Mineral water - Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki No. 17, Essentuki No. 20, Essentuki No. 2 - “New”.

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How do Essentuki 4, 17, 2 springs differ in composition, salinity, comparison of indications and contraindications.

The salt-alkaline springs of the Essentuki resort, such as Essentuki No. 17 and No. 4, are the main sources of the resort. These mineral waters brought worldwide fame to Essentuki.

Tourists from all over the world have been coming to the cozy green town of Essentuki for two centuries. Thanks to mineral water with unique healing properties, they restore strength and health, successfully treat stomach and intestines, diseases of the liver, metabolism and genitourinary system.

Mineral water Essentuki: Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki No. 17, Essentuki No. 20, Essentuki No. 2-New, mineral springs, composition, indications, application

Brief historical data of Essentuki mineral waters

Discovery of Essentuki mineral water sources

The Essentuki springs were discovered by Dr. Fyodor Gaaz.

In 1809, the Russian doctor F.P. visited the North Caucasus. Gaaz. traveling from Pyatigorsk to Kislovodsk, he stopped in Essentuki to change horses. A Cossack from a military post on the Essentuk River told him that the horses began to drink water from a source located 5.4 miles away and having an unusual smell and taste. Haaz found this source in the valley of the Bugunty River; the water made its way to the surface in several places and had a sourish, salty, sulfuric taste and, according to Haaz, was “completely unpleasant.” For a long time this source was listed under No. 23, and after it was developed in the 70s of the 19th century by Dr. Ponomarev, it received the name Haaz-Ponomarevsky, under which it still exists today. Having examined the area, Haaz discovered two more springs containing carbonated salt-alkaline water, to which the Essentuki resort owes its world fame. Haaz proposed to fence the source with fences, and they remained in this state for a long time.

In 1810, after studying the mineral springs, Haaz was the first to report on the springs in Essentuki in his report “Remarks on the Caucasian Mineral Waters” to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire about a discovery important for the state. The report was the starting point for the construction of health resorts.

On March 28, 1812, Emperor Alexander I, appreciated the valuable discovery of Dr. Haas, rewarding the doctor with a valuable gift - a diamond ring.

Haaz also discovered physiological assimilation, which he used to explain the therapeutic effect of mineral waters. The essence of the theory is that the organs are “washed with juices” containing the same chemical elements as mineral waters. Therefore, drinking mineral water stimulates the functioning of the organ, which increases appetite, absorption of nutrients and their metabolism, which explains the preventive and healing effects on the body. He accepted as an axiom the complex positive effect on the healing of the sick by all the available factors of the resort, namely good weather, a favorable climate with hot, clean and dry air, as well as low atmospheric pressure. He considered compliance with prescribed diets and an active motor regimen, which was automatically performed due to the walking path to mineral water sources, to be an important factor for treating the body at the resort.

During resort treatment with mineral waters, Haaz warned about possible harm and contraindications from the use of mineral waters, which were expressed in some side effects. If a feeling of fatigue, sleep and appetite disturbances, dermatological manifestations and an increase in chronic diseases were detected, he prescribed refusal or change of mineral water to one less saturated with salts. Haaz was the first to scientifically substantiate the possible balneological reactions of the body, on the basis of which they began to develop indications and contraindications for the use of Essentuki mineral waters.

Classification of Essentuki sources

Further research and classification of Essentuki mineral water was carried out by the legendary doctor and pharmacologist Alexander Nelyubin.

Professor of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy A.P. Nelyubin arrived in Caucasian Mineral Waters in 1825. In Essentuki, he carefully explored the area of ​​​​mineral springs and discovered another 20 new ones. He described them, conducted physical and chemical studies and, based on observations, described the therapeutic effect of the Essentuki mineral springs on the human body. Nelyubin developed a serial numbering for all mineral springs and classified them according to their chemical composition. After Nelyubin, for a long time no major research was carried out in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, and only with the advent of Soviet power large search and scientific research work began to be carried out, which marked the beginning of an entire branch of medical science - balneology.

