How to easily lose 51 kg: Alla Borisovna Pugacheva’s diet - recipes, menu for the week, reviews and results

Diets • Celebrities
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3 years ago

author: Anasteisha

Today there are a lot of rumors and speculation about how Pugacheva actually lost weight. The changes in the singer's appearance are simply stunning. The 68-year-old “star” has noticeably looked younger, and the network is blowing up her latest photos without makeup and pictures of a thinner Pugacheva on the beach.

There are many versions of why the Diva of the Russian stage has changed so much. We tried to figure out what is true and what is fiction. In our article we will tell you all the secrets and share a real way to safely lose weight from the famous pop diva.

You may also like - In Japan, women drink coffee and eat eggs so much that they can lose up to 8 kg in two weeks!

Basics of any nutrition system

Currently, there are many diets; they differ in their lists of permitted foods, severity, and intensity.

There are carbohydrate and protein diets, mono-diets, there is a method of losing weight according to Dukan, using kefir and other methods.

They all have one thing in common: if you want to lose weight, you need to eat foods low in calories. If you want to lose weight, give up sweets, fatty foods, and fried foods. A sweetener will help you prepare dietary desserts, and fruits and vegetables will help improve your body health. Proper nutrition is the key to a good figure and excellent mood.

Important! Watch what you drink. Store-bought juices and lemonades contain a lot of sugar, which we often don’t think about.

Diva Method

There were so many legends surrounding the singer. Everyone wanted to know how Alla Pugacheva lost 51 kg. They said that she had liposuction, was on kefir for a year, and the like. But in fact, according to the Diva herself, she turned to a nutritionist who selected her a diet that was suitable specifically for her body.

The weight loss went smoothly, without causing harm to health, and the singer lost 51 kg on an individually selected diet. Following Alla Borisovna Pugacheva’s diet, any woman will be able to lose weight, albeit not as much as she herself, but very effectively.

Here's what the singer says:

  1. It is important to eat right, forgetting about sweets, flour and salty foods, as well as alcohol.
  2. You should often eat fresh vegetables and fruits, which are low in sugar, and drink low-fat fermented milk products.
  3. You should drink as much water as possible; you can replace it with herbal infusions or green tea.
  4. The last time you should eat is 3 hours before bedtime.
  5. You need to play sports, walk a lot, do exercises.
  6. It is important to go to bed before eleven in the evening, then you can easily fall asleep and not eat anything extra at night. This will speed up fat burning and normalize metabolism.
  7. You need to smile, enjoy life, enjoy everything that happens around you and radiate happiness!

Cucumber diet for weight loss

Relying on an interview with the singer’s friend, designer Mila Stavitskaya, Alla Pugacheva lost weight by following a fractional diet. Before an important event, the star resorts to a special diet. The cucumber diet will allow you to burn up to 6 kg of excess weight in 5 days. To prepare cucumber salad you will need:

  • 1 kg coarsely chopped cucumbers;
  • 30 g low-fat sour cream;
  • dill, basil, celery.

Mix all ingredients. It is better not to add salt. Eat the prepared salad 3 times a day with a periodic gap of 3-4 hours between doses. It is important to gradually replenish the menu with a piece of black bread. In the evening, allow yourself to eat an apple or orange. You can have coffee or sweet tea for breakfast. The cucumber diet is not recommended for more than 10 days.

The essence

Alla Pugacheva’s individual diet is simple; you don’t need to count calories every day or eat certain foods on a schedule and by the hour.

You just need to eat low-calorie foods and follow all the recommendations. Thanks to this, you can lose weight without harm to the body.

Alla Pugacheva’s weight loss system is based on a kefir cocktail; it is easy to prepare. They should snack during the day as soon as they feel hungry.

It is made from the following ingredients:

  • 4 grated cucumbers;
  • 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir;
  • a bunch of greenery.


  1. Mix all.
  2. Grind in a blender.
  3. Do not add salt or spices.

The cocktail is made in the morning, then poured into a thermos or bottle and taken with you. You cannot store it in the refrigerator for longer than a day.

Interesting! The cocktail removes waste and toxins, restores salt balance, normalizes and cleanses the intestines, and also improves stomach function.

The principle of Alla Pugacheva’s kefir diet is very simple:

  1. First, you need to sit on this drink for 4 days, then you can lose about 5 kg, but you also need to take vitamins.
  2. After these four days, you should continue your diet, that is, eat right, only snacking on this cocktail.

