Fat burning drops "Pcheliny Spas": reviews from doctors

The topic of losing weight does not lose its relevance, no matter how many drugs and new weight loss products appear on the market. Nutritionists never tire of repeating that any of the drugs is useless until the cause is eliminated. But a person cannot be defeated, he continues to dream of a miraculous remedy that will instantly remove all the accumulated fat from his body. Today, another drug has appeared that is positioned as natural and safe. These are “Bee Saved” drops. It’s quite difficult to find reviews, but we’ll try to understand what this product is and whether it can be used.


This information is important for evaluating the final product. Who produces Bee Saved drops? Reviews provide information that this brand is loved by some consumers. We won’t talk about the reliability of the reviews, but nowhere else could we find anything about the company, the studies conducted, or approvals from official medicine. The brand just came out of nowhere. All advertising is based on the word “bee” in the title. Apparently, with this the manufacturer wants to emphasize the naturalness and safety of the product. But how do bee products help you lose weight?

Principles of traditional medicine

Go ahead. You will have to use data from official websites that sell this product. There are no other sources. So, the drug is positioned as a 100% natural remedy based on the principles of traditional medicine. The main components are plants and dead bees.

I would like to immediately divert the reader’s attention to the physiology of the weight loss process. The catalyst is the need for energy. A person can adjust their diet to consume less than they spend, or increase their consumption for the same amount of food. As a result, an energy deficit arises, which the body fills with fat reserves. Even if we assume that the drops can cause this very energy deficit and thereby provoke the dissolution of fat reserves, it is completely unclear where the released energy should be spent if a person continues to sit on the sofa. It will be stored in fat again. But even this will not happen, since no drug is capable of starting such a process in the body.

Why, then, are “Bee Saved” drops needed? Reviews emphasize rapid weight loss and no return of extra pounds. The second point is not at all clear. If the effect of the product has ended, and the person continues to eat more than necessary, then how can it block new fat accumulation?

Bee saved weight loss product: reviews from experts

Irina Kalyuzhnaya, nutritionist. Before recommending any weight loss products to my patients, I carefully study the composition. And I put the packaging aside if it contains a lot of chemical components, and the effect on the body implies an imbalance of fluids. Thanks to the natural formula of Bee Rescue, you don’t have to worry about your health. On the contrary, the modern remedy is made taking into account the restoration of natural metabolism. And this is worth a lot. If it is difficult to fight extra pounds with exercise and diet, you can try drops for self-use.

What does the manufacturer promise?

In order not to be unfounded, let's pay attention to this information. No one knows about the action of a drug better than the developer. It should be noted that the manufacturer does not skimp on promises. He guarantees the complete safety of the product without citing any research. Numerous reviews are provided as proof.

Bee Spas drops allow you to lose weight by 10 kg per month. Their advantage is a completely natural composition; a person does not need diet or exercise. In addition, the drug is conveniently dosed and there is no risk of side effects. It is very surprising to see promises that with a rapid rate of weight loss, patients will not have sagging skin. This is initially a contradiction. Either you are losing weight slowly, or your skin is sagging - there is no third option. The last advantage is the low price. Have you ever wanted to buy Bee Saved weight loss drops? Reviews complement this attractive picture, telling about dozens of people who quickly became slim.

Mechanism of action

The developers of fat-burning drops indicate in the instructions that Bee Spas is a mixture of natural ingredients that together trigger a whole chain of chemical intraorganic reactions, under the influence of which fat deposits begin to break down, and new ones are not formed. In addition, the absorption of beneficial microelements and fortified substances is improved and even accelerated. As a result:

  1. Reduces cravings for sweets, fatty foods and other unhealthy foods;
  2. Intestinal structures are cleansed of toxic compounds, toxins and metal salts;
  3. The processes of lipid cell breakdown are accelerated;
  4. The psycho-emotional state and sleep are normalized;
  5. General well-being improves, physical and mental performance increases;
  6. Appetite is suppressed, the feeling of constant hunger is eliminated;
  7. Patients get rid of such unpleasant habits as night eating and overeating before bed, constant snacking, etc.;
  8. Helps relieve swelling and remove excess fluid;
  9. The immune status is strengthened;
  10. The body rejuvenates and heals at the same time.

