Exercises that burn the maximum number of calories - calculate the load

The health disc is a simple and accessible exercise machine that helps to give the ideal shape to the waist, hips and back. Find out which exercises will quickly return you to your ideal figure!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 04/07/2021

“Wasp waist” is an old metaphor and a welcome compliment for any woman. Everyone dreams of having a thin waist. And different periods of history clearly demonstrate to us how women achieved this. Our grandmothers and mothers, for example, used the Gracia metal disc to make their waist thinner.

What it is?

The Grace exercise machine and the health disc are two names for one device for physical training. The simulator consists of two round plates (their diameter, depending on the model, ranges from 25 to 40 cm), which are connected by a bearing. This design allows them to rotate relative to each other. Grace is traditionally called a metal exercise machine, which was popular during the Soviet period. Its disadvantage is the loud sound during exercise. The health disc is a modern version of the circle, made of high-strength plastic. For example, the Torneo health disk. The new generation of waist circles come in bright colors, some of them are equipped with a nubby surface for massaging the feet and a mini-computer for calculating calories burned and playing music.

Sports disc for a small waist

Designed for training not only in the fitness room or at home, but also in nature, during a lunch break in the office - wherever it is convenient for you. Regular exercise gives the following effect:

  • strengthening the spine;
  • training the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles;
  • tightening the muscles of the arms, buttocks, thighs and legs;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • beneficial effect on intestinal motility and coordination of movements;
  • calorie burning: half an hour of exercise will allow you to get rid of 250 calories.

The simulator is compact, so you can take it with you even when traveling. It is also easy to store - for example, under the bathtub or under the sofa. Exercises performed using a disc are an excellent addition to a set of measures for weight loss. It will also come in handy if you don’t need to lose weight, but want to make your waist slimmer.


The health disc - be it the Grace exercise machine, or the modern Torneo disc - is a convenient and affordable way to always be in shape. With the help of the apparatus, you can perform both classic exercises for the waist (turns), and various exercises that help strengthen all muscle groups. Such a floor exercise machine will be useful for people who lead an inactive, mostly sedentary lifestyle. Proper exercise on the simulator prevents muscle spasms, joint diseases, digestive disorders and the appearance of cellulite. If you want to lose weight, then proper nutrition in combination with exercise on a simulator will provide excellent results. Both adults and children can exercise on the Health simulator. Just 10 minutes of exercise will provide a surge of energy and good mood for a long time.

The benefits of exercising with a disc for weight loss

A waist trainer is a convenient and budget-friendly way to always stay in shape. The benefits are obvious:

  • it is possible to perform both classic turns for the waist and load many other muscles of the body;
  • ideal for losing belly fat for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • systematic exercises will prevent spasms, vascular diseases, digestive problems and the formation of cellulite;
  • Proper nutrition and exercise for good health are the key to fast and proper weight loss;
  • the exercises can be performed by both children and adults;
  • Only 10 minutes of exercise will be enough to get a boost of energy and good mood for a long time.

How to exercise correctly

Before you start training, drink 250-300 ml of clean water. This will significantly speed up metabolic processes and help burn extra calories. Spend 20-30 minutes daily (if you wish, you can do it twice a day) to lose weight and 10 minutes daily to stay fit.

To make your classes comfortable and effective, remember:

  • The projectile must be installed on a non-slip surface. This can be a training mat or a regular rubber mat. This measure is due to the fact that during intense exercise on uneven or slippery surfaces you risk serious injury.
  • Make sure that the right muscle groups are involved during training. The joints should not hurt. Improvise moderately, but do not make sudden turns. The accuracy of the exercise technique is a guarantee of achieving the desired result.
  • If such activities are your first experience, then do not overdo it. Exercise moderately, increasing the load and training time gradually (you should start with 10-15 minutes of exercise per day).
  • Clothing should not be restrictive, but not too loose. Avoid long, loose pants. It is best to exercise barefoot or in thin socks.
  • It is recommended to ventilate the room before starting classes.