Salt-free diet

Lack of salt intake into the human body provokes osteoporosis, smooth muscle spasms, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and deterioration of health. However, excessive salt consumption is fraught with obesity. Pugacheva’s salt-free diet is based on the following principles:

  • cooking eliminates the use of salt;
  • fractional meals 4-6 times a day;
  • serving size of one dish on the menu is 200 g;
  • eating soups, stews, fruits, berries;
  • eating natural yogurt for dinner.

It is necessary to exclude fried and fatty foods, choose a cooking method: stewing, steaming. Natural yogurt can be prepared using milk and starter culture. Nuances:

  1. Limiting salt intake for 14 days will restore the body’s water-salt balance and lose 4.5 kg.
  2. The diet is contraindicated for heart disease, ulcers, vascular problems, and pregnancy.
  3. A salt-free diet will be useful if you have kidney disease.
  4. Eliminating salt will take the load off the kidneys, restoring their proper functioning.
  • Oatmeal jelly for weight loss
  • Sudocrem for newborns against diaper rash and allergies
  • Glaze for gingerbread: recipes with photos

Features and Rules

For Pugacheva’s diet to be effective, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Forget about smoked, fried, fatty and salty foods. Eliminate meat from your menu during the diet.
  2. Eat as many fresh vegetables as possible, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes. Eat fruit, but not bananas.
  3. Make herbal teas in a thermos and drink them throughout the day. Don't forget about water, drink about a glass of liquid per hour.
  4. Eat oatmeal or corn flakes for breakfast every day. They help normalize intestinal function.
  5. Avoid all flour products altogether, eat without bread, don’t even think about cakes. This will help maintain the results after the kefir mono-diet and lose a few more kilograms of excess weight.

If you follow everything exactly, you will experience lightness, you will not feel hungry, you will quickly lose excess weight and you will be able to improve your body.


This diet can help cleanse the body, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, refresh the appearance, give a feeling of lightness, and rejuvenate. The results will be noticeable if you stick to this method for at least two weeks. Judging by the reviews of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva’s diet, you can lose about 10 kg. This will greatly affect your appearance, you will literally become a different person and will be able to wear things that you have never dreamed of for a long time!

How Alla Pugacheva lost weight

Throughout her stellar career, Alla Pugacheva did not leave her usual image. But recently she simply captivated crowds of fans and the entire female half of humanity with her new beauty. Most representatives of the fair sex have a question: how did Alla Pugacheva lose so many kilograms that she now looks 2 decades younger?
Her new photographs, posted on the Internet, are simply amazing. The radical change in the image of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva became the most discussed topic among information magazines and newspapers. And this is not in vain, because shapeless spacious robes have been replaced by high heels, tight clothes, short dresses and skirts with belts, emphasizing all the advantages of the figure of the famous pop star. Alla Borisovna’s new image has become a shining example for the female half of humanity, proving that having a beautiful appearance and feeling decades younger is quite real and achievable. After her transformation, the Internet was simply overflowing with various weight loss techniques, diets and various tips from nutritionists.

Benefits and harms

The benefit, of course, is cleansing the body of toxins and breakdown products, but the negative effect can be stomach problems, nausea, dizziness, and a sharp increase in weight after leaving the diet.

Even if the result is very good, it can disappear in just a few weeks if, after a diet, you immediately return to junk food, fast food and other high-calorie dishes.

To avoid this, follow these recommendations:

  1. For the first two weeks after the diet, try to eat as moderately as possible, don’t break out and start eating tons of cakes and hamburgers. Eat protein and low-calorie foods, such as chicken breast soup, cauliflower, beans. Avoid simple carbohydrates, that is, those found in confectionery and flour products.
  2. You should eat at least five times a day, be sure to have a snack, and carry apples, tangerines, and pears with you.
  3. Continue to drink plenty of fluids. It's good if this becomes your rule for life. Water removes toxins, decay products and generally everything harmful from the body.
  4. Try to run up the stairs rather than take the elevator, be outdoors more often - even 15 minutes spent walking around the house will be of great benefit.

The nutritionist studied Alla Pugacheva’s menu: “This is a very strict diet, too many restrictions”

Alla Pugacheva has a very strict diet. It is based on separate nutrition

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

“What should I eat to lose weight?” - Almost all ladies ask themselves this question. Especially after the New Year holidays. Together with Komsomolskaya Pravda, nutritionist Nonna Kukhina studied the diets of Russian celebrities.

