the simulator is not equipped with a pedometer and heart rate sensors, calculate its maximum frequency for you using the formula (220 - V) * 85%, where 220 is your heart rate at birth, V is your current age.

To find out your lower heart rate, instead of 85%, multiply (220 - V) by 65%.

If the heart rate during training on the stepper is below the minimum value, the load is too low, if it is above the maximum, the load is too high.

Increased muscle tone

The exercise machine makes your figure slim and beautiful, giving you pleasure from moving and toning your body. At the same time, a stepper with a rotating mechanism, levers or expanders trains the muscles of both the lower and upper body. An electromagnetic stepper, on which you can adjust the load, is useful, as well as a mechanical one without such an option.

Reducing the appearance of cellulite

Exercises on a stepper, no matter what type of exercise machine is chosen, are guaranteed to “accelerate” blood through the vessels of the legs, eliminating the main cause of cellulite.

The effectiveness of the fight against crust is intended to be increased by:

  • cosmetic procedures;
  • use of anti-cellulite cream;
  • wearing a special suit.

Skin health is also positively affected by the removal of toxins from the body through sweating.

Increased strength and endurance

The exercise machine increases explosive power if you walk quickly, and walking to burn excess fat develops strength endurance.

Particularly useful are steppers with a rotating handle, expanders and levers that allow, in addition to the legs, to fully use the arms and torso.

Steps on the simulator are also needed to develop coordination, which brings joy from sports and active recreation. Here the balancing stepper is more effective than others.

Strengthening the immune system

Constantly exercising on a stepper means providing the body with physical activity and proper or complete blood circulation. This is what has a positive effect on the immune system, providing a general strengthening effect on the body.

The opposite effect is only possible with too exhausting training. Using a leg machine, like strength training equipment, can overload your muscles and ligaments. Monitor your heart rate and dose your load to avoid overwork.

Figure correction

The benefits of the stepper for weight loss have been proven by practice, but only under the condition of the intensity of the load recommended above, the duration and frequency of doing the exercises at home or within the walls of the fitness room. It is also necessary to eat right.

Important! Some adherents of a healthy lifestyle do not lose weight due to the characteristics of the body that cause obesity. But even if the fat remains, exercise on the machine will bring enormous health benefits, make your figure very good in its own way, and improve your mood and self-esteem.

How do home walking trainers work?

options for exercises on a stepper
Mini-steppers have become very popular among ordinary people due to the fact that they usually weigh less than 10 kg, are very small in size, and, importantly, are very inexpensive in stores, so you can afford to buy one even at the most modest income and the smallest apartment. But you need to remember that mini-steppers do not have handrails. In addition, they are not equipped with a computer. In fact, they only have pedals and a counter. This, of course, reduces the effectiveness of training, but quite an excellent effect can be obtained using such sports equipment.

The pedals in these home walking trainers can be interdependent - connected, and in this case the load on the leg joints is stronger and more intense, but such elliptical trainers are easier to use.

Important : Benefits of the stepper

The trainer is compact and takes up little space. The stepper can be used not only for weight loss purposes, but also for recovery after fractures and operations. Stepper exercises also strengthen the cardiovascular system and help treat arthritis and arthrosis.

The pedals can also be independent - this allows you to set the load separately for each leg, and training on them is considered by experts to be more effective.

However, if you do not want to spend money on such sports equipment for walking, replacing stepper exercise equipment for your home is not particularly difficult - just walking briskly on the street or regularly walking up the stairs is enough. But to do this, you need to leave your cozy home and go walking up the stairs, while while working out on a home stepper in your apartment, you can simultaneously watch your favorite TV show, listen to music, or even do some household chores!

Types of steppers and their features

Having found out how useful stepper simulators are, we move on to choosing a device based on personal preferences, wishes and budgetary possibilities.

Let's start by considering the types of steppers according to the method of performing movements:

