Gel horsepower for anti-cellulite wrap and rapid weight loss

Lymphatic drainage wrap with Horsepower gel is a safe and effective replacement for hardware cosmetology. Created on the basis of the healing properties of plants, the drug solves a number of both cosmetic and medicinal problems.

Wrapping with horsepower gel not only helps to sculpt the figure, but also has a range of pleasant “side effects” that phlebologists and dermatologists enthusiastically talk about. We will look at how to properly do a lymphatic drainage wrap with horsepower gel and the effect of the course of procedures below.

Which “Horsepower” gel for body wrap should I buy?

The components of the gel horsepower lymphatic drainage wrap are themselves biologically valuable substances in skin care and treatment of capillary networks. Together they multiply their capabilities and have a comprehensive effect on all problem areas.

If you don’t know what horsepower gel is used for wrapping, then pay attention to the orange and green bottles of the cosmetic product sold in the pharmacy chain.

Horsepower gel wrap is most effective when performing physical exercise.

Reviews of tonic gel for weight loss

Karina: I came across the Horsepower gel at the pharmacy at one time and decided to try it because I had read about it before. I felt the effect immediately after I applied the composition to my stomach. There was a pleasant chill. I didn't even expect that this thing works so well. In addition to qualitative changes in the skin, it became more elastic, and after a month I lost five kilograms.

Vera: My sister buys products from this company all the time, she has shampoo and a mask, etc. So I saw this cream from her and decided to try it on myself. It turned out that the product is very good. Although there is a slight burning sensation when applied to the skin, there are no allergic reactions. I don’t know how about beyond the results, since I only smeared it once, but I was pleased.

Olga: It seems to me that body wraps are not the best and most effective way to lose weight. So smear it with anything - don’t smear it, it won’t help. Maybe someone felt good from this horse ointment, but there are no better means of fitness.

What is the basis for the effectiveness of the gel?

  1. Horse chestnut extract “resolves” blood clots, “erases” spider veins, and strengthens venous walls. The composition contains the maximum amount of this substance, due to which the use of the gel is, first of all, an increase in skin tone, prevention and correction of vascular function.
  2. Medical leech extract normalizes blood clotting and quality. Based on this miraculous substance, many dermatological creams have been created that have an intensive effect on blood vessels.
  3. Menthol soothes the skin (menthol helps even with dermatosis).
  4. Camphor is an excellent antiseptic.
  5. Propolis relieves pain, heals microscopic cracks in the skin, and tones well.
  6. Pepper extract removes salts and toxins. Horsepower weight loss gel wrap contains large quantities of “burning” components, therefore it is especially effective for weight loss.
  7. Comfrey reduces pain (analgesic), improves tissue regeneration, and kills germs.

Lymphatic drainage horsepower: indications for use

  1. Cellulite. After the course, there is a decrease in the volume of the hips and buttocks. If you don't know how to do a horsepower gel wrap.
  2. Horsepower gel is suitable for wrapping the abdomen and other problem areas.
  3. Tired legs. The composition of the product relaxes tense leg muscles and gives a feeling of lightness.
  4. Phlebeurysm. Thanks to the components included in the composition, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and blood clots are resolved.
  5. If skin elasticity is lost, horsepower wraps are recommended as an alternative to medication and surgery.
  6. Excess weight. Horsepower drainage wrap allows you to model your figure in a short time - the first result is noticeable within a month after use.
  7. To improve lymph flow. The wrap gel improves the general condition of the body due to the valuable ingredients included in the composition, for example, propolis.
  8. As a prevention of vascular and skin diseases. Gel for body wrap and weight loss not only improves weight, but also takes care of the proper functioning of the body.

Expected actions

The main effect that the Horsepower gel was originally supposed to achieve for weight loss is to reduce leg fatigue and normalize lymph circulation in the lower extremities. By improving the outflow of internal fluid, muscle relaxation is achieved and pain is relieved. The product is recommended to be applied after significant loads.

In addition to this use, the important effects of the drug are:

  1. Fight cellulite. After about a month of daily use of this gel, there is a significant smoothing of the skin with an improvement in its external condition. The lipid layer in problem areas is destroyed under the influence of the product, and the “orange peel” disappears. Several extra pounds are lost without following a variety of diets and doing physical exercises. It is important to note that the problem of cellulite can be completely overcome only in the early stages. If the process is running, the gel will not have the desired effect;
  2. Elimination of pain. Thanks to the presence of propolis and menthol, a moderate analgesic effect is achieved. The cooling effect on the skin and muscles additionally soothes irritated nerve endings;
  3. Reduced swelling. Improving lymph drainage allows fluid not to linger in the lower extremities, which helps reduce the volume of the legs;
  4. Tonic effect. Numerous positive reviews confirm the effectiveness of this product in the treatment of stage 1 varicose veins, when the vessels are only slightly visible on the surface of the skin. The ability to expand the permeability of the inner wall of the veins and improve the rheological properties of blood makes it possible to eliminate the pathological process.

Thus, it becomes clear that the range of applications of the product is very wide. However, it is most often used to normalize the condition of the lower extremities and lose weight.

How does Horsepower gel work?