In total, Nelyubin found 23 sources in Essentuki, to which he assigned serial numbers from 1 to 23. The numbering of A. Nelyubin’s sources is valid to this day. The most popular mineral waters for therapeutic and health purposes are “ESSENTUKI No. 4” and “ESSENTUKI No. 17”; we will talk about the differences in composition and use of these mineral waters for treatment below.

In 1955, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide water with a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius was brought to the surface of the earth, which was named Borehole No. 1

The research of Russian and Soviet hydrogeologists met the urgent medical needs of the Essentuki resort and created a hydromineral base for the long-term development of this resort for many decades.

How to distinguish the legendary Essentuki from fakes and is it possible to drink mineral water every day?

Svyatoslav Mikhailovich Vilk, General Director of Aqua Holding LLC, answers questions from readers and the editors of Bolshoy Rostov.

— It’s no secret that there are a lot of fakes on the market. They counterfeit everything: from clothes of popular brands, equipment, medicines to food products, including drinks. Of course, mineral water from the famous brand “Essentuki” is also counterfeited. How does your business combat this?

— Indeed, not so long ago the share of counterfeit mineral waters “Essentuki 4” and “Essentuki 17” on the market was, according to some data, up to 70%. Under the guise of “Essentuki” they poured completely different waters for many years, thereby violating the law, damaging the copyright holder and the image of the entire CMS region and, importantly, misleading the consumer. Over the course of three years, tremendous work has been done to suppress the production and distribution of counterfeit goods. The federal center also played an important role here. Now we see that the situation has become much better, although there is still some work to be done. We continue this work every day.

“Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 suddenly disappeared from many shelves in Rostov-on-Don. Instead, water appeared under different names - judging by the label, also produced in Essentuki. Moreover, many sellers and even pharmacists in pharmacies assured that it was the same thing - they just rebranded it. Is it so?

“It’s very sad that even in pharmacies we see obvious consumer deception. The real “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17” are currently produced and supplied to the market by only one. Everything else is another water that has nothing in common with the legendary one - those same “Essentuki”! If we are talking about the mineral waters of the KMS region, they are all useful and valuable in their own way. But we must understand that the composition of these waters is different. The influence of “Essentuki” on the human body has been studied for centuries. And the positive effect that can be achieved by drinking this water cannot be achieved if you drink water from other sources.

— Do you produce water in plastic bottles? Doesn't it lose its consumer properties? What is preferable - plastic or glass?

- Let's release. And I can say with full responsibility that water does not lose its properties because of this! You can safely and without any fears buy and consume our water in both glass and plastic.

— Is it possible to drink your mineral water daily to quench thirst? Or should this still be done as prescribed by the doctor and not so often?

— “Essentuki 4” — medicinal table water. It is also suitable for everyday use. As for “Essentuki 17”, this is medicinal water. If you drink it periodically, there will be no harm to the body. But we still recommend consulting with your doctor before using it.

What is the difference between “Essentuki 4” and “Essentuki 17”?

— The composition of the mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17” is unique. It was formed over more than 800 years in special natural conditions that cannot be reproduced in any other place on the planet. These waters contain more than 30 minerals. And they differ, first of all, in the degree of mineralization. “Essentuki No. 4” is medicinal table water of medium mineralization (7-10 g/l). “Essentuki No. 17” is a medicinal water of high mineralization (10-14 g/l).

“Essentuki” is often used for gastrointestinal diseases, but this mineral water can become an indispensable assistant in everyday life - for example, as an effective natural remedy for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and powerful natural support during treatment for viral infections. Let me make a reservation right away: Essentuki water is used for the above diseases outside the acute phase. It is for the purpose of treatment that I recommend consulting with a specialist, because each organism is unique.

— How to choose real “Essentuki”?

