Recipe for zucchini pancakes. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Zucchini is a rather unique crop, as it combines such qualities as nutritional value, a large amount of useful substances, low calorie content, and excellent taste. This vegetable is included in many recipes and can also be used as an independent dish. The fruits and pulp can be baked in the oven, fried, or made into salads. At the same time, one of the most famous and delicious recipes is zucchini pancakes.

This is a healthy and low-calorie vegetable that has a beneficial effect on the human body. Although it is considered a dietary analogue of potatoes, its nutritional value is closer to cucumbers and lettuce.

There are quite a lot of recipes for preparing various dishes from vegetables: soups, casseroles, stews. Even though nutritionists don't recommend eating fried foods, zucchini fritters are hard to resist. Moreover, considering that they have a beneficial effect on the immune and nervous systems, and remove toxins and salts from the body.


This dish is very healthy thanks to the main component - zucchini. The vegetable contains a lot of vitamins and other nutrients that are retained even after cooking. Thus, pumpkin is especially rich in vitamin C. It also contains B vitamins, and antioxidants, present in large quantities in fruits, regardless of their variety, stimulate cell rejuvenation processes. In addition, the culture is an irreplaceable source of elements such as potassium and magnesium. These substances are essential for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

An important fact is that the vegetable consists almost entirely of water. Therefore, when consuming it, the body receives fluid in the required quantities and at the same time it does not stagnate inside. Zucchini dishes are also distinguished by the fact that they can be included in the diet even for people who have diabetes. It is also useful to eat it if you have urolithiasis, since the vegetable has a diuretic effect.

As for the second main component of pancakes - flour, wheat flour is most often used for this purpose. It is worth noting that if you use the highest grade of this flour, the body will not receive any benefit, since it practically does not contain vitamins and minerals. Therefore, in order to get the maximum benefit from this dish, you should give preference to either grade 2 flour or coarse flour.


You should not overuse the dish if you have an intestinal disorder, as it has a laxative effect. It is also better to avoid pancakes if you have allergies or intolerances.

The nutritional value

Fans of this dish will be interested to know how many calories are in zucchini pancakes. The nutritional value of a raw vegetable is 23 kcal/100 g. It is a complete dietary product. At the same time, the calorie content of fried zucchini pancakes is about 128 kcal/100 g.

Energy value per 100 g of finished dish:

  • Proteins - 3.74 g;
  • Fats - 6.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 14.5 g.
  • Calories - 128.

With a low calorie content, it contains an increased amount of fat - up to 26%.

For those on a diet

Those who are losing weight can eat this dish regularly, the main thing is to remember that fried zucchini will be higher in calories than raw zucchini. Therefore, pancakes should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

To get a more dietary version of the dish, you should use olive oil, or do without it altogether, carefully frying the pancakes in a frying pan.

Reduce calories in zucchini pancakes

You can cook them in the oven or fry them in a Teflon frying pan with a little oil. In this case, the nutritional value of one serving will be 93 kcal. Best served with a light yogurt-based sauce with herbs and garlic or low-fat sour cream.

Pancakes are one of the simplest, but at the same time delicious and nutritious dishes. And zucchini pancakes are a healthy and low-calorie product that is highly valued by vegetarians and fans of healthy eating. Low calorie content and pleasant taste allow you to add this dish to almost any diet, both aimed at weight loss and therapeutic. And they are prepared very quickly, without requiring the cost of specific components.

Energy value of zucchini pancakes

Nutritional energy value in 100 grams of zucchini pancakes:

  • 55-56 calories.
  • 8.5 grams of carbohydrates.
  • 1.7 grams fat.
  • 1.6 grams of protein.

Calorie content and energy value may vary depending on the components in the zucchini pancakes. It is important to consider what ingredients are used in preparation. When eating on a diet, you should use low-fat foods and do not overuse vegetable oil when frying. You can try steaming zucchini pancakes if your therapeutic diet involves excluding fried foods.

The product has virtually no contraindications. It can be served as a stand-alone dish or with some additional side dish. You can eat such pancakes as snacks provided for in your diet, so as not to grab some higher-calorie buns or chocolate bars. Common in children's, dietary and vegetarian foods.

Cooking methods

Methods for preparing zucchini pancakes can be different, and how many calories will be the final result must be calculated taking into account all the ingredients used.