Such a versatile effect of Bee Rescue helps to safely and quickly get rid of extra pounds up to 7 kg per week, without the need for additional stress or any dietary restrictions. Some professional nutritionists consider Bee Spas as a very effective means for weight loss. The effect of taking the drops is observed already on the 5th day of administration, during which time the weight decreases at a rate of 1 kg/day.

Instructions for use

You don’t have to change your lifestyle; the manufacturer has simplified the task as much as possible. You only need to take the drops twice a day, morning and evening. The rest of the time you can eat as always and do your usual activities. 10 drops are given for each dose. Diluted in boiled water or juice, they are a rather pleasant drink. In this case, you do not need to switch to a special diet, nor do you need to increase physical activity. Bee Saved weight loss drops will do everything for you. Reviews say that in the first week they managed to lose up to 10 kg. Is this possible? Let's take a look based on the composition.

Classification of fat burning agent

The instructions for use contain an interesting point that I would like to discuss. This drug is not a drug, that is, no studies or tests have been conducted on its effectiveness. What follows is even more interesting. It is not a biologically active food additive either. And finally, the manufacturer reports that all results depend on the individual characteristics of the body, metabolism and the amount of extra pounds. That is, the company completely disclaims responsibility for the effects of its drug.

Opinion of nutritionists, real reviews

Bee Spas fat burning drops will not help the patient get rid of excess fat. Doctors say this after studying the information that is available about this drug. Firstly, they emphasize that the composition does not contain highly effective substances that would ensure the breakdown of fat mass or at least a diuretic effect. Therefore, there are no prerequisites for reducing the indicators on the scales.

Secondly, the dosage is confusing. Just 10 drops - and you will be as slim as you were at 16 years old. Considering the promises of a completely natural composition, it does not look too impressive. Finally, pay attention to positioning. Exorbitant promises rarely turn out to be true. The effects promised by the manufacturer are unrealistic; it is impossible to reduce body weight without exercising and dieting. Today there is no drug in the world (if you do not take into account the surgeon’s scalpel) that could guarantee a weight loss of 10 kg in a couple of weeks without harm to health and the risk of weight returning to normal. Fat-burning drops “Bee Saved” won’t help either. Reviews from doctors are not based on data that has been tested over many years of practice and clinically proven, so there is no reason not to believe them.


The drops also contain grapefruit, or more precisely, an extract of its seeds, which contain a large amount of beneficial bitterness, which gives the fruit a lot of beneficial properties. As a result, this component:

  1. Provides an antimicrobial effect;
  2. Accelerates metabolic processes;
  3. Breaks down adipocytes;
  4. Normalizes cholesterol levels;
  5. Provides a boost of energy and strength;
  6. Helps strengthen immune forces;
  7. Helps cleanse intestinal structures of pathogens and improve digestive processes, provide a slight laxative and peristalsis-enhancing effect;
  8. Blocks appetite;
  9. Has a choleretic effect;
  10. Calms.

The seeds contain naringenin, which is a citrus flavonoid. This substance is being actively studied, and drugs are being developed from it to treat diabetes and obesity. The substance helps turn off the feeling of hunger, helping you stick to your diet without breakdowns. But the content of grapefruit seed extract in the drops is minimal, so the overall effect is insignificant.

Composition of the drug

It includes main and auxiliary components. Among the active ingredients is the well-known L-carnitine. Its main function is the transfer of fatty acids to the area of ​​their intracellular breakdown. Today this substance is added to all known weight loss drugs, as well as to sports nutrition. It is credited with many remarkable qualities, including activating the process of fat breakdown, converting it into energy, destroying existing fat deposits and preventing the appearance of new fat deposits. But there is one nuance in all this: L-carnitine only works during physical activity. Moreover, if the merit of the latter in the process of burning fat is beyond doubt, the benefits of L-carnitine have not yet been proven.

