Useful qualities of pearl barley. Perlovka - prevention of neuroses and depression

Useful properties of pearl barley

There are several varieties of pearl barley:

  • ordinary pearl barley - cereal made from whole barley, from which the shell has just been removed;
  • “Dutch” - cereal also made from whole grains, which has undergone stronger and deeper processing;
  • Barley grits are essentially ordinary pearl barley, only crushed.

Not only crumbly porridges are prepared from pearl barley, but also soups.

The benefits of pearl barley are due to the following:

  • porridge contains many amino acids (for example, lysine) and trace elements. Lysine promotes the formation of collagen, a substance on which the condition of the skin depends, and also stops the overall aging of the body. Thanks to lysine, you can maintain heart health for a long time and avoid colds. Useful microelements include: iodine, calcium, zinc, potassium, manganese, chromium, selenium, iron and many others.
  • porridge is rich in B vitamins - B6, B9, as well as A, PP, D and E. Vitamin A helps improve vision and enhance immunity; The condition of hair, skin and teeth depends on it. Vitamin PP is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system; helps reduce “bad” cholesterol. Vitamin D is involved in the formation of teeth and bones. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and helps stimulate blood circulation. B vitamins help the formation of hemoglobin in the blood; necessary for the metabolism of amino acids and proteins; give the body energy.
  • pearl barley broth can treat diseases of the digestive system, because it has an enveloping and softening effect. The decoction is useful for diseases of the genitourinary system, liver and gall bladder. Drinking the decoction even slows down the growth of malignant tumors in cancer. A good result is shown by the use of pearl barley decoction as a diuretic and expectorant; it also has a general strengthening property and can increase the production of breast milk.
  • You can even use the water in which pearl barley was soaked, because hordecin remains in it. This substance has antibiotic properties. Water can be used in the complex treatment of fungal skin diseases.
  • well-cooked pearl barley porridge is recommended for patients with exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis and chronic colitis.
  • and, finally, nutritionists advise those who are struggling with excess weight not to forget about this porridge, because... The fiber contained in it “pulls out” harmful toxins and waste from the body, that is, it improves intestinal cleansing, and other beneficial substances will not allow fat deposits to linger.

Calorie content and composition of pearl barley

Pearl barley or “barley” is a high-calorie product. 100 g of dry mixture contains 352 kcal, but during the cooking process the energy value is reduced to 110 kcal per 100 g of finished portion (cooked in water without using other ingredients). The chemical composition of pearl barley is rich in useful elements, in particular fiber, which removes toxins from the body and improves intestinal function.

Nutritional value of porridge per 100 g:

  • fats – 1.17 g;
  • proteins – 9.93 g;
  • carbohydrates – 62.1 g;
  • water – 10.08 g;
  • ash – 1.12 g;
  • dietary fiber – 15.6 g.

The ratio of BZHU in pearl barley per 100 g is 1:0.1:6.4, respectively.

During heat treatment, cereals practically do not lose their beneficial properties, so they are ideal for dietary and proper nutrition. In order to lose weight, give preference to boiled porridge in water without adding oil or salt.

The chemical composition of cereal per 100 g is presented in the form of a table:

Name of substanceUnitQuantitative indicator of content in a product
Vitamin B4mg37,9
Vitamin PPmg4,605
Vitamin Kmg0,03
Vitamin B6mg0,27

In addition, barley contains nonessential and essential amino acids, poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. The monosaccharide content is low and equals 0.8 g per 100 g of cereal.

How to cook pearl barley

Do you want to know how to cook pearl barley? For a long time! This is almost the main secret of this porridge and almost the main reason for the people’s “dislike” for it. No one can cook pearl barley in 15 minutes, don’t even hope for it.

Folk culinary thought, however, has come up with several ways out of this controversial and problematic situation:

  • The pearl barley should be soaked overnight in cold water, and the water should be changed in the morning. The finished porridge will be softer and cook faster if you sleep for about 8-9 hours rather than 5-6;
  • The usual cooking time for pearl barley is about an hour, or more precisely, 50 minutes. Some varieties take as long as an hour and a half to cook, and pre-steamed pearl barley from bags takes about 45 minutes;
  • The following manipulation also helps speed up the preparation of porridge - pour pearl barley into a cup for cooking rice in a steamer and steam for 20 minutes. Then cook in boiling water for about 15 minutes;
  • some people also crush the pearl barley with a powerful coffee grinder so that the porridge boils faster.

