Are instant noodles harmful? Is it possible to eat it every day? They say it spoils the stomach

Artemi Panarin approves.

In October, hockey player Artemy Panarin, who has been playing in the NHL for 5 years, went home by train: he bought preshirak, vegetables, sausage and had a feast during the 40-hour trip. Noodles seem to be the best train food: it's convenient to brew with boiling water, and you can simply throw away the cup after eating. But they say that noodles are harmful and can ruin your stomach if you eat them constantly. This is true?

Instant noodles: what are they?

According to the idea of ​​the Japanese Momofuku Ando, ​​who invented this wonderful product in 1958, instant noodles are simply chopped dough of wheat flour, water and salt, which is first steamed, and then seasoned and deep-fried to remove excess moisture. Dried noodles shrank in volume and lasted much longer than fresh and frozen noodles. And since it was already boiled, it was very easy to prepare it - just like now, you just had to pour boiling water over it. You can’t do this with regular spaghetti: if you just pour boiling water over it, it won’t have time to cook.

Seasoning packets, dried vegetables and a polystyrene cup in which the noodles could be brewed without transferring them to their own container - a 1971 "know-how" approved by the World Instant Noodle Association (WINA).

Benefits and harms

So, instant noodles are very popular among the working population, as well as schoolchildren and students. The harm and benefits of this product have not been fully studied. However, doctors have conducted a number of studies showing the effect it has on the human body.

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It is important to note that vermicelli itself does not cause much harm. The seasoning that manufacturers add to the noodles is much more dangerous for humans. First of all, the harm that seasoning causes to the body is associated with monosodium glutamate, which is part of it. Regular consumption of this substance causes the following consequences:

  • retains fluid (this leads to swelling),
  • addictive (this forces a person to purchase the product again and again),
  • may cause gastritis or stomach ulcers.

In addition to monosodium glutamate, flavorings, which are classified as synthetic substances, also have a negative effect on the body. So, they can provoke an allergic reaction in children. Hot spices often cause digestive problems. In addition, the product contains a large amount of salt. This, in turn, contributes to increased blood pressure.

Doctors categorically do not recommend eating such noodles:

  • children,
  • To old people,
  • women who are pregnant,
  • persons suffering from chronic diseases.

But if a person has no other choice, then it is better to eat vermicelli without seasoning. If you regularly eat such noodles at least once a day, this will soon lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. In addition, this will negatively affect a person’s appearance. For example, your nails will become brittle and your hair will become dull and lifeless. Thus, such a product can only be eaten as a last resort.

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Since 1997, the Noodle Manufacturers Association has been ensuring that technology is not violated and that the product remains at least safe for health. From our country, WINA includes:

  • Mareven Food LLC, noodles of the Petra and Big Bon brands;
  • group - makes “Big Lunch” noodles, “Alexandra and Sophia” and noodles with iodized salt “Wow!”

The popularly beloved Doshirak is made by Doshirak Koya LLC and Doshirak Ryazan LLC - Russian subsidiaries of the Korean company Paldo, which is also a member of WINA, only from Korea.

The rest of the Russian producers of instant noodles, which are easiest to find in stores - for example - are not included in WINA. But, like WINA members, they are required to comply with Russian GOST.

According to this GOST, instant pasta itself should be made from premium or first-grade soft wheat flour mixed with salted water. You can add salt, sugar, pepper (ground black, white and red), dried vegetables (onions, garlic, carrots, beets, green peas, corn and parsley), vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean or palm) to the noodles. additives (dyes, antioxidants, emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, acidity regulators, flavor and aroma enhancers).

Let's look at these components in more detail. And in order not to be unfounded, let’s look at the composition of some specific noodles - let it be “Rollton: Vermicelli in homemade broth with mushrooms.” However, you have to take into account that not all the ingredients are indicated on the packaging.