  1. Classic or standard - it is distinguished by its rather large mass and special stability. The design of the exercise machine includes a vertical rod with handrails, which eliminate the risk of loss of balance and help you take steps with a straight back.
  2. Mini-stepper - characterized by maximum compactness. Consists of one platform with two pedals. Some devices are additionally equipped with expanders for simultaneous stress on the legs and arms. The advantage is the most affordable price and small dimensions, allowing you to store it under furniture and take it on car trips. Disadvantages are the small trajectory of the athlete’s movements and, as a rule, the absence of a load regulator.
  3. Rotary stepper - assumes the presence of a rotating two-handed handle - a lever for moving the body simultaneously with steps, developing the muscles of the pelvis and abdomen.
  4. Elliptical or orbitrek. It is often not classified as a stepper, since such a unit is a combination of three simulators, simulating the movement of a skier (the role of ski poles is played by large levers) and allowing you to step forward and backward, like on a treadmill. In addition to the load on almost all muscle groups, the advantage of the orbitrek is that the load on the knee joints is close to zero. Disadvantages: high cost and large dimensions.
  5. Staircase is an original, newest exercise machine, similar to a mini-escalator, with comfortable handrails and a multimedia control panel. Pros: a large range of useful functions and a high degree of comfort. The downside is the huge price.
  6. A balancing or “rock and roll” exercise machine is similar in compactness to a mini-stepper, but differs from it in the design of the pedals, which transforms the athlete’s movements from an imitation of walking into an energetic dance. Forces the body to balance, including the muscles of the torso and arms, and intensely trains the vestibular system.

Let's move on to tips for choosing the best mini-stepper or the most suitable other type of exercise machine for home workouts.

? Bottom half (10th place) ranking of the best treadmills 2021

? Opens the top 10 home treadmills - Carbon T200 Slim

This treadmill is in our store

Carbon T200 Slim

T200 Slim

can be called the absolute leader in the rating in terms of quality and reliability specifically in the economy segment.

The exercise machine has an ultra-compact folding option - after training it can be folded and placed, for example, under the bed. Of the objective disadvantages? Due to the low cost, the functionality of the track is somewhat limited. For example, T200 Slim

unlikely to suit tall and large users.

⭐ Advantages and features of the top 10 T200 Slim treadmill

  • Low price - less than $400
  • Ultra-compact folding
  • Carbon is a proven reliable manufacturer
  • Extremely high reliability for its price category

? Main characteristics of the nominee for the best rating

  • Engine power: 1.25 l. With.
  • Length and width of running belt: 106 x 38 cm
  • MAX treadmill user weight: 90 kg
  • Warranty: 12 months
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 25 x 72 x 138 cm when folded and 131 x 72 x 138 cm when assembled

+1 rating of the best - Ellipsoids

? Rating of elliptical trainers

? 9th place in the rating - Carbon T507

This treadmill is in our store

Carbon T507

At CarbonT507

a classic (unlike the previous model) folding method, but for its price category it has very decent technical characteristics and an excellent shock absorption system.

? Speaking of the brand. Carbon treadmills are made of high quality, components and parts fit perfectly, nuts and bolts do not fall out, and there is no rust on the metal. This sets it apart from the products of other brands that actively promote themselves on the Internet.

⭐ Advantages and features of the nominee for the best rating

  • Wide running belt - 43 centimeters
  • Good shock absorption, consisting of an air cushion and 2 dynamic elastomers
  • Affordable price - up to $600
  • Proven reliable German manufacturer

? Main characteristics of the top 9 treadmill T507

  • Engine power: 1.75 l. With.
  • Length and width of running belt: 122 x 43 cm
  • Tilt angle change: up to 4%
  • MAX treadmill user weight: 120 kg
  • Warranty: 12 months
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 81 x 73 x 135 cm when folded and 149 x 73 x 130 cm when assembled

⚖ Treadmill or ellipsoid - comparison

? On the 8th line of the top best tracks is Applegate T30 ADC

This treadmill is in our store

Applegate T30 ADC


is a Swedish treadmill that has outstanding technical parameters for its price segment - up to 40,000 rubles.

The walkway is equipped with an electronic tilt angle adjustment option. The quality and appearance of all Applegate treadmills are top notch, and this particular treadmill looks very decent. In addition, the model has an official warranty from the manufacturer for 2 years.

⭐ Advantages and features of the rating nominee

  • Almost the best characteristics in the class: 2 horsepower engine and canvas 125 x 40 centimeters
  • Affordable price - up to $800
  • Decent cushioning
  • Reliable manufacturer from Sweden
  • Electronic blade angle adjustment

? Key Features of the Top 8 T30 ADC Treadmill

  • Engine power: 2 l. With.
  • Length and width of running belt: 125 x 40 cm
  • Tilt angle change: up to 15%
  • MAX treadmill user weight: 130 kg
  • Warranty: 24 months
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 84 x 70 x 143 cm when folded and 162 x 71 x 129 cm when assembled

+1 best rating – Exercise bikes

? Rating of the best exercise bikes

? 7th line in the ranking - CardioPower T40

This treadmill is in our store

CardioPower T40


is a German treadmill from the CardioPower brand, which, like
the Applegate T30
, has excellent characteristics for its price segment (up to 50,000 rubles).

