How does Buzova eat? Review: How Olga Buzova lost weight, photos before and after losing weight

The secret of the slimness of TV personality Olga Buzova

One of the first participants in the scandalous television project “Dom-2”, Olga Buzova, has today transformed into a real celebrity - a model, singer, TV presenter and even an actress.

Olga boasts ideal model parameters - with a height of 178 cm, her weight is only 55 kilograms. Thousands of fans, critics and journalists follow the slightest changes in the artist’s figure, so the girl is forced to always keep herself in excellent shape. It turns out that this is not so easy for her.

Looking at Buzova’s chiseled figure, it’s hard to imagine that the girl is genetically predisposed to being overweight. As a child, Olya was plump, so from a young age she began experimenting with all kinds of diets, while simultaneously resorting to complex physical activity. Later, Buzova chose only the path of fitness, and it really helped her maintain ideal shape for many years. But later it turned out that sports alone were not enough - the excess weight still bothered Olga.

At the age of 21, by coincidence, Olga gained as much as 10 kilos, reaching an unpleasant 65 kg on the scales. The girl was embarrassed by her excess weight, so she decided to get rid of it using radical methods - she went on mono-diets, moreover, she even resorted to fasting. However, Buzova managed to keep herself within such strict limits for only a few days, after which uncontrollable breakdowns on food followed.

Based on her own bitter experience, Olya realized that short-term strict diets do not work and the only right choice for losing weight is a healthy diet.

Cheek surgery

Photos taken earlier report that a nationally known participant in the television project “Dom-2” underwent contouring. To give her cheekbones a more chiseled and pointed look, plastic surgeons injected fillers into their famous patient, correcting flaws in her appearance.

Now the star looks younger and more attractive, and her facial features have become sharper and more expressive. The naked eye can see that the procedure was performed by a professional plastic surgeon. The cosmetologist did not go too far with the correction of the cheekbones; the work was done carefully. Olya began to look more sophisticated, presumably by removing fat deposits located under the facial muscles deep in the dermis, between the lower jaw and cheekbones.

Olga Buzova's original weight loss method

Thanks to her stunning figure, the beauty Buzova has become an example for many girls, as well as an object of admiration from hundreds of representatives of the stronger sex. Sexy photos on the star’s Instagram account only fuel general interest in her person, making followers wonder how Buzova maintains such an ideal slim figure.

At the same time, the celebrity herself never hid the secrets of her weight loss from the interested public. In many interviews, as well as with the help of Instagram posts, Olga talks first-hand about her own experience of losing weight, and not only about its positive, but also negative aspects.

The figure of a star is the result of enormous daily efforts. A nutritional system that has been proven over the years and active sports activities allow Olga to keep herself in great shape.

Moreover, Buzova radically changed her approach to her appearance, setting the right priorities. Now Olga’s first priority is not the number of kilograms on the scale, but her health, which is prohibited from being undermined by any strict diets. That is why she carefully calculates the calorie content of dishes and worries about their beneficial value: the amount of vitamins and microelements entering the body should always be normal.

The TV personality only approves of nutrition that is balanced in calories and nutrients. Thus, days of active physical activity require that Buzova’s daily diet contain 1000-1200 calories; on days of rest from sports, the amount of food should be no more than 900 calories.

Habits that guarantee model parameters

The star adheres to the following simple rules that allow her to stay in good shape without any extra effort:

  1. An important taboo in Buzova’s diet is eating after 6 pm. This may seem unrealistic at first, but after a couple of weeks this principle turns into a useful habit, and the result is not long in coming.
  2. “Eat and lose weight” - do you think this is on the verge of science fiction? But no. Olga Buzova does not exhaust herself with fasting and painful exercises in the fitness center, but controls the number of calories she eats (1000-1200 per day). She loves cereals, fruits and vegetables. And if you want something sweet, Olga can dilute her menu with a couple of slices of dark chocolate, but only in the first half of the day.
  3. The star's priority is not only ideal weight, but also health. Therefore, she cares about the caloric content of dishes and their usefulness: the amount of vitamins and microelements entering the body should always be normal.
  4. It's not just what you eat, but how you eat it. Olga made it a principle to eat in small portions. If you're having a hard time changing your habits, here's a trick: buy small plates.
  5. In addition to diet and proper menu, the girl pays enough attention to fitness. This is proven by regular training posts on her Instagram. Buzova claims: “We squat, keep our balance - you will have a beautiful butt,” and willingly shares effective exercises for a slim figure.
  6. Olga is also proud of her lack of bad habits, which also has a positive effect on her graceful forms.