Four basic rules:

1. A recognizable traditional logo in the form of the outline of Mount Elbrus and a soaring eagle.

2. The name “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17” (the name “Essentuki” must be in conjunction with numbers No. 4 and No. 17).

3. Indication of the deposit - it must only be Essentuki.

4. GOST R 54316-2020.

Also pay attention to the manufacturer. I repeat once again: - the only one and “Essentukov No. 17”.

— Sometimes Essentuki mineral water has a distinct taste of soda, especially after the release of gases. Is this normal or is it a sign of a fake?

This is absolutely normal. Our water is sodium chloride-bicarbonate, which gives it the taste of soda, which is felt stronger in the absence of carbon dioxide, or “gases.”

— Do you sell naturally carbonated water or do you have to carbonate it during the bottling process?

During the production process, mineral water is saturated with carbon dioxide to the standard level. This allows mineral water to retain its natural composition and reach the consumer unchanged.

— Can we say that today real “Essentuki” are sold throughout Russia and every Russian has access to this legendary water?

- Undoubtedly! Today we are represented in almost all major federal networks and in many local ones. Therefore, you can purchase our water in any region of the country. And beyond it too.

Do you export a lot of water?

— “Essentuki” from our company are sold in more than 15 countries around the world – from Canada and the USA to China. This year we plan to further expand our export geography by starting sales in Israel, Germany, Turkey and the Baltic countries. Today we are the largest exporter of mineral water in the Stavropol region. In 2021, we exported $2.65 million in products, and this year we plan to export $4 million. This, among other things, attracts tourists to the famous resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, serving as a kind of advertising for the famous balneological health resort. Therefore, we as a manufacturer have a colossal responsibility, which is the key to the quality of our products. Drink “Essentuki” with pleasure and for your health! Tested by time and generations of consumers!

The interview was conducted

Dmitry Deinego

Difference in indications for taking mineral water “Essentuki” No. 4, No. 17, No. 2

Indications for taking ESSENTUKI No. 4

Mineral water "Essentuki No. 4" is widely used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with low secretory function, as well as the liver, kidneys, and urinary system. Warm water stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. Effective in the treatment of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis in children.

Indications for taking ESSENTUKI No. 17

Water from the Essentuki No. 17 source increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells of the stomach. It is used during the treatment of diabetes, as it stimulates the production of insulin. Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 are prescribed for metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, nutritional obesity, gout; for pathologies of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas, urological and gynecological diseases, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

Indications for taking "ESSENTUKI No. 2 - New"

Vacationers in the drinking gallery of the source “Essenutki No. 2 - Novaya”

Doctors also recommend taking Essentuki No. 2 - Novaya mineral water. It has a positive effect on various functional systems of the body. Effective in the treatment of the digestive system, genitourinary diseases, and disorders of the endocrine system. Water from source No. 2 is also called the “elixir of youth and beauty” for its ability to moisturize the skin, make it smooth and elastic.

Mineral water of the Essentuki type travels a long way underground before reaching the surface, accumulating healing mineral salts and volcanic gases. This explains its unique beneficial properties and perfectly balanced composition.

Is it possible to drink Essentuki 4 during pregnancy?

Despite the benefits of Essentuki 4 for the stomach, pregnant women should consult their doctor before drinking liquids.

We recommend reading: Beneficial and medicinal properties of vodka, contraindications

Mineral therapy is used if a pregnant woman has problems with:

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • urinary tract.

If a woman had kidney problems in childhood, then it is possible that the disease will develop during pregnancy due to the high load on the organs. The beneficial composition of Essentuki 4 prevents relapses of chronic pyelonephritis. Minerals alkalize urine, promoting proper functioning of the organ.

Important! Be sure to check the liquid before purchasing in a store. Unscrupulous manufacturers sell counterfeit goods. It is impossible to distinguish naturalness by taste, so you need to study the label on the product.

Drinking is recommended for toxic manifestations after the 24th week of pregnancy. Mineral water reduces swelling and removes accumulated fluid. But in the last months of bearing a child, you cannot drink Essentuki 4, so as not to aggravate the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use also include: problems with bowel movements (constipation), lack of iron in a woman’s body, heartburn.