In any case, take 2 glasses of water per glass of cereal; add liquid if necessary. The foam must be removed manually with a spoon or slotted spoon, and the cereal itself must be washed before cooking. Ready-cooked pearl barley can be used as a base for pilaf or as an independent side dish.

Is it possible to cook pearl barley in the microwave? This is exactly the case when something can be done, but why is not clear. The product is not suitable for most of the popular modes that we use for cooking, for example, buckwheat or rice; if there is a mode for pea soup, great, if not, then something like “two modes for rice” turned on in a row will be useful.

Barley is usually not cooked in a double boiler. The reason is that no one wants to “drive” a kitchen assistant emitting steam for about 2 hours straight.

For fishing needs...barley is also cooked, but in a special way. Fish do not like overcooked porridge, so the fisherman usually does it in 40-45 minutes, boiling ordinary pearl barley to a state that is suitable for bait.

Watch a video on how to properly prepare pearl barley porridge:

What is the best way to use cereal?

You can add pearl barley to any soup or stew to make the dish healthier and more satisfying.

If you cook porridge, you don't have to do it in water. Cook the grains in any broth of your choice and add a variety of vegetables. This will give you the equivalent of a delicious pilaf or risotto.

Toss cooled cooked barley with diced vegetables and homemade dressing for a quick, cold salad.

In addition, there is an interesting option for a dietary dish with barley. Mix the soaked cereal with onions, celery, mushrooms, carrots and green peppers. Add the broth to the mixture, bring to a boil and then simmer for approximately 45 minutes.

Barley in a slow cooker

The problem with barley in a slow cooker is that it takes a very long time to cook. But there is also an advantage to this method of cooking - you don’t need to monitor the porridge at all, there is no need to skim off the foam, etc. And in general, you can forget about your pearl barley. To prepare ordinary simple porridge, you will need to rinse a glass of pearl barley, add 2.5 glasses of water and turn on the stewing mode for 1.5 hours. Some models will cook porridge for even longer. But you can add different ingredients and make an all-in-one dish.

Pilaf with pearl barley

1 cup pearl barley, 1 piece each - carrots, onions, bell peppers, 1 tablespoon unrefined sunflower oil, 400 g chicken breast.

Cut the breast into strips, steam the cereal in a double boiler for 20 minutes or soak overnight. Cut the vegetables as you like, pour the oil into the multicooker bowl, lower the vegetables and fry, stirring. Add cereal, chicken, and add 1 glass of chicken broth and 1 glass of water or just water. Cook for about 1.5 hours, in stewing mode.

Barley porridge with mushrooms and onions

1 cup pearl barley, 500 g fresh champignons, 1 white onion, dumb celery, dill, parsnips, cumin, turmeric and salt to taste, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2.5 cups mushroom broth or celery root broth.

Set the multicooker to frying mode and quickly fry the pre-chopped vegetables and mushrooms on both sides, stirring occasionally. Add a glass of pearl barley, broth and cook in stewing mode for about 1.5 hours.

Pearl barley porridge with milk

2.5 glasses of skim or almond milk, 1 glass of pre-steamed pearl barley, cinnamon, sugar substitute and salt to taste.

Place the steamed cereal in a multicooker bowl and add milk. Cook strictly in the stew mode, 50 minutes or longer. Usually milk porridge is made “shorter”; for this, the pre-steaming period is increased to 40 minutes.

The benefits of cereals for weight loss

People who want to lose weight are advised to add boiled pearl barley with low or no salt content to their diet. The benefit of the product for weight loss lies in its nutritional value and ability to affect metabolism.

There are various mono-diets using pearl barley, but all of them are difficult for the body, especially women. Therefore, nutritionists recommend sticking to diets using pearl barley no more than once a month and following them for no more than one week.

For best results, you need to review your diet by adding pearl barley dishes a couple of times a week. Once a month, it is recommended to have a fasting day exclusively on pearl barley to cleanse the intestines and rid the body of toxins, salt and mucus. A fasting day will help remove excess fluid from the body, which will reduce swelling and normalize metabolism.

During a diet on pearl barley, weakness is not observed, since the body is saturated with the nutrients that make up the barley. Porridge provides a feeling of fullness for several hours, which prevents breakdowns and overeating.

When following a diet, you must drink your daily fluid intake in the amount of 2 or 2.5 liters of purified water (tea, coffee, compote and other drinks do not count).

Important! The daily dose of boiled pearl barley porridge should not exceed 400 g, provided that a mono-diet is followed. When taking porridge as usual, the norm is 150-200 g.

