Female-type obesity in men: how to deal with such an unpleasant disease

Male body types: description of basic body types

Men trying to lose weight, gain muscle mass and gain athletic definition sometimes face a number of specific difficulties. The whole point is that a set of training and a diet should be selected taking into account the physique characteristics of a particular person. Remember, knowing which type you belong to, you will be able to optimize the load and speed of obtaining a positive result.


As with any obesity, the female type must be treated comprehensively. The problem is that if men easily cope with the two components of therapy (they still force themselves to exercise and take pills), then they usually have problems with normalizing their diet. It is indeed difficult for them to exclude salty and meat products from their diet. And without this, recovery is unlikely to occur.


It’s rare that a man will independently normalize his diet. This moment is best left to professionals. Nutritionists calculate the daily caloric intake for each individual case (correctly, it does not exceed 1,500 kcal) and prepare a menu for the patient every day for the whole week. You will have to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and limit yourself to eating unhealthy foods:

  • The diet must contain complex carbohydrates (in small quantities), high-quality protein foods, fiber, vitamins and microelements;
  • you will have to give up sweets, marinades, fatty and fried foods, fast foods and alcohol;
  • eat often, but little by little.

There are foods that enhance testosterone production, and these should definitely be included in your diet:

  • poultry meat;
  • seafood;
  • green vegetables and herbs;
  • nuts (you need to be careful with them, as they are high in calories);
  • from fruits and berries - citrus fruits (not grapefruit), apricots, papaya, grapes, melon, dates, persimmons, currants, prunes, cherries, figs, pomegranate, cranberries;
  • from spices and herbs - curry, cardamom, ginseng, golden root;
  • from cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley.

Men are rarely able to objectively assess their capabilities. Most often, with such a diagnosis, they set themselves too unrealistic goals (for example, to lose 10-20 kg in a month). With female obesity, dictated by hormones, this is simply impossible. Even the most strict diet (and such are not recommended here) cannot produce such results. Maximum - 5-6 kg per month - and then only if other therapeutic measures are successful.

Behavioral therapy

Upon hearing about the diagnosis, many immediately rush to the gym. In fact, the doctor should warn them that this approach to treating obesity is ineffective. You need to load your body by gradually increasing physical activity. Most often it is proposed to combat excess body weight according to the following scheme:

  • 1st week - exercises in the morning and walking in the evening;
  • 2nd - pool and swimming at least twice a week;
  • 3rd - inclusion of any cardio equipment in your daily exercises;
  • 4th - only at this stage can you start doing some active sports and visiting the gym.

At the same time, men face significant changes in their lifestyle, which they are often not at all happy about. This applies to complete cessation of bad habits (both alcohol and smoking) and adequate sleep (at least 8 hours a day). A cozy chair at the computer or a comfortable sofa in front of the TV will now have to be exchanged for evening walks.

Hormonal treatment

For female obesity, the main goal of drug hormonal treatment is to normalize testosterone levels. For this purpose, special androgenic drugs are prescribed:

  • Andriol;
  • Androgel;
  • Nebido;
  • Omnadren;
  • Sustanon 250;
  • Testosterone propionate.

In advanced forms of the disease, hormones are injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. If the obesity stage is the first, the doctor may limit himself to prescribing these drugs in the form of tablets. There are even transdermal patches.

As for other drugs, all these sibutramines and amphetamines are rarely effective. In particular, it is completely useless to prescribe lipase inhibitors. Minor results can be observed after the use of centrally acting drugs that directly affect parts of the brain.

Surgical intervention

In severe obesity, when all other treatment methods are ineffective, men are offered surgical intervention. These could be operations such as:

  • gastric banding;
  • sleeve gastrectomy;
  • installation of an intragastric balloon;
  • gastric bypass, including laparoscopic biliopancreatic.

If the doctor and the patient work in a single tandem and achieve the same goals, the result will not be long in coming. Recovery is still possible.

Why do you need to know your individual body type?

Knowledge is also useful for those guys who decide to go in for sports. After all, the same training programs will not suit people with different body shapes. That is why the personal trainer of a newly minted athlete should also be aware of the type of figure of a man in order to competently develop a program of effective physical exercise training.