Composition of dry vermicelli without spices

Some people believe that instant noodles will not cause harm (and in some ways will even be beneficial) if you throw away the bag of broth. Once you add fresh vegetables and herbs and homemade spices to the dish, it will become nutritious. Is this opinion wrong or not? I analyze the composition of dry vermicelli.

Premium wheat flour

It contains almost no fiber, vitamins and microelements, unlike whole grain flour. An “empty” product in terms of nutritional value, but not dangerous either. Quickly satisfies hunger as it contains a lot of carbohydrates. Due to its high calorie content, it can harm your figure.

Vegetable oil

In Russia, instant noodles are fried in sunflower or palm oil. The second is considered more harmful. Often used in production due to its low cost.

Important! If the type of vegetable oil is not indicated in the composition, then with a 90% probability palm oil was used.

By 2021, WHO has prepared a report on the dangers of palm oil based on an analysis of 48 scientific papers. Experts have found a direct correlation between increased consumption of this fat and an increase in heart disease in 23 countries. Palm oil increases the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, disrupts metabolism, and leads to obesity.

So is there any harm from instant noodles? Yes, since it consists of 20% palm or other vegetable oil.


It consists of two minerals - sodium and chlorine, which the body needs to maintain water-salt balance, normal muscle function and the nervous system. However, the harm of instant noodles without spices is that they contain a lot of salt.

WHO recommends reducing the consumption of white supplement to 5 grams per day (0.5 teaspoon). The website contains information that sodium in excess amounts increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases: arterial hypertension, stroke.

Interesting fact. There are many scientists in the world (in particular, James Dinicolantonio, Andrew Mente, Bernard Lamport) who refute the harm of salt to the body.

Noodles: These have no vitamins or minerals and very little protein.

One briquette of noodles without packaging weighs 60 g. The manufacturer indicates the nutritional value per 100 g, and it is easy to calculate that the noodles contain 34.2 g of carbohydrates, 5.4 g of proteins, and 12.6 g of fats.

Carbohydrates. 34.2 g – is it a lot or a little? In general, adults, depending on the load, need 257-585 g of digestible carbohydrates per day. But with carbohydrates, not everything is so simple - it’s not enough to take into account weight, you need to keep in mind the glycemic index of a particular product. This is a rating from 0 to 100 that shows how quickly a particular food raises blood glucose levels. The lower the glycemic index, the slower the product is absorbed and the longer the feeling of fullness remains. Foods with a low glycemic index (less than 55) are more difficult to overeat than foods with a high glycemic index (above 55).

It was not possible to find the glycemic index specifically for Rollton. But there are values ​​for similar noodles from Australia and Canada - these are 47-52. That is, you won’t be full for a long time, but the 270 kcal declared by the manufacturer won’t be burned instantly - so it will keep you strong for a couple of hours.

Protein. 5.4 g is very little. An adult man needs 65-117 g, and a woman needs 58-87 g of protein per day. At the same time, the protein in noodles is mainly of plant origin - from wheat flour, which is also absorbed by an average of 62-80%. So instant noodles are not suitable at all as a source of healthy protein.

Fats. 12.6 g is not much; it is difficult to overeat fat from noodles. Adult men need 70-154 g, and women – 60-102 g per day. The fats in Rollton are also of vegetable origin: some of it gets into the product along with the flour, but most of it is the same oil in which the noodles are fried.

does not mention in a word what kind of oil is used for frying - we only know that the oil for the broth includes refined sunflower oil. But this doesn’t matter: judging by GOST, pasta can be fried in sunflower, palm, and soybean oil. None of them are actually dangerous.

The WHO recommends using soybean and sunflower oils as an alternative to the much more harmful butter, and the health hazards of palm oil have not yet been proven. There is no serious evidence that it causes cancer or is otherwise harmful to health.

Sometimes they write on the Internet that instant noodles contain harmful hydrogenated fats, which are better known as “trans fats.” But in general, according to GOST, they are not supposed to be there. By the way, there are none in Rollton.

