Menu by age: what to eat after 30, 40 and 50

Recommended nutrition at 35 years old

After 30 years, it is important for women to monitor their figure, health, and appearance. Despite your young age, the body is already becoming more susceptible to the negative effects of various factors. A healthy diet is one of the main factors that can withstand the coming age-related changes. Why it is important to adjust your menu at this age is not understood by many ladies. But it is after 35 years, and for some even earlier, that girls come out of maternity leave, already have families with children, jobs at the start of their careers. As a result of such wealth, the young woman is in constant trouble and worries, because of which she does not have time to eat on time, there is no time for breakfast, and in the evening her hungry body demands to sweep away everything that is edible on the table.

With this approach to nutrition, some end up with extra centimeters on their waists, while others suffer from exhaustion and weakness. In both cases, there is a lack of vitamins, proteins and beneficial microelements.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat regularly, in small portions, at thirty and later. Food should be balanced, with a full range of vitamins, proteins, acids, fats and carbohydrates, and other microelements that are important for the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Eating 5 times a day, without fasting. It’s easy to take a small bag of healthy snacks to work, but your body will be grateful for such care.

Cleansing diet

This diet for women after 35 years will help cleanse the body of toxins and stock up on vitamins; it helps stimulate intestinal function, lose weight, and normalize blood sugar levels. The diet contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and is rich in fiber. The diet is designed for a week. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid during the day. And at night - a glass of any fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk).

Foods to exclude from your diet:

A medium-rare steak, a hamburger and a chocolate roll sound delicious, but these are the foods that clog the body. They should not be included in the diet after 30 years for women. Because at 30 years old the body begins to rebuild. This does not mean rapid aging, it’s just that the metabolism slows down a little, fat layers are deposited with greater zeal, alcohol gives you a worse headache in the morning and the pain gets worse after running. To help your body cope with excess stress, try not to include in your diet:

  1. Fried potatoes and chips. Eating this way after 30 years is clearly not the best idea. Oil-soaked potatoes are a deadly combination of fat and starch that leads to obesity. The oil in which fast food fries are fried does not change throughout the week. Fat breakdown products collect there, which can cause a malignant tumor. A 35-year-old's diet may include crispy potatoes, but not more than once every 10 days.
  2. Alcohol. Firstly, it is high in calories. Secondly, in combination with soda it becomes even more harmful and high in calories. Beer helps bring your belly into a rounded shape. If you want to drink, choose dry wines. They are lower in calories and even beneficial for digestion. Moreover, for women in their 30s, this is a classic aesthetic. Read more about alcohol on this page.
  3. Sausages.
  4. Chocolate bars. When the pace of life does not allow for a full meal, people often turn to affordable snacks. For example, advertised chocolate bars. Yes, they easily overcome the feeling of hunger, but to burn off such nutrition after 35 years, you need to run at an average pace of 3.46 km. This applies to most sweet foods.

Read also: Fractional diet for weight loss: menu and rules of a fractional diet

Products that need to be included in the diet:

  • lean meat,
  • chicken,
  • fish,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits,
  • oat groats,
  • low-fat milk,
  • natural yogurt,
  • cottage cheese,
  • cheese,
  • grain bread,
  • wholemeal bread,
  • vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower),
  • sweeteners.

Sample menu for 1 week

1 day

  1. Breakfast: half a grapefruit sprinkled with cinnamon, a piece of cheese, rye bread, tea with sweetener.
  2. Lunch: pureed vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast (100 g), sprouted wheat and carrot salad, seasoned with corn oil, with sesame seeds, a glass of plum juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: whipped fruit cream from frozen fruit (70 g), a glass of natural yoghurt with honey (1 teaspoon).
  4. Dinner: oatmeal cooked in skim milk with dried or fresh fruit, kefir (1 glass).

Day 2

  1. Breakfast: fruit cream (kiwi, banana, raspberry) with natural yoghurt, wholemeal bun.
  2. Lunch: weak beef broth with crackers, salad (avocado, tomato, cucumber, lettuce with lemon juice and olive oil), peppers stuffed with vegetables, fresh peach.
  3. Afternoon snack: herbal tea (1 glass), rye bread.
  4. Dinner: fish casserole (100 g), boiled jacket potatoes, boiled zucchini with olive oil (100 g), rye bread, tea with sweetener.