Boyarskaya loses weight at fast food

- Hooray! Bio Fast Food has appeared in St. Petersburg! Everything is very delicious! — actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya recently wrote on her Instagram page. — Beet bread, ginger drink, spinach, celery puree, falafel burrito, ginger drink, in short, the BOMB! And right next to the theater! Down with McDachki, hooray for healthy fast food!

Judging by Elizabeth's latest photos, the new diet helped her lose significant weight. A nutritionist comments on how safe it is for the body.

— The rhythm of the metropolis leaves almost no opportunity for people to have a proper lunch. We are used to running, hurrying and, as a result, eating on the go.

However, at the same time, the trend for a healthy lifestyle is gaining momentum, and the restaurant business, including fast food, cannot ignore it.

Judging by Elizabeth's latest photos, the new diet helped her lose significant weight.

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

Let's immediately stipulate the fact that fast food can still be useful. After all, fast food is limited by time, not ingredients. If you eat a sandwich where the bread is made from rye flour and the chicken is not fried in sunflower oil, such fast food will not cause any harm to your body, only benefits and important vitamins and microelements.

And then there are only variations on the theme: celery puree, as in the case of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, or vegetable salad, as with Vera Brezhneva. Everything is equally healthy if prepared from quality ingredients. Choose a dish to suit your taste and enjoy it in any convenient place, even on the way to work, says Nonna Kukhina.

Bilan became a raw foodist

“I don’t want to gain weight, it’s easier to move this way, and the artist should starve!” It’s better to tell cool stories to maintain your tone and mood to conquer the world! I just decided to unload myself a little, since everyday life on tour does not contribute to a proper diet,” Dima Bilan said in an interview with KP. “And since in January there were prerequisites for possible gastritis, I decided to listen to my body and be more attentive to my health. I now practice a raw food diet and go in for sports. I eat often, but not much. I try to eat porridge in the morning. I just became more selective about what I eat.

Touring everyday life does not contribute to a proper diet, Dima Bilan said in an interview with KP.

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

Comment from nutritionist Nonna Kukhina:

“The main advantage of a raw food diet is the preservation of vitamins and minerals. Raw foods contain enzymes (enzymes), which are destroyed at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Once in the stomach, enzymes are activated and start the process of autolysis - products begin to digest themselves. That is, the body is not required to expend a large amount of energy to aid digestion. Since all enzymes in cooked food are destroyed, the autolysis process becomes impossible. As a result, the body must produce much more energy to digest food, and the entire process takes longer. And poorly digested food completely poisons the body.

Therefore, as a way to “clean up”, get rid of waste and toxins and simply unload, a raw food diet is an excellent option.”

Andreeva looked younger using hydrogen water

It’s hard to believe that the host of the “Time” program is 56 years old. Ekaterina Andreeva always looks very fresh and young. Recently, the TV personality revealed the secret of her form.

“This is Japanese hydrogen water,” says Ekaterina Andreeva. - It removes waste and toxins well, normalizes metabolism, flushes the entire body - some people really need this, so the Japanese did their best especially for our market, otherwise we have a lot of people toxically poisoned by various substances. But Borjomi will not cope with such tasks. The Japanese came up with a formula for enriching water with hydrogen after the Americans dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This water helped restore health.

Andreeva looked younger using hydrogen water

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

Comment from nutritionist Nonna Kukhina:

“Our body is 80% water, so sufficient consumption is necessary for the proper and stable functioning of all internal organs.

Hydrogen water has special antioxidant properties and promotes weight loss by accelerating metabolic processes. This is a universal means of supplying all organs with nutrients. In addition, the water balance of the skin is the key to your beautiful appearance. The skin of the face constantly needs hydration and nutrition, and Ekaterina does an excellent job with this.”