Essentuki 4 water can be beneficial and harmful at the same time for a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is important to follow the consumption rate established individually by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the condition of the fetus.

Comparison of the chemical composition of mineral waters of Essentuki No. 4, No. 17, No. 2-Novaya

The most popular source of the resort is Essentuki spring No. 4. All of its pump rooms differ from spring No. 17 by noticeably less mineralization and temperature variability, retaining, however, the type of mineral water characteristic of the Essentuki resort (carbon dioxide, bicarbonate-chloride-sodium waters). If we simply say which mineral water is saltier, then the Essentuki 17 mineral water tastes the most salty.

Chemical composition of Essentuki mineral water No. 4 (mg/dm³)

Natural medicinal table chloride-bicarbonate sodium, boric (salt-alkaline) drinking water of medium mineralization.

  • Hydrocarbonates – 3900-4800
  • Sulfates – 25 mg/l
  • Chlorides – 1300-1900 mg/l
  • Specialist. component (H3BO3) – 30-60 mg/l
  • Calcium – 150 mg/l
  • Magnesium – 100 mg/l
  • Sodium + Potassium – 2000-3000 mg/l
  • Mineralization – 7.0 – 10.0 g/dm³

Chemical composition of Essentuki mineral water No. 17 (mg/dm³)

natural healing chloride-bicarbonate sodium, boric drinking water of high mineralization.

  • Hydrocarbonates – 3900-4800 mg/l
  • Hydrocarbonates – 1000-2000 mg/l
  • Sulfates – 900-1600 mg/l
  • Chlorides – 200-750 mg/l
  • Specialist. component (H2SiO3) – 30-80 mg/l
  • Calcium – 100-350 mg/l
  • Magnesium – 100 mg/l
  • Sodium + Potassium – 800-1500 mg/l
  • Mineralization – 3.0 – 6.5 g/dm³

See the full chemical composition of Essentuki-17...

Chemical composition of Essentuki mineral water No. 2-Novaya (mg/dm³)

Medicinal table chloride-hydrocarbonate sulfate-sodium, drinking mineral water.

  • Hydrocarbonates – 1000-2000 mg/l
  • Sulfates – 900-1600 mg/l
  • Chlorides – 200-750 mg/l
  • Specialist. component (H2SiO3) – 30-80 mg/l
  • Calcium – 100-350 mg/l
  • Magnesium – 100 mg/l
  • Sodium + Potassium – 800-1500 mg/l
  • Mineralization – 3.0 – 6.5 g/dm³

Quick comparison table

Below is a table showing the main differences in the composition of different types of water:

CategoryComponentsQuantity, milligrams per liter
Positively charged ionsMagnesiumNo more than 100Up to 150
CalciumUp to 15050-200
Potassium and sodium2000-30002700-4000
Negatively charged ionsSulfateNo more than 25

Balneological procedures based on mineral water Essentuki No. 1-Burovaya

External irrigation of human organs with mineral waters

Mineral water No. 1-borovaya Essentuki for gargling in pump room No. 2 of the Essentuki source No. 4

Mineral water from Essentuki No. 1-drill and Essentuki No. 4 is used for irrigation:

  • eyes (stimulate nutrition of the mucous membrane, blood supply, relieve tension, swelling, burning);
  • faces (have a tonic and massage effect, moisturize the skin);
  • gums (improves oral health, helps with inflammation and bleeding);
  • gynecological (normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect).

Intestinal lavage is used to cleanse, remove toxins, normalize performance (resume secretory and motor function of the mucous membrane), restore microflora, and increase immunity.

Based on mineral water, sanatoriums dispense microenemas that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic effects.

Inhalations are a method of treating and preventing diseases of the upper respiratory tract and colds.

