Baby food diet - recommendations, weekly menu, results

This diet is suitable primarily for young mothers who have completed lactation (who constantly buy “baby” products), as well as for mega-busy women who do not have a minute to cook. A diet on baby food will not turn Melissa McCartney into Angelina Jolie - however, losing 2-4 extra pounds (fat, not muscle) will help.

Baby food is not only dry “Baby”...

Don't laugh at the thought of having to drink diluted milk replacer from a bottle for 7 days! The menu for a week of this diet consists of jars of vegetable, meat and fruit purees, as well as children's curds .

These products are satisfying, do not contain sugar (as well as flavoring additives and even salt), and undergo strict quality certification. And most importantly, the puree does not need to be prepared and is convenient to take with you to work or school.

How much will you lose (in theory)…

The author of “baby” nutrition is sure: if you sit on puree for seven days, you can burn up to 5 kg of “pure” fat (some reviews voice more impressive figures - 6, 7 and even 8 kg).

If you combine food, also eating salads and other light, but not baby foods, the result will not be so impressive - up to 3 kg per week.

Important: you can repeat this diet after 3 months - not earlier!

The advantages of such weight loss

  1. The diet helps not only to lose weight, but also to get rid of toxins that pollute the body.
  2. Baby purees taste good. If you want to lose weight, but not choke on disgusting celery soup or steamed buckwheat, this is the option for you.
  3. Food is sold everywhere - in large and small grocery stores, children's shopping centers. Is it possible to buy such food in a pharmacy - yes too!
  4. The calorie content of each puree (as well as the exact weight of the serving) is indicated on the can. So this diet is also suitable for those who like to count calories.
  5. No hunger.
  6. No need to cook. In addition, you can do without the special equipment that lovers of proper nutrition use (for example, steamers).
  7. However, if you have calculated the cost of the diet and understand that instead of buying canned food, it will be easier to cook your own food, armed with a blender and grater - why not!

Important: the positive qualities of a children's diet are relevant only on the condition that a person does not get too carried away with such nutrition. You can go on a diet for a week, or use it as a one-day fast. But switching to purees for 8 days or more is prohibited.

Disadvantages and dangers

  1. Dentists are sure: teeth are made to chew every day! To keep your gums healthy and get rid of plaque, you not only need to throw soft pieces of stew or cutlets into your mouth, but also nibble on apples and carrots. And on a diet, food is 100% pureed.
  2. Therapists also agree with their “dental” colleagues. These doctors assure: the intestines of an adult must constantly fight with coarse fibers and chunky food. Of course, if we do not chew our food thoroughly, our stomach will not like it - but this organ will not approve of constant purees either... Yes, after 7 days on baby food there will be no noticeable harm, but it is better not to stay on such a diet longer.
  3. Cost: proper nutrition (without sugar and starch) is not cheap.
  4. Fresh, salt-free puree from vegetables and meat will not seem tasty to everyone.
  5. According to the diet, the daily calorie intake should not exceed 1200 kcal. These are “minus” calories, because our usual daily caloric intake is 1800 kcal. The body, not receiving a source of energy from nutrition, will be forced to obtain this energy by burning fat reserves... But this process may be accompanied by dizziness and impotence. So if you have a newborn in your arms and there is no help from your grandmother or other relatives, put off losing weight until later - a mother who is weakened by impotence can be dangerous for the baby.
  6. Diet (as well as other active weight loss) is prohibited during lactation.

Contraindications to sudden weight loss include: anemia, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases.

If you have a history of gastrointestinal problems or your weight is much higher than normal, before starting a diet you should consult a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or your doctor.

What does Reese Witherspoon have to do with it...

The author of the diet is Tracy Anderson, Hollywood fitness trainer..

First of all, the trainer developed this diet for herself: after giving birth to a child, the woman gained 20 kilograms, which is a disaster for a person in her profession. The baby’s nutrition helped, and the diet turned out to be so effective that it went “to the masses.”

Later, Tracy's clients included J.Lo, Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyoncé, and Madonna. But the most famous and outspoken lover of the “children’s” diet is actress Reese Witherspoon. From an interview with this actress, most women learned how quickly they lose weight on baby food.

By the way: the “children’s” diet can be called a kind of variation of losing weight on smoothies. But in the case of this diet, there will be both meat and fish on the table (albeit in the form of purees).

Weight loss diet

You can buy...