Vitamins and minerals. They are not mentioned in the noodles - and, in general, rightly so. Noodles are made from soft wheat flour of the highest or first grade, and this flour is not only finely milled, but also sifted to remove particles of the grain shell and the germ from which the plant grows. At the same time, dietary fiber and minerals are contained in the shells, and vitamins and fats are contained in the germs. It turns out that only starch and a little protein remain in the flour. So noodles do not qualify as a healthy and nutritious food product.

Salt. The manufacturer does not indicate the salt content, but specialists from the independent non-profit organization Roskachestvo checked it for us.

According to WHO recommendations, adults are advised to consume no more than 5 g (a little less than a teaspoon) of salt per day. That is, finished products should contain no more than 0.5% salt by weight. Roskachestvo employees found that Doshirak, Anakom, Krasnaya Tsena, Lazzat and Petra noodles meet these requirements.

What is and chemical composition of egg noodles

Egg noodles are a variation of regular pasta. It is produced using wheat flour. However, the composition also includes egg yolks or whites, which also determine the color of the product.

Pasta contains a large amount of valuable substances. They contain the following components:

  • iron and phosphorus;
  • zinc, copper and calcium;
  • pantothenic and folic acids;
  • vitamins A and D;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • manganese and potassium;
  • riboflavin and choline;
  • magnesium and selenium;
  • thiamine

It is not recommended to consume the product in large quantities, since it contains a lot of carbohydrates and can negatively affect digestion. But in moderate amounts, pasta is healthy and maintains the balance of valuable substances in the body.

Egg noodles contain many B vitamins

Manufacturing technology

The technology for producing egg noodles generally differs little from the production process for any pasta. The product is made as follows:

  1. In industrial conditions, flour is sifted in large capacious containers, clearing it of foreign impurities. The process is usually fully automated; manual labor is not used to produce large volumes of pasta.
  2. Egg whites or yolks, as well as natural thickeners, are added to the processed flour. Ingredients of both types are needed to give the mass density and viscousness, otherwise the pasta will fall apart when boiled.
  3. The workpiece is sent to a special apparatus for kneading and dosing the dough. At the same stage, filtered water and salt are added to the ingredients. The workpiece is kneaded for approximately 15 minutes, after which it goes into the lower compartment of the apparatus for ripening, which can take several hours.
  4. The formed egg noodle dough is transferred to rollers and rolled out into layers under a heavy press. When the layer becomes thinner than 1 mm, the workpiece is cut into threads with round sharp knives.

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At the last stage, residual moisture is removed from the products by drying or deep-frying. After this, all that remains is to cool the product in a special chamber, check for quality and package it.

Drying not only increases the shelf life of noodles, but also prevents the proliferation of microorganisms in it

Calorie content

The energy value of the product is quite high - 384 calories per 100 g. The composition contains the most carbohydrates - approximately 67.9 g. Fats and proteins account for 4.4 g and 14.1 g, respectively.

Seasoning and broth: all acidity regulators and flavor enhancers are harmless

We've sorted out the noodles and oil for the broth, all that's left is the "Homemade Broth" seasoning. Its basis is harmless dried champignons and yeast extract, spices: black and red pepper, bay leaf, and herbs: garlic, onions, parsley, parsnips, dill.

But then all sorts of curious components begin, which, in fact, are not at all scary either.

Acidity regulator: sodium triphosphate (E451i). Harmless sodium salt, which WHO has known and recommended to add volume to foods since 1982. It can cause harm only if a person weighing 70 kg eats almost 5 kg per day. Permitted to use everywhere: in Russia, Europe, and the USA.

Stabilizers: potassium carbonate (E501i) and sodium polyphosphate (E452i). Potassium carbonate is added to noodles to improve color and prevent them from spreading when cooked. WHO has known it since 1965, and sees no reason to limit the daily dose, because it has no side effects. Approved in Russia, Europe, and the USA.