How does Bee Spas for obesity work?

The innovative product is completely safe and highly effective. Methods of weight loss such as liposuction and massages require financial investments. Sports activity should be regular, and diets give a temporary effect. Exhaustion of the body will result in deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract. The fat burner has no contraindications and works as follows:

  • reduces weight;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, stomach, and intestines;
  • removes subcutaneous fat;
  • cleanses from decay products;
  • converts fat cells into energy.

Fatty foods, smoked foods and sweets settle as a heavy load inside. To get rid of excess deposits, you need an effective remedy.

The unique formula of the new product will cleanse the body of fat accumulations and get rid of extra pounds forever. The safety of the natural concentrate has been confirmed by independent experts.

Grapefruit seed extract

This is the second active component that is included in the Bee Rescue drops. Reviews from doctors are relentless here too. Yes, indeed, they have some cleansing properties, which helps to better cleanse the intestines. But again we return to the fact that this has nothing to do with the process of losing body weight. This is a prevention of constipation, but all nutrients have time to be absorbed in the intestines and stored in fat if they have not been spent. And what's already on your sides and thighs won't be affected at all by grapefruit seeds.


Bee Rescue officially has only one contraindication, which cannot but please potential buyers. This is an individual intolerance to the components. However, the composition of the fat burner is quite aggressive, even despite the minimal concentrations of active substances. Therefore, you need to keep in mind other restrictions for such weight loss:

  • problems with the central nervous system, constant nervousness, mental disorders, chronic fatigue, depression - energy drinks will only give a temporary calming effect, after which all these conditions will intensify;
  • kidney disease - taking into account the mild diuretic effect, the load on them increases, and in the presence of pathologies, the organ does not have time to cope with it;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • fever;
  • obesity III and degrees;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

The drug has not been subjected to clinical trials, which makes it potentially hazardous to health in some diseases.

Dead bees

This component suggests that weight loss will occur due to chitosan, which is contained in the hard chitinous covering of bees. But a person will get it from an extract of tincture on dead insects. This is exactly what is called bee death, which is included in the fat-burning drops “Bee Saved”. Reviews from beekeepers indicate that this cocktail has a number of healing properties, including normalization of metabolism.

Podmor contains not only chitosan, which binds chains of fatty acids, but also bee venom and melatonin, which plays a role in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The final chord is bee venom. And I would like to immediately ask what doctors will say about this component. What are the real reviews? In any case, Bee Spas drops cannot claim to be a weight loss drug, as nutritionists comment on the composition. Bee venom, despite all its usefulness, does not affect body weight. It is often used in homeopathy, but it is not able to break down fat.

Melatonin is a hormone that can also be purchased in tablets. But there is very little of it in the composition of the drug, and it does not affect weight in any way, but only regulates a person’s daily rhythm. Podmore contains amino acids, which are very important for us, but do not have any effect on weight.


The fat-burning effect of the drops is dictated by the ingredients that are included in their 100% natural composition.

Dead bees

It is a “trick” of these drops, since dead fruit is rarely used as an ingredient in weight loss medications. It is a concentrate from the bodies of killed bees. To prepare it, only the healthiest individuals are selected, which are predominantly drowned and then treated with alcohol tinctures. The content of a large number of useful elements allows you to cope with excess weight, as well as health problems.

Podmore contains a lot of flavonoids, known for antioxidant properties, and amino acids. It contains chitosan - a famous fat burner, melatonin - a hunger blocker and bee venom - a metabolism activator. It is not surprising that drops containing such an unusual substance promote weight loss. In addition, the extract from dead bees has a general healing effect on the body:

  • slows down the aging process, improving skin conditions;
  • restores damaged tissue, helping with diseases of ligaments, joints, bones;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps build muscle mass;
  • normalizes blood pressure (both low and high);
  • reduces pain syndromes;
  • improves digestion;
  • helps with diseases of the liver, stomach, thyroid gland;
  • prescribed as maintenance therapy after surgery.