How to practice with a health disc: general recommendations

The health disk, weight loss exercises with which we will consider below, will bring maximum benefit and effectiveness if you adhere to the following tips:

  • Before you begin, make sure that the disk is installed securely enough. It must be placed on a non-slip surface, such as a regular carpet or rubber mat. Otherwise, you may slip and get injured.
  • When performing exercises with an abdominal disk for the first time, try to keep your head straight and look in front of you, do not change the direction of your gaze when twisting. Otherwise, out of habit, you may start to feel dizzy. It is also better to first practice near objects that you can grab onto if you do get dizzy. These could be walls, shelves, a table, a chair.
  • Any exercise with a gymnastic disc should be based on one rule - maintaining rhythm. Try to keep up the pace no matter how long the session lasts. By keeping the pace constant, you will be able to reach your maximum heart rate, giving your heart a good workout. There is no need to rush into exercises too much. Don't try to do the exercises too quickly. The main thing is to maintain the rhythm.
  • About half an hour after training, drink 1-2 glasses of water. This will help activate the heart and increase the effectiveness of exercise.
  • It is not necessary to use special sportswear for exercise, but it should be as comfortable as possible, not restrict movement and allow the body to breathe. It is better to stand on the circle without shoes or in comfortable shoes without heels.
  • It is better to alternate exercises on a floor-mounted disc machine with other types of activity - warm-up, other exercise equipment. Due to the alternation of classes, results improve and the load on all types of muscles is ensured. Exercises with a disc in combination with stretching, abdominal pumping, and a horizontal bar are especially useful.
  • Make sure that you do not perform more than three types of twisting exercises in a row. Otherwise, you can overload your spine with them. It is better to alternate twists with other activities.

Despite the benefits and effectiveness of health disks, in some cases it is not recommended to practice them. Contraindications include spinal injuries, intervertebral hernias, and vertebral shifts. Also refrain from exercising if you have diseases of the stomach, intestines or other abdominal organs. For gynecological diseases, you should consult a specialist. The same applies to high or low blood pressure, balance problems or diseases of the vestibular system. Another obvious contraindication is pregnancy.

Set of exercises

In exercises No. 1 - No. 9, as a starting position, stand on a disk, bend your legs as if you were going to sit on a chair and turn them to the left.

  1. Place two chairs in front of you, with their backs facing you. Use your palms to grasp the backs. Turn to the right, tightening your abdominal muscles, and perform a diametric rotation in the opposite direction. Make 5 turns to the sides.
  2. Press your hands against the wall. Turn your legs to the sides - 7 turns.
  3. Spread your arms out to the sides. Make 9 turns to the left and the same number to the right.
  4. Put your hands down. As you rotate your hips to the left, move your arms to the right. Do it 7 times.
  5. As you move your lower body to the left, raise your arms up. Repeat 7 times.
  6. Clasp your hands behind your head. Turn your legs right and left 6 times.
  7. Place your hands on your ankle joints and turn three times in each direction.
  8. Close your knees slightly, turn both legs to the left, and move your arms to the right. Perform 10 rotations in each direction.
  9. Cross your arms over your chest so that your right palm rests loosely on your left shoulder, and your left palm rests loosely on your right shoulder. The back is as straight as possible. Slowly turn 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right.
  10. Place the disc on a chair and sit on it. Place your hands on your knees. Roll from heel to toe, move your feet left and right. 5 turns each.
  11. Stay in the same position, lock your hands behind your back. Push off the floor with both feet and turn to the right, return to the starting position and turn to the left. Perform 4 turns.
  12. Place the disk on the floor, sit on it, bend your knees, and grab your waist with your hands. Move your feet first to the left, then to the right. 4 times.
  13. While sitting on the machine, place your hands on your waist and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten one leg and stretch your toes as much as possible, repeat the same with the other leg. 8 times.
  14. Stand up. Place your foot on the disk. Grab your waist with your hands. Make turns left and right. Change your supporting leg. Repeat 10 times.
  15. Stand on the disk with one foot and place your hands behind your head. Turn your body to the left, while spreading your arms to the sides. Change your supporting leg. Repeat 8 times.
  16. Take the disk in your hands. Squeeze it tightly and rotate your hands in different directions in opposite directions. Perform for 3 minutes.
  17. Get on all fours with your knees on the disc. Place your hands on the floor. Lift your legs off the floor and rotate your hips in a conventional circle. Perform for 2-3 minutes.
  18. Take 2 kg dumbbells. Stand on the disk, making sure your back is straight. Make smooth turns with your hips to the left and right, stretching your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Perform for 2-3 minutes.
  19. Standing on the disk in front of the table at a distance of a step, turn to the sides so that your fingers touch the tabletop.