In the city's sanatoriums, iodine-bromine baths are available, which have a sedative effect, stimulate the thyroid gland, blood circulation, metabolic processes, and relieve inflammation.

Signs in pump room No. 2 of Essentuki spring No. 4 about the use of mineral water No. 1 Burovaya

Carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric-alkaline (drilling No. 1) are used for drinking treatment for some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with impaired motility (especially the large intestine), a number of liver diseases and for carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide baths (HSB) in the treatment of a number of cardiovascular diseases vascular system, musculoskeletal system and metabolic disorders, more details...

External effects of Essentuki mineral water through the skin

Mineral baths are the most important balneological procedures at the resort

When using Essentuki No. 4 mineral water, you need to limit the effect on the heart area

Mineral baths, due to their effectiveness, are dispensed no more than once every two days, lasting from 15 to 30 minutes per session and are divided into the following types:

  • sage (have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • lavender (have a sedative effect: calm, restore mental balance);
  • conifers (accelerate metabolism, increase immunity, remove toxins, normalize the nervous system, relieve fatigue);
  • turpentine (have a high bactericidal effect, improve the functioning of the respiratory system and blood circulation);
  • Carbon dioxide mineral baths are prescribed for diseases of metabolism, the cardiovascular system and for general health of the body.

Mineral spring Essentuki

How to choose a sanatorium and book a tour

You can choose a sanatorium and book a tour:

  • independently on our website using online booking;
  • call the multi-channel phone +7 (800) 100-48-02;
  • send a reservation request to [email protected] ;
  • write to one of the instant messengers (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, Messenger);
  • order a “Call me back” call back on our website.

Our company employs experienced and competent specialists in the field of spa services. They will be happy to advise you on issues of health improvement, treatment and recreation, and will help you choose the right health resort.

How to pay for a trip

According to the terms of the offer agreement, an order in the “Booked” status must be paid within 72 hours from the moment of registration. You can make payment in any way convenient for you!

You can pay for your order using a bank account or in our sales office, which you received at the email address you specified when booking.

After successful payment of the order, we will automatically send a package of documents in the “Paid” status to the email address specified during booking, with which you can check into the accommodation facility!

If you have any questions related to booking, payment or selection of a sanatorium, you can contact our specialists by calling +7 (800) 100-48-02.

Payment with Visa, MasterCard and MIR bank cards through the payment gateway of Sberbank of Russia

1. In step 3, when booking online yourself, select the Sberbank payment system. 2. Read the terms of booking and payment, and then confirm your acceptance of these terms. 3. Next, select “Pay the order by bank card”; three types of cards are available for this: “VISA, MasterCard and MIR”, enter your contact phone number and click “Pay”. 4. On the authorization page, enter the Card Number, Cardholder Name, Card Expiration Date. 5. Enter the card verification number (CVV2 for VISA or CVC2 for MasterCard). 6. Check the completed data and click on the “Pay” button. 7. If the information is correct, in most cases you will be redirected to the website of the issuing bank (the bank that issued the card) to confirm payment. You will need to enter a one-time payment confirmation code (i.e. your card must support 3DSecure technology - a payment confirmation system).

Payment will occur within a few seconds.

Note: When paying from a foreign currency account, the payment will be converted into rubles at the rate of the issuing bank at the time of payment.

Payment with Visa, MasterCard and MIR bank cards through the Platron payment system

1. In step 3, when booking online yourself, select the Sberbank payment system.

2. Read the terms of booking and payment, and then confirm your acceptance of these terms. 3. Next, select “Pay the order by bank card”; three types of cards are available for this: “VISA, MasterCard and MIR”, enter your contact phone number and click “Pay”. 4. On the authorization page, enter the Card Number, Cardholder Name, Card Expiration Date. 5. Enter the card verification number (CVV2 for VISA or CVC2 for MasterCard). 6. Check the completed data and click on the “Pay” button. 7. If the information is correct, in most cases you will be redirected to the website of the issuing bank (the bank that issued the card) to confirm payment. You will need to enter a one-time payment confirmation code (i.e. your card must support 3DSecure technology - a payment confirmation system).