Day 3

  1. Breakfast: strawberries with sweetener (100 g), bran bread (2 pcs.), fresh orange juice.
  2. Lunch: chicken broth with rye bread, 2-3 boiled potatoes stuffed with tuna, cottage cheese and sweet corn, 2 fresh tomatoes, 5-6 fresh plums.
  3. Afternoon snack: fresh fruit puree with natural yogurt.
  4. Dinner: boiled chicken meat (100 g), boiled brown rice (50 g), fresh vegetable salad, a glass of warm milk.

4 day

  1. Breakfast: muesli (30 g) with skim milk, fresh fruit, coffee with sweetener.
  2. Lunch: asparagus cream soup, chicken cutlet, cabbage and fresh cucumber salad with vegetable oil and lemon juice, apple juice (1 glass).
  3. Afternoon snack: feta cheese (50 g) with fresh fruit salad,
  4. Dinner: corn porridge with honey and sesame seeds, a piece of cheese, sour milk (1 glass).

5 day

  1. Breakfast: pear, apple, banana salad, dressed with yogurt, bran bread, coffee with milk,
  2. Lunch: vegetable stew of zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes with parsley, wholemeal bun, strawberries with skim milk.
  3. Afternoon snack: whole grain bread sandwich with salad and avocado slices, orange juice (1 glass).
  4. Dinner: 2-3 baked apples with natural yoghurt, a piece of feta cheese, rye bread, tea with sweetener.

Day 6

  1. Breakfast: toast with baked tomatoes and cheese, sprinkled with celery or parsley, tea with honey.
  2. Lunch: fish soup with vegetables, rye bread, stewed beef liver (100 g) with a side dish of boiled beets, tomato juice (1 glass).
  3. Afternoon snack: sugar-free muesli with low-fat natural yoghurt.
  4. Dinner: stewed liver (150 g), boiled potatoes (2 pcs.), 2 tomatoes, tomato juice (1 glass).

Day 7

  1. Breakfast: a piece of lean ham, tomato, pineapple (100 g), wholemeal bun, warm milk (1 glass).
  2. Lunch: vegetarian vegetable soup with low-fat sour cream, a wholemeal bun, stewed fish (100 g), a side dish of boiled beans and lettuce, 2 apples.
  3. Afternoon snack: a glass of fruit juice with rye bread,
  4. Dinner: boiled salmon (150 g), fresh cabbage and olive salad with lemon juice, wholemeal bun, kiwi, tea with sweetener.

Read also: Fiber for weight loss: proper intake, foods with fiber, contraindications

Basic diet at 35 years old

The diet of a young woman after 35 years should be based on proteins, vegetables and fruits. With their help, you can supply the body with the required amount of protein to support elasticity and muscle tone, fiber, vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other microelements for the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and other body systems.

The diet should be dominated by protein-containing foods such as:

  • Lean poultry meat,
  • Veal,
  • fish,
  • eggs,
  • cottage cheese.

These products will provide beauty to women's hair, nails, and skin. Helps strengthen muscles. If you add regular physical activity, then at thirty and thirty-five you can proudly admire your ideal forms.

Seafood will help maintain youth and health. Once a week you need to eat fatty fish (stewed or steamed). This could be salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel. One serving will replenish the necessary supply of Omega 3. The female body constantly needs these acids.

Diet with scoring

The principle of the glasses diet is to limit the consumption of certain foods, namely:

  • with a high content of fatty fiber,
  • vegetables and fruits with fast carbohydrates.

The foundation of nutrition is proteins, but dishes cannot be monotonous. When calculating the daily diet, you must use the full table of the spectacle diet and count the points.

Let's look at the correlation of points with some products from the points diet table:

  • 0 points - 100 g boiled meat and fish fillet, 1 boiled egg, as well as boiled seafood, mushrooms, water, tea, coffee,
  • 1 point - 2-3 sausages, any citrus in the same quantity,
  • 2 points - an egg fried in a minimum amount of oil, a piece of bread,
  • 3 points - 30 g sour cream, hard cheese, mayonnaise or sauce, cottage cheese, sunflower oil,
  • 10 points - boiled or raw vegetables (100 g), fruits, 100 g of boiled sausage, porridge, 200 ml of wine,
  • 20 points - vegetable soup or with beans, candy, 80 g jam, 2 cookies, a piece of cake, 1 liter of milk,
  • 25 points - 100 g of pasta, fried potatoes, raw-cured sausage, a glass of cognac, 1 bun.

The principle of the diet is to gain 40 points; if you get 60 points, then your weight will stay the same.

The main rule is the principle of rational nutrition and variety in the menu. Everyone chooses for himself whether to eat a little of all foods, or choose a lot of low-calorie foods. Points are the amount of carbohydrates contained in food

Using this method is quite simple, as can be seen from the table (you can find it on the Internet), you can eat almost all foods, only in small quantities. Thanks to the variety of the menu, you can maintain a cheerful mood and not remain hungry.