After performing the exercises, you should do some stretching. First, take a deep breath (try to breathe slowly, this saturates the blood with oxygen more intensely), then slowly exhale. Repeat 5 times. Perform light and comfortable muscle stretching. Then, for 5 minutes, walk around the room or outside.

The simple design of the apparatus allows you to independently regulate the amplitude and intensity of rotations during exercise. And the load with which the muscles are trained is safe, since its degree depends on body weight.

Exercises on the health disk

Taking care of your figure and being in good sports shape worries many people today, and it’s not for nothing that fitness rooms and sports sections are open everywhere. You can also organize home fitness, but to place the necessary exercise equipment in your apartment you need a separate room, and this is already problematic. And yet, there is one exercise machine that helps you become slimmer and does not require any installation space. We are talking about the Health Disk. This small exercise machine, weighing only 1.1 kg, helps not only to lose weight in the waist and lower body, but also perfectly trains the vestibular apparatus.

Exercises on the Health Disk

No matter what the Health Disk is called (Health Circle, “Grace” disk), it is still the same design, consisting of 2 metal disks fastened together, either metal and plastic, with edges bent towards each other, which rotate due to steel balls inside. Its diameter is about 30 cm.

The health disk has several modifications:
  • classic - metal circle
  • plastic surface with additional points for foot massage
  • plastic with expanders
  • plastic with music and sensors

The compactness of the disk allows you to store it under furniture and does not require a lot of space for exercise. If you need to take the exercise machine with you, there will be no problems either, its weight is not at all large. For those who work while sitting, you can take the disk with you to the office and do a mini-workout during a break.

10 minutes of training with a simulator will help lift your mood and stretch your muscles, while a 30-minute workout will help you burn at least 250 kilocalories.

Typically, the Health Disk is used for weight loss or for warming up before heavy and intense exercise.

After about a month of intense training, you will be able to notice changes in your body. You need to train every day, especially for those who are working on weight loss, and if you add proper nutrition to your workouts, then things will begin to progress even faster.

Health disk. Advantages and disadvantages

So, what are the benefits of practicing on the disk:

  • has a beneficial effect on the entire body
  • kilograms disappear from the waist area
  • trains the muscles of the core, buttocks, arms, legs
  • strengthens back muscles
  • improves bowel function
  • prevention of back and leg diseases
  • develops the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements
  • relieves blood stagnation in the pelvic area and salts in the joints
  • increases endurance, plasticity and flexibility
  • discs with a special surface massage the feet, which is very
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.


  • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system
  • acute diseases of the digestive system, ulcers.
  • surgery on the legs, back or abdomen
  • very weak vestibular system
  • impaired blood circulation in the brain
  • pregnancy
  • Elderly people with various diseases need to be careful not to aggravate the health situation.

Exercises on the health disk

The method of practicing on the Health Disk is quite simple, but it still doesn’t hurt to know some rules.

  1. daily workouts take 20-30 minutes
  2. drink a glass of warm water 20 minutes before the start of class
  3. the disc is placed on a flat, non-slip surface
  4. You need to train barefoot or in thin socks
  5. comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement
  6. during the movement of the disc, the body rotates around the waist, while the head and shoulders are motionless and do not fall
  7. maintain smooth movements, do not make sudden movements or turns
  8. turns occur due to scrolling of the upper and lower body in different directions
  9. There should be a chair or other furniture nearby that you can lean on to do some exercises.
  10. beginners perform 5 turns on the disc, performing various exercises, those who have mastered the simulator do up to 10 turns
Exercise technique

The set of exercises starts from the starting position (IP)

  1. Starting position: stand on the disc
  2. sit down a little
  3. bend your elbows and keep them at chest level
  4. keep your back straight
  5. tighten your abdominal muscles

Several exercises on the health disk

1) Place two chairs next to the disk with their backs facing you. IP, grab your backs with your hands and turn your lower body left and right

2) The disk lies next to the wall. Accept IP, lean your hands against the wall. Smoothly rotate at the waist, in one direction or the other.