The only negative is the relatively large overall dimensions; the exercise machine cannot be called compact and ideal for an apartment. In addition, finishing materials and plastic joints still do not reach the ideal, but it is unrealistic to find similar characteristics from other manufacturers at a similar or lower cost.

CardioPower T40

We can safely recommend it if you want to get the maximum options for a budget close to the economy segment.

⭐ Advantages and features of the rating nominee

  • Engine developing 3 horsepower
  • Spacious running surface - 140 x 48 centimeters
  • High maximum load, the treadmill is designed for users weighing up to 150 kilograms
  • Electronic tilt adjustment
  • Affordable price - slightly above $800

? Main characteristics of the top 7 track T40

  • Engine power: 3 l. With.
  • Length and width of the running surface: 140 by 48 cm
  • Tilt angle change: up to 15%
  • MAX treadmill user weight: 150 kg
  • Warranty: 24 months
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 107 x 76 x 156 cm when folded and 184 x 76 x 138 cm when assembled

⚖ Exercise bike or treadmill - comparison

? 6th position of the top very best - Svensson Body Labs Physioline TBX

This treadmill is in our store

Svensson Body Labs Physioline TBX

Physioline TBX

- a super popular cardio machine from the Swedish manufacturer Svensson. Belongs to the class of mid-size treadmills.

The technical characteristics of the model are very worthy. We also note the excellent quality and performance, nice design with good shock absorption and decent functionality. Let's add a two-year manufacturer's warranty as a plus.

We weren't the only ones who highly rated the model. This is a very popular treadmill that is in great demand among customers of our hypermarket. Also PhysiolineTBX

is characterized by increased reliability. Over the entire period of sales, our customers have received a minimum number of complaints about the model regarding the quality of its work - to be precise, 5 complaints for 246 tracks sold.

⭐ Advantages and features of the rating nominee

  • One of the most reliable models in the price segment - less than 2% of complaints or warranty claims
  • Powerful engine producing 2.75 horsepower
  • Decent technical characteristics
  • Excellent shock absorption from six silicone gel spring cushions will protect your joints
  • Electronic tilt angle adjustment up to 15%

? Main characteristics of the top 6 Physioline TBX treadmill

  • Engine power: 2.75 l. With.
  • Length and width of running belt: 128 x 42 cm
  • Tilt angle change: up to 15%
  • MAX treadmill user weight: 140 kg
  • Warranty: 24 months
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 108 x 76 x 144 cm when folded and 167 x 76 x 141 cm when assembled

This is interesting: Rating of products for the body and face for scars and scars

Rules for choosing a simulator

Having decided to choose a stepper, you need to determine for yourself:

  • what is the maximum amount of money you can allocate to purchase a simulator;
  • how much free space in the home gym is there for the device - either you can choose a large stepper for the home, or only a balancing or mini-stepper will fit in the room;
  • Is a simulator sufficient for you as a means of performing exercises, or is there an opportunity and desire to purchase a machine with changeable settings and functions for monitoring training parameters (pulse, calorie consumption, number of steps, speed of movement, etc.).

Our rating of steppers for the home will help you with your final choice.

Contraindications for exercising on stepper machines at home

Stepper for home fitness classes
You should, however, remember that there are certain contraindications to exercising on a stepper machine:

  1. spinal diseases
  2. various joint diseases,
  3. chronic lung diseases.

As for the presence of cardiovascular diseases, here you need to consult with your doctor, who will help you choose the optimal load for training on all cardio equipment, which will have a positive effect on the body, and at the same time will not harm your overall health.

And yet - as those people who regularly exercise on the stepper machine testify, even after a tiring day at work it does not take away strength, and even vice versa - it tones the body and awakens energy. By exercising regularly on a stepper simulator, you have the opportunity to keep your body in a working, active mode, while each exercise not only has a positive effect on your overall health, but also makes your body more athletic and beautiful. And the attractive appearance of a person contributes to everything else and success in work and in general in relationships with others. To achieve such a result thanks to not at all difficult regular training on a stepper simulator - isn’t this an attractive goal?

We recommend reading: exercise equipment for home

Rating of the best models

The best classic steppers:

  1. Horizon Dynamic 208. Takes up relatively little space, informs about training parameters, and has 12 load levels.
  2. BRADEX Cardio Twister SF 0033. Counts steps and calories, features maximum safety (comfortable handrails, non-slip pedals), 7 load levels and a reasonable price for a home exercise machine.
  3. House Fit HS-5027. A non-bulky, budget standard device, stable, with comfortable pedals and handrails. The stepper comes with four dumbbells.