Five rules of nutrition by Olga Buzova

Rule #1. Dividing the daily diet.

Olga eats split meals - five to six times a day, resorting to additional snacks in addition to main meals. The star prefers minimal portions, but since her meals are quite frequent, she doesn’t have time to get hungry.

Rule #2. There is a strict ban on eating after 18.00.

Regardless of what time the artist goes to bed, after six o’clock in the evening she never goes to the refrigerator. However, Olga does not have a completely standard diet (there is no dinner as such), so if closer to night the star is overtaken by a feeling of hunger, she allows herself to satisfy it with a glass of low-fat kefir or a green apple.

Rule #3. A quality approach to food selection.

In order to eat and lose weight, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all high-calorie foods, as well as those that do not carry any nutritional value (sausages, smoked meats, processed foods, fast food, chips and other “food garbage”).

The result of changes before and after the former participant of “Dom-2”

In addition to her face and hairstyle, changes also affected her body. Although Olga was never overweight, she was not good with fitness either. But in recent years she has lost a lot of weight and has become an ardent supporter of sports. Now she regularly visits fitness clubs. Her figure has changed for the better. She became more fit. Buzova even took part in a photo shoot, where she showed off her new chiseled figure. She also often posts selfies on the social network Instagram.

However, along with the weight loss, my bust size also decreased. Fans suggested that she should have her breasts enlarged. But Olga sharply stated that if someone likes a large bust, then let them do mammoplasty. And she is satisfied with her own sizes, she is more than happy with them.

And here is more information about Christina Deryabina’s plastic surgery.

Olga Buzova, although she was blonde, and was credited with all the typical features, but she never follows fashion. This really deserves respect. She is a good example of the fact that if you change something about yourself, then only by maintaining your individuality. Plastic surgery needs to be approached wisely.

Daily diet of Olga Buzova

The basis of the artist’s daily diet is low-calorie foods with a low fat content: whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef) and low-fat fish.

Sample daily menu:

Before breakfast (on an empty stomach): a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey.

  • 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and any porridge with water (your choice) - oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina with berries and pieces of fruit;
  • two egg white omelette and fresh vegetables.
  • dishes rich in carbohydrates (boiled potatoes or durum wheat pasta); fresh vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil;
  • meat or fish broth, any vegetables for garnish.

Afternoon snack: Olga’s is a complete meal, which should be based on proteins:

  • 100 grams of boiled meat or lean sea fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits.

Dinner: Buzova does not have an evening meal; the artist recommends replacing it with a trip to the gym, and she herself successfully adheres to this principle.

Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir or one small apple.

In addition, the girl drinks at least 2.5-3 liters of water per day, and also has light snacks of dried fruits, nuts or her favorite fruits between main meals.

Diets of the stars: Semenovich melts on shrimp, and Buzova loses weight on apples

Anna Semenovich has tried almost all diets on herself. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Semenovich

Looking at photographs of Russian celebrities, you are sometimes amazed: how do they always manage to stay in shape? After all, this requires at least iron willpower. Together with nutritionist Nadya Shark, we will look at several ways to get slim that Russian stars use.

Nutritionist Nadia Shark


Figure for wife's sake

Conqueror of women's hearts Stas Mikhailov , as it turned out, takes a break between meals.

The artist does not hide the fact that he decided to take care of his figure for the sake of his wife Inna. The singer says that he eats absolutely everything, but at a certain time.

Like, according to the rules of his diet, you can eat 8 hours a day, and then eat nothing for 16 hours.

This diet is called an interval diet.

Stas Mikhailov does not hide the fact that he decided to take care of his figure for the sake of his wife Inna.


Nutritionist's comment:

- 16-hour fasting. This approach only takes place if all contraindications are taken into account, which means that this principle is not suitable for everyone on an everyday basis, says nutritionist Nadya Shark. — The advantage of this approach to nutrition is that a person does not overeat in the evening, which contributes to the natural cleansing of the body.

Glass of wine? Easily!

Anna Semenovich has tried almost all diets on herself. For example, the artist practiced a Mediterranean diet. During this diet, the singer eats only shrimp and apples. Also, according to Anna, you can treat yourself to dry white wine (but no more than two glasses).

For breakfast - one hundred grams of boiled shrimp, green tea without sugar.

For second breakfast - one large green apple and a cup of tea without sugar.