Spectacle diet: list of dishes for one day:

  1. breakfast: corn flakes with grated low-fat cottage cheese and pear with dates, which will equal 10 points,
  2. lunch: protein omelet with vegetables – 17 points,
  3. afternoon snack: cucumber smoothie with apple and strawberries,
  4. dinner: vegetable soup with diet ham.

Vegetables, greens, fruits and grains

Proper nutrition after 30 requires the introduction of a large amount of greens. You need to make it a rule to eat lettuce leaves every day: arugula, spinach, romaine, lettuce, iceberg, etc. In combination with a few chopped vegetables, a quail egg (boiled), and a light dressing, you get an excellent salad that you can have for dinner. Cabbage salads will replenish your supply of vitamin K and prevent the development of edema. You need to introduce them into your daily diet, especially when you need to lose weight.

Be sure to choose vegetables of different colors. To maintain beauty, there should be a lot of orange or red vegetables. Therefore, do not forget about pumpkin and carrots. Fans of tropical delicacies can regularly consume mango, avocado, and kiwi.

Recipe No. 1Pumpkin and nut pancakes

The dish is rich in vitamin A and Selenium. This is a great option for breakfast, and these pancakes are also good to take with you to work; they taste even better cold!

Pumpkin pancakes



200 g pumpkin 1 egg 2 tbsp. l. small oat flakes 3 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook


  1. Grate the raw pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  2. Combine pumpkin with 1 egg, oatmeal, salt and pepper. Add walnuts to the mixture.
  3. Fry the pumpkin pancakes on both sides, as usual, in a small amount of olive oil.

BY THE WAY: pumpkin pancakes go great with low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

Indicative menu after 35

Even after studying the Talmuds about the benefits and harms of all foods, it is not always possible to organize your daily diet. Therefore, nutritionists have introduced the following indicative menu that a 30-year-old female body will appreciate:

  • breakfast - porridge with berries and fruits, water or milk,
  • snack – smoothie, fruit,
  • for lunch - cereals or pasta with meat and a portion of salad,
  • snack – kefir, nuts, fruits,
  • dinner - a portion of salad.

Staying fit doesn't require a strict diet if you just eat right. But there is a set of products that you should avoid. These include preservatives, fried foods, fast-acting carbohydrates (sweets, cookies, buns, sugar). There is no place in a healthy diet for sausages, smoked meats, or semi-finished products. By eliminating these foods, you won't have to go hungry. On the contrary, there are interesting recipes that allow you to eat even more deliciously than before. Pumpkin pancakes for a snack and salmon main course are very popular.

Lenten diet

The principle of operation of lean diets is based on the exclusion or significant reduction in the amount of animal products consumed, that is, meat, fish, milk, eggs. The correct selection of cereals, vegetables, and fruits is also important. Meat products are high in calories and difficult to digest, and some fruits and cereals contain a lot of carbohydrates, which is unacceptable in a weight loss diet.

The daily diet must contain fats, but in moderation, no more than 40 g, and only vegetable fats. Sources of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) are mushrooms, buckwheat porridge, fresh berries, fruits, vegetable salads, compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, juices.

The optimal number of full meals is 4-5 times a day. Menu dishes may be swapped. Light snacks are acceptable, but they should consist of a small amount of dried fruit, an apple or a few nuts - no sandwiches or sweets. It is recommended to consume about 2 liters of liquid per day - this will speed up the cleansing process. This can be tea, compote or still mineral water; it is better to replace coffee with chicory.

Read also: Low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss: menu for every day


  1. Breakfast: 100 g of buckwheat porridge with slices of stewed carrots, tea.
  2. Lunch: salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, light vegetable soup.
  3. Afternoon snack: 1 baked jacket potato and banana with unsweetened dried fruit compote.
  4. Dinner: stewed vegetables carrots, beets, cabbage.


  1. Breakfast: baked potato or dumplings.
  2. Lunch: fruit salad of orange, apple, bananas, in small pieces.
  3. Afternoon snack: stewed cabbage with onions and herbs.
  4. Dinner: rice porridge with stewed vegetables.


  1. Breakfast: vinaigrette salad without potatoes, tea.
  2. Lunch: diet soup, cabbage salad, cucumbers, tomatoes.
  3. Afternoon snack: baked potatoes with sauerkraut.
  4. Dinner: pumpkin porridge without sugar, tea with jam.