For maximum weight loss, the following are suitable:

  • only baby purees (meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit), as well as cottage cheese and kefir;
  • baby porridge - the kind that is steamed with boiling water (this product can be consumed for breakfast or lunch, preparing a portion of 150 g for yourself);
  • fiber (the nutrient should be added a spoonful to each serving of vegetable puree - fiber will make the intestines work better, helping you avoid the complications of such a diet);
  • cabbage, green apples as a snack (these products should not be chopped - eat them at least every other day “in their pure form” to prevent constipation and other intestinal problems);
  • lean meat, eggs (no more than one per day), low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened fruits, vegetables or legumes (you can cook some of these products for yourself once a day, counting calories if you can’t force yourself to eat another puree).

Important: read the ingredients! Avoid foods containing flour, starch, and sugar. Manufacturers of cheap purees sometimes “sin” with such additives.

Calculation in the store: one jar - one meal. That is, 4-5 jars are needed every day.

If you are not going to limit yourself exclusively to purees, you can fill the refrigerator with fruits and light vegetables, meat, and lean fish. This way the week will go easier. But in this case you will lose less.

Forget for now...

About all the “adult” food!

Combinations of dishes in the “meat + side dish” style are also prohibited (meat purees should not be supplemented with porridge or pasta).

Sample weekly menu

  1. Breakfast : 100 g of grated cottage cheese (fermented milk, not sweet and not glazed). A serving can be flavored with fresh or frozen berries, but not with jam. On other days, buy baby kefir, unsweetened yogurt, and fruit-flavored curds (without sugar).
  2. First snack : 100 g of any fruit puree. You can buy food that contains cream and cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch : meat or fish puree, one large jar (200 g). Add one baby cookie for dessert.
  4. Afternoon snack (second snack) : 100 g of vegetable puree.
  5. Dinner : main course - vegetable puree, dessert - cottage cheese.
  6. Second dinner : baby juice (without sugar) or unsweetened tea. It is also advisable to prepare the last drink from the children's series, buying herbal tea in bags or instant, in granules - such tea will not interfere with sleep.

You also need to take a vitamin-mineral complex every day. Yes, baby purees are often additionally fortified, but their portions are designed for the bodies of children, and this amount of beneficial nutrients will not be enough for an adult.

As with any other diet, you should also adhere to the water regime on baby food. Drink 1.5 liters of pure water (without gas or sugar) per day. If you are tall, have impressive weight, or have a strong build, the amount of water should be greater.


There are several options for Tracy Anderson's weight loss program. The express diet is designed for only 3 days, so it is more logical to call it a fasting diet. The longest diet on baby food lasts 2 weeks, during which time you can lose up to 10 kilos, but only a person with iron willpower can sustain such a diet.

For 3 days

In such a short period of time spent on food for small children, some manage to become 2-3 kg lighter. The essence of unloading is that you don’t need to cook anything; during the day you are allowed to eat up to 10 hundred-gram jars of fruit and/or vegetable purees, which do not contain sugar, and drink plain water or green/herbal tea.

For 5 days

The five-day program allows you to consume all products that fall into the category of baby food - purees, mixtures, and juices. The main rule for losing weight is the low calorie content of the daily portion eaten; it should not exceed 1200 kcal. Fortunately, it is not so difficult to control this, since the energy value is indicated on each jar/pack.

To avoid hunger, eat a jar/serving of porridge every 3-4 hours. This will be a great solution.

Such a diet does not provide the necessary portion of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients, so you should not practice such a diet for more than 5-7 days. Considering that during the day you will have to be content with a minimal amount of calories, it would be wise to avoid physical activity and excessive mental stress.

For a week

A one-week program created by Tracy Anderson will help you lose up to 5 kilograms. To lose weight and achieve such a result, you will have to strictly limit yourself - eat only jarred puree. Mixtures and curds should be discarded, since they may contain sugar (albeit in a minimal amount). There should be 5 meals, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, include lunch and afternoon snack in your daily routine. You are allowed to drink water and herbal tea in unlimited quantities, of course, if there are no kidney problems.

Considering the high effectiveness of the seven-day diet, many decide to extend it for a few more days. We urge you to abandon such an idea, as this is fraught with health problems.

For 2 week

The longest detox event on baby food lasts 2 weeks, no longer. It should not be repeated more than twice a year. It takes up to 10 kilograms in 14 days, but be prepared for the fact that the result may not be so inspiring, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of your body.