For lunch - one hundred grams of shrimp, a baked apple and green tea without sugar.

For an afternoon snack - boiled shrimp and freshly prepared apple juice without added sugar.

For dinner - baked apple and unsweetened green tea.

Anna advises following such a diet for no more than 6-7 days.

Anna Semenovich. Photo: Personal archive

Nutritionist's comment:

“As a specialist in balanced nutrition, I can say that you can use such a diet once a week as fasting days, but I don’t recommend it for a long time (a week or more), says nutritionist Nadya Shark about the Semenovich diet. - Although this diet is based on the principle of protein (shrimp) + fiber (apple), and this is an excellent combination, it has some wrong points. Firstly, this diet is very low in calories, a maximum of 700 kcal per day, which is very little for any adult. It’s suitable for a fasting day, but being on such a diet for a week is very dangerous. When I carry out diagnostics on body composition analyzer scales, they show a person’s basic metabolism, and I have not yet seen a single metabolism that was below 1000 kcal. What does basal metabolism mean? It is this minimum amount of calories that the body needs to maintain vital functions, so that all its processes in the body occur correctly (the work of the heart, internal organs, metabolism, breathing, digestion, etc.). And, as a rule, the basal metabolism in women is 1200-1800 kcal (depending on weight and body composition). With such a small amount of calories (700 kcal), there is a serious risk that after leaving the diet, the lady will “break down” and gain even more weight, because she will want to eat everything.

Secondly, Anna’s diet includes apples for dinner, which are not advisable to eat in the evening. Apples contain fructose, so they can promote fermentation in the body. All fruits should be eaten in the first half of the day before 16.00 if Anna wants to lose weight. And the text also says that you can allegedly eat any amount of permitted food at any time - this is not correct. There must be 2-4 hours between meals so that the food has time to digest. If you constantly “throw” food into the body, then there will be a “mess” in the stomach and intestines. The human body is designed in such a way that the gastrointestinal tract needs to be given a “rest from food.” How can you tell if food has been digested? We experience a slight feeling of hunger. But do not confuse hunger with appetite, when a person wants to eat even when he has just eaten.

Lopyreva eats fractionally

According to Victoria Lopyreva , in order not to feel hungry, it is necessary to divide the entire daily diet into 5 meals (three main meals and two snacks).

To maintain water balance in the body, the fashion model drinks a glass of clean water in the morning on an empty stomach and tries to drink up to 2 liters of water throughout the day.

This is what is included in Lopyreva’s approximate daily menu.

The morning meal, according to the TV presenter, should be carbohydrate-rich: a light first breakfast: a glass of purified water and any fruit (green apple, banana, mango); hearty second breakfast: buckwheat porridge (boiled, steamed overnight).

At lunch, Victoria believes, proteins should definitely prevail, which can be slightly diluted with carbohydrates: soup or salad of fresh vegetables dressed with olive oil.

The evening meal is purely protein: lean meat (lean beef or chicken breast) or fish, some vegetables are also allowed as a side dish.

Additional snacks - any fruit, low-fat dairy products.

At the same time, Victoria did not have any restrictions on products. In order to get into shape as quickly as possible, the girl had to give up everything that was tasty, but not entirely healthy - baked goods, sweets in any form, fast food, processed foods, as well as alcohol.

To get into shape as quickly as possible, Victoria Lopyreva had to give up everything that was tasty, but not entirely healthy.


Nutritionist's comment:

— Victoria does everything right when it comes to her diet. To lose weight and not feel hungry, it’s good to eat small meals several times a day, says nutritionist Nadya Shark. — A glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning really works wonders: it allows you to push through the mucus that has accumulated overnight and “wake up” digestion, preparing it for meals, and replenish the fluid that the body lost during the night through sweating and morning toileting.

But I would adjust the daily menu: for breakfast, I recommend adding more nutritious and satisfying food to fruits - urbech, because if you only eat fruit, they will quickly be digested and you will want to eat again. And with urbech (seed paste), it will be a more complete breakfast due to the fact that it contains healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which give a longer feeling of fullness. At least a couple of spoons of sesame urbech. Sesame paste is very good for women's health and beauty of hair, nails and teeth.

I definitely recommend adding more vegetables and herbs to your second hearty breakfast. It is important that fiber found in vegetables, fruits and greens be present in every meal. Lunch: proteins and vegetables - excellent, Victoria is great here! I don’t recommend meat for an evening meal, it takes a very long time to digest, and for dinner it’s important to eat a light meal. Steamed fish with vegetables is ideal for dinner as it digests much faster than meat.