If Bee Spa contains a sufficient amount of good dead bees (without impurities of wax and mold), made from healthy and not sick bees, the drug has no price: it should promote weight loss and heal the body. However, judging by the reviews, such an effect does not occur. Either the extract is of dubious quality, or there is little of it in the composition.


The packaging shows a cut grapefruit, which has powerful fat-burning properties. Moreover, here too the manufacturer turned out to be original, including only seed extract, which contains several times more beneficial bitterness than the zest. Here's what this component can do:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • cleansing the intestines of pathogenic microorganisms, improving digestion, enhancing peristalsis, mild laxative effect;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • blocking appetite;
  • adipocyte breakdown;
  • choleretic effect;
  • normalization of cholesterol;
  • calming effect;
  • a surge of strength and energy.

Grapefruit seeds contain naringenin, a citrus flavonoid that is now actively used to develop drugs for obesity and diabetes. It reduces cell resistance to insulin. This eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time, which allows you to follow the most strict diets without the risk of failure.

Despite such a range of beneficial properties of grapefruit seeds, the content of their extract in the drops is minimal. And if you consider that they have to be dissolved in water, the concentration decreases even more. This may be why the expected effect of weight loss and overall health improvement, in many cases, does not occur.


Brazilian vine berries are included in 80% of all dietary supplements for weight loss. Bee Rescue Drops were no exception. The plant contains guaranine, a substance whose effect on the body is most similar to caffeine. It tones, increases performance, provides energy and improves mood. How does this help you lose weight? When a person feels a surge of strength, his physical activity increases, which burns a lot of calories.

Guaranine, moreover, is an active fat burner that breaks down adipocytes and an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and removes with them poisons and toxins that accumulate in the body.

So guarana berries in the drops actively promote weight loss:

  • improve digestion;
  • reduce appetite;
  • increase concentration, endurance and performance;
  • eliminate depression and chronic fatigue, eliminating the risk of compulsive overeating;
  • relieve vitamin deficiency, which plagues those who lose weight while dieting;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • cleanse the body of toxins.

Guarana is credited with truly wonderful properties: it turns out that it copes with all the main causes of excess weight (hormones, depression, toxins in the body, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract). By eliminating them, you can never experience problems with excess weight again. But why doesn’t Bee Spas have all the above-stated properties?

One of the reasons has already been indicated - the low content of the extract in the composition of the drops. The second factor can disappoint anyone: the beneficial properties of guarana have not been proven. Therefore, it cannot be used in medications - only in dietary supplements. In some countries (the USA, for example), the plant is included in the register of prohibited plants. This is due to the powerful energy effect of drinks based on it, which in some cases led to epilepsy and mental disorders.


Being a vitamin-like substance, levocarnitine is known in bodybuilding circles. It is believed to increase endurance during training, promote muscle building and is an active fat burner. Many experts question its abilities, but today it is one of the most popular dietary supplements in sports nutrition. It is produced from red meat or with the help of microorganisms.

Manufacturers of Bee Spas explain the presence of L-carnitine in the composition with fat-burning and energy properties. It is thanks to him that the drug:

  • increases the body's energy reserves;
  • activates lipolysis, delivering adipocytes to mitochondria, where they burn;
  • cleanses the body of toxins, biogenic wastes, heavy metal salts, breakdown products, free radicals, xenobiotics;
  • promotes additional synthesis of endorphins, which give a good mood and increase resistance to stressful situations;
  • optimizes protein metabolism, which results in muscle mass gain.

