Chrononutrition. What is it, weekly menu for weight loss, reviews from doctors

Chrono-nutrition theory

The founder of chrononutrition is considered to be a nutritionist from France, Patrick Leconte. The method is suitable for people who do not want to limit themselves in food. A balanced system is based on cleansing: toxins are gradually removed from the body, which helps reduce body weight. According to Lecomte's theory, any product is fully absorbed if the food was taken at a certain time.

Patrick Leconte recruited Dr. Alan Delabeau to the study. During the experiment, scientists found that catalysts (enzymes) involved in almost all biochemical reactions are capable of accelerating metabolic processes. The system does not guarantee quick results - the weight will stabilize within several months. After 20-30 days, the person will get used to the new regime.

The main goal of the technique is to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Chrononutrition cannot be considered a diet - the systems have different principles. The human body synthesizes hormones at a certain time - it is this factor that the technique relies on. After waking up, there is an accelerated production of cortisol, which is responsible for regulating digestive processes.

During this period, you can eat foods with high fat content; the hormone accelerates the breakdown of glucose and protein. For lunch, dishes are prepared from foods rich in proteins. You can eat carbohydrate foods for dinner.

The essence of the chronodiet

“If you want to lose weight, limit yourself in food.” How many times have you heard statements like this? Probably more than once. Did you know that you can achieve your ideal weight, but still include all foods in your diet? The famous nutritionist Alain Delabos developed a similar concept in the mid-80s of the 20th century. It was his idea that became the basis for the emergence of the modern chronodiet. The Alain Delabos diet involved eating certain foods at different times of the day. The scientific basis for the idea was the fact that the human body produces individual enzymes at different times of the day that break down certain products. If you “feed” yourself with the right food in time, then all the beneficial substances will be processed and absorbed. If this rule is neglected, then the time of receipt of useful substances and the time of production of the enzymes necessary for their breakdown will not coincide. The result is unnecessary fat deposits, excess weight, poor health and fatigue.

Basic rules of chrononutrition

Chrono-nutrition (a sample menu for the week is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body) is equally popular among women and men. The list of partially or completely prohibited foods is compiled independently: you can take as a basis any diet suitable for a person.

Breakfast should be plentiful and satisfying. Meals start at 8.00-9.00.

It is preferable to consume foods with low GI, which include:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • quail, chicken eggs;
  • butter;
  • cereals;
  • hard cheese;
  • poultry meat (chicken, turkey).

Skipping breakfast is strictly prohibited.

At 12.00-13.00 they start lunch. It is preferable to eat foods rich in starch and proteins.


  • leafy greens;
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, bell peppers, onions);
  • whole grains;
  • red meat (veal, beef).

Afternoon tea starts at 15.00-17.00.

Light snack includes:

  • freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds;
  • nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts);
  • dark chocolate (no more than 1-2 cloves);
  • fresh fruits and berries.

The last meal is taken 60 - 90 minutes. before sleep. It includes a light salad, seafood or fish. No more than 4 meals per day; violating the regime is strictly prohibited. If a person is very hungry, he can drink a glass of dry red wine. When losing weight, allow yourself to drink weak alcohol no more than 3 times a week.

To avoid getting bored with your diet, you need to try to diversify the menu as much as possible: combine foods with each other, replace fish with meat and vice versa. To improve the taste of your dishes, you can experiment with seasonings and spices. Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), dairy products (cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese) should be excluded from the diet.

It is necessary to eat food strictly by the hour every day.

Another important condition is compliance with the drinking regime. Drink up to 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day.

You can drink freshly squeezed juices, weak black tea without sugar, green tea, still mineral water and herbal infusions.

Useful tips

  • The basis of the chronodiet is the principles of separate nutrition. For example, it is contraindicated to combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal;
  • In the first week of the diet, create a menu for the next month;
  • Eat every two hours and track your portion size;
  • Lunch and dinner - one light dish;
  • Eat on a schedule;
  • Make the menu as varied as possible;
  • Your daily menu should contain two three thousand calories;
  • The size of one serving is three hundred calories, and the evening one is one hundred and fifty;
  • During the diet, exclude long trips and heavy physical activity;
  • Chronodiet is contraindicated in case of hormonal disorders, obesity and menopause.