Buzova considered herself fat

Olga Buzova also adheres to proper nutrition. The singer and TV presenter says that at the age of 20 she considered herself fat. Olga does not hide the fact that she has a tendency to be overweight, and she once had a terrible complex about her weight. To lose weight, Buzova went on diets and did grueling physical exercises until she came to the ideal nutrition and training system.

The diet that the star recommends is balanced and includes all the necessary nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which will help the body function normally without feeling hungry or accumulating fat tissue.

To lose weight, Buzova went on diets and did grueling physical exercises until she came to the ideal nutrition and training system.


Breakfast: oatmeal, semolina or buckwheat porridge with finely chopped fresh fruit and a few nuts.

Lunch: two small boiled potatoes; side dish of stewed vegetables or vegetable stew; salad made from fresh vegetables.

Afternoon snack: steamed lean meat or lean sea fish; low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) with the addition of a small amount of raisins.

Instead of dinner, Olga goes to the gym or swimming pool. Before going to bed, Buzova can eat an apple or drink a glass of low-fat kefir or unsweetened yogurt. If she decides that her figure needs to be slightly adjusted, then she arranges for herself to unload. One day he eats only kefir.

Olga Buzova also adheres to proper nutrition.


Nutritionist's comment: “Cereals and fruits, nuts and seeds are a very energy-intensive and nutritious breakfast due to the abundance of vitamins,” nutritionist Nadya Shark reviews the Buzovoy menu. — I don’t recommend semolina because it has a very low nutrient content. If Olga has only vegetables without protein for lunch, then her muscles will suffer. This lunch may be suitable for those who want to lose weight, as well as during the warm season. But in cold winter, such nutrition will not give you a feeling of satisfaction.

Afternoon snack: easily digestible proteins from fish, lean meat are good, but without carbohydrates a person may experience an energy deficiency. And proteins should always be eaten in combination with complex carbohydrates (vegetables/fruits/greens, whole grain cereals).

Dinner: kefir before bed may be acceptable as a preventative measure to cleanse the intestines in the morning, but any dairy product is not suitable for weight loss every day. But there is no need to eat a raw apple before bed, because it can cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Sport is an important assistant to Buzova in losing weight

Combined with proper nutrition, intense physical training helped the celebrity quickly get in shape. Olga is so passionate about sports that she does not stop there and visits the gym three times a week, doing strength training, boxing and yoga.

Regular publications on the singer’s Instagram account not only prove that Buzova is actively involved in sports, but also help many girls lose weight using her slimming exercises.

The opinion of nutritionists regarding the dietary nutrition of Olga Buzova

Buzova's diet is considered a completely balanced nutrition plan. The only “but” of nutritionists applies to the socialite’s categorical ban on not eating after six in the evening, since a long break between the last meal and breakfast the next day can negatively affect the process of losing weight. It is much wiser to have dinner with a minimum portion of protein food three to four hours before bedtime, and also drink a glass of low-fat kefir - this will not only not affect your figure, but will also help improve digestion processes in the body.

Today Olga Buzova looks truly magnificent - the long-legged beauty with a thin waist continues to captivate television viewers with her sophisticated figure and incredible charisma. Carefully verified nutritional rules have become a real way of life for the star, which she strictly adheres to. It is the above principles that help the girl maintain ideal, almost model parameters for several years in a row.

Diet of Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova is a famous TV presenter, model, actress, singer and simply a well-known personality in show business, who has never pleased anti-fans with her excess weight. Most people prefer to “justify” a girl with her constitution and good metabolism. But only Olga knows what it’s like to want to always be in shape. The diet from Olga Buzova is popular today due to its effectiveness.
So, most girls who want to lose excess weight study exactly the nutrition of a famous person in order to make their most cherished dreams come true - to wear a dress like the idol of millions and be in trend. Next, the rules and nutritional features of Olga Buzova will be discussed in detail, an approximate menu and recommendations for eating food will be given.

Features and nutritional rules of Olga Buzova

If you remember the famous TV show Dom-2, you can see the presenter as a slender girl, but without a toned body. It was then that the star considered herself a real plump person and refused flour and sweets, however, she did not make such sacrifices for long and not with the intensity of today. Today, Olga Buzova, who has lost weight, can boast of her curves and teach girls what she thinks is proper nutrition.

