Say goodbye!" unnecessary. Fat burning diet: menu for the week, reviews

A fat-burning diet helps get rid of excess fat in “problem” areas and speed up metabolism. Choose products to suit your taste, take into account the characteristics of your body and lose up to 6 kg per week!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Among the impressive variety of diets that are offered to those who want to bring their weight into line with their needs, the fat-burning diet stands out. Let's figure out what its main feature is.

The fact is that for a person who is fighting for a beautiful figure, most often an indicator of success is a decrease in the reading of the scale needle. Weight is lost, but excess weight does not go away from problem areas. Common situation? Fat deposits are distributed unevenly and most readily in those places from which ideal condition is required: thighs, buttocks, abdomen. The more dietary restrictions a diet requires, the more the body becomes depleted and loses weight due to loss of muscle mass, but those excesses that became the main reason for starting the diet treacherously remain in their original places.

The goals of this type of nutrition are completely different. They are aimed precisely at correcting the figure in a short time by getting rid of the lipid subcutaneous layer. Moreover, the rate of weight loss is very impressive: in a week you can easily get rid of 4-6 kg, and with active physical activity - even more.

The beauty of this method is that it is possible to select products to your liking, depending on personal preferences, and vary them so that you have virtually no dietary restrictions. And the health benefits in the form of a well-functioning system of metabolic processes will be a very pleasant bonus, as it is rightfully considered the key to good health. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Principle of the method

Since fat burning is a mechanism for the maximum speed of fat breakdown, to understand the processes occurring during this process, it is worth understanding some of the nuances of metabolism.

Protein serves as the main source of energy in the body and intensifies the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid molecules, which is the key to a person feeling toned. At the same time, the breakdown, digestion and final absorption of protein products is a lengthy process that requires the consumption of body reserves, which ultimately provides long-awaited weight loss.

Protein is a highly desirable component in the diet for a number of reasons:

  • It is an indispensable building material for muscle tissue cells.
  • Protein is an element of cell membrane structures.
  • In the food chain of transformations, it is not transformed into fat and is not deposited in the “reserve depots” of the body.
  • Eating protein in optimal quantities helps reduce cravings for sweets.
  • Protein foods are the key to a long feeling of fullness and decreased appetite.
  • Protein promotes the absorption of vitamins.
  • Thanks to it, the body is filled with energy.

The main element of the diet for quickly getting rid of fat is protein. Closely followed by fiber from fruits and vegetables. Proteins and fiber work in a harmonious duet. During the digestion of proteins, substances that are heavy and undesirable for long-term presence in the intestines are formed. It is fiber that accelerates the transport of these substances along the loops of the small and large intestines, relieves possible flatulence and serves as an assistant for eliminating toxins.

In addition to these two components, the supply of the required amount of water is important. It has long been known that lack of fluid has an extremely negative impact on health. But while following a fat-burning diet, you just need to make sure that you drink enough liquid. Intake of 2-3 liters per day is a must. Then the biochemistry of physiological processes will play into the hands of weight loss and accelerate the achievement of the expected results.

Nutritionists also recommend using a small amount of carbohydrates, since completely excluding them from the diet is strictly prohibited. But by type these should be so-called “fast carbohydrates”, which are broken down much faster compared to “slow carbohydrates”.

Rules for the fastest results

  1. Meals should be fractional: 4-6 times a day. This will result in a smaller total volume of incoming food, but will ensure a constant feeling of fullness and absence of hunger.
  2. After waking up, you need to drink a glass of warm water. Have breakfast in the next two hours.
  3. At every meal you need to eat protein foods, fruits and vegetables.
  4. Since fruits can slightly increase appetite, it is better to consume them in larger quantities in the first half of the day, before 12 o’clock.
  5. You should strictly limit your consumption of sweet foods and foods rich in fat.
  6. Dinner should be served no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  7. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day. Failure to comply with this requirement will disrupt metabolism, the process and rate of decrease in body volume will sharply decrease!
  8. It is recommended to enhance the effect of the diet with active physical activity and training.