  1. Breakfast: black bread toast.
  2. Lunch: vegetable salad, light soup.
  3. Afternoon snack: mixed walnuts with raisins, honey.
  4. Dinner: buckwheat porridge with vegetable side dish.


  1. Fasting day: you can drink only water, compotes in any quantity.


  1. Breakfast: millet porridge with water, vegetable salad.
  2. Lunch: bean soup, vegetable salad.
  3. Afternoon snack: 2 baked apples.
  4. Dinner: mashed potatoes with salad.


  1. Breakfast: 1 pancake made from yeast dough with fruit.
  2. Lunch: potato soup, vegetable salad.
  3. Afternoon snack: semolina and pumpkin casserole.
  4. Dinner: You can treat yourself to pudding.

You can drink non-sweet teas and compotes in any quantity, but you should give up coffee and alcoholic beverages. If you smoke, try quitting during the diet and see how much better you start to feel, then you won’t want to return to bad habits.

Before starting a diet, I strongly recommend consulting with your doctor.

Recipe No. 2. Salmon coated with nuts and tomatoes

Half a kilogram of salmon is boiled. The finished fillet is laid out on a plate, and a separately prepared fur coat is placed on top. For the fur coat, you need to fry pine nuts and garlic in a frying pan, to which finely chopped tomato, cheese and herbs are added at the end. Such a fur coat with tender salmon meat is very pleasant to the taste, healthy and nutritious.

It will not be difficult for every woman to find many more recipes for original and incredibly tasty dishes that will turn healthy eating into a celebration of life, and not a test.

Folk remedies for losing excess weight after 35

A woman over 35 years old can also lose weight using traditional medicine recipes. It is enough to drink special plant-based drinks, which can be purchased in a store or prepared at home:

  • Birch juice;
  • rowan juice;
  • St. John's wort decoction;
  • buckthorn infusion;
  • ginger root tincture;
  • cabbage juice;
  • linden-cherry infusion.

Cabbage juice will help in the fight for slimness

These folk remedies speed up metabolism, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, improve skin condition and promote weight loss.

About using kombucha drink for weight loss >>

After 40

Breakfast. This age is traditionally considered a crisis - many fall into prolonged depression, suffer from mood swings and apathy. Therefore, from the very morning you need foods that can affect not only your stomach, but also your mood.

The best assistant in this matter is magnesium, which promotes the production of the “joy hormone” serotonin. Almonds and oatmeal are full of it, so learn to love porridge or muesli with nuts. In addition, such a breakfast will be very beneficial for your heart and blood vessels.

Dinner. At age 40, a period of increased risk for many chronic diseases, including cancer, also begins. Therefore, when choosing a menu, you need to take into account all possible risks and opportunities. For example, in order to maintain vascular health for as long as possible and avoid a heart attack, you will have to give up fried potatoes, cakes and cream pies, fatty meat and milk. And the best protectors against cancer will be foods with antioxidants and vitamins: broccoli, legumes, tomatoes, various berries, avocados.

Dinner . As we age, our digestive system also slows down. Therefore, eating and immediately going to bed is not the best option: you will either toss and turn for a long time before going to bed, or you will develop reflux (reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus). And yet, you still need proteins, which, by the way, take 3-4 hours to digest.

An additional meal will help solve this dilemma - you can have an afternoon snack before leaving work with fiber-enriched bread, cheese and, for example, an apple. This is a workout for the intestines, a supply of vitamin C and calcium. In addition, this way you can hold out until late, and then eat, for example, fish - it has relatively few calories, it will be digested quickly, but it will give you useful omega-3 acids and phosphorus.

What is proper nutrition for weight loss at home for women over 30 years old?

Not only those who want to lose weight are interested in nutritional rules. This system helps improve well-being, increase activity and get rid of many health problems. After all, the functioning of many organs depends on what a person eats. The digestion process is associated with metabolism and the accumulation of fat deposits. Therefore, when a person starts eating right, he loses weight.

The main disadvantage of this weight loss system is that it is recommended to stick to it for a long time. But the process of weight loss is slow. Because of this, many people choose more aggressive diets. But after 30 years they are no longer effective. Metabolism is not so active, there are chronic diseases. And after returning to a normal diet, the weight increases again. Therefore, it is recommended that women over 35 years of age eat properly to lose weight; the menu for every day can be created so that changes are not noticed and excess weight disappears.

To do this, it is advisable to switch to a new power system gradually; you should not make sudden changes. Those who have never thought about how to eat need to study its principles, change their regime and cooking methods. And you need to gradually give up your favorite foods that are prohibited so that this does not lead to stress.