Potassium polyphosphate is approximately the same as the acidity regulator sodium triphosphate, it just also prevents food from spoiling too quickly. It has been known to WHO since 1982 - they believe that in order to be poisoned by it, a person weighing 70 kg would also have to eat 5 kg in one day. True, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) slightly reduced the permissible dose in 2021 - recently Europeans believe that “only” 2.8 kg is enough for poisoning. Allowed wherever possible.

Flavor and aroma enhancers: monosodium glutamate (E621), sodium ribonucleotide (E635). Monosodium glutamate is a salt of the amino acid glutamate, one of the building blocks of protein. It is glutamate that is responsible for the pleasant “meaty” taste - umami. For 50 years, it has been studied far and wide, but they have never been able to prove that it causes a desire to eat more and is in any way harmful to health. The only way to experience any side effects is to eat more than 3g of pure glutamate at a time. Some women may experience headaches because of this, and even then they will go away very quickly.

Sodium ribonucleotide has been known to WHO since 1993 and is recognized as non-toxic. A favorite supplement for vegans because it is suitable for replacing “meat” monosodium glutamate. Allowed everywhere.

Dye: iron oxide (E172). In general, the chemical composition is ordinary rust, which gives the noodles a beautiful shade. We get much more rust from pipes along with water than from noodles.

Antioxidant: concentrate of a mixture of tocopherols. This stuff is just a concentrated form of vitamin E, which is made when vegetable oil is steam distilled. Vitamin E prevents oil from spoiling and does not harm people's health.

Which noodles are the most harmful?

This is the number of times I have come across an article on the Internet “Scientists have assessed the harm of instant noodles” with reference to the Siberian University, which talks about the safety of the product. I agree that many E-additives present in the composition are recognized as safe. Although it is not known how they affect the body after long-term use. What about vegetable oil (saturated fat), salt, sugar?

The harm caused by Doshirak instant noodles is more serious than that of Rollton. The composition contains preservative E211 - sodium benzoate. When it reacts with vitamin C, it forms benzene, a strong carcinogen. In addition, sodium benzoate increases the risk of liver and skin diseases. Additive E211 is also found in “BIG BON beef flavored” pasta.

The most unhealthy are noodles, which additionally contain the following components:

  • “Sugar color” dye, also known as E150d, is a carcinogen;
  • acids (sodium acetate and diacetate, citric, lactic) - irritate the gastric mucosa.

But gums (xanthate, guar) do not pose a threat to the body. The potassium preservative (E202) is also recognized as a safe additive.

Advice: if you can’t pass up instant noodles in the store, carefully read the ingredients before purchasing. The less fat per 100 grams, the better. Avoid products with E211 and E 150 d .

Instant noodles definitely cannot be called a harmless product. The most insidious components in the composition are not E-additives, but fried fats. Together with premium flour, they at least provoke obesity, and if you are unlucky, chronic diseases. Don't sacrifice your health to save 30 minutes on meal prep.

Noodles are not harmful, but not healthy either. It won't upset your stomach

Noodles do not cause stomach problems. There are rumors that noodles cause gastritis. But in fact, it is “triggered” by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the stomach of some people. No bacteria - no gastritis. True, if gastritis has already begun, then a spicy dish - for example, the same noodles - can provoke an attack. So people with gastritis and other gastric problems should not eat instant noodles.

There is nothing harmful in noodles, but there is also little usefulness. It is unlikely to be suitable as the basis of a diet, but it is quite suitable as a snack on the road or at work. And if you fill it with vegetables and throw in a piece of meat, cheese or chicken, then it’s absolutely beautiful.

Instant noodles are a food that is loved by many. During the epidemic, many may have needed to stock up on large quantities of instant noodle packs at home. It can be stored for a very long time, and the cooking process is incredibly simple; in addition, instant noodles are rich in seasonings and have a rich taste, and they “look” very tasty. But a natural question arises: how harmful can eating instant noodles be considered?