You also need to understand the characteristics of your own figure in order to know how to eat properly and lose weight or gain weight. After all, today there are a huge number of diets based on the structural features of the body. As a result, you will understand why different athletes gain weight in different ways, and each lose weight in their own way.

Standard body type

Those with a standard body shape have shoulders that are slightly wider than the waist, thus creating the desired V-shaped torso (broad shoulders with a narrower waist).
You tend to lose and gain weight very easily. Some men with a standard body type may have excess weight in the abdominal or chest area. If you have it, admit it, you need to know the enemy by sight.

Let's remember the 3 golden rules:

- Try to look taller - It all depends on your height, however, you can make you taller and slimmer in almost any situation. — We strive for a narrow waist — If you have a belly, then you will have to work on your waist. — Broad shoulders — As a rule, your shoulders are quite wide, you just need to emphasize them.

Suitable for you:
• Slim, fitted trousers/jeans/chinos in bright, eye-catching colours.

• Blazer with one or two buttons - will create a waist and make your shoulders appear broader.

• Light or medium weight knitwear (V-neck jumpers, knitted jumpers).

• Shirts, possibly with rolled up sleeves.

• Choose a cut that fits your body but is not too tight – “fit” means that the garment is not too tight around your figure.

• “Baggy” jeans, flared ones - they will only spoil your figure and upset your proportions.

• Loose or wide-cut blazers, jackets or jackets will flatter your figure.

• Tight and tight-fitting T-shirts, if you have a belly, will highlight features that you would prefer to hide.

• Be careful with short sleeves in any clothing (shirts, T-shirts) - visually they can make your arms look thin and thin.

The main body structure options for guys

Each person is individual by nature. Any person from birth has one variant of body structure as the dominant one. For accessibility of study, all types of male physique, as well as female variations of the figure, are divided into the following three types according to the circumference of the wrist of the working hand:

  • ectomorphic (asthenic) - less than 18 cm;
  • mesomorphic (normosthenic) - 18-20 cm;
  • endomorphic (hypersthenic) - over 20 cm.

To figure out which option to classify yourself in, let’s look at the main features of each type.

Asthenic version of the male body

An ectomorph is usually a skinny guy. Guys of this type have narrow wrists and ankles, minimal muscle tissue and virtually no fat. The main problem for such guys is gaining large muscle mass. In the body of an ectomorph, the calories eaten are burned instantly due to accelerated metabolism, and the absorption of proteins occurs very slowly. In order to gain even a little weight, such athletes have to eat heavily, sometimes in excessive amounts.

It is in this case that it will not be superfluous to use sports supplements: omega 3,6,9 acids, creatine, protein shakes. Be sure to also eat at night to avoid muscle destruction. It is better to set your training time within an hour (including warm-up). Eliminate cardio so as not to waste precious calories that will be needed to restore the body after weight training.

  • There are no problems with excess weight.
  • The wrist circumference of this type of people is 15-17.5 cm.
  • Long arms and legs, sometimes it looks like lankyness.
  • The body has a low percentage of fat and little muscle.
  • Drying muscles is much easier.
  • There are narrow zones throughout the figure: hips, shoulders and waist.
  • Food is not good for future use (no matter how much an asthenic person eats, his weight still does not grow).
  • Due to the elongated chest, the heart and lungs are also elongated.

Your favorite side dish may be brown or white rice. No need to overindulge in sweets. Protein is recommended per day (2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of weight).

Examples of ectomorphs among bodybuilding stars: Dexter Jackson, Frank Zane, etc.

Athletic body type

The athletic body type assumes that the shoulders and chest volume significantly exceed the waist volume.
There is no need to be meticulous and run to take measurements - the visual assessment speaks for itself. Let's remember the 3 golden rules:

- Try to look taller - you can be tall, but the natural shape of the body adds width, and we must take this into account when creating a style. — We strive for a narrow waist — A thin waist is the result of training in the gym, all that remains is to emphasize it. — Broad shoulders — You have them by nature and it’s noticeable.

You need to gain height to balance out your muscular physique. The width created by the muscular arms and chest must be well balanced to avoid the gorilla effect.

It's also important to show off the work you've put in in the gym, but to do it skillfully.