For 2 weeks, you are allowed to eat everything that is intended for feeding the crumbs, even cookies. However, during this period it is very important to monitor the number of calories eaten. The maximum daily norm is 1200 kcal. During breaks you need to drink still water.

Sample menu for the day


  • 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • a jar of fruit puree or 100 ml of baby porridge;
  • unsweetened tea.


  • fruit puree (if desired, you can replace it with a portion of cottage cheese).


  • a portion of meat puree (it is not forbidden to eat a portion of steamed meat or fish with vegetables instead);
  • juice without sugar.

Afternoon snack:

  • cottage cheese/fruit puree/green tea with a couple of baby cookies.


  • a jar of vegetable and a jar of fruit puree or meat/fish with vegetables;
  • a portion of cottage cheese;
  • unsweetened tea.

Before bedtime:

  • a jar of vegetable/fruit puree;
  • herbal decoction without sugar.

The diet does not prohibit, if necessary, having not 5, but 3, but more dense (if, of course, such a word is appropriate when talking about a diet) meals. In this case, there is only one rule - do not combine meat products with those that contain banana and/or potatoes.

Reviews: both “yes” and “no”

Reviews and results of such nutrition are mostly positive. Of course, if the weight wasn’t initially off the charts, the before and after photos may not impress - well, your waist has tightened up a little, big deal! However, those who are losing weight, seeing the numbers on their home scales, praise the diet, giving it 4.5 out of 5 possible stars (and this is more than they give to Japanese, French, buckwheat and other strict diets).

Successful weight loss and life hacks

  1. If life without sweets seems unacceptable even for a week, buy dark chocolate (80%). You can allow yourself 2-3 cubes per day.
  2. Also, if you want something sweet, choose peach puree - it is sugar-free, but it will satisfy your need for sweets 100%.
  3. You should not get carried away with tea, juice and other drinks (except water). The basic daily food already comes in the form of purees, so there is no need for additional dilution.
  4. Young mothers (not lactating) can prepare food for themselves and their baby using a blender.

Something went wrong…

The pros and cons of any diet are often a purely personal matter. Therefore, what some women scold may not alarm you personally at all (and vice versa).

However, dissatisfied losers noted:

  • even despite the use of fiber, constipation can be annoying (flaxseed oil helps - you should drink a large spoon every morning on an empty stomach in the morning);
  • after leaving the diet, you need to hold back for 2-3 weeks, adhering to exclusively healthy eating (nothing fried, fatty, sweet), otherwise the weight will quickly return;
  • some women on this diet begin to experience abdominal pain (in this case, sour fruits should be replaced with “softer” mashed potatoes and bananas);
  • unsalted food for a week means fluid leaves the body (which means that after the diet, some of the fluid will return, and with it 1-2 kg of weight).

First-person experience: this video blogger personally went on a “children’s” diet. And here are the girl’s conclusions:

Gluten and sugar free diet - what you can eat and what you can't.

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss

Black Latte for weight loss99 rub.
NATURAL Fit Calorie Blocker Powder990 rub.
Purple tea "Chang-Shu"499 rub.
Fat burning drops “Honey Spas”1980 rub. 99 rub.
(until 08/24/2021)
Detox cocktail for weight loss147 rub.
Lipocarnit for weight loss990 rub.
Reduslim weight loss product149 rub.

Views: 1,702

How to dilute dry formula for a baby

To dilute the food, you must use water intended for baby food. At home, you must use filtered and boiled water. You must strictly follow the food preparation instructions on the package. In order to avoid lumps while preparing porridge, the water should not be hot. The water should be approximately 40-50 degrees. Milk porridge should be diluted before feeding. The temperature of the feeding mixture is 37 degrees. Leftover uneaten food is not offered to the child again and is not stored. After feeding, you should thoroughly wash the bottle and nipple.

It is necessary to properly dilute the dry formula for the child.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of breast milk in a child's life . It is an indispensable food product for children of the first year of life . Women's milk contains all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the baby , protects him from many types of infections , contains the necessary hormones and enzymes , prevents the development of many pathological reactions , and is a strong stimulus in the development of the baby's mental functions . It is worth noting that the use of infant formula is permissible only for medical reasons that exclude the use of breast milk . WHO experts recommend breastfeeding for the first six months , subsequently adding complementary foods and continuing breastfeeding until 2 years of age and beyond . _ _

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