It should be noted that the use of the fat-burning technique is not recommended to be repeated more than twice a year. The optimal time for its use is spring and autumn, since the metabolic processes of the body during these periods act synchronously with the processes occurring under the influence of active changes in the length of daylight hours, which directly affect life activity. But using it in winter and summer also shows good results.

Upon completion of the course, it is advisable to continue split meals without excluding protein from the diet - this will help not return to the previous weight. It will also be appropriate to continue active training.

Do's and don'ts

So, this diet is aimed at consuming protein and complex carbohydrates.

In addition to meat, seafood, low-calorie dairy products, you should eat cereals, legumes, greens, all legumes (peas, beans, beans, etc.), various types of cabbage, especially broccoli, fruits, herbal and berry teas, seeds and nuts.

Daily consumption of red tomatoes and red bell peppers is encouraged in a fat-burning diet.

, because these vegetables contain a lot of acids that easily fight fat cells.

It should be remembered that the consumption of simple carbohydrates and fat in this diet is unacceptable. Must be avoided:

  • any types of oil;
  • dairy products containing fats;
  • fatty meat (even boiled).

You also need to limit your intake of salt and sugar. Therefore, all cooked foods should be free of these crystals.

The salts and minerals found in the products will be sufficient. If the taste is not enough, you can sprinkle the food with lemon juice or fruit vinegars before eating.

Do not use under any circumstances:

  • White bread;
  • confectionery;
  • sweet coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • pasta;
  • canned foods;
  • sausages;
  • chocolate.

If 4 meals a day seems too harsh to you, then you can supplement it with two snacks,

which may consist of:

  • brown rice;
  • celery and cabbage salad;
  • baked fruits and vegetables;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • bran bread;
  • boiled egg;
  • boiled corn;
  • low-fat yogurt.


The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime - no later.

Who is it suitable for?

Most often, people who are overweight or want to meet certain parameters are interested in weight loss techniques. But the application of this diet is not so clear. It often comes under the close attention of people involved in active physical activity, as it ensures the preservation of protein muscle fibers that suffer from other types of weight-correcting nutrition. If we add to these facts the undeniable health benefits and the absence of many contraindications, it becomes clear why this diet is increasingly being used by people of different categories.

For athletes

People involved in sports may need it not only for weight loss, but also to quickly get into the desired shape and gain muscle definition, while fully preserving muscle tissue, which is usually depleted during severe food restrictions.

A fat-burning diet for athletes has its own characteristics: the number of calories consumed per day should be greater, as well as the amount of protein, approximately twice as much.

For men

In the case of using this nutritional plan for men, there are features that differ from the basic requirements. This is due to the fact that the metabolism of the female and male body is significantly different due to the influence of sex hormones. Thus, in men, carbohydrates are processed much faster, and in the female body, fat reserves are deposited much more intensively. Therefore, in the male version of the diet, it is allowed to eat a little red meat, no more than once a day - a small amount of ham, increase the proportion of potatoes and fish by 100 g. And since fats play a very important role in the functioning of the male body, they cannot be completely excluded, it is necessary just reduce their presence in the diet as much as possible. Physical activity is not necessarily necessary, as in the female version. But the volume of water you drink increases - at least (!) 2.5 liters.

For women

In the case of women using this nutritional method, there is a huge advantage: it does not deprive the body of necessary nutrients, and therefore does not negatively affect the condition of the skin, which can become dull and sagging, and does not worsen the condition of hair and nails, supplying all the substances necessary for them.

You need to select only low-fat varieties of fish on the menu; chicken and beef are preferred for meat. Preference should be given to low-fat dairy products, as an excellent source of calcium and a mechanism for activating calcitriol, the hormone responsible for burning female fat deposits.

