“Honey Saved” drops for liver restoration

What it is

The drops are claimed to be a comprehensive weight loss product. They are not classified as dietary supplements or medications due to the lack of certificates. It's not surprising that you can't find them in the pharmacy. Can only be ordered through numerous online stores and the official website. It is difficult to determine the latter, because about 5-6 resources with almost the same design and content call themselves such.

Available in a small bottle of 30 ml. Diluted in water. They taste like grapefruit. There is no smell. The color is transparent. These parameters are pleasing, as they mean that they do not contain harmful dyes or fragrances.

The manufacturer of the drops is a mystery, shrouded in darkness: on the packaging it is listed as ArtLife LLC, on the website - Garant LLC, in other sources - various companies. So, most likely, there will be no one to make claims about the quality of the goods.

“Honey Saved” drops for liver restoration

If you look at the statistics, you can be horrified at how many people suffer from liver problems to one degree or another. Disruption of the functioning of this vital organ leads to diseases such as fatty degeneration, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and cancer. It is not difficult to understand why the liver is so vulnerable. Poor environment, alcohol consumption, constant stress, fatty foods, smoking - all this greatly affects her health.

Today, curing liver diseases is not so difficult. Only by the time a person realizes that he has serious problems is it already too late. This situation is due to the fact that there are no nerve cells in the liver and diseases in it develop almost asymptomatically. So it turns out that the discovery of advanced, incurable forms occurs by chance, during some kind of examination.

That is why it is very important to take care of your liver, to carry out preventive measures to restore, improve, and maintain it. “Honey Saved” for the liver can cope with this in the best possible way. It comes in drops, so it is absorbed very quickly and gives an almost instant positive result. The peculiarity of the drug lies in its absolutely natural composition.

Effect on the body

Like any other drops for weight loss, Bee Spas has a powerful effect on the body, triggering processes in it that invariably lead to weight loss:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • corrects problem areas;
  • suppresses appetite;
  • dulls the craving for sweets;
  • forms correct eating habits;
  • removes excess fluid from the body along with waste and toxins;
  • the psycho-emotional state is put in order (which eliminates the risk of compulsive overeating);
  • increases performance.

At least that's what the manufacturers promise.

Particular emphasis is placed on the breakdown and gradual removal of adipocytes from the body. The promised weight loss results are encouraging: the fat burner Bee Spas can not only correct your figure, but also reduce weight by 10 kg in a month. Not every diet can do this. And many drugs officially prescribed for the treatment of obesity do not guarantee a similar effect - this is something to think about.

How the drops work

The drug “Honey Spas” consists of natural components, each of which has its own properties, but together they effectively reduce weight. After you start taking the drops, a chain of reactions starts to break down fat and cleanse the body. Only a complex effect helps to achieve such a quick and high-quality effect.

In addition to losing weight, a person who takes these drops will receive not only the desired weight, but also complete recovery; it will become noticeable how the body is saturated with vitamins, useful minerals and gives its owner clear skin, a lot of energy and the appearance of dreams.

In the process of taking the drop you will be able to achieve the following;

  • The craving for sweets and the constant desire to snack on “something tasty” disappear. The product reduces appetite;
  • The body is cleansed of toxins and waste. Excess fluid is removed and swelling disappears;
  • The immune system is strengthened and the general condition improves;
  • Comfortable weight loss of at least 4-5 kilograms per week, without changing your diet or lifestyle.

According to the results of the study and numerous reviews, it became known that a decrease in hunger occurs after the first use of the drops. The product is recognized by professional nutritionists and tested through several laboratory studies. The effect of use appears after 5 days of use.


The fat-burning effect of the drops is dictated by the ingredients that are included in their 100% natural composition.

Dead bees

It is a “trick” of these drops, since dead fruit is rarely used as an ingredient in weight loss medications. It is a concentrate from the bodies of killed bees. To prepare it, only the healthiest individuals are selected, which are predominantly drowned and then treated with alcohol tinctures. The content of a large number of useful elements allows you to cope with excess weight, as well as health problems.