You can follow this diet for the rest of your life. Eating on a schedule corrects the figure and improves the health of the body. Chronodiet is the prevention of diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes.


Recommendations when preparing a diet

Chrononutrition (an approximate menu for the week is compiled independently), as a technique that allows you to get rid of excess weight, requires adjustments to your usual diet. If a person has had a hearty breakfast and does not feel hungry for lunch, then you cannot force yourself to eat food.

The next day, the person losing weight must take into account his mistakes and adjust the menu so that by lunchtime he needs to eat. You can reduce portions or eat less bread. Drinks should not contain sweeteners or sugar. Freshly squeezed fruit juices are diluted with vegetable juices to reduce the concentration of fructose.

A person can afford to deviate from the principles of nutrition no more than 2 times a week, for example, for dinner on Thursday or lunch on Monday. These days he can eat any food, but in small quantities. Transfer is strictly prohibited. To achieve a positive result, you need to completely give up snacks (even light ones).

Weight will stabilize if, after losing weight, a person continues to adhere to this nutritional system. To consolidate the results, it is important to maintain physical fitness. Various exercises will help the body speed up the process of fat burning and cleansing.

Chronodiet: reviews from those losing weight

The nutrition system is comfortable because you don’t have to give up certain foods for a long time. And that croissant that you are used to eating for breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea will provide a normal afternoon snack - and your diet will not be disrupted, and your strength will be restored. The most difficult thing is to rebuild the body to a new way of eating and abandon the usual pattern. But as soon as you manage to do this, the body immediately responds with good health.

Tags: weight loss

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Products for every time of day

Chrono-nutrition (a sample weekly menu should include only permitted foods) is based on hormonal and enzymatic processes that occur in accordance with human biorhythms.

In the first half of the day you need to eat foods rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

The substances have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Products you can eat for breakfast:

  • hard cheese;
  • whole yogurt;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • eggs;
  • sunflower, flax and chia seeds;
  • soya beans;
  • tofu;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • fish (tuna, salmon, perch);
  • olives;
  • nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews).

In the afternoon, you should eat dishes made from starch-containing and protein foods.

At this time, the body actively synthesizes proteases (proteolytic enzymes) responsible for the breakdown of these substances.

Foods to eat for lunch:

  • vegetables and fruits (guava, avocado, coconut, tangerine, dried apricots, cabbage, corn, asparagus, broccoli);
  • legumes (peas, chickpeas, red and white beans);
  • meat and fish (tilapia, octopus, sardines, halibut, turkey, rabbit);
  • cereals (barley, oatmeal, oats, millet, rye);
  • bakery and pasta products.

For an afternoon snack, you are allowed to eat baked goods and confectionery in small quantities. Drinks include freshly squeezed sweet juices, herbal infusions, and tea. Desserts are a source of energy; you can eat some jam or chocolate.

Dinner should be as light as possible. You can eat vegetable salad. The serving weight should not exceed 140-160 g.

How to stick to this regime?

Choose for yourself specific 8 hours of the day during which you can eat. Analyze your daily routine and decide, but approach it responsibly, because this is not for one day, but at least for a month.

If you can easily do without breakfast, then it is optimal to eat from 10-11 to 18-19 hours, without dinner - from 8 to 16.

On such a diet, do not be afraid to eat after 18 o’clock, thinking that everything will go to waste, especially if you go to bed late, the main thing is to meet the allotted hours and eat exactly on time, even if it is from 1 o’clock to 9 am.

This principle of nutrition is suitable for all people who do not suffer from serious gastrointestinal problems, as it is quite universal and simple: eat small portions at certain times. You should not fill your belly to capacity every 2 hours, gaining the calorie content of a four-day diet in 4 meals.

Meals should be fractional and dietary. To avoid breakdowns, you can allow yourself to spend 20% of your diet on some “harmful” food, be it sweets or even fast food. But not every day and no more than 20%, that is, 1 meal! Many nutritionists and psychologists talk about this trick.