So, Olga Buzova adheres to the following dietary features:

  • The basis of a slender body is sports - it was Olga who went to the gym when she noticed that her body could not boast of fit and chiseled shape.
  • Along with sports, the girl adheres to a proper and balanced diet, developed by her personal nutritionist.
  • The diet largely includes fresh vegetables and fruits - some meals even consist of salad and fresh fruit.
  • After 18:00, eating is strictly prohibited. Until the morning, only plain water is allowed; even natural juices or kefir are strictly prohibited.
  • The menu should contain dishes that include low-calorie foods.
  • Olga Buzova often treats herself to sweets, but she does this only in the morning and without cakes and chocolates. Preference is given to dried fruits, fruits and other natural sweets.
  • A lover of all kinds of salads, Olga Buzova refuses to eat hot dishes in the summer, replacing them with vegetable mixtures.
  • Vegetable salads are seasoned only with olive oil.

How Olga Buzova lost weight ^

Throughout her life, Olga Buzova has tried many diets: as she admitted, she has a genetic predisposition to being overweight.

Olga Buzova: height 178 cm, weight 54 kg

This cannot be said by her appearance, because she always appears slim and beautiful to the audience. When Olga gains excess weight, she tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible using a special nutrition system that she formed for herself over several years, during which she experimented with diets.

On one of the TV shows, viewers noticed that Olga Buzova had lost a lot of weight. By the way, she could never be called plump, but the changes still could not be hidden, and the loss of even a few kilograms clearly affected her figure.

Olga Buzova before and after losing weight

Now Olga Buzova’s height and weight are equal to the model parameters – 178 cm and 54 kg. Throughout her life, a girl has to maintain her figure using various diets and playing sports. According to her, only these two criteria allow you to always be in shape.

It is impossible to say exactly how much weight Olga Buzova has lost, because... The TV presenter herself keeps it a secret. Viewers can only guess and assume that the weight loss was no more than 7-10 kg, but even this was immediately reflected in her figure.

Those who are interested in the rules of weight loss and the diet of Olga Buzova from House-2 need to know one important detail: she not only limits herself in nutrition, but also follows a certain daily routine, so for successful weight loss it is advisable to create your own schedule and strictly adhere to it.

What are the secrets of losing weight from Olga Buzova:

  • The most important feature of Olga Buzova’s diet and daily routine is not to eat after 6 pm, regardless of what time she goes to bed. After 18.00 she does not go to the refrigerator in any case;

Olga Buzova with her ex-husband

  • The girl occasionally allows herself to eat something sweet, but does it only in the first half of the day;
  • Olga consumes only low-calorie and low-fat foods rich in vitamins and microelements: cereals, fruits, vegetables;
  • The TV presenter regularly visits the gym because... believes that it is impossible to do without sports.

Diet errors

Olga Buzova began practicing diets at the age of 16. At that time, the girl actively used the Internet and looked for possible ways to lose weight, always limiting herself in nutrition.

As a result, it all came down to metabolic disorders, which is why the weight began to increase. Then the nutrition was revised, and sports training was added. But Olga underwent similar changes, having already become a star.

Please note: Olga Buzova can treat herself to chocolate, but she uses only those varieties that contain a lot of cocoa and no flavorings. Otherwise, not only may your weight increase, but acne may also appear. Olga often has allergies in the form of itching and acne on her face, which prevents the girl from appearing in perfect condition on camera, so she carefully studies the composition of the chocolate she purchases.

Trainings and menu

Looking at Buzova, one wouldn’t even think that she is genetically predisposed to being overweight. But there was a time when the presenter had curvy figures. To get rid of extra pounds, the star decided to play sports and visit the swimming pool. Constant physical activity allowed the girl’s figure to tighten up and acquire ideal shape. She became slender and graceful. And now the girl regularly goes to the gym and plays sports. In addition, she adheres to a special diet, which also allows her to constantly maintain excellent shape. Many dishes are based only on organic products. Some of them consist only of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Celebrity childhood and youth

The best way to find out what Buzova looked like before and after rhinoplasty and other serious interventions, if any, is to look at childhood photographs of the celebrity that are publicly available on the Internet.

Little Buzova

The future star was born in St. Petersburg on January 20, 1986 in the family of a dentist and an employee. Surprisingly, already at 3 years old the baby learned to read and write , and closer to school she could string together phrases in English (at the moment Olga also speaks German). Since childhood, the brown-eyed baby has strived to attract the attention of others, constantly working on her appearance.