Low nutritional value and high calorie content

The biggest danger of instant noodles is actually their high calorie content and low nutritional value. If you eat instant noodles for a long time and do not add other nutritional supplements to your diet, very soon you will experience symptoms of nutritional deficiency. Instant flour noodles are usually fried cold in oil, but in fact, with this cooking method, the fat content of the dish is not low at all, and the main nutrients of flour noodles are carbohydrates.

Thus, the main nutrients of noodles are carbohydrates and fats. The calorie content of a dish like this is almost always the same: a small bowl of instant noodles contains about 400-500 calories, which can be comparable to a beef steak. If you want to lose weight, you should control yourself and not eat instant noodles frequently.

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What about the vegetables and meat balls found in the noodles? Don't rely on those seasoning packets. They usually consist of dried vegetables and dehydrated meat. The main beneficial components, such as water-soluble vitamins, are almost completely destroyed in them, especially in dried vegetables. Compared to fresh vegetables, this is just a bunch of spoiled dietary fiber.

The protein contained in meat is also almost completely lost after such processing, and there is practically no hemoglobin left in it. Many meat products that are put into noodles as condiments are not real meat, and they cannot provide the nutritional value that meat can provide.

Contains hydrogenated vegetable oil, which may accelerate the development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

In the processing of food products such as snack foods, instant noodles and others, the refined vegetable oil used in them can easily be converted into hydrogenated vegetable oil after frying at high temperature. Hydrogenated vegetable oil contains “trans fatty acids,” which are unhealthy fatty acids.

Its frequent use increases the concentration of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood. Their action allows cholesterol to endlessly circulate in the blood and carry out metabolism. LDL differs from other high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which, on the contrary, accelerate the metabolism of waste cholesterol transported to the liver and lower blood cholesterol levels to achieve the effect of balancing its concentration in the blood serum.

Too high an LDL level will result in unrestricted circulation of cholesterol in the blood, which will increase its concentration and cause hyperlipidemia. The amount of low-density lipoprotein also has a positive correlation with the development of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. LDL can increase the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and is one of the culprits in many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Rich in seasonings, especially high in salt content

After eating instant noodles, we often feel thirsty and drink a lot of water. This is because the salt content in the package along with the seasonings is very high. Many studies have shown that the average salt content of instant noodles reaches 2-3 grams, while our recommended daily salt intake is controlled within 6 grams. One package of instant noodles is half your daily requirement! Therefore, the amount of salt in other foods that we eat on the same day should be reduced.

If we eat instant noodles for a long time, we often consume too much salt, and accordingly, the consumption of sodium ions will also be high, which can increase blood volume, cause water and sodium retention, increase extravascular osmotic pressure, constrict blood vessels, and increase the risk of hypertension. Frequent consumption of foods with a high concentration of salt can also irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract more intensely and cause gastrointestinal diseases.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that you can eat instant noodles only occasionally. Don't use it too often. The health risks of such a dish are quite significant.

You can improve the preparation of such noodles at home, for example, first boil the noodles in water until soft, and then remove them - this way you can remove excess fat. You can then cook some of your own vegetables, meat, eggs, fish or seafood as a soup base, creating nutrient-rich ingredients that make up for the original nutritional deficiency in the dish. Afterwards, you can add a small amount of seasoning from the packets (it is recommended to add only 1/3). As a result, you will get a dish that tastes identical to the taste of instant noodles, and even the biggest noodle lovers will like it.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Instant Noodle Recipes

Recipes with instant noodles can surprise even gourmets. Simple but tasty additives will make the taste of noodles unusual and rich. Vermicelli is diluted with chicken, which complements the meaty taste well, vegetables and baked root vegetables.