Podmore contains a lot of flavonoids, known for antioxidant properties, and amino acids. It contains chitosan - a famous fat burner, melatonin - a hunger blocker and bee venom - a metabolism activator. It is not surprising that drops containing such an unusual substance promote weight loss. In addition, the extract from dead bees has a general healing effect on the body:

  • slows down the aging process, improving skin conditions;
  • restores damaged tissue, helping with diseases of ligaments, joints, bones;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps build muscle mass;
  • normalizes blood pressure (both low and high);
  • reduces pain syndromes;
  • improves digestion;
  • helps with diseases of the liver, stomach, thyroid gland;
  • prescribed as maintenance therapy after surgery.

If Bee Spa contains a sufficient amount of good dead bees (without impurities of wax and mold), made from healthy and not sick bees, the drug has no price: it should promote weight loss and heal the body. However, judging by the reviews, such an effect does not occur. Either the extract is of dubious quality, or there is little of it in the composition.


The packaging shows a cut grapefruit, which has powerful fat-burning properties. Moreover, here too the manufacturer turned out to be original, including only seed extract, which contains several times more beneficial bitterness than the zest. Here's what this component can do:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • cleansing the intestines of pathogenic microorganisms, improving digestion, enhancing peristalsis, mild laxative effect;
  • acceleration of metabolism
  • blocking appetite;
  • adipocyte breakdown;
  • choleretic effect;
  • normalization of cholesterol;
  • calming effect;
  • a surge of strength and energy.

Grapefruit seeds contain naringenin, a citrus flavonoid that is now actively used to develop drugs for obesity and diabetes. It reduces cell resistance to insulin. This eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time, which allows you to follow the most strict diets without the risk of failure.

Despite such a range of beneficial properties of grapefruit seeds, the content of their extract in the drops is minimal. And if you consider that they have to be dissolved in water, the concentration decreases even more. This may be why the expected effect of weight loss and overall health improvement, in many cases, does not occur.


Brazilian vine berries are included in 80% of all dietary supplements for weight loss. Bee Rescue Drops were no exception. The plant contains guaranine, a substance whose effect on the body is most similar to caffeine. It tones, increases performance, provides energy and improves mood. How does this help you lose weight? When a person feels a surge of strength, his physical activity increases, which burns a lot of calories.

Guaranine, moreover, is an active fat burner that breaks down adipocytes and an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and removes with them poisons and toxins that accumulate in the body.

So guarana berries in the drops actively promote weight loss:

  • improve digestion;
  • reduce appetite;
  • increase concentration, endurance and performance;
  • eliminate depression and chronic fatigue, eliminating the risk of compulsive overeating
  • relieve vitamin deficiency, which plagues those who lose weight while dieting;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • cleanse the body of toxins.

Guarana is credited with truly wonderful properties: it turns out that it copes with all the main causes of excess weight (hormones, depression, toxins in the body, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract). By eliminating them, you can never experience problems with excess weight again. But why doesn’t Bee Spas have all the above-stated properties?

One of the reasons has already been indicated - the low content of the extract in the composition of the drops. The second factor can disappoint anyone: the beneficial properties of guarana have not been proven. Therefore, it cannot be used in medications - only in dietary supplements. In some countries (the USA, for example), the plant is included in the register of prohibited plants. This is due to the powerful energy effect of drinks based on it, which in some cases led to epilepsy and mental disorders.


Being a vitamin-like substance, levocarnitine is known in bodybuilding circles. It is believed to increase endurance during training, promote muscle building and is an active fat burner. Many experts question its abilities, but today it is one of the most popular dietary supplements in sports nutrition. It is produced from red meat or with the help of microorganisms.

Manufacturers of Bee Spas explain the presence of L-carnitine in the composition with fat-burning and energy properties. It is thanks to him that the drug:

  • increases the body's energy reserves;
  • activates lipolysis, delivering adipocytes to mitochondria, where they burn;
  • cleanses the body of toxins, biogenic wastes, heavy metal salts, breakdown products, free radicals, xenobiotics;
  • promotes additional synthesis of endorphins, which give a good mood and increase resistance to stressful situations;
  • optimizes protein metabolism, which results in muscle mass gain.

All 4 active components are capable of breaking down and removing adipocytes from the body. The question is: why in most cases does the drug not work and weight loss does not occur? Poor quality raw materials? Concentration of active substances too low? Or are the manufacturers hiding something and keeping silent about a few more components – already of chemical origin, which “clog” natural extracts? The answers remain without questions.