Suitable for you:
• Regular cut jeans or slightly tapered jeans (don't skinny jeans) - very skinny jeans will make you look like an inverted pyramid.

• Blazer with two buttons - can emphasize a wide chest and lengthen the waist.

• Lightweight knits and fitted knits.

• T-shirts with short sleeves - will show off your biceps/triceps - however, avoid too much neckline, no need to expose your chest.

• Shirts, perhaps with rolled up sleeves or a bright print, such as plaid - this will focus attention on the upper body.

• Skinny jeans or wide-leg jeans will ruin the shape you worked on.

• “Baggy” jumpers, T-shirts, cardigans, blazers are equally terrible for you, as they will hide the results of your work in the gym.

• Any black clothing will simply camouflage your curves.

Normosthenic variant of the structure

The mesomorph has a fairly large skeleton and a natural athletic build. It is the normosthenic body type that is most suitable for bodybuilding; it is much easier for guys to gain muscle mass than ectomorphs, and fat burning occurs many times faster than for large endomorphs.

The muscles of this type of guy immediately respond to physical activity with accelerated growth, especially for beginners. As soon as such a man gives up and stops watching his diet, he begins to gain fat everywhere. You can easily get rid of it only by using cardio training and organizing a proper diet.

  • Approximate wrist circumference 17.5-20 cm.
  • Proportion of body parts and convex chest.
  • The waist, hips and shoulders are of medium width (not very wide, but not narrow either).
  • Excellent metabolism.

Nutrition for this group of men is easier than for everyone else, since with an initially normal physique, a special diet is not required, you just need to consume healthy, natural food.

A huge number of bodybuilders are mesomorphs: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Phil Heath.

Full body type

Let's not beat around the bush. Some men have significant excess fat around their body.

It's not a big problem, but if you understand the terrain, it's much easier to build on it.

Typically, your legs don't gain weight in proportion to the rest of your body, although there are exceptions.

Let's remember the 3 golden rules:

- Try to look taller - it is critical for you to add height and visually try to slim yourself. — We strive for a narrow waist - your waist is usually wider than your chest, and sometimes even your shoulders. — Broad shoulders – depending on the individual, the shoulders can be either wider or equal to the waist. We will increase them.

The goal here is to smooth out the overall shape with a balance between the upper and lower half of the body. This goal can be achieved by wearing clothing that hides excess fat and at the same time adds shape where it is needed.

Suitable for you:
• Wide cut jeans such as boot cut or relaxed fit will help balance your upper body.

• Stylish one-button jackets help create shape at the waist and shoulders.

• Lightweight knits that will hide excess – use lightweight fabrics to soften the shape of your body.

• The top button on the shirt is not fastened.

• Classic style in a casual direction - with jeans and a T-shirt it is difficult to get the right shape, it is better to use elements of a classic style (shirts, jackets) to look attractive.

• Slim or skinny jeans/chinos – these will make your upper body look wider.

• Tapered outerwear – we need to hide the excess, and not suffocate the body.

• Bulky knitwear – Bulky and baggy clothes will be a problem for you because. will add even more volume.

• Short sleeve shirts – will make your arms smaller and your torso wider, which is not good.

• Light shoes with dark jeans/trousers – the color contrast will make you look wider.

Hypersthenic version of the male figure

The endomorph is crumbly, its body is wide, round and soft. The hypersthenic body type involves short stature and short, thick legs and arms. The main feature of this group of representatives of the stronger sex is their fairly strong legs. This is why stocky athletes achieve good results by training primarily the lower torso (deadlifts, squats, etc.). Due to the fact that the metabolism is weak, weight can very easily increase, but the extra pounds are reluctant to go away. The main advantage of this type is an easy gain of muscle mass, but with it comes fat if weight gain occurs due to poor nutrition. Distinctive features of endomorphs:

Principles for determining the structure of the body

It is not correct to assume that male body types are limited to only three types. There are also intermediate, mixed options. In their pure form, endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs are extremely rare; more often you can find people with characteristic features of the two groups. In order to understand how to determine your body type, you need to know a few rules.

  • Measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand.
  • Estimate the approximate width of your waist, shoulders and hips.
  • Remember how quickly you gained and lost weight at the young age of 16-20 years old. With a good metabolism, no matter how much you eat, there is practically no excess fat, but with a slow metabolism, excess weight is already present at such a young age.

Based on the obtained indicators, determine membership in the group based on the structural features of the body.

Undoubtedly, from a genetic point of view, the ideal option for strength training is the normosthenic option. But for other men this is not a death sentence, and you shouldn’t give up. An asthenic body type requires increased nutrition and strength training to achieve the most attractive figure, while strong endomorphs need to monitor their diet and increase the emphasis on fat-burning exercises. 3 types of body structure - the initial basis for further work on yourself.

Main types of male figure: examples, “yes” and “no” in the wardrobe

British fashion designer Hardy Amies wrote the following in one of his books: “A man should look as if he bought his clothes wisely, put them on carefully and completely forgot about them.” Sounds good, but what does “buy wisely” mean?

There are a few well-known rules in men's fashion, such as those that prohibit wearing a striped jacket with a plaid shirt, that you must match your socks to your boots, and that you are not allowed to take off your jacket without a vest underneath. However, the fashion industry is evolving every year: it is worth recognizing that many recommendations are outdated and are only suitable for rare formal occasions.

Only three selection criteria - material, color and proportions - do not lose relevance over time. Today we will take a closer look at proportions, namely, we will tell you how to determine the type of male figure and choose clothes in accordance with it.

Main types of male figure

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the division into body types is conditional; in most cases, body proportions can be changed with the help of physical exercises. A simplified classification only allows you to correctly look at yourself from the outside in the current moment and choose what will most advantageously emphasize your strengths and hide your weaknesses.

So, there are 4 main types of male figure.


This body type is characterized by broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis. The waist is in line with the hips or slightly wider. The latissimus, round and back muscles are noticeably developed, while the figure may not give the impression of being massive.

Most often, the “triangle” body type occurs in men who professionally engage in non-strength sports, for example, track and field athletes or swimmers. But with the right approach, this form can be achieved through training in the gym. For example, actor Chris Evans has a typical triangular male body type. His height is 184 cm, weight is about 80 kg, and for the role of Captain America he gained 10 kg of pure muscle.

What to wear

Almost everything suits slender and fit “triangles”, and especially:

  • skinny jeans,
  • long sleeves,
  • tight t-shirts,
  • T-shirts under a jacket,
  • shirts with open collars,
  • plain two-piece suits.

What not to wear

Men with this body type have broad shoulders and thin legs, so there is a risk of getting an asymmetrical silhouette. Remember: the fewer elements you have in your clothes, the better you will look. Use color to create a cohesive look: if you're wearing a three-piece suit, at least two of them should be the same shade. In this case, the combination “light bottom - dark top” is preferable to “dark top - light bottom”.

Thin body type

If you are of a thin body type, you probably know this.
Typically, you don't gain weight too quickly and can eat whatever you want without fear of it affecting your figure.

Distinctive features are slender legs, especially in the hip area. The chest and waist volumes are approximately the same or differ slightly, which gives the torso a long, rectangular shape.

Let's remember the 3 golden rules:

- Try to look taller - people with a thin build naturally look slim and tall, regardless of height. - We strive for a narrow waist - a thin waist is your natural feature, you just have to make sure that your clothes emphasize it. - Broad shoulders - alas, you don’t have them. And it is the width of the shoulders that should be emphasized when choosing clothes.

To summarize, your goal is to emphasize and draw attention to your thin waist and slender legs, while making your shoulders wider.

Suitable for you:
• Slim, fitted trousers/jeans/chinos in bright, eye-catching colors – will draw attention to your legs and height.

• One-button blazer—will slim your waist and widen your shoulders.

• Knitwear is strictly true to size - choosing something too rough or bulky will “sink” your figure.

• Shirts with rolled up sleeves – will add volume around the biceps and help visually widen the upper body.

• Loose or wide-fitting blazers, jackets or jackets - again, will drown you. • Bulky knitwear.

• Shirts with short sleeves - will make your arms look thinner and smaller.

• “Baggy” jeans will create too much excess volume and ruin your figure.

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