For girls

It should be noted right away that we mean girls under 23 years of age. Before the age of 16, diets should be prescribed exclusively for medicinal purposes by practicing specialists. After 16, before using a fat-burning diet, a consultation with a doctor - nutritionist or teenage nutritionist is required.

This type of diet for burning fat is somewhat different from the previous ones due to the fact that metabolic processes in younger organisms have a number of features.

Firstly, it must be rich in vitamins, because the developing body’s need for them is increased.

Secondly, increased physical activity should be excluded; overload can be dangerous, since dysfunction of the circulatory system, pressure surges, and instability of heart rhythms are common due to attacks of growth hormones. During the use of the diet, such manifestations cannot be aggravated.

The most preferable diet for girls is one that is maximally rich in vegetable soups; onion soup fits perfectly into it. Adding seafood to your diet does a great job of providing the required amount of minerals.

Using this diet, girls should remember that the reduction in total caloric intake at this age should not exceed 20%, otherwise it may negatively affect the development processes occurring in the body, which affects the duration of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the main principle is not to overdo it.

Fat burning diet plans

A group of portioned products that supply proteins:

  • 60 g hard cheese (45% fat);
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • ham, beef, skinned chicken, boiled, stewed, or steamed – 130–200 g;
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs, or scrambled eggs;
  • 8 boiled quail eggs;
  • natural yogurt or kefir – 100–150 ml, with the obligatory addition of half the dose of another protein product;
  • nuts: walnuts, pine, Brazil, cashews, almonds, pistachios – 35 g (do not use peanuts!);
  • cod, navaga, hake, pollock, bream, pike perch, pike, perch, flounder, mullet - up to 200 g;
  • shellfish, shrimp, crab meat, crayfish – 200 g.

Products - sources of fiber:

  • vegetable salads that do not contain potatoes and legumes;
  • 300 gr. steamed vegetables (except potatoes, corn and peas);
  • any dried fruits – 60 gr.;
  • canned corn or green peas – 150 g;
  • fresh or defrosted fruits, berries (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, raspberries, lemons, pears, apricots, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, melon, etc.) - 200 g.

Sources of “slow carbohydrates”:

  • pasta made from durum flour, buckwheat, rice - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of boiled peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, corn;
  • mashed potatoes or 2 potatoes baked in the oven – 150–200 g;
  • a piece of bread, preferably rye or with added bran.

Table of permitted products

The key to the diet is to increase your protein intake while decreasing your carbohydrate intake. Based on this rule, it is important to choose products wisely, as well as determine their daily intake. The following table will help in this matter:

List of productsNorm per day
SquirrelsEgg2 pieces
Lean fish (bream, pike perch, pollock, carp, pike, mullet, flounder), seafoodup to 200 g
Dietary meat (chicken, turkey, veal)150 g
Nuts (except peanuts)30 g
Hard cheeseup to 60 g
Low fat cottage cheese100 g
Kefir, low fat milk200 ml
Natural yogurt150 g
Slow carbohydratesBread (whole grain, rye or bran)up to 2 slices
Porridge on water (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley)100 g
Peas (canned)150 g
Pasta100 g
CellulosePotatoes (boiled, baked)2 pieces
Lentils, beans (boil, stew)150 g
Vegetables of your choice (except corn, beets)150 g
Fruits: grapefruit, orange, apricot, cherry, pear, pineapple200 g
Dried fruitsup to 50 g

The most preferred fruits are pineapples and grapefruits, as they are low-calorie fat-burning foods.