Vera Brezhneva weans children from mayonnaise

- Good evening! I get asked a lot about whether I instill healthy eating habits in my children. The answer is yes, I vaccinate,” singer Vera Brezhneva wrote on her Instagram. — A story from life. Tonight I just eat boiled eggs. And somehow it doesn’t fit. I found mayonnaise in the refrigerator. I haven’t eaten this product since last New Year (with Olivier), but we still have it in the refrigerator - you never know who among the guests will want it. Maybe it will be delicious. Here we are sitting, having dinner. I eat eggs, Sarah also asks for an egg. And then he asks the question: “Mom, is this cream that you spread, is it delicious?” So we tried mayonnaise for the first time in our lives, the first time at 6 years old. By the way, we turn 6 years old tomorrow, in honor of which the older sister gave the younger sister such a festive nail color. So, yes, I try to make sure Sarah eats right. She eats vegetables, fruits, soups, cereals, protein (fish, meat). There are definitely no carbonated sweet drinks or packaged juices in our refrigerator. Sweets - on weekends or holidays. Tomorrow is a birthday cake. Vegetables are required in the diet. Porridge is the same. And fish. Cottage cheese and meat - optional. I might forget something. If I remember, I'll add it. Let me remind you: mayonnaise is not a product for frequent use. My frequency is once a year. It's more difficult with Sonya. I didn’t have time to vaccinate in time. Now we fight.

Vera Brezhneva weans children from mayonnaise


Nutritionist's comment:

“Mayonnaise bought in a store is really not the healthiest product, primarily due to the preservatives that are added to it. However, the same cannot be said about mayonnaise prepared at home. His recipe is very simple:

• 150 ml olive or other vegetable oil,

• 1 fresh chicken yolk

• 1.5 tsp. Sahara,

• 1/3 tsp. salt,

• 1/2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

This sauce will not contain additives harmful to the body, but it is worth remembering that even homemade mayonnaise will still be a very high-calorie product and should be consumed in moderation. Therefore, as a nutritionist, I agree with Vera - there is no point in introducing mayonnaise to children. It is much more valuable to be able to feel the real, genuine taste of each dish.”

Galkin against protein diets

— Since I had stomach problems since childhood, I was always on some kind of diet. As I remember now, the fifth diet in our Soviet sanatoriums was everything boiled and steamed. As for diet, I still test my willpower to be healthier. But not according to books, but according to inner feelings,” Maxim Galkin admitted in an interview with KP. - So I feel what is good for the body now and what is bad. In my opinion, any diets that limit different categories of nutrition (protein, low-carbohydrate, separate meals) are all from the evil one. That is, something heals, something cripples. I believe that the most important thing for a person is to stick to the food that his ancestors ate for centuries and which is natural for a given latitude and longitude. That is, we don’t have to eat the way they eat in Africa and Oceania. Eating seafood in Siberia or stroganina on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea is absurd. I think you just need to not overeat. That's all. There is often, but not much. I am against the theory that you shouldn’t eat at night. It seems to me that this does not fit with Russian traditions or any other. If I go to bed at one in the morning, why should I not eat after six? Why does my poor stomach have to cry out to reason for seven hours to put something in it? If a person goes to bed at nine, then he may not eat after six. But then get up at 5 am and eat. By the way, yesterday I decided to go on a diet. Instead of regular eggs, I ate 10 quail eggs. It's the same as 2 regular ones. They contain healthy cholesterol, unlike chicken eggs. Also arugula salad with shrimp and a piece of lamb. For the whole day.

Galkin against protein diets


Nutritionist's comment:

“Learning to eat or drink correctly is also a science. For example, at work and in public places, whenever possible, I ask for a glass of water every hour. This makes eight glasses of water - that's about 1.5-2 liters per day. But this also needs to be achieved gradually. If you immediately start drinking 2 liters a day, then you are guaranteed to experience swelling and overload of your kidneys. And if even in three days you lose 2-3 kg, then consider that during these days you are simply losing liquid.

See for yourself:

Breakfast - coffee.

Lunch - tomatoes, spinach, two boiled eggs (or 10 quail).

Dinner - arugula salad and lamb meat.

All such diets are very strict! This is a huge stress for the body. How does the body react to stress? We either break down and start eating uncontrollably, or we develop neurosis. Therefore, I believe that Maxim Galkin competently approached the very issue of diet. The principle that diet is a lifestyle is correctly formulated.”

Diva cooks vegetable soups

- Alla looks really beautiful. She regulated her diet using a diet that she came up with herself. And she called it “USSR,” says Alla Borisovna Pugacheva’s friend, businesswoman Alina Redel. — USSR is an abbreviation: sweet, salty, and rich foods are prohibited (salt because it retains water in the body. — Ed.). And “R” is a fasting day, on which it is permissible to eat light vegetable soups.

