Grapefruit calories. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Improving the functioning of the immune system, accelerating metabolism, eliminating toxins - these and other qualities are possessed by grapefruit, BZHU and whose calorie content is so low that a person on a diet can consume it without fear of gaining weight. Tropical fruits contain many useful substances. Their use is recommended for elevated blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels.

BJU fruit

BJU is the amount of nutrients contained in a product, which include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are important for the body because they participate in the construction of body tissues. The nutritional value of a product is determined by another parameter—calorie content. The KBJU of grapefruit is reflected in the following table:

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with a mixture of grapefruit and orange

from the norm of 100 g
per 100 grams of edible part of the fruit
Calorie content (kcal)3516842,1
Proteins (g)0,7760,9
Fat (g)0,2560,4
Carbohydrates (g)6,52193

Protein, entering the body with food, breaks down into amino acids. These substances are necessary for the growth and strengthening of muscle mass and other tissues. Proteins are also responsible for other body functions, for example, regulating the functioning of the immune system. The daily protein requirement depends on body weight, type of activity and other indicators. The average norm is 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of weight. With a lack of nutrients, metabolism is disrupted, the condition of hair and skin worsens, and performance decreases.

Fats are a source of energy. They are especially important for those who engage in physical labor. The daily intake of fat is 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of human body weight.

Carbohydrates, like fats, are a source of energy. They are necessary for those who engage in mental and physical labor. The need for these substances is 0.4-0.5 kg per day. Their deficiency leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the body and weight gain.


In addition to 90% water, the composition includes various useful elements - vitamins, minerals, acids.

In 100 grams of product, the content of fat, protein and carbohydrates is 0.2, 0.7 and 6.5 grams, respectively.

The fruit is also rich in vitamins:

  • C, which is the same amount as in an orange or lemon. To consume a daily dose of ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat 100 grams of pulp, that is, about half of a medium-sized fruit;
  • RR;
  • A, necessary for the normal functioning of the organs of vision, hair growth, nails, skin beauty;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • pantothenic acid (B5);
  • pyrodoxine (B6);
  • folic acid (B9);
  • vitamin E;
  • beta-carotene.

The tasty, sour-bitter fruit also contains microelements, including:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

It also contains quinine and naringin, which improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. True, the latter gives the product an unpleasant bitterness; you can get rid of it by removing all the soft white membranes and eating only the pulp. But the benefits from food will be less.

How many calories are in grapefruit?

So, how many calories are in this bright, delicious fruit? As I already wrote, per 100 grams of pulp there are only 29-36 Kcal, which is very little, considering the pleasant taste of the product. The low calorie content is explained by the fact that the pulp consists of 90% water, while the sugar level remains within the range of 4-7%.

It is easy to make juice from fruits, the calorie content of which is 30-38 Kcal, depending on the type of extraction and the quality of the raw materials. So this drink can also serve as a means for losing weight and maintaining beauty. Grapefruit peel contains no more than 29 kcal.

Thus, it is easy to calculate that you can eat up to 3-4 fruits per day. For example, if you take a large specimen weighing 450 grams, then after removing the peel there will be approximately 370 grams left in it, which means its calorie content will be 130 Kcal. Accordingly, a fruit half the size will have only 60 calories.

Glycemic index

The glycemic index (GI) of grapefruit is 25 units. This is the lowest indicator among citrus fruits, so nutritionists recommend consuming this fruit for diabetics and those who want to lose weight.

The glycemic index is an indicator that characterizes how quickly glucose enters the blood. Eating foods with a high GI causes glucose levels to rise sharply. This may lead to undesirable consequences.

Low glucose levels do not have the best effect on a person's condition. Such people experience low performance and loss of strength, and the activity of brain cells deteriorates. If glucose levels exceed normal levels, the body begins to store the excess in fat stores, which leads to weight gain.

Pros of low GI foods, which include grapefruit:

  • gradually saturates the body, which allows you not to feel hungry for a long time;
  • no sudden spikes in blood sugar levels;
  • slow consumption of nutrients for the needs of the body, which does not allow them to enter fat tissue and increase it.

But such products also have disadvantages. The main one is that replenishment of glycogen reserves takes a long time. This affects the body’s receipt of energy reserves - the process occurs too slowly. To replenish your body with the required amount of energy, you need to eat a lot of low GI foods. This is almost impossible to achieve.

Composition of grapefruit: useful vitamins and microelements

A set of micro- and macroelements plus vitamins in grapefruit create a complex that highlights its benefits in the citrus family. Fruit pulp contains sugar derivatives, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, acids, and fats. The energy value of grapefruits is low, but their consumption creates a feeling of satiety. For this quality, the fruit is praised by all those who are losing weight.


The fruits have a reputation as a vitamin bomb. There are also vitamins A, group B (1, 2, 9), C (more than lemon), D, PP. The quantity and variety are such that 100-150 grams of fruit pulp satisfy the daily requirement. This is an inheritance received from one of the “parents” - a broom.

In terms of the concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the benefits of grapefruit are comparable to oranges. But grapefruit brings more benefits due to fructose and other natural sugars.


