Calorie content of cod, fillet. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Recipe: Boiled fish

1 serving 150 grams

Cooking technology: fish (gutted and without head) is cleaned and filleted with skin and rib bones. Cut into portioned pieces, two or three cuts are made on the surface of the skin of each piece so that they do not become deformed during cooking. Then they are placed in one row in a bowl, skin side up, and filled with hot water, 2-3 cm higher than the fish. Salt, onions and spices are added. The fish is cooked in a bowl with the lid closed, quickly bringing to a boil, reduce the heat, skim off the foam and cook without boiling for 15-20 minutes.

It is recommended to store the finished fish in hot broth for no more than 40 minutes.

Recommendations for use

Cod can be fried, smoked, steamed, stewed, salted, or baked in a salt coat. Just defrost the fillet and wash it thoroughly before cooking. The whole carcass is gutted and washed with running water, cut into portions.

It is enough to introduce cod dishes into your diet a couple of times a week. The standard serving is 150-200 g.

Use in cooking

Hot smoked fish is usually bought in a store, but you can cook it yourself in the oven, steamer, or fry it in a frying pan.

Fillet baked in the oven

The recipe will be possible even for inexperienced housewives:

  • Peel 2 carrots and grate them.
  • Peel the onion and chop with a knife.
  • Wash a bunch of parsley and chop finely.
  • Take a sheet of foil, place 400 g of thawed fillet on it, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Sprinkle the fillets with freshly squeezed lemon juice and seal the edges of the foil so that there are no holes left.
  • Place the cod in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes.
  • Cut the fillet into portions and serve with boiled potatoes.


It’s easy to cut whole fish into portioned steaks and prepare this simple dish:

  • Wash, peel, cut 0.5 kg of potatoes into slices, boil until half cooked.
  • Peel the onion, cut into half rings, sauté in olive oil, pepper, lightly sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, add 10 olives, cut into slices, mix.
  • Mix onions, olives and potato wedges, place in a heatproof dish greased with olive oil.
  • Place prepared steaks on top of vegetables.
  • Sprinkle the dish with pepper, salt, and lemon juice.
  • Bake in the oven for at least 25 minutes at 200 degrees.

Chef's cod recipe:

For weight loss and dieting

Due to its low fat content and the absence of carbohydrates, steamed and boiled cod can be used for weight loss.

It is enough to cook it for lunch and dinner. If you get tired of boiled fish, you can grill it without adding fat.

For people on a diet to treat pathologies of the kidneys and gallbladder, cod is contraindicated. The doctor may advise them to include other fish in their diet.

In medicine and cosmetology

The pharmaceutical industry obtains unusually beneficial fish oil from cod liver, and a special brightening additive for glue is made from its swim bladder.

Fish oil is prescribed after serious illnesses. Now it can be purchased at the pharmacy in capsules.

Women actively use this pharmaceutical product for self-care at home. It is added to masks for hair and face. Fat will help avoid split ends, make the skin smooth, soft, and youthful.

Hair Care Product

To make this nourishing composition for the skin, you need:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fish oil, olive, sunflower and corn oils.
  • Lightly heat the mixture on the stove.
  • Using a special brush, apply it to the hair roots and strands along the entire length.
  • Put on a warm cap and leave for 45 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask thoroughly and wash your hair with a shampoo suitable for your hair type.

It is enough to do this procedure once a week to notice the first result after a month.


Boiled cod fillet


Table 1

Cod183 g29.281.10
Bulb onions4.5 g0.060.010.37
Parsley (greens)3 g0.110.010.23
Black pepper0.3 g0.030.010.12
Bay leaf0.15 g000
Salt3 g000

Calculation of the calorie content of the recipe per 150 grams

The calculation of the calorie content of 150 grams of the recipe is based on the summarized indicators of BZhUK (abbreviation: proteins-fats-carbohydrates-acids) of the ingredients from table (1) involved in the preparation. The data was taken from the database of the “products” section of the website and brought into line with the final yield of the dish (net).