Alla Pugacheva has a very strict diet


“Alla does not go hungry at the festive table,” explains Alina Redel. “Maybe I can eat a piece of cake for company.” She’ll just do two fasting days later, which will allow her to stay in good shape.

Comment from nutritionist Nonna Kukhina:

“Alla Pugacheva has a very strict diet. It is based on separate nutrition or consumption of one type of product - a mono-diet. Many representatives of show business have gone through this diet. Yes, they lost weight. But then addiction and fears appear: what to do if you ate something wrong?

Together with Komsomolskaya Pravda, nutritionist Nonna Kukhina studied the diets of Russian celebrities

Photo: Personal archive

As a result, it turns out that you simply become a slave to your nutritionist who has prescribed this or that diet for you.

Although this diet has elements that I use myself. For example, fasting days.

In general, we must clearly understand that the body needs time to adapt to a different diet.

For example, for the volume of the stomach to decrease, it again takes about a month. And when they write that they lose 7 kg in a week, this is not physiological for the body, it’s more of a shock.”


Larisa Dolina lost extreme weight

Two months ago, 62-year-old Larisa Dolina posted on her Instagram a photo of her respected mother and grandmother getting a cat tattoo on her arm. She got a photo of her pet tattooed on the back of her forearm on advice, you won’t believe it! - his granddaughter. Fans then said that they were proud of the star, who did not care about her worthy age and lives as she wants. And take the Valley and don’t disappoint your fans again. In a short time, the artist lost so much weight and looked younger at the same time that she again received many compliments from her fans. Yulia Nachalova, whose birthday Dolina came to, published a photo online with a star, where Dolina looks very slender (details)


The secret of Pugacheva’s diet: No interventions, only healthy eating and swimming

A scandalous story was shown on one of the TV channels. The lady, introducing herself as a nutritionist, said that Alla Pugacheva became so prettier and slimmer thanks to an operation that reduces the patient’s stomach. The words of this woman, as always, were reprinted by all the media. However, the star’s entourage only laughed at the speculations of the nutritionist and journalists. Like, Alla Pugacheva did not have any operations (details)

Permitted and prohibited products

On Pugacheva’s diet, you can eat permitted foods, eat any vegetables except potatoes and corn, drink low-fat fermented milk products, eat fruits, but not at night, because they also contain carbohydrates.

Important! Under no circumstances should you starve, it is harmful to the body.

It is also prohibited to eat sweets, mayonnaise and various sauces, pasta, bread, fatty meat, a lot of salt, butter, and baked goods.

Menu options

The singer herself says what kind of diet Pugacheva lost weight on. According to her, having lost weight, she prefers proper nutrition. Before some important events or when extra pounds appear, she gets into shape using the following methods.

On kefir

Pugacheva’s kefir diet allows you to lose up to 1 kg every day. During the day you need to eat a cocktail of cilantro, celery, dill and parsley mixed with 1.5 liters of kefir and 1 kg of cucumbers. Nothing else is allowed.

With sour cream

Low-fat sour cream can replace mayonnaise even in salads. It can be mixed with low-fat cottage cheese and yolk and added to any dishes that require mayonnaise. If you decide to go on Pugacheva’s sour cream diet, choose a low-fat product.

On activated carbon

There is a lot of controversy on the Internet about Alla Pugacheva’s activated carbon diet. Some claim that the singer has never tried such a diet, while others say that it was thanks to her that she lost a lot of weight.

In any case, charcoal is very beneficial for the body; it normalizes metabolism, removes waste and toxins, and breaks down fats. But it must certainly be combined with proper nutrition. On an empty stomach, drink 3 tablets of charcoal an hour before meals, and then eat properly, without fats and sweets.

How did Pugacheva really lose weight? Photos before and after

Today there are a lot of rumors and speculation about how Pugacheva actually lost weight. The changes in the singer's appearance are simply stunning. The 68-year-old “star” has noticeably looked younger, and the network is blowing up her latest photos without makeup and pictures of a thinner Pugacheva on the beach.

There are many versions of why the Diva of the Russian stage has changed so much. We tried to figure out what is true and what is fiction. In our article we will tell you all the secrets and share a real way to safely lose weight from the famous pop diva.


Alla Pugacheva's diet assumes that you can plan your diet yourself, taking into account certain restrictions.

When creating a menu for the week in accordance with Alla Pugacheva’s diet, take note of several recipes. These dishes will help you get rid of hunger and lose weight quickly.