About calorie content

When choosing food, rely on its calorie content: you don’t need to eat half a kilo of cucumbers every hour, which still won’t saturate the body with energy, or eat something very high in calories, but in small quantities, since for a complete feeling of fullness the stomach must be more or less full

To lose weight on five meals a day, the calorie content of one dish should not exceed 250-300 kcal for an active person of average fatness, but if you have a sedentary job and there is no active rest, sports or at least daily walks, this figure will become even less.

For women, daily caloric intake is less, for men - more. Using various calculators, you can calculate your daily calorie intake and subtract approximately 20-25% from it.

However, if before the weight loss journey you ate 3000-3500 kcal and did not gain weight, and online counters give a maximum of 2000 kcal, then better listen to your body and its characteristics, such as metabolic rate or metabolism.

Perhaps you are lucky with fast digestion, but dry calculations using universal formulas do not know about it. But don’t rush from one extreme to another: the principle “I’ll eat fewer calories = I’ll get slim faster” doesn’t work here, which is why empty cucumbers are not the best option for lunch.

Too much of a calorie deficit lowers your metabolic rate and slows down weight loss. It also provokes swelling and even causes a plateau. This is when, on a very low-calorie diet, weight still does not come off for a long time. As a result, after the diet, you will gain even more than you lost and will not be able to eat as before without extra pounds.

Calculate your calorie content wisely and divide it wisely into parts!

Fully or partially limited products

If a person pursues the goal of losing excess weight, he needs not only to adhere to the basic principles of the technique, but also to limit the consumption of certain foods.

These include:

  • sugar and its substitutes;
  • potatoes (boiled, fried, fried);
  • semolina;
  • radish;
  • rice (except brown);
  • various sauces (garlic, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup);
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • juices in packages;
  • carbonated drinks.

A person who wants to get rid of excess weight and cleanse the body must completely stop drinking strong alcohol. You are allowed to drink 30-50 ml of red wine several times a week. It is better to under-salt the dishes. To improve the taste of food, add ground black pepper, cumin, cilantro and paprika.

It is strictly forbidden to eat fast food (instant noodles, mashed potatoes). Fast food is also prohibited due to the large number of carcinogens it contains.

Products whose consumption must be partially limited include ready-made semi-finished products. Food that is subjected to heat treatment during the manufacturing process loses most of its beneficial microelements. Their composition is dominated by preservatives, flavor enhancers and stabilizers, which allow the product to maintain its presentation for a long time.

Fermented milk and dairy products with a fat content higher than 3% are excluded from the diet. Ice cream, cream and cottage cheese should not be consumed. Beef and pork offal, bacon, lard, smoked fish and various canned foods should also be excluded from the diet.

Chronic nutrition involves avoiding carrots and bananas due to their high sugar content. It is necessary to partially limit the consumption of mangoes, kiwis and dates. You should pay attention to the method of preparing dishes: meat, fish and vegetables can be boiled, poached, baked and stewed. It is recommended to replace iodized salt with sea salt.

1.What is glutathione? Why is it used in medicine?

Glutathione is the main antioxidant for the human body, it is used to remove toxic substances, free radicals and is a good detoxifier for the human body.

When there is a metabolic disorder, the amount of glutathione produced becomes insufficient because it is synthesized less, and it is introduced to enhance the heptoprotective function, i.e. liver protection, for global detox, i.e. in order to remove heavy metals and free radicals from the body, and it also has a pronounced anti-aging effect, preserves the youth of the skin, and also affects skin hydration, which has found its application in anti-aging therapy. All these qualities of Glutathione have made it the most popular drug in the USA and Europe in recent years.

Due to its breadth of use, people like to use it both for alcohol poisoning for detoxification and removal of heavy metals, and in the beauty industry for rejuvenating and improving the skin.

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Chronodiet by gender

Chrononutrition varies by gender.

Sample weekly menu for men:

  • still water, tea (black and green), herbal infusions, juices, fresh juices, smoothies;
  • rye, grain, bran bread;
  • seeds (not roasted), nuts as a snack or as an addition to vegetable salads;
  • eggs as an independent dish or an addition to soups, salads;
  • fresh vegetables and herbs (dill, parsley, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, celery);
  • vegetable oils (corn, olive, sesame, sunflower) first pressed;
  • seafood and fish (octopus, squid, shrimp, oysters, salmon, hake, halibut) no more than 3 times a week;
  • meat.