In our example, proteins are involved - 29.48 grams, fats - 1.13 grams and carbohydrates - 0.72 grams, contained in 150 grams of the recipe. Next we perform the calculation:

Energy value of 150 grams of recipe = 29.48 (proteins)*4 + 1.13 (fat)*9 + 0.72 (carbohydrates)*4 = 117.92 + 10.17 + 2.88 = 131 kcal

How many calories are in cod

100 grams of cod contain no more than 100 kcal. Calorie content for different cooking methods is shown in the table:

Cooking methodCalorie contentSquirrels, gr.Fats, gr.Carbohydrates, gr.
Canned food10522,70,9
SmokedCold smoking – 94, hot – 11522,10,5
Fried in batter16513,88,27,8
For a couple7817,80,7
Baked in the oven9063,78
Cod liver6134,265,71,2

As can be seen from the table, canned liver has the highest calorie content. This difference compared to other methods of processing fish is due to the fact that the liver contains a lot of fish oil.

Calorie calculation for 100 grams

As an example, we will calculate a portion equal to 100 grams - this is one of the standard weight measures that determines the total calorie content of a product or recipe.

The easiest and most versatile option (suitable for calculating any volume of a product or ready-made dish) is the calculation by multiplying the resulting calorie content (150 grams) by a factor of 0.67, which is the result of division (100 g / 150 g).

Calorie content of 100 grams of serving = 131 * 0.67 = 88 kcal.

In addition, in the same way you can calculate the content of BZHU in the composition of a portion:

  1. Protein = 29.48 * 0.67 = 19.7516 ≈ 19.8 g.
  2. Fat = 1.13 * 0.67 = 0.7571 ≈ 0.8 g.
  3. Carbohydrates = 0.72 * 0.67 = 0.4824 ≈ 0.5 g.
  4. 19.8 * 4 + 0.8 * 9 + 2 * 4 ≈ 88 kcal

Our calculated calorie content is more than 50, but less than 250 kcal, which means that boiled cod fillet is a medium-calorie dish with a high protein content and a low amount of fat and carbohydrates.

Composition of cod and cod liver

This fish is extremely rich in vitamins and nutrients, especially high in valuable vitamins B12 and D, as well as A, C, E, PP, H, B1, B2, B6 and B9. Cod contains important micro- and macroelements, namely: iron, zinc and manganese, as well as fluorine, potassium and phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine and calcium. In addition, it is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and biotin, which reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and helps control body weight. The nutritional value of cod is high, thanks to the essential proteins in its composition (about 16 grams per 100 grams of fish), but it contains little fat (0.6 grams) and no carbohydrates at all.

As for cod liver, it contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, organic acids, enzymes, vitamins D, E, A, PP, H, as well as B vitamins.

Vitamin content

table 2

VitaminsContentDaily norm
C (ascorbic acid)4.58 mg6.6 %
A (retinol)31.41 mcg3.1 %
E (α-, β-, γ-tocopherols)1.15 mg11.5 %
D (lamisterol)0.61 mcg24.5 %
B1 (thiamine)0.11 mg7.5 %
B2 (riboflavin)0.09 mg4.9 %
B3 (PP) (nicotinamide)7.16 mg37.7 %
B4 (choline)80.16 mg16 %
B6 (pyridoxine)0.22 mcg10.8 %
B9 (folacin)16.37 mcg8.2 %
B12 (cobalamin)1.96 mcg65.4 %

Boiled cod fillet contains vitamins with high, medium and low levels, if we consider them according to the approved standards for the nutritional value of the dish.

At the highest level of importance in the food value chain are:

  • E, keeps the muscular system in good shape.
  • D, takes part in the formation of bone and dental tissue.
  • PP, participates in the formation of hemoglobin.
  • B4, is involved in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation, and tissue respiration.
  • B6, participates in the metabolism of lipids and amino acids.
  • B12 is involved in many metabolic processes in the body.

Vitamins at a medium level of importance include:

  • C, takes part in the redox processes of the body, raises the tone of the body, strengthens the immune system.
  • B1, required to normalize the nervous and muscular systems.
  • B9, supports the hematopoietic and digestive system.

Vitamins of low content include:

  • A, takes part in all functions of the body related to its growth and proper metabolism, preserves the structure of the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • B2, maintains body tone.

Application of cod

There is no need to talk about medicines made from cod liver or meat - fish is used by people as a food product. The only exceptions are fish oil and diagnostic allergens.