From childhood and teenage photos of Buzova, it is clear that she always had a clearly defined Roman profile with a straight, pointed nose, which the youthful swelling of her cheeks made less expressive. That is, it is pointless to look for photos of Buzova before nose surgery, since the popular presenter and singer clearly did not resort to this type of surgical intervention.

Olga has a younger sister, Anna, whose age difference is 2 years. Anya was always known as a spectacular beauty with slimmer legs and a bright appearance, but she clearly lacked her sister’s charisma. It is worth noting that these nuances did not in any way affect their friendship, and although in childhood the relationship between the sisters did not develop very well, a little later both Anna and Olga repeatedly came to each other’s aid.

And now the beauties went on a long-awaited joint vacation, first visiting the paradise Maldives, showing off their slender figures, and then flying to ski in the French Alps.

Times of "House-2"

Olga always paid maximum attention to her appearance. Viewers have been able to watch these metamorphoses online since the time when the girl came to the infamous TV show “Dom-2”. However, there was no talk of any fundamental changes, and everything that Buzova did within the project came down to the following manipulations:

  • tanning in a solarium;
  • permanent lip tattoo;
  • hair and nail extensions;
  • African braiding.

See also

Non-standard ironing: a recipe for a spray that smoothes things without an iron

In general, Olga did not resort to any radical interventions, remaining true to herself. But her love of experimentation and following all fashion trends led to the fact that the girl always tried to keep up with the times , often changing her hairstyles and outfits. For example, when the fashion for tattoos began, Buzova tattooed five stars on her leg, symbolizing her ascent to the Olympus of fame and universal recognition.

From diet to diet

Before she lost weight, Olga Buzova tried many diets. She started adhering to them at the age of 16. She found details of their observance on various sites, the main target audience of which are girls and young women.

Note: But today she believes that strictly following various restrictive diets during adolescence and young adulthood was not entirely prudent. Fasting at such an early age, when the body continues to grow and form, can only weaken it, slow down its formation, without bringing much benefit.

Today, the TV presenter believes that every girl can keep herself in great shape, without depriving herself of some small pleasures and without starving for weeks and months.

Fundamental principles of a balanced diet

The basic principle of nutrition, which will allow you to maintain your figure in excellent condition, to be slim and fit, is to completely avoid eating after six o'clock in the evening. The body will always store for future use those calories that it receives immediately before a night's rest, the TV presenter believes. But most people, returning from work tired in the evening, dream only of a hearty, tasty dinner and relaxing on the couch in front of the TV. This is where excess weight starts.

Organic products

More recently, the TV presenter became interested in organic cuisine, finding a lot of useful things in it. Today, it is impossible to find fresh baked goods, cakes, high-calorie cookies, or fried chicken on a girl’s menu. Fatty and fried foods are automatically excluded from a girl’s diet.

In addition, she tries to avoid:

She dresses all vegetable salads only with extra virgin olive oil.

Sample menu of Olga Buzova

This is an approximate set of products and ready-made dishes that Olga can afford every day. The diet is balanced and includes all the necessary nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which will help the body work normally without experiencing hunger, without accumulating fatty tissue and without spending its resources necessary for the restoration of cells and tissues.


  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with finely chopped fresh fruit and a few nuts.


  • two small boiled potatoes;
  • side dish of stewed vegetables or vegetable stew;
  • salad made from fresh seasonal vegetables.

Afternoon snack:

  • Steamed lean meat or lean sea fish:
  • low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) with the addition of a small amount of raisins.

Instead of dinner, the girl goes to the gym or swimming pool. Right before bed, Olga can eat an apple or drink a glass of low-fat kefir or unsweetened yogurt. If she decides that her figure needs to be slightly adjusted, then she arranges for herself to unload. One day he drinks only kefir for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Menu for the day from Buzova

Olga Buzova's diet implies a proper diet. Therefore, we propose to move from words to real actions. Here is Olga’s approximate menu with a list of possible dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

BreakfastPorridge (semolina, buckwheat or oatmeal) with added fruit or low-fat cottage cheese with kefir, banana.
DinnerVegetable salad and boiled chicken breast or stewed beef and apple or baked trout and boiled potatoes.
Dinner (until 18:00)Low-fat cottage cheese and light vegetable stew or arugula salad with feta cheese and steamed pork or stewed zucchini and kefir.

Once a week, Olga gives herself a kefir fasting day, and her body is grateful to her for this.

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