Best mini steppers:

  1. Body Sculpture BS-1122. Weighs about 6 kg, stable, with wide anti-slip pedals, step adjustment function.
  2. Torneo Ritmo S-112B/S-112W. It has a favorable price, but not at the expense of quality - nice design, smooth pedals, the presence of a cadence sensor and timing of the duration of classes.
  3. Atemi AS-1320M is a mini-stepper with expanders, parameter sensors and a beautiful design.

The best rotary stepper is Cardio Twister (Cardio Slim). It is characterized by durability, has a comfortable handle and non-slip pedals, 7 load levels. The simulator comes with a disk with sports programs and a description of diets.

The best balancing models:

  1. Sport Elite GB-5106/0722-03 Rock-N-Roll. It is highly durable, counts steps and calories, and measures the duration of exercise.
  2. HouseFit HS-5023. Equipped with a reliable foot clamp and expanders.

The best orbiter is Hop-Sport HS-025C Cruze. Smooth movement of pedals and levers, many parameter sensors, 8 load levels, good compactness, durable platform - all this for the average price of a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter (about 14 thousand rubles).

How to choose a simulator

The simplest option is special poles, which are made of carbon fiber, aluminum and some composite materials. Nordic poles, unlike ski poles, have a spike for walking on snow or ice, a heel made of wear-resistant rubber for asphalt, and a tip for dirt roads. When purchasing such a device, determine the optimal length of the poles: multiply your height by 0.68. For example, for a person 174 cm tall, you will need products with a length of 118-120 cm. It is better to give preference to retractable telescopic poles, whose length can be adjusted.

A treadmill usually takes up a lot of space, so it is not suitable for a small living space. Basic recommendations when choosing such a simulator:

  • Decide between an electric, magnetic or mechanical trainer. The first one is the most suitable and functional, and the last one is budget-friendly.
  • The running platform must have the optimal thickness to absorb shock. The best option is a multi-layer tape 2 cm thick. There are also double-sided platforms that are turned over when one side wears out.
  • Make sure the treadmill is stable and has a balance of firmness and softness.
  • The control panel should display all the necessary parameters, including body indicators.

When buying an elliptical trainer, give preference to a folding model that takes up minimal space. Take several criteria into account:

  • Decide on the type. The cheapest is the magnetic ellipsoid. More functional options are magnetic with electronic adjustment and electromagnetic.
  • Flywheel weight. The more, the better the inertia.
  • Flywheel location. It comes in front and back. The last option is convenient for tall people.
  • Step length. It is convenient for short users to exercise on devices with any step length, but rear-wheel drive ellipsoids with a large distance between the pedals are inconvenient for them. Tall people should give preference to front-wheel drive with a step length of 51 cm or rear-wheel drive from 46 to 48 cm.

For home use, the best choice is a stepper. When purchasing it, keep in mind that the mechanical model has fewer functions than its electromagnetic counterpart, but it is silent and does not require external power sources. Please note the maximum user weight and design dimensions. If your leg mobility is different, then give preference to the version with independent pedal travel. A stepper with a manual built-in expander can be an effective choice.

Class Rules

Like any simulator, this one also has its own characteristics. Knowledge of which will provide the right approach to training. This means the process of losing weight.

Start with a warm-up

It would be wrong to immediately jump onto the stepper and immediately walk on it. The body needs to be prepared - warmed up.

Warm-up time – 5-15 minutes.

They use the simplest exercises from physical education lessons at school - walking, squats, jumping rope, rotating joints.

Time to train

Beginners are recommended to practice no more than 10-15 minutes. Gradually this time is increased to 40-60 minutes. – it is believed that the fat burning process begins 25 minutes after the start of training.

  • Watch the position of your body - the body is straight, do not bring your knees together, leaving them slightly bent.
  • The feet are completely on the platforms. When they hang down, there is a high probability of putting a lot of stress on the joints and getting injured.
  • The speed can be alternated - from slow to fast and back.
  • The lesson should begin an hour after eating. And no later than two hours before going to bed.

Watch your pulse

The best values ​​are 110-130 beats per minute. For beginners – 100-110. Read more in the article “What you need to know about heart rate during physical activity”

Beware: errors!

  • If you use your arms (if there are handrails), do not put your body weight on them, as your legs will not receive the proper load.
  • The knees should not touch or be in a dangerously close position - this is traumatic, and also does not give the expected effect.

Analysis of the exercise

What muscles work

For cardio exercise, it is usually considered incorrect to describe working muscle groups and so on. However, in the case of a moving staircase, an exception is made. After all, the buttocks and thighs are worked out perfectly on it.