All 4 active components are capable of breaking down and removing adipocytes from the body. The question is: why in most cases does the drug not work and weight loss does not occur? Poor quality raw materials? Concentration of active substances too low? Or are the manufacturers hiding something and keeping silent about a few more components – already of chemical origin, which “clog” natural extracts? The answers remain without questions.

Guarana berries

It is a source of caffeine, which promotes effective fat burning. Manufacturers say so, but in fact the effect has not been proven. Berries can indeed act as a stimulant, but physical activity plays a key role in the fat burning process. Under the influence of a stimulant, a person can perform this or that work faster and more actively, hence the result. By themselves, these berries are practically powerless.

It is very difficult to find real reviews. Bee Spas weight loss drops appeared recently and today are actively advertised on the Internet. Of course, neither the manufacturer nor the sellers selling this product are interested in negative reviews. It is quite possible that for some this drug became a stimulus for weight loss, that is, it acted as a placebo. But there are probably some outright bought reviews as well.


The vitamin-like substance levocarnitine is better known among bodybuilders. This substance increases endurance, which is extremely important for training. In addition, L-carnitine has a fat-burning effect and promotes muscle building. In sports nutrition, levocarnitine is considered the most popular dietary supplement.

Be sure to read: What is the difference between drugs for improving fat metabolism Glucophage Long and Glucophage?

The manufacturer explains the presence of L-carnitine in the composition of Bee Rescue due to its energy and fat-burning properties:

  • It increases the reserves of incoming energy;
  • Cleanses the body’s structures from slagging and toxic substances, metal salts, xenobiotics, etc.;
  • Optimizes the metabolism of protein components, which promotes muscle gain;
  • Levocarnitine also activates lipolysis;
  • Helps increase endorphin synthesis, and these hormones help increase stress resistance and psycho-emotional background.

All components of Bee Rescue: levocarnitine, dead bees, guarana, and grapefruit have the ability to remove and break down adipocytes. But for unknown reasons, Bee Spas does not work for weight loss in all patients.

Can the drug give a positive result?

Of course, yes, but this will require changing some points in the instructions. Most likely, negative reviews are associated with strict adherence to it. Fat-burning drops "Bee Spas" can act as an assistant in the desire to get your figure in order. A person spends money on purchasing a drug and is already mentally attuned to changes. And the stronger his motivation to lose weight, the more actively he will “help” the drug. Very often, for example, a woman refuses dessert. After all, she told all her colleagues that she would lose weight. What will she look like if the cake disappears at lunch? Often, having started taking the drug, a person decides to walk home after work, replace white bread with slices, and sugar with dried apricots, start doing push-ups in the morning and do other similar things. Of course, the result will not be long in coming.

Negative reviews about the drops

“Pcheliny Spas” appeared on the market relatively recently. Many people are suspicious of drugs sold over the Internet. Therefore, when they see information that the drug is not sold in stores and pharmacies, they immediately perceive it as fraud. It’s difficult to judge people, because in recent years so many “best” weight loss products have changed that it’s already very difficult to believe anything. “Goji berries”, “Green coffee” and a number of other drugs that did not give even half of the promised results, discouraged some people from using them. Now they have joined the ranks of clients of nutritionists and psychotherapists, as well as gyms.

What it is

The drops are claimed to be a comprehensive weight loss product. They are not classified as dietary supplements or medications due to the lack of certificates. It's not surprising that you can't find them in the pharmacy. Can only be ordered through numerous online stores and the official website. It is difficult to determine the latter, because about 5-6 resources with almost the same design and content call themselves such.

Available in a small bottle of 30 ml. Diluted in water. They taste like grapefruit. There is no smell. The color is transparent. These parameters are pleasing, as they mean that they do not contain harmful dyes or fragrances.

The manufacturer of the drops is a mystery, shrouded in darkness: on the packaging it is listed as ArtLife LLC, on the website - Garant LLC, in other sources - various companies. So, most likely, there will be no one to make claims about the quality of the goods.

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