A simple recipe for which you will also need to take a clove of garlic, an egg, half a glass of flour, and half a teaspoon of salt for 1 zucchini:

  1. Wash and cut the zucchini into large pieces.
  2. Grate the pieces on a coarse grater.
  3. Press the garlic through a garlic press.
  4. Mix the pureed zucchini with garlic, flour, egg and salt.
  5. You can add a small amount of baking soda or baking powder.
  6. Heat a frying pan, pour a small amount of vegetable oil.
  7. Spoon the zucchini mixture by the tablespoonful until you get round pancakes.
  8. Fry on both sides until fully cooked and obtain a nice golden crust.

When frying, you can use both sunflower and olive oil. But you shouldn’t add it to every batch. With a small amount of oil, this can be done in 1-2 batches. Zucchini pancakes absorb vegetable oil well, so for a healthy diet it is better to use olive oil.

You can add fresh herbs to the zucchini dough itself during the cooking stage. You can simply serve the dish with greens separately. The approximate cooking time for one batch of pancakes in a frying pan is about seven minutes, which is enough for them to fry on all sides and bake inside.

Zucchini pancakes will not spread all over the pan if you first squeeze out all the excess liquid from the grated zucchini. The finished pancakes will be dense, satisfying and at the same time diet-light.

Beneficial features

Just as potatoes are sometimes called second bread, so is zucchini a substitute for potatoes. This vegetable, once brought to Europe from America and later reaching Russia, can indeed be considered a full-fledged dietary analogue of potatoes, although in terms of its chemical composition and effects on the body it is rather close to cucumbers. The scope of application of zucchini in the diet is quite wide: it is not only used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, it is used to make caviar and pancakes, it is used as the basis for vegetable stews and various casseroles, but it is even used to make compotes, combining it with cherry plum. But unlike potatoes, zucchini is much lighter and therefore can be used much more often and in any combination. Precisely because this vegetable is so ubiquitous, it would be a good idea to find out how many calories are in zucchini, what is good about it besides the lightness inherent in most vegetables, and how best to use these calories from zucchini in food.

Diet zucchini pancakes: Dukan recipe

Pierre Dukan is a world-famous nutritionist who has developed his own method of losing weight. The Dukan diet method is very popular all over the world. One of the advantages of his diet is the use of a variety of permitted foods, without limiting their consumption. Zucchini is one such product. Dukan offers various recipes from zucchini, which allows the diet to be not only healthy, but also tasty.

To prepare pancakes for the Dukan diet, the classic recipe is taken as a basis, but instead of flour you need to use healthy bran.

Bran is rich in fiber, which helps improve metabolism. In addition, bran takes a long time to digest, which gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

How many calories are in zucchini

In the middle zone, two main types of zucchini are available: light, rather large, elongated fruits, weighing about half a kilogram, and those with a darker and richer color, smaller size and weight, called zucchini or Italian zucchini, since they came from Italy. Despite the fact that they are similar in appearance, apart from color and size, the chemical composition, distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and calorie content of zucchini differ. Although in many recipes they are often interchangeable.

For zucchini, the “weight” is about 21 kcal, half of which belongs to proteins, and only a third to carbohydrates. But for an ordinary light - green, white or yellow - zucchini, the calorie content shows a value of 24 kcal, where 77% is given to carbohydrates. Of course, in any case, these are slow carbohydrates, allowed for daily consumption in quantities limited only by common sense, and not by clear numbers. Those that do not strike the pancreas, causing surges in blood sugar, and do not provoke a new surge in hunger a quarter of an hour after they were eaten. They may not satiate as globally as a good piece of meat, which then takes two to three hours to process, but the feeling of fullness that arises after them does not leave behind an unpleasant overload in the stomach and does not force the digestive tract to digest what has been eaten for a long time and persistently. It is for this reason that you should be interested in how many calories are in zucchini only for reasons of coordinating the daily menu with the individual calorie norm, if there is a need to adhere to it. But not for fear of gaining weight after eating this vegetable.