Menu for the week

Here is a diagram for a seven-day course of a fat-burning diet, which is considered optimal. During this time, those changes in metabolic processes that are necessary to get rid of fat cell deposits have time to occur.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: boiled quail eggs, salad of pear and pineapple pieces.
  • Lunch: steamed cod, boiled brown rice, 2 green apples.
  • Afternoon snack: natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, 2 peaches.
  • Dinner: shrimp, grapefruit.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, fruit salad.
  • Lunch: a piece of boiled beef, baked potatoes, grapefruit.
  • Afternoon snack: sea bass salad with orange, bran bread.
  • Dinner: mussels, pineapple.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: cheese, apple, pear, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken, buckwheat, celery and carrot salad.
  • Afternoon snack: boiled chicken eggs, boiled corn.
  • Dinner: steamed pollock, vegetable stew.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: boiled beef, pumpkin casserole.
  • Lunch: pasta, hake, cabbage salad, rye bread.
  • Afternoon snack: seaweed, kefir with pieces of fresh peach.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken fillet, fruit and berry salad.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: pineapple juice, seaweed, natural yogurt.
  • Lunch: rice with boiled shrimp, pineapple-melon salad.
  • Afternoon snack: tofu cheese, apple and corn salad.
  • Dinner: boiled pike, grapefruit.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: a glass of skim milk, tomatoes.
  • Lunch: baked rabbit meat, sauerkraut, rye bread.
  • Afternoon snack: walnuts.
  • Dinner: steamed flounder with boiled asparagus.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Gaudette cheese, cucumbers.
  • Lunch: onion soup, boiled quail meat, berries.
  • Afternoon snack: egg, corn cob and apple salad.
  • Dinner: crayfish meat, oranges.

Menu options

The diet should be varied and low in calories. To calculate the amount of calories you need, you need to adhere to the following data:

  • for burning fat cells – up to 30 calories per 1 kg of body weight;
  • to maintain weight – up to 35 calories.

If you are active during the day or play sports, the number of calories your body needs may be higher. Consulting a nutritionist will allow you to accurately determine the caloric intake you need.

In this diet, it is recommended to consume fruits only in the first half of the day; vegetables, on the contrary, should be eaten at lunch and dinner. You need to drink a lot; you can drink not only water, but also low-fat yoghurts and kefir.

The fat burning diet menu can be designed for a month or a week. Let's consider several options for the daily diet. Each of these days can form the basis of a fat-burning diet menu for a week.

Option #1


green tea, grapefruit.


Vegetable soup, a piece of boiled beef, freshly squeezed juice.

Afternoon snack:

a glass of low-fat kefir, vegetable salad.


rosehip infusion, sweet pepper, cucumber.

Option No. 2


low-fat kefir, baked vegetables, apple.


chicken broth, a piece of white boiled chicken meat, light salad.

Afternoon snack:

nuts, tomato and cabbage salad.


cabbage salad, tomato, herbal tea.

Option #3


fruit salad, freshly squeezed juice, low-fat cottage cheese.


vegetable broth, a piece of boiled beef, seafood.

Afternoon snack:

low-fat cottage cheese, nuts, red sweet pepper.


cabbage and tomato salad, a small amount of rice.

Option No. 4


baked apples and prunes, juice.


fish broth, grilled fish, herbal tea.

Afternoon snack:

seaweed salad, tomato, rosehip infusion.


vegetable broth, salad.


In the fat-burning diet menu for weight loss, you need to monitor the number of calories. Salt and sugar – minimum. Eat at the same time - 4 times a day.

Mayo Clinic Diet

One of the fat burning diet options. Based on the use of the so-called healthy weight food pyramid. According to this pyramid, food products are divided into five levels:

  • in the first layer (it is the most basic and voluminous) there are fruits and vegetables;
  • in the second (less) – carbohydrates;
  • in the third (even smaller) - proteins;
  • in the fourth product line - fats;
  • and in the last, smallest, sweets were located.

This pyramid is a reflection of the type of nutrition that a person who wants to be healthy and slim should adhere to. Drinking alcohol is not recommended at all, as it significantly slows down the process of breakdown and elimination of fat. Stopping alcohol consumption should occur approximately 6 days before starting the diet.

The principle of operation is based on the use of vegetable onion soup as a main dish, the use of which is not strictly limited in time. That is, a person is free to adjust his food intake at his own discretion, and the result will be a loss of 4.5–8 kg per week.