Main composition of the drug

This highly effective result is achieved thanks to the combination of four useful components in the “Honey Spas” drops:

guarana berries – contain caffeine, help speed up metabolism, improve metabolic processes and break down excess weight;

grapefruit is one of the most famous fat-burning agents, in addition to its weight loss function, it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties;

Dead bee is one of the most ancient components that reduce weight. Plays an important role in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Helps reduce fat absorption;

L-carnitine – accelerates the process of breakdown of adipose tissue. Increases physical endurance.


Bee Rescue officially has only one contraindication, which cannot but please potential buyers. This is an individual intolerance to the components. However, the composition of the fat burner is quite aggressive, even despite the minimal concentrations of active substances. Therefore, you need to keep in mind other restrictions for such weight loss:

  • problems with the central nervous system, constant nervousness, mental disorders, chronic fatigue, depression - energy drinks will only give a temporary calming effect, after which all these conditions will intensify;
  • kidney disease - taking into account the mild diuretic effect, the load on them increases, and in the presence of pathologies, the organ does not have time to cope with it;
  • impaired metabolism
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • fever;
  • obesity 3 and 4 degrees;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

The drug has not been subjected to clinical trials, which makes it potentially hazardous to health in some diseases.

Rules of application

How to take the drops so that they promote active weight loss is written in the instructions right on the package:

  1. Shake the bottle.
  2. Measure 10 drops into a glass.
  3. Pour in any liquid at room temperature: water, juice, milk or other drinks.
  4. Stir thoroughly.
  5. Drink in small sips.
  6. Use twice a day, morning and evening, before meals.
  7. Course - until the bottle is completely finished.
  8. You can repeat in a couple of weeks.

Everything is extremely simple, but there is a pitfall here: what effect will guaranine have on the body before bedtime? Its invigorating effect can cause insomnia and headaches the next morning.

Additional recommendations

Those who have already tried to lose weight with the help of Bee Rescue give recommendations on how to increase its effectiveness:

  • dilute in water only;
  • drink the drink for the second time before lunch, and not in the evening;
  • consume it immediately before training to increase endurance and calories burned;
  • Despite the fact that manufacturers claim that you can lose weight with drops without dieting or sports, no one has yet succeeded in this, so you will still have to organize proper nutrition and increase physical activity.

If any side effects occur, use of the drug should be stopped immediately.

What are Bee Spas fat burning drops?

Becoming a beauty, having acquired a new silhouette, without helping yourself with liposuction, isn’t that great? If you follow the path of fasting, you can lose what remains of your health, and massages to eliminate cellulite threaten with bruises. Turning fat into muscle is possible when you devote all your time to physical exercise. But, as it turns out, you can do without these difficulties. The Bee Spas product, completely based on the capabilities of natural objects, will definitely convince you that there is:

  • fight the cause of excess weight;
  • chances for weight reduction;
  • without pain;
  • cleansing the body of toxins.

It is possible to get rid of fat reserves in “heavy” areas, in this sense, by using course therapy. Finally, you will part with your riding breeches, and your stomach will become flatter. You won't have to be ashamed of yourself anymore! Improving your silhouette will change your idea of ​​what an interesting life is and what it should really be like. Other people, in search of your attention, will try in every possible way to get closer to you, thereby strengthening your self-confidence and raising your self-esteem.

Side effects

What do those losing weight who decide to take Bee Saved drops most often complain about:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • a sharp decrease in mood and performance;
  • insomnia;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea.

Everyone reacts individually to taking drops. Some note that they did not notice any effect from their use at all: neither negative side effects, nor positive fat-burning effects.

Composition of drops Bee saved

Bee Spas drops are an original and unique combination of beekeeping products, which have long been known for their healing effect on the human body, as well as herbal supplements and substances that are actively used in sports nutrition and are well known to fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Please note that the composition of Bee Spas weight loss drops is selected in such a way that each component emphasizes and enhances the effect of all the others. The product contains natural substances.