Basic principles

To switch to such a diet, you need to remember its basic rules:

  • eat 5-6 times, try not to take long breaks, fasting is unacceptable;
  • eat 200-250 g at a time, do not overeat;
  • exclude harmful products;
  • give up sugar, as it causes an increase in glucose levels;
  • be sure to eat vegetables and fruits, they should make up ¾ of the diet;
  • drink 1.5 liters of water daily;
  • food cannot be fried;
  • it is necessary to consume proteins;
  • A full breakfast is a must.

First steps

First, it is recommended to avoid high-calorie foods that have no nutritional value. This is fast food, baked goods, sweets, confectionery, soda. If it is difficult to completely eliminate them from the diet, this should be done gradually.

Alcohol, which is incompatible with proper nutrition, is also excluded. It is known that beer contributes to the accumulation of extra pounds. But this is how all alcoholic drinks act: they slow down metabolic processes, increase hunger and retain water.

And the most important thing to start with is attitude. You need to understand that proper nutrition is not a short-term diet, it should become a way of life. It will not be enough to adhere to these principles for a week or a month; you need to eat this way constantly. Only then can you regain your slim figure and health.

Permitted and prohibited products

Women after 30 years of age should try to exclude certain foods, as they will interfere with losing weight. These are sweets, products made from white flour and other fast carbohydrates. After consuming them, there is a jump in blood glucose levels, and the excess will be stored in fat. In addition, you should not consume alcohol, fast food, canned foods, fast food, and soda. It is recommended to limit salt and coffee intake as they cause fluid retention.

When losing weight based on proper nutrition, the daily menu for women over 35 should contain:

  • protein foods;
  • vegetable oils;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • slow carbohydrates;
  • fiber sources;
  • vitamins and minerals.

You need to diversify your diet, trying to eat natural foods. When choosing food, it is better to focus on this criterion. It is healthier to eat a little full-fat natural cottage cheese than a low-fat dessert with a milk fat substitute and nutritional supplements.

Cooking methods

You need to give up fried foods. They contain a lot of cholesterol and are difficult to digest. It is better to boil all products; they can be stewed or baked. To prevent the food from being bland, you can add natural seasonings and herbs.

It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits raw or minimally cooked. Long-term cooking destroys vitamins.


The main thing when switching to such a power system is to change the mode. It is recommended to eat food every 2-3 hours. The diet should consist of three main meals and three snacks. Don't forget about breakfast. Light dinner until 19:00. It is recommended to drink a fermented milk drink before going to bed.

It is not advisable to take breaks between meals for more than 3 hours. Therefore, when leaving home, you need to take an apple, banana, nuts or dried fruits with you.

Drinking regime

Another important rule is to drink clean water. It is needed for all biological processes, stimulates metabolism and digestion. Water reduces hunger. You just need to remember that it is undesirable to wash down your food.

It is recommended to drink a glass of water at these times:

  • immediately after waking up;
  • an hour before going to bed;
  • 20–30 minutes before meals;
  • after training and heavy physical activity.

It is recommended to always keep a bottle of water at hand and take a few sips when thirsty or hungry.

Sample weekly menu for women over 50 years old

Features of the diet for women over 50 years of age:

1. Monday:

  • oatmeal, tea;
  • apple;

  • soup with vegetables, assorted vegetables;
  • yogurt;
  • mashed potatoes, vinaigrette;
  • fermented milk drink.

2. Tuesday:

  • cottage cheese mixed with dill, tea;
  • fruit platter;
  • fish;
  • vegetable mix;
  • steam omelette;
  • fermented milk drink.

3. Wednesday:

  • rice porridge, juice;
  • assorted berries;
  • broth with cabbage, chicken cutlet;
  • kefir;
  • vegetable pancakes, salad;
  • tea.

4. Thursday:

  • oatmeal, dried fruits, coffee;
  • steamed cheesecakes, tea;
  • vegetable mix, chicken breast from the oven;
  • vegetable juice;
  • fish and potato cutlets;
  • apple.

5. Friday:

  • cottage cheese casserole, tea;
  • boiled eggs;

  • fish in foil, baked vegetables;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • buckwheat with seafood;
  • banana.

6. Saturday:

  • seaweed salad, compote;
  • fruits, nuts;
  • meatball soup, low-fat cheese;
  • honey tea;
  • steamed set of vegetables, grilled beef;
  • juice.

7. Sunday:

  • beet salad, tea;
  • assorted fruits and berries;
  • boiled fish, baked with potatoes;
  • juice;
  • fish soup, vegetable stew;
  • kefir.
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