  1. While most nutritional plans for weight loss reduce the intake of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, this type of fat burning diet only limits daily calories by reducing fats and carbohydrates with a long breakdown period.
  2. The body is not exposed to monotonous foods, which, in turn, protects against the development of manifestations of vitamin deficiency and does not worsen overall well-being.
  3. The process of losing weight occurs smoothly, without sudden jumps, which meets the requirements of healthy weight loss.
  4. Organizes and makes habitual the correct diet in the broad sense of the word, accustoms to healthy principles of nutrition.
  5. The result achieved using this method does not go away after stopping the diet, but lasts for a long time. If a person’s metabolism is thoroughly adjusted, then the extra pounds will not return.
  6. Due to the fact that the Mayo diet has a rather gentle effect on the body, it can be repeated quite often without any harm.

How to use

Low-calorie onion soup, which burns fat, can be consumed during the diet whenever you feel hungry. The use of additional dishes is also provided, but they must be used strictly in accordance with certain days prescribed in the menu. Do not eat bread, carbonated drinks, fried foods or use fat.

At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the fact that it is strictly prohibited to tighten the requirements and exclude additional dishes, as this will inevitably cause deterioration in health due to insufficient intake of substances necessary for normal activity. And if the technique is used correctly, negative consequences are eliminated.

Recommended diet

Day 1

Onion soup, any fruit except bananas (they have too much starch), fresh, canned or raw vegetables, still mineral drinking water, cranberry juice, natural coffee and tea without sugar.

Day 2

Onion soup, raw, boiled or canned vegetables, leafy greens. Use all this together. For lunch you can eat baked potatoes with butter. Avoid fruits, corn and legumes! Drink still mineral water.

Day 3

Onion soup, fruits, vegetables (except baked potatoes), still mineral drinking water.

Day 4

Onion soup, fresh vegetables, fruits (you can eat 3 bananas), skim milk, still mineral drinking water.

Day 5

Onion soup, tomatoes, beef without fat, still mineral water.

Day 6

Onion soup, green leafy vegetables, boiled beef without fat. Optional steak. Mineral still water.

Day 7

Onion soup, brown rice, vegetables in any form (special emphasis on cabbage, tomatoes and green onions), fruit juice. You can use curry in preparing vegetable dishes. Drink plenty of mineral water without carbon.

If for some reason the diet was not followed to the end, then you need to start from the very beginning, from the first day, and not continue from the time you stopped - this is important. Total water consumption (namely water, not liquid!) is at least two liters per day.

After a week of such nutrition, a second week follows - a week of gradual transition to a normal diet. Over the next seven days, you need to strengthen the habit of eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits, eliminate sugar, remove the skin and trim fat before cooking meat, and do not eat fried foods. This will be a great help for maintaining normal weight and for feeling great in the future.


Despite the fact that the fat-burning diet is rightfully considered gentle on the body, there are a number of restrictions for those who wish to use it, namely:

  1. Kidney problems.
  2. Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Chronic manifestations of hemorrhoids.
  4. Liver diseases.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation period.

In all of the above cases, it is necessary to follow completely different principles of nutrition, so you should definitely not experiment on yourself during such periods. In any case, before starting a fat-burning diet, it would be a good idea to get your doctor’s approval.

Features of the method

If you want to not only get rid of an extra 2-3 kilograms in a week, but also correct problem areas, one of which is the waist area, the best diet for this is a fat-burning diet.

It minimizes the amount of carbohydrates and increases the amount of protein foods. Scientists have proven that protein not only cleanses the intestines of unnecessary deposits and accumulations, but also improves the overall flora of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizes metabolism and saturates the body with glucose. All this will help burn unnecessary fat and strengthen muscle tissue.


While undergoing a fat-burning diet for weight loss, it is advisable to engage in physical exercise, focusing on exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.

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