A woman's diet should be lighter.

Authorized products:

  • greens and vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, cauliflower, beans, garlic, asparagus, beets);
  • fruits (apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, apricots, lemons, oranges, pineapples);
  • berries (black and red currants, gooseberries);
  • mushrooms (butter mushrooms, milk mushrooms, white mushrooms);
  • seeds and nuts (sesame, flaxseed, peanuts);
  • cereals (kernels, oatmeal and flakes);
  • meat (turkey and chicken fillet);
  • fish and seafood (mussels, squid, seaweed, pollock fillet, pink salmon, halibut);
  • oils (butter, sunflower, olive).

A varied diet rich in nutrients prevents overeating. A person does not feel hungry during the day.

Menu for every day

People who want to lose weight can prepare different dishes from permitted foods throughout the week. Most often, meat is alternated with fish, cereals and vegetables are served as a side dish or as an independent dish. You can cook porridge for breakfast.

Menu example:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayOatmeal (water, no sugar), chamomile tea, toast with jam.Boiled chicken breast with a side dish of stewed zucchini and tomatoes, onion and cucumber salad, seasoned with butter and lemon juice.Pear, tangerine and a handful of nuts.Warm salad with seafood.
TuesdayCheese sandwich or bun (no fillings), green tea, fresh apple.Stewed beef in vegetable broth with spices, served with brown rice.Pumpkin or sunflower seeds, freshly squeezed juice.Vegetable or chicken broth, sandwich.
WednesdayA boiled egg (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), a few slices of pineapple, weak black tea.Soup with meatballs (minced turkey) and noodles, light salad with seafood.Fruit dessertA few slices of cold boiled beef, cucumber salad.
ThursdayFreshly squeezed juice (vegetables combined with fruits), toast with jam.Steamed fish with a side dish of boiled vegetables.Freshly squeezed juice, a bun, some cashews.Slice of salmon, stewed zucchini.
FridayYadritsa porridge (without sugar, dried fruits, water), green tea, green apple.Chicken soup, salad of boiled vegetables and lean beef (you can add a little garlic sauce).Green tea, fresh fruits or berries, flaxseeds.Chicken breast, corn and mushroom salad.
SaturdayOatmeal, black tea, sandwich with vegetables or cheese.Fish cutlets with brown rice, fresh tomato and cucumber salad.Freshly squeezed juice, apple or orange.Stewed mushrooms, salad.
ResurrectionButter bun, freshly squeezed juice.Seafood (side dish of your choice), vinaigrette.Dessert made from fruit and low-fat yogurt.Meat or fish, any salad of your choice.

During the day you can drink any permitted drinks. The portion of bread for dinner is halved.

The most important thing in chrono-nutrition is to observe the timing of meals.

An independent weight loss system, chrono-nutrition, allows you to tighten your figure and cleanse the body of toxins. It is not necessary to adhere to the sample menu for the week described above. A person can cook any dish, following the basic principles of the technique.

Chronodiet or how to eat the “right” foods at the “right” time.

I found this interesting - in my opinion - material. I decided to share with you girls. True, I would still prefer to eat sweets before 12, as Mirimanova recommends.

Our body's ability to absorb different nutrients depends on the time of day. Knowing this, experts have developed the so-called chronodiet. It, unlike many others, has nothing to do with starvation diets. Those who follow it need to eat strictly according to the clock and eat the “right” foods at the “right” time.

The chronodiet does not require restrictions. The chronodiet has nothing to do with low-calorie diets. The deficiency of nutrients that anyone on a starvation diet experiences can have a detrimental effect on their health: lead to anemia, nervous system disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive system and kidneys. As a rule, such low-calorie diets are ineffective and do not develop proper nutrition skills at all: having stopped following them, a hungry person begins to gain weight again. By losing weight by the hour, you will not have to limit yourself in food intake and minimize the caloric content of your diet - it should not be lower than 1600-1800 kilocalories.

The chronodiet will supply your body with fructose, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and provide fats and complete proteins necessary for hematopoiesis and proper metabolism. Measured nutrition normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you sit down to a meal at the same time, every three to four hours, your stomach will also conscientiously get used to producing digestive enzymes strictly on the clock, and exactly as much as necessary. The chronodiet does not require strict restrictions. The diet includes sweets, meat, fresh fruits and vegetables. To prepare all the necessary dishes, you do not have to stand at the stove for hours. This means that this diet is ideal for business women leading an active lifestyle.