Ginger cocktail

Proper nutrition combined with this cocktail can give stunning results.


  • 15 g fresh ginger;
  • boiling water.


  1. Cut the ginger into slices or grate it on a coarse grater.
  2. Place in a thermos and fill with boiling water.
  3. Leave overnight.

In the morning, take a glass of this infusion before meals and drink it throughout the day between meals. This will help you lose about 5 kg in a week.

Important! In order not to harm the stomach, ginger cocktail should be drunk no more than 1 liter per day.

Cucumber-tomato cocktail


  • 500 g cucumbers;
  • 500 g tomatoes.


  1. Mix cucumbers and ripe tomatoes.
  2. Blend everything into a paste using a blender.
  3. Drain into a thermos.

Drink during the day whenever you feel hungry. Do not use salt.

Light soup


  • 1 chicken breast;
  • carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • green peas;
  • egg.


  1. Make broth using skinless chicken breast. Remove the meat and let it cool.
  2. Bring the broth to a boil.
  3. Place a whole onion without the husk and grated, but not fried, carrots in it.
  4. Add frozen green peas. If it's fresh, that's even better.
  5. Cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Remove and discard the onion.
  7. Cut the meat into cubes and add to the soup.
  8. Crack the egg directly into the soup and stir quickly with a fork.
  9. Cook for another 5 minutes.

The dietary dish is ready!


To make the diet effective, follow these recommendations:

  1. Don’t let yourself have breakdowns, but if you’ve already eaten candy, force yourself to do some physical exercise. For example, you can do 30 push-ups or sit-ups.
  2. As soon as you feel hungry, eat low-fat cottage cheese. It has a lot of protein and no carbohydrates, and very few calories.
  3. Eat dietary soups; they quickly fill your stomach and benefit your body.
  4. Always carry some fruit or vegetable with you for snacking. As soon as you feel hungry, eat it.
  5. Try to eat as little salt and spices as possible, replace regular salt with sea salt.

USSR diet rules

The first week of the diet should be spent completely avoiding salty foods. As you know, salt retains excess water in the body, which leads to edema and increased stress on the heart muscles. As soon as the volume of incoming salt decreases, excess water quickly leaves the body, so the first result will be noticeable after 5-7 days. As such, there should be no feeling of hunger, says Alla Pugacheva. How did she lose weight if her diet was so limited?

The number of meals in such a diet is not limited, but the amount of food eaten should be small so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. You can and should drink clean water! Now it will not linger, because there will be no sodium chloride in the food eaten.

Special attention should be paid to the consumption of fruits and vegetables - the main part of the star’s diet. Be sure to include proteins in your daily diet - meat products, eggs and cottage cheese.

It is important to remember that sweet and rich foods are strictly prohibited. In extreme cases, you are allowed to eat 1-2 pieces of dried black bread.

Typically, Diva's weekday meals are spent in SSS mode. Every three days she does a fasting day for her body. But if suddenly Pugacheva is invited to a celebration, she does not limit herself to a single gastronomic dish, but there is a mandatory condition - 2 consecutive days of fasting.

Every day, in addition to the diet, the star recommends devoting 20-30 minutes to light physical exercise for all muscle groups, so that not only the weight goes away, but also a stately and slender silhouette is formed. If you have problems with the skeletal and muscular system, you should consult with your doctor about exercise and diet in general.


Pugacheva’s diet is so popular that on the Internet you can find many reviews and results from those who tried to lose weight using the singer’s method. Here are some of them:

Anastasia: I sat on cucumber cocktail for three days. I almost went crazy, I was hungry, I wanted to spit on everything and go get some pies. I endured it, lost 3.5 kg, but then gained it back.

Elena: The charcoal diet helped. I ate right and drank activated charcoal in the morning, and lost 5 kg in a month.

Maria: I now drink ginger smoothie and eat only vegetables and chicken breast. We'll see what happens, but in a week I've already lost 2 kg.


The diet for weight loss according to Alla Pugacheva’s method is not suitable for everyone: if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases, it is better to refuse a mono-diet, in this case proper nutrition will help. The Prima Donna diet consists of consuming activated carbon and a cocktail of kefir and cucumbers, limiting oneself in sweets, flour, fatty and salty foods, and physical activity. Using the technique, you can lose about 20 kilograms in a few months.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

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