  • The main muscles worked are the gluteals, hamstrings, and calves;
  • Auxiliary muscles: core muscles, soleus muscles, back muscles.


  • Strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • Helps normalize metabolism;
  • Corrects physical inactivity;
  • Helps strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks for those who do not strive for strength training;
  • Helps get rid of routine in training programs;
  • Suitable for fitness bikini training and specialization in the development of gluteal muscles;
  • Can be used at home:
  • Replaces impact types of exercise, such as running and jumping;
  • Allows you to significantly increase calorie consumption;
  • Increases the energy intensity of any exercise;
  • Suitable for high-intensity interval training

Preparing for the exercise

  • In cardio training, the main thing is to choose an adequate mode that would suit your training goals. If the goal is to burn excess fat or recover, the workout should not exceed an hour in time. For those who want to preserve muscle and improve physical condition during cardio training, intervals are suitable. They can't last more than 20 minutes and still be very effective;
  • Before starting training, you should perform joint exercises. It is not enough to just warm up your knees and ankles; you need to pay attention to your shoulders, elbows, and wrists. 8-9 rotations are enough;
  • Training should begin in a low heart rate zone, usually no higher than 40 percent of maximum;
  • Warm-up lasts 5-10 minutes, the transition to working intensity should be smooth, the body should work into the load;
  • The goal of warming up on a moving staircase is to gradually increase your heart rate. Therefore, for effective work it is necessary to monitor the pulse and accelerate it slowly. Warm-up on a moving staircase occurs at a slow pace, but with the same step height;
  • Only the main part of the workout is carried out at the working pulse; the cool-down is also carried out at a low pulse. The purpose of the cool-down is to calm the heart.

Nordic walking trainer

Nordic walking poles help work the lower and upper body. Thanks to the support on special sticks, the back remains straight. In this case, an effective formation of a muscle corset occurs around the spine, which helps to unload the spinal discs. Due to this, their compression is reduced, resulting in improved nutrition of the cartilage tissue that covers the surface of the joints.

Trump Fitness

Tramp Fitness Nordic walking poles (telescopic) will help correct posture, strengthen the muscles of the legs and arms, reduce excess weight and maintain good shape without harm to health. The handle of the device is supplemented with a quick-release lanyard:

  • Model name: Tramp Fitness TRR-011;
  • price: 1699 RUR;
  • characteristics: length – 84-135 cm, sections – 2, material – aluminum Alu 60/61, tube diameter – 16/14 mm, pair weight – 520 g, height adjustment mechanism – internal spacer, handle made of cork with rubber;
  • pros: strength, workmanship, optimal size;
  • cons: no Anti-shock system, expensive.

Nordic Walker Extreme

Lightweight and durable, the Nordic Walker Extreme poles are a great option to improve your posture and health. They have an excellent design that will not leave you indifferent. A comfortable lanyard like a half-glove holds the hand while moving and helps relieve the muscles of the palm. Compared to other fixation systems, it does not chafe the skin. If necessary, it can be adjusted in width, making it suitable for both a small female hand and a large male hand wearing a fur glove. Walking long distances with such poles is a pleasure:

  • model name: Nordic Walker Extreme;
  • price: 1149 rub.;
  • characteristics: stick material – fiberglass, handles – cork composite/plastic, lanyard – half-glove, non-quick-release, color – black with blue/black with red, weight – 150 g, minimum and maximum height of the walker – 150 and 200 cm;
  • pluses: lightness, strength, shoes with Anti-Shock system, steel claws for moving on ice;
  • cons: more expensive than some analogues.

What to remember

  • The stepper is a useful aid in the fight against extra pounds. But to a greater extent it is aimed at cardio, strengthening the overall tone and influencing individual muscle groups.
  • Exercises on it should be combined with exercises for other muscle groups that are not involved in this training.
  • In addition, the organization of proper nutrition is of paramount importance. Until you change your eating habits. And you will combine the stepper with eating hamburgers and confectionery sweets. There will be no positive effect.

How do you train, friends? Do you use exercise equipment at home? Share your experience in the comments to the article. Well, I say “goodbye” to you - see you in the next article!

The Ladder Trainer (climber) is a cardio machine. It differs in that it helps to avoid shock loads, and, unlike a stepper, it completely imitates steps on the stairs. Yes, cardio is good for your health, but few people enjoy the monotony of walking on a treadmill. The climber allows you to simulate walking on a regular staircase in a stairwell. It is designed for those who want to lose weight, tighten the muscles of their legs and buttocks and burn a lot of extra calories.

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