Payment will occur within a few seconds.

Note: When paying from a foreign currency account, the payment will be converted into rubles at the rate of the issuing bank at the time of payment.

If you have any questions related to making a payment, please contact us by phone or at any time of the day.

Payment via Internet banking "Alfa-Click"

1. Select the Alfa-Click payment method, enter your login from the Alfa-Click Internet Bank and contact phone number, and then click. 2. After authorization, select the “Bill Payment” section. 3. Select the required invoice and click on the “Pay” link. 4. Confirm payment of the invoice using a one-time password.

The official video instructions for using Alfa-Click Internet banking from Alfa-Bank are available for viewing.

If you have any questions related to making a payment, please contact us by phone or at any time of the day.

Payment for an order in cash without commission at any Euroset store in Russia:

1. To pay, please provide the received order number and your contact phone number to the cashier at Euroset. 2. Check and sign the preliminary receipt with the parameters of your order. 3. After payment you will be given a cash receipt. 4. If the order value is over 15,000 rubles, a passport will be required for payment.

Payment for an order in cash without commission at any Megafon store in Russia:

1. To pay, tell the cashier at Megafon the name of the tour operator Profkurort, the application number and your contact phone number. 2. Check and sign the preliminary receipt with the parameters of your order. 3. After payment you will be given a cash receipt. 4. If the order value is over 15,000 rubles, a passport will be required for payment.

Recommendations for the use of Essentuki mineral water internally

Water from Essentuki springs is not used for treatment according to the principle “the more, the better.” Excessive consumption overloads the kidneys and heart and can cause serious harm to the body. You cannot store “Essentuki” - after an hour, the collected water loses its healing properties.

The quantity and frequency of use is determined only by the attending physician based on a complete examination of the body.

The course of drinking treatment is 24-30 days.

Contraindications to drinking treatment with mineral waters:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • labile diabetes;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • hyperthyroidism.

How to drink Essentuki mineral water

Mineral water "ESSENTUKI" for medicinal purposes should be consumed 30 minutes before meals in the amount of 1 glass. After drinking mineral water, a 15-minute walk is recommended to activate the digestive process and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of mucus.

Essentuki mineral water must be taken directly in the pump room, since underground it is under enormous pressure and the accumulated healing mineral salts and volcanic gases, when the pressure on the surface of the earth decreases, quickly evaporates or falls into a useless sediment. This explains that in good sanatoriums of the Kislovodsk resort, mineral waters ESSENTUKI-4,17,2 are delivered in sealed containers under high pressure, which ensures the preservation of unique beneficial properties.

Composition and types of water

The medicinal mineral water of Essentuki is extracted from different wells, so it differs in numbers and composition. The most famous waters are numbers 17 and 4 - they can be found in every pharmacy. The depth of the wells is about 1.5 km, so they produce environmentally friendly, absolutely transparent water with varying degrees of mineralization. Not everyone likes the taste of mineral water (soda-salty), but the benefits far exceed it.

The water is bottled right next to the well - this is necessary to preserve all the medicinal qualities of the drink.

You can take water without a doctor’s advice only once - course use is possible only as prescribed by a specialist, because in some cases the drink can be harmful.

The correct selection of the type of water is also important - it differs in composition and has its own indications:

Composition, mg/lEssentuki 17Essentuki 4
Mg cations150100
Ca cations60-200150
Cations K, Na2700-40002000-3000
Sulfates (anions)2525
Hydrocarbonates (anions)4800-65002400-4800
Cl anions1700-18001300-1900
CO2 impurities500-2300500-1800
Boric acid impurities40-9030-60

If we consider the composition of microelements, small amounts of iron, bromine, boron and a number of other substances are found in water. The total mineralization of water reaches 13.5 g/l, and its composition is considered unique.