And without further ado, it is clear that fresh zucchini has a lower calorie content than that prepared in any way, from baking to frying. But, unfortunately, it is undesirable to eat zucchini raw, especially if there is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Even with all its positive effects on digestion, this vegetable can irritate the already inflamed mucous membrane in an unheated form. However, unlike eggplants, which are strictly forbidden to eat raw, fresh zucchini is not forbidden in the absence of obvious contraindications. And yet, the most correct option not only for those on a diet, but also simply for those who are concerned about their own health, is to pass this vegetable through a double boiler or slow cooker. In terms of taste, it will not lose in any way to baked, stewed, or fried, and the calorie content of zucchini will be an order of magnitude lower than all those indicated, as well as the ease of absorption, stopping at the level of 21 kcal per hundred grams. Moreover, you can even cook zucchini pancakes in a slow cooker. In terms of calorie content, they will outperform those created using a frying pan, and the golden crust will be no worse.

Stewed zucchini, by and large, does not shine in calories either, unless you pour in liters of oil, or even simmer under a lid with vegetable or chicken broth. In general, such a dish can be called an almost ideal way to have a hearty lunch without eating too much, and at the same time without suffering too much due to the fact that fried food is now prohibited. After all, zucchini stewed with meat, carrots and onions has a calorie content of only 112 kcal per hundred grams, varying depending on the meat chosen, and with vegetables alone it is generally half as much - only 64 kcal. But, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the calorie content of fried zucchini. Even if you don’t add anything other than onions to it, it will add up to a good 92 kcal, but you can’t get enough of just one zucchini. It is often paired with boiled sausage, minced meat, mushrooms or other vegetables. This jump in calorie content of fried zucchini, in contrast to fresh zucchini, is explained, of course, by the absorption of oil, the calorie content of which adds at least 25% to the “weight” of raw zucchini. The same, by the way, applies to zucchini pancakes, the calorie content of which can be either 180 kcal per hundred grams or 209 kcal if you add, for example, minced meat to the usual ingredients.

What is the calorie content of zucchini pancakes (video)

Unfortunately, we live in such a climate that zucchini is a frequent guest on our table only in summer and autumn. It is then that the zucchini has an excellent taste and aroma. But you can find this vegetable on supermarket shelves all year round. Zucchini dishes are very healthy, varied and tasty. Therefore, nutritionists around the world recommend including zucchini in your diet.

Zucchini is very popular; a large number of different culinary masterpieces can be prepared from them. But zucchini pancakes occupy a special place among them. There are many options for preparing them, choose the recipe to suit your taste and please your family with a healthy low-calorie dish.

Zucchini is healthy, easy to prepare, low-calorie vegetables.

Composition of zucchini: vitamins, microelements, acids

  • vitamins - C, B, B1;
  • microelements - molybdenum, titanium, aluminum, lithium, zinc;
  • salts - phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium;
  • acids - folic, nicotinic, malic.

Dishes made from these plants are healthy and can be prepared quickly. For example, preparing zucchini pancakes will not take you more than half an hour.

Beneficial properties and harm of zucchini

  • Zucchini is absorbed in the body very easily and does not cause a reaction in the digestive tract; therefore, it is recommended to add it to the diet of children, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, patients with diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis.
  • The juice from this plant has a calming effect on the human nervous system.
  • Unripe vegetables, if cooked without salt, help cope with swelling.
  • The antioxidants contained in this plant reduce the risk of developing cancer.
  • They are also a hypoallergenic product, have a very delicate structure, and are easy to digest. Infants are recommended to start complementary feeding with zucchini.

Knowing what pumpkin family vegetables are rich in, we conclude that they will be contraindicated for people suffering from kidney failure, patients with gastritis and ulcers.

Calorie content of zucchini pancakes

In their raw form, zucchini contains only 24 kcal, which makes them indispensable when following a low-calorie diet. Of course, during cooking the calorie content of the finished dish will increase, but in general, they do an excellent job of being healthy dietary vegetables.

Please note that the calorie content of zucchini pancakes is 139 kcal.

For information: fried pumpkin family vegetables contain 88 kcal, squash caviar 97 kcal, and zucchini jam is recognized as one of the highest calorie vegetable dishes with 196 kcal.

Zucchini in the diet of those who watch their figure

Taking into account the impressive list of positive properties of zucchini, including a significant proportion of mineral salts required for proper metabolism, fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and B vitamins. There is also phosphorus and calcium, important for bone tissue, potassium and magnesium, necessary for the heart and blood vessels. Zucchini is necessary even for the nervous system and diabetics, as it can affect cholesterol levels in the blood. But high potassium content can be considered both as a plus and as a minus. It plays into the hands of a deficiency of this chemical element, which can happen even with excessive consumption of rice. It is harmful, of course, if there is an excess of it and problems with the kidneys.