Effectiveness against many dermatological and therapeutic problems is achieved through the thoughtful therapeutic composition of the horsepower wrap gel. This type of wrap is hot (the product contains pepper). Due to this, fat is expelled from the body, toxins, wastes, and salts are removed. A more noticeable effect is achieved in the first days of using the gel, as excess fluid is intensively lost from the tissues. Weight loss occurs precisely due to getting rid of the water accumulated in the cells.

The first wrapping procedure can be carried out in a cosmetology salon.

Instructions for use at home

Lymphatic drainage gel “Horsepower” is produced in plastic jars with a volume of 500 ml. This volume should be enough for one month - a course. After the period of use, you need to take a short break. Manufacturers advise applying the substance twice a day to problem areas. Each gel has horsepower for wrapping, instructions are included in the package.

Wrap for weight loss using “Horsepower”

Wrapping using the Horsepower gel is carried out with the goal of removing cellulite, and not excess volume. It gives positive results at any stage of the problem. And if diets or other cosmetic procedures are powerless, “Horsepower” can handle it.

Systematic use of wraps makes the skin elastic, smooth, even and beautiful. There will be no trace of the “orange peel” left. To maintain elasticity and smoothness, it is recommended to carry out at least two procedures per week that will improve blood circulation, remove puffiness, and make the skin beautiful and soft.

Wrap in the salon

Experts recommend trusting your body and the fight against cellulite only to experienced professionals who know all the secrets of proper wrapping and will allow you to achieve the best result. Despite the high cost in salons, the wrapping procedure is carried out by the best specialists and in the most hygienic conditions, allowing you to achieve results faster. If it is not possible to regularly visit the salon and pay money for the service, you can give preference to home wraps, and besides, it will be no less effective

Home wrap

It is always convenient to carry out procedures at home, because in this case there is no need to spend additional time and money for the services of specialists. You can also do personal business at home, relax in a pleasant environment, watch a movie or solve work issues on a laptop.

For the procedure to be effective and give the desired results, you need to know the rules for its implementation:

  • First, take a warm shower, warm the skin with a massage or brush until red;
  • Scrub with coffee and wash off with warm water;
  • The gel is applied to problem areas and covered with cling film on top.
  • Next, put on warm clothes or climb under the blanket for 60 minutes.
  • After the time is up, remove the film and take a warm shower without gel or soap.

The result will appear very quickly. After the first use, the skin will become smooth, even, velvety. After 5-10 procedures, only unpleasant memories will remain from cellulite.

Even at home, it is easy to achieve the desired result if you use the product correctly and systematically. There is no need to take long breaks between uses; for quick results, you can apply the wrap every other day.

What results does the wrap give?

The results after correctly performed procedures are impressive. In a week of such wraps, you can lose up to 2 kg of excess weight and remove visible cellulite from problem areas. You should not postpone the procedure until the evening; if possible, it is better to carry it out during the day.

If we consider the result of removing volumes, then after the first use 1-2 cm are lost. With regular use of the procedure, in 2 weeks you can significantly reduce volumes, achieve a smaller waist and emphasize elastic buttocks without fat and cellulite. For the results to last, after 2 weeks you need to take a short break of 7-10 days, and then start wrapping again.

After a month, you can observe quite significant changes. Cellulite will completely disappear, the skin will become smooth, tightened, and extra centimeters on the sides and buttocks will noticeably disappear. If the effect of the gel ceases to be effective after a certain time, it is necessary to take a short break of 1-2 months and continue therapy again.

How to do lymphatic drainage wrap with gel?

The product is even more effective if used as a wrap. To do this, you need to cleanse the skin with a scrub, apply it to the body with light patting movements, wrap it with plastic film or stretch material specially designed for this procedure, and wrap the compress with a warm cloth. Wash off with warm water after an hour. Greater results can be achieved by exercising or doing housework.

The procedure must be carried out daily for a month. Only in this case, horsepower for wrapping will solve cosmetic problems associated with excess weight and rosacea.

Horsepower lymphatic drainage wrap: instructions and results

The first result can be noticed after the first week of using the gel! Thanks to the effects of the product, the skin will begin to smooth out and fill with radiance and health. And after a month, only unpleasant memories will remain from cellulite. A generous bonus of using the gel is the disappearance of rosacea spots, weight loss, and increased skin tone!

Reviews from experts

Nutritionists note that this remedy is quite effective. But it is better to use it for its intended purpose - to combat varicose veins and relieve swelling.

The risk is minimal in any case. After all, the drug “Horse Power” consists of natural ingredients.

Experts advise starting to use this gel in small areas. Over the course of a month, observe how your body reacts to it. If everything is fine, this means that you can wrap several parts of the body at the same time.


  • Intolerance to components, allergic reaction to some ingredients in the composition
  • Pregnancy, especially the first trimester
  • Oncological diseases of any dynamics
  • Any skin damage
  • The gel should not be applied to moles, as this can provoke neoplasms.

Horsepower toning gel for wrapping can be reused by waiting one month after the end of the first course.

A few words about the manufacturer

The manufacturer of the Horsepower brand products is the domestic full-cycle cosmetics company Dina+.