Vermicelli with chicken

To prepare “Wok Noodles with Chicken” you will need 2 bags of instant noodles, chicken fillet, one onion, tomatoes, spices to taste and 20 ml of cognac. Chicken with noodles is cooked in a heated frying pan. You can use olive or sunflower oil to fry chicken.

Vermicelli is brewed separately in a small vessel. Pour boiling water over the vermicelli and leave it covered for exactly 3 minutes, after which the excess liquid should be drained.

Place finely chopped onion, chicken fillet (diced), tomatoes and cognac on a heated frying pan. Over high heat, bring the liquid at the bottom of the pan to a boil. The fire decreases after all the cognac has evaporated. Braise the chicken breast for 5-10 minutes. The contents of the frying pan are stirred periodically.

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For a more delicate taste, cream or milk is added at the end (when the chicken is soft). The dish is covered with a lid. The chicken is stewed for about 5 minutes. After this, the meat is infused in its own juice for 10 minutes.

Pasta in medicine

Some physiological conditions require strict dietary restrictions, and flour products are not always allowed. You should also carefully consider your diet if you have a disease, especially if it is in the acute phase.

For diabetes

The stimulating effect of the paste on the digestive organs is desirable for people suffering from diabetes. However, with this disease it is necessary to choose the right foods, giving preference to whole grains. Pasta made from soft wheat or mixtures thereof were most often found on store shelves, so their benefit to the patient is questionable. However, this product is not prohibited for diabetics. Doctors only stipulate that their use should be limited and not go beyond the daily norm.

For people with type 1 diabetes, moderate amounts of carbohydrates derived from pasta are primarily beneficial. The effect of this product on patients with type 2 diabetes has not been fully studied .

Important: glycemic paste index from 20 to 65 units.

For pancreatitis

Patients with pancreatic dysfunction should avoid eating white flour pasta as this product may cause hormonal imbalances. Higher quality pastas made from hard or whole grains may also cause additional health problems. This is because increased fiber stimulates bile secretion and increases inflammation of the pancreas, as well as causing diarrhea and painful intestinal cramps.

During remission, patients with pancreatitis can consume well-prepared pasta with a small amount of vegetable oil . Fried or spicy dishes based on this product can lead to the acute phase of the disease.

With gastritis

In case of gastritis, all types of paste can be used. The cellulose released from these foods coats the walls of the stomach and promotes normal digestion.

Pasta casseroles and soups with milk can be prepared in case of illness . Avoid using hot sauces and frying.

Dietitians with gastritis are advised to give preference to spaghetti, pine cones, feathers or pasta. The small size of such products causes the least damage to the gastric mucosa.

Diet for illness

What you can and can't eat:

cholecystitis. hemorrhoids in case of colitis gout confirmed for gastritis inflammation of the pancreas for diabetes


If you have a problem with bowel movements, you should only eat whole grains. Buckwheat or bread flour paste is also suitable. Products made from these raw materials have a laxative effect and improve intestinal motility.

To gout

Low glycemic index foods are allowed, which may contain durum wheat pasta and other grains. White wheat flour, as well as all products made from it, should be thrown away.

In case of colitis

The diet for this disease involves strict abstinence from foods high in fiber. This is why pasta of all types is prohibited. Their consumption can aggravate colitis, because when the colon becomes inflamed, the fiber from this product accumulates, thereby increasing the chronic course of the disease.

For hemorrhoids

Flour products, which in this case can be called white wheat pasta, cause it to float in the food chain.

Classic instant product

On the shelves of modern stores you can easily find a bag of product that is simply poured with boiling water. To enhance the taste, monosodium glutamate is added to such noodles (a preservative that allows the dry product to be stored for up to two to three years at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius). Wheat flour, a staple for instant cooking, is rich in carbohydrates. Ready noodles can satisfy hunger for a short period of time.

Additionally, palm oil and fatty acids are added to the finished wheat dough. In small quantities, palm oil improves the functioning of the digestive system and saves from problems with the gastrointestinal tract (frequent constipation).

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