The fruit contains a complex of micro- and macroelements: magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, iodine, fluorine, zinc. There are pantothenic, folic, nicotinic acids.

Its difference from other citrus fruits is the presence of naringin. This substance is concentrated in the peel and translucent film surrounding the slices. Gives the fruit a bitter taste. It is naringin that brings unique benefits to the body:

  • improves digestion;
  • enhances the effect of insulin;
  • increases glucose absorption;
  • neutralizes bad cholesterol;
  • slows down oncology.

It is helped in this by fiber, pectin, phytoncides, essential oil, flavonoids, mineral salts, and organic acids. It works equally well on fatty, spicy and sweet foods. Grapefruit benefits healthy people; it is recommended for dieters, diabetics, and hypotensive people. Maximum benefits from fresh fruit, but it is good in any form.

Grapefruit Insulin Index

The insulin index (AI) is an indicator that characterizes how quickly the pancreas produces insulin after consuming any product. The standard equal to 100 units is considered to be a piece of white bread with a calorie content of 240 kcal. The lower the AI ​​value, the less insulin is produced. Grapefruit's AI is 22.

Insulin is a hormone that maintains blood sugar levels. The more it is, the more difficult it is for the body to burn fat. The insulin index shows how much consumption of a product increases hormone synthesis within 2 hours after a meal.

Interesting facts about the abilities of grapefruit

Grapefruit differs from other citrus fruits by its specific bitter taste and strong aroma. However, not everyone is familiar with the peculiarities of growing fruit crops and its interesting properties:

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  1. The first plantations appeared in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  2. The most popular type is Chinese or Pomelo. During the celebration of the Chinese Lunar Year, local farmers harvest the largest harvests of this fruit.
  3. There are different shades of grapefruit around the world, including pink, white, golden and red.

  4. The fruit consists of 75% nutritious juice.
  5. One piece of medium-sized grapefruit allows you to get up to 2/3 of the healthy drink.
  6. The peeled fruit contains up to 98% ascorbic acid.
  7. Grapefruit peels contain rare flavonoids, vitamins and microelements, so they have a universal effect on human health.

The yellow-pink or white flesh of the product is low in calories, so it is actively used in the fight against excess weight. Grapefruit speeds up metabolism and helps get rid of fat deposits during night sleep or rest. Rare dietary fiber has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Citrus contains up to 78% of the daily value of vitamin C, so it has a beneficial effect on the immune system. In addition, ascorbic acid promotes the production of antihistamines, which reduces the body's vulnerability to allergens.

The presence of vitamins A, E and B6 in the pulp and peel improves the condition of the skin and the functionality of internal organs.

Regularly eating an exotic hybrid reduces the likelihood of developing cancer and restores damaged DNA cells. For women, citrus is a powerful prophylactic and prevents breast cancer.

The smell of grapefruit helps you relax and reduce tension. Scientists have proven that this aroma has an awakening effect and stimulates brain activity.

The bitter and sour taste of grapefruit is due to the presence of a plant flavonoid - naringenin. It is necessary for removing stones and sand from the kidneys. If you eat one fruit a day, you can prevent bleeding gums and speed up wound healing.

Grapefruit for weight loss

Citrus fruits are juicy and satisfying due to the large amount of fiber, but the calorie content of the product is low, which allows it to be used in a diet. Fruits are added to the regular diet. When combining red grapefruit and meat, protein absorption is stimulated. The fruits are also a component of many salads.

Grapefruit burns fat

When dieting or on fasting days, fruits are the basis of the diet. They are supplemented with kefir or other low-fat products. Organic acids improve the production of gastric juice, which stimulates the absorption of food and normalizes metabolism.

With a long diet, irritation and nervousness appear. Citrus essential oils improve emotional well-being. A glass of juice in the morning also helps with stomach problems during a diet.


A large number of eaten fruits harms tooth enamel. To prevent this, rinse your mouth regularly.

Grapefruits also negatively affect the effect of medications, so their consumption is reduced during drug treatment. It is forbidden to take antibiotics and antidepressants with juice, as there is a risk of causing an overdose.

Eating fruits harms the body in the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;

Citrus fruits should not be eaten if you have allergies or individual intolerances. There is also a risk of dizziness, nausea, and stomach harm when taking medications for hypertension.

Red and white grapefruit should not be combined with the following drugs:

  • "Warfarin";
  • "Fluvostanin";
  • oral contraceptives;
  • painkillers;
  • statins.

How to properly store grapefruit?

Peeled and cut citrus should not be stored for more than two days. Even in the refrigerator it will dry out very quickly. Whole fruits can last at room temperature for no more than a week. However, they should be kept away from sunlight and batteries.

Grapefruit will last the longest in the refrigerator. It can stay fresh and tasty in the fruit drawer for up to two weeks. Longer storage will cause the fruit to dry out, soften, and the pulp will become bitter.

Grapefruit is an unusual and unique fruit created by nature. It is valued for its piquant bitterness and disliked for its “harmful” character. Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of this fruit, everyone decides for themselves whether to enjoy its refreshing pulp or consider it a “forbidden fruit.”

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