  1. Death of bees - the effectiveness of this component is also recognized by official medicine, noting its positive effect on metabolism and the ability to enhance the body’s natural defense reactions. Taking podmora allows you to increase a person’s energy potential.
  2. L-carnitine is an amino acid that stimulates the breakdown of fat, converting it into energy supplied to the muscles. It is this additive that is present in many cocktails for athletes, which indicates its safety.
  3. Grapefruit – the seed extract of this fruit has a complex effect. It enhances the breakdown of fats, helps accelerate metabolism, and release additional energy reserves. In addition, this citrus allows you to forget about the manifestations of cellulite and even has a destructive effect on fat capsules.
  4. Guarana is another substance that is known to many. This is a powerful fat burner that provides the body with energy and allows you to forget about the blues, depression, and apathy.

Reason to think

If you go to the “official” sites, which are scattered in large numbers on the Internet, you will see that they are very similar to the resources where you can order Fire Fit or Onetwoslim:

  • bright, colorful design;
  • the same before and after photos under different names;
  • promising slogans;
  • price 999 rub. for an “eternal” promotion, supposedly less than a day left until the end;
  • excellent motivation: men will be delighted with you, your life will become richer, etc.

Despite all the advertised advantages, Bee Spas weight loss drops are not much different from other similar drugs. When purchasing them, you do not need to expect supernatural results. If you want them to work, get your diet in order, play sports and believe that it was the grapefruit solution for 999 rubles that helped you lose weight. No one has yet canceled the placebo effect.

Honey Spas for immunity - drops in Moscow

Honey Spas - drops for immunity, which are made with the addition of natural ingredients and beekeeping products. The drug is dissolved in half a glass of liquid and taken according to the instructions for 30 days. The product helps strengthen the immune system during illness and in the autumn-spring period, support the nervous system, improve blood circulation, and normalize heart rate.

Honey Spas is easily absorbed by the body and is not addictive. The course of treatment can be extended or repeated if necessary. The drops have almost no contraindications and do not cause side effects.

general description

Honey saved drops for immunity are a natural remedy created to support the body during periods of vitamin deficiency, seasonal epidemics, cold weather, and colds. The Russian drug is available in 30 ml bottles and exhibits a therapeutic effect after 2 weeks of regular use.

Composition of the drug

Immunomodulatory drops contain:

  1. Propolis oil. Restores the lymphatic structure, ensures blood purification, removes toxic elements from the body.
  2. Cedar extract. Destroys infections and bacteria, prevents the spread of herpes infection, reduces the risk of complications from acute respiratory viral infections, colds, and flu.
  3. Milk thistle oil. Normalizes liver activity, reduces the activity of the human papillomavirus, promotes the healing of affected tissues.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil. Activates leukocytes, reduces the risk of exacerbation of allergic reactions, suppresses the development of herpetic infections, and prevents the development of dermatitis and psoriasis.
  5. Cedar resin. Increases the overall tone of the body, accelerates metabolic processes, increases the body's endurance, and reduces the activity of viruses.

Effect of the drug

The effect of Honey Spas drops was evaluated experimentally. For 15 days, patients from 10 to 80 years old constantly took the drug and noted the following results:

  • All study participants had 100% increased immunity;
  • 98% of participants had improved sleep;
  • 99% of people noted an increase in body endurance;
  • 93% of patients recorded a decrease in relapses of chronic diseases.

Admission rules

For prevention, Honey Spas is taken 10 drops orally in the morning, adding half a glass of water. After 6 hours, a person feels a surge of energy, strength and vigor. If a patient has a fever due to a sore throat or flu, it is recommended to take 1 scoop of the product twice a day. The course of therapy is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, it can be extended.

Indications for use

If a person is healthy, he will easily encounter a virus or infection. But often people suffer from suppressed immune systems, so they need immunomodulators for:

  • frequent colds;
  • chronic diseases;
  • stress, strong feelings;
  • insomnia, sleep disturbance;
  • frequent appearance of herpes on the face and lips;
  • constant fatigue.

Honey Spas drops help strengthen the body's defenses, suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes, and increase the tone of the body. The active components of the product help fill tissues with useful substances, providing reliable protection for a long period.

Price and where to buy Honey Spas for immunity in Moscow

  • Price for Honey Spas for immunity from 147.00 rub. in Moscow.
  • You can buy Honey Spas for immunity drops in Moscow at an online pharmacy.
  • Pharmacy No. 38 offers the opportunity to purchase Honey Spas for immunity on the official website from the manufacturer.
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