Eating cod, thanks to the vitamin B12 it contains, can improve blood formation and normalize the functioning of the blood coagulation system.

Thanks to vitamin PP, cod, when regularly included in the diet, can prevent the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of cod are invaluable for people suffering from iodine deficiency. In addition, iodine is an important trace element for a growing body, so cod must be present in a child’s diet.

The sulfur contained in fish helps improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Potassium, also found in cod meat, stimulates brain function, regulates blood pressure and maintains acid-base and fluid balance.

The low calorie content of cod allows it to be consumed by people on a diet. It is also important that fish is easily digested and well absorbed.

Fish oil, which is produced from cod liver, contains vitamin A, necessary for the growth of the body, and vitamin D, which promotes the formation of bone tissue, so it is used to prevent rickets in children and memory impairment.

The benefit of cod liver lies in its high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are important for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular diseases. Eating cod liver helps avoid the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Doctors strongly recommend the use of cod liver for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The benefit of cod liver also lies in its iron content, which is used to prevent anemia, and copper, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to include cod liver in the diet of children and the elderly, and it is advisable for pregnant women to constantly eat cod liver in recommended doses, starting from the second trimester, and continue to use it during breastfeeding.

In addition, of course, this product is useful for healthy people of any age.

Content of chemical elements

Table 3

ElementsContentDaily norm
Iron (Fe)0.75 mg5.38 %
Iodine (I)165.7 mcg127.46 %
Potassium (K)441.08 mg12.6 %
Calcium (Ca)44.8 mg4.48 %
Magnesium (Mg)39.7 mg9.92 %
Manganese (Mn)0.13 mg6.7 %
Copper (Cu)192.15 mcg19.21 %
Molybdenum (Mo)5.02 mcg7.17 %
Sodium (Na)846.35 mg35.26 %
Selenium (Se)28.1 mcg51.1 %
Phosphorus (P)262.96 mg26.3 %
Fluorine (F)863.9 mcg21.6 %
Chlorine (Cl)206.28 mg8.97 %
Chromium (Cr)67.62 mcg135.23 %
Zinc (Zn)1.3 mg16.25 %

At a high level of significance of the nutritional value of the chemical macro- and microelements of the product are:

  • I (iodine), takes part in blood formation and tissue respiration.
  • K (potassium), helps the heart muscle work and removes unnecessary fluid from the body.
  • Cu (copper) is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, growth and development of cells and tissues, and the construction of proteins.
  • Na (sodium) actively participates in the formation of gastric juice for the digestion process and, together with potassium, maintains the salt composition of the blood unchanged.
  • Se (selenium), protects cells from free radicals and damage, slows down the aging process.
  • P (phosphorus), required by the skeletal system and teeth.
  • F (fluorine), like phosphorus and calcium, is required by the skeletal system and teeth.
  • Cr (chromium), is involved in regulating the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Zn (zinc), takes part in blood formation and tissue respiration.

At a medium level of importance are:

  • Fe (iron) is involved in blood formation.
  • Mg (magnesium), helps increase the activity of food enzymes.
  • Mn (manganese) is necessary for proper cell development and iron absorption.
  • Mo (molybdenum), helps cleanse the body of harmful substances such as uric acid and aldehydes.
  • Cl (chlorine), participates in the formation of gastric juice and plasma formation, activates a number of enzymes.

Low-level elements of this product include Ca (calcium), which is necessary for bone and dental tissues.

Useful properties of cod

In addition to the fact that this product is excellent low-calorie ( calorie content of cod per 100 g is 75 kcal

) source (100g of cod contains 17.5g), cod contains many very important nutrients and has also been shown to be beneficial for a variety of health problems. For example, eating fish in your diet every day provides significantly greater protection against heart attacks.

Fish, especially cold water fish such as cod, are very beneficial for people with atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. People who regularly eat fish have a lower risk of heart disease and heart attack than people who don't eat fish.

Cod in particular promotes heart and vascular health thanks to and is an excellent source of and, both of which are essential for maintaining low homocysteine ​​levels.

This is important because homocysteine ​​is a dangerous molecule that directly harms blood vessels

Although a weekly serving of fish reduces the risk of stroke, eating a daily serving of fish rich in omega-3s, such as cod, provides a significantly greater reduction in the risk of heart disease.

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