3) Having accepted the IP, smooth turns with the upper part of the body to the right and the lower part to the left.

4) We complicate the previous exercise by adding squats and straight leg raises when performing turns.

5) Turns on the disc using the hands, alternately understanding and lowering the hands.

6) Place the disc on a chair and sit on it with your feet together. Hands raised to chest level. With our feet we take small lateral steps to the left, then to the right. Only the lower part of the body makes turns.

7) Stand on two disks in IP, turn your toes towards each other and return to IP.

8) Resting your hands on the discs, take the “plank” position, the discs are turned only with your palms, first towards each other, then in opposite directions.

By doing these exercises every day for 2 minutes each, you can perfectly strengthen the muscles of the whole body and become noticeably slimmer. To increase the load, you can use dumbbells or expanders for your hands.

What mistakes should you avoid when training on a disc?
  • you can’t slouch, this position occupies the internal organs, which is not good for them
  • avoid sudden movements, as this can pinch a joint, vertebrae or pull a muscle
  • Do not turn your whole body, it will be difficult to lose weight. Turns should be performed either with the upper or lower body (depending on the exercise)
  • We do not lower our heads so as not to increase the load on the neck and spine and not to impair breathing function
  • clothing should not be too tight and not too long
  • we don't exercise in shoes
  • Do not place the disc on an uneven or slippery surface to avoid injury.
  • Too short workouts of 5-10 minutes will not give good results.

The health disk is a great opportunity to get your dream figure, try not to miss it.

Harm and contraindications

The health disc itself does not cause any harm. You just need to use it correctly. For example, if a machine is designed for a weight of 100 kg, then this method of exercise is not suitable for people who weigh more. If you have an old-style metal exercise machine, do not forget to periodically lubricate it with oil.

Many people complain that the simulator is ineffective. However, its effectiveness depends on an individual approach. If you want to lose weight, then you should approach this problem comprehensively: adjust your diet and review your eating habits, change your daily routine, etc. A health simulator will be a very effective assistant in this case.

Exercises on the health disk are contraindicated:

  • people suffering from atherosclerosis;
  • for radiculitis;
  • those who have a hernia (both vertebral and abdominal);
  • for osteoporosis;
  • for chronic diseases (at acute stages).

Reviews and results of losing weight

Svetlana Melnikova, 28 years old, Odessa. Weight 53 kg

“I have been practicing for four months on a plastic disc that was given to me for my birthday. I’m not overweight, but I always find things that I want to correct in myself. I eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise made my waist thinner - from 67 cm to 62 cm. I study for half an hour a day. I’m very pleased with myself, the review is positive. But I think if I did it irregularly, there would be no effect.”

Lyudmila Klimenko, 31 years old, Novosibirsk. Weight 62 kg

“The Grace disc has been in our house for as long as I can remember. At the age of 13-14 I twisted it constantly, then my waist was 55 cm. After the birth of my second child, I gained 5 kg, my waist size increased from 65 to 74 cm. Then I remembered about the exercise machine. I’ve been working out once every two days for 25 minutes for two months now. The changes are small so far: I’ve lost 1 kg, but I’m not going to stop. When I feel the muscles weakened after pregnancy working, and the skin on my stomach, sides and thighs “burning,” I understand that there is an effect.”

Reviews from doctors and specialists

Larisa Kornilova, cardiologist, Kharkov

“Like any physical activity, exercise on the health disk has contraindications, which are diagnosed individually. For example, for people who suffer from coronary heart disease, cardio neuroses, hypertension, as well as those who have undergone major operations, such loads, if not contraindicated, are allowed very limitedly. In any case, movement is beneficial for a person. I strongly recommend that my patients take frequent walks in the air at a leisurely pace. Since exercise is a specific load, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to train.”

Reviews about the simulator

Numerous reviews say that exercises on the health disk invigorate, strengthen back muscles, and help you lose weight.

Users note the simplicity of the simulator, its accessibility and versatility. This set of exercises is easy for even lazy people.

Only those who use it incorrectly, exercise from time to time and continue to consume a lot of calories claim that training on a simulator is ineffective.

Thus, an easy-to-use health disc is an affordable and reliable assistant for maintaining good physical shape. The exercise machine is perfect for morning exercises for those for whom it is not contraindicated.

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