In the summer, you want to try unusual, but easily digestible dishes. For example, you can prepare zucchini pancakes, the calorie content of which is very low (65 kcal per 100 grams). This vegetable is loved by many because it can be eaten very young and almost unripe.

And it is young and tender products with a high fiber content that are ideal for preparing the most unusual and delicious dishes. Many people like that they do not need to be peeled from seeds and thick skin, which becomes very tough and very rough in a ripe vegetable. You can prepare zucchini pancakes, which are low in calories and this food is ideal for a summer diet.

Due to their low nutritional value, zucchini is very popular among nutrition experts, who recommend actively consuming them during the spring and summer months for weight loss. You must prepare zucchini pancakes correctly, the calorie content of which varies depending on the ingredients used. To make the dish dietary, it is necessary to replace wheat flour with corn starch.

In general, there are many ways to prepare this tasty and healthy food in the world; let’s look at which recipes are the most popular. And you can choose the one you like best. For example, salted zucchini pancakes, the calorie content of which is 140 kcal per 100 grams. For this dish you will need 500 grams of zucchini (preferably young, but if you take ripe ones, peel them and remove the seeds), grate the vegetable on a medium grater, add salt and set aside the mixture for a couple of minutes (about 10) so that the juice separates. The liquid will need to be drained by lightly squeezing the mixture obtained earlier.

After this action, some of the salt will go away, so you can add a little more, but this is to taste. To the grated zucchini you need to add finely chopped herbs (whatever you like, but dill is best), a couple of cloves of garlic (crushed), ground black pepper, one egg, one-fourth of a teaspoon of soda, then mix everything thoroughly. Of course, you can make it without soda, but with it, zucchini pancakes lose calories and the dish turns out more fluffy and tender.

Then you should add a few tablespoons of flour (preferably buckwheat) to the mixture so that the dough is not thick, but sticky, and simmer the pancakes under the lid. If you can eat fried food, then place in a frying pan with olive oil and fry for 10 minutes on each side. Of course, sweet zucchini pancakes are high in calories. But the taste of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent. To prepare them you will need the same amount of vegetables as in the first recipe.

But you grate the zucchini on the smallest grater or you can use a meat grinder, then mix the resulting mass with one egg, four tablespoons of sugar (cane), salt and a pinch of soda, add a glass of flour and beat everything thoroughly until smooth. Then you cook in the same way as you would prepare any other similar vegetable dish. You can eat them with honey, jam (fructose) or sour cream (no more than 10 percent fat).

For protein lovers, there is such a delicious dish as zucchini pancakes with minced meat. Take meat, chicken or fish, put it through a meat grinder, grate the zucchini in quantity on a medium grater so that the masses are approximately the same, then mix them together, add salt, pepper, eggs and starch. It is very unusual to see pancakes in rings on the tables

Young zucchini is cut into thin slices, 1 - 1.5 cm thick, and the core is cut out. Dip it in flour and fry.

Zucchini is a type of vegetable that can significantly reduce calories in your daily menu. How many calories are in zucchini pancakes? And how to properly prepare dishes from it?

The advantage of zucchini lies not only in preventing the growth of weeds in the garden and increasing productivity. Dishes made from this vegetable are dietary and tasty, which is important for those who want to lose weight quickly.

In addition, it is versatile in preparation. It can be baked, fried, stewed, pickled, made into caviar, etc. Zucchini pancakes contain few calories and many nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Simplicity that attracts

You can even make zucchini pancakes without any embellishments. Their calorie content per 100 grams will be equivalent to the value of the vegetable itself. It is based on exclusively young zucchini, which is cut into rings and fried. This amazing vegetable is incredibly healthy and filling. In terms of nutritional value, it is close to cucumber and contains identical vitamins and microelements necessary for a balanced diet. How to prepare dietary zucchini pancakes? The recipe (the calorie content will be reduced if you do without oil) involves grilling. The dish is unique for dietary nutrition - only 88 kcal per 100 grams. If you roll the rounds of zucchini in flour and fry them in oil, the energy value almost doubles, i.e., you get about 160 kcal per 100 grams.