Known in narrow circles, TM began its ascent to the business Olympus in the late nineties. The first products are shampoos and toothpastes. Over time, the brand increased its production potential by launching a line of cosmetics (with the direct participation of Faberlic and other equally well-known brands).

At the beginning of the 2000s, our compatriots were able to get acquainted with the most successful brainchild of the company - cosmetics and care products “Horsepower”, which for many years has been the favorite brand of our fellow countrymen. The high demand and constant popularity of the brand’s gels, shampoos, and balms is a well-developed, natural composition that has maximum effectiveness in solving many aesthetic problems.

Lymphatic drainage gel “Horsepower” is an innovative product of a domestic brand that is popular and accessible to all categories of our citizens. They say that beauty requires sacrifice... Gel “Horsepower” refutes this atavism, believing that beauty is health and well-being. A smart solution at a competitive price!

The drug "Horsepower"

Initially, this gel was created as a means to cope with pain and swelling caused by fluid stagnation. It also provided injury prevention during significant physical exertion and alleviated the condition of ligaments and muscles.

The traditional way to use this drug is to rub it into the skin . However, the Horsepower gel is also used for massage and lymphatic drainage healing wraps.

This product can be purchased and used at home. The procedure carried out in this way is not inferior in effectiveness to the salon procedure.


Many consumers believe that one of the main advantages of such a drug is its naturalness. It consists of the following components:

  1. Horse chestnut. Has a positive effect on blood vessels.
  2. Menthol extract. Promotes cooling and calms.
  3. Camphor essential oil. Works as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, improves blood flow, helps cope with fatigue.
  4. Leech extract. Accelerates the breakdown of fats, promotes oxygen saturation of cells, improves blood quality.
  5. Lavender essential oil. Relieves pain and inflammation.
  6. Bee propolis. It has a restorative effect.
  7. Clove essential oil. Helps cope with pain and inflammation in tissues, activates blood flow.
  8. Extract from birch leaves. It has a positive effect on lymph, provides anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects.
  9. Comfrey. Helps restore skin.
  10. Extract from wild rosemary shoots. Coping with pain.
  11. Essential eucalyptus oil. Provides an antiseptic effect.


Horsepower Gel can be used for various purposes. This drug has the following properties:

  • lymphatic drainage (positive effect on lymph, fight against edema, improve metabolism in tissues);
  • nourishing and moisturizing (providing nutrients and water, promoting the production of elastin, collagen);
  • anti-cellulite;
  • strengthening;
  • stimulating (positive effect on biochemical processes, improved blood circulation);
  • lipolytic (reduction of body volume).

Indications and contraindications

The drug “Horsepower” can be used for fluid stagnation, the appearance of vascular networks on the leg, and varicose veins. It has also proven itself well as a remedy for stretch marks and cellulite.

Before you start using, please note that this gel has contraindications:

  • damage to the skin (even minor);
  • menstrual flow;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • very high body temperature;
  • problems related to gynecology;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with the functioning of the genitourinary organs;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lymphatic drainage “Horsepower” is very popular among women. Representatives of the fair sex talk about the following advantages of such a preparation for wrapping:

  1. This remedy is very effective. Results are noticeable within the first four weeks of wraps.
  2. The price of such a drug is quite affordable.
  3. Gel “Horsepower” very well relieves fatigue and promotes relaxation.
  4. After using this product, the skin becomes softer and more elastic.
  5. The gel can be used regularly without taking significant breaks. The same applies to any other “Horsepower” products: hand cream, hair shampoo, body scrub, and so on.
  6. If you use this drug correctly, you can get rid of extra 2-4 kg.

However, the Horsepower gel also has its drawbacks. Many women note that its smell is quite pungent. It can be off-putting and annoying. Not everyone likes menthol either.

Opinion of doctors and nutritionists

Despite the fact that this lymphatic drainage product appeared on domestic markets relatively recently, all experts unanimously say: the gel is effective against most cosmetic problems associated with excess weight, cellulite, and sagging skin. Its valuable chemical composition, powerful tactile stimulation of the skin, temperature effects (if you wrap problem areas in cellophane), and physical exercises give simply amazing results! Happy reviews of the Horsepower gel are direct proof of this!

The drug can and should be used for the abdomen, arms, thighs and buttocks. It has a light aroma and does not cause discomfort during use. And its most important advantage is its natural composition! And yet, even such a dermatological panacea has a number of contraindications, first of all, individual intolerance to products - allergies to components. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before use.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

In general, the product is well tolerated by consumers, however, there are unpleasant situations that are manifested by the following undesirable consequences:

  • Redness and itching of the skin;
  • Irritation of the surface layers of the epithelium with the formation of spots;
  • Allergic reaction.

weight loss gel Horse Power has a number of contraindications for use

Contraindications for the use of this product are:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  2. The presence of small scratches and wounds on the surface of the skin;
  3. It is necessary to avoid getting the gel on the mucous membranes.

In any case, it is necessary to understand that Horsepower is only an auxiliary product for the fight against excess weight. He will not be able to fully rid a person of annoying kilograms. However, it is great for tired and achy legs.

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