Breakfast from 7 to 10 o'clock

In the morning, the body almost completely absorbs fats, thanks to the uninterrupted production of the lipase enzyme. Therefore, you can safely prepare for breakfast a sandwich with boiled pork (sausage or hard cheese), fruit salad with whipped cream, cottage cheese (18 percent fat) with sour cream, and vegetable salad dressed with olive oil. Drink a cup of aromatic coffee, cocoa, dark chocolate or freshly brewed milk tea at breakfast. These drinks, which contain tonic substances (theophylline, theobromine and caffeine), will invigorate you and activate your brain. Just do not abuse them, so as not to provoke a rapid heartbeat or headache. By the way, the morning meal should account for 20-25 percent of the calorie content of your daily diet. Do not skip breakfast under any circumstances: otherwise, by mid-day you will work up such an appetite that you will eat more than usual at the dinner table. In addition, the less you eat in the morning, the slower your body's daily metabolism will be.

Main product: fats. This is the best source of energy: 1 g of fat supplies the body with 9 kcal, and 1 g of protein and carbohydrates - only 3-4 kcal. Fats are part of cells and tissues and participate in many metabolic processes. Fats are necessary for the smooth functioning of almost all body systems. Moreover, many vitamins (for example, A, E, K) are dissolved only in fats and without them are not absorbed by the body. It is fats that make the skin smooth and velvety: they form a protective thin film that helps retain moisture and not lose firmness and elasticity. The daily need for fat depends on energy consumption and the age of the person. Approximately 30 percent of the total fat should be vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.), rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Lunch from 13:00 to 15:00

At this time, the body absorbs proteins best. Protein foods quickly satisfy hunger, prevent dizziness and weakening of the body during a diet. Do not refuse soup prepared with fish, meat or mushroom broth. Soups are a real balm for the stomach and intestines. All of them (especially puree soups) are an excellent remedy for the prevention of gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis and constipation. For the main course you can eat julienne, omelette with green peas, fish, lean meat with boiled or baked potatoes in foil, rice, beans, and pasta. Avoid fried meat and fish dishes: they are higher in calories and are more difficult for the body to digest. Better to grill, steam, bake and stew.

Your dessert is unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices (for example, tomato, carrot). Main product: proteins. They serve as the main material for building cells and tissues of the body; with their help, enzymes and hormones are formed. Proteins are a valuable supplier of natural amino acids - irreplaceable “builders” of strong bones, “creators” of new tissues and reliable “restorers” of worn and damaged ones. Animal products are much richer in essential amino acids than plant products. Therefore, approximately half of all dietary proteins should come from animal proteins. Women need at least 50 g of protein every day. To get enough protein, do not get carried away with vegetarianism and starvation diets.

Afternoon snack from 16 to 17 hours It's time for carbohydrate food. Feel free to enjoy something sweet: a small chocolate bar, your favorite candy, creamy ice cream, chocolate mousse, fruit salad, berry or fruit mix. And finally, eat cakes (though low-calorie), based on yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, tender soufflé, canned or fresh fruits and berries.

Dinner from 18:30 to 19 hours Prepare yourself vegetable, dairy and fish dishes. Meat is not for an evening meal: the “working day” of the digestive enzymes responsible for digesting meat food has already ended. Be aware: meat contains a lot of connective tissue (collagen), which slows down the digestion process. For example, cod stays in the stomach for 2-3 hours, and beef and chicken - up to 4! And drinking a glass of tomato juice without salt, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt or kefir with bread just before going to bed will help get rid of the annoying desire to eat something at night.

Remember: The main product: carbohydrates. They provide more than half of the daily calorie intake and are an excellent source of energy. Carbohydrates also stimulate the production of special pleasure hormones in the brain - endorphins, which lift your mood and drive away the blues. But still switch to complex carbohydrates. They take a long time to digest, and plant fiber is practically not digested. But its fibers improve digestion, enhance intestinal motility, helping it regularly get rid of “waste”.

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