Zucchini is very healthy, tasty, and low in calories. Therefore, zucchini is very popular as an element of healthy cuisine and dietary nutrition. 100 grams of zucchini contains 27 kcal, vitamins B and C, fiber, potassium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Fiber helps maintain the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, and helps eliminate “bad” cholesterol. Potassium helps lower blood pressure, and vitamins help collagen synthesis, which means it prolongs the youth of our skin. Young zucchini has the best taste. At the same time, they cook quickly and require almost no pre-processing.

  • Medium zucchini – 1 pc. (approximately 400 g);
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Semolina – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Small turnip onion – 1 pc.;
  • Wheat flour (it is better to replace it with oatmeal or flaxseed) – 100-150 g;
  • Salt and spices - to taste;
  • Sunflower or olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons.

How many calories are in zucchini pancakes?

The daily calorie intake should correspond to a person’s weight and lifestyle. For women, the indicators vary between 1600-2000, for men – 2000-2400. This difference is due to the accelerated metabolism of the stronger half of humanity.

In this regard, women more often resort to diets and eat more fruits, vegetables and other low-calorie foods.

Zucchini is an ideal product for weight loss. Calorie content in zucchini pancakes is calculated without boiling or frying.

ProductWeight in gramsFat (grams)Protein (gram)Carbohydrates (grams)Cal, kcal
Garlic4 (1 clove)0,020,261,25,72
Wheat flour65 (1/2 cup)0,785,9848,69222,3
Egg47 (1 piece)5,125,970,3373,79
Sunflower oil109,990089,9
For 1 serving:2834,74,624,1157,9
For 100 grams of food:1001,71,68,555,8

Let's celebrate!

For products produced abroad, it is important to indicate on the packaging not kilocalories, but kilojoules. Their ratio is as follows: 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ.

PP: zucchini pancakes with oatmeal

Nowadays, such a way to monitor your weight and control digestion as PP – proper nutrition – is gaining more and more popularity. With PP, they refuse fatty foods, processed foods, too salty and sweet foods, and fast carbohydrates. Proper nutrition is balanced according to BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and replenishes energy costs. At the same time, you need to know how to calculate the BJU. Knowing your daily requirement of BZHU, you can control your weight, maintaining it or losing it.

The norm is the BJU ratio of 1:1:4, respectively. But such a proportion can lead to an excess of carbohydrates and a lack of proteins.

And excess carbohydrates and gluten lead to the accumulation of fat. Therefore, the optimal formula will be 4:2:4 or 5:1:2 - this formula is suitable for losing weight and drying the body. Zucchini is one of the favorites in dietary, healthy, and baby food. The recipe for pancakes for PP involves replacing wheat flour with oatmeal. To compensate for the lack of protein, low-calorie pancakes should be served with low-fat sour cream. At the same time, the taste of the product will only improve, and the benefits will be much greater.

Composition and beneficial properties of zucchini

In addition to the composition of zucchini indicated in the table, a kilogram of this vegetable contains:

  • water – 920g;
  • disaccharides – 2.25g;
  • monosaccharides – 2.25g;
  • organic acids – 1.5 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids – 1.5 g;
  • calcium – 150 mg;
  • magnesium – 91 mg;
  • iron – 3 mg;
  • potassium – 2370 mg;
  • selenium – 3000 mg;
  • zinc – 800 mg;
  • manganese – 300 mg;
  • ash – 3 mg;
  • phosphorus – 130 mg;
  • sodium – 21 mg.

In addition, zucchini is rich in the following vitamins:

This vegetable is rich in beneficial properties such as:

  • strengthening the intestinal walls and stimulating it;
  • the vitamin A contained is needed to improve vision and the condition of teeth, hair and nails;
  • Vitamin C produces collagen, which is so necessary for optimal skin condition;
  • blood is renewed, blood vessels are strengthened;
  • dietary fiber removes toxins and cholesterol from the body, thereby eliminating the atherosclerotic factor;
  • the choleretic and diuretic effect reduces swelling, and when systematically consumed in food, it has a positive effect on the dynamics of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid in the case of simultaneous treatment of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome with medications;
  • Fe (iron) contained in zucchini enriches the blood with oxygen;
  • joints are unloaded;
  • prevents salt deposition.

This product will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of the sweets have a gentle effect on the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the effectiveness will be maximum, and the result will be noticeable on your face.