Some diseases can be treated with ordinary soda, which everyone has in their kitchen. It is used not only externally, but also taken internally - there are several useful recipes. Read more in the article: “Baking soda: medicinal uses.”

Drinking galleries in the city of Essentuki No. 4, No. 17, No. 2-Novaya

There are two resort areas in Essentuki: upper and lower. In the Upper resort area, north of Victory Park, there are the sanatoriums “Rus”, “Victoria” and “Pearl of the Caucasus”. Vacationers in these sanatoriums visit Gallery-5000 to drink mineral water.

Gallery of mineral springs for 5000 people

Gallery of mineral springs - 5000 is located on Pushkin Street, building 4 in the park area of ​​the Victoria sanatorium. The largest gallery in Europe, designed for five thousand visits a day, it is visited by vacationers in the sanatoriums of the upper resort area of ​​​​Essentuki.

Source Gallery opening hours:

  • morning - from 7:00 to 9:30
  • lunch - from 11:30 to 14:30
  • evening - from 16:30 to 19:00

Read more about the gallery...

How to get to the gallery?

Build a route to the Gallery of Mineral Springs using your smartphone/tablet.
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Gallery of Essentuki source No. 17

In the lower resort area of ​​the city there is one of the first drinking galleries “Essentuki No. 17”, it is located directly at the main entrance to the Resort Park of the city of Essentuki. The building is an architectural monument.

Opening hours of the pump room "Essentuki No. 17":

  • morning - from 7:00 to 9:30
  • lunch - from 11:30 to 14:30
  • evening - from 16:30 to 19:00

Read more about the pump room...

How to get to the pump room of the Essentuki spring No. 17?

Build a route to the pump room of the Essentuki spring No. 17 using your smartphone/tablet.
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Second pump room of the Essentuki spring No. 4

The drinking gallery, which accepts “Essentuki No. 4” water, is located in the middle of the Lower Alley of the Resort Park in the lower resort area of ​​the city of Essentuki.

Opening hours of the Essentuki No. 4 pump room:

  • morning - from 7:00 to 9:30
  • lunch - from 11:30 to 14:30
  • evening - from 16:30 to 19:00

Read more about the pump room...

How to get to the pump room of the Essentuki spring No. 4?

Build a route to the pump room of the Essentuki spring No. 4 using your smartphone/tablet.
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Pump room of the spring "Essentuki No. 2 - Novaya"

New pump rooms of springs No. 4 and No. 2 - Novaya are located in the center of Essentuki, at the intersection of Lenin and Razumovsky streets.

Opening hours of the pump room "Essentuki No. 2 - Novaya":

  • morning - from 7:00 to 9:30
  • lunch - from 11:30 to 14:30
  • evening - from 16:30 to 19:00

Read more about the pump room...

Negative characteristics of mineral water

Along with the positive properties, Essentuki 4 has a number of contraindications and negative effects. The main negative factors include:

  • Excessive consumption of healing liquid leads to a large saturation of the body with salts . The consequence of this in some people will be a disruption in the flow of ionic processes and the appearance of swelling. If for some reason mineral water must be taken on an ongoing basis, the dosage should be agreed with your doctor.
  • Using the drink for kidney disease can also lead to swelling of the limbs.
  • Uncontrolled use of Quartet in excessive doses can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, and flatulence . Drinking for too long sometimes leads to the deposition of sand and stones.
  • The procedure is contraindicated in case of hypertension and cardiovascular pathologies.
  • It is not allowed to drink mineral water for diseases of the digestive system during their exacerbations. intestinal inflammation, stomach or intestinal polyps are also contraindications.
  • Water is prohibited for people suffering from liver colic and gallbladder diseases, including after its removal.

During pregnancy, mineral water is useful in the middle of the gestation period, but at the end of the pregnancy you will have to abstain from it. In any case, to eliminate the slightest risk, expectant mothers should discuss their diet with a specialist.

Children under 6 years of age are allowed to use this healing liquid only if strictly prescribed by a doctor.

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