© stefania57 —

Barley for the winter

The pearl barley itself is stored well, and no problems arise with it in winter. Some housewives add it to salads like “a kg of this, a kg of that, a glass of barley, a glass of butter.” Anyone can prepare such a salad if they want to eat canned vegetables, and even with cereal. Recipes vary, but a typical one is like this.

Appetizer with pearl barley

2 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of carrots, bell peppers, onions, 3 cups of pre-boiled pearl barley, a glass of vegetable oil, salt, peppercorns and bay leaf to taste.

Chop the vegetables, add water, cook until soft, add butter and pearl barley. Mix everything together, add peppercorns, and place it hot in jars, cover with lids, and allow to cool under a warm blanket.

Is it possible to eat pearl barley during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, pearl barley should even be consumed. It contains a lot of fiber, which prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body. And phosphorus helps normalize metabolism.

Barley decoction is recommended for use during lactation. This product has a lactic effect. Pearl barley prevents the appearance of lumps in the mammary glands.

The most important thing is to always remember that this porridge has a strengthening effect, so you should not consume it in large quantities to avoid constipation.

Harm of pearl barley

Of course, there is no great harm from pearl barley porridge. But there are some contraindications:

  • pearl barley is not recommended for people suffering from high stomach acidity.
  • It should also be used with caution by people who have a tendency to frequent constipation.
  • Pregnant women should not get carried away with pearl barley (the consumption of barley is contraindicated for them due to the specific protein in its composition - gluten).
  • Men should not overuse pearl barley, since excessive consumption of this porridge can lead to increased gas formation, impaired digestive function and even decreased libido.

Pearl barley porridge can rightfully be called health porridge, but, like any other product, it should be consumed in moderation.

See also:

Pearl barley diet

Reducing the risk of developing gallstones

High fiber content in chemical. The composition of pearl barley may also help prevent gallstones. These are solid particles that can form spontaneously in this small organ located under the liver. The gallbladder produces acids that the body uses to digest fat.

In most cases, such stones do not cause any symptoms. However, from time to time, large particles can become lodged in the gallbladder duct, causing severe pain. Such cases often require surgery. The type of insoluble fiber contained in pearl barley may help prevent stone formation and reduce the likelihood of gallbladder removal surgery.

Vitamins and minerals contained in pearl barley


PP – 3.7 mg, B9 – 24 µg, E – 3.7 mg, B1 – 0.12 mg, B2 – 0.06 mg, B5 – 0.5 mg, B6 – 0.36 mg, E – 1.1 mg.


nickel – 20 mcg, fluorine – 60 mcg, copper – 280 mg, sulfur – 77 mg, sodium – 10 mg, magnesium – 40 mg, calcium – 38 mg, phosphorus – 323 mg, potassium – 172 mg, iron – 1.8 mg, zinc – 0.92 mg, manganese – 0.65 mg, chromium – 12.5 µg, molybdenum – 12.7 µg, cobalt – 1.8 µg, titanium – 16.7 µg.

Read useful information about other cereals:

Oatmeal Millet Bulgur Basmati Corn grits Quinoa Rice Buckwheat

Barley porridge

The generally accepted recipe: 1 glass of pearl barley - 5 glasses of water . Rinse the pearl barley thoroughly. Cooking takes place in two stages. First, pour clean barley with 3 glasses of water, wait until it boils, cook for 5-7 minutes.

After that, transfer the porridge to a colander. Pour in the remaining water (2 cups) again and bring to a boil, add the already half-cooked porridge. Add salt and a little butter. Cook over low heat for approximately thirty minutes. Including porridge from this cereal in your diet will bring you a blooming appearance and health.

Eat porridge for health.

People with the following ailments are advised to add this valuable porridge to their menu: stomach and duodenal ulcers; pancreatic diseases; excess weight;

What should you pay attention to?

The benefits of pearl barley for men, women, and children are obvious, but it can harm the body if consumed in moderation. It would be optimal to consume barley-based dishes 2-3 times a week. They are not indicated for children under one year of age, as well as for anyone who has a tendency to constipation.

Porridge contains a large amount of gluten. Anyone who has an individual intolerance to this substance, persons with irritable bowel syndrome, a tendency to gas, should limit the use of the product.

Obviously, cereals not only have benefits, but also have contraindications. However, it is not recommended to abandon the product completely. It is much better to include it in a balanced diet in reasonable quantities.

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