Main indications for use:

  • obesity – excess fat is eliminated by removing fluid from the body;
  • diabetes;
  • joint diseases, because removes salts;
  • mitral valve disease and other heart diseases characterized by arterial hypoxemia, since in such cases the blood is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen;
  • vascular diseases of the brain - with chronic hypoxia, expressed by a lack of oxygen, the compensatory capabilities of this organ are completed, which requires enriching the blood with oxygen and restoring the walls of blood vessels;
  • living in conditions of increased gas pollution;
  • poisoning, because this vegetable perfectly removes toxins from the body;
  • toxins, for the removal of which the daily menu must contain at least 200 g of zucchini.


Despite such a wide range of positive properties, zucchini is contraindicated for certain diseases.

These include:

  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • renal diseases characterized by disturbances in potassium excretion.

Eating zucchini for weight loss

If there are no diseases that serve as a contraindication to eating zucchini, you can create a diet menu that includes this vegetable.

But you cannot assume that a diet consisting exclusively of zucchini dishes will be the best solution. It is extremely low-calorie, which is why, upon completion, the lost kilograms will return.

Therefore, the vegetable is included in the menu as one of the components:

  • into minced meat by grinding the zucchini on a grater;
  • for side dishes;
  • in stews, this vegetable helps to reveal the taste of the remaining ingredients, while reducing its calorie content;
  • in pasta sauces;
  • soups;
  • casseroles - they taste very much like mushrooms;
  • baked goods - the clear advantage of adding it to baked goods is the reduction in the glycemic index.

Zucchini pancakes recipe

The most common and easiest to prepare zucchini dish is pancakes.


  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • ½ tbsp. flour;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 10g. vegetable oil.


  • wash the vegetable, squeeze out the liquid to prevent the dish from cracking, and grate;
  • peel the garlic and finely chop or crush;
  • mix these two components, add the egg, flour, salt and baking powder, and mix again;
  • heat a frying pan with non-stick coating or vegetable oil;
  • spoon out pancakes;
  • fry on both sides.

Let's celebrate!

The pancakes should turn out tender and tasty. The number of calories per 100 grams of this dish varies from 54 to 56.

Lenten zucchini pancakes: a low-calorie recipe

There are a great variety of zucchini dishes. But today we offer a recipe for pancakes. Their preparation does not take much time, and the taste will delight even a gourmet. Even a novice housewife can prepare delicious low-fat zucchini pancakes. We offer a simple recipe with semolina, which will give the dish tenderness and fluffiness. Only young zucchini should be used for pancakes, because... they have a delicate texture and are better kneaded into the dough.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Preparation: Wash and peel the zucchini.
  2. Squeeze the grated mass well or let the liquid drain under pressure.
  3. Grate the zucchini on a medium grater.
  4. Grate the onion on a fine grater and mix with the zucchini.
  5. Beat in the egg.
  6. Add flour to the mixture.
  7. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  8. Add semolina and mix again.
  9. Salt and add spices.
  10. Pour oil into a well-heated frying pan (if the frying pan is without a non-stick coating) and spoon out the dough in small portions. Important: Fry over low heat so that the pancakes cook well and evenly.
  11. Turn the pancakes over when one side is browned.

Can be served. If desired, the pancakes can be topped with sour cream or sauce. A low-calorie sauce for pancakes is also easy to prepare.


  1. Spicy herbs: parsley, dill, maybe cilantro.
  2. Low-fat sour cream or classic white yogurt.
  3. Garlic 1-2 cloves.

Finely chop the greens, grate the garlic on a fine grater and combine with sour cream. You can mix all the ingredients in a blender. Place the sauce in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, then its taste will become more intense. The prepared sauce can be poured over the pancakes or served separately. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can not fry the pancakes, but bake them in the oven. To do this, cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and spoon out small flat cakes. Bake for 20 minutes. Until a golden crust forms.

Do you want to lose excess weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, excess weight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and significantly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases
  1. Correct selection. The fruit should be young, with a dark green skin.
  2. Except for peeling. It contains most of the useful substances.
  3. Minimal addition of water when stewing or steaming. This will help preserve nutrients.
  4. Combination with other products. Zucchini goes well with a menu of meat, fish, eggs and vegetables.
  5. Prevent over-frying. Then the dish will be tastier, more aromatic and healthier.

Stories from our readers!

“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only about 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that cannot be corrected with exercise. Conventional diets also did not produce results - completely different parts of the body lost weight!

A friend advised me to speed up my metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with a light diet